6 Part Podcast Series with Laura Interviewed by Jay Campbell & Hunter Williams

Been having an odd experience with these videos. My work commute is an hour each way at the moment and I usually listen to interviews and talks on YouTube. Frequently happens that the interview hasn't finished by the time I arrive so I pause it and resume it on the return trip. Have been doing this for over a year. With this series however when I resume the video YouTube reloads and starts another unrelated video and I have to search for the one that I'm watching in this series again and forward to the approx time stamp I was at before the interruption. Doesn't happen with other talks I'm listening to between these weekly releases. Wonder if that's another way YouTube interferes with traffic?

Anyway, brilliant series and am totally enjoying it. Thanks to all involved for the effort.
Of course! I remember now. Like my usual moron self, I didn’t put the two together. I also keep forgetting that these were all prerecorded. Thanks for the reminder.
Same here! 😅 I thought they had been recorded 1 or 2 weeks prior and I had forgotten about that session. So frankly, if this is what is planned for the USA, Canada will surely be affected by it... No wonder that all my life I've felt this constant urge to travel/leave this country.

I agree with Hunter about that weird feeling when coming back home from traveling to Mexico or a "blue zone" (spent 3 months in the Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica). First of all, I did not want to come back. Down there, people felt different. The vibe felt different. For sure it's cultural, it's the sunlight, it's the food, but back then I didn't know about the "invisible factors". Now it makes sense.
I haven't watched the whole interview yet, but Tucker Carlson's interview with the President of El Salvador Nayib Bukele touches on the fact that Americans are leaving the US for El Salvador, but Bukele also said that US Salvadorans are moving back to their own country, over half a million people are already making plans. It's now safer than the US! So, perhaps it is an option if there are Americans that wish to leave (one of the topics brought up last night), although I am not sure how long they can keep it that way. :-/I don't know enough about the country, though.
I haven't watched the whole interview yet, but Tucker Carlson's interview with the President of El Salvador Nayib Bukele touches on the fact that Americans are leaving the US for El Salvador, but Bukele also said that US Salvadorans are moving back to their own country, over half a million people are already making plans. It's now safer than the US! So, perhaps it is an option if there are Americans that wish to leave (one of the topics brought up last night), although I am not sure how long they can keep it that way. :-/I don't know enough about the country, though.
That's interesting. I've always heard that San Salvador was extremely dangerous, the country being plagued by extreme violence from criminal gangs. I also met a friend from Salvador in 1995 who had walked his way into Canada through the bogs of Guatemala because, at the time, there had been a huge earthquake: people were living in "refugee" camps, in extreme poverty, and he saw little kids eating dirt because their belly hurt too much from hunger :(
Important to consider: Central America is a zone of volcanos and earthquakes.
I am thoroughly enjoying these interviews with Laura! I have been here a long time …I found Laura’s work in the very early 2000’s and I have been here ever since. I have read most of her books, working on the latest one now. I had been searching for answers forever, but when I found the Wave it all made so much sense!
Even though I have never met anyone here in person, it feels like a family ❤️ I definitely need to network more here..after listening to Laura in these interviews it has encouraged me to share more often. Thank you Laura and everyone else at the Chateau for keeping the lighthouse going.
Only one more to go, I’m kinda sad about that. Been enjoying Tuesday a lot with these great videos to watch.

I really like what Hunter asked about how if the energy between two parents at the time of conception will have an effect on the child.

I recall in reading the christ letters
(they are interesting at the very least and a lot to extrapolate on, if I find some time I might do it for fun) it being said similar to this line of thinking that the love between the parents creates more intelligent, balanced and beautiful children. This would imply that all other levels of feelings that could be expressed in a sexual encounter also give way to a multitude other energetic manifestations at the time of conception.

if you have time or interest, there might be something to gain from reading these anonymously channeled letters.
I see them mainly as an attempt to ‘interrupt’ Christian dogma still sticking to the ‘Jesus did it’ guidelines, making them more receivable. Hmm, I do query their full intent and who was behind it all.
Part 5 is inbound

Great. Have now finished Part IV and would say, well done Jay and Hunter, and of course Laura for guiding us all through this big ride we are all on.

Laura asked Jay and Hunter about Romance novels, with their response fun (being male), and author Mary Balogh came up. So, for you two guys, here is an wonderful MindMatters talk with Mary.

There's a reason romance is the bestselling genre of fiction, and there's a reason Mary Balogh is among the best of the best.


I really liked this last podcast, because the human profile was seen.

That is, when Laura is not channeling the C's or writing books (which also involves a higher connection), she is cleaning the bathroom or putting in the dishwasher.

And that is the true positively oriented third density enlightened being (from my understanding).

Then, many will have felt identified with the people who consciously choose to stay next to a person who is a source of drainage, because from the understanding they are (we are) capable of reaching, it is the only option that is not selfish and is also a great sacrifice.

My respect to all of them.

I repeat myself again.

It is a pleasure to listen to someone wise.
In this last video I must say that Laura looks amazing...plus I had to stop the video several times to be able to grasp the information that she channels and penetrates through her words as a way to expand and clarify concepts that one reads and knows but listening to her is great. I find it super key that Jay and Hunter give her enough space to answer and that between them they are so complementary and efficient with the topics, that also shows that they are in the effort to do the task like everyone else.
Thanks so much for being there and making it possible to get the information out to more people. :thup:
Maybe reincarnation back into 3D Earth is the only available option.

Based on what was said in a recent session: in 5D you only see or know about 4D in 5D if you were aware of it in 3D, it seems that people who are not aware in that respect really don't have any other option, because 3D is all the see from 5D.
Based on what was said in a recent session: in 5D you only see or know about 4D in 5D if you were aware of it in 3D, it seems that people who are not aware in that respect really don't have any other option, because 3D is all the see from 5D.

Well, surely you don't have to know our concept of 4D in order to see 4D in 5D. I'd think it would have to be something more general.

At the same time, since it's something that is learned then there's likely to be some cultural reference. But surely it's not so simple as believing in angels and demons, for example, either.

Perhaps the awareness of 4D in 5D comes from the development of seeing the unseen in 3D. Seeing how people are manipulated by forces that are on some higher plane. What one calls it is irrelevant. It's the ability to see it, really, that's important.

And not in Sunday sermons, "demons are trying to keep you from living a Christ-like life" kind of way. It's much more nuanced and adult-like, for lack of a better term, than that.

Edit: Essentially, how much or what exactly does one need to know in order to see 4D in 5D?
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