If you look in retrospect not only with everything the C's have said so far. You realize that that answer sums up the 'long arm of destiny'.
Thank you for pointing this out. Yes.
Another way to identify it is as the Great Cycle. Or if we extend it a bit further, think of a long list of lessons to be learned from inanimate matter to reunification in 7th density. Seen this way it seems a certain contradiction in the matter of free will however I believe that the infinite potential that comes with each of us (the one who dwells in the highest sphere) decides what role to take in the cosmic game.
Excellent explanation.
As if I understood you right, all is like a big fractal, always in motion, and always interwoven all the time through the principles of relations between energy frequency and vibration. We need just a bit of abstract thinking and imagination, and we can see how all "within us" is predefined to attract what is "outside" of us.
We use more energy to maintain primarily our body than our minds, but to have a good body functioning someone has to maintain the mind too, and that is how our mind gets occupied with the outside "operators" frequencies, who are also part of the infinite potential we belong to, but as they are not within the "Infinite potential" decision of our roots, they can't be stable within our body, and they change all the time, creating confusion while trying to maintain primarily our body functioning in the relation with the "outer" influences.
And questions arise.
How one can know what role was decided for him/her from that infinite potential?
Once a person realizes the automatic and mechanical life one performs, and once a person gets a blink of their own being from inside that is knocking at the eg shell of his stubborn personality, that "pattern" which is "decided" for that person from the infinite potential, will finally get a chance to blink for a minute, producing a "magical" effect within a person, with the desire to be real and to take its place replacing the outside "operator". That potential will start to flow through our body like an energy wave, and depending on how strong the "operator" is attached to our body's energy system, a kind of energy battle within a person will start. Like when the body's immune system is fighting viruses.
And if we see it that way, that is why now in this moment of cosmic exchange of energy that will make the sensation of that inner, authentically decided infinite potential stronger, the control system, who is operating the outer "operators", strengthen up the survival plan for itself, and that is to divert amplifications of the frequencies of authentic assigned being by injecting the inhibitors, like for example at this moment, that "immune" system of the outer "operator" is activated to save the "operator" and in our 3D earth plane it looks like the scenario of the covid pandemic s vaccines.
In a more simplified sense,
can we think about that as what people call karma, past life, etc?
From my understanding so far it is not possible to have the answer like people think they are getting the answers from some past life experts that they were sailors, teachers etc ... I see that personalized "past life" analysis as another layer of confusion in the attempt to reach that decided potential form within the infinite potential.
That role from the beginning to the end of the cycle is the long arm of destiny. A task in general lines that inside has other small tasks/lessons that are connected to each other.
And it is true, that many times we question if what we are doing leads us to something... that makes sense.
The only thing that one can take away from that is that if it doesn't seem to make sense... then we must make sense of it. A true act of creation.
And this is so beautifully expressed ... That is how new patterns are created and re-created with less possible friction and destruction in harmony with the whole.
I wish if I will have a mind projector to show what I sow reading your lines. But I'll try to write it down a bit of what I learned from my observations of myself ... maybe will make sense and be an inspiration for someone else knitting of the sense of its own life.
If a person analyses his own life, seeking to open to energies from within, at one moment it will be possible to see the shape of a certain "model of being" that is that originally decided potential assigned to us. That bliss will move a person to start questioning the mechanics which are enabling him to keep that initial potential frequency still alive and not gaslighted by "operators". What is good is that
decided potential is always on within a certain 3D form of a certain being. Once it is off it means the person is dead. So the "operators" don't want to turn it off. Operators are not essentially against us, but they are just operating that potential best they can, as for some reason that potential, like "fire from within", was not able to be self-operated.
The "operator" can be replaced or accepted only through self-observation. Every time a person is observing in awareness of that already decided texture, branch, or model of initial infinite potential within itself, the strength of the outside "operator" energy is weakened, as the energy is taken for the amplification of the awareness. It is like we have been driven by drivers until the moment when we develop our autopilot mode.
And that is a disruptive way for our essence to become fully alive in its own desirable potential and to operate within the assigned model of the infinite potential of the creator, who is in the mood of the creative energy all the time.
Let's take one common example. For me I see that exchange bubbling in Elon Musk's personality and branching through the whole of his family, especially from his grandfather on the maternal side. He seems to be guided by the "operator" most of the time to do something "heroic" for humanity and then all of a sudden he takes a U-turn that makes him look like an idiot ruining that heroic image, and it that U-turn it is possible to see friction where Elon can decide to see his own light, and take that torch and go around quick and "fix" all the broken gears in this big machine called universe and as the outside world seeing him broken on the edge to abandon him as a hero, all of a sudden the friction that Elon created is seeled and that U-turn again seems to be taken just by another "operator", and that is weakening his "heroic" image but prolonging the confusion, what is a good thing to please STS forces, and on a way ot keep them on a leash, not the opposite.
And if I watch that from the above-observed perspective, I can see the enormous value of friction Elon manages to open for the broader picture of this 3D reality. Products he delivers for the markets are just the form, not neccecerly the final shape.
And essentially it is not at all important what is his role in this 3D narative, as he does what he does, and it is obviously vibrating at all the levels of reality expression, and it is almost not important that Elon is doing anything, it is exactly that his ability to let go when things get too hard on his thinking center, that autopilot in him drives him to crash publicly as much time as needed, as he can endure that, and through that, he can be an example of unbreakable essence from within.
And if I think in terms of energy vibration and frequency, that essence and assigned potential is nothing more or less than an energy wave within my body that is trying to spread through the body and express itself through me. I can feel that energy bubbling within me and erupting in conflicts almost like a volcano ... And I feel that once if that potential in me is cut from the source then I will die ... And after some years of eruption that brought that fire from within to be a nice light of the radian being, each new eruption, if too strong, can now as it's final desire destroy the body that is bounding its flow. So once when the desire to do nothing becomes strong, we can just go with the flow observing the energies and know-how to stabilize that energy from within, to be the main energy of the whole body and mind complex of our 3D being. And that is the process of how is possible to create "organic knowledge" and be able to live in a moment.
When the potential is "dead", or better to say cut and nonexisting anymore within that body as a "stitch" of the big thread of life within the big creation fractal, its action in this 3D density is still there and "visible", but the person is becoming more like a projectile that is flaying on its own, through the space, maintaining the energy of the potential, but not being able of blending and following any path, but twirling around like a crazy tornado which is
moving through open space as it moves while instead of creating, that energy now is breaking all the established threads and networks until the person projectile just falls down ... and that is how the "operators" are operating our potential most of the time, gaslighting and diverting our essential potential energy into outer needs of their own nature, which is most of the time very similar to ours, but still not ours. And to go back to Elon, Elon seems to be able not to allow the energy wave of his desire to be who he is to erupt out of his body, but in that friction, he is able to keep the spark within, and that is what makes his "projectile like behavior" not yet to explode fully, what will probably produce the explosion of the whole civilization model of artificial intelligence he is considered to be essential advocate and co-creator. And with that unbreakable essence, he is becoming attractive to the energies of the universe that can more creatively, and less destructively assimilate the knowledge that technocrats produced into the big endless fractal of the universe ...
The similarity of the "operator" and essence helps to keep people to don't looking possessed, but more like obsessed, like Elon, and that is what confuses the confusing system. Within that obsession, if one can manage to observe it, one can learn how to better utilize its own essential energy in order to get free from the "operator" or even to coexist with the "operator" and "operators" in this 3D existence, in order to get better propulsion through the laws of "one creation", with as fewer frictions and destructions as possible.
In this regard, it seems almost impossible for the majority who need to spend so much energy on maintaining their basic body life, to even try to realize their own potential, and to stay alert and aware of it.
So no matter are we aware or not, we always do what we do
And then again, the biggest confusion injected into the human civilization and social structure, that is culminating in this "great reset" action, is exactly that idea "to give to each individual 3D person an initial outer potential to start to make sense out of something that doesn't make sense". It is like they believe that the number of nonsenses will eventually produce a sense. Like when in nature one sort of mushroom takes over the tree, and if the tree wasn't rooted deep enough the tree collapse and on the 3D surface it became a nice mushroom field ... and everyone forgets that it was a tree 100 years ago and that little of the roots left down under get rotten ... and now mushrooms are the essence of that part of the forest.
And now again question that you do answer for me but once assimilated it comes up again - But how to find and distinguish what is our essence?
An answer came to my mind - It is possible to be more and more felt within us as a stable pillar of energy by constant self-observing and self-analyzing and noting the repetitive patterns through the years and looking at how it branches?
But what if a person is too young and doesn't have enough years?
And what if we realize that it is becoming more destructive than creative in our environment if we continue to spread the energy that is vibrating from us in that assigned frequency? Is it the moment when our 3D STS nature comes to play and instead of surrendering to the flow, whatever flow is, decided to impose that action, instead of respecting the free will of the other energies to spread and letting go of it's potential in full awareness of its own surrender ... or what I feel now, is I need to observe myself and my life path more to feel this answer ... and I need to stop to try to "think" about the answer ...
in other words, to answer to me what I see is needed after your help - I see the refinement of the self-observation is the way to go with patience through the action of nonaction of the existence ....
thank you again ... it is a very nice help to be able to express our thoughts here. This is a truly unique place where we can let our self to be observed and to ask, and to be wrong and to break and cry and scream, and still exit stronger and more content and alive indeed.