I think that this is an important point (highlighted). It is not the Divine Cosmic Mind (DCM) which turns its back against us, it never ever does. This is something that is also mentioned in the afterlife thread, where discarnate beings sometimes hide in dark places, afraid to come into the light and move on. In other words they/we punish ourselves by thinking ourselves not worthy because we think we have gone astray or think we have sinned against the soul. That is a pretty dark place to be in and it is self-inflicted by our own unkind thoughts and lack of forgiveness towards ourselves. The helpers beyond the veil (often described as Angels for those with that terminology as reference) are around and try to change those 'lost souls' but apparently it is not easy work. Described in several places but Beyond the Veil comes to mind as one reference.When asked by Damien Karras what the reason for demonic possession is, Father Merrin replies:
“I think the demon’s target is not the possessed; it is us…the observers…every person in this house. And I think the point is to make us despair; to reject our own humanity…to see ourselves as ultimately bestial…without dignity; ugly; unworthy. And there lies the heart of it perhaps…For I think belief in God is not a matter of reason at all; I think it is finally a matter of love; of accepting the possibility that God could love us. He knows…the demon knows where to strike…Long ago I despaired of ever loving my neighbor. Certain people…repelled me. How could I love them? I thought. It tormented me…How many husbands and wives must believe they have fallen out of love because their hearts no longer race at the sight of their beloveds? Ah, dear God! There it lies, I think, Damien…possession; not in wars, as some tend to believe; not so much; and very seldom in extraordinary interventions…such as here…this girl…this poor child. No, I see it most often in the little things Damien: in the senseless petty spites; the misunderstandings; the cruel and cutting word that leaps unbidden to the tongue between friends. Between lovers. Enough of these.”
I am thinking of this in terms of how this whole LGBT...XYZ movement has been pushed on young people in particular. I am familiar with a young teenager in NZ, who two years ago at the age of 15, told his mum that he was the only straight person in his class and how he got teased about this and with a pressure to abandon such a conservative stance. Needless to say that the school since a few years have had a third toilet. My reaction when I heard this was one of completely surprise and of sadness. He finally found a girlfriend, who despite bodily being happy to be a women, wanted to be referenced with male pronouns. After some months she/he broke it off after which he found a new girlfriend, who was bisexual and on antidepressants
Jeeesus, a whole complexity of postmodernist identity nonsense is forced on young teenagers going through what for many is the difficulty of puberty. One wonders if the aim is to have the whole of the next generation on medication confused about who and what they are.
The above is just to illustrate how topsy turvy life has become and how difficult it is for young people to just pass through puberty 'unscathed', especially as young people are targeted at an age, when they are very vulnerable about their sexuality. Just to be clear that when I write unscathed, I do not mean to say that everybody should be forced to be heterosexuals, but only that they escape from being pushed into something that they are not.
This brings me back to the above, where I am afraid that some of these young people will do things which they very much regret, resulting in depressions and worse and for what they may punish themselves as not being worthy of love and redemption. This is of course made worse by the postmodernist materialistic nihilistic attitude, where humanity has cut itself off from higher influences by denying that they even exist. The whole idea of redemption and the possibility that God could love us, which is very hope giving, necessitates that one allows for the existence of a God, DCM or an intelligent universe. In other words, that life has meaning and isn't some random meaningless happening.