6 Part Podcast Series with Laura Interviewed by Jay Campbell & Hunter Williams

I spent the evening thinking about Trump and his significance on the chessboard, and others like him seemingly oppositional to the control system.
It seems to me, just like 4DSTS have to make themselves/their actions known, leaving hints and clues, a trail of crumbs, sometimes blatantly obvious signatures, that they also have to, under the laws of freewill, allow for the opportunity for humanity to see behind the curtain if they are able to look hard enough through the distortion. Breadcrumbs going in the opposite direction.
Trump is a signal, an opposite, a balancing effect, and he and those like him are necessary for 4DSTS to be able to get away with doing they are doing.
There has to be choice, even if all options are tainted and corrupted they still have to exist.

Now we wait … for part 7 :-D

Thank you so much to all involved for this excellent series. We’ve all loved it
I've so enjoyed this amazing series. Hearing some of these topics in talk somehow felt new again as they were expanded upon. Thank you to Jay and Hunter for initiating and for delving into so much of Laura's work that allowed for flowing topics and great questions. And of course, a huge thank you to Laura for being the human version of the crystal skulls or the golden discs of knowledge. Her knowledge, perspectives, and ability to convey it all in an understandable way is unmatched.
Thank you all for the latest session :flowers: I am really enjoying the opportunity to listen to these and will be more than happy to listen to them over again if every my list is running short! Maybe if @SoFloJayC and @Hunter Williams get into the recommended reading list, they will come up with a whole bunch of new questions. If they follow the recommendation of Earth Changes and the Human Cosmic Connection I'm sure they'll really enjoy it. Despite the heavily technical nature of the work Pierre did there, it is a very easy and surprising read.

Had a thought about Trump while listening to the latest interview. C's have mentioned the possibility of Trump being taken out and when he was first gaining popularity as a political candidate, some saw the connection to the last trumpet of Revelations. My thought today was that Trump isn't the last Trump per se, Barron Trump is. So I wondered at the possibility of Barron entering politics and whether he'd be smarter than his dad.

Was also thinking about the Wave while listening and along with the question of sound wave focusing in the sessions, had the thought that maybe the Wave is or will be a sound wave.
I've really enjoyed this series, many thanks guys. The explosion during Laura's explanation of the potential fate of the USA was....'WOW'

A few thoughts of mine on grand purpose, FWIW. Obviously I've no idea what our ultimate purpose is, and I cannot creatively imagine it, let alone constructively imagine it or conceive of it. But from a few things the C's have said, I think we have some ideas oF the things we might do, have done already or are doing right now as part of that cycle... For instance, they've mentioned that one of the core activities of denizens of fourth density is seeding third density worlds with life. That is an awesome prospect - from the intelligent design thread and its recommended reading, I've an inkling of the extraordinary creative power and intelligence such an undertaking would require. It blows my mind, when I compare creativity on that scale with my clumsy and faltering attempts to design and operate the very modest enterprise I am involved in....

And if fourth density are responsible for seeding worlds, then who or what is responsible creating the systems of planets and stars? Would that be sixth density? I dunno, but again, can you imagine being part of the creative process responsible for such majesty? I can't, its just...unimaginable. But presumably, that capability is part of our grand cycle? I think I have a tiny tiny sliver of the whole banana, and its crazy to consider what might be possible in future. Even though I struggle with my role here, its fun to day dream of such things.

Thanks again to all, I appreciate your efforts.
Please, someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel like I recall there being a session where it was discussed that even after we reunite with the one at 7th, we just repeat the whole cycle over again starting from the beginning?
I don't think its possible to just cease to exist. I got the impression that recycling from 7D is like turning into 'conscious stardust particles of golden light' and "you" get sprinkled onto the universe, like seeds of god - in particulate matter form -, into 1st density. I think, You may essentially become a beautiful nebula or a galaxy, retaining some of your previous 7thD consciousness imprint, but dispersed inside the entire large area of the nebula, galaxy, which you seeded with your "mind".

Your consciousness is still there, I think, but instead of "unified at 7thD as One" its dispersed now in 1st Density. Maybe recycling as some kind of a large Oversoul, encompassing an entire smart galaxy or "nebula with a faint '7D Intelligence Imprint'". If this is anywhere near the truth, then Prime Matter in 1st Density also becomes The Creator, retaining some 7thD consciousness imprint, I think.
It may help Intelligent Design. Since the gravity goes through / binds everything, all densities, - (on the humorous side) -, one day the 6thD-7thD 'Creation Department' team may call you on the phone that they need you - now incarnated as a whole 'semi consciously imprinted' galaxy or smart nebula - to move your entire mass to a new location, where they would like you to collide with another galaxy to help them in a 'New Life Creation Project for Intelligent Design'.
- God Speed!

People on 3rdD feel vibes and usually become overwhelmed when a famous "larger than life" somebody enters and his / her "Presence" fills the entire room.

Owen reports in his six books that even at 5thD souls / spirits emanate strong light energy - like a megawatt light bulb-, which possibly means increased light radius [of consciousness] as well, so individual souls' 5thD light possibly overlaps. When close enough - in a group - this must mean essentially shared thoughts, shared emotions and shared energy: 5thD consciousnesses in Communion, I think.

C's said they are light beings at 6thD, so their soul light intensity must be even stronger, their radiation propagates probably to wider radius. As they recounted, they habitually stand guard around the Chateau Crew during channeling: also sharing their thoughts with the channelers, I think. So channeling means overlapping consciousnesses technically are in Communion.

At 6thD this soul-light radiation may become so strong that they habitually become One, when they - C's - group up. They begin sharing thoughts-feelings telepathically automatically, I think, probably resulting in a unified consciousness. One Cassiopaean even greeted the Chateau Team as:
Q: (L) And who do we have with us?
A: Groilla of Cassiopaea unified thought.
Q: (L) Why did you add the extra to the introduction?
A: You sometimes forget that a "name" is just a convention for your convenience. We thought a reminder was in order.

Even on 3rd density your auras overlap when you hug. Auras contain parts of consciousness, feelings, thoughts, and other energies, I think.

One Chateau member reported [some of] the group [members] have developed telepathy in the house. Just one reason is possibly because all the Chateau Team frequently stays inside "an overlapping widened aural radius".

I think several forum members here - [some or all] their family members included - are telepathic. On any level - doesn't matter - its recognizable.

My discordant family is genetically telepathic at varying levels. We are "spiritually" divergent.
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I just listened to the last two videos of the series. Thanks to Jay, Hunter, and Laura for making these videos happen!

@SoFloJayC I thought I might be able to provide a little more color on one of the questions you asked regarding long lived persons and that being the inspiration for movies like the Highlander. Well, you are more right than you realize. I happen to know someone who told me many years ago that she actually knew the person who inspired the movie. She told me there was someone she wanted me to meet and gave me his name and then mentioned that he was the inspiration for the movie and then a bit later casually dropped that he was somewhere between 1200 and 1400 years old. I was like "1200 physical years" sort of blown away with what she had just said, and then realized she was 100% serious, and she proceeded to tell me more about him, none of which I really feel comfortable discussing on a public forum.

But thought you might be interested in you nailed that one. The other interesting thing based on one anecdote that was recounted to me that he has taught others to extend their lives as well; although, honestly I really don't see the appeal. Personally I don't want to spend any more time on this prison planet than I absolutely have to :).
Thanks again to Jay, Hunter and Laura for a superb conclusion to an amazing podcast series!

Years before I even discovered the Cs material, I used to think "the universe can be understood using analogies, symbols and self-similarity (fractals)". I remember one profound dream maybe 30 years ago in which I had suddenly made the discovery that the neural network in the human brain is analogous to the network of galaxies in our universe. In the dream I was excitedly telling people around me of my amazing discovery. I awoke in absolute awe. It wasn't until several years later that I saw science articles showing what the universe might look like "zoomed out" and I was in absolute shock that it does indeed seem to resemble a neural network.

And yes, paying attention to the symbolism around us is very important. Our "higher self" is probably constantly trying to communicate with us in this manner, and I think the more we try to do it, the better we get at it. Most people accept that dreams are usually symbolic, but not as many realise that the physical world itself is symbolic too. I remember that anecdote of Laura where she said a cast-iron pan handle snapped clean off, and she interpreted it as the universe saying "get a handle on things!"

One last note: @SoFloJayC I also lost my wedding ring in the ocean some 18 months ago, but despite looking for it for 2 hours the next day at low tide, it was nowhere to be found. I hope there is no negative symbolism to this!!! 😩
But does it really? Some flowers needs pollinators to bloom, while other propagate better with bird droppings. Some can pollinate just fine on their own. Its harder to see of rocks/minerals and water since its around far longer than us. The river can only flow where the rocks/soil give way, then there's those pesky beavers damning up for a home :-P

But, in general, I think these systems are dynamic, even if humans weren't around, someone else will be interacting with them anyway, so why not us? Especially if we're already here. If one pulls out 3D humans altogether, something else will still have to fill that 3D slot. And, knowing 4D STS, they'd probably be in the same bind as us... eventually.

Does there need to be an "owner"? Seems a very STS type of mindset (I kid!). C's said all there are is lessons. But, we also happen to be in the realm where 4D STS forces took over, they feed off of our negative emotions so it makes sense our immediate surrounding would be optimal to create it.

No-one ever hears anyone complain about how much good fortune comes their way, at least I haven't. We, as a species in general, actively avoids "negative" things but not the "positive". Whenever we reflect on "poor decisions" made, sometimes it was made under the thought that it was "good" for us. How would one know the "good" without the "bad"? If negative states didn't exist, how would one even begin to compare? Where's the frame of reference? In the same vein, if one has only ever seen negativity, how would they even know something positive? Even if we, humans, dont fully remember it now (because of the control system we're in), all the these interactions are building a basis of something to compare to later on, osit.

I'd agree with this, don't need to set myself on fire to know its hot to the touch. However, 4D STS needs it for dietary purposes, so while its not needed, I think there is an active component that will try to create it.
1st Paragraph response:
Yes, there are always some examples of a nuance or exception to the rule but the system and lessons are a wide net. One can learn 80% of the lesson and help the system out by a certain percentage and IMO since there is reincarnation and many opportunities for learning then this is what is important. Not looking at the exception to the rule. My comment was based on human interaction and how organic matter MOST of it develops without intense or strong human interaction and MOST without any interaction at all. I never said no insects or animals in general just that the system and ourselves can learn without intense/strong negative/suffering. Again my point of whats the rush? If all there is - is lessons and we reincarnate many lives progress is important but I believe at a certain point the intense/sharp negative to learn is not needed...I am talking about the minimum effective dose to learn and to move the system forward and a moderate experience is all that is needed for the short wave...Humans don't interact with the rocks/soil we didn't create it so again my point of moderate - minimal effective dose

2nd paragraph response:
Yes, I am not saying to eliminate all human from 3D I was using a one sided point to speak to the intellectual center so people can understand. If we arent needed for the organic life and the framework then why come here to be intense/negative suffering for our organism. There are 8 billion people on this earth for 4D STS to feed off of you don't have to be the most intense one that they feed off of. Again saying we have no free will or autonomy and that SOMETHING would be in the same bind as us takes away individuals power to learn and navigate this current 3D incarnation. I am not saying to delete yourself from this system I am saying minimal effective dose in everything and anything is better then intense and strong negative or suffering the human can still learn and the system will still move forward is my point and STS 4D will feed.

3rd Paragraph:
I know it was a joke but in coming here there was amnesia so all I have is 3d STS analogies as my experience so that is what I use. Yes, lessons are the main point and one can still learn at a moderate/flowing page without the intense negative suffering the consciousness unit can still progress in lessons and reduce entropy gain wisdom and enact free will without quick rush negative. That's fine if the framwork is for STS 4D to be in control or gain from our existence. The 3D STS human can still work toward being a STO candidate and find the minimal effective dose while learning and helping the slow wave progress. IF you are STO and benefit the system but you want something to work out or have a goal here in 3D the system doesn't necessarily help you or bring together what you want. Thus you are giving it what it wants in an intense/strong /suffering way but then wheres the reciprocity? Minimal effective dose and learning progressing at a healthy pace for the organism is what I am talking about.

4th Paragraph
For me personally I don't complain about much I comment on the good and the bad. I was talking to the women a few weeks ago and the topic was how great my childhood was from 0-12 I couldn't think of it being any better. In the same breath I talked about my career and how it was a struggle and at 30 years old I was sleeping on the floor for 6 months. I was not complianing about either one just commenting. If you complain about something you accept it but in my life since finding THE WORK and this information in my late teens I have goals and things we have to accomplish in the 4th way reality thus in working toward the goal things come and deter one from them. If the deterrence is strong or happens majority of the time and one has to keep course correcting then one realizing the facts of the matter. Its not a complaint but a realization. So if all there is - is lessons and reincarnation again whats the rush for the goal you will get it next or next reincarnation learn do the minimal effective dose and take care of your organism. I think its ignorant to say you wouldn't know positive without negative and is a very childish saying. Reality shows you negative and positive. your nerv endings show you negative and positive through pain. I have never said NO negative feels or experiences I am talking about the negative lessons or feeling or experience that is easier for the human organism to digest. The Intense/sharp negative is not needed for lessons or for the system. If you have a dry shirt do you put it back in the dryer to dry it more...I implore you to read between the lines since I can't get on the phone and use my tone and vocal cords to explain...

5th sentence:
I agree that the system is set up in a certain way but again I am talking about living in a groove that is optimal for your mental, intellectual and physical organisms well being while interacting with the system in general...Lets not give away and have a defeatist mentality to the system and think we HAVE to intensily negative suffer. That is not needed. If a certain medication is needed to quell or health an infection we don't take the whole bottle of pills we may start with half a pill or just one wait and see. .... This is the approach I am talking about ... The future is probabilistic, we have free will and interact with 4th way life and then life reality has to show us the outcome the effect of our dose on our situations and life. This is what I am talking about. I am not saying NO suffering is possible or NO negative is possible. What I am saying is you can work really hard and sacrifice intensely for the system for 4D STS for lessons but we live here in 3D with wants and goals and you are giving too much of yourself to systems and things that may or may not help you on your path so its on the individual to grow up wake up and create their own symbiosis through knowledge, perspective, realization and observing.....4D STS, long and slow wave this 3D system will all be here and will all continue along regardless if you subject yoursefl to a 3 month depression or intense negative STATE or a week depression or moderate negative STATE....THIS is my piont...

Thank you for interacting
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Whats up Everyone!

Episode 1 of this epic 6 episode series with Laura launches Monday May 13th at 1PM EST.

Part 1: Hyperdimensional Realities: The Most Dangerous Idea in the World

View attachment 95678

Every succeeding 2 hour plus episode will launch at the same time on Monday’s through June 17th.

Hunter and I would love if we could collect your comments, criticisms, insights and most importantly questions for the entire series in this thread.

I would like to tell everyone this was our greatest honor to both interview and learn from Laura.

She is without question one of Earths greatest teachers.

It is our express desire to position her work to as many humans with the requisite FRV as possible.

In doing this, we ask you to share these interviews with your RESONANT social networks as often as possible and specifically where applicable.

Special Shout Out to Laura who sat with us for more than 12 hours to answer fascinating, yet difficult questions about our current place in space and time.

Thanks also to the Chateau crew for your encouragement and cooperation in allowing this to happen!

Here is to the Realm Border Crossing and the opportunity to serve others far beyond.
This series has been great! Thanks Laura for committing to this and thanks to Jay and Hunter for asking some great questions!
Episode 6 as the final installment was another great one.
I was shocked at 1:06:30 to hear that 1 of the hats is still around.

I remembered that both hats disappeared.
(L) Well anyhow, the two hats have now disappeared - both of them.

(Andromeda) BOTH of them?

(L) Yes. I don't know how that happened. One day they were there, and now they're gone.

Did both hats disappear and then the original hat was returned, or the original hat didn't disappear when the new hat disappeared?
I got the impression that recycling from 7D is like turning into 'conscious stardust particles of golden light' and "you" get sprinkled onto the universe, like seeds of god - in particulate matter form -, into 1st density.

I think going "back" to 1D after 7D would be a kind of "downgrade". Apparently in big-bang we explode/disperse to "all densities", not only 1D.

Q: (L) The transition of seventh density to the density where the cycling begins is from seventh to sixth or from seventh to first?

A: Neither.

Q: (L) Does it go from seventh to all densities simultaneously?

A: Closer.

And I think this is the same thing as the following:

Q: (L) When one has reached 7th density, then what does one do?

A: When one reaches 7th all do.

Not exactly maybe, but it's almost like the big-bang is what makes all densities 7D or one.

The consideration that "we" disperse to all densities with big-bang might be slightly misleading. Apparently, in big-bang, there's no more us, me, you, them etc. No more individuals but pure being, pure consciousness, pure light. It's not that we lose our individuality against our will, we'll have been gradually loosening (or "broadening") our individuality much before 7D, probably since we'll have become STO. It's a gradual merge. As the STO polarity increases, one gradually becomes more unified with all that there is. In 7D, or its big-bang phase, merge is completed. But, also, saying that there's no more "me, you, them" (individuals) with the big-bang will be slightly misleading too, because "we" (pure being) will be becoming one with all the individuals in all densities. I suppose this process is ongoing, taking place at this very moment too.
@Jacques :

I just realized I sent the personal link :-)

I was only able to download an Excel version, I hope you'll be able to use it. Sorry for the inconvenience. Eric

Here finally comes the final French subtitle.
Thanks @EricLux for the original translation, it's a huge work. Don't hesitate to ask for any explanation if anything looks weird to you or for anything else.

Here are the edited subtitles of the second part. Working on part 3.
Do we have any translation ready for part 1?

To be as clear as possible for @Luis Miguel , I hided the original translation and PR, leaving only the final subtitle (column named "FINAL") which is a merge of the original translation, sometimes directly updated (typo, signs), and the PR.
Since I have already started to work on the part 2 PR, please, tell me if there is anything to change in this method.

I thank Jay and Hunter very much for the quality of these interviews, it's a pleasure to watch it and work on it.


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