Who controls the BIS?

Getting back to the BIS, came across another author, who appears to be reasonable - William Dean A. Garner, who wrote a book called "Who Really Owns Your Gold: How the Jesuits Use Gold Economics to Control Humanity"
also more here: http://adagiopress.com

Started listening to an interview from him here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5SDCPGm8i8

Garner argues that the Jesuits hold more power and influence over world affairs than any other group and is behind what he calls the the first sphere of influence, the cabal that rule together with the House of Rothschild:

The list below shows 165 different ways how The First Sphere of Influence (Rothschilds and Brzezinski Cartel) controls the world. One hundred and sixty-five reasons to believe what I say to be 100% accurate and true.

Each entry is a separate and distinct central bank, located in a separate and distinct part of the world. These central banks cover the globe and know absolutely no boundaries, effectively erasing borders between even sworn enemies.

The Bank of International Settlements or BIS (pronounced BIZZ) is the Rothschild's piggy bank, a veritable deep-pit mine, the equivalent of quadrillions of dollars.
DEFINITION: quadrillion quad·ril’lion adj.
1. The cardinal number equal to 1015.
2. Chiefly British. Septillion.
What's the significance of having a central bank within a country and why should you concern yourself, your family and colleagues?

Central banks are illegally created PRIVATE banks that are owned by the Rothschild banking family. The family has been around for more than 230 years and has slithered its way into each country on this planet, threatened every world leader and their governments and cabinets with physical and economic death and destruction, and then emplaced their own people in these central banks to control and manage each country's pocketbook.

Worse, the Rothschilds also control the machinations of each government at the macro level, not concerning themselves with the daily vicissitudes of our individual personal lives. Except when we get too far out of line.

The grand plan of The First Sphere of Influence is to create a global mononation.

Please do not confuse this with the term globalization. Mononation and globalization couldn’t be more different in concept, scope and purpose.

Mononation is one state. It has one government. One set of laws for all ordinary citizens, no laws for the elite. Globalization refers to communicating, trading, interacting, etc. among separate, different, independent, sovereign countries.

The grand plan of The First Sphere of Influence is to create a global mononation.

Our own Federal Reserve is an illegally emplaced private bank that is directly responsible for creating all the US’s depressions, recessions, and the inflation and deflation of our dollar. The Fed controls the printing of our own currency, and then charges the US government interest on those loans.

The interest is growing each year, making it difficult if not impossible for our government to pay it.

How do we pay this interest? By the US Personal Income Tax. This tax goes to the Rothschild family.

In the coming months, as I continue to gather intel and write a book about The First Sphere of Influence, I will share more and more. For now, I kindly ask that you read each of the 165 lines below. One hundred and sixty-five reasons to believe my intel.

You can click on each bank and visit its website. I’ve seen each one. They’re real. And they’re one of the reasons why each country is in such deep debt to this insidious family, the Rothschilds.

By the way, if you're curious what the US debt is to the BIS, please refer to the table at the end of this article, taken from the latest statistical results provided by the Joint External Debt Hub, which receives data from the,
International Monetary Fund
World Bank
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

The list is here: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_rothschild40.htm

But sourced from BIS here: http://www.bis.org/cbanks.htm
Hi all:

On the thread for the Cassiopaean Session of 4/4/2015 a forum member named Alvalsen posted this image today:


I'd have to write pages to say what this picture shows!
ka said:
Hi all:

On the thread for the Cassiopaean Session of 4/4/2015 a forum member named Alvalsen posted this image today:


I'd have to write pages to say what this picture shows!

Is that a real image from ancient Egypt? War puppets of puppets...

I listened to a much better interview from William Garner in 2012 that covers most of what's in this thread about Jesuits. The previous interviewer on that link I put above was a bit iffy.

Some of the standouts:
- Mentions a fair few links between Jesuits and banking groups
- That there's a wave of energy that peaked at 2012 but will have delay effects we'll notice years after
- Planned financial collapse that he reckons occurs up to 2014 (passed) but likely happens somewhere up to 2020. He speculates it won't be a complete breakdown, as that is too hard to control
- the cosmic connection and a wave that is known by the elites and used to enhance their machinations.
- He says the Jesuits "ride that wave" in that they orchestrate events on the the rhythms of this wave, and have suppressed info regarding this

Not sure if he's come across the C's but there's similar ideas brought up. Might be an interesting interview for SOTT blog talk radio? Has an interesting background to say the least:

Taken from his interview bio:

Dean Garner is a New York Times bestselling ghostwriter and editor of many books. He mentored and consulted to several NY Times bestselling authors, and is currently Senior Editor of Adagio Press. As an accomplished author, his recent books include Who Really Owns Your Gold: The Intended Global Meltdown of 2012-2014 and a contemporary rewrite of the 2,500-year-old masterpiece by Sun Tzu, The Art of War. His first book, TOPGUN Miramar, was an international bestselling coffee-table book, featuring the US Navy Fighter Weapons School, TOPGUN. Before devoting full time to writing and editing, Dean was a scientist (biophysics), US Army Airborne Ranger with the 1st Ranger Battalion, a corporate mercenary with international private military companies in which he designed and assisted in building, and was a commercial and military aviation photographer. He flew in US military high-performance attack and fighter jets (A-4, A-7, F-4, F-14, F-15, F-16, F/A-18), helicopters and cargo and refueling aircraft. In his free time, he paints mushy stuff he calls tranquil impressionism, hikes whenever possible, and reads voraciously. He resides in South Africa. To better understand topics covered in our discussion here is a quote from it by Dean: "There is a complex matrix which is simply designed to subjugate the rights of people, to dumb them down, to keep them in the machine that takes significant chunks of their hard earned money as taxes, that tells them what to do, and that forces them to support and defend this matrix society, this machine."
Fellow Dot Connectors,

I don't know if this will mean much to any of you but I feel that I should throw out something I think might apply to our methods of research. Here is a short idea from something the C's said to Laura:

Session 20 June 1998

A: Sometimes, your asking is merely for validation of your own hunches.
Q: Well, darn it!
A: And for growth and progress, one must learn to let the answer stand.


I do want to check out more of your previous posts and get back to you. I am looking at a few other things that may or may not tie into this topic. :/ :huh:
goyacobol said:
Fellow Dot Connectors,

I don't know if this will mean much to any of you but I feel that I should throw out something I think might apply to our methods of research. Here is a short idea from something the C's said to Laura:

Session 20 June 1998

A: Sometimes, your asking is merely for validation of your own hunches.
Q: Well, darn it!
A: And for growth and progress, one must learn to let the answer stand.


I do want to check out more of your previous posts and get back to you. I am looking at a few other things that may or may not tie into this topic. :/ :huh:

Make sense, works both ways - hunches looking for validation and hunching ignoring what doesn't validate the hunch.

Maybe it's best to consider this BIS / Jesuit linkage as just a hypothesis, among others. From that, is there concrete evidence? Not particularly. So if not, is there enough circumstantial evidence to say the hypothesis has legs - so far it's seems there's some. If the hypothesis has some legs, is it worth further investigation or at least an openness to the possibility of it being correct? For me it is, so far at least - but I guess that's a question for others here too.
Greetings fellow snoopers:

The material about the Jesuits and the Vatican, as big-time money power and henchmen of the Consortium, is of value insofar as it gives concrete examples of how things have been done. It’s also good for showing me I still have some sacred cows lurking here and there.

I’ve gone back into some old threads on this forum to gather some things together here that might help us get closer to what we want to see. In searching the forum, I ran across an exchange on the thread for Protocols of the Pathocrats, on February 20, 2006, where the conversation arrived at a conclusion that might help us focus our attention where it might do the most good:


Guest - In regards to the Protocols piece
. . . . I would just like to point out that it is tempting when faced with all this insanity to localize the problem in a specific direction, at least so as to give a name to the evil. Personally, I believe the Protocols, The Prince, Mein Kampf, and even many portions of our esteemed religious literature are part of the Perennial Philosphy of Evil that spans many cultures and time periods.

I am not denying the prevalent Zionist (as opposed to Jewish) role in that Perennial Anti-Wisdom, but only seek to point out that the world elite extends far beyond just Zionists, and is most likely not just restricted to those of European descent either, (although they may be the strongest faction currently). Otherwise, the world would be far more fundamentally polarized and in a different manner than it is now. The world elite, IMO, are that: the capstones of the food chain pyramids of every culture and every national direction, either allied with each other or in some form of rivalry.

You usually, do not get to the top of the food chain in this world by being a nice person. And even if you should be born into a high position and happen to have a heart there are bound to be competitors in your immediate circle ready to mow you down as either a weakling or dangerous to the predatory status quo. . . . .

As far as identifying who is "responsible" . . . . It is far more than any one people or religious group that's for sure.

Laura: Thank you for great clarity of thinking and hitting the nail on the head. . . .

Danny: Well slap me in the face and call me silly because you have enlightened me. I almost forgot exactly what it is the people here (I think ) at SOTT are trying to convey. I will not put words into anyone's mouths but...it is not WHO actually is concocting such evil schemes such as you eloquently noted but the simple fact that they were done. period.

What has transpired here through this discussion has brought me to another chilling observation. That it is oh so very simple to confuse the minds and distract them so as which one leads down dead-end paths of discussion and debate .Keep them amused in their trivial arguments! Thank you for reminding me about the focusing of the mind. . . .

Now for the main course: I’m going to pick out some quotes from RED SYMPHONY
which claims to be a report written from memory, by Landowski, a medical doctor kidnapped and forced to serve in the NKVD (secret police) in the USSR from 1936 to 1938. This doctor records and translates the confession of a Rakovsky who participated in a conspiracy to get rid of Stalin and replace him with someone more in line with the Consortium agenda.

The whole Red Symphony as posted is required reading: it’s full of stories that give vivid detail about how these psychos work. I have tried to isolate and group some quotes that speak most directly about “Them:” the hands that pull the strings on the puppet-actors of history:

Levin teaches Doctor Landowski the science of torturing through causing pleasure in the victims instead of suffering. He explains that a person being tortured loses his power of will in the same way as does someone who is overwhelmed by pleasure; in extasis. Explaining this with great passion, he says:

“My friend; we are making a new society; as you might know. Christian humanity has pleased herself, has enjoyed things as a pig enjoys being in the mud. Well, what until now has been pleasure for a few will become an instrument for the transformation of community life.” [34]

Hedonism is the tool. Because people will become accustomed to pleasure, to consuming, to drugs, etc, when they are then later deprived of them, or threatened with deprivation, they will be amenable to the will of the new master. This was intended to be applied to prisoners, dissidents, opposition, etc.

Landowski: “Terror, negative terror, as a means of ferocious coordinated actions against men and masses – the total meaning that it has had for the average man until now- had been mastered. The scientific crime, not only as a weapon to destroy the adversary but also as a means to achieve control, was being adopted in a systematic and normal way.” [38]

He then describes how Stalin enjoys not only killing his enemies but also making them suffer as much as possible publicly, and instead of overt massacres he is opting for “natural death”, “murder by chance”; “legal murder”. [38]

In short, the “terror” was to be induced by making it possible to murder people without any judicial or medical evidence of murder being committed. Those who could see what was being done would be helpless to obtain justice and thus would understand that they, at any time, could also be murdered and there would be nothing that could be done about it.

CHAPTER XXVI: Confession [332]
[Testimony recorded from Garmarik under torture]:
I can affirm that the conspiracy has the complicity and the help of very powerful international forces. Firstly, the circle of Wall Street, the strongest of the United States, whose power is huge upon all the American and European economy, and to which governments and politicians of many nations in the world obey. I don’t know who those great financers are; but I’ve been told, even if I don’t believe it, that they have been offering services and extremely important help to the Marxist revolutions for many years.

According to the leaders of the Opposition, the government of the Democratic nations, and in particular England, France, Czechoslovakia and specially the United States, being pressured by these big financers, want the triumph of the Opposition in the USSR and for that goal, they facilitate it by ordering their international politics in front of Stalin. As immediate and important effects, they have the security that the democratic nations help indirectly the German rearmament, at the same time tolerating the enlargement of the Third Reich, so as to make Hitler have enough military capacities to dare to declare war against the USSR.

(…) In the military:

2° The essence and the character of the conspiracy are revealed in the word defeatism. The success of the conspiracy depends on the organization of the defeat over the USSR; not a total victory, but a series of partial victories that could cause Stalin’s fall. (…)

3° According to what I’ve been told, it has been arranged with Wall Street that the war will finish at the same moment that Stalin, the Politburo and the most loyal men have been executed. It has been assured to the leaders of the conspiracy that a big coalition, England, France, The United States and all the other States which form the Society of Nations, will declare war against Hitler, describing him as an aggressor. This will be the signal for the conspiracy of the German generals, who also want to kill Hitler, to establish a military coup. A peace treaty will follow. A peace of “commandments” in the territorial aspect, but Germany being disarmed, having to submit to Versailles treaty once again, which will aggravate because of its new aggression.



Rokovsky: we can all confirm that when the masses take possession of a city or a country, then they always seem struck by a sort of superstitious fear of the banks and bankers. One had killed Kings, generals, bishops, policemen, priests and other representatives of the hated privileged classes; one robbed and burnt palaces, churches and even centres of science, but though the revolutions were economic-social, the lives of the bankers were respected, and as a result the magnificent buildings of the banks remained untouched ... According to my information, before I had been arrested, this continues even now ...

The international essence of money is well known. From this fact emerges that the organization which owns them and accumulates them is a cosmopolitan organization. Finances in their apogee - as an aim in themselves, the financial International - deny and do not recognise anything national, they do not recognize the State; and therefore it is anarchical and would be absolutely anarchical if it - the denier of any national State - were not itself, by necessity, a State in its own basic essence. The State as such is only Power. And money is exclusively Power. . . . Money is today the centre of global gravity. I hope you agree with me?

The understanding of how the financial International has gradually, right up to our epoch, become the master of money, this magical talisman, which has become for people that which God and the nation had been formerly, is something which exceeds in scientific interest even the art of revolutionary strategy, since this is also an art and also a revolution. I shall explain it to you. Historiographers and the masses, blinded by the shouts and the pomp of the French revolution, the people, intoxicated by the fact that it had succeeded in taking all power from the King and the privileged classes, did not notice how a small group of mysterious, careful and insignificant people had taken possession of the real Royal power, the magical power, almost divine, which it obtained almost without knowing it. The masses did not notice that the power had been seized by others and that soon they had subjected them to a slavery more cruel than the King, since the latter, in view of his religious and moral prejudices, was incapable of taking advantage of such a power. So it came about that the supreme Royal power was taken over by persons, whose moral, intellectual and cosmopolitan qualities did allow them to use it. It is clear that this were people who had never been Christians, but cosmopolitans.

G. - What is that for a mythical power which they had obtained?

R. - They had acquired for themselves the real privilege of coining money ... Do not smile, otherwise I shall have to believe that you do not know what moneys are ... I ask you to put yourself in my place. My position in relation to you is that of the assistant of a doctor, who would have to explain bacteriology to a resurrected medical man of the epoch before Pasteur. But I can explain your lack of knowledge to myself and can forgive it. Our language makes use of words which provoke incorrect thoughts about things and actions, thanks to the power of the inertia of thoughts, and which do not correspond to real and exact conceptions. [534] I say: money. It is clear that in your imagination there immediately appeared pictures of real money of metal and paper. But that is not so. Money is now not that; real circulating coin is a true anachronism. If it still exists and circulates, then it is only thanks to atavism, only because it is convenient to maintain the illusion, a purely imaginary fiction for the present day.

G. - This is a brilliant paradox, risky and even poetical.

R. - If you like, this is perhaps brilliant, but it is not a paradox. I know - and that is why you smiled - that States still coin money on pieces of metal or paper with Royal busts or national crests; well, so what? A great part of the money circulating, money for big affairs, as representative of all national wealth, money, yes money - it was being issued by those few people about whom I had hinted. Titles, figures, cheques, promissory notes, endorsements, discount, quotations, figures without end flooded States like a waterfall. What are in comparison with these the metallic and paper moneys? ... Something devoid of influence, some kind of minimum in the face of the growing flood of the all-flooding financial money. They, being the most subtle psychologists, were able to gain even more without trouble, thanks to a lack of understanding. In addition to the immensely varied different forms of financial moneys, they created credit-money with a view to making its volume close to infinite. And to give it the speed of sound ... it is an abstraction, a being of thought, a figure, number, credit, faith ...

Do you understand already? ... Fraud; false moneys, given a legal standing ..., using other terminology, so that you should understand me. Banks, the stock exchanges and the whole world financial system - is a gigantic machine for the purpose of bringing about unnatural scandals, according to Aristotle's expression; to force money to produce money - that is something that if it is a crime in economics, then in relations to finances it is a crime against the criminal code, since it is usury. I do not know by what arguments all this is justified: by the proposition that they receive legal interest ... Even accepting that, and even that admission is more than is necessary, we see that usury still exists, since even if the interest received is legal, then it invents and falsifies the non-existent capital. Banks have always by way of deposits or moneys in productive movement a certain quantity of money which is five or perhaps even a hundred times greater than there are physically coined moneys of metal or paper. I shall say nothing of those cases when the credit-moneys, i.e. false, fabricated ones, are greater than the quantity of moneys paid out as capital. Bearing in mind that lawful interest is fixed not on real capital but on non-existing capital, the interest is illegal by so many times as the fictional capital is greater than the real one.

Bear in mind that this system, which I am describing in detail, is one of the most innocent among those used for the fabrication of false money. Imagine to yourself, if you can, a small number of people, having unlimited power through the possession of real wealth, and you will see that they are the absolute dictators of the stock-exchange; and as a result of this also the dictators of production and distribution and also of work and consumption. If you have enough imagination then multiply this, by the global factor and you will see its anarchical, [535] moral and social influence, i.e. a revolutionary one ... Do you now understand?

G. - No, not yet.

R. - Obviously it is very difficult to understand miracles.

G. - Miracle?

R. - Yes, miracle. Is it not a miracle that a wooden bench has been transformed into a temple? And yet such a miracle has been seen by people a thousand times, and they did not bat an eyelid, during a whole century. Since this was an extraordinary miracle that the benches on which sat the greasy usurers to trade in their moneys, have now been converted into temples, which stand magnificently at every corner of contemporary big towns with their heathen colonnades, and crowds go there with a faith which they are already not given by heavenly gods, in order to bring assiduously their deposits of all their possessions to the god of money, who, they imagine, lives in the steel safes of the bankers, and who is preordained, thanks to his divine mission to increase the wealth to a metaphysical infinity.

G. - This is the new religion of the decayed bourgeoisie?

R. - Religion, yes, the religion of power.

G. - You appear to be the poet of economics.

R. - If you like, then in order to give a picture of finance, as of a work of art which is most obviously a work of genius and the most revolutionary of all times, poetry is required.

G. - This is a faulty view. Finances, as defined by Marx, and more especially Engels, are determined by the system of Capitalistic production.

R. - Exactly, but just the reverse: the Capitalistic system of production is determined by finance. The fact that Engels states the opposite and even tries to prove this, is the most obvious proof that finances rule bourgeois production. So it is and so it was even before Marx and Engels, that finances were the most powerful instrument of revolution and the Comintern was nothing but a toy in their hands. But neither Marx nor Engels will disclose or explain this. On the contrary, making use of their talent as scientists, they had to camouflage truth . . . .

G. - When he says that the Comintern is a conservative organization in comparison with the stock-exchange in New York; he points at the big bankers as being the inventors of the revolution.

R. - Yes, he said this in a small book in which he foretold the fall of England ... Yes, he said this and added: "Who pushes England along the path of revolution?" ... and replied: "Not Moscow, but New York."

G. - But remember also his assertion that if the financiers of New York had forged the revolution, then it was done unconsciously. [536]

G. - The financiers are unconscious revolutionaries since they are such only objectively, as the result of their intellectual incapacity of seeing the final consequences.

R. - You believe this sincerely? You think that among these real geniuses there are some who are unconscious? You consider to be idiots people to whom today the whole world is subjected? This would really be a very stupid contradiction!

G. - What do you pretend to?

R. - I simply assert that they are revolutionaries objectively and subjectively, quite consciously.

G. - The bankers! You must be mad?

R. - I, no ... But you? Think a little. These people are just like you and me. The circumstance that they control moneys in unlimited amounts, insofar as they themselves create them, does not give us the opportunity of determining the limits of all their ambitions ... If there is something which provides a man with full satisfaction then it is the satisfaction of his ambition. And most of all the satisfaction of his will to power. Why should not these people, the bankers, have the impulse towards power, towards full power? Just as it happens to you and to me.

G. - But if, according to you - and I think the same - they already have global political power, then what other power do they want to possess ?

R. - I have already told you: Full power.
Such power as Stalin has in the USSR, but world-wide.

G. - Such power as Stalin's, but with the opposite aim.

R. - Power, if in reality it is absolute, can be only one. The idea of the absolute excludes multiplicity. For that reason the power sought by the Comintern and "Comintern," which are things of the same order, being absolute, must also in politics be unique and identical: Absolute power has a purpose in itself, otherwise it is not absolute. And until the present day there has not yet been invented another machine of total power except the Communist State. Capitalistic bourgeois power, even on its highest rung of the ladder, the power of Caesar, is limited power since if, in theory, it was the personification of the deity in the Pharaohs and Caesars in ancient times, then nevertheless, thanks to the economic character of life in those primitive States and owing to the technical under-development of the State apparatus, there was always room for individual freedom. Do you understand that those who already partially rule over nations and worldly governments [537] have pretensions to absolute domination? Understand that that is the only thing which they have not yet reached.

G. - This is interesting: at least as an example of insanity.

R. - Certainly, insanity in a lesser degree than in the case of Lenin, who dreamt of power over the whole world in his attic in Switzerland or the insanity of Stalin, dreaming of the same thing during his exile in a Siberian hut. I think that dreams of such ambitions are much more natural for the moneyed people, living in the skyscrapers of New York.

G. - Let us conclude: Who are they?

R. - You are so naive that you think that if I knew who "They" are, I would be here as a prisoner?

G. - Why?

R. - For a very simple reason, since he who is acquainted with them would not be put into a position in which he would be obliged to report on them ... This is an elementary rule of every intelligent conspiracy, which you must well understand.

G. - But you said that they are the bankers?

R. - Not I; remember that I always spoke of the financial International, and when mentioning persons I said "They" and nothing more. If you want that I should inform you openly then I shall only give facts, but not names, since I do not know them. I think I shall not be wrong if I tell you that not one of "Them" is a person who occupies a political position or a position in the World Bank. As I understood after the murder of Rathenau in Rapallo, they give political or financial positions only to intermediaries. Obviously to persons who are trustworthy and loyal, which can be guaranteed a thousand ways: thus one can assert that bankers and politicians - are only men of straw ... even though they occupy very high places and are made to appear to be the authors of the plans which are carried out.

G. - Although all this can be understood and is also logical, but is not your declaration of not knowing only an evasion? As it seems to me, and according to the information I have, you occupied a sufficiently high place in this conspiracy to have known much more. You do not even know a single one of them personally?

R. - Yes, but of course you do not believe me. I have come to that moment where I had explained that I am talking about a person and persons with a personality ... how should one say? ... a mystical one, like Ghandi or something like that, but without any external display. Mystics of pure power, who have become free from all vulgar trifles. I do not know if you understand me? Well, as to their place of residence and names, I do not know them ... Imagine Stalin just now, in reality ruling the USSR, but not surrounded by stone walls, not having any personnel around him, and having the same guarantees for his life as any other citizen. By which means could he guard against attempts on his life? He is first of all a conspirator, however great his power, he is anonymous.

G. - What you are saying is logical, but I do not believe you. [538]

R. - But still believe me; I know nothing; if I knew then how happy I would be! I would not be here, defending my life. . . .

You know that according to the unwritten history known only to us, the founder of the First Communist International is indicated, of course secretly, as being Weishaupt. You remember his name? He was the head of the masonry which is known by the name of the Illuminati; this name he borrowed from the second anti-Christian conspiracy of that era - gnosticism. This important revolutionary, Semite and former Jesuit, foreseeing the triumph of the French revolution decided, or perhaps he was ordered (some mention as his chief the important philosopher Mendelssohn) to found a secret organization which was to provoke and push the French revolution to go further than its political objectives, with the aim of transforming it into a social revolution for the establishment of Communism. In those heroic times it was colossally dangerous to mention Communism as an aim; from this derive the various precautions and secrets, which had to surround the Illuminati. More than a hundred years were required before a man could confess to being a Communist without danger of going to prison or being executed. This is more or less known.

What is not known are the relations between Weishaupt and his followers with the first of the Rothschilds. The secret of the acquisition of wealth of the best known bankers could have been explained by the fact that they were the treasurers of this first Comintern. There is evidence that when the five brothers spread out to the five provinces of the financial empire of Europe, they had some secret help for the accumulation of these enormous sums: it is possible that they were those first Communists from the Bavarian catacombs who were already spread all over Europe.

But others say, and I think with better reason, that the Rothschilds were not the treasurers, but the chiefs of that first secret Communism. This opinion is based on that well-known fact that Marx and the highest chiefs of the First International - already the open one - and among them Herzen and Heine, were controlled by Baron Lionel Rothschild, whose revolutionary portrait was done by Disraeli (in Coningsby - Transl.) the English Premier, who was his creature, and has been left to us. He described him in the character of Sidonia, a man, who, according to the story, was a multi-millionaire, knew and controlled spies, carbonari, freemasons, secret Jews, gypsies, revolutionaries etc., etc. All this seems fantastic. But it has been proved that Sidonia is an idealized portrait of the son of Nathan Rothschild, which can also be deduced from that campaign which he raised against Tsar Nicholas in favour of Herzen. He won this campaign.

If all that which we can guess in the light of these facts is true, then, I think, we could even determine who invented this terrible machine of accumulation and anarchy, which is the financial International. At the same time, I think, he would be the same person who also created the revolutionary International. [539] It is an act of genius: to create with the help of Capitalism accumulation of the highest degree, to push the proletariat towards strikes, to sow hopelessness, and at the same time to create an organization which must unite the proletarians with the purpose of driving them into revolution. This is to write the most majestic chapter of history.

Even more: remember the phrase of the mother of the five Rothschild brothers: "If my sons want it, then there will be no war." This means that they were the arbiters, the masters of peace and war, but not emperors. Are you capable of visualizing the fact of such a cosmic importance? Is not war already a revolutionary function? War - the Commune. Since that time every war was a giant step towards Communism. As if some mysterious force satisfied the passionate wish of Lenin, which he had expressed to Gorky. Remember: 1905-1914. Do admit at least that two of the three levers of power which lead to Communism are not controlled and cannot be controlled by the proletariat.

Wars were not brought about and were not controlled by either the Third International or the USSR, which did not yet exist at that time. Equally they cannot be provoked and still less controlled by those small groups of Bolsheviks who plod along in the emigration, although they want war. This is quite obvious. The International and the USSR have even fewer possibilities for such immense accumulations of capital and the creation of national or international anarchy in Capitalistic production. Such an anarchy which is capable of forcing people to burn huge quantities of foodstuffs, rather than give them to starving people, and is capable of that which Rathenau described in one of his phrases, i.e.: "To bring about that half the world will fabricate dung, and the other half will use it."

And, after all, can the proletariat believe that it is the cause of this inflation, growing in geometric progression, this devaluation, the constant acquisition of surplus values and the accumulation of financial capital, but not usury capital, and that as the result of the fact that it cannot prevent the constant lowering of its purchasing power, there takes place the proletarization of the middle classes, who are the true opponents of revolution. The proletariat does not control the lever of economics or the lever of war. But it is itself the third lever, the only visible and demonstrable lever, which carries out the final blow at the power of the Capitalistic State and takes it over. Yes, they seize it, if "They" yield it to them ...

G. - I again repeat to you that all this, which you have set out in such a literate form, has a name which we have already repeated to excess in this endless conversation: the natural contradictions of Capitalism and if, as you claim, there is yet someone else's will and activity apart from the proletariat, then I want you to indicate to me concretely a personal case.

R. - You require only one? Well, then listen to a small story: "They" isolated the Tsar diplomatically for the Russo-Japanese War, and the United States financed Japan; speaking precisely, [540] this was done by Jacob Schiff, the head of the bank of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., which is the successor of the House of Rothschild, whence Schiff originated. He had such power that he achieved that States which had colonial possessions in Asia supported the creation of the Japanese Empire which was inclined towards xenophobia; and Europe already feels the effects of this xenophobia. From the prisoner-of-war camps there came to Petrograd the best fighters, trained as revolutionary agents; they were sent there from America with the permission of Japan, obained through the persons who had financed it. The Russo-Japanese War, thanks to the organized defeat of the Tsar's army, called forth the revolution of 1905, which, though it was premature, but was very nearly successful; even if it did not win, it still created the required political conditions for the victory of 1917.

I shall say even more. Have you read the biography of Trotzky? Recall its first revolutionary period. He is still quite a young man; after his flight from Siberia he lived some time among the emigres in London, Paris, and Switzerland; Lenin, Plekhanov, Martov and other chiefs look on him only as a promising newcomer. But he already dares during the first split to behave independently, trying to become the arbiter of the reunion. In 1905 he is 25 years old and he returns to Russia alone, without a party and without his own oranization. Read the reports of the revolution of 1905 which have not been "pruned" by Stalin; for example that of Lunatcharsky, who was not a Trotzkyite. Trotzky is the chief figure during the revolution in Petrograd. This is how it really was. Only he emerges from it with increased popularity and influence. Neither Lenin, nor Martov, nor Plekhanov acquire popularity. They only keep it and even lose a little. How and why there rises the unknown Trotzky, gaining power by one move greater than that which the oldest and most influential revolutionaries had? Very simple: he marries.

Together with him there arrives in Russia his wife - Sedova. Do you know who she is? She is associated with Zhivotovsky, linked with the bankers Warburg, partners and relatives of Jacob Schiff, i.e. of that financial group which, as I had said, had also financed the revolution of 1905. Here is the reason why Trotzky, in one move, moves to the top of the revolutionary list. And here, too, you have the key to his real personality. Let us jump to 1914. Behind the back of the people who made the attempt on the Archduke there stands Trotzky, and that attempt provoked the European War. Do you really believe that the murder and the war - are simp!e coincidences? ...,

Analyze in the light of "non-coincidence" the development of the military actions in Russia. "Defeatism" is an exemplary word. The help of the Allies for the Tsar was regulated and controlled with such skill that it gave the Allied ambassadors … to get from Nicholas, thanks to his stupidity, suicidal advances, one after another. The mass of the Russian cannon fodder was immense, but not inexhaustible. A series of organized defeats led to the revolution. When the threat came from all sides, then a cure was found in the form of the establishment of a democratic republic . . . this meant the [541] elimination of any threat to the revolutionaries. But that is not yet all. Kerensky . . . . brings it about so that the democratic revolution should spread beyond its bounds. And even still more: Kerensky was to surrender the State fully to Communism, and he does it.

Trotzky has the chance in an "unnoticed manner" to occupy the whole State apparatus. What a strange blindness! Well that is the reality of the much-praised October revolution. The Bolsheviks took that which "They" gave them.

G. - You dare to say that Kerensky was a collaborator of Lenin?

R. - Of Lenin - no. Of Trotzky - yes; it is more correct to say - a collaborator of "Them."

R. - Yes to me that is quite clear. Understand that I personally took part in all this. I shall tell you even more:

Do you know who financed the October revolution? "They" financed it, in particular through those same bankers who had financed Japan in 1905, i.e. Jacob Schiff, and the brothers Warburg; that means through the great banking constellation, through one of the five banks who are members of the Federal Reserve, through the bank of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., here there took part also other American and European bankers, such as Guggenheim, Hanauer, Breitung, Aschberg, the "Nya Banken" of Stockholm. I was there "by chance," there in Stockholm, and participated in the transmission of funds.

Until Trotzky arrived I was the only person who was an intermediary from the revolutionary side. But at last Trotzky came; I must underline that the Allies had expelled him from France for being a defeatist. And the same Allies released him so that he could be a defeatist in allied Russia ... "Another chance." Who arranged it? The same people who had succeeded that Lenin passed through Germany. Yes, "They" were able to get the defeatist Trotzky out of a Canadian camp to England and send him on to Russia, giving him the chance to pass freely through all the Allied controls; others of "Them" - a certain Rathenau - accomplishes the journey of Lenin through enemy Germany.

If you will undertake the study of the history of the revolution and civil war without prejudices, …. you will meet with a whole series of "amazing chances."

G. - Alright, let us accept the hypothesis that not everything was simply a matter of luck. What deductions to you make here for practical results?

R.--Let me finish this little story, and then we shall both arrive at conclusions. From the time of his arrival in Petrograd Trotzky was openly received by Lenin. As you know sufficiently well, during the interval between the two revolutions there had been deep differences between them. All is forgotten and Trotzky emerges as the master of his trade in the matter of the triumph of the revolution, whether Stalin wants this or not.


This secret is known to the wife of Lenin - Krupskaya. She knows who Trotzky is in fact; it is she who persuaded Lenin to receive Trotzky. If he had not received him, then Lenin would have remained blocked up in Switzerland; this alone had been for him a serious reason, and in addition he knew that Trotzky provided money and helped to get a colossal international assistance, a proof of this was the sealed train.

Furthermore it was the result of Trotzky's work, and not of the iron determination of Lenin that there was the unification round the insignificant party of the Bolsheviks of the whole Left-wing revolutionary camp, the social-revolutionaries and the anarchists. It was not for nothing that the real party of the "non-party" Trotzky was the ancient "Bund" of the Jewish proletariat, from which emerged all the Moscow revolutionary branches, and to whom it gave 90% of its leaders; not the official and well-known Bund, but the secret Bund which had been infiltrated into all the Socialist parties, the leaders of which were almost all under its control.

G. - And Kerensky too?

R. - Kerensky too ..., and also some other leaders who were not Socialists, the leaders of the bourgeois political fractions.

G. - How is that?

R. - You forget about the role of freemasonry in the first phase of the democratic-bourgeois revolution?

G. - Were they also controlled by the Bund?

R. - Naturally, as the nearest step, but in fact subject to "Them."

G. - Despite the rising tide of Marxism which also threatened their lives and privileges?

R. - Despite all that; obviously they did not see that danger. Bear in mind that every mason saw and hoped to see in his imagination more that there was in reality, because he imagined that which was profitable for him. As a proof of the political power of their association they saw that masons were in governments and at the pinnacle of the States of the bourgeois nations, while their numbers were growing all the time. Bear in mind that at that time the rulers of all the Allied nations were freemasons, with very few exceptions. This was to them an argument of great [543] force. They fully believed that the revolution would stop at the bourgeois republic of the French type.

G. - In accordance with the picture which was given of the Russia of 1917 one had to be a very naive person to believe all this ...

R. - They were and are such. Masons had learned nothing from that first lesson which, for them, had been the Great Revolution, in which they played a colossal revolutionary role; it consumed the majority of masons, beginning with the Grand Master of the Orleans Lodge, more correctly the freemason Louis XVI, in order then to continue to destroy the Girondistes, the Hebertistes, the Jacoboins etc..... and if some survived it was due to the month of Brumaire.

G. - Do you want to say that the freemasons have to die at the hands of the revolution which has been brought about with their co-operation?

R. - Exactly so. You have formulated a truth which is veiled by a great secret. I am a mason, you already knew about that. Is that not so? Well, I shall tell you this great secret, which they promise to disclose to a mason in one of the higher degrees, but which is not disclosed to him either in the 25th, nor the 33rd, nor the 93rd, nor any other high level of any ritual. It is clear that I know of this not as a freemason, but as one who belongs to "Them" ...

G. - And what is it?

R. - Every masonic organization tries to attain and to create all the required prerequisites for the triumph of the Communist revolution; this is the obvious aim of freemasonry; it is clear that all this is done under various pretexts; but they always conceal themselves behind their well-known treble slogan. (Liberty, Equality, Fraternity - Transl.) You understand? But since the Communist revolution has in mind the liquidation, as a class, of the whole bourgeoisie, the physical destruction of all bourgeois political rulers, it follows that the real secret of masonry is the suicide of freemasonry as an organization, and the physical suicide of every more important mason. You can, of course, understand that such an end, which is being prepared for every mason, fully deserves the secrecy, decorativeness and the inclusion of yet another whole series of secrets, with a view to concealing the real one. If one day you were to be present at some future revolution then do not miss the opportunity of observing the gestures of surprise and the expression of stupidity on the face of some freemason at the moment when he realises that he must die at the hands of the revolutionaries. How he screams and wants that one should value his services to the revolution! It is a sight at which one can die ... but of laughter.

G. - And you still deny the inborn stupidity of the bourgeoisie?

R. - I deny it in the bourgeoisie as a class, but not in certain sectors. The existence of madhouses does not prove universal madness. Freemasonry is also a madhouse, but at liberty.

But I continue further: the revolution has been victorious, the seizure of power has been achieved. There arises the first problem, peace, and with it the first differences within the party, in which there participate the forces of the coalition, which takes advantage of power.

I shall not explain to you that which is well known about the struggle which developed in Moscow between [544] the adherents and opponents of the peace of Brest-Litovsk. I shall only point out to you that … the Trotzkvist opposition, i.e. these are the people, a part of whom have already been liquidated and the other part is to be liquidated: they were all against the signing of the peace treaty. That peace was a mistake and an unconscious betrayal by Lenin of the International Revolution. Imagine to yourself the Bolsheviks … finding themselves inside Germany with the Red Army, which had been armed and increased by the Allies. The Soviet State should have participated with arms in the German revolution ... Quite another map of Europe would then have emerged.

But Lenin, intoxicated with power, with the help of Stalin, who had also tasted the fruits of power supported by the national Russian wing of the party, having at their disposal the material recources, enforced their will. Then was born "Socialism in one country," i.e. National-Communism, which has to-day reached its apogee under Stalin. It is obvious that there was a struggle, but only in such a form and extent that the Communist State should not be destroyed; this condition was binding on the opposition during the whole time of its further struggle right up to the present day. This was the reason for our first failure and all those which followed. But the fight was severe, cruel, although concealed in order not to compromise our participation in power.

Trotzky organized, with the help of his friends, the attempt on Lenin's life by Kaplan. On his orders Blumkin killed the ambassador Mirbach. The coup d'etat which was prepared by Spiridonova with her social-revolutionaries had been co-ordinated with Trotzky.

His man for all these affairs, who was immune from all suspicions, was that Rosenblum, a Lithuanian Jew, who used the name of O'Reilly, and was known as the best spy of the British Intelligence. In fact he was a man from "Them." The reason why this famous Rosenblum was chosen, who was known only as a British spy, was that in case of failure the responsibility for assassinations and conspiracies would fall not on Trotzky, and not on us, but on England. So it happened.

Thanks to the Civil War … Trotzky became the organizer and chief of the Soviet Army; before that the army had continuously retreated before the Whites and the territory of the USSR was reduced to the size of the former Moscow Principality.

But here, as if by magic, it begins to win. What do you think, why? As the result of magic or chance? I shall tell you: when Trotzky took over the top command of the Red Army then he had by this in his hands the forces necessary to seize power. A series of victories was to increase his prestige and forces: it was already possible to defeat the Whites. Do you think that that official history was true which ascribes to the unarmed and ill-disciplined Red Army the fact that with its help there was achieved a series of victories?

G. - But to whom then?

R. - To the extent of ninety per cent they were indebted to "Them."

You must not forget that the Whites were, in their way, democratic. [545] The Mensheviks were with them and the remnants of all the old Liberal parties. Inside these forces "They" always had in their service many people, consciously and unconsciously. When Trotzky began to command then these people were ordered systematically to betray the Whites and at the same time they were promised participation, in a more or less short time, in the Soviet Government.

. . . . This sabotage, linked with a progressive diminution of the help of the Allies to the White generals, who apart from all that were luckless idiots, forced them to experience defeat after defeat. Finally Wilson introduced in his famous 14 Points Point 6, the existence of which was enough in order to bring to an end once and for all the attempts of the Whites to fight against the USSR. The Civil War strengthens the position of Trotzky as the heir of Lenin.

So it was without any doubt. The old revolutionary could now die, having acquired fame. If he remained alive after the bullet of Kaplan, he did not emerge alive after the secret process of the forcible ending of his life, to which he was subjected.

f. - Trotsky shortened his life? This is a big favourable point for our trial! Was it not Levin who was Lenin's doctor?

R. - Trotzky? ... It is probable that he participated, but it is quite certain that he knew about it. But as far as the technical realization is concerned ..., that is unimportant; who knows this? "They" have a sufficient number of channels in order to penetrate to wherever they want.

G. - In any event the murder of Lenin is a matter of the greatest importance and it would be worthwhile to transfer it for examination to the next trial ... What do you think, Rakovsky, if you were by chance to be the author of this affair? It is clear that if you fail to achieve success in this conversation ... The technical execution suits you well as a doctor ...

R. - I do not recommend this to you. Leave this matter alone, it is sufficiently dangerous for Stalin himself. You will be able to spread your propaganda as you wish: but "They" have their propaganda which is more powerful and the question as to qui podest - who gains, will force one to see in Stalin the murderer of Lenin, and that argument will be stronger than any confessions extracted frorn Levin, me or anyone else.

G. - What do you want to say by this?

R. - That it is the classical and infallible rule in the determination of who the murderer is to check who gained ..., and as far as the assassination of Lenin is concerned, in this case the beneficiary was his chief - Stalin. Think about this and I very much ask you not to make these remarks, as they distract me and do not make it possible for me to finish.

G. - Very well, continue, but you already know ...

R. - It is well known that if Trotzky did not inherit from Lenin then it was not because by human calculations there was something missing in the plan. During Lenin's illness Trotzky held in his hands all the threads of power, which were more than sufficient to enable him to succeed Lenin. And measures had been taken to declare a sentence of death on Stalin.

For Trotzky the dictator it was enough to have in his hands the letter of Lenin against his then chief - Stalin, which had been torn from her husband by Krupskaya, [546] to liquidate Stalin. But a stupid mischance, as you know, ruined all our chances.

Trotzky became ill unexpectedly and at the decisive moment, when Lenin dies, he becomes incapable of any action during a period of several months. Despite his possession of enormous advantages, the obstacle was our organization of the affair, i.e. its personal centralization. It is obvious that such a person as Trotzky, prepared in advance for his mission, which he was to realise, cannot be created at once, by improvisation. None among us, not even Zinoviev, had the requisite training and qualities for this undertaking; on the other hand Trotzky, being afraid of being displaced, did not himself want to help anybody.

Thus, after the death of Lenin, when we had to be face to face with Stalin, who commenced a feverish activity, we foresaw then already our defeat in the Central Committee. We had to improvise a decision: and it was to ally ourselves with Stalin, to become Stalinists more than he himself, to exaggerate in everything and, therefore, to sabotage. The rest you know already: that was our uninterrupted subterranean struggle and our continuous failure to Stalin's advantage, while he displays police talents of genius, having absolutely no equals in the past.

And even more: Stalin, possessing national atavism, which had not been uprooted in him by his early Marxism, apparently for that reason underlines his pan-Russianism, and in this connexion resurrects a class which we had to destroy, that is the class of National-Communists, as opposed to the Internationalist-Communists, which we are. He places the International at the service of the USSR and it already accepts his mastery.

If we want to find an historical parallel, then we must point to bonapartism, and if we want to find a person of Stalin's type, then we shall not find an historical parallel for him. But perhaps I shall be able to find it in its basic characteristics by combining two people: Fouche and Napoleon. Let us try to deprive the latter of his second half, his accessories, uniforms, military rank, crown and such like things, which, it seems, do not tempt Stalin, and then together they will give us a type identical with Stalin in the most important respects: he is the killer of the revolution, he does not serve it, but makes use of its services; he represents the most ancient Russian Imperialism, just as Napoleon identified himself with the Gauls, he created an aristocracy, even if not a military one, one, since there are no victories, then a bureacratically-police one.

G. - That is enough. Rakovsky. You are not here to make Trotzkyist propaganda. Will you at last get to something concrete?

R. - It is clear that I shall, but not before … you will have formulated for yourself an at least superficial conception concerning "Them," with whom you will have to reckon in practice and in concrete actuality. Not sooner. . . .

G. - Well, try to shorten the story as far as possible.

R. - Our failures, which get worse every year, prevent the immediate carrying out of that which "They" have prepared in the after-war period for the further leap of the revolution forward. The Versailles Treaty, quite inexplicable for the politicians and economists of all nations . . . , was the most decisive precondition for the Revolution. [547]

G. - This is a very curious theory. How do you explain it?

R. - The Versailles reparations and economic limitations were not determined by the advantages of individual nations. Their arithmetical absurdity was so obvious that even the most outstanding economists of the victorious countries soon exposed this. France alone demanded as reparations a great deal more than the cost of all her national possessions, more than one would have had to pay if the whole of France had been converted into a Sahara; even worse was the decision to impose on Germany payment obligations which were many times greater that it could pay, even if it had sold itself fully and given over the whole of its national production.

In the end the true result was that in practice Germany was forced to carry out a phantastic dumping so that it could pay something on account of reparations. And of what did the dumping consist? An insufficiency of consumer goods, hunger in Germany and in corresponding measure unemployment in the importing countries. And since they could not import there was also unemployment in Germany. Hunger and unemployment on both sides; all this were the first results of Versailles ...

Was this treaty revolutionary or not?
Even more was done: one undertook an equal control in the international plane. Do you know what that undertaking represents in the revolutionary plane? It means to impose an anarchical absurdity . . .
. . . The immediate result of this was an insufficiency of production, compensated by imports from countries with a sufficient natural economy and an industrial self-sufficiency: insofar as Europe had gold, that import was paid by gold.

Then came the apparent boom in America which exchanged its immense production for gold and gold certificates, of which there was plenty. On the model of any anarchy of production there appeared at that period an unheard-of financial anarchy. "They" took advantage of it on the pretext of helping it with the aid of another and still greater anarchy: the inflation of the official money (cash) and the a hundred times greater inflation of their own money, credit money, i.e. false money. Remember how systematically there came devaluation in many countries; the destruction of the value [548] of money in Germany, the American crisis and its phenomenal consequences ..., a record unemployment; more than thirty million unemployed in Europe and USA alone. Well, did not the Versailles Peace Treaty and its League of Nations serve as a revolutionary pre-condition?

G. - This could have happened even if not intended. Could you not prove to me why the revolution and Communism retreat before logical deductions; and more than that: they oppose fascism which has conquered in Spain and Germany ... What can you tell me?

R. - I shall tell you that only in the case of the non-recognition of "Them" and their aims you would be right ..., but you must not forget about their existence and aims, and also the fact that in the USSR power is in the hands of Stalin.

G. - I do not see the connexion here....

R. - Because you do not want to: you have more than sufficient deductive talents and capabilities of reasoning. I repeat again: for us Stalin is not a Communist, but a bonapartist.

G. - So what?

R. - We do not wish that the great preconditions which we had created at Versailles for the triumph of the Communist revolution in the world, which, as you see, have become a gigantic reality, would serve the purpose of bringing victory to Stalin's bonapartism ... Is that sufficiently clear for you? Everything would have been different if in this case Trotzky had been the dictator of the USSR; that would have meant that "They" would have been the chiefs of International Communism.

G. - But surely fascism is totally anti-Communist, as in relation to the Trotzkyist and the Stalinist Communism ... and if the power which you ascribe to "Them" is so great, how is it that they were unable to avoid this?

R. - Because it were precisely "They" who gave Hitler the possibility of triumphing.

G. - You exceed all the boundaries of absurdity.

R. - The absurd and the miraculous become mixed as the result of a lack of culture. Listen to me. I have already admitted the defeat of the opposition. "They" saw in the end that Stalin cannot be overthrown by a coup d'etat and their historical experience suggested to them the decision of a repetition (repris) with Stalin of that which had been done with the Tsar.

There was here one difficulty, which seemed to us insuperable. In the whole of Europe there was not a single aggressor-State. Not one of them was geographically well placed and had an army sufficient for an attack on Russia. If there was no such country, then "They" had to create it. Only Germany had the corresponding population and positions suitable for an attack on the USSR, and it was capable of defeating Stalin; you can understand that the Weimar republic had not been invented as an aggressor either politically or economically; on the contrary, it was suited to an invasion. On the horizon of a hungry Germany there sparkled the meteor of Hitler. A pair of penetrating eyes fixed their attention on it. The world was the witness to his lightning rise. I shall not say that all of it was the work of our hands, no. His rise, uninterruptedly increasing in extent, took place as the result of the Revolutionary-Communist economy of Versailles. Versailles had had in mind not the creation of preconditions for the triumph of Hitler [549], but for the proletarization of Germany, for unemployment and hunger, as the result of which there should have triumphed the Communist revolution.

But insofar as, thanks to the existence of Stalin at the head of the USSR and the International, the latter did not succeed, and as a result of an unwillingness to give up Germany to bonapartism, these preconditions were somewhat abated in … expectation that meanwhile the opposition would come to power in Russia ..., but that, too, did not happen; but the existence of revolutionary preconditions had to produce its results. . . .

That was not yet all. It was necessary that the Trotzkyists and Socialists should divide the masses with an already awakened and whole class consciousness - in accordance with instructions. With this business we concerned ourselves.

But even more was needed: In 1929, when the National-Socialist Party began to experience a crisis of growth and it had insufficient financial recources, "They" sent their ambassador there. I even know his name: it was one of the Warburgs. In direct negotiations with Hitler they agreed as to the financing of the National-Socialist Party, and the latter received in a couple of years millions of Dollars, sent to it from Wall Street, and millions of Marks from German financiers through Schacht; the upkeep of the S.A. and S.S. and also the financing of the elections which took place, which gave Hitler power, are done on the Dollars and Marks sent by "Them."

G. - Those who, according to you, want to achieve full Communism, arm Hitler, who swears that he will uproot the first Communist nation. This, if one is to believe you, is something very logical for the financiers.

R. - You again forget the Stalinist bonapartism. Remember that against Napoleon, the strangler of the French revolution, who stole its strength, there stood the objective revolutionaries - Louis XVIII, Wellington, Metternich and right up to the Tsar-Autocrat ... This is 22 carat, according to the strict Stalinist doctrine. You must know by heart his theses about colonies with regard to imperialistic countries. Yes, according to him the Kings of Afghanistan and Egypt are objectively Communists owing to their struggle against His Britannic Majesty; why cannot Hitler be objectively Communist since he is fighting against the autocratic . . . Stalin.

After all there is Hitler with his growing military power, and he already extends the boundaries of the Third Reich, and in future will do more ... to such an extent as to have enough strength and possibilities to attack and fully destroy Stalin ... Do you not observe the general sympathy of the Versailles wolves, who limit themselves only to a weak growl? Is this yet another chance, accident? Hitler will invade the USSR and as in [550] 1917, when defeat suffered by the Tsar then gave us the opportunity of overthrowing him, so the defeat of Stalin will help us to remove him ... Again the hour of the world revolution will strike. Since the democratic states, at present put to sleep, will help to bring about the general change at that moment, when Trotzky will take power into his hands, as during the Civil War. Hitler will attack from the West, his generals will rise and liquidate him ... Now tell me, was not Hitler objectively a Communist? Yes or no?

G. - I do not believe in fairy tales or miracles ...

R. - Well if you do not want to believe that "They" are able to achieve that which they had already achieved, then prepare to observe an invasion of the USSR and the liquidation of Stalin within a year. You think this is a miracle or an accident, well then prepare to see and experience that ... But are you really able to refuse to believe that of which I have spoken, though this is still only a hypothesis? You will begin to act in this direction only at that moment when you will begin to see the proofs in the light of my talk. . . .

The magnificent threat to the USSR is real and exists. This is not an hypothesis and not a verbal threat. It is a fact and a fact which obliges. "They" already have superiority over Stalin, a superiority which cannot be denied. Stalin is offered only one altemative, the right to choose, but not full freedom. The attack of Hitler will come in any case of its own accord; "They" need not do anything to make it happen but only leave him the chance of acting. This is the basic and determining reality, which has been forgotten by you owing to your excessively Kremlin-like way of thinking ... Egocentrism, Sir, egocentrism.

G. - The right to choose?

R. - I shall define it exactly once more, but shortly: either there will be an attack on Stalin, or there will come the realization of the plan I have indicated, according to which the European Capitalistic States will destroy each other. I drew attention to this alternative, but as you see it was only a theoretical one. If Stalin wants to survive then he will be forced to realize the plan which has been proposed by me and ratifed by "Them."

G. - But if he refuses?

R. - That will be impossible for him. The expansion and re-armament of Germany will continue. When Stalin will be faced by this gigantic threat ..., then what will he do? This will be dictated to him by his own instinct of self-preservation.

G. - It seems that events must develop only according to the orders indicated by "Them."

R. - And it is so. Of course, in the USSR to-day things still stand like this, but sooner or later it will happen like that all the same. . . . .. Reject the wrong thought that you are the arbiters in the given situation, since "They" are the arbiters.

G. - "They" both in the first and the second case ... Therefore we must deal with shadows?

R. - But are facts shadows? The international situation will be extraordinary, but not shadowy; it is real and very real. This is not a miracle; here is predetermined the future policy ... Do you think this is the work of shadows?

G.--But let us see; let us assume that your plan is accepted ... But we must have something tangible, personal, in order to be able to carry out negotiations.

R. - For example? [560]

G. - Some person with powers of attorney and representation.

R. - But for what? Just for the pleasure of becoming acquainted wlth him? For the pleasure of a talk? Bear in mind that the assumed person, in case of his appearance, will not present you with credentials with seals and crests and wlll not wear a diplomatic uniform, at least a man from "Them"; if he
Nice development. :)
But following goyacobol's reminder:

goyacobol said:
Fellow Dot Connectors,

I don't know if this will mean much to any of you but I feel that I should throw out something I think might apply to our methods of research. Here is a short idea from something the C's said to Laura:

Session 20 June 1998

A: Sometimes, your asking is merely for validation of your own hunches.
Q: Well, darn it!
A: And for growth and progress, one must learn to let the answer stand.

... may I suggest one apparently overlooked possibility? The underlying assumption here seems to be that there is one, more or less solid body pulling the BIS's strings. And what if each of those 'eighteen members' has his own overlord trying to make things go in a direction desired by him and his cabal? If there is more than one interest involved and more than one force behind that? Some interests overlap, some don't. It's all fluid, organic, steering toward some development(s) but also adjusting to / taking advantage of whatever is happening in the world by force of general entropy...

Perhaps the idea of a pyramid with one single force at the top is wrong and popularized in order to mislead 'truth seekers'? Perhaps we will never be able to distill the core evil to a relatively small group of beings, getting rid of, or at least exposing, which could solve most problems of this world? :halo:
Possibility of Being said:
... may I suggest one apparently overlooked possibility? The underlying assumption here seems to be that there is one, more or less solid body pulling the BIS's strings. And what if each of those 'eighteen members' has his own overlord trying to make things go in a direction desired by him and his cabal? If there is more than one interest involved and more than one force behind that? Some interests overlap, some don't. It's all fluid, organic, steering toward some development(s) but also adjusting to / taking advantage of whatever is happening in the world by force of general entropy...

Perhaps the idea of a pyramid with one single force at the top is wrong and popularized in order to mislead 'truth seekers'? Perhaps we will never be able to distill the core evil to a relatively small group of beings, getting rid of, or at least exposing, which could solve most problems of this world? :halo:

I have to agree with this, I was thinking more carefully about it:

Wikipedia said:
A consortium is an association of two or more individuals, companies, organizations or governments (or any combination of these entities) with the objective of participating in a common activity or pooling their resources for achieving a common goal.

Consortium is a Latin word, meaning "partnership", "association" or "society" and derives from consors 'partner', itself from con- 'together' and sors 'fate', meaning owner of means or comrade.

Maybe the consortium is an organization compose by the top "boses" of each other secret/important/powerful organizations like (Jesuits,rosicrucians,bankers,media,politicians etc) they could reunite and make some decisions sometimes, maybe they united control the mossad which at the same time controls all the important intelligent agencies in the world, perhaps they united as a "consortium" control the bank system and other institutions but at the same time they work separated too.
Hmm. If there are the most ruthless and shrewdest psychopaths in a rivalry to have the most power, wealth, and influence, then game theory would come into play, right? At any opportunity, each would want to stab the others in the back to win the zero sum game, becoming the most dominant. Also, there could be "souled", extremely polarized STS - 4th Density STS candidates - that would be better able to plan ahead and be less compulsive than the psychopaths.

While the real controllers are 4D STS, even able to travel back and forth in time / manipulate timelines. So, again, that's the best hypothesis for how a global conspiracy of total world domination and control can be maintained for so long. And, again, I get the feeling what the C's said that it will not succeed in the end, is very likely to be true. Because of the overwhelming amount of wishful thinking of STS and the unavoidable re-balancing of the cosmos....

The C's did also say that the very top levels of both the Consortium and the Quorum (which is supposed to be both STS and STO) blurs into 4th Density.
Possibility of Being said:
... may I suggest one apparently overlooked possibility? The underlying assumption here seems to be that there is one, more or less solid body pulling the BIS's strings. And what if each of those 'eighteen members' has his own overlord trying to make things go in a direction desired by him and his cabal? If there is more than one interest involved and more than one force behind that? Some interests overlap, some don't. It's all fluid, organic, steering toward some development(s) but also adjusting to / taking advantage of whatever is happening in the world by force of general entropy...

Perhaps the idea of a pyramid with one single force at the top is wrong and popularized in order to mislead 'truth seekers'? Perhaps we will never be able to distill the core evil to a relatively small group of beings, getting rid of, or at least exposing, which could solve most problems of this world? :halo:

Agreed Possibility of Being, there is a high possibility that the Board of BIS, are the minions of higher STS forces, each with their own desires and directions for the control of humanity....hence game theory amongst the predators is definitely a consideration as mentioned by SeekinTruth

Reviewing the current Board of the BIS : _http://www.bis.org/about/board.htm, i notice that the Russian Central Bank is not represented. I wonder how much this has to do, with the previous attack on the ruble (that is now a proven failure), and Putin managing to "control" the Russian Central Bank to raise interest rates (17% if i recall) in order to initiate the first moves to stabilise the currency. Further 2 BRICS nations, China and India are represented on the Board, and bearing in mind the moves by the BRICS to de-dollarise, i am really curious as to how these board meetings are progressing currently...

The BIS, controls most of Central Banking globally, by controlling the capitalisation ratio's of the fractional reserve system (through edicts like Basel 1,2 and 3) when central banks issue debt to national governments; and also money creation by the banking sector through the issuance of debt. A sort of global lever/dial it can turn to control debt production and money creation globally at will, this in addition to the Board meetings where it can make more "off the record decisions" for global monetary control. In my view - it seems that the BIS, may be be set up as a "governing" authority from 4D STS to ensure the that the lower level 3D STS minions/psychopaths in power in world governments are kept in line, and operate according to certain unwritten rules. Giving it some thought and observation, the rules for the wolf pack seem to be :

1. All Psychopaths in government and their minions have to operate within the parameters of central banking and the fractional reserve system.
2. If they have to appropriate funds; this has to be done via the siphoning of debt for various infrastructure deals, arms contracts, drug production, government programmes & financing - with probably the exception of the Federal Reserve, there seems to be no direct "money printing" from central banks directly to their accounts in order to fund their personal activities - if funds are required, corruption of the banking and monetary system is the way to achieve them.
3. Conversely money printing and excessive debt, are released very easily to fund wars,covert actions, stock market bull runs, and destructive policies - essentially funding chaos
4. Psychopaths in power have to deal with parameters like inflation, current accounts, deficits/surplus, currency value, GDP, economic indicators etc - off course all these can be manipulated in their favour, but there is no "skipping" these rules.....
5. These economic parameters, are basically tools for the stratification of society, income inequality - and appropriation of all wealth and real value towards the psychopaths
6. It seems if they want to get rid of certain psychopaths in certain countries and replace them with other minions - hyperinflation, economic troubles are activated before the option of coups...i guess there is also the option of direct possession of STS individuals to achieve their aims

Hence, the deeper we dig and research into the true controllers of the BIS, be it the banking families, intelligence agencies, Jesuits etc. we will definitely end up in the "interface" or control structures between 3D/4D STS - this could be a facet of the Quorum or Consortium as mentioned by the C's. And being STS by nature, they are most likely behaving like a pack of predators where only the Alpha's rule, and the rest constantly jostle for power with their various machinations - truly the overloads of entropy.

Just my thoughts on the BIS fwiw.
Mr.Cyan said:
Possibility of Being said:
... may I suggest one apparently overlooked possibility? The underlying assumption here seems to be that there is one, more or less solid body pulling the BIS's strings. And what if each of those 'eighteen members' has his own overlord trying to make things go in a direction desired by him and his cabal? If there is more than one interest involved and more than one force behind that? Some interests overlap, some don't. It's all fluid, organic, steering toward some development(s) but also adjusting to / taking advantage of whatever is happening in the world by force of general entropy...

Perhaps the idea of a pyramid with one single force at the top is wrong and popularized in order to mislead 'truth seekers'? Perhaps we will never be able to distill the core evil to a relatively small group of beings, getting rid of, or at least exposing, which could solve most problems of this world? :halo:

Agreed Possibility of Being, there is a high possibility that the Board of BIS, are the minions of higher STS forces, each with their own desires and directions for the control of humanity....hence game theory amongst the predators is definitely a consideration as mentioned by SeekinTruth

Reviewing the current Board of the BIS : _http://www.bis.org/about/board.htm, i notice that the Russian Central Bank is not represented. I wonder how much this has to do, with the previous attack on the ruble (that is now a proven failure), and Putin managing to "control" the Russian Central Bank to raise interest rates (17% if i recall) in order to initiate the first moves to stabilise the currency. Further 2 BRICS nations, China and India are represented on the Board, and bearing in mind the moves by the BRICS to de-dollarise, i am really curious as to how these board meetings are progressing currently...

The BIS, controls most of Central Banking globally, by controlling the capitalisation ratio's of the fractional reserve system (through edicts like Basel 1,2 and 3) when central banks issue debt to national governments; and also money creation by the banking sector through the issuance of debt. A sort of global lever/dial it can turn to control debt production and money creation globally at will, this in addition to the Board meetings where it can make more "off the record decisions" for global monetary control. In my view - it seems that the BIS, may be be set up as a "governing" authority from 4D STS to ensure the that the lower level 3D STS minions/psychopaths in power in world governments are kept in line, and operate according to certain unwritten rules. Giving it some thought and observation, the rules for the wolf pack seem to be :

1. All Psychopaths in government and their minions have to operate within the parameters of central banking and the fractional reserve system.
2. If they have to appropriate funds; this has to be done via the siphoning of debt for various infrastructure deals, arms contracts, drug production, government programmes & financing - with probably the exception of the Federal Reserve, there seems to be no direct "money printing" from central banks directly to their accounts in order to fund their personal activities - if funds are required, corruption of the banking and monetary system is the way to achieve them.
3. Conversely money printing and excessive debt, are released very easily to fund wars,covert actions, stock market bull runs, and destructive policies - essentially funding chaos
4. Psychopaths in power have to deal with parameters like inflation, current accounts, deficits/surplus, currency value, GDP, economic indicators etc - off course all these can be manipulated in their favour, but there is no "skipping" these rules.....
5. These economic parameters, are basically tools for the stratification of society, income inequality - and appropriation of all wealth and real value towards the psychopaths
6. It seems if they want to get rid of certain psychopaths in certain countries and replace them with other minions - hyperinflation, economic troubles are activated before the option of coups...i guess there is also the option of direct possession of STS individuals to achieve their aims

Hence, the deeper we dig and research into the true controllers of the BIS, be it the banking families, intelligence agencies, Jesuits etc. we will definitely end up in the "interface" or control structures between 3D/4D STS - this could be a facet of the Quorum or Consortium as mentioned by the C's. And being STS by nature, they are most likely behaving like a pack of predators where only the Alpha's rule, and the rest constantly jostle for power with their various machinations - truly the overloads of entropy.

Just my thoughts on the BIS fwiw.

Mr.Cyan and Possibility of Being,

I have been kind of distracted by trying to keep up with the latest session posts and have kind of gone off in a hundred different directions. I apologize to all of those who have added more facets to consider which are I think all relevant from different angles. I seem to be arriving at the same conclusion that you and many others here are piecing together. I really think that the Quorum and the Consortium are maybe our best bets to investigate. I am trying to trace them and their connections in the transcripts (which may be my only/strongest skill). I am trying to see what the Cs say about their dates of origin as well as the possible connections between them. I have read the transcripts (except some of the archived ones not posted yet) but that is not the same as searching and piecing the clues together.

While the BIS and Jesuits are kind of a finance/military connection I am trying to see the esoteric connections as well. For some reason I think there may be a strong Masonic connection (there are even Masons in China I have read). And I think the Cs mention a possible Masonic connection to the Quorum. I think the "blending" of STS/STO in the Quorum is why it is so difficult to understand how this may all work out.

This is just to touch base as to why I have not posted in awhile. I will do more researching and try to help fill in more of the blanks as I find them.
goyacobol said:
I seem to be arriving at the same conclusion that you and many others here are piecing together. I really think that the Quorum and the Consortium are maybe our best bets to investigate. I am trying to trace them and their connections in the transcripts (which may be my only/strongest skill). I am trying to see what the Cs say about their dates of origin as well as the possible connections between them. I have read the transcripts (except some of the archived ones not posted yet) but that is not the same as searching and piecing the clues together.

I wrote this on another thread:
alkhemst said:
I tend to wonder who controls the world and other times I feel perhaps I'm avoiding the realisation that might come about by asking who doesn't? Or in other words, how am I complicit in it, how do I contribute to the world I say I want to change, and what am I really doing about it?
Granted we've been indoctrinated by all sorts of social conditioning, however I'm staring to reflect more on how we seek comfort in that conditioning and so set it in stone, so to speak. So we service and maintain the control matrix and because the majority make up this matrix, how can we say that the control stems from any one source?

Something I first encountered in Foucault was his challenge to the idea of a pyramid model of control - exactly on point I feel to what Possibility of Being said before.

By 'power', Foucault does not mean 'Power' in the sense of a
unified state apparatus whose task it is to ensure the subjection of
the citizens of a particular society. Nor does he mean a general
system of domination exerted by one group over another, the effect
of which spreads to the whole of society . Power should be
understood as the multiplicity or power relations at work in a
particular area. These power relations are the object of an unceasing
struggle in which they are transformed, strengthened and,
sometimes, reversed. The condition of possibility or intelligibility of
power is to be found not in some primary central point, in a single
source of sovereignty from which secondary forms emanate. Power
is ubiquitous, not because it is able to assemble everything under its
invincible unity, but because it is produced at every moment, at
every point, or rather in every relation of one point with another.

Power is everywhere: not because it embraces everything, but
because it comes from everywhere ... One should probably be
a nominalist in this matter: power is not an institution, nor a
structure, nor a possession. It is the name we give to a complex
strategic situation in a particular society (vs. 123: HS. 93).

Power, then is not something that can be acquired, seized, or
shared. It is exercised from innumerable points, in a set of unequal,
shifting relations. Power comes as much from below as from above.
Power relations […] do not belong to some superstructure, with a
simple role or prohibition or mediation: they play a directly
productive role. They are not governed by a total binary opposition
between dominators and dominated, which is then reproduced from
top to bottom in ever smaller groupings, but are formed and operate
in places of work, families, institutions, groups of all kinds, etc., and
serve as the supports for the broad effects of division that run
through the whole of society.

goyacobol said:
While the BIS and Jesuits are kind of a finance/military connection I am trying to see the esoteric connections as well. For some reason I think there may be a strong Masonic connection (there are even Masons in China I have read). And I think the Cs mention a possible Masonic connection to the Quorum. I think the "blending" of STS/STO in the Quorum is why it is so difficult to understand how this may all work out.

This is just to touch base as to why I have not posted in awhile. I will do more researching and try to help fill in more of the blanks as I find them.
I believe the key to the idea of an other worldly influence is that it is one that can carry on longer than our years on earth. What I mean is that for a plan to be put in place over generations and generations, it would have to have a presence that was capable of being around over generations and generations, otherwise it's influence would fade away while it's presence was gone. It's one reason I first saw a strong possibility that an institution that has been around as long as the Vatican could, with a supernatural influence supporting it, was a feasible locus of control.

I suppose though that what I was saying above requires that people are in a condition to support this, wherever the control come from, and if we are to mix Foucault's view with an idea from psychology, we might say that the "pay off" to remain in such a condition is power.

For some, it might be just a little piece of power exercisable over others that is supported by our social relationships that is a pay off enough. If you consider the effect of this, then imagine multiplying that across everyone living in this world, it's easier to see how that opens ourselves up to influences of a more supernatural nature. I'm assuming that that type of influence is capable of hanging around a long time and essentially is just looking for a constant food supply.
alkhemst said:
I believe the key to the idea of an other worldly influence is that it is one that can carry on longer than our years on earth. What I mean is that for a plan to be put in place over generations and generations, it would have to have a presence that was capable of being around over generations and generations, otherwise it's influence would fade away while it's presence was gone. It's one reason I first saw a strong possibility that an institution that has been around as long as the Vatican could, with a supernatural influence supporting it, was a feasible locus of control.

I suppose though that what I was saying above requires that people are in a condition to support this, wherever the control come from, and if we are to mix Foucault's view with an idea from psychology, we might say that the "pay off" to remain in such a condition is power.

For some, it might be just a little piece of power exercisable over others that is supported by our social relationships that is a pay off enough. If you consider the effect of this, then imagine multiplying that across everyone living in this world, it's easier to see how that opens ourselves up to influences of a more supernatural nature. I'm assuming that that type of influence is capable of hanging around a long time and essentially is just looking for a constant food supply.


I think all of the above is applicable to the situation. If I understand most of what has been said, I think that 4D STS really knows how to work the "crowd" so to speak. If you are one of the "crowd" then you take that part of the responsibility. Some of what Foucault says reminds me of THE CROWD A STUDY OF THE POPULAR MIND BY GUSTAVE LE BON {b. May 7, 1841—d. Dec 13, 1931}. The stories in the book are very interesting. Many were from the French Revolution era. Crowds usually are fickle and totally unpredictable behaving one minute benevolently and the next minute become a murdering mob. And crowds do have leaders and followers.

alkhemst said:
I tend to wonder who controls the world and other times I feel perhaps I'm avoiding the realisation that might come about by asking who doesn't? Or in other words, how am I complicit in it, how do I contribute to the world I say I want to change, and what am I really doing about it?

Does the above quote mean you are feeling complicit with the control system? If we weren't trying to "see" it for what it is then maybe I would feel a bit more complicit myself but yes, we have all played our parts in the STS world we were born into by some previous degree of agreement. I just don't think we had to agree to remain a part of the problem.

The question for me now is do we continue to pursue the dot connections from the Vatican to the BIS or do we consider the above to be the best answer? I feel I have learned a lot so far and probably will try to make more connections out of curiosity but it's up to the interest of others too. I guess for me it includes connecting the Cs source material to the real world. For some reason I find that that part of the learning is really "fun". I wouldn't even be looking at some of the connections without their "clues". I still haven't read a lot of the recommended threads and links others mentioned here in total yet. It seems you never finish all the reading you want to do.

Anyway, thank you for starting this thread.
I'm wondering if the pyramid of power applies more to the hyperdimensional aspect than the human, 3D world. In the ultimate struggle for STS dominant position, going into the higher densities, it may be very accurate to symbolize it as a pyramid, but on the human level, the pyramid is never "perfect", so to speak. And in the overall scheme of things, the pyramid interpenetrates the different densities, so down here in 3D, we are so far away from the apex, that there's plenty more room for jostling for position in the STS hierarchy than as you go up into the higher densities....
SeekinTruth said:
I'm wondering if the pyramid of power applies more to the hyperdimensional aspect than the human, 3D world. In the ultimate struggle for STS dominant position, going into the higher densities, it may be very accurate to symbolize it as a pyramid, but on the human level, the pyramid is never "perfect", so to speak. And in the overall scheme of things, the pyramid interpenetrates the different densities, so down here in 3D, we are so far away from the apex, that there's plenty more room for jostling for position in the STS hierarchy than as you go up into the higher densities....


I am also just seekin Truth. I am no great thinker but the Cs make me think anyway. I "think" I have found a reference to the way the pyramid relates to from 4D to 3D. It is something I kind of related to by way of the "pyramid schemes" of various types such as Amyway and other Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) Programs that Are Pyramid Schemes.

Anyway here is a kind of long session quote on that topic(just happens to be dated 11-11):

Session 11 November 1995

Q: (L) The thought that occurs to me, as we are talking here, is that the STS pathway consists of an
individual who wants to serve themselves - they are selfish and egocentric -they want to impel others
to serve them; they want to enslave others; and they find ways to manipulate others to serve them.
But, they end up being impelled by some higher being than they are. Because they have been tricked
into believing that by so doing, they are actually drawing power to themselves through the teachings,
including the popular religions which promote being "saved" by simply believing and giving up your
power. And, then, you have a whole pyramid of people TAKING by trickery and deception, from others
power. And, then, you have a whole pyramid of people TAKING by trickery and deception, from others.
The taker gets taken from in the end. A pyramid where all those on the bottom, the majority, have no
one to take from, so they get absorbed into the next level higher, until you get to the apex and
everything disappears. In the STO mode, you have those who only give. And, if they are involved with
other STO persons, everyone has and no one is at the bottom or at the top, in a void. In the end, it
seems like everyone ends up serving someone else anyway, and the principle is the INTENT. But in
STO, it is more like a circle, a balance, no one is left without.
A: Balance, yin-yang.
Q: (L) Obviously the 33 represents the Serpent, the Medusa, and so forth...
A: You mentioned pyramid, interesting... And what is the geometric one-dimensional figure that
Q: (L) Well, the triangle. And, if you have a triangle point up you have 3, joined to a triangle pointing
down, you have 3, you have a 33. Is that something like what we are getting at here?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is there a connection between the number 33 and the Great Pyramid in Egypt?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And what is that connection? Is it that the builders of the pyramid participated in this secret
society activity?

A: Yes. And what symbol did you see in "Matrix," for Serpents and Grays?
Q: (L) You are talking about the triangle with the Serpent's head in it?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Are we talking in terms of this 33 relating to a group of "aliens," or a group of humans with
advanced knowledge and abilities?
A: Either/or.

Q: (L) Is this what has been referred to in the Bramley book [Gods of Eden] as the Brotherhood of the
Serpent or Snake?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is this also what you have referred to as the Quorum?
A: Close.
Q: (L) So, we have a bunch of people who are playing with mathematics, and playing with higher
knowledge, basically as a keep busy activity to distract them at the human level from the fact that they
are being manipulated at a higher level. Is this what is going on? Or, do they consciously know what
they are doing? Is it a distraction or a conscious choice?
A: Both.
Q: (L) If I were to name some names, could you identify if named individuals were involved in this
secret group?
A: It would not be in your best interests.
Q: (L) Is there anything more on this 33 number that I should look at now?
A: No. You need to contemplate.

From this session above I think the pyramid/triangle symbolism may relate to the Quorum and other groups such as the Masons. As long as we don't name names we may be OK to try to find more connections? Like don't point our fingers at the Grand Puba or the wrong company execs?
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