Why the secrecy?

Smallwood said:
If anart is honest and objective in this, and I think that a mod of this forum has a good chance of being that, then it is a bit "unfair" for her that people cannot go to the source of this issue and see for themselves.

Well, that is about all I can say not knowing all the facts.

Even without the myspace blogs, their has been plenty of evidence of Bernhard both being looked at by others as a teacher and of him facilitating that view. If you trust in the eyes of the forum, then any perceived unfairness should dissipate. That being said, it's still not known if Bernhard has actually deleted what he has written on myspace. Also, the idea that he was just "re-posting and commenting on articles" on his blog is just not accurate. Perhaps that's how he saw it, but just from the information given here it was more than just innocent "passing of information".
Whoa, many responses coming while writing my own to anart's.

anart said:
So - there is really no need for 'proof' of anything - it is simply a process of self-observation and discovering aspects of ourselves that we might not be aware of - and, sometimes, people choose to put such observations on a shelf for a later time when they can deal with them more effectively. I hope that makes some sort of sense.
Thank you, it explains the whole thing. It did seem like a quarrelish thing to me at first.

PepperFritz said:
(1) The issues pointed out to Bernhard by Anart and others are readily apparent from an objective reading of Bernhard's own posts in this thread. If you are not able to recognize those issues in his posts, then it is unlikely that you would have recognized them in Bernhard's original myspace/blog.
Maybe you are right. I will be reading the discussion once more to see if I gather the same impressions.

PepperFritz said:
(2) Anart did not delete Bernhard's postings in his myspace/blog -- Bernhard did. And he did so as a defensive reaction to the issues that were brought to his attention. So if you, as a late-comer to this discussion, are now unable to view that material, it is Bernhard who has prevented you from doing so, not Anart. As someone else has pointed out, one cannot help but wonder, if the material was as innocuous as Bernhard insists it was, why he felt the need to remove it from view.
Yes, this was clear to me actually. I don't think I claimed anart was the one who deleted or made Bernhard delete them. It was he who reactively deleted or 'privatized' them.

Pinkerton said:
Even without the myspace blogs, their has been plenty of evidence of Bernhard both being looked at by others as a teacher and of him facilitating that view. If you trust in the eyes of the forum, then any perceived unfairness should dissipate.
I guess I was assuming a role of an on-the-fence peacemaker, which is odd now that I think of it. Again, I'll try to read this discussion again with no shades.

Pinkerton said:
Also, the idea that he was just "re-posting and commenting on articles" on his blog is just not accurate. Perhaps that's how he saw it, but just from the information given here it was more than just innocent "passing of information"
Hmmm... I must have been reading this thread with too much things on my mind, if this was so obvious to others.
Smallwood said:
I guess I was assuming a role of an on-the-fence peacemaker, which is odd now that I think of it.

Perhaps it's a mechanical program that kicks in whenever you perceive "conflict"? Maybe this would be a good opportunity to explore that a bit -- try to discover the origins of the program, the circumstances that "trigger" it, what you "get" out of it, etc.

I note that you are a relatively new member of the forum. Have you become familiar yet with Gurdjieff's 4th Way teaching, generally referred to here as "the Work", and the group method of learning about ourselves known as Mirroring? If not, you may see this thread a little differently after reading up on those subjects.
PepperFritz said:
Perhaps its a program that kicks in whenever you perceive "conflict"? Maybe this would be a good opportunity to explore that a bit -- try to discover the origins of the program, the circumstances that "trigger" it, what you "get" out of it, etc?
Yes, thought of that myself. This is the first time that I have caught that program running (if it is one), so I don't know what to think of it right away. I've had lower than normal energy for some days now, so maybe on top of everything else I perceived a valid conversation between anart and Bernhard as something completely different than what it was and felt somehow threatened.

I'm familiar with G's 4th Way. When I first came across it I thought that I was ready for it, but I soon discovered that it was hard to remember myself for example. For a long time I couldn't understand what was the point of that, but now that I've spent more time reading this forum I think I have a much better idea. I still fail miserably at it, but atleast I have some idea of how it might be effective. It has to do with observing programs in one's self, right? As for Mirroring, I've come across the term and also read the Glossary entry, but only now I can see what it actually means.
Smallwood said:
For a long time I couldn't understand what was the point of that, but now that I've spent more time reading this forum I think I have a much better idea. I still fail miserably at it, but atleast I have some idea of how it might be effective. It has to do with observing programs in one's self, right?

Self-Remembering can involve observing programs in oneself, but its purpose is broader than that. As I understand its purpose, Self-Remembering involves dividing one's attention so that it is split between self-observations and observing that which is external to the self. For example, many people "lose themselves" while reading a book or watching a movie. If one self-observes the self would not be lost in that way. Instead one is aware of both the movie and the self at the same time.

My favorite example of Self-Remembering comes from one of Mouravieff's Gnosis books. It goes something like this:

"He that survives the battle is the one who hears his horse's hoofbeats."
Here is the definition from the Cassiopaeia Glossery:


This is the 4th Way practice of dividing attention. Normally, one is in a state of constantly shifting identification. Self-remembering can be used to break this automation.

In its basic form, the practice involves being aware of one's inner state, including body, emotions and thinking, while also paying attention to an external object or activity. Self-remembering can bring presence of consciousness into human activity which usually is mechanical and simply happens.

Self-remembering is a prerequisite of self-knowledge and work on the self. Self-remembering is not simply analysis of self based on past data. It is by definition an activity that takes place in the present and concerns the present. It is not for example 'recapitulation,' which concerns the past.

A simple exercise of self-remembering is becoming conscious of one's body, emotion and thought and then alternatingly look at objects, while holding all these present to one's attention. One notices that one very easily falls into identification, where attention is drawn to a single object from its divided state.

Self-remembering in the middle of emotional shocks is specially difficult but also very valuable to the Work. Repeated practice of this goes in the direction of forming a constant I which is less and less subject to being captured into identification with passing circumstance. This is essential for forming cohesive being, intent and eventually capacity to 'do' in the 4th Way meaning of the term.

Another aspect of the concept relates to man's physical and psychic metabolism. Man takes in three kinds of 'food:' physical food, air and impressions. These three 'substances,' also known in the Work as 'hydrogens' undergo change and refinement in the human being. This goes in the direction of more refined, less coarse, more vivifying substances, ones more infused with information and intelligence, if one can say so. This process usually happens only very partially and the human 'hydrogen factory' is leaky and inefficient. Self-remembering, specially when done in context of shocks, assists and energizes these processes, so that finer hydrogens can be produced in greater quantity. This may have the effect of connecting one to one's higher centers. In this sense, self-remembering goes beyond a means of intellectually knowing about the self and becomes a tool for transformation and unlocking qualitatively new possibilities.

Intense self-remembering can happen spontaneously in situations of great emotional shock or danger. One observes then an entirely different quality of perception and presence. At such moments, the organism is prompted to work in a different mode, producing a momentary flow of 'higher hydrogens,' which enable a different type of functioning. The Work seeks to make these states available in a predictable and systematic fashion.

See the topics of 'food octave', 'hydrogens,' 'first shock of air octave' in In Search of the Miraculous for a detailed discussion of this.

See Identification, Hydrogen, Shocks

[ return ]
anart said:
-= snip =-

Mme de Salzmann said:
"-= snip =-

But you will see that it is not easy. And it is not cheap. You must pay
dearly. For bad payers, lazy people, parasites, no hope. You must pay,
pay a lot, and pay immediately, pay in advance. Pay with yourself. By
sincere, conscientious, disinterested efforts. The more you are prepared
to pay without economizing, without cheating, without any falsification,
the more you will receive. And from that time on you will become
acquainted with your nature. And you will see all the tricks, all the
dishonesties that your nature resorts to in order to avoid paying hard
cash. Because you have to pay with your ready-made theories, with your
rooted convictions, with your prejudices, your conventions, your “I
like” and “I don’t like.” Without bargaining, honestly, without
pretending. Trying “sincerely” to see as you offer your counterfeit money.

-= snip =-"

You have been given an invaluable opportunity here and you cannot see past yourself to take the first step. What Mme de Salzmann wrote is the Objective Truth - it is not just a collection of words that sounds inspiring; a collection of words that does not apply to 'Bernhard' because he is special and different - it is the TRUTH - and all evidence at this point is that you have no interest in the Truth. As always, this is your choice, but please do not expect this forum to stand idly by and accept your lies to yourself and your lies to this forum - it does not work that way.

This original thread topic took a turn in discussion that was extremely beneficial to me and I thank all involved.

Anart, the quote you posted was very powerful for me. Thanks for taking the time to look it up. It lead to a couple of questions where I don't understand the language. I haven't finished the Gnosis books or read G's books yet, but the passage struck me strongly enough that I want to absorb it as fully as I can.

In the words "Pay with yourself. By sincere, conscientious, disinterested efforts.", what is a description of "disinterested efforts"?

Also, does "Pay" mean with hard mind work trying to objectively observe ones self?

Thanks again!
MrGullible said:
This original thread topic took a turn in discussion that was extremely beneficial to me and I thank all involved.

Anart, the quote you posted was very powerful for me. Thanks for taking the time to look it up. It lead to a couple of questions where I don't understand the language. I haven't finished the Gnosis books or read G's books yet, but the passage struck me strongly enough that I want to absorb it as fully as I can.

In the words "Pay with yourself. By sincere, conscientious, disinterested efforts.", what is a description of "disinterested efforts"?

Also, does "Pay" mean with hard mind work trying to objectively observe ones self?

Thanks again!

in this instance, "disinterested efforts" means efforts without anticipating a certain result, or without calculation of gain for self, or allowing wishful thinking to interfere. much harder than it sounds.

"Pay" means hard work but not just hard work, also sacrifice. difficult to explain, but to do with sacrificing those parts of oneself that often one holds onto the tightest, including illusions, expectations, preconceptions and identifications, everything that makes up the false personality which has control of your life. this is what is meant by "pay with yourself".
Thanks for the answers. I will be reading the "Self-Observation, Inner Talking & Work Instrument" as suggested.
Let me just say that I have just read this thread this morning, having been quite busy over the Holidays. Some of you may note that I restored some posts that had been split off by the moderators to another topic. I restored them because there were just a few that diverged and I felt that it was important to keep them in the context of the current discussion, otherwise the further development was difficult to understand. Discussing is an organic process and sometimes things cannot be so neatly divided.

Let me also say that the topic diverged GREATLY from being a general discussion in response to MrGullible's initial questions which were:

MrGullible said:
This approach of secrecy, past and present, has confused me and I welcome your comments. I understand that one reason is so the control system doesn't start heavy targeting you. But are there other reasons?

Also, here are a couple of things that don't seem to jive with "avoid the control system" as the only reason:

1) Over the past year, I've had tons of bad stuff happen (mentioned in another thread in "What's On Your Mind" -- I don't know how to cross link yet) to me, but all I've been doing is trying some beginner meditation, trying to stay objective / clear headed, and trying to find all the material I can for guidance. I haven't been spreading the word or any such thing to attract attention but it seems like the concentration of bad stuff is suspiciously close to attacks.

2) What about all these secret societies? Presumably from reading Wave series, Adventure series, and posts here there are schools that have and teach the secrets (or some of them). But, I haven't seen anything on the net or news that would indicate any problems that could be "attacks" on these schools and it seems if they know so much and are sharing it they would be under immense attacks.

What is your take on this? Would you help me understand more clearly?

These are interesting questions which have been partly addressed by ApproachingInfinity in the linked thread he referenced. But there is certainly more to this than has been brought forward and I would really like to see some thinking on that topic.

Bernhard, of course, seems to have co-opted the thread to make it a soapbox for his self-aggrandizement, though very subtly. The moderators were quite correct to call him on it. It DID, however, turn into more of a "mirror" than is usual on the forum except in cases of obvious pathology. Bernhard is not pathological, he's just a regular guy with some creative instincts that have followed the usual course of creativity in this reality, i.e. have been corrupted and co-opted by the "predator's mind." As usual, what is best about human beings is used to increase subjectivity and entropy by feeding the STS hierarchy even with our best intentions.

Regarding the issue of The Mirror, as Mouravieff pointed out, in the sense of social "niceties," it can be rather unpleasant. Hearing the truth (or reading it, as the case may be), can be most disconcerting especially when one considers what I just wrote above: that the best things about human beings are co-opted to bring us to a state of entropy. Our very instincts about "being nice" are used to destroy not only us, but those we claim to love and/or wish to help.

MissIsness, not understanding the process of the mirror and how crucial it is to maintain the heat of the crucible, objected... another example of niceness being used to destroy what is good. Remember, what is beneficial is not always pleasant. As the Cs have said, "suffering can unlock DNA."

All in all, it has been a very interesting organic development! In fact, the very dynamic of this discussion highlights some of the reasons for "secrecy" of certain groups. There is also an obvious reason why certain so-called esoteric groups do NOT get "attacked." Can anyone come up with the answer to why that might be?
Laura said:
There is also an obvious reason why certain so-called esoteric groups do NOT get "attacked." Can anyone come up with the answer to why that might be?
Being bunk. Consciously or not, they play right into the hands of the General Law in diverting people from real work.

From reading the material around here (cass/sott), I also got the impression that many "secret" groups are connected to - and in themselves consist of - STS hierarchies.

In some cases, "secrecy" might be a way to avoid critical examination.

EDIT: Also, in The Wave, Chapter 12e, there is quoted [Von Eckarthausen, Magic: The Principles of Higher Knowledge, 1788] a tale about the "Path to the Temple of Secrets", where, for the one who has gone onto the path as well as avoided the "Temple of Self-Love", ie. giving in to "Self-Conceit, Pride and Know it-All", and through humility has found Self-Recognition: "This Divine Beauty becomes the traveler's companion, and with her, he conquers the inaccessible mountain. Whosoever tries to reach the Temple of Secrets without this Divine Beauty can very easily be misled by his Self-Love, and as a result, will follow the wrong path. His greed for knowledge will lead him to the Temple of Curiosity. The inhabitants of this Temple are: fraud, seduction and deception, the founders of most of the secret societies, and those Human Beings who , in search for the Truth and for the Temple of Secrets will, if they join these Secret Societies, be robbed of the ability to see with their Soul. They are then led to the top of the mountain, where they fall into the abyss or into the labyrinth or maze, in which they will walk in circles for eternity without finding the Truth."
This question made me think of the following question being put to G. I’m not sure if it’s appropriate for inclusion in this thread.
ISOTM, chap 2, p. 36-40
During one conversation with G. in our group, which was beginning to become permanent, I asked: "Why, if ancient knowledge has been preserved and if, speaking in general, there exists a knowledge distinct from our science and philosophy or even surpassing it, is it so carefully concealed, why is it not made common property? Why are the men who possess this knowledge unwilling to let it pass into the general circulation of life for the sake of a better and more successful struggle against deceit, evil, and ignorance?"
This is, I think, a question which usually arises in everyone's mind on first acquaintance with the ideas of esotericism.

"There are two answers to that," said G. "In the first place, this knowledge is not concealed; and in the second place, it cannot, from its very nature, become common property. We will consider the second of these statements first. I will prove to you afterwards that knowledge" (he emphasized the word) "is far more accessible to those capable of assimilating it than is usually supposed; and that the whole trouble is that people either do not want it or cannot receive it.

"But first of all another thing must be understood, namely, that knowledge cannot belong to all, cannot even belong to many. Such is the law. You do not understand this because you do not understand that knowledge, like everything else in the world, is material. It is material, and this means that it possesses all the characteristics of materiality. One of the first characteristics of materiality is that matter is always limited, that is to say, the quantity of matter in a given place and under given conditions is limited. Even the sand of the desert and the water of the sea is a definite and unchangeable quantity. So that, if knowledge is material, then it means that there is a definite quantity of it in a given place at a given time. It may be said that, in the course of a certain period of time, say a century, humanity has a definite amount of knowledge at its disposal. But we know, even from an ordinary observation of life, that the matter of knowledge possesses entirely different qualities according to whether it is taken in small or large quantities. Taken in a large quantity in a given place, that is by one man, let us say, or by a small group of men, it produces very good results; taken in a small quantity (that is, by every one of a large number of people), it gives no results at all; or it may give even negative results, contrary to those expected. Thus if a certain definite quantity of knowledge is distributed among millions of people, each individual will receive very little, and this small amount of knowledge will change nothing either in his life or in his understanding of things. And however large the number of people who receive this small amount of knowledge, it will change nothing in their lives, except, perhaps, to make them still more difficult.

"But if, on the contrary, large quantities of knowledge are concentrated in a small number of people, then this knowledge will give very great results. From this point of view it is far more advantageous that knowledge should be preserved among a small number of people and not dispersed among the masses.
"If we take a certain quantity of gold and decide to gild a number of objects with it, we must know, or calculate, exactly what number of objects can be gilded with this quantity of gold. If we try to gild a greater number, they will be covered with gold unevenly, in patches, and will look much worse than if they had no gold at all; in fact we shall lose our gold.

"The distribution of knowledge is based upon exactly the same principle. If knowledge is given to all, nobody will get any. If it is preserved among a few, each will receive not only enough to keep, but to increase, what he receives.
"At the first glance this theory seems very unjust, since the position of those who are, so to speak, denied knowledge in order that others may receive a greater share appears to be very sad and undeservedly harder than it ought to be. Actually, however, this is not so at all; and in the distribution of knowledge there is not the slightest injustice.

"The fact is that the enormous majority of people do not want any knowledge whatever; they refuse their share of it and do not even take the ration allotted to them, in the general distribution, for the purposes of life. This is particularly evident in times of mass madness such as wars, revolutions, and so on, when men suddenly seem to lose even the small amount of common sense they had and turn into complete automatons, giving themselves over to wholesale destruction in vast numbers, in other words, even losing the instinct of self-preservation. Owing to this, enormous quantities of knowledge remain, so to speak, unclaimed and can be distributed among those who realize its value.

"There is nothing unjust in this, because those who receive knowledge take nothing that belongs to others, deprive others of nothing; they take only what others have rejected as useless and what would in any case be lost if they did not take it.
"The collecting of knowledge by some depends upon the rejection of knowledge by others.

"There are periods in the life of humanity, which generally coincide with the beginning of the fall of cultures and civilizations, when the masses irretrievably lose their reason and begin to destroy everything that has been created by centuries and millenniums of culture. Such periods of mass madness, often coinciding with geological cataclysms, climatic changes, and similar phenomena of a planetary character, release a very great quantity of the matter of knowledge. This, in its turn, necessitates the work of collecting this matter of knowledge which would otherwise be lost. Thus the work of collecting scattered matter of knowledge frequently coincides with the beginning of the destruction and fall of cultures and civilizations.

"This aspect of the question is clear. The crowd neither wants nor seeks knowledge, and the leaders of the crowd, in their own interests, try to strengthen its fear and dislike of everything new and unknown. The slavery in which mankind lives is based upon this fear. It is even difficult to imagine all the horror of this slavery. We do not understand what people are losing. But in order to understand the cause of this slavery it is enough to see how people live, what constitutes the aim of their existence, the object of their desires, passions, and aspirations, of what they think, of what they talk, what they serve and what they worship.

Consider what the cultured humanity of our time spends money on; even leaving the war out, what commands the highest price; where the biggest crowds are. If we think for a moment about these questions it becomes clear that humanity, as it is now, with the interests it lives by, cannot expect to have anything different from what it has. But, as I have already said, it cannot be otherwise. Imagine that for the whole of mankind half a pound of knowledge is allotted a year. If this knowledge is distributed among everyone, each will receive so little that he will remain the fool he was. But, thanks to the fact that very few want to have this knowledge, those who take it are able to get, let us say, a grain each, and acquire the possibility of becoming more intelligent. All cannot become intelligent even if they wish. And if they did become intelligent it would not help matters. There exists a general equilibrium which cannot be upset.

'That is one aspect. The other, as I have already said, consists in the fact that no one is concealing anything; there is no mystery whatever. But the acquisition or transmission of true knowledge demands great labour and great effort both of him who receives and of him who gives. And those who possess this knowledge are doing everything they can to transmit and communicate it to the greatest possible number of people, to facilitate people's approach to it and enable them to prepare themselves to receive the truth. But knowledge cannot be given by force to anyone and, as I have already said, an unprejudiced survey of the average man's life, of what fills his day and of the things he is interested in, will at once show whether it is possible to accuse men who possess knowledge of concealing it, of not wishing to give it to people, or of not wishing to teach people what they know themselves. "He who wants knowledge must himself make the initial efforts to find the source of knowledge and to approach it, taking advantage of the help and indications which are given to all, but which people, as a rule, do not want to see or recognize. Knowledge cannot come to people without effort on their own part. They understand this very well in connection with ordinary knowledge, but in the case of great knowledge, when they admit the possibility of its existence, they find it possible to expect something different. Everyone knows very well that if, for instance, a man wants to learn Chinese, it will take several years of intense work; everyone knows that five years are needed to grasp the principles of medicine, and perhaps twice as many years for the study of painting or music. And yet there are theories which affirm that knowledge can come to people without any effort on their part, that they can acquire it even in sleep. The very existence of such theories constitutes an additional explanation of why knowledge cannot come to people. At the same time it is essential to understand that man's independent efforts to attain anything in this direction can also give no results. A man can only attain knowledge with the help of those who possess it. This must be understood from the very beginning. One must learn from him who knows"

I have never considered knowledge to be material matter available only in limited quantities. It still doesn’t make sense to me. If one passes knowledge on from one to the next, it doesn’t decrease in volume. Maybe I’m missing something.
Laura said:
All in all, it has been a very interesting organic development! In fact, the very dynamic of this discussion highlights some of the reasons for "secrecy" of certain groups. There is also an obvious reason why certain so-called esoteric groups do NOT get "attacked." Can anyone come up with the answer to why that might be?
Well, there's probably a number of reasons for it, but within the context on this thread, and the 4th way process that is exemplified in it, I'd say that one of the core ideas here is to remove emotional buffers in participants, by heating the crucible. In a real esoteric group the removal of buffers is done, in part, by using mirrors, which when successful will produce shocks, which in turn has the possibility of tearing down the buffers and self-lies. But, if the person being subjected to the shocks is not ready for it, or doesn't want it, then that person might, as a way to preserve the buffer and shield the false self, get out of the group and attack the group for being so nasty and unhelpful. The negative introject in the person will have many things to say about this to the individual, which will be fuel for the attacks and continued self-lies. This has happened here and elsewhere on numerous occasions.

However, it seems to me that many false so-called esoteric groups are trying to instead sell the "feel-good experience" substitute. In such an environment there is absolutely no attempts at shocks, but instead all effort is spent on pampering and pleasing the false egos, and in contrast, if a person were to leave such a group it would certainly be because something was wrong with *that* person, not desiring all this goodness of fluff! There wouldn't be any reason for attacking the group, as the group doesn't pose any threat to anything but possibly the wallet of the individual. Status quo is preserved and the General Law is happy.

Something like that.
Csayeursost said:
Laura said:
There is also an obvious reason why certain so-called esoteric groups do NOT get "attacked." Can anyone come up with the answer to why that might be?
Being bunk. Consciously or not, they play right into the hands of the General Law in diverting people from real work.

From reading the material around here (cass/sott), I also got the impression that many "secret" groups are connected to - and in themselves consist of - STS hierarchies.

I was thinking along exactly the same lines. They don't get attacked because they serve General Law, by keeping people diverted and asleep. Dreaming they have woken up. Dreaming they have found the 'truth'.

Also, as a lot of the material (including Secret History) point out, these esoteric groups are corrupted/co-opted by 3d and/or 4d STS forces. They become agents for cointelpro. This is why they are not attacked.
If there was something of value within the so-called esoteric group, but they had no knowledge of such methods of attack, the attack would probably be successful and the knowledge of use lost. After the success no more need for attacks.

Does this then mean that STS forces (3d and 4d) are infact the embodiment of General Law? (or is General Law 4d STS forces?) Suddenly the comparison seems quite striking.
Presumably this also mean that the 4th way and BE-ing STO (by sharing what is appropriate) also has a lot more in common than I realised. My presumption could be wrong....
"There is nothing unjust in this, because those who receive knowledge take nothing that belongs to others, deprive others of nothing; they take only what others have rejected as useless and what would in any case be lost if they did not take it.
"The collecting of knowledge by some depends upon the rejection of knowledge by others.
Give all to those who ask......its interesting to know that most people reject this sort of thing. Somehow it makes the idea of not sharing this (with those who don't ask!) alot easier to handle.
Quote from: Laura on Today at 01:24:04 AM
There is also an obvious reason why certain so-called esoteric groups do NOT get "attacked." Can anyone come up with the answer to why that might be?

I am thinking there are at least two reasons, or fronts of attack, with the two being tied together and managed from one central direction or source. The process of ponerazation of such groups comes to my mind first. These groups are infiltrated from inside first; then the process of taking control of the group from the inside begins. This leads to the group's original purpose and/or ideals being stolen from the group, allowing the 'redirection' to happen. With this accomplished, the agents of Cointelpro can be freed to attack from several points. They will continue to attack the ponerized group from the inside, ensuring control on this front, but it also opens up 'creditable' avenues to attack anyone who is now opposed to there mission, or thinking!

Since they now hold the 'group' hostage, they have more power to attack and influence the masses of sleeping people against any target of there choosing. This is why it is so important for one to be 'secret'. I may be over simplifying here, but this is what I am thinking when it comes to the question asked by Laura.
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