2010 Crop Circles

msasa said:
Tigersoap said:
JEEP said:
Hard to say if it has any relevancy to the current crop circle. Do get the feeling of a cell or growth developing into something larger or perhaps a metamorphosis into pure balance (yin yang)?

I think it's just me but it makes me think of "seeding" more than anything else.
As if the big shaped egg was a soul (?) being fed to a tube who ends up in a spiral (physical/reincarnation ?) or as if a snake was swallowing an egg ?

My first impression was about ovary and oviduct. Although this oviduct ends up in a coil... :huh:
Same line of thinking, egg-cell-seed.
If I was to look for a snake then again it would be a big egg that's been devoured by it.

Below the coil of the Serpent Mound is an egg-shaped cavern. There is a small hole centered in the top, where a stream of artesian water trickles through the air and falls into a depression in the rock base. So I guess you could say the "ovary" is hidden below the oviduct.
This one has been reported today on the CCC web.
It´s amazing!!

gonzorama said:
This one has been reported today on the CCC web.
It´s amazing!!


I see the splitting, division of a cell, creating a chain, a double helix maybe as in DNA. Transformation, mutation come to my mind.
The Walbury Hill crop circle seems to have patterns on it, I think it´s authentic.
the center circle looks like a yin-yang symbol.




PS: I wish I knew how to express myself better in english... because it´s not my language :O
gonzorama said:
PS: I wish I knew how to express myself better in english... because it´s not my language :O

You express yourself very well, so no worries there. I see your point about the patterns and that, last season, patterns in the downed crop seemed to develop in an intricate way in circles - as if to prove they were real compared to all the faked patterns showing up. It is not outside the realm of possibility that 4D STS would also add patterns to the downed cropped as the 'ante has been upped' as they say (these downed crop patterns are a bit simplistic, osit). Or, this could be a genuine circle as you say - I certainly cannot know - and it's not unlikely. Personally, I still get an 'off' feeling about it, but that, objectively, means absolutely nothing, so it very well may be authentic.
This might be a silly question but it's been on my mind lately. From CCC reports we know that not all but some farmers get very angry when a crop circle appears on their field. They even don't allow CCC people to enter into the field and take some ground shots. And some of them harvest the area ASAP etc. Since in 3D STS realm terms those fields are those farmers' properties isn't this (a CC formation in the fields of those unwilling farmers) abridging free will. And isn't this contradictory with perfect 6D STO approach ?

I know we use the term free will in a broader perspective and possessing something (the fields in this case) is a STS feature but still according to the rules of this reality we're in, these fields belong to them and they don't want CC's. Maybe i am missing something here.

And also maybe this (that some farmers get angry but some others not) might be an indicator which crop circles are made by STO and which made by STS sides ?
un chien anadolu said:
This might be a silly question but it's been on my mind lately. From CCC reports we know that not all but some farmers get very angry when a crop circle appears on their field. They even don't allow CCC people to enter into the field and take some ground shots. And some of them harvest the area ASAP etc. Since in 3D STS realm terms those fields are those farmers' properties isn't this (a CC formation in the fields of those unwilling farmers) abridging free will. And isn't this contradictory with perfect 6D STO approach ?

I know we use the term free will in a broader perspective and possessing something (the fields in this case) is a STS feature but still according to the rules of this reality we're in, these fields belong to them and they don't want CC's. Maybe i am missing something here.

And also maybe this (that some farmers get angry but some others not) might be an indicator which crop circles are made by STO and which made by STS sides ?

You may be on to something there. That could be a clue to the origins of certain crop circles.
But it is a rather good question, whether the appearance of a real CC would violate the free will of a farmer who does not appreciate messages from 6D on his property.
Real CC's, unlike the fake ones, don't cause any damage on the crops, so farmers have no reason to be angry...
On the other hand, if the farmer really doesn't want CC's to appear on his crops, then it's quite possible they won't - at least not the real ones, because the STS forces violate free will all the time.
Interesting thoughts, both whether the farmers' responses could indicate the STO or STS origin as well as the question of whether crop circles abridge the free will of property holders.

Freelancer said:
Real CC's, unlike the fake ones, don't cause any damage on the crops, so farmers have no reason to be angry..

I think there could be more to making a farmer angry than just the CC appearing on their property, regardless if it does damage. I can imagine some might not appreciate having visitors coming to see the CC, affecting production in certain areas. I assume not all visitors take sufficient care when they visit, and perhaps do more damage.

Having a CC on one's property probably brings all sorts of attention and activity, and depending on how private a farmer might be, this attention could be quite difficult to deal with.

Just thought I'd add to the perspective.

Gonzo said:
Interesting thoughts, both whether the farmers' responses could indicate the STO or STS origin as well as the question of whether crop circles abridge the free will of property holders.

Freelancer said:
Real CC's, unlike the fake ones, don't cause any damage on the crops, so farmers have no reason to be angry..

I think there could be more to making a farmer angry than just the CC appearing on their property, regardless if it does damage. I can imagine some might not appreciate having visitors coming to see the CC, affecting production in certain areas. I assume not all visitors take sufficient care when they visit, and perhaps do more damage.

Having a CC on one's property probably brings all sorts of attention and activity, and depending on how private a farmer might be, this attention could be quite difficult to deal with.

Just thought I'd add to the perspective.


Maybe it's not the farmer's "property". I used to live in tornado alley and never considered it a violation of my free will when they formed. It just comes with the territory, whether a flood plain, hurricane alley, ect. If a farmer is responsible for an area that has the right conditions for crop circles to manifest, and finds out about it after the fact, that farmer should learn from the information, and let that part of the field go fallow. Modern society tends to build and farm wherever it suits, ignoring perhaps some of the more subtle factors involved in the process-ignorance of these factors can put entire populations at risk- OSIT.
Gonzo said:
Interesting thoughts, both whether the farmers' responses could indicate the STO or STS origin as well as the question of whether crop circles abridge the free will of property holders.

Freelancer said:
Real CC's, unlike the fake ones, don't cause any damage on the crops, so farmers have no reason to be angry..

I think there could be more to making a farmer angry than just the CC appearing on their property, regardless if it does damage. I can imagine some might not appreciate having visitors coming to see the CC, affecting production in certain areas. I assume not all visitors take sufficient care when they visit, and perhaps do more damage.

Having a CC on one's property probably brings all sorts of attention and activity, and depending on how private a farmer might be, this attention could be quite difficult to deal with.

Just thought I'd add to the perspective.


Indeed, maybe most of them wouldn't get so angry if there were only aerial observations. Last year a farmer fired his shotgun for warning at a CC observation group and got arrested.

Hi nwigal,

In case you misunderstood what I was referring to, I was commenting on Freelancer's comment that:
Real CC's, unlike the fake ones, don't cause any damage on the crops, so farmers have no reason to be angry..

to point out that even though the crop might be unaffected by the circle, farmers may have other reasons to get angry. After all, it is their livelihood and their right to privacy that is being affected.

nwigal said:
If a farmer is responsible for an area that has the right conditions for crop circles to manifest, and finds out about it after the fact, that farmer should learn from the information, and let that part of the field go fallow.

What exactly should the farmer learn from the information, as you put it, and how should he do that? It's not like there's a crop circle school one could attend, or textbook one could read. Since most of us have all sorts of different ideas on what a given crop circle means, I imagine it would be quite difficult for a farmer to understand what one might mean without the benefit of a group of interested researchers and experts in symbology to help.

One could argue that no man has a right to own land, that they should learn the symbolic language of crop circles, that they should leave the crop circle alone and allow anyone access to it that wants to see it, etc., but all of those arguments are not based on the current reality on 3rd density life that the average farmer had to live in.

The farmer's reality has more to do with trying to perform his job than trying to satisfy the curiosity of others. Who would compensate the farmer to not work that area, to leave it fallow? Who will pay for the liability insurance once the insurance company discovers people are visiting the fields?

Should the farmer be expected to spend money and time to create a parking lot and walkways so people can get to the circle safely?

Of course not. So why would it make sense that the farmer should incur any expense or loss of productivity just because a crop circle appeared on his field?

And yet some farmers are extremely accommodating and allow visitors onto their properties without charging a dime. But this should not be expected of them any more that one should expect Laura to channel regular sessions and provide us the data as soon as possible for free.

I think we take a lot for granted and need to occasionally step back and recognize when our expectations of others are based in serving ourselves and not others.

I apologize if I have misinterpreted your remarks, but it seemed to me that you expect a farmer, who had a legal right to maximize crop yields and keep others from interfering with his livelihood, to somehow serve some grand higher purpose of which he is most likely unaware and intentionally reduce his production. I thought you might benefit from a different perspective.

Part of the purpose behind the STO crop circles not damaging crops might be so that farmer's rights are not trampled on as much as it is to not kill the plants.

I hope I don't come across harsh or disrespectful. I mean only to offer a perspective you might net have considered.

I believe the farmers maybe afraid of he damage the visitors to the circle can to the crop rather then the ''downed crop''which can still be harvested with a combine harvester.
Gonzo said:
Hi nwigal,

In case you misunderstood what I was referring to, I was commenting on Freelancer's comment that:
Real CC's, unlike the fake ones, don't cause any damage on the crops, so farmers have no reason to be angry..

to point out that even though the crop might be unaffected by the circle, farmers may have other reasons to get angry. After all, it is their livelihood and their right to privacy that is being affected.

nwigal said:
If a farmer is responsible for an area that has the right conditions for crop circles to manifest, and finds out about it after the fact, that farmer should learn from the information, and let that part of the field go fallow.

What exactly should the farmer learn from the information, as you put it, and how should he do that? It's not like there's a crop circle school one could attend, or textbook one could read. Since most of us have all sorts of different ideas on what a given crop circle means, I imagine it would be quite difficult for a farmer to understand what one might mean without the benefit of a group of interested researchers and experts in symbology to help.

One could argue that no man has a right to own land, that they should learn the symbolic language of crop circles, that they should leave the crop circle alone and allow anyone access to it that wants to see it, etc., but all of those arguments are not based on the current reality on 3rd density life that the average farmer had to live in.

The farmer's reality has more to do with trying to perform his job than trying to satisfy the curiosity of others. Who would compensate the farmer to not work that area, to leave it fallow? Who will pay for the liability insurance once the insurance company discovers people are visiting the fields?

Should the farmer be expected to spend money and time to create a parking lot and walkways so people can get to the circle safely?

Of course not. So why would it make sense that the farmer should incur any expense or loss of productivity just because a crop circle appeared on his field?

And yet some farmers are extremely accommodating and allow visitors onto their properties without charging a dime. But this should not be expected of them any more that one should expect Laura to channel regular sessions and provide us the data as soon as possible for free.

I think we take a lot for granted and need to occasionally step back and recognize when our expectations of others are based in serving ourselves and not others.

I apologize if I have misinterpreted your remarks, but it seemed to me that you expect a farmer, who had a legal right to maximize crop yields and keep others from interfering with his livelihood, to somehow serve some grand higher purpose of which he is most likely unaware and intentionally reduce his production. I thought you might benefit from a different perspective.

Part of the purpose behind the STO crop circles not damaging crops might be so that farmer's rights are not trampled on as much as it is to not kill the plants.

I hope I don't come across harsh or disrespectful. I mean only to offer a perspective you might net have considered.


Gonzo, thank you for your feedback. You are in no way harsh or disrespectful. I value your insights.
I did not intend to minimize the economic suffering these farmers have incurred.
I grew up on a farm as a boy. There were certain places- "fairy circles", ufo hotsptos,,bigfoot, mothman areas, ext., were understood by all the local farmers, as areas where no matter what was done,the crops would not be productive. What would grow was so messed up by electromagnetic radiation, was not worth harvesting. It really hurt, but we just figured it as the price of doing business, and did what we could with what we had. We did not need to understand the esoteric implications , we just needed to deal with the practical reality of the situation. Some farmers grew commercial businesses, advertising their property as gravitational mystery spots, bigfoot grounds, ect.; others grew what crops they could, and tried to hang on.

My family lost everything they had, due to the "haunted nature" of their land holdings, which now exists as a modern suburban nightmare. The few that tried to carry on, became so haunted in themselves they did not last long. I left home when I was 15, in 1975, and have been on the road ever since.

I don't expect a farmer to serve a higher purpose other than the farmer may be aware of. But the farmer must pay for the lessons, whether it's coming or going, the price must be paid, OSIT.
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