2010 Crop Circles

and here comes the next one--http://www.cropcircleconnector.com/2010/whitesleethill/WhitesheetHill2010a.html
pretty and still near long barrows and ironage hill forts long barrows seem to be a theme this year...a hint maybe? a barrow would be a great place to shelter in a methane fire storm,stone and turf don't burn after all
here is a site with barrows in wiltshire--http://www.wiltshire-web.co.uk/history/barrows.htm
White Sheet Hill :

(Ansty) - Ansty, near Shaftesbury.
Neolithic Long Barrow, about 4000 - 3000 BC.
A long barrow measuring 135 feet long by seven feet high with ditches either side of the mound.

(Mere) - Mere, near Shaftesbury.
Bronze Age Barrows, about 1800 BC.
A dozen barrows are scattered over the hill, but more interestingly there is also remains of a Neolithic Causeway camp and an Iron Age hill fort here. This is a fine example of history from several periods in the one location.

a few people here on the forum have mentioned doubt on the authenticity of this years ccs
a question for the C s maybe: which of the cc s this year have been ''real'' and what is it with the barrows already? Do we need to research barrow construction? i noticed a few of them have entrances that are kinda funnel shaped with a box like middle door...reminds me of a homemade loudspeaker(bass)i once saw built under a stage sound wave focusing any one????
Here is the image of the latest one that rrraven mentions above. :)

I feel a strong connection with this last one :)

It's a variation on the kind of stuff I doodle on a page when I am in meetings. Helps me to concentrate. I can't conceptualize when looking right at the speaker, but when I do these pattern doodles involving circles and dots, I can take in all the info and remember most of it.

Looking at this one feels calming to me.
There are hexagons inside hexagons, like micro & macrocosm. Can we call it micro-hex and macro-hex ? :P
gonzorama said:
Really beautiful... impressive!

Very beautiful indeed. Reminds me of a central establishment with hubs surrounding it, all connected.
Wow!! Love it!

It gives me the impression of connection, protection and strength.
A whole lot of cogs bunched together !
Wow I can almost see the 3d cube that it forms and the circles looks like planets !! :shock:
Hmm I see something like an atomic structure here, like Face center cubic.
or something similar like this here.


This was the first thing that came to mind when I saw this cc.
Hi Dalkiel,

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It made me smile. Made me think of the front page news, that SOTT is going to work with the dot connector (magazine)... And that this could be a message to say it is the way to go, to reach more people.. :cool2:
I had a very interesting reaction to this crop circle.

First thing I noticed was the 3D spheres. With a little concentration, I then saw the cog shapes. Then it switched back and forth. I felt the definite sensation of perceptual phasing which reminded me of something I read about 4th Density consciousness and how, from the point of view of perception, you could "not see" earth until you wanted to.

At this point, some things I read from Don Juan's lessons on 'not-doing' (observing shadows of leaves and the shapes of the spaces between them as an exercise of 'gazing'), the figure-ground drawings, the intellectual phase-locking that creates the social reality, the quotes of Paul von Ward in The Solarian Legacy (on line wave) about the group-mind that establishes the boundaries of what is possible in the YCYOR field and the matter-spirit thread are all trying to blend together in my mind.

My reaction was "whew!", I think I've been studying too much, at which point this came to mind:

[quote author=http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/wave12a.htm]
If you strive perpetually to gain and gather knowledge, you provide yourself with protection from every

possible negative occurrence that could ever happen. Do you know why this is? The more knowledge you

have, the more awareness you have as to how to protect yourself.[/quote]

I looked at the crop circle again and I sort of 'saw' how it might be that we get trapped in those certain illusions that establishes our habitual mental outlooks.

It seems like at some point early in life, we see things as they really are, but a "first time" comes when we must really concentrate in order to see something (about life) the way someone said it is. Then, we internalize this view where it becomes actively and habitually reinforced through 'belief'.

What is/was actually there is still there in it's entirety, only we 'select out' certain things to be prominent; certain things that seem to 'slant' in a certain direction, and only give peripheral attention to the remaining things - a single pattern that represents, to us, "the way it is".

I had already conceptualized this idea, but this crop circle seems to have given me the actual visceral realization or impact of it.
This last one really reminds me of an extended network of networks, all attached to each other.
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