Cassiopaea Forum Reading Workshops - Public

(CRW Am-EU) What temporary schedule is best for you?

  • Sunday 17:00-19:00 UTC (18:00-20:00 French time)

    Votes: 30 66.7%
  • Saturdays 17:00-19:00 UTC (18:00-20:00 French time)

    Votes: 15 33.3%

  • Total voters
Howdy y'all,

The Am-EU meeting group begins and makes headway in chapter 3a of Dr. Andrew Lobaczewski’s Logocracy: A Concept of the State System (translation by Harrison). We ended at the sentence: "A person with a qualitatively inaccurate and inferior adaptation in relation to his own talents is always aware of it, though it is rarely affirmed by those around him."

Here's the synopsis:

Logocracy - Chapter 3a: Man, Society, State

Human individuals are psychologically complex enough that mainstream psychological worldviews are inept at understanding fully their deeper intricacies. To correct this, Lobaczewski notes that we make great use of "the objective system of natural and psychological concepts" that trailblazing minds are researching.

This inadequacy of understanding the varied personalities weaves its way through history to the present era, becoming the basis of many a nation's social and political doctrines. They are then reinforced by ambitious people with a mindset towards acquiring power, who become a "kind of philosophical or legal mannequin which plays certain roles" to the detriment of the "living people".

This leads easily to further simplifications of otherwise complex phenomena, resulting in decisions, that at its heart, is based on a grotesque understanding of the human personality. We can see this in totalitarian, nationalist, or class doctrines, and oftentimes they are led by psychopaths.

We have 120 years of recorded history behind us since the first breakthrough in psychological understanding and we've finally have enough puzzle pieces that, as a team, can now piece together and move beyond the psychopathic state—to build a social state system that would serve as a homeland for real folks. One that takes into consideration the wide breadth of human personality.

Two laws of nature are elucidated by studying animal psychology:
  1. The higher the psychological organization of a species, the longer the immaturity period. Generally, humans don't mature until well into their 20s. Compare that to deers, who mature in less than 5 years.
  2. The higher the mental organization of a species, the larger the mental variance between individuals. This variation is found at "all levels and in all structures of the human personality".
@anartist notes the increased difficulty of integrating and maturing in our society. Society, in its current state, pushes many individuals to mature mentally later in life, wasting prime years of their lives.

Humans and animals have an instinctive, phylogenetically mental substrate which has been formed over thousands of years of social interaction and phylogeny. This manifests as "emotionally colored inborn reactions". Interaction with others in a healthy human environment along with tapping into this ingrained generational knowledge can help develop the human personality. Lobaczewski notes that the meaning of life can't be found "outside of human society and its bonds". Perhaps this is tangential to learning about karmic and simple understandings of a universal nature.

@logos5x5 mentions 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey, where a he conveys that individuals start out small, but gradually through learning, they eventually reach an age of maturity. It's marked by a quality of interdependency—an integration within society as a healthy person. The knowledge in this book reveals actions we can take to nurture folks as they become the basis of a functional society.

It's good to be aware that these aforementioned instinctive substrates can cause mechanical triggers in response to stimuli, which can prove faulty in some (para-adequate responses), if not many, circumstances when caught unaware. It's important to catch these recurring programs in the early years with the help of good upbringing, with the idea of forming a cooperative balance between nature and mind—instinct and intellect. @logos5x5 adds that have a level of free will above 2D folks, in that we have the ability to choose to be aware and respond to triggers, breaking free from the mechanicalness of our actions. Deficits in this substrate is essentially found in all psychopaths.

The intellectual prowess between individuals follows the model of an asymmetric Gauss bell curve, with the left end having a more upwards bend. This is due to both pathological and subcultural causes. When building the new system, it's important to lean on humanism—to care for those with lower intellect, as civilized historic and modern societies have and do. (remember Caesar!)

@Saman states that GMOs, mercury fillings, vaccines have a negative effect on both emotional and rational intelligence, barring society from being fully functional. @Redrock12 also notes the anti-human stance of the WEF, where Yuval Harari says that there's a rise of a useless class of people—the opposite of a humanistic mindset.

50% of the population across various countries have an average IQ range of 94-107. Some are farmers and blue-collared workers, all essential to society. Some having entered vocational schools rather than universities (more psyop possibilities there), many are practical, down-to-earth folks with political savvy. However, due to their intellectual capacities, they are in danger of being exploited by pathological folks, since where their talents fail, they defer to those above them and lean towards "selfish motives and emotions". Just as the dark uses this knowledge for their own ends, we too can use this for light—to build a system with proper institutions with sound learning opportunities that more easily puts people on an upward spiral.

In the new system, there is an importance in recognizing folks with a high level of intelligence, as they round out the edges of a human, functioning society. Lobaczewski learns from the Poland's history, where the pathological state targeted these individuals, diminishing their voices if not causing them to flee entirely, leaving the state in shambles.

The variety of gifted human talents is breathtaking, and is a "great gift of God and nature to humanity". It's something that our brilliant future leaders can leverage to create a beautiful, flourishing society. As @Bluefyre mentions, Putin puts this into practice when he surrounds himself with loyal and smart folks, knowing that they each have their areas of specialty.

For Next Week - July 30, 2023

We will continue onwards with chapter 3a. We may finish it, so please read chapter 3b too!

Thanks for the awesome discussion, and we'll see y'all then!
Hi everyone,

Below are the links for the recent Aus-Asia-Am group workshop for The Master and his Emissary by Iain McGilchrist.

Here's the video of the last meeting
The audio
And the folder
And the slideshow
(starts at slide 219)

We finish the rest of Chapter 4: The Nature of the Two Worlds for our next meeting on Saturday 5 August at 7 pm Sydney time (+10 GMT).
See you all then!

Below are the links for the threads we looked at during our discussion:


Michaelangelo's David
Hello everyone,

Below are the links for the July 30th Am-Eu Reading workshop for Logocracy.

Video and Audio and link to the folder

The synopsis will follow shortly!
In the last meeting, we had a discussion about various things that dumb down people in society, and consumption of alcohol was talked more at length than others. Redrock12 shared his experience and mentioned that even drinking alcohol in moderation is still harmful to the brain. Turgon and Pecha concurred with Redrock12, Others like Laurs, Bluefyre, and myself where skeptical, I probably more so due to my own ignorance. However, after watching the first 25 minutes of this video shared with me by Turgon, I would like to retract everything I said about drinking alcohol in moderation being OK for some people and not so much for others due to acting as gateway to their addiction, etc. I know agree that drinking any amount is harmful to your "antenna", with the exception of perhaps some very, very rare and specific cases (for example a shot of whisky mentioned in transcripts due to unusual circumstances for Arc).

I had one shot of Vodka last New Year with some soda, and the rest of the bottle is still sitting in my fridge, and that is all the alcohol I have consumed since then, as far as I remember. So you can say I am light to extremely moderate drinker, who may only have a glass of wine or a shot on a social occasion. However, after watching the following video, the bottle is going to stay in the fridge and used for disinfecting wounds or something when nothing else is handy in an emergency; meaning for me, the whole notion of drinking in for some individuals, and perhaps not for others, is going to be thrown out the door. For those who are striving to awaken from "sleep", consuming this poison is not helpful for the process of "seating" their souls, to say the least.

00:03:19 Low to Moderate Alcohol Consumption & Neurodegeneration

Edit: Redrock12, not Redfox. Sorry.

Edit 2: now, not "know".
Last edited:
Howdy all! The Am-EU group starts with Dr. Andrew's Łobaczewski's Logocracy: A Concept of the State System (translation by Harrison).

Start at chapter 3a: “A person with a qualitatively inaccurate inferior adaptation in relation to his own talents is always aware of it, though it is rarely affirmed by those around him.”

End at chapter 3b: "For a good understanding of the other person and of psychological phenomena is a fundamental factor of human and social culture, which facilitates the solution of many individual and public problems.”

Logocracy - Chapter 3a: Man, Society, State

An individual that takes on a role that is maladapted to it in relation to his or her talents is, on some level, always aware of it. It manifests, often subconsciously, as feelings of frustration with an added bonus of being more easily distracted, leading to more mistakes in the workplace. This maladaptation plus a high degree of self-importance may also lead them to take on leadership roles that in their ignorance of the limits of their actual abilities, seek to change aspects of the system that has maligned them (Turgon shares this pertinent video of Jordan Peterson that touches on this point). This is a key factor in times of revolutionary unrest. Bluefyre and Redrock12 look to Antifa, a dispossessed people who see no positive integration with society and thus join a disruptive socialist cause.

Though for some folks, being in a job that is not adequate to the level of their talents can be used as a strong motivation for creatively pursuing other prospects. This temporary “maladaptation” also has a silver lining in that it allows them to gather practical experience.

In the past, many folks have asked Turgon: “What are you doing working at the post office? You should be doing bigger things!”. He mentions that in this system, it’s very difficult to fully explore our talents and find out how best we can contribute to society. While it can be scary to take leaps of faith, in the end they can pay off. Bluefyre builds upon this by stating that we also have another choice—building the future via a step-by-step process, relieving stress and tension along the way.

There are also those who have reached higher positions, be it wealth, doctrinal, and/or racial privilege, that are woefully equipped ability-wise to handle high-level responsibilities. This type of maladaptation can manifest by their focusing on lesser matters and blatantly ignoring the more difficult and important ones. They say that they can change society for the better, but unfortunately they prove inadequate through their actions and can contribute to frustrations and further maladaptations among the general populace.

Laurs gives an example of this in the West, where it’s now normal to see people in government unfit for their role, given their current talents. And that it’s likely that the WEF purposefully scouted these people, who are inherently easier to puppeteer. In the Protocols of Zion, Turgon shares that they do precisely that—putting corruptible, mediocre people in positions of power to create policies and mandates to more easily control and corrupt the general population. Saki adds that an exploitable avenue of corruption lies in these peoples' self-importance and narcissism.

Mental and spiritual growth is more conducive when an individual's education and occupation match his or her real talents. Cascading this across individuals across a country will lead to a flourishing of, and an outlet for creativity within the social system. We can turn to modern psychology and occupational science to develop methods to create guidelines that will allow this. Łobaczewski provides a possible model for individuals' correct adaptation according to their IQ:

IQ Aptitude Index
  • ≤93: Workers apprenticed to practical work. [HK: Roughly 32% of the population]
  • 93-107: Qualified laborers with vocational schooling. [~36%]
  • 107-114: Foreman and foreman workers. [~14%]
  • 114-122: Technicians and elementary school teachers. [~11%]
  • 122-132: Employees with higher education and academic studies. [~5%]
  • 132-136: The intellectual elite—scientists and politicians. [~1%]
  • ≥136: Heads of state and exceptional artists. [≤1%]

Bluefyre brings up another dimension to consider, which is the frequency resonance vibration (FRV) of an individual. Saman mentions that the forces that rule this world are no doubt extremely intelligent, but lack emotional empathy. For STO, this comes more naturally, and this mentality would serve as a great boon for creating the new social system for the benefit of all. Saki brings up the aforementioned Jordan Peterson video in which a person would cling to their intelligence like a sort of golden calf to the detriment of his or her positive qualities, which in turn may cause harm to himself and others.

Logocracy - Chapter 3b: Man, Society, State

Traditional moral and legal doctrines of Europe have neglected to fully understand the unconscious, psychic aspects of human psychology, which in turn leads to suboptimal decisions that leads to suffering of individuals in a social system. Initial forays into the study of the subconscious have been made by Thomas Aquinas, and the knowledge has been built upon in the late 17th century. Modern research, in its expansion, sees much of its yield thanks to efforts of big-name physicians and psychologists of the 19th and 20th centuries.

It's known today by modern psychologists that the existence of the subconscious lies in the existence of the human consciousness, for the latter is the result of the former. This is elucidated by careful internal observation of our "attention and imagination", and is facilitated by "upbringing, self-education, reflection, and thoughtfulness". Increasing the level of insight for individuals will yield more free-will and make it easier to govern a flourishing society. Through education, and by positively developing the thinking abilities of others, psychological realism can be made known. And from there, a refinement of law and morality.

For Next Time - August 6, 2023

We will continue with chapter 3b next week. See y'all then!

Extra Content

The last portion of the video had great contributions from everyone in the call and I will note it here. Many have fallen for the COVID scam and as a result of their perceived righteousness, caused a great deal of harm to humanity when objective reality is considered. Through psychological operations emanating from the higher levels in addition to embodying techniques of transmarginal inhibition, the peoples' inherent empathy has been, in their ignorance, weaponized to serve those above them while at the same time degrading their own lives and minds. For the flourishing of the new system, it's important to see the silver lining, in that there are still many people that do have that capacity to care for one another. As Łobaczewski states in a previous chapter, they may have the potential to serve as the pillars of the new system. It is only in ignorance that they do these things.

The Hobbit: "Mithrandir, why the halfling?":

Changes - Tupac
Hi everyone,

Below are the links for the recent Aus-Asia-Am group workshop for The Master and his Emissary by Iain McGilchrist.

Here's the video of the last meeting
The audio
And the folder
And the slideshow
(starts at slide #252)
**I have incorporated the summary of The Wave Ch 23 slides into the main slideshow

We will read Chapter 5: The Primacy of the Right Hemisphere up to page 189 (up to but not including the section Both Thought & its Expression originate in the R HS) for our next meeting this Saturday at 7 pm Sydney time (+10 GMT).
See you all then!

Below are the links for the threads we looked at during our discussion:

The Cosmic Context of Greek Philosophy -An excellent synopsis of Comet & the Horns of Moses by Laura on Ark's blog
Hi everyone,

The Am-EU group continued with chapter 3b with Dr. Andrew's Łobaczewski's Logocracy: A Concept of the State System (translation by Harrison).

Start: "Adequate discipline in the upbringing of the young, respect for parents and the elderly, moral and religious values, and periods of solitary reflection should all serve to deepen this conscious insight."

End: "At the core of a very modern social system should be the acceptance of the most general religious truth, something already accessible to mature cognitive induction."

Logocracy - Chapter 3b: Man, Society, State

To raise the overall level insight within a social system, raising children with good moral and religious values, respecting the elderly, and learning to reflect in solitude now and then are paramount. Modern knowledge regarding the wellspring of unconscious life and inner causality is on the rise, particularly in courtrooms and Christian churches. It is through this chance opening that we can draw from and incorporate these principles in schools and other institutions. This will lead to an understanding of one another and the psychological phenomena underpinning it, which can serve as the bedrock for solving individual and public issues.

Beyond the limits of the knowledge of human psychology, which are elucidated by the laws of nature, there exists a gateway into learning about phenomena that is more subtle in nature—spiritual cognition. The human subconscious is equipped with bringing to light the knowledge of creation, leading to the existence of a Creator. Religion has existed across time, with monotheism naturally appearing in cultures with adequate mental culture. Given that, not even the darkest of persecutions has completely eradicated religious belief.

Turgon notes the current worship of left brain processes, where focus is corralled into only seeing the material world and less in the spiritual. The right hemisphere, as logos5x5 mentions, sees the world as a series of symbols, and is conducive to seeing life through an abstract lens, which helps in seeing the unseen (see the Aus-Asia-Am group's current reading project: The Master and his Emissary by Iain McGilchrist!).

Individuals who are atheistic mentally block truths that would otherwise be readily available to "natural and psychological cognition", and as a result, their view of the world becomes distorted. They will find it difficult to socially connect with others and is something to consider when creating a system, that at its heart, respects wisdom. We can also see this mental blocking in religious zealots, who grow up with a narrow understanding of the world and others, emphasizing the importance of early upbringing and education.

Łobaczewski adds that the new social system—based on a real understanding of reality and of people—should adopt principles for opening of the mind to the supernatural in order to develop "clear and accurate thinking and mental hygiene". Marked headway into these pursuits should be a criteria for an individual's readiness to take on the more important duties of society, which entails responsibility for others. This presents a staircase of sorts, and one can infer from the above that atheistic attitudes will only impede one's progress.

Bluefyre asks a poignant question: how can we bridge the gap for those in disbelief of a in something good and higher? A part of the Creator is within us, and perhaps one way to do it is to bring balance to the disunity in the current state of affairs by promoting unity (Saman). In reference to Laura's From Paul to Mark: PaleoChristianity, Saki adds that without the myth of the Nazarene Jesus, there'd be no basis for Christianity, Judiasm, or Islam. We can see some semblance of unity (echoes of the past!) almost a year ago when Christians and Muslims banded together to call for bans on LGBTQ+ books in Dearborn, Michigan classrooms.

For Next Week - August 13, 2023

The Am-EU reading workshop will continue with chapter 3b next week. See y'alls then!
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