6 Part Podcast Series with Laura Interviewed by Jay Campbell & Hunter Williams

Thank you for conversing and spending time to give more knowledge on this topic. I do have more of a % understanding of the picture but obviously still missing and still questions. So the way I understand it long wave and short wave through gaining wisdom and experience through time, data, knowledge, conciousness, free will decisions and the results positive/negative this all facilitates a quicker or more intense learning experience for the shorter wave so that the lower organisms and life forms can learn. I get that and with experiencing physical with yourself and others one also experiences the emotional and intellectual centers of others and since .001% of the world knows The Work/4th way the probability is that you are interacting with that physical beings lower emotional/intellectual center thus the negativity is there and more probable of a result/reaction of the physical interaction unless the physical is just transactional and each party upholds the transaction.

I surmise the long wave was probably a “nicer” process for the soul however there was a need for the “all nightsr” quick wave hence the constructs here in 3D facilitating the intense negative/positive and that in and of itself facilitates the short wave quick learning process as the physical organism through intense pain that affects the emotional center this reaction forces the soul/physical human to become more aware learn realize perspective wisdom. Great ok but as a suspected the short wave and the creation of the short wave is for a reason the physical being experience is used so that other “things” can learn and grow as it wouldn’t make sense that I am experiencing what I have experienced just for myself the group chose and I’m sure or I surmise it wasn’t 100% unanimous choice from each individual most likely a 51%+ majority vote.

Speeding up adding the short wave to the long wave mix it all in a pot for ???…

Regarding 4 years or 400 years for degree if my career lasts 1,000,000,000,000 years after degree then I would most likely choose a smoother ride and a assume it does last a long time as there are million or billion year cycles … my assumption would be that these cycles end or the short wave was needed because the cycles were or are not infinite or something change.

But again the soul chooses to experience short wave for quickness and to bring more learning for all for… who is the owner of this company/who set the system in motion? What is the end game and if there is no end game and it’s just process then the choice of the intense negative is suspicious.

I say the above as a way to network and get to the whole pie as I have experienced things from birth to 38 years and learned certain things were it’s just seems there’s arbitrary decisions, thoughts, wants, emotions, results, reactions when interacting here and I would say it has to make sense on a why?/larger scale to why all these physical interactions/impressions just happen and there is very little if no direction and yes a broken clock is right twice a day and 2 + 2 = 4 so it seems like there is success and structure but IMO it really is just an experience once you clean your machine or get a hold of it and assimilate certain knowledge you see the triteness and futility in most situations.

The flower in the empty field blossoms by itself, the river flows by itself, the sun rises and sets by itself. After certain knowledge there is little the human has to actually do. And yes STO is important but again unless genuinely asked by another it harms the other thus there’s really not much to do if one is aware of the probability of intense negativity and favors the 400 year degree.

I do like the idea of gaining knowledge wisdom and sending it out to the world, (book, forum, movie, radio…) other than this it seems it’s all organic matter/organic portals and for the bigger picture the product produced by the few souls in the physical avatar that can actually do/transmute is beneficial but I’m not sure how important it is for me to go through physical experiences with others have negativity gain wisdom and knowledge intensely at this point as I value my organism health that my soul is in than gaining perspective for this system I’m not sure of and is of little DIRECT benefit…

It seems if one studies, suffers, learns, avoids, “does right” the wants and needs of the physical being who is giving to life in this way the short wave the system - it doesn’t “reward@ that individual and the naive physical human can achieve just as much or more based on the broken clock. The system doesn’t reward the human that strives and suffers to stay the course in any way that a smart human can’t reward themselves as once you get to the point of this knowledge you know what you need and don’t need and the only increased protection is the awareness of not going too far down the intense negative rabbit hole the system doesn’t give the human anything that it hasn’t earned… it doesn’t make the cookie crumble in a way that behooves the individual that learned the physical individual just learned that cookies aren’t good for its physical avatar and doesn’t get involved.

The juice doesn’t seem to be worth the squeeze for the physical human as they can’t help the short wave and overall system alone it’s cumulative and others are needed to row the boat correctly so the struggling and strive and intense physical negative is for lack of a better word stupid to get into or involve oneself with. The system short/long wave cycle will do its thing regardless of how intensely you suffer is my opinion

To me it’s like setting out on a mission to try and chop down all the trees in the world alone… why the struggle and effort it’s futile

I’m not saying “do wrong” and “sin” or do not learn or gain knowledge or don’t help when asked I’m just saying the intense/quick negative is not useful or worth it IMO ITS going to happen regardless of one’s deep depressive or negative states or experiences.

If I am completely off base then I need more knowledge of why the intense sharp negative helps the system short/long in a material way and what would happen with more moderate negative/positive experiences. Oscillating from slow to moderate gives the physical human a better experience and the system/slow wave can still do its thing I would assume.

If the soul is needed to experience physical and it’s a group decision where’s the spiritual empathy? The system the “person in charge” I guess thinks “it’s only roughly 70-80 years per individual and they have amnesia so it is what it is”

If the long wave requires a speed of 1-5MPH and the slow wave requires something faster then going 10MPH is still faster and when considering the holistic view the health of the physical human, emotional, intellectual, spiritual and the soul/system/slow wave growth advancement going slightly faster than the long wave requires make the most sense from the knowledge and experience I’ve gained and I guess this is my input point idea wisdom at this point in my learning cycle as at my age barring any accidents theres a lot more life to live which is good if one can quell the sharp/intense negative and not expect or think or hope or plan for any direct or coalescing help from the system help that will impact the other humans organic portal thought, intellect, emotional center operations or increase regular 3D change in one’s behavior.

Use the awareness/knowledge gained as protection and help when asked other then that whatever you want is up to you and chance wether you have done right/increae knowledge, behoove the system or not 2+2= 4 and a broken clock is right twice a day thus the intense negative isn’t needed in one’s life or in the system IMO
The flower in the employ field blossoms by itself, the river flows by itself, the sun rises and sets by itself. After certain knowledge there is little the human has to actually do
But does it really? Some flowers needs pollinators to bloom, while other propagate better with bird droppings. Some can pollinate just fine on their own. Its harder to see of rocks/minerals and water since its around far longer than us. The river can only flow where the rocks/soil give way, then there's those pesky beavers damning up for a home :-P

But, in general, I think these systems are dynamic, even if humans weren't around, someone else will be interacting with them anyway, so why not us? Especially if we're already here. If one pulls out 3D humans altogether, something else will still have to fill that 3D slot. And, knowing 4D STS, they'd probably be in the same bind as us... eventually.

But again the soul chooses to experience short wave for quickness and to bring more learning for all for… who is the owner of this company/who set the system in motion? What is the end game and if there is no end game and it’s just process then the choice of the intense negative is suspicious.
Does there need to be an "owner"? Seems a very STS type of mindset (I kid!). C's said all there are is lessons. But, we also happen to be in the realm where 4D STS forces took over, they feed off of our negative emotions so it makes sense our immediate surrounding would be optimal to create it.

I’m not saying “do wrong” and “sin” or do not learn or gain knowledge or don’t help when asked I’m just saying the intense/quick negative is not useful or worth it IMO ITS going to happen regardless of one’s deep depressive or negative states or experiences.
No-one ever hears anyone complain about how much good fortune comes their way, at least I haven't. We, as a species in general, actively avoids "negative" things but not the "positive". Whenever we reflect on "poor decisions" made, sometimes it was made under the thought that it was "good" for us. How would one know the "good" without the "bad"? If negative states didn't exist, how would one even begin to compare? Where's the frame of reference? In the same vein, if one has only ever seen negativity, how would they even know something positive? Even if we, humans, dont fully remember it now (because of the control system we're in), all the these interactions are building a basis of something to compare to later on, osit.

a broken clock is right twice a day thus the intense negative isn’t needed in one’s life or in the system IMO
I'd agree with this, don't need to set myself on fire to know its hot to the touch. However, 4D STS needs it for dietary purposes, so while its not needed, I think there is an active component that will try to create it.
In my view, falling from STO to STS was a trap which was not a good thing for us, and a repeating syndrome in all creation.
Q: (J) Go back to what they said before: "Free will could not be abridged if you had not obliged." (T) We, as the human race, used our free will to switch from STO to STS. (L) So, at some level we have chosen the mess we are in and that is the Super Ancient Legend of the Fallen Angel, Lucifer. That is us. We fell by falling into that door, so to speak, going after the pot of gold, and when we fell through the door, the serpent bit us!

A: But this is a repeating syndrome.

Q: (L) Is it a repeating syndrome just for the human race or is it a repeating syndrome throughout all of creation?

A: It is the latter.

I would rather take a million years to learn in STO instead of trying to speed it up if the price for speed is STS.
So far, and based on the transcripts, it seems as though it was purely a choice to have what the lizards said could be theirs too, if I remember correctly.
Yes, I assumed that the decision was not only due to a desire to enter physicality. After re-reading the excerpt it seems more likely the speeding up of learning may have been a natural consequence of their decision rather than something they knew beforehand.

The desire to change from the long wave cycle experience of physicality seems to be key:
is voluntary and chosen, this was due to the desire to change from the long wave cycle experience of completely what you would call ethereal or spiritual existence, to the short wave cycle of what you call physical existence.

Maybe it is like Neil said that they knew rough details but not the fine print, or they knew nothing. The C's did mention this:
A: Result of giving into temptation without caution, i.e. leaping before looking.
Which suggests they didn't have the full picture.

A: "When" you went for the gold, you said "Hello" to the Lizards and all that that implies.
Again this suggests that there were unforeseen consequences.

I would rather take a million years to learn in STO instead of trying to speed it up if the price for speed is STS.
Yeah, it's elementary but I wasn't considering STS vs STO when I replied to Menna :whistle:. In retrospect if the only benefit is the speeding up of development but the consequences are limitation, domination, and untold suffering to yourself and others, I take back what I said!
Hello Everybody!

Due to a time sync issue with my Email Service Provider (Convert Kit) because I AM on the West Coast in California for Father's Day, my podcast promotion email just went out at 10AM EST instead of 10AM PST.

What all this means for most of you is Episode 6 is Launching LIVE RIGHT NOW on Youtube.

The Human Experiment: A Deep Dive Into Humanity’s Origins and Purpose with Laura Knight-Jadczyk

1PM EDT will be the audio versions launching across the world.

Episode 6 as the final installment was another great one.

We hope there will be more to come but more information will be forthcoming over the next 4-6 weeks.

Key Moments In This Conversation

00:00:00 – Introduction
00:01:37 – The Fall Of Eden And Drop In Human Consciousness
00:06:32 – The Interconnectedness Of Consciousness And Cataclysmic Events
00:16:18 – The Impact Of Our Collective Consciousness On The Universe
00:24:56 – Who Is The Density Consortium And What Do They Do?
00:28:50 – How Would Biphasic Beings Present To Us In A Physical State?
00:37:38 – How Did The Builder Race Walk Among Us In 3rd Density?
00:41:37 – Manipulating History To Control The Spiritual Narrative
00:48:28 – Debate: Evolution vs. Intelligent Design
00:55:20 – Do Nordics Walk Among Us Right Now?
01:07:36 – Synchronicities As Signs From The Universe
01:15:09 – Who Will Be Affected By The Cleanse?
01:19:13 – Religion As A Mind Control Mechanism
01:30:02 – How Laura Became A Prolific Writer
01:39:18 – The Ascending and Descending Paths Of Spirituality
01:46:41 – Who Really Are Donald Trump/Joe Biden?
01:58:14 – Can Outsiders Break Into U.S. Politics?
02:00:00 – Closing Thoughts & Laura’s Resources

We hope you enjoy this episode.

Thanks to everyone who was involved in the making of it.
Key Moments In This Conversation

00:00:00 – Introduction
00:01:37 – The Fall Of Eden And Drop In Human Consciousness
00:06:32 – The Interconnectedness Of Consciousness And Cataclysmic Events
00:16:18 – The Impact Of Our Collective Consciousness On The Universe
00:24:56 – Who Is The Density Consortium And What Do They Do?
00:28:50 – How Would Biphasic Beings Present To Us In A Physical State?
00:37:38 – How Did The Builder Race Walk Among Us In 3rd Density?
00:41:37 – Manipulating History To Control The Spiritual Narrative
00:48:28 – Debate: Evolution vs. Intelligent Design
00:55:20 – Do Nordics Walk Among Us Right Now?
01:07:36 – Synchronicities As Signs From The Universe
01:15:09 – Who Will Be Affected By The Cleanse?
01:19:13 – Religion As A Mind Control Mechanism
01:30:02 – How Laura Became A Prolific Writer
01:39:18 – The Ascending and Descending Paths Of Spirituality
01:46:41 – Who Really Are Donald Trump/Joe Biden?
01:58:14 – Can Outsiders Break Into U.S. Politics?
02:00:00 – Closing Thoughts & Laura’s Resources

I don't know whether you or Hunter, or a member of your team do the job above, of patiently breaking it down into sections and labeling them. But whoever it is, I just wanted to say that it is a fantastic job, so thank you!! It's super useful. Now I'm disappointed with 99,99% of Youtube for not having such detailed breakdown. ;-D
I will miss these encounters. They are like a get-together around a table and the subjects are so rich. It's as if the three of you were part of the family. Thank you for these videos, for all the good questions and reflections, all the knowledge. Thank you so much!
I will miss these encounters. They are like a get-together around a table and the subjects are so rich. It's as if the three of you were part of the family. Thank you for these videos, for all the good questions and reflections, all the knowledge. Thank you so much!
WE are all part of the Same Soul Family for sure! :clap:

And we are just as thankful to have the support and so many folks listening.

Without y'all, there would be 3 people talking to themselves.

And with any luck, its far from over!
I don't know whether you or Hunter, or a member of your team do the job above, of patiently breaking it down into sections and labeling them. But whoever it is, I just wanted to say that it is a fantastic job, so thank you!! It's super useful. Now I'm disappointed with 99,99% of Youtube for not having such detailed breakdown. ;-D
All praise to James Sowers who is my Director of Operations.

He is amazing and we are all blessed to have him doing the work he does/did setting up all of these episodes.
Just wanted to say thank you to Laura, Hunter, Jay, and anyone else involved behind the scenes for these interviews. They where a lot of fun and very informative!
Hearing things we are familiar with in new ways really does help.

It's also really great to see Jay and Hunters journey/revelations in real time. Hope to see you both around the forum more.
I would rather take a million years to learn in STO instead of trying to speed it up if the price for speed is STS.

This is something I've been thinking about a lot. And would agree for myself personally, that'd I'd rather go the million year route to learn STO than try and speed things up. But, regardless of that, here we are.

Speed to where exactly? What is this final destination that all lessons lead to?

If we take school as an example, we learn so that one day we can contribute positively to society and live independent lives.

Please, someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel like I recall there being a session where it was discussed that even after we reunite with the one at 7th, we just repeat the whole cycle over again starting from the beginning?

If that's the case, what is the point of trying to speed anything up if we ultimately end up just doing this whole cyclic dance over and over for eternity?

But then I feel like I also recall the C's saying at one point, "Why does there have to be a point?".
This is something I've been thinking about a lot. And would agree for myself personally, that'd I'd rather go the million year route to learn STO than try and speed things up. But, regardless of that, here we are.
This is very interesting as I have the complete opposite feeling about it (and it's quite strong). The reason being that I have felt far better and more revitalized in all aspects when going through conscious or 'unconcious' suffering/ a major bankruptcy. I guess I'm a Phoenix symbology fan.

It is good to see this being expressed though as it provides a moment of reflection on where we are with our personal journey and an opportunity to assess wether the 'direction' each of us has chosen remains STO, as in, not detached from the reality of kindred spirits/ truly compassionate.
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