6 Part Podcast Series with Laura Interviewed by Jay Campbell & Hunter Williams

I recommend stopping it at 43 mins and 17 seconds and pondering the implications.

It was unreal.

There's some implications that I thought about besides the obvious first impressions, though.

The fact that the C's referred to this as 'confirmation' seems quite unusual it that it carries so much certainty. It's as close to 'proof', which is an infringement of free will, as I can remember. I'm thinking of sessions like this:

A: Third density "proof " does not apply, as we have explained again and again. Now, listen very carefully: if proof of that type were possible, what do you suppose would happen to free will, and thusly to learning, Karmic Directive Level One?

Q: (L) Well, I guess that if there is proof, you are believing in the proof and not the spirit of the thing. You are placing your reliance upon a material thing. You have lost your free will. Someone has violated your free will by the act of PROVING something to you.

A: If anyone CHOOSES to believe, that is their prerogative!

That was in the context of someone who wanted to submit the C's to a test, to confirm their ability to predict things and so on. A bit different.

Perhaps though the answer is closer to this:
(L) Is there any trail we could follow that would enable us to obtain a more definite indication of what really DID go on in the Roswell case?

A: There is no "proof" or evidence unless the perceiver is willing.

It's not so much proof as something like a synchronicity, a strong indication that there is more to reality than you might have thought. Still, it does stand out for me. I'm thinking of people who are completely new to this material, watching that video and having their minds blown (though everybody is so cynical and jaded, that might not happen). They'll just doubt that it was genuine and move on, or they'll investigate further and learn the whole story.

Then there's the answer about the hyperdimensional origins of comet fragments, in this particular instance. Those implications, I'm still pondering.
I recommend stopping it at 43 mins and 17 seconds and pondering the implications.
Yes, that really was "pure and hard" channeling, luckily they use the Ouija board as an intermediary.:lol:.
In the first interview Laura spoke of fascinating plasma manifestations that Ark was investigating and deduced to be STS 4d interventions; I believe that this force of understanding, knowledge and expression of Truth SO, attracts those kinds of confirmations and manifestations, something like that in a more creative-optimistic way must have been the horns of plenty.
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It was unreal.

There's some implications that I thought about besides the obvious first impressions, though.

What would a mathematician put the odds at of something like that happening? Is there a big enough number?

Assuming, therefore, it was intentional, how about the question of how whoever made if happen knew that Laura was going to say that precise thing at that precise time. It was a non-sequitur in the context of the discussion before and after. So the timing was impeccable.

Here's the precise transcript:

...whether that's gonna happen, or we're going to get bombarded by overhead explosions of comet fragments that are gonna ablate the landscape, eh...which has happened multiple times in history, eh... periodically and even regularly...it's six of one and half a dozen [insert overhead explosion of comet fragment] of the other...WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT.
What would a mathematician put the odds at of something like that happening? Is there a big enough number?

Assuming, therefore, it was intentional, how about the question of how whoever made if happen knew that Laura was going to say that precise thing at that precise time. It was a non-sequitur in the context of the discussion before and after. So the timing was impeccable.

Here's the precise transcript:
I’m going to assume that it’s relatively easy to align these kinds of synchronistic events.

Just check out the Simpson’s for prediction after prediction in alignment with timeframes.

And, on one of my own personal experiences. The conception of my 10 year old daughter. She was our only consciously planned one. The next day after ‘trying’ I was at my sisters to watch a partial solar eclipse. At its maximum coverage I felt a distinct click in my uterus that even made a sound in my body, all the power to the city blacked out at the same time. About 100km away a crop circle was found a few days later. The sun and the moon coming together to make a seed of life. May be coincidence, I think not especially as my daughters soul had been visiting me for months asking me to be her mum and I had only agreed two days prior.


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In response to Hunter's comment about orgasm effecting the child conceived, my thought is that it would not. It can take up to 6 days for the sperm to find the egg and unite with it. In addition, the sperm released were created before the sexual encounter occurred. A female contains all the eggs she will ever have at birth. So, neither the sperm nor egg were created during orgasm. Orgasm DOES increase the potential for pregnancy though. 😉
In response to Hunter's comment about orgasm effecting the child conceived, my thought is that it would not. It can take up to 6 days for the sperm to find the egg and unite with it. In addition, the sperm released were created before the sexual encounter occurred. A female contains all the eggs she will ever have at birth. So, neither the sperm nor egg were created during orgasm. Orgasm DOES increase the potential for pregnancy though. 😉

That’s a valid point! But also consider that we don’t know if the eggs or the sperm get “charged” with a specific energy. Also, as you know, one out of millions spermatozoids, is the one who “makes it” to begin the fertilization process, I know that there is a particular code that makes that sperm to get into the egg, but what if what really happens is that there is a particular “energy” match, that makes the process working. If that makes sense. So what I’m trying to say it’s that I don’t think timing matters, it’s more like an “energy” mark on those cells or energy that can modify the DNA code in those cells.
Of course, this is all speculation from our part because we don’t really know if that’s close to the truth or not. But, I really liked Hunster’s idea, it resonates well with me at least.
In response to Hunter's comment about orgasm effecting the child conceived, my thought is that it would not. It can take up to 6 days for the sperm to find the egg and unite with it. In addition, the sperm released were created before the sexual encounter occurred. A female contains all the eggs she will ever have at birth. So, neither the sperm nor egg were created during orgasm. Orgasm DOES increase the potential for pregnancy though. 😉
I second Irjo's explanation. I would say you've described the "mechanical" part of conception. But, there might be other invisible things that we know nothing about, such as the "energetic" or "ethereal" part of conception, which might be affected by the loving union and/or orgasm.
I second Irjo's explanation. I would say you've described the "mechanical" part of conception. But, there might be other invisible things that we know nothing about, such as the "energetic" or "ethereal" part of conception, which might be affected by the loving union and/or orgasm.
As with for example breathing exercises and intention can charge cells and other things like cosmic rays impact our cellular expression. Think of what happens to water when we charge it with intentions. A cell is mostly water.
Based on what was said in a recent session: in 5D you only see or know about 4D in 5D if you were aware of it in 3D, it seems that people who are not aware in that respect really don't have any other option, because 3D is all the see from 5D.
I constantly wonder about what we take with us from what we’ve learned here through the Cs into our soul reflection in 5D. But even more I’m concerned about afterward. Are we then reborn “by choice” with a baby’s mental “clean slate” and therefore have to take as chance that we’ll rediscover it, or instead wander blindly through another incarnation? So we start over with a fresh “receiver”, but without the knowledge we’ve built amongst ourselves here? Will we find the lighthouse again, considering that we’ve had all knowledge of it erased? I understand that we retain it on the soul level, but to go through another lifetime in an STS existence without the network and experience, with some remote chance that we’ll by some miracle stumble upon another Laura in another world? It sounds horrible. Does that make sense to you guys?
I agree with all the above posts about the energetic/etheric potentials and I believe that you all are probably correct on that energy affecting the soon to develop fetus. But, I don't believe orgasm is the necessary component. I do believe the bonding and feelings of love that are experienced by the parents does play a part, I'm just not sure that the actual event of what we would all be equating with female orgasm is part of it (As male orgasm is necessary in natural reproduction.) It could be and I'm all for it though. I just think that if you believe that orgasm is necessary, it could cause stress on the 'parents' during the act that could counter the original intention. In Thanks for the replies!!
Thanks Jay, Hunter and Laura for yet another riveting podcast!

Check out this session:

I totally forgot about this session! When I watched the podcast last night, I got massive chills at the part with the explosion. In my mind the word "confirmation" kept repeating itself. Anyway, re-reading the Cs session just now where they said "confirmation" sent even more chills down my spine!

In this last video I must say that Laura looks amazing

That thought also crossed my mind. She looks incredible.

I constantly wonder about what we take with us from what we’ve learned here through the Cs into our soul reflection in 5D. But even more I’m concerned about afterward. Are we then reborn “by choice” with a baby’s mental “clean slate” and therefore have to take as chance that we’ll rediscover it, or instead wander blindly through another incarnation? So we start over with a fresh “receiver”, but without the knowledge we’ve built amongst ourselves here? Will we find the lighthouse again, considering that we’ve had all knowledge of it erased? I understand that we retain it on the soul level, but to go through another lifetime in an STS existence without the network and experience, with some remote chance that we’ll by some miracle stumble upon another Laura in another world? It sounds horrible. Does that make sense to you guys?

I too have wondered at this. But more recently I have felt intense gratitude for being incarnated at this time and discovering Laura and the Cass material. Deep down I don't think I have been aware of any of this knowledge before, but I could be wrong.
I agree with all the above posts about the energetic/etheric potentials and I believe that you all are probably correct on that energy affecting the soon to develop fetus. But, I don't believe orgasm is the necessary component. I do believe the bonding and feelings of love that are experienced by the parents does play a part, I'm just not sure that the actual event of what we would all be equating with female orgasm is part of it (As male orgasm is necessary in natural reproduction.) It could be and I'm all for it though. I just think that if you believe that orgasm is necessary, it could cause stress on the 'parents' during the act that could counter the original intention. In Thanks for the replies!!
Orgasm is most certainly not necessary, on either part, a man can ejaculate without orgasm, they are independent of each other. I imagine that if both parents orgasm while viewing one another as a divine cosmic being (sounds like 3D STO according to Ra) that the children born of this encounter would be very happy little cherubs indeed.
I too have wondered at this. But more recently I have felt intense gratitude for being incarnated at this time and discovering Laura and the Cass material. Deep down I don't think I have been aware of any of this knowledge before, but I could be wrong.
You make a very good point. There is most definitely a sense that on an instinctive level I’ve always known this; that it’s been a rediscovery over the course of my lifetime. When I think back to my childhood, there was always something different in my view of the world from that of my peers, and in my adulthood, it’s been a very clear road that searching and researching has led me here. From growing up in Temple, to refusing to be Bar Mitzvahed, to leaving home to live in a Coptic Orthodox Monastery, to deciding that wasn’t my place and moving to the redwoods, to finding a copy of Zechariah Sitchen, leading me to find The Wave. As if it couldn’t possibly have happened any other way. So maybe it has been carried over somewhere deep beneath the surface of my life, and therefore it will be again until I somehow manage to get here/there in time to make it across before it all blows up again. That’s assuming that the next life will be in the future, or this future in this world. Who knows what disc on the cosmic jukebox will be selected when I incarnate? Or maybe I already am? Or as Arnold Rimmer said in Red Dwarf: It will be happened; it shall be going to be happening; it will be was an event that could will have been taken place in the future.
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