6 Part Podcast Series with Laura Interviewed by Jay Campbell & Hunter Williams

Whats up everybody!

Thank you so much for your attention, intention and energy over the last 6 weeks as we released these epic podcasts to the world.

While a lot of the material was perhaps “old hat” to many of the advanced members here, @Hunter Williams and I are confident these episodes will serve as a conversation starter for newbie seekers everywhere.

The feedback I AM receiving has been nothing short of amazing across all social media channels.

It is my hope this is just the beginning of much more to come as we will be visiting with Laura and the chateau crew very soon.

I just created this Tweet on X (Twitter) which I’d like to use as a sort of repository for all 6 episodes to be shared with others who are deep into or perhaps just starting out on the seeker’s path.

Feel free to bookmark it and share it whenever you see an FRV receptive to the material.

I’d also like to offer an email address to anyone in the group who would like to share ideas or insights that may further or enhance the discussion between the three of us (and by extension all of us) in the future.

That email is askjay@jaycampbell.com

I read every email and will do my best to respond to every one.

In truth, none of this would have ever happened if @Laura didn’t take the time to respond to my cold email about 9 months ago.

I AM truly grateful to be here and in such select company surrounded by the high FRV’s of so many.

Onward and upward everyone!
Just finished the 6th episode.. just wanted to reinforce my previous comments, thanks for getting this out there, it is always such a pleasure to listen to Laura talk, and to have genuine curiosity, respect and enthusiasm shown by the presenters, great job guys, I look forward to seeing more in this series and hopefully the interview with Harrison at some point too .. keep up the great work
I also want to express my appreciation for the time and efforts that have gone into this series from all involved. I really got a lot out of it and thoroughly enjoyed revisiting some of the experiences i read about in the wave series. Hearing first hand about the trails and tribulations Laura went through to bring us such amazing knowledge is always inspiring. The scope that is the reality we all find ourselves in is breath taking and I’m sure these interviews will garner an old deal of interest. The lighthouse truely shines bright. once again, my heartfelt thanks!
This is something I've been thinking about a lot. And would agree for myself personally, that'd I'd rather go the million year route to learn STO than try and speed things up. But, regardless of that, here we are.

Please, someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel like I recall there being a session where it was discussed that even after we reunite with the one at 7th, we just repeat the whole cycle over again starting from the beginning?

If that's the case, what is the point of trying to speed anything up if we ultimately end up just doing this whole cyclic dance over and over for eternity?

But then I feel like I also recall the C's saying at one point, "Why does there have to be a point?".
Perhaps during one cycle to 7D you experience all the 'current' experiences at that 'time/juncture'.
However, simultaneously, all consciousness in the universes are creating their own experiences.
This we could term as 'progress?
So during the entire phases from 1d to 7d there is the combination of all consciousness experience / growth in that particular phase.
Perhaps consciousness experiences growth ad infinitum?
In which case when it is time for you to repeat as new cycle from 1d to 7d there is a vast new higher range of diverse experiences to catch up on?
And in turn, because of this eternal growth of experiences 7D is constantly expanding?
This is only my opinion as I also recall the C's saying that at our density there is only a finite amount of knowledge that can be shared, even less at particular 'times'. Thus for those seeking it is of benefit that others are not seeking for the same finite knowledge.
Either way we are very fortunate that our forum soul group are like sponges for this knowledge. And that the networking is essential here to allow us to discuss and expand on the knowledge to grasp and understand as much as our grey matter can currently comprehend ;-)
I’ve really been enjoying listening to these episodes. Thanks so much @SoFloJayC and @Hunter Williams for hosting them.
@Laura you are so good at sharing your experiences and while many of us are very familiar with the conversations that are had on the episodes, I can’t help but think that you are reaching a broadening audience in this format, especially since the episodes are both on YouTube and podcast.
It warms my heart to imagine more people having access to these conversations at such a pertinent time.
I’m about to listen to the latest episode so thanks again for all your work.
Thank you everyone for your time and dedication in manifesting these incredible podcasts for the benefit uf us and humanity.
It so helps authenticate as well as remember far more when we see and hear Laura in person. Also as the interview comes across as more of an intellectual conversation.
The podcasts helped us feel that Lauea is not so remote from us allowing us to feel we were also participating in some energetic ways too!
Thank you for sharing your email Jay. It will be very beneficial for us to help suggest more topics as we revisit all the recordings.
I would like to ask if anyone can recall where the interview is that Laura did a while agi. I missed watching that one and although i have searched i cannot seem to find it again?
Is there a simple non technical method of downloading the utube versions? I dont have utube premium. If not perhaps we can temporarily pay for premium to keep them to help others when TSHTF.
The same with Laura's Consciousness - Knowledge and Being lessons.
Perhaps Jay and Hunter could consider sharing these again to their / our social media in the interim? Prior to the new interviews we will all look forward to.
As they are are natural progression because they help people to put into practise what they have just heard.
FWIW I wish to share that I have recently been feeling ultra connected to the information field. Fortunately my son has explained that I have actually been travelling on a straight path for the last 2 years. I feel very grateful for this naturally.
Has anyone else felt this deeper connection recently occur?
It seems to be far more profound.....
Part 4 at 26:05: Jay asks about reincarnation. Then Laura answers with episodes of past life recall.
- It was like my whole middle of the body had just been blown open and the winds of time were blowing through me.
As probably several other members of this forum here, I had that one as well. Most weird, unbalancing process lasting for a longer time. It felt like several 'rivers of time'-streams flowed directly through me. But instead of a strong water current it carried electrically jolt-injecting past life memories. Stream of reactive memory images. I began questioning who I was: as I understand, because of "time-binding" a 'solid individual I' binds us to this life. So we know that we are incarnated "in the now / at present day". But that river carrying an intense stream of past life memories were so strong that as they flooded me, I started to identify with / "re-experience" pieces of those other past lives / other past "I"s through their memories.

Out of that experience I gradually started thinking strategically: comparing my past lives to this one. Also started wondering how my alternate / "parallel" reality versions were doing in their life. Then I stared pondering about how Lizzies ruin people's lives by pre-arranging family & health catastrophes to ruin the Pre-Planned future careers during 5thD life reviews and future incarnation offers. I understood that Pre-Screening in 5thD - before deciding on a specific incarnation - only has a % PERCENTAGE chance beside each career path: you may succeed, if you stick to your karmic "soul plan" = Yellow Brick Road. But succumbing to temptations - and Lizzie family-lineage manipulation - thus divergence means that with a high chance I will lose a very lucrative career path: engineer in my case. Either an electric or a mining engineer (maybe a military engineer) careers were that I lost. Also maybe a professional analyst career, well paid, I lost and will never know.
All these opportunities - I figured after such an experience - that I lost due to Lizzie interference - because they were obviously messing with the lineage of my family to have a full detrimental effect on the final result: my childhood.
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Whats up everybody!

Thank you so much for your attention, intention and energy over the last 6 weeks as we released these epic podcasts to the world.

While a lot of the material was perhaps “old hat” to many of the advanced members here, @Hunter Williams and I are confident these episodes will serve as a conversation starter for newbie seekers everywhere.

The feedback I AM receiving has been nothing short of amazing across all social media channels.

It is my hope this is just the beginning of much more to come as we will be visiting with Laura and the chateau crew very soon.

I just created this Tweet on X (Twitter) which I’d like to use as a sort of repository for all 6 episodes to be shared with others who are deep into or perhaps just starting out on the seeker’s path.

Feel free to bookmark it and share it whenever you see an FRV receptive to the material.

I’d also like to offer an email address to anyone in the group who would like to share ideas or insights that may further or enhance the discussion between the three of us (and by extension all of us) in the future.

That email is askjay@jaycampbell.com

I read every email and will do my best to respond to every one.

In truth, none of this would have ever happened if @Laura didn’t take the time to respond to my cold email about 9 months ago.

I AM truly grateful to be here and in such select company surrounded by the high FRV’s of so many.

Onward and upward everyone!

Probably better to keep the discussion public since we cannot vet every forum member.
I just finished watching the latest podcast series with Laura interviewed by Jay Campbell and Hunter Williams, in the last part when they talk about Joe Biden it's not Joe Biden and then few moments later I found this pic on X (twitter) very curious.Who is behind the Mask? 448307853_3600827440247386_2916046052351088927_n.jpg
I wanted to express my delight that this series of esoteric lessons will make the rounds of the networks and raise the level of consciousness of people who don't yet dare to cross the threshold. You've instilled an expansive energy, quite typical of Americans by the way, that has boosted the whole forum. I'm glad Laura answered your call. This format of communication is galvanizing!:hug2:
I just finished watching the latest podcast series with Laura interviewed by Jay Campbell and Hunter Williams, in the last part when they talk about Joe Biden it's not Joe Biden and then few moments later I found this pic on X (twitter) very curious.Who is behind the Mask? View attachment 97282
Here's the video:

At first glance you're right it totally looks weird, like a mask, but the interviewer has the same effect. I think it's some kind of lighting and/or post-processing effect. I took a pic for those who don't want to watch the video:

We have to be careful with all the uncritical conspiracy theories floating around the internet and do some research before just repeating them, or else we can spread disinfo/misinfo. This is how we end up with flat earthers and "holographic planes" on 9/11, or Icke's lizard people in human skin suits, and many other theories gaining popularity among peeps who are enthusiastic but aren't engaging their minds or doing any kind of research.
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Please, someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel like I recall there being a session where it was discussed that even after we reunite with the one at 7th, we just repeat the whole cycle over again starting from the beginning?
I have been pondering the same thing @Andrew.

I think the repeat of the whole cycle will not be the same as the "old one". Ra mentioned this when talking about an analogy to describe densities. Relating it to music, after the 7th note(density?) the 8th begins a new octave. I interpreted this to mean that when it all starts over it will be with a new twist and a new way of experiencing/learning reality.

This is all speculation of course but it is fun to think about :)

Superb podcast with Laura, Jay, and Hunter. Thank you!
So we can go onwards and upwards to the next iteration of experiencing ourserlves, a better one as a result of us knowing more about ourselves (assuming that we get smarter, and by we I mean the whole)? Just a thought.
Yes, provided we're actually serious about knowing more about ourselves. Like, being open to feedback about things we've always taken for granted as being 'true' or 'real' just because they're programmed into us.
Quite possibly!

Almost certainly the latter.
I think that existing is truly miraculous. "Lo raro es vivir" ( the rare thing is to live) is the title of a novel by a great Spanish writer, and it's true. So, just the fact of existing is a great adventure that is offered to us and despite the hard road we have undertaken to know ourselves a little better, a la Socrates, despite everything that surrounds us and despite everything we don't know about this reality, the C's are right: it's fun. And I think that's the best way to live it. Despite the tears, despite everything, learning is fun.
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