19 Year Cycle Lunar Standstill Upcoming

Here's my idea. Arrange my log-stumps in a spiral. I have about 12 stumps, so get 12 people standing on the stumps and then get them to spin 33x in the same direction as the spiral. Then Once we've regained normality, have everyone hop outward in order to get off the stump-spiral thingy, which would be the same direction they spun.

Having no expectations, or rather expecting nothing to happen as a result.

Now the question what do i tell the people spinning that we're doing? lol. Celebrating a 19.5 year cycle?

Edit: Okay, Solo. Got it.
I think that one of the important things is to "connect chakras" and that can only be done by having a similar view of the world and a colinear goal. I don't think you want to do whatever you are going to do with a group of people that don't really have a clue - it will only take you down to their level.

So, in this case, if you can't be with colinear people in actuality, best to do whatever alone and be with them by connecting chakras (emotional center) in spirit.

As Joe said, we thought that we might want to focus on the heartbreaking tragedy of the Palestinians ... that's something that can "tune up" your emotional center and get it in sync.

A good way to get yourself ready for this is to read "Controversy of Zion" in the days leading up to the event. That'll really shock the ole emotions awake... and that's a GOOD thing! To be, as Gurdjieff was on the edge of the desert, really awake and aware.

So, being awake and aware and connected to the suffering of the earth as it is being expressed through the Palestinian tragedy that has been going on for many years now is the first thing. And here I don't mean anger toward Israel, but pure empathy for the Palestinians and Lebanese and any others who have suffered throughout the centuries from the predations of psychopaths.

Have a little fire - even if only a candle - on which you can burn something symbolic - not ritually, but something that has a personal meaning to you even if it is just a prayer you write on a piece of paper and burn it to symbolically release the words into the ethers - and then, most of all, just feel the unity with all others who are experiencing the bleeding heart of the empathic emotional center that is fully awakened.

And then, finally, rejoice at the fact that there ARE others who can feel for all of humanity and that you have been blessed with this knowledge and ability and celebrate the creative force that - in its own time - will renew all things.

As the C's have said,

Q: Our little egroup discussion list is growing. Everyone is talking about the Wave:
what does it mean, what is it, when is it coming, how are we going to be able to tell, and
so on. I have been collecting the material and getting it in shape. I have been learning a
lot as I go along as well. It isn't finished, but as I go along, I do have some questions.
We would like to have a little bit of a clue about the progress of the wave. I would also
like to know if this Wave is sort of like the recompiling of a computer program, with the
universe as the program? What is the progress, and is it going the recompile the program
of our universe?

A: So many questions rolled up into one. But, one way it might go is that all of a
sudden, everything that ever was is new, everything that IS is new, and everything that
will be is new. Programs change, oh we suppose, what an awesome event indeed!


Q: (V) Well you know it was funny because I was taking a Geology course at the time and we were supposed to go on a diving trip down to South Florida, and it got stopped by a hurricane. But before that, this so-called psychic told me she could see me going down there, following her healing reccommendations, and all the dead coral would come back to life.

A: When the universe is ready to revive dead coral, you can bet it will revive.

Q: (V) Well I thought that was a pretty tall order for me to be taking care of it all by myself. To get back to the perspective thing, personal perception...

A: Frequency envelopes are realms, however they are "in concert," which implies a degree of scripting at some level. Some members of the orchestra do not play well. Some do not play in tune. Some are out of synch. Others expect the one next to them to play their part.
Finally, just remember: The Universe is infinitely capable of taking care of itself AND we ARE the universe. It acts through us.

So, let us send out a cry to the Universe for assistance... let it be known that we are awake and aware and compassion is alive on this planet.

And then, we leave it open to the Universe to do what it has a "mind" to do.
Can we all do this wherever we are?

All we need to do is:

1. Expect and Anticipate nothing!
2. Enhance your emotional center (ie connect chakras) to its
highest level possible, and rejoice and celebrate! Send
a "cry" to the universe that we are AWARE AND AWAKE!
3. Light a candle. (Day or night)
4. Spin 33 revolutions CW at the appointed time?

Is this all that is needed?
Laura said:
I think that one of the important things is to "connect chakras" and that can only be done by having a similar view of the world and a colinear goal. I don't think you want to do whatever you are going to do with a group of people that don't really have a clue - it will only take you down to their level.

So, in this case, if you can't be with colinear people in actuality, best to do whatever alone and be with them by connecting chakras (emotional center) in spirit.

As Joe said, we thought that we might want to focus on the heartbreaking tragedy of the Palestinians ... that's something that can "tune up" your emotional center and get it in sync.

A good way to get yourself ready for this is to read "Controversy of Zion" in the days leading up to the event. That'll really shock the ole emotions awake... and that's a GOOD thing! To be, as Gurdjieff was on the edge of the desert, really awake and aware.

So, being awake and aware and connected to the suffering of the earth as it is being expressed through the Palestinian tragedy that has been going on for many years now is the first thing. And here I don't mean anger toward Israel, but pure empathy for the Palestinians and Lebanese and any others who have suffered throughout the centuries from the predations of psychopaths.

Have a little fire - even if only a candle - on which you can burn something symbolic - not ritually, but something that has a personal meaning to you even if it is just a prayer you write on a piece of paper and burn it to symbolically release the words into the ethers - and then, most of all, just feel the unity with all others who are experiencing the bleeding heart of the empathic emotional center that is fully awakened.

And then, finally, rejoice at the fact that there ARE others who can feel for all of humanity and that you have been blessed with this knowledge and ability and celebrate the creative force that - in its own time - will renew all things.
This idea of how to "connect" the Chakras, is quite close to the initial "idea" that I had, regarding the suggestion you made to to pool our ideas to try to come up with something. It is apparent to me now, that the "loop", so to speak, of the newagers YCYOR disuaded me from posting the idea. I wasn't able to clarify how to present the idea in an "objective" way. I thank you Laura, for bringing this idea to the forum.

The symbolic "sacrifice" of which you spoke, coincidentally (is there coincidence???), is what I was reading just before going to bed last night, in "The Forge and the Crucible". The Universe truly is an amazing being.

With all this talk of spinning, I started going back over my notes of various expriences I've had in the past few years. I though I would mention a few of them as they seem relevant. Most importantly to spinning.
I've written several posts about the strange bleedthrough I get, pretty much every night when I go to sleep. At this point, it is so commonplace that alot of times I just ignore it.
The phenomena is this: Either in a dark room, or with my eyes closed, I can see light, a pruplish color mixed with green, that comes from directly in front of me. It seems to come out of a 'wormhole' kind of doorway. The light will somtimes fill my entire room. It is there, with literally hundreds of hours of experience. Having just started Castaneda, it is starting to look like what don Juan would call energy filaments. And it seems to be something like this. The light moves in waves, very magnetic in nature. I can see tiny filaments of incredibly density in them. It is what makes up dreams, I think.
This phenomena started about three years ago in Montreal. Before that, I was in New Foundland, Canada. Before the phenomena happened, I went through a very intense period of spinning. In fact, I started concentrating on alot of advice that is mentioned by the C's.
I did: two periods of meditation, one in the morning, another at night. Spun 33 times, 3 times a day. Took regular injestions of alfalfa as well as spirulinna and goldenseal.
It was in New Foundland that I started to spin 3 times a day, not missing a single session for months. A peculiar sensation started to happen after a while. I started to feel as if there was a space inside me that my body was rotating around. It was the beginnings of what I call 'inner navigation'.
After finding this 'point', my meditation sessions started to get particularly intense. It wasn't long before I started to have very interesting OBE, some of which involved run in's with some pretty dark forces. The Hag in particular.
Some of the things that I didn't notice at the time was that the majority of my spinning went on in New Foundland. Almost directly across the ocean is good ole England. New Foundland itself is an incredibly magical island. There is much local lore of hauntings, fairy sightings, as well as The Hag. It's also the sight of North America's first Masonic Temple, an old crumbling half boarded building in St. John's (that I live a few blocks from, concequently.).
I also started in New Foundland to explore what I called at the time 'circular music'. Music that seemed to make you want to spin. There are many pubs in St. John's which still have traditional irish sessions. That is, people playing various jigs on fiddle, flute, button box, and drum. I went and sat at alot of these bars and listened to alot of the music. At first I felt a sense of exhiliration, but after a while, I stared to realize, if I peered deeper (again, the internal navigation thing.) this circular music was literally speeding up energy centers in my body. It realeased incredible waves of emotion within me. Waves of sorrow, of defiance for negative forces, and of joy all coursed through me while at these sessions. I felt like I was peeking into the lives of the celts themselves.
When I left New Foundland and went back to Montreal, I would put on some of the music that I had head from those pubs, particularly a band called Figgy Duff. I would sit and listen to this music, and at times just get up and spin, feeling that center point in my head.
It wasn't long before, sitting on a couch in a house I was housitting, I slipped into a deep state. I can't say it was meditation. I had just come back from New Foundland after a long hard circus tour in the island. I was exhausted beyond belief. Everything I had set out to do, a 10 year goal, was complete. I sank into a state of what I believe was complete non-anticipation. I gave up everything at that moment, not even wanting to BE, having acomplished all I set out to do, and suffering poverty, exhaustion and pain the whole way. It was a very strange state. My forehead started to pulse and thats when, for the first time, this door or wormhole or whatever it was opened up.
Now that hole bathes me in light every night when I close my eyes, or even when I'm sitting on the darn bus.
I was in Denmark when I saught out Laura Knight-Jadczyk and co. in Toulouse. I had been corresponding with her for some time by internet. They invited me over for a visit. Two serious storms delayed my flight to France, one of which came so unexpectedly in Copenhagen that they almost couldn't get the plane off the ground that day.
I arrived in France haggard beyond belief. I had a chronic injury in my hip that The royal Danish Ballets physician had no explaination for. I was barely making it home from my show. Three nights before my trip, laying on my back in my bed, something paralyzed and drained me. I remember a massive black blob that shot a tentacle into my nose.
My meeting with the SOTT folk was neutral at best. I was exhausted and full of terror from my previous nights attack. I was shy, guarded, and just a little uncertain what the heck I was doing in France. I was hoping for a chance to sit in on a session with the C's so I could ask a simple question. What is it that am I seeing and why?
I came to understand that it's not that simple and it seems that I had to do the work myself. Theres always been alot of silence on this Forum whenever I mention these experiences. I understand the wariness. It's qute easy to write, over exagerate, or create lies.
I've always kind of understood what is happening to me. But it was something about the posts about spinning that seemed to eclipse everything.
The spinning is the key I think. It's much easier to find that center point. I remember writing in my journal after I started to realize it: Everything spins around the center point. Who knows, if you are the center of your own universe, and you spin that universe, that you strengthen it's core. The music (live was best, but I've experiences the 'soul fire' from recordings as well.), opens up all sorts of energy, maybe from past lifetimes, I'm not too sure.
That moment of non-anticipation came from have done everything I set out to do. Many times I felt I took the path of my life because I was guided by my inspiration. I believe STO forces have a way of working with artists. An immense amount of suffering came from it. Suffering, as the C's say, unlocks DNA.
So when you spin, you have to spin free I guess.
Prayers for Rain said:
I'll do it too... but if we do this at home, is it better outside if we have a garden, or inside, in the living room, the bedroom or wherever?
I was wondering this too, as my neighbors, will be hosting a big barbeque, probably right around 6.41 EST and they can see right into my backyard. Wonder what they'd make of me spinning around? :) Although I would prefer to be outdoors, I think it would be better to stay indoors away from a curious crowd.

I gotta say though, I've been catching myself anticipating a bit, though I'm trying to just observe it. But I am noticing a real feel of excitement about the connection with others and the Universe ,as we, (as Laura beautifully put it):

Laura said:
send out a cry to the Universe for assistance... let it be known that we are awake and aware and compassion is alive on this planet.
One of the exercises I use to clear my chakras and open my central channel is called the Triangle.
After grounding yourself imagine a ball of energy a hands length above your head. Pick up that ball of energy (literally use your hand if that makes it easier - a good way to get used to moving the energy) and move it out in front of your 7th chakra or crown chakra, about a foot in front of you. Pause, then move that energy into the middle of your 7th chakra. Pause again, then move the energy back up above your head. Do this for each chakra, and for your knees, your ankles, near the balls of your feet and then a hands length below your feet.

After you have moved the energy through all those chakras, imagine a golden "shower" of energy cascading from above in a clockwise motion and swirling down through your body, sending all negative energy into the earth. You can again use your hand to start the clockwise energy spinning. This exercise should not be done more than once or twice a day.
I was in doubt about where to be, Teotihuacan or Cuernavaca...

971115 said:
A: Yes, Many UFOs in Mexico. Cuernavaca is Earth's most intense window
Q: Why is that?
A: Complicated, but magnetic/volcanic influences contribute to the presence of a super vortex...
not anymore, besides there is a pool with view to the Tepoztlan area, I'll write you a line if anything goes on.
I've been reading at this forum and not posting at all (but for one thread I started with a notion to discuss anyone's readings of Jainism which I now realise I posted with far too little input from myself in the first instance - I might go back to it at some other time) but just reading, absorbing and considering.

I've been attempting to remain somewhat 'extra vigilant' about my own sense of emotional balance in these last few days approaching the 2nd, it is quite a challenge.

My partner and I have both been exploring the Wave writings, Secret History, and so much of the associated and other materials now for nearly a year and during that time we've both come under attack at many times. Alternately, concurrently, from within and from without.

We are, I suppose, a little network of our own and find it wonderfully beneficial to discuss various issues and ideas with one another, we seem to be catalysts (for lack of a better term at the moment) for one another at times, and we both appreciate just how fortunate we are to have a partner with whom this sort of discussion is possible!

I'm writing today with some trepidation (I wonder if I translate my thoughts to the page very well, and also have a rather intense preference for privacy) however, I feel that there is 'no time like the present' for truly connecting with others of a like intent for personal growth toward STO and in light of the lunar cycle, perhaps now is the moment for me to be more forthcoming...perhaps our common focus on a more empathic and considerate humanity can truly make a modicum of difference in the long, medium or short term in this 3D existance.

I also thought to say that while so many outward actions may indeed be beneficial, I don't feel now's the time (for me, in any case) to start learning some new method of focus, but rather to still myself, repel any 4D STS efforts at draining my energies that are now or may soon be undertaken, and use my hammer for good.

Sorry if this comment seems a little disjointed.

I wish everyone all the best tomorrow evening - wherever and whenever you all are.
Not long now ,finding it really hard not to
anticipate,its a bit like waiting for Santa Clause,you tell yourself not to expect
anything but soxs and undies.
I will be wearing silk when I spin and I will
be online which I hope makes for the
geometric bit ,forming a net with the people on this forum .
Can those who spun please post their
impressions here after ?
Happy lunar-thingy everyone RRR
I went out for a trial "spin" and found that after the 7th circuit of the spin that I was all over the place as well as on the ground. Would if be possible for this older person to either spin slowly or walk a spiral as long as the intent and the empathy for the joining of our chakras is there? I mean, is the slower spin or walking of a spiral going to affect the outcome of my contribution? And, if not, is there a preference to a slow spin or a walking of the spiral. I know this may seem to be a silly question to some, but I am quite serious about this and I don't want to upset anything.

Please let me know any ideas you might have.
Walking a labyrinth type spiral may have the
same effect as spinning.Try it and tell us.
and the silk is to enhance EM effect as in
session 970726 if there is a EM effect
Amelopsis said:
I'm curious as to the significance of wearing silk. Could you explain please?
It's a bit like wearing a tinfoil hat, if you know what I mean :)
Hi Lynne,

You can spin as slowly as you need to. Speed is not what's important. Look at your left hand if spinning left to 'spot' or find focal points as you are turning like a tree, then as you spin look at the next tree or bush. In other words, find something to focus on and look at it as long as possible then find another object to 'spot'. This should keep you from getting dizzy.

Another method would be to put one hand in front of you with your thumb up and look at your thumb while spinning.

Go slow and enjoy yourself.

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