Please, someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel like I recall there being a session where it was discussed that even after we reunite with the one at 7th, we just repeat the whole cycle over again starting from the beginning?
I don't think its possible to just cease to exist. I got the impression that recycling from 7D is like turning into 'conscious stardust particles of golden light' and "you" get sprinkled onto the universe, like seeds of god - in particulate matter form -, into 1st density. I think, You may essentially become a beautiful nebula or a galaxy, retaining some of your previous 7thD consciousness
imprint, but
dispersed inside the entire large area of the nebula, galaxy, which you seeded with your "mind".
Your consciousness is still there, I think, but instead of "unified at 7thD as One" its dispersed now in 1st Density. Maybe recycling as some kind of a large Oversoul, encompassing an entire smart galaxy or "nebula with a faint '7D Intelligence Imprint'". If this is anywhere near the truth, then Prime Matter in 1st Density also becomes The Creator, retaining some 7thD consciousness imprint, I think.
It may help Intelligent Design. Since the gravity goes through / binds everything, all densities, - (on the humorous side) -, one day the 6thD-7thD 'Creation Department' team may call you on the phone that they need you - now incarnated as a whole 'semi consciously imprinted' galaxy or smart nebula - to move your entire mass to a new location, where they would like you to collide with another galaxy to help them in a 'New Life Creation Project for Intelligent Design'.
- God Speed!
People on 3rdD feel vibes and usually become overwhelmed when a famous "larger than life" somebody enters and his / her "Presence" fills the entire room.
Owen reports in his six books that even at 5thD souls / spirits emanate strong light energy - like a megawatt light bulb-, which possibly means increased light radius [of consciousness] as well, so individual souls' 5thD
light possibly overlaps. When close enough - in a group - this must mean essentially shared thoughts, shared emotions and shared energy: 5thD consciousnesses in Communion, I think.
C's said they are light beings at 6thD, so their soul light intensity must be even stronger, their radiation propagates probably to wider radius. As they recounted, they habitually stand guard
around the Chateau Crew during channeling: also sharing their thoughts with the channelers, I think. So channeling means overlapping consciousnesses technically are in Communion.
At 6thD this soul-light radiation may become so strong that they habitually become One, when they - C's - group up. They begin sharing thoughts-feelings telepathically
automatically, I think, probably resulting in a unified consciousness. One Cassiopaean even greeted the Chateau Team as:
Q: (L) And who do we have with us?
A: Groilla of Cassiopaea unified thought.
Q: (L) Why did you add the extra to the introduction?
A: You sometimes forget that a "name" is just a convention for your convenience. We thought a reminder was in order.
Even on 3rd density your auras overlap when you hug. Auras contain parts of consciousness, feelings, thoughts, and other energies, I think.
One Chateau member reported [some of] the group [members] have developed telepathy in the house. Just one reason is possibly because all the Chateau Team frequently stays inside "an overlapping widened aural radius".
I think several forum members here - [some or all] their family members included - are telepathic. On any level - doesn't matter - its recognizable.
My discordant family is genetically telepathic at varying levels. We are "spiritually" divergent.