6 Part Podcast Series with Laura Interviewed by Jay Campbell & Hunter Williams

Wondering, however, if the human beings who made the choice for greater physicality at that time had, on any level, knowledge of short and long term cycles as such;
Please forgive if I'm reading this wrong. We came here 309,000 yrs ago to experience physicality. The set-up for this experiment was new and so pro's and con's were unknown. Also the C's said we came from 7th Density so we knew everything at that point.

The one thing I'm not sure of is if the Lizzies came with us or only arrived 70,000 yrs ago. They were moving forwards and backwards from that time on but I'm not sure if they were here before. Coming from 7th density I imagine were not told we would forget everything or the effects we would experience when we entered the bodies as described by the C's. The only thing I can think of is our lack of knowledge re psychopaths means up till then there were none. Am I wrong or totally wrong?
I will miss these Monday interviews too. It was a heartwarming and amazing learning experience to listen to all of you. Thank you all involved in front and behind the scenes. 😍
Please, someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel like I recall there being a session where it was discussed that even after we reunite with the one at 7th, we just repeat the whole cycle over again starting from the beginning?

Yep, that's the idea.

If that's the case, what is the point of trying to speed anything up if we ultimately end up just doing this whole cyclic dance over and over for eternity?

Good question. Many millions of words have been written here to try and figure things like that out, and the end result has, so far, been that we're not really equipped to grok such things.
Good question. Many millions of words have been written here to try and figure things like that out, and the end result has, so far, been that we're not really equipped to grok such things.
So we can go onwards and upwards to the next iteration of experiencing ourserlves, a better one as a result of us knowing more about ourselves (assuming that we get smarter, and by we I mean the whole)? Just a thought.

Edit: What we may be yet to grok is that learning is fun, easy enough to express but yet to fully experience/ feel in 3D.
So we can go onwards and upwards to the next iteration of experiencing ourserlves, a better one as a result of us knowing more about ourselves (assuming that we get smarter, and by we I mean the whole)? Just a thought.

Edit: What we may be yet to grok is that learning is fun, easy enough to express but yet to fully experience/ feel in 3D.

Get up -----> adopt a happy disposition ------> do what's in front of you to do/you're inclined to do to the best of your abilities/knowledge/awareness ----> go to bed ----> repeat------------------------------------------------------------------------------> at some point understand what it was all about....maybe.
Get up -----> adopt a happy disposition ------> do what's in front of you to do/you're inclined to do to the best of your abilities/knowledge/awareness ----> go to bed ----> repeat------------------------------------------------------------------------------> at some point understand what it was all about....maybe.
The Cs say it’s an adventure and that learning is fun. Could it be that there IS no “point”, and trying to give it a “point” is just our limited thinking? Is it possible that the “point” is simply, the adventure? The fun in learning? The joy of creation?

This is my first thought when I try to make sense of it, but Im not sure if maybe this “hypothesis” doesn’t quite hit the mark or fully encapsulate it.

What do you think? Would you say this is “close to accurate”? Or do you think it doesn’t quite hit the mark? Or that there’s more to it than this and we just can’t understand it with our limited minds?
If that's the case, what is the point of trying to speed anything up if we ultimately end up just doing this whole cyclic dance over and over for eternity?

Good question. Many millions of words have been written here to try and figure things like that out, and the end result has, so far, been that we're not really equipped to grok such things.

Oh yes, it is a very good question and eventhough we are not at all equipped to grok such a question, we just can hope or even be certain that there are very good reasons to procedd like that.
The Cs say it’s an adventure and that learning is fun. Could it be that there IS no “point”, and trying to give it a “point” is just our limited thinking? Is it possible that the “point” is simply, the adventure? The fun in learning? The joy of creation?

Quite possibly!

This is my first thought when I try to make sense of it, but Im not sure if maybe this “hypothesis” doesn’t quite hit the mark or fully encapsulate it.

What do you think? Would you say this is “close to accurate”? Or do you think it doesn’t quite hit the mark? Or that there’s more to it than this and we just can’t understand it with our limited minds?

Almost certainly the latter.
Do you happen to recall what session this was from? I'd like to re-read it and think about it some more. Thanks!

17th June 1995

Q: (J) Point taken! (L) There is no point. [Laughter.] Well, if you expand the circle outward and continue expanding it in all directions, it pulls the seven spokes with it which encompasses more and more space in a cross section, and then turn that circle, you have a sphere.

A: Precisely. But Laura says that means we are living in a big globe. And, maybe we are.

Q: (T) Well, it wouldn't be a big globe, so to speak, it would only be a big globe within the circle. If the circle continues to expand, it would just continue to go outward and outward and the globe would become bigger and bigger and bigger... (L) You're making me nervous... (T) But it goes outward forever... cause there is no end to going out...

A: There isn't?

Q: (SV) Nope.

A: Well, then maybe there's no beginning.

Q: (T) Well, there wouldn't be a beginning, just a big, open void. An infinite void...

A: If there's no end and no beginning, then what do you have?

Q: (L) No point. (J) The here and now.

A: The here and now which is also the future and the past. Everything that was, is and will be, all at once. This is why only a very few of your third density persons have been able to understand space travel, because even though traveling into space in your third density is every bit as third density as lying on your bed at night in your comfortable home, the time reference is taken away. Something that you hold very close to your bosom as if it were your mother. And, it is the biggest illusion that you have. We have repeatedly told you over and over that there is no time, and yet, of course, you have been so brainwashed into this concept that you cannot get rid of it no matter what you do, now can you? Imagine going out into space. You'd be lost when confronted with reality that everything is completely all at one? Would you not? Picture yourself floating around in space!

Q: (L) I don't want to. (J) There is also no space! (T) Does the sphere keep expanding... as the circle expands and you turn the circle 180 ', you get a sphere. As the sphere continues to expand it, you take a point on the outer edge of the sphere in order to take the sphere about itself, you get a donut, an ever expanding inner tube. (L) With a black hole in the middle! (SV) Why does it have to be a black hole? (J) It's a spiral. (T) If you take that and twist it, you get an even larger inner tube. It just continues to expand and encompasses more space...

A: And now, when you merge densities, or traverse densities, what you have is the merging of physical reality and ethereal reality, which involves thought form versus physicality. When you can merge those perfectly, what you realize then, is that the reason there is no beginning and no end is merely because there is no need for you to contemplate a beginning or an end after you have completed your development. When you are at union with the One at Seventh density, that is when you have accomplished this and then there is no longer any need for difference between physical and ethereal forms.
Boy, that month-and-a-half went by quick! Too quick. Mondays are Mondays again. Thank you Laura, Jay and Hunter for these six episodes! I will enjoy watching them all a second time as much as the first. I hope there will be more. A big thank you to all those working in the background to make these possible. :clap:
Connecting the dots: how the seemingly little inconspicuous evil deeds are what really count for karma

1. In Podcast 3, at the 30 minute mark, Laura mentions how some toxic people outwardly-seemingly "Fine Chaps"™(© Gurdjieff) in Life, are really evil jerks in life - to call them so politely as an under-estimation - by doing nasty little things / who react to everything / to most others in loathsome ways, this they do while dealing with / just routinely behaving toward people.

2. Recent sessions also mention this [for 5thD] quite important - I think worthy to emphasize - phenomenon, specifically: Session 13 April 2024 + search term: "Tom".. and naturally how everybody here has similar elements in Life.

3. Reverend Owen's last book (5+6 together), titled - The Outlands of Heaven - especially puts emphasis on how fresh arrivals to 5thD are judged.

4. So my developing idea is that from these you can draw a "Karmic area map of persons safe to meet in 5thD" by simply remembering what you read in history. Either in books like From Paul to Mark - or other books from the author - or remembering what historical persons truly touched you in public histories of your country. Famous nun 'doctors of the church' Teresa of Ávila - remember her from recent discussions on this forum?.. Or famous people like him.

So - I figured as a developing idea - if you are freshly transitioned and alone for the moment wondering who to trust when you arrive into 5thD - during the mass transitions in the future - then I figured these people, will be safe to trust. That's why I mentioned the karmic map.

This idea needs more explanation and elaboration for future 5thD support. Above is a mere partial / fast dot connections.
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