6 Part Podcast Series with Laura Interviewed by Jay Campbell & Hunter Williams

Maybe reincarnation back into 3D Earth is the only available option.
In my research and experience there are other 3D or lower then 5D realms where one has amnesia and the soul/conciousness reincarnates to that lower than 5D realm. There are other places where a soul can go to learn other places where one starts with amnesia . These places have different rule sets some are more free or not but it is said this is where quick/intense learning can take place and in terms of growing up and soul/conciousness this is not an advanced realm.

I would like to know how to advance to the other side of 5D where memory stays in tact or be an elder/guide in 5D as I believe when reincarnation with amnesia occurs the soul/conciousness is being used too much there can still be advancement and advancement with more I. The souls/conciousness arsenal and one can still learn in a rule set that doesn’t allow certain things to transpire…This is really my only want and gripe but I don’t have the whole picture and don’t know the whole system but I do feel that in this realm one is used too much and the rule set and system allows it is my point.
I would look it this way; Lets supposed you are preparing yourself to go to College and you know what you are studying, let's say you are going to engineering school. You know what you are going to be studying and the purpose of it, but once you get there and begin the semester there will be new and unknown variables that you don't know about, but they are there to be learned. It could be the same in life, we came with a purpose of learning certain lessons but since this is a school and a free will universe, you can make choices or life present you with situations that maybe was or wasn't in your learning program so to say.
And FWIW, one of the commons things I've seen on videos and books about near-death experiences is that they realize that life on earth is very hard. So, in a certain way we know before we come, that difficult lessons are to be learned here, but advancement will be way faster than in other realms, for example.

I understand what you have said/analogy and going to university to learn a profession to earn a living and do work as this is the system I understand but the choice to reincarnate here I don’t know the full system hence my questioning it’s odd. I know how fire feels when it touches me because I don’t have daily amnesia so the knowledge of that feeling tells me to stay away or only use it as a tool. But I don’t have enough knowledge to know why a soul conciousness would make a choice to come here unless it’s not fully aware or is being used or something in control needs it to.

Once the conciousness/soul enters the avatar all that is told in 5D is temporary lost during the humans lifetime (unless out of body, dreams, past life regression, near death) 90% of humans there is little to no esoteric knowledge. So they are at the whims of what is possible here in 3D and what is possible I can’t wrap my head around why the soul/conciousness would want to take on this risk.

Moreover you mention faster learning here and I have also came across this info but I also come across info that organisms on planets die out start again and the cycle repeats. If I have 4 years to finish college why would I pull all nighters every night to graduate in a year knowing about sleep health and what stress can do I wouldn’t subject myself to that life unless I lacked important knowledge about effects…whats the rush who is the rush for or what is the rush to learn the intensity for…This is why I think there is a big piece missing something needs, wants, requires its SOULdiers to go to battle physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual and I don’t think we only have amnesia to fully learn I think there is naive so that we go through this life thinking this is it and or I chose to be here with all the info. I don’t think the soul conciousness that goes to 5D no higher and then cycles back to lower realms has all the info I think it’s “above its pay grade”
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. I just think that if you believe that orgasm is necessary, it could cause stress on the 'parents' during the act that could counter the original intention. In Thanks for the replies!!
Well seen.

Many people will start making notes on the timing quality of their orgasms.

"I haven't had an orgasm honey! You have to continue, we can't allow your sperm to reach my egg without my orgasm!

The good side is that the couple will do it many times until the synchronization is perfect.:-D
Shout out to Jay Campbell and Hunter Williams.
There are new members arriving here almost daily.
In my view, if one person was able to receive your podcasts and make their way to this forum then your work is done.

Congratulations and a heartfelt thank you for shining a light on the path to the Cassiopaea family.
This is why I think there is a big piece missing something needs, wants, requires its SOULdiers to go to battle physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual and I don’t think we only have amnesia to fully learn I think there is naive so that we go through this life thinking this is it and or I chose to be here with all the info. I don’t think the soul conciousness that goes to 5D no higher and then cycles back to lower realms has all the info I think it’s “above its pay grade”

I can hear the Cs already replying to this: it’s just all lessons, nothing more. Remember than it was mentioned on one of the recent sessions that 4D beings are able to retain memories from previous lives, we as 3D STS beings, don’t have that capacity because our DNA was manipulated for this purpose according to the Cs.
If you ask who designed this process of going back a forth to 5th density and then to lower densities to learn lessons? Then that’s a good question, and I would say that the Universe naturally chose this method, are there other different universes where we wouldn’t follow this method? I’ve no idea, could be the case.
Shout out to Jay Campbell and Hunter Williams.
There are new members arriving here almost daily.
In my view, if one person was able to receive your podcasts and make their way to this forum then your work is done.

Congratulations and a heartfelt thank you for shining a light on the path to the Cassiopaea family.
If @Hunter Williams and I have anything else to say/do about it, there will be many more to come. :cool2:

And with @Laura's blessing, more shows too.
I can hear the Cs already replying to this: it’s just all lessons, nothing more. Remember than it was mentioned on one of the recent sessions that 4D beings are able to retain memories from previous lives, we as 3D STS beings, don’t have that capacity because our DNA was manipulated for this purpose according to the Cs.
If you ask who designed this process of going back a forth to 5th density and then to lower densities to learn lessons? Then that’s a good question, and I would say that the Universe naturally chose this method, are there other different universes where we wouldn’t follow this method? I’ve no idea, could be the case.
I can hear the Cs already replying to this: it’s just all lessons, nothing more. Remember than it was mentioned on one of the recent sessions that 4D beings are able to retain memories from previous lives, we as 3D STS beings, don’t have that capacity because our DNA was manipulated for this purpose according to the Cs.
If you ask who designed this process of going back a forth to 5th density and then to lower densities to learn lessons? Then that’s a good question, and I would say that the Universe naturally chose this method, are there other different universes where we wouldn’t follow this method? I’ve no idea, could be the case.

I was under the impression that at 5th density you access your past live(s) and there is a review and that full intact memory is kept above 5D … if some memory is in 4D ok … some memory is also here in 3D cells have memory, dreams, flashbacks and what not.

From what I know there are other realms to reincarnate to from 3D but as we have both said earth is a “special” school for faster advancement/learning.

My question is why would the soul/conciousness choose to put a human and itself through what is possible and probable here given the rule set.

And if this is the only or best system for advancement then why the speed why the intensity why the drasticness
for who and what larger agenda? Yes advance grow give data back to the system but we choose and or are forced to do it in a way that seems how to say … not efficient or nice…so who what is making one do so
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If I have 4 years to finish college why would I pull all nighters every night to graduate in a year knowing about sleep health and what stress can do I wouldn’t subject myself to that life unless I lacked important knowledge about effects…whats the rush who is the rush for or what is the rush to learn the intensity for…

This is what the C's had to say on the topic, but it doesn't answer your question of "What's the rush":

Session 22 October 1994
Q: (L) Are human beings entrapped in physical matter?

A: By choice.

Q: (L) Why did they make this choice?

A: To experience physical sensations. It was a group mind decision.

Q: (L) Who was in charge of the group?

A: The group.

Q: (L) Does the interaction between the spirit/soul and the body physical produce some by-product that is desirable to other beings?

A: Well, all things have desirable consequences as well as undesirable consequences, but it must also be mentioned here that everything that exists in all realms of the universe can experience existence in one of only two ways. That would be defined as a long wave cycle and a short wave cycle. Going back to your previous question about why humans are "entrapped" in physical existence, which, of course, is voluntary and chosen, this was due to the desire to change from the long wave cycle experience of completely what you would call ethereal or spiritual existence, to the short wave cycle of what you call physical existence. The difference is that a long wave cycle involves only very gradual change in evolution in a cyclical manner. Whereas a short wave cycle involves a duality. And this is the case with souls in physical bodies as is experienced on this earth plane because the soul experiences an ethereal state for half the cycle and a physical state for the other half of the cycle. While these halves are not measured in time the way you measure time, the totality of experience is equal in each half. The necessity to form the short wave cycle was brought about through nature through the natural bounds of the universe when the group mind of souls chose to experience physicality as opposed to a completely ethereal existence.
Q: (L) Does this interaction produce a by-product?

A: It produces equal by-products of a positive and negative nature.

Q: (L) And what are these by-products?

A: Which one first?

Q: (L) Positive.

A: Positive by-product is an increase in relative energy which speeds up the learning process of the soul and all of it's one dimensional and two dimensional interactive partners. In other words, flora and fauna, minerals, etc. All experience growth and movement towards reunion at a faster rate on the cycle through this short wave cycle physical/ethereal transfer. Of a negative nature, it also produces many negative experiences for these very same entities which otherwise would not exist because being of a first level and second level nature, flora and fauna would ordinarily experience a long term or long wave cycle on the physical plane as opposed to a short wave cycle physical and ethereal, as they do now because of their interaction with the human species in its short wave ethereal/physical cycle.
To use your analogy, if you could choose between an intensive 4-year degree and a 400-year degree, which would you choose? I think I would pick the quicker option, even if it meant more suffering short term.
I recommend stopping it at 43 mins and 17 seconds and pondering the implications.

To me, I took it as a confirmation that the US is not going to be "nuked" with nuclear bombs but with them comets. I guess a higher density sent a little explosion over the chateau.
From Session 26 October 2015:
(L) So, Ennio has an opening question.

(Ennio) In the session that begins with, "USA headed for destruction", you likened Germany's relationship to the rest of the world during World War II to the US's relationship to the rest of the world today, and that the US can ultimately expect to get nuked. Is that still true?

A: Possible but recall the qualifiers: there are "natural nukes".

Q: (Pierre) Cometary bombardments, earthquakes

I'm so enjoying the series and seeing Laura. I know it sounds strange, but when I see her she resonates as my mother but much wiser!
This is what the C's had to say on the topic, but it doesn't answer your question of "What's the rush":

Session 22 October 1994

To use your analogy, if you could choose between an intensive 4-year degree and a 400-year degree, which would you choose? I think I would pick the quicker option, even if it meant more suffering short term.

Wondering, however, if the human beings who made the choice for greater physicality at that time had, on any level, knowledge of short and long term cycles as such; whether choosing the short wave cycle was also a choice to evolve more quickly for them in other words. So far, and based on the transcripts, it seems as though it was purely a choice to have what the lizards said could be theirs too, if I remember correctly. But I wouldn't be too surprised to learn that what we consider 'The Fall' of the human race was also a kind of consciously chosen crash course in spiritual growth in the way that Jenn suggests, and not solely an unwitting decision to experience greater physicality only. Any further thoughts on this?
But I wouldn't be too surprised to learn that what we consider 'The Fall' of the human race was also a kind of consciously chosen crash course in spiritual growth in the way that Jenn suggests, and not solely an unwitting decision to experience greater physicality only. Any further thoughts on this?

I’ve never really thought about this before but how spiritually dumb must we have been back then? VERY.

Exploring my presuppositions about the time before the fall, it seems that I have always equated their less physical state with some kind of advanced nature. How weird this never occurred to me, after almost 20 years of being familiar with the concepts.

I think that it really was just all about having the experience of physical sex. The C’s said something along the lines that the sarcastic sentiment from 4D STS was “Oops, sorry. Forgot to tell you. There’s no going back.”, which indicates that we thought it was just one thing we were going to get to experience, as then carry on as before.

So I don’t think that we ‘knew’ that it was going to lead to a speeding up of our development. But that, as the C’s have said many times, it’s all part of the grand cycle and it’s a necessary thing that pretty much every being or soul group goes through.

It’s pretty mind-blowing really to think about just how much we got to learn by coming into 3D STS - how much of reality and Being, so many faces of God, were unavailable to us without it, as much as we dislike the fact that we have to be here and participate in so much nonsense and pain.

Just think about that for one second: each of us here, individually, knows so much more about existence than we knew as an entire soul-group prior to the fall.
I think that the Lizzies were telling the truth when they offered humanity an accelerated path and that's what drew so much initial interest, they just weren't telling the whole truth. There was a lot of "fine print" involved. Their intention was never to offer accelerated learning, it was to create slaves after the initial choice was made via genetic modifications. The accelerated learning was reduced to a side effect of enslavement only realizable to a select few and sex was sort of a distraction from this fact. While it did provide an incredible challenge for that select few who are cut out for it, it was at the expense of the majority not being able to handle it. Basically it was made harder than it needed to be. When faced with the choice between the 400 year degree that everyone can get and the 4 year degree that no one can get, the option wasn't offered for the 40 year degree which was much harder but attainable by most people.
I think that the Lizzies were telling the truth when they offered humanity an accelerated path and that's what drew so much initial interest, they just weren't telling the whole truth. There was a lot of "fine print" involved. Their intention was never to offer accelerated learning, it was to create slaves after the initial choice was made via genetic modifications. The accelerated learning was reduced to a side effect of enslavement only realizable to a select few and sex was sort of a distraction from this fact. While it did provide an incredible challenge for that select few who are cut out for it, it was at the expense of the majority not being able to handle it. Basically it was made harder than it needed to be. When faced with the choice between the 400 year degree that everyone can get and the 4 year degree that no one can get, the option wasn't offered for the 40 year degree which was much harder but attainable by most people.
In everyTHING there is always and in all ways a lot of *fine print* involved.

Very few ever take the time to examine the fine print.

And what would be the fun in that anyway?

Life is purely lessons and learning is fun even when we sense it isn’t.
This is what the C's had to say on the topic, but it doesn't answer your question of "What's the rush":

Session 22 October 1994

To use your analogy, if you could choose between an intensive 4-year degree and a 400-year degree, which would you choose? I think I would pick the quicker option, even if it meant more suffering short term.
Thank you for conversing and spending time to give more knowledge on this topic. I do have more of a % understanding of the picture but obviously still missing and still questions. So the way I understand it long wave and short wave through gaining wisdom and experience through time, data, knowledge, conciousness, free will decisions and the results positive/negative this all facilitates a quicker or more intense learning experience for the shorter wave so that the lower organisms and life forms can learn. I get that and with experiencing physical with yourself and others one also experiences the emotional and intellectual centers of others and since .001% of the world knows The Work/4th way the probability is that you are interacting with that physical beings lower emotional/intellectual center thus the negativity is there and more probable of a result/reaction of the physical interaction unless the physical is just transactional and each party upholds the transaction.

I surmise the long wave was probably a “nicer” process for the soul however there was a need for the “all nightsr” quick wave hence the constructs here in 3D facilitating the intense negative/positive and that in and of itself facilitates the short wave quick learning process as the physical organism through intense pain that affects the emotional center this reaction forces the soul/physical human to become more aware learn realize perspective wisdom. Great ok but as a suspected the short wave and the creation of the short wave is for a reason the physical being experience is used so that other “things” can learn and grow as it wouldn’t make sense that I am experiencing what I have experienced just for myself the group chose and I’m sure or I surmise it wasn’t 100% unanimous choice from each individual most likely a 51%+ majority vote.

Speeding up adding the short wave to the long wave mix it all in a pot for ???…

Regarding 4 years or 400 years for degree if my career lasts 1,000,000,000,000 years after degree then I would most likely choose a smoother ride and a assume it does last a long time as there are million or billion year cycles … my assumption would be that these cycles end or the short wave was needed because the cycles were or are not infinite or something change.

But again the soul chooses to experience short wave for quickness and to bring more learning for all for… who is the owner of this company/who set the system in motion? What is the end game and if there is no end game and it’s just process then the choice of the intense negative is suspicious.

I say the above as a way to network and get to the whole pie as I have experienced things from birth to 38 years and learned certain things were it’s just seems there’s arbitrary decisions, thoughts, wants, emotions, results, reactions when interacting here and I would say it has to make sense on a why?/larger scale to why all these physical interactions/impressions just happen and there is very little if no direction and yes a broken clock is right twice a day and 2 + 2 = 4 so it seems like there is success and structure but IMO it really is just an experience once you clean your machine or get a hold of it and assimilate certain knowledge you see the triteness and futility in most situations.

The flower in the empty field blossoms by itself, the river flows by itself, the sun rises and sets by itself. After certain knowledge there is little the human has to actually do. And yes STO is important but again unless genuinely asked by another it harms the other thus there’s really not much to do if one is aware of the probability of intense negativity and favors the 400 year degree.

I do like the idea of gaining knowledge wisdom and sending it out to the world, (book, forum, movie, radio…) other than this it seems it’s all organic matter/organic portals and for the bigger picture the product produced by the few souls in the physical avatar that can actually do/transmute is beneficial but I’m not sure how important it is for me to go through physical experiences with others have negativity gain wisdom and knowledge intensely at this point as I value my organism health that my soul is in than gaining perspective for this system I’m not sure of and is of little DIRECT benefit…

It seems if one studies, suffers, learns, avoids, “does right” the wants and needs of the physical being who is giving to life in this way the short wave the system - it doesn’t “reward@ that individual and the naive physical human can achieve just as much or more based on the broken clock. The system doesn’t reward the human that strives and suffers to stay the course in any way that a smart human can’t reward themselves as once you get to the point of this knowledge you know what you need and don’t need and the only increased protection is the awareness of not going too far down the intense negative rabbit hole the system doesn’t give the human anything that it hasn’t earned… it doesn’t make the cookie crumble in a way that behooves the individual that learned the physical individual just learned that cookies aren’t good for its physical avatar and doesn’t get involved.

The juice doesn’t seem to be worth the squeeze for the physical human as they can’t help the short wave and overall system alone it’s cumulative and others are needed to row the boat correctly so the struggling and strive and intense physical negative is for lack of a better word stupid to get into or involve oneself with. The system short/long wave cycle will do its thing regardless of how intensely you suffer is my opinion

To me it’s like setting out on a mission to try and chop down all the trees in the world alone… why the struggle and effort it’s futile

I’m not saying “do wrong” and “sin” or do not learn or gain knowledge or don’t help when asked I’m just saying the intense/quick negative is not useful or worth it IMO ITS going to happen regardless of one’s deep depressive or negative states or experiences.

If I am completely off base then I need more knowledge of why the intense sharp negative helps the system short/long in a material way and what would happen with more moderate negative/positive experiences. Oscillating from slow to moderate gives the physical human a better experience and the system/slow wave can still do its thing I would assume.

If the soul is needed to experience physical and it’s a group decision where’s the spiritual empathy? The system the “person in charge” I guess thinks “it’s only roughly 70-80 years per individual and they have amnesia so it is what it is”
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