abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO, Project Camelot, Project Avalon

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Simon Grey: Christian Bailey: Abovetopsecret?

His eyes rather remind me of G.W. -- here is another link of just his face.... http://www.terrapinn.com/TRes/Customer/C425066.jpg
He also has a noticeably asymmetrical face, not that it means anything, I've just always wondered about such things. =)
Simon Grey: Christian Bailey: Abovetopsecret?

Notice Simon Gray's date of birth in the document cited above: GRAY, SIMON - 08/10/1981 - That would make him JUST 25 this year. That means he was only 16 when he registered abovetopsecret.com

Hope everybody has read my blog posts on the subject and noted all the interesting synchronicities:










And then, just the opening paragraph of this blog article refers to ATS:

Simon Grey: Christian Bailey: Abovetopsecret?

His picture does look around 14 years of age, with a big boy tie and jacket on - but considering the tales we've read about people who went to University with him, who thought he was a weirdo who spoke much more highly of himself and his own accomplishments than was even vaguely warranted, I find that timeline to be highly suspect. Then again, since these people "create their own reality" as they work on their NWO, perhaps silly linear time constraints don't apply to them. Oooooo - magic baby boys in big boy outfits swimming in their shark tanks, oh so enamoured with their own reflections.

~cough~ ahem, uhmmm - sorry, I'm just more than a little sick of the whole "basing your life and existence on lies" thing.

Simon Grey: Christian Bailey: Abovetopsecret?

Justin said:
Craig said:
Although I'm wondering, could Simon Gray have just used a random address and there be somebody else living there?
That's what I was thinking...or the house is rented/owned by him but he does not live there...or it's a friend's or relative's house?
Is it possible to do a title search to find out who really owns the building?
Simon Grey: Christian Bailey: Abovetopsecret?

It's too bad the Simon Gray, Christian Bailey dates of birth don't match. That would be too easy though :D
Simon Grey: Christian Bailey: Abovetopsecret?

I'm hesitant to even give the following attention, but given the recent events regarding ATS and the EV1 server I thought I might post it.

Today there were posts on both the ATS forum and GLP forum that predict the west coast being attacked (ATS post mentions nukes on the west coast of the US; GLP post mentions the cities LA and San Fransico getting hit further in the thread).

On the 911 subject some might have read Laura's article A Search for The Identity of the 9-11 Attackers? that shows someone posting on a forum with prior knowledge of 911.

The below posts don't seem to fit the same nature as the Xinoehpoel poster in Lauras article. They seem to be written in more of the typical hoax fashion. It is interesting that they appear on both forums on the same day though. I also noticed that these posts warrented a lot of attention. Perhaps there were other important topics appearing on both forums that 'needed' a distraction? I didn't notice any other similar topics on both sites (although I only did a pretty limited search). Has anyone else seen these type of posts on any other forums?

diplomat said:
"high class hooker" says west coast cities to be nuked this saturday...

she says she has slept with senators and even bill clinton. supposedly this will be similar to 9/11 because the nukes will come on "iranian" subs. a way to get the country to back another war just like iraq and afganistan. i'm not too sure i believe this to be true, but i might spend the weekend in lake tahoe just to be safe...
Depressed Mom said:
When I put my children to bed last night, I burst into tears. How can I tell them they have only two days to live?

I almost never believe a thing I read on any of the forums I visit, but when a friend e-mailed me your "Birdie" messages, I knew instinctively she was telling the truth.

Today, those instincts were confirmed by something "unofficial" I heard at work. Hint: I work for a federal planning department in the State of California. Only myself and two male colleagues connected the dots, and for the sake of common humanity I can't say how they line up. Those guys have bugged out.

Me? I was born and raised in this house. My mother too. And my daughters. It's the only home I know, and I'm going to die right here where I belong.

It would have been nice to get to know you all on this forum. But it's almost too late to say goodbye.

For those who survive, I wish you all the best of luck. I'll pray for you. Please pray for me.
"Project SERPO" story: HOAX

Just as we were recovering from the site attack, I received another email from Bill Ryan about his problems with ATS. Again, it strikes me that it is a set-up:

Date sent: Thu, 09 Mar 2006 14:14:06 +0000
Subject: More on ATS (continued)
From: Bill Ryan *****
To: Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Copies to: <sott@*****>

Hi, Laura, Ark ­

A brief update: no need to reply if you are busy. But if I may, I¹d like to
keep you in the loop as the ATS saga rolls on, in case anything occurs which
is of value to your own enquiries.

I¹ve been told on good authority by someone who¹s likely to know what
they¹re talking about, and who wouldn¹t be deceitful (who asked that I¹d
never mention his name in connection with this, but whose name you would
know) that Val Hall set up the projectserpo.org site... and also was the
person who sent the anonymous abusive-threatening fakemail I forwarded to
you earlier.

I¹m now increasingly sure that there is an orchestrated campaign against me
and Serpo which goes beyond the venom of a few individuals. This is
orchestrated and deliberate.

Among the things that dawned on me from my attendance last week at the
Laughlin UFO Congress was that I was greeted with almost universal
appreciation and interest. That quite surprised me, as I¹d been braced for
criticism. But there was none WHATSOEVER. Furthermore, there was barely any
antagonism on the messages from the Serpo.org website contact form, which I
picked up yesterday (ten days¹ worth) all at once. The trashing is only from
a small minority who very badly want to create the perception that ³everyone
thinks Serpo is a hoax² and that ³everyone knows Bill Ryan is a liar² (etc).
This ³general perception² does not exist... but someone¹s certainly working
very hard to create it.

Best wishes to you both, Bill
I don't know enough about Bill Ryan to say whether or not he is a liar, but I am pretty sure that SERPO is a hoax at worst, disinformation at best, whether Ryan is aware of it or not. As I mentioned above, ATS either wants to own it, or it is being set up as a Tar Baby.
Simon Grey: Christian Bailey: Abovetopsecret?

I received another email from Bill Ryan and have included it in the thread on Project Serpo here: http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=523

It's starting to look like ATS, GLP and Serpo are all involved in some kind of Tar Baby/vacuum cleaner operation.
Simon Grey: Christian Bailey: Abovetopsecret?

Shane said:
Today there were posts on both the ATS forum and GLP forum that predict the west coast being attacked (ATS post mentions nukes on the west coast of the US; GLP post mentions the cities LA and San Fransico getting hit further in the thread).
I guess it is time to dig out the stuff I previously published on GLP, following which we were threatened by email and then up close and personal. It may give a better idea of who is pulling the strings here.

Here's part one of the GLP thing.


here's where part II was:


but is no more.

I know this one is a bit boring, but the details that indicate the ice-berg beneath the water are important and the implications are staggering. I would say that the instant threats that came our way pretty much confirm the global nature of this filthy network.

I should add that, after I did this expose, Vinnie Bridges joined GLP and began his flame campaign with their blessings... and last I heard there was about 75 pages of the same lies repeated over and over and over again.

Vinnie, as you may know, also had connections with Peter Moon and Joe Matheny of Incunabula fame. All of this stuff interconnects. It's quite a network.

Anyway, here is a stripped down version of Part 2 of the Aussie Bloke thang:

Will the REAL "Dr. Grant Gartrel(l)" please stand up?


Some Further Discoveries

As many of you might have guessed, we have continued to pull on the thread of the Aussie Bloke hoax in an effort to come to some understanding of the forces at play here at this most delicately balanced point in our human history. To establish the platform for presentation of our further investigation, let me recap some particular items from the previous discussion. As we wrote in our initial exposé:

And there it sat, amazing revelations of impending cometary disaster, the [alleged] authors pleading that they never dreamed that the story would have ever reached so far and wide, even onto fundamental Christian, pro Bush sites.

Paradoxically, it was at this point that the whole situation began to make a little more sense, at least to us. We find it hard to believe that the authors were unaware of the fact that sensationalist revelations spread extremely quickly on the internet. As such we deduce that, despite their claims to naïveté, the wide dissemination and discussion of "Aussie Bloke's" meteorite impact revelations, and the ultimate ridiculing of the people that believed them, was the real goal. [...]
We then presented a significant quote from Richard Dolan, author of UFOs and the National Security State, included in Laura's article COINTELPRO and the Speed of Light which concluded:

From a historical point of view, the ONLY reality is that of conspiracy. Secrecy, wealth and independence add up to power. ...Deception is the key element of warfare, (the tool of power elites), and when winning is all that matters, the conventional morality held by ordinary people becomes an impediment. Secrecy stems from a pervasive and fundamental element of life in our world, that those who are at the top of the heap will always take whatever steps are necessary to maintain the status quo.

And maintaining the "status quo" in science HAS to be one of the main objectives of the Power Elite.
The question is, of course, who are the Power Elite and what do they hope to gain by such a hoax? Again, referring to our original article we find a possible answer to the second question:

If we consider the underlying effect of the entire "Aussie Bloke" episode and the lessons that may have been learned by the average seeker on the net, it is that reports of anything of a "conspiratorial nature," cannot be trusted - period. Additionally, any future predictions of warnings of possible impending meteorite impacts and cataclysms will surely be considered with more skepticism than before, even by those more inclined to believe that they may contain an element of truth.

It also provides much needed distraction for the Bush gang from the worrying reports that Bush is a man on the edge of sanity worrying that he will be tried for War Crimes, with the Neocons feeling more and more that, at this point, they have nothing to lose. It is certainly strange that the conservative, Bush supporting, fundie Bushcountry.org website would publish something like the "Aussie Bloke" rant.
We haven't answered the first question: Who are the Power Elite? Perhaps we will at least see a shadow of their movements in the material we have assembled here.

Those of you who are familiar with the work of this website - including our Cosmic COINTELPRO Timeline - already have some idea that we consider it entirely likely that there is a sort of "Secret Cabal." We don't necessarily subscribe to the many theories about assorted Secret Societies that have been around for years because we understand that a conspiracy, by its very nature, is a secret. If such a Cabal were to actually exist, we suspect that its members would be sufficiently aware of what they are doing to be able to keep that secret and to create all sorts of red herrings and false clues - including so-called secret societies - designed to lead the seeker away from the truth. Former President Woodrow Wilson had this to say on the matter:

"Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it." - Woodrow Wilson, The New Freedom (1913)
U.S. Senator, Daniel K. Inouye said:

"There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself."
One might think, of course, that in Bush and the Neocons, we have a representation of this "shadowy government" that has revealed itself on the world stage. I think such an assumption would be precipitate - and wrong. What we notice in the present day is that the media wolves are after Bush and it's not because the media has suddenly become overly concerned with truth or morality. No indeed. We see in the activity of the media a clue that the REAL Power Elite are playing quite a different game. Consider the remarks of George Seldes:

"The main threat to Democracy comes not from the extreme left but from the extreme right, which is able to buy huge sections of the press and radio, and wages a constant campaign to smear and discredit every progressive and humanitarian measure."
Seldes was a noted foreign correspondent - Eighty years in the business - who became America's most important press critic. Through Seldes's encounters with Pershing, Lenin and Mussolini; the tobacco industry, J. Edgar Hoover and the "lords of the press," Seldes raised profound ethical, professional and political questions about journalism in America. Seldes thought that the problem was a simple matter of extreme right groups "buying huge sections of the press." The astute observer will come to realize that it isn't a question of "buying huge sections" of the press - or in our day, all forms of mass media - but rather WHO OWNS THE MEDIA?

This brings us to the idea that, if the controlled press is going for Bush's buns, then there must be a reason, and part of that reason must be that Bush is NOT a member of the "insider's club," even if he once thought he was.

As you may recall from the previous article on the Aussie Bloke hoax, we discovered that one of the main proponents of the hoax was a fellow named Will Scott Anderson who grabbed the Aussie Bloke ball and ran with it penning a fine piece of yellow journalism entitled: Dr Gartrell (Aussie Bloke) Steps Forward To Confirm His Predictions, Testified To Australian Parliament. As we discovered, Will Anderson, also known as "Blueotter," was the owner of a website called Prophecykeepers.

After examining Will's interesting history, we concluded that it was altogether possible that he could have cobbled the whole hoax together himself. As we noted in the previous article:

What is even more interesting is the clever way he has [made] it sound like Gartrel only yesterday testified before the Australian parliament about the incoming objects. At this point, given this clever twist in the presentation of the story, given Anderson's obvious writing skills, we might even suspect that Will Anderson himself is behind the entire hoax.
We certainly could have left the matter right there - a speculative ending to a nasty little game played on the internet using real people with gullible minds as its guinea pigs. But something about the whole affair left a bad taste in the mouth and clever though he may be, Anderson didn't strike us as the kind who would go to that much trouble if he wasn't going to make some money off the project. This operation had an entirely different flavor - one that was not geared toward making a fast or easy buck.

We reviewed the material that had been collected, looking for clues, knowing that perpetrator's of hoaxes invariably leave a "calling card" if one is patient enough to look for it and can SEE it. Sure enough, there it was, like a dangling thread waiting to be pulled. In the [GLP] post that debunked the "Monitors' post which debunked the Aussie Bloke hoax, we found a most interesting remark:

"The Monitors" said:

"You are all to be commended for your exemplary performance these past several weeks. Your unwitting participation in BLIND SKIES has proven most informative, and quite frankly entertaining to many project members. To say that it got out of hand would be an exercise in understatement. We picked GLP precisely because it was out of the way, off the beaten path of usual internet surfers. It suited our needs perfectly. Unmoderated. Anonymous posting. We couldn't have asked for a better testbed unless we had built it ourselves.

Rest assured, Elaine (registered owner of godlike productions) is in no way part of this. She is/was as unaware of the true nature of our experiment as the rest of you.
Now, why would the debunker of the debunkers feel it was necessary to excuse Elaine, the owner of godlikeproductions.com? Had anybody even suggested that Elaine might be involved in the hoax?


But, as the old saying tells us: the guilty flee when no man pursues.

It was also not lost on us that the entire affair began on godlikeproductions. And so, we decided to take a closer look.

The first thing we found was that the Whois information regarding godlikeproductions.com is as follows:

Registrant: Belisha, Elaine (GODLIKEPRODUCTIONS-DOM)
Godlike Productions
P.O. Box 725 West Point, GA 31833 US

The domain was registered on July 25, 2000.
Nothing is terribly interesting about that, now is there? But we continued to search. We find Elaine on a google search, FILER'S FILES, cached, since the page is no longer available:

NORCROSS: Elaine Belisha reports her 14 year old daughter, Marilyn Chen, saw a translucent, boomerang-shaped aircraft on Sunday, Sept. 13, 1998 at 8:00 PM. "I asked her to draw a picture, thinking it might be a stealth bomber, but it has a much larger wingspan relative to the size than a stealth." The UFO appeared and disappeared almost magically even though it was at close range at dusk. Thanks to E. Belisha, 2019 Lia Hills Drive Norcross, GA.
We then find Elaine HERE:

RE: segmentation

Posted By Elaine Belisha On Thursday, April 04, 2002 at 9:48 PM

CRM is not a subset of e-commerce, but of business. One of the most valuable questions I was ever asked was, "How does this help me run my business?" CRM is segmented and complex due to proprietary legacy data, for one. Whether the software includes micro-managing your sales force or data mining for marketing targets, it's all about streamlining profits.

Elaine Belisha
We find Elaine HERE:

RE: help please....crystal reports and asp

Posted By Elaine Belisha On Saturday, March 02, 2002 at 1:42 PM

Crystal Reports are tricky to load. I made mine in visual interdev and they work. I have the source code at the office though. I don't have it on my home computer (or interdev). It involves creating two active-x server objects: 1) a report object that points to the report, and 2) a viewer object that points to the report object. I'll post the code monday, if you can wait that long.

E. Belisha
and HERE:

RE: APACHE & ASP configure ?

Posted By Elaine Belisha On Tuesday, January 29, 2002 at 9:13 AM

Chilisoft is what I use on my Apache. http://www.chilisoft.com/ I didn't do the install but it works well.

E. Belisha
There are other computer tech discussion entries under Elaine's name, all of which suggest that Elaine is a very computer savvy lady.

Then, we find Elaine on Kent Steadman's CyberSpaceOrbit and on RumorMills in a very unflattering light:


Posted By: Rayelan Date: Sunday, 18 April 2004, 5:05 p.m.


I wonder how many people have actually met Oswald LeWinter??? He's the poster on Godlike who started all of this... of course he doens't even use his real name... he hides behind 100s of aliases... it must be real fun for him to do this. I wonder how many people realize they have fallen for disinformation coming from an old CIA/Mossad opertive... one of the best... so you shouldn't kick yourself too hard if you swallowed his crap line hook line and sinker!

but again... let's look at the person they assigned to "take down" Rayelan and Rumor Mill News... the sent the best!

Having been married to the #3 man in the CIA... I still have a few strings I can pull to get information. I called one of these "strings" to inquire about whose payroll Oswald is on. I was told that he is hated by today's CIA and if he ever comes back to this country he will end up in prison or worse. I was told that he is on the Mossad payroll. ON THE MOSSAD PAYROLL!! WOW!!!! THAT IN ITSELF IS AN EYE-OPENER -- Think about it... THE MOSSAD IS TRYING TO SHUT DOWN RMN. Why??? Are we getting too close to their involvement in 9.11 - OKC -- Waco -- and their blackmail of George W. Bush... with the threat of biological or nuclear attack on a US city! (article being written on this)
Even if the above impassioned rant is a bit incoherent, the reference to MOSSAD will become more interesting as we go along.

All in all, the pickings on Elaine Belisha were pretty slim! I was beginning to think that the woman didn't even exist before the UFO report on September 13, 1998. However, we are resourceful if nothing else. We found Elaine here: Guestbook of Michelle Guerin where she filled in the form with the following information:

Email:Elaine Belisha
Web Page:www.hifiexchange.com
How I found your page: mail
Comments about the web site: Great page, Michelle! LOVE it
What can we deduce from this tiny bit of information?

Well, first of all we note that Elaine must be a friend of Michelle Guerin because she says she was informed about the creation of the page by mail, probably by Michelle herself. Her personal comment also seems to confirm this.

But what is even more interesting is that Elaine gives a website address: hifiexchange.com

A whois search on hifiexchange.com gives the following result:

Registrant: Keyword Traffic
PMB # 483
1733 H Street, Suite 330 Blaine, WA 98230-5106 US
800 633 8435x05
The domain was registered on July 31, 2003.
When we try to go to hifiexchange.com, we are redirected to a sort of "auction" page which tells us that we arrived at that page because "You searched the web for Home Theater Speakers."

Well, we didn't exactly do that. So we decided to search google for "home theater speakers." For at least the first four pages of search returns, there was no appearance of "hifiexchange.com."

BUT, we notice a little image in the upper corner of a funny little blue guy and the word "TopDotz" (tm)

We search for whois on topdotz and find:

Registrant: Keyword Traffic
PMB # 483
1733 H Street, Suite 330 Blaine, WA 98230-5106 US
800 633 8435x05
Domain Name: TOPDOTZ.COM

The domain was registered on September 22, 2000.
I want to mention, at this point, that there are no names of real people on the "Keyword Traffic" domain registrations.

Nevertheless, we visit topdotz.com and discover that it is a search engine displaying a logo that says: DotzUp!
Well, by now, we can't resist and we go and search whois for dotzup.

Domain Name: DOTZUP.COM
Administrative Contact: Master, Web dotz@icehouse.net
4235 S. Cheney-Spokane Rd STE 10 Spokane, WA 99224-9661 US
1 509 443 1948

The domain was registered on August 11, 2000
Again, there are no names.

So, we want to know if there is any connection between the new owners of hifiexchange.com and Elaine Belisha and we proceed. Leaving DotzUp, we go back and continue searching for "hifiexchange.com" we find a curious website that says:

Here is the INFOPAK.... NOTE: The compilation of this infopak is due in large part to the efforts of many others, far too many to mention here, with the exception of Wizdomme, SteelBtrfl, and DsSiteMstr to whom is owed many thanks for their efforts on behalf of the BDSM community. A request can be sent to SteelBtrfl to be placed on her mailing list.
Here the reader will find the milieu in which Elaine Belisha seems to live and thrive. The website has such entertaining sections as:


Submissives [...]
Dominants [...]


A LustSlave's Page
Sublime: Slavery, Sluts, Submission


Leather on Q
Boston Dungeon Society
Bound For Pleasure BBS
Tantric Sexuality:


The Gorean Pleasure Slave
Silk & Steel SLAVEPENS
About half way down, we find Elaine Belisha's personal website - hifiexchange.com - listed as "INDIVIDUAL WEBSITES" of those who are associated with this group of extremely strange individuals.


This is getting interesting.

Well, we wondered if Elaine's old website - now owned by Network Traffic - was in the web archive. Sure enough! The old hifiexchange.com! On this interesting page we read the following:

Welcome! My job titles include MOM, Goddess, alien abductee and Webmaster. Unfortunately, I don't get paid for doing any of these things. I have an admirable collection of unpublished science fiction novels, with rejection slips included. I am fond of bad puns and dirty jokes. I love receiving e-mail on any subject, especially alien abduction experiences (and skeptics & debunkers are welcome, too). I am especially interested in the Philadelphia Experiment and the Montauk Project.
The next items are about her children one of whom we already met in the UFO sighting report:

This is my oldest daughter, Marilyn. She's primarily interested in the internet, and spends hours on it daily. She loves role playing games and something called Magic, The Gathering. She's fourteen years old. At school she is in the gifted program but she always gets confused about "push" or "pull" signs when opening doors. Visit marilyn's Web page....oooooo scary....Marilyn's Darkness For some cool poetry by Allen, Marilyn's bud, Visit Allen's Page of Various Useless Stuff
It seems that the above was written about the time of the UFO sighting if her daughter was 14 at the time of writing. Elaine has another daughter about whom she writes:

This is my youngest daughter, Sara. She is fond of dominating cats into submission. She loves them and pets them and squeezes them to death. Her goldfish committed suicide by leaping out of the aquarium into a cup of coffee. She's really not sadistic, just er... eccentric.
Charming family, eh? Elaine's a veritable June Cleaver, now isn't she? B & D being passed on to the children...

Well, it gets better. We find oldest daughter Marilyn keeps an online journal with such beguilingly innocent entries as:

You seek Magick! First of All I LOVE alien SEX FIEND!


I havnt been f**ked like that since grade school.
If you check her model portfolio, you will find cute bondage photos. Wonder where she learned all that?

If you check her links page, you will find that she links to mama's site: godlikeproductions, among others listed as "friends."

Then, if you search google groups for "ebelisha" you will find a few posts on the newsgroups from daughter Marilyn:

From: ~Marilyn (ebelisha@mindspring.com)
Subject: Re: New Satanic Site!!!!
Newsgroups: alt.satanism, alt.individualism, talk.religion.misc, alt.atheist, alt.magick
Date: 1997/08/13 "!"

Check out ~Marilyn's Darkness~ http://angelfire.com/ga/Marillyn/index.html

Tis a great page! Meet satan, and Dark poetry! Also,theres a poem of the week contest. ~Marilyn
Obviously, Marilyn was only 13 years old when she was posting the above on the 13th day of August - which fact obviously entertained her as we can see by virtue of the exclamation point put next to the date.

One can also find "ebelisha" at the godlikeproductions FAQ which says:

Moderators help keep Godlike Productions ufpdated with the most current news. If you have a question about being a moderator, you should direct it to ebelisha@godlikeproductions.com.
Getting back to hifiexchange.com - the one listed by Elaine Belisha as her home page - we finally find it HERE in the web archive. The address is given as: 5926 BUFORD HIGHWAY, ATLANTA, GEORGIA

Okay. What to do next? Well, check the Georgia corporation listings.

Under the business name: HIFI Exchange we find:

990 HAMMOND DR. STE. 990 ATLANTA , GA 30328
Date of last annual registration 03/10/1999
Dissolution 11/09/2002
So, it looks like the Belisha's sold their business and their domain name to the Network Traffic folks. Remember that Keyword Traffic only registered the domain name on July 31, 2003. No big deal, right? Well, perhaps, or perhaps not.

As it happend, Haim Belisha popped up on a second run at the Georgia Corporation site:

Date of last annual registration 05/09/2001 05/18/2002
Note here: We find Jeffrey Bashuk or Jeffrey Alan Bashuk as registered agent for over 50 different corporations on the Georgia Secretary of State site ranging from THE DECATUR CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE, INC. to NORTHLAKE ALLIANCE OF GAYS/LESBIANS & STRAIGHTS, INC. The obvious reason for this is that Mr. Bashuk must be in the business of acting as a Registered Agent. This, however, may be more interesting than we initially suppose.

Moving along: another interesting item that popped up was that when doing the domain search on hifiexchange.com another similar domain popped up: HOMEHIFIEXCHANGE.COM So naturally, we decided to just take a peek. It was a bit of a surprise to discover that this company was also domiciled in ATLANTA, GA! Well, who'da thunk it? What a coincidence! Here is the whois data:

Organization:, ExchangeBlvd.com, LLC,
Brad Lloyd, 6205 Barfield Rd., Suite 125, Atlanta, GA 30328,
Date of last annual registration August 18, 1999
Is there anything interesting about this "ExchangeBlvd.com, LLC?"

Doing a Georgia corporation search on the company, we find:

Date of last annual registration 11/03/1999
There are no officers listed, but we do note the registered agent: Larry Tedesco. We note that the contact listed on the domain registration is a Brad Lloyd. So, while we are on the Georgia Corporation website, we do a search for Brad Lloyd, finding:

Date of last annual registration 03/08/1999 and dissolved on 11/09/2002


Date of last annual registration 03/08/1999 and dissolved or revoked on 11/09/2002
Again we notice that there are no officers listed; just "shell" companies.

Okay. What next? A corporation search on Larry Tedesco which brings up:

Date of last annual registration 03/10/2004 and still active as of 06/14/2003


Date of last annual registration 06/14/2003 , still active as of 03/10/2004


Date of last annual registration 06/14/2003 and still active as of 03/10/2004


Date of last annual registration 03/06/1997 Dissolved or revoked: 07/05/1999


Date of last annual registration 01/21/2004
Mr. Tedesco is almost as busy as Jeffrey Bashuk.

The next item that popped up was an article about Larry Tedesco in the Atlanta Business Chronicle:

EXCLUSIVE REPORTS From the April 26, 2002 print edition

Auction site bidding on expansion

by Mary Jane Credeur Staff Writer

The organizers behind ExchangeBlvd.com Inc., which operates an online golf club auction site, are hoping to duplicate their specialty auction concept for musical instruments and photography equipment.

Atlanta-based ExchangeBlvd.com recently raised another $1.5 million round from previous investors to cover the cost of launching InstrumentExchange.com and, later this year, PhotographyExchange.com.

"We want to be a specialty shop for equipment that you can't find in just any old run-of-the-mill store," said CEO Larry Tedesco.

The 6-year-old company has brought in roughly $4 million in investments over its lifetime, much of which came from Arkansas investment bank Stephens Inc., which is owned by the family of PGA legend and former Augusta National Chairman Jack Stephens.

With sales last year topping $9 million, Tedesco believes it's time to expand the profitable auction site to include other high-end goods. ExchangeBlvd.com expects to pull in revenues of $2.5 million on projected sales of $15 million this year, Tedesco said. [...]

Since the site went live six years ago with only a few dozen users, the company has attracted 200,000 regular users and has gained the backing of the PGA of America and Golf Magazine. The company also began publishing a "blue book" reference guide of used golf club values based on the nearly 100,000 golf equipment transactions it handles each year.
We finally find Larry together with Brad on a yahoo biz site:

Exchange Blvd, Inc

Company Profile

Exchange Blvd provides item-specific online auction marketplaces. Sites include GolfClubExchange.com and InstrumentExchange.com (musical instruments).
All very interesting. How does it relate to Elaine and godlikeproductions?

Coming back to Haim Belisha, undoubtedly the husband of Elaine Belisha, another curious item popped up:

Leslie Hore-Belisha was born in Devonport in 1893. Educated at Clifton College and Oxford University he served as a major in the British Army during the First World War.

Hore-Belisha, a member of the Liberal Party, worked as a journalist and lawyer before entering the House of Commons for Devonport in 1923. [...]

In 1937 Neville Chamberlain appointed Hore-Belisha as Secretary of State for War. This was a controversial decision as the former holder of the post, Alfred Duff Cooper, was popular with the British armed forces. [...]

Hore-Belisha upset the Army Council by replacing three senior members with younger and more flexible men. He also upset Neville Chamberlain by suggesting the introduction of military conscription during his negotiations with Adolf Hitler in 1938. His attempts to persuade Chamberlain to rapidly increase spending on the armed forces was also unsuccessful.

In the House of Commons the Conservative Party MP Archibald Ramsay was the main critic of having Jews in the government. In 1938 he began a campaign to have Hore-Belisha sacked as Secretary of War. In one speech on 27th April he warned that Hore-Belisha "will lead us to war with our blood-brothers of the Nordic race in order to make way for a Bolshevised Europe." [...]

Neville Chamberlain eventually decided to remove Hore-Belisha as Secretary of State for War and appoint him as Minister of Information. Lord Halifax objected, claiming that it was "inappropriate to have a Jew in charge of publicity." In January 1940 Hore-Belisha was sacked as Secretary of State for War.

In 1945 Winston Churchill appointed Hore-Belisha as Minister of National Insurance. However, he lost office when the Labour Party won the 1945 General Election. Leslie Hore-Belisha, who lost his seat in the election, died in 1957.
One wonders, of course, if the above Leslie Hore-Belisha was related in any way to Haim Belisha?

In any event, getting back to Elaine's friend, Michelle Guerin we find that on her website, she has posted a story about her life as a "Montaukee." We also find an article written by Michelle on the subject of Alien/Human Hybrids.

Getting back to Elaine, we find that she has written a comment to an article posted on Kent Steadman's site.

6/19/2002 6:00 PM

Re: SLEUTH ALERT: Worldwide Periodical Time Shift?

So all we have to go on are a number of mechanical watches (which DO and SHOULD lose time, because no watch is perfect). How did you know these watches measured time accurately before this magical date? A decent way you can measure the rate of watches losing time is to record the difference of your standard time reference (STR to save me typing) to your time. If the difference between your watches over a few days, and the STR increases then either there is something going on with time or your watch is deteriorating. If the difference between these watches and the STR is relatively constant over time, everything should be normal. And the sun moving? You should consider errors made in your measuring and the dodginess of the astro-software you use -- and don´t forget the fact that the sun naturally changes its path across the sky across seasons. HTH.

Elaine Belisha
and here, in response to an article about Fulcanelli (obviously referring to the Weidner/Bridges theory of the "monument to the end of time" nonsense.):

6/2/127 1:30 AM

Re: Fucanelli´s Doom: Judgement Day: The Trial by Fire on 9/22/2002

It is amusing how the "white" man valued the beliefs of my people so little until now, when they realize thier f#@$ed,they run to us for the answer.The fact is,these "people" are an infection,a disease, perhaps like a cancer, eating away at the natural order of things.Be careful what you think, if you believe it,it will happen, withen your own frame of reference.That is to say, you are creating your own reality and your reality sucks.Stop

Elaine Belisha
We notice that both ladies like Kent Steadman and both ladies are into Montauk and alien abductions. So, we have a look at Kent Steadman just for the heck of it:

Registrant: Kent Steadman (CYBERSPACEORBIT2-DOM)
425 South 156th Street, #119A Seattle, WA 98148 US
Record created on 01-Sep-1999.
This jogs our memory and we recall that Network Traffic which now owns hifiexchange.com is also in Washington state.

Probably a coincidence.

But then there is that strange coincidence where homehifiexchange.com suddenly came to be in Atlanta, where the OLD hifiexchange used to be... while the old hifiexchange went off to Washington and we see some strange little threads hanging out here and there just waiting to be pulled.

So, I went back to Network Traffic which has the nifty little trademarked icon... and searched the US Trademark site.


No corporation filings in Washington State either.

Whoever they are, these folks are invisible.

Remember Larry Tedesco and homehifiexchange.com about which company we are told:

The 6-year-old company has brought in roughly $4 million in investments over its lifetime, much of which came from Arkansas investment bank Stephens Inc., which is owned by the family of PGA legend and former Augusta National Chairman Jack Stephens.

With sales last year topping $9 million, Tedesco believes it's time to expand the profitable auction site to include other high-end goods. ExchangeBlvd.com expects to pull in revenues of $2.5 million on projected sales of $15 million this year, Tedesco said. [...]

Since the site went live six years ago with only a few dozen users, the company has attracted 200,000 regular users and has gained the backing of the PGA of America and Golf Magazine. The company also began publishing a "blue book" reference guide of used golf club values based on the nearly 100,000 golf equipment transactions it handles each year.
Just to get a handle on who these people are, go HERE and read carefully. Among other things you will find:

1979 Mochtar Riady and Stephens Inc set up Stephens Finance Ltd. In Hong Kong. Lance is indicted on charges of violating federal banking laws. Clifford's partner, Robert Altman, represents Lance who eventually achieves a hung jury. During this same period, Stephens is, according to Peter Truell and Larry Gurwin in "False Profits," playing "a crucial role in BCCI's penetration of the US market."

1984 Mochtar Riady buys a stake in the Worthen holding company whose assets include the Stephens-controlled Worthen Bank. Price: $16 million. Other Worthen co-owners will eventually include BCCI investor Abdullah Taha Bakhish. Deal handled by C. Joseph Giroir II. Giroir is the Rose law firm chair who hired Hillary Clinton. Giroir will continue to be a deal-maker for the Riadys.

1985 Arkansas state pension funds -- deposited in Worthen by Governor Bill Clinton -- suddenly lose 15% of their value because of the failure of high risk, short-term investments and the brokerage firm that bought them. The $52 million loss is covered by a Worthen check written by Jack Stephens in the middle of the night, an insurance policy, and the subsequent purchase over the next few months of 40% of the bank by Mochtar Riady. Clinton and Worthen escape a major scandal. Mochtar's son James comes back to Arkansas to manage Worthen as president. Worthen is investigated by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency for improper loans to companies owned by the Riadys and Stephenses.

1986 George W. Bush and partners receive more than $2 million of Harken Energy stock in exchange for a failing oil well operation, which has lost $400,000 in the prior six months. After Bush joins Harken, the largest stock position and a seat on its board is acquired by Harvard Management Company. The Harken board gives Bush $600,000 worth of the company's publicly traded stock, plus a seat on the board plus a consultancy that pays him up to $120,000 a year. When Harken runs short of cash it hooks up with Jackson Stephens, who arranges a $25 million stock purchase by Union Bank of Switzerland. Sheik Abdullah Bakhsh, who joins the board as a part of the deal, is connected to BCCI.

1988 Stephens' wife Mary Ann runs George Bush's campaign in Arkansas. He is a member of Team 100 -- individuals who have given $100,000 to the Republican party. A few days before the supposedly surprise arrest of five BCCI officials, some of the world's most powerful drug dealers quietly withdraw millions of dollars from the bank. Some government investigators believe the dealers were tipped off by sources within the Reagan administration. [...]

1991 Stephens Inc gives $100,000 to a Bush dinner committee. With Stephens, Mochtar Riady buys BCCI's former Hong Kong subsidiary from its liquidators. A former top aide to White House Chief of Staff John Sununu goes to work for a prominent figure in the BCCI scandal less than a month after leaving the Bush administration. Edward Rogers Jr. signs a $600,000 contract to give legal advice to Sheik Kamal Adham, an ex-Saudi intelligence officer who is being investigated for his role in BCCI's takeover of First American Bankshares. The Miami acting US Attorney is reportedly rebuffed by the Justice Department in his efforts to indict BCCI and some of its principal officers on tax fraud charges. Justice Department later denies this occurred. [...]
We wonder again, just who owns hifiexchange.com NOW?

But let's go back to that funny remark Elaine Belisha made on Kent Steadman's site:

"It is amusing how the "white" man valued the beliefs of my people so little until now, when they realize thier f#@$ed,they run to us for the answer."
This connects us back to Will Scott Anderson:

Scott Anderson is the current spokesperson for a false group operating out of Deltona Florida using the name of Indian Creek Band of Chickamauga Cherokee. Anderson has in fact been known for the solicitation of donations from the public on behalf of a Convicted Sex Criminal who is a Registered Sex Offender in the State of Missouri, along with several other incidents of exploitation affecting American Indian People.
With all the sex-capades going on in the background of Elaine Belisha's life, put together with her remark that seems to indicate that she is claiming to be Native American, we can't help but make a connection here, however tenuous.

When our research team first started hitting the search engines looking for info on 'dr. gartrell' the hits were scattered and buried spanning quite a few pages of returns.

Earlier today, when the query was typed in, whose name should appear at the top?

None other than Will Anderson. His latest is as follows:

It ain't over till it's over Let the games begin...

Dear Readers... I just heard from a fellow in Maine, whose handle is "Gartrell Watcher" on www.godlikeproductions.com forum... and he just told me on the phone that he had located and had asked a neighbor of Dr. Gartrell who lives only 1.5 kilometers away from Dr. Gartrell's farm, to drive down and see if there was any activity on the Gartrell Berry Farm.

According to the investigating neighbor, there were no signs of activity, the usual vehicles were gone, and the neighbor across the road told the investigating neighbor, upon being asked, that the family had all been gone for a week.

The investigating neighbor said he arrived on the Gartrell property at about 11:30 PM local time, which oddly enough is the same time that Dr Gartrell supposedly sent me this email at June 5 at 8:34 am since time is stamped at the receiving end. Time on my machine is -5 hours GMT, and Adelaide is +9.5 hours GMT, or 14.5 hours difference.

Good investigative work, "Gartrell Watcher"! Go figure. May still be a government operation, and this email may indeed be bogus. So take it with a grain of salt.
If all of this doesn't look like covert ops, I don't know what does.
Now the thing is, we didn't really prove anything by all of the above, but the reaction it engendered suggested that we were stepping on some tender toes. It would certainly take a much deeper investigation, even some field work, to pull this thing together, but what we did find was highly suggestive.

Not too long after this, I understand that godlikeproductions was "sold". But as we see, all kinds of shell companies can be created and names and people shielded behind the corporate veil.

If anybody wants to start tugging on any of these dangling threads, be my guest and keep us posted!
Simon Grey: Christian Bailey: Abovetopsecret?

This may be a bit off the specific topic but I thought it would be interesting to consider the implications, given the stuff written above. It sure implies that there's a lot of organization behind this. It's from Alex Jones:


The Most Powerful Weapon In The World
Strategic Communication Laboratories and the war for your mind

Steve Watson / Infowars | March 8 2006

In a world where the perception is the reality, all countries need to have the capability to manage their own perceptual alignment – otherwise someone else will. We live in a global village, which is reliant on communication and perception. Every country needs the tools to be part of that game.

A direct quote from the website of Strategic Communication Laboratories, a London based company that offers "the most powerful weapon in the world", the ability to manage every aspect of a conflict from one operation centre.

Take a look around their website and witness sickening quote after quote explaining how their vision is to allow the total control of citizens by their government or their military, to keep it that way, and to facilitate conflicts with and the takeover of other countries and the execution of total control over their citizens.

The idea put across by SCL is that if you can control the perceptions people have of reality, then you can control reality itself.

As the world moves further away from the 20th century concept of the Cold War, it becomes increasingly clear that the very nature of warfare itself has changed. The old style conflicts were about overpowering the enemy and winning ground. The new wars are about ideas, belief systems and ideologies. The battle is no longer about winning territory; it is about winning minds.

George Orwell was right on the money when he envisaged the coming 21st century as a battle based on the PERCEPTION of reality. in 1984, his classic warning to the world, Orwell told us that we would have to face this threat:

The Party said that Oceania had never been in alliance with Eurasia. He, Winston Smith, knew that Oceania had been in alliance with Eurasia as short a time as four years ago. But where did that knowledge exist? Only in his own consciousness, which in any case must soon be annihilated. And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed -if all records told the same tale -- then the lie passed into history and became truth. 'Who controls the past,' ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.' And yet the past, though of its nature alterable, never had been altered. Whatever was true now was true from everlasting to everlasting. It was quite simple. All that was needed was an unending series of victories over your own memory. 'Reality control', they called it: in Newspeak, 'doublethink'.
- George Orwell, 1984, Chapter 3 (1948)

SCL's vision is no different from the constructed artificial reality designed to house the minds of the human race portrayed in the feature film The Matrix. If you present all the people with a fabricated collective illusion of reality, and enough meaningless distractions, they may stop questioning that reality when things don't seem to add up.

Formed in 1993, SCL's customers include NGOs, police departments, military forces, municipal authorities, and the UN. According to the website, funding for SCL has been provided by a number of "private high net worth individuals" all based in the UK.

The company has invested nearly $20 million into research at what they call the Behavioural Dynamics Institute (BDi), the world’s leading authority on persuasion, communication psychology and public diplomacy. Given that they are the "World's leaders" it is strange that they do not have a website.

SCL is about selling to the military and Governments, or those that wish to control the military and the Government, the tools that they need to fight and the win the information war for people's minds.

Within its OpCentres are all the tools needed to initiate an elite full spectrum police state takeover - reality control. The SCL website makes the following chilling statement:

The last 5 years have seen a flurry of Homeland Security scenarios enacted and re-enacted on the streets of our cities. What if there is a biological attack, or the detonation of multiple explosive devices?

However, a major flaw has emerged in many of the scenarios - the unmanageability of civilians. They do not behave as they are supposed to. When a virus hits a city, civilians do not line up for vaccination: they run for the hills. When terrorists are looking for a target, it is the predictability of civilian behaviour that makes the terrorists' job easier. What if there was a way to control civilian behaviour when it counts? Imagine the benefits of having civilians as cooperating partners.

Strategic Communication makes the people part of the solution, not part of the problem.

But how do the so-called OpCentres provide the ability to do this? Well according to SCL:

An Opcentre puts influence, control and power back into the hands of the government and military, giving them greater power to influence the enemy in time of conflict and enhanced access to their citizens during a crisis. For instance, an Opcentre can be designed to override all national radio and TV broadcasts, allowing the government and military to communicate with the public as the need arises.

The OpCentres allow for powerful PSYOP campaigns to be conducted, which can engender support within the national community for proposed military action or more bone chillingly, "develop national resilience and behavioural compliance for homeland security issues".

They also allow for the takeover and control of Financial markets, health ministries, and foreign affairs.

Modules within the Opcentres can range from "Word-of Mouth Units" to "Cultural Alignment Units" and previous projects SCL have undertaken for clients include to "Design and develop a permanent military strategic communication
facility capable of delivering strategic and operational psyop campaigns for a South Asian country." and to "Design, build and install a Homeland Security Centre for an Asian country. The Opcentre can override all national radio and TV broadcasts in time of crisis."

Internal security issues are covered too, with the ability within the OpCentre to quell public unrest, manage large crowds or riot situations, prevent insurgency and other such public affairs crises under the umbrella of a "counter-terrorism programme."

Almost every country suffers from some problematic faction within its citizens. These disaffected groups may be driven by religious fervour, self-importance or just greed. In all cases, their ability to operate and recruit new members depends on the perceptual environment and the levels of tolerance of the state and its citizens. SCL specialises in producing solutions for governments so that they can significantly increase their control and management of disaffected groups as part of a wider counter-terrorism programme.

According to SCL, although it offers solutions for all departments of government, it "makes sense" to give total control of of their installations to the Head of State because other ministers of government may be "over zealous" or may not share the same vision.

Perhaps there may be some ministers who are not hell bent on destroying the freedoms of everyone and perpetuating endless psy-war on people and nations all over the planet? hmmm? Perhaps?

This is the future of the globalist police state takeover, they have the infrastructure in place, they have the ability to initiate the takeover NOW. However, they recognise that perception is everything and we are engaged within an INFOWAR.

They could not takeover tomorrow because not enough people would believe the perception of reality that they are transmitting. Currently we are in the majority, they still have a long way to go before their PSYOPS campaigns and "word of mouth units" can do an effective enough job.

Of course the main task currently assigned to the "Cultural Alignment Unit" is to create the perception that we are the minority, and that anyone who is not with the Government is with the "disaffected groups" more widely referred to as "the terrorists"

We are holding them off by spreading the truth and defending our freedoms in our own peaceful revolution of information. It is our reality that is at stake, they want to control our reality with conflict and disharmony and therefore they must continue to create the perception that that is the way the world is.

As SCL puts it on their own website:

We live in a world of communication, where perception is very often the reality. Those individuals that control the perceptions are the ones that control virtually everything. Most modern conflicts are based on misaligned perceptions, ideologies, opinions about religion, etc. If a government does not have the tools to manage the perceptions which effect security, defence, finance, tourism, health and foreign relations, then it may well find itself at the mercy of those that do.

We respond with the words of Orwell in 1984:

Being a minority, even a minority of one, did not make you mad. There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad. The obvious, the silly, and the true had to be defended. Truisms are true, hold on to that! The solid world exists, its laws do not change. Stones are hard, water is wet, objects unsupported fall towards the earth's centre. With the feeling that he was speaking directly to O'Brien, and also that he was setting forth an important axiom, Winston wrote:

Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.

Contact SCL here

Here is what it says in the company overview:

Strategic Communication Laboratories is the leading supplier of strategic communications, information operations and public diplomacy to governments and military clients around the world.

The company is the exclusive licence holder of the BDi strategic communication methodology, which is the most advanced and effective persuasion methodology for social and group communication.

The company provides solutions mainly for defence, internal security and foreign affairs governmental departments, but also provides solutions for tourism, financial markets & investment and health programmes.

SCL operates throughout the world and is based in London, UK. The Head Office employs about 30 people and there maybe as many as 2000 specialists employed on projects worldwide.

The company was formed in 1993 and produced a number of projects for the Behavioural Dynamics Institute, which was undergoing development trials for its methodology. The successful outcome of the trials led to the permanent association of SCL and BDi.

Today SCL is not only the unique licence holder of the BDi methodology, but more importantly, after 12 years, it is the only team fully trained in its operation.
"Project SERPO" story: HOAX

Yeah this whole SERPO thing is just too 3D for me to buy into it as "reality". It seems that they want people to think that aliens show up in space ships from far away that can travel faster then light and they come from this planet here. It skips everything about the nature of time/space, parallell dimensions, and a reality existing on top of this one, which is think is the big point. It also ignores any sort of alien control or interaction with our planet over the past several thousand years, and the fact that we're food - again which i believe are the big secrets.
Just Ma 2cents :-)
Simon Grey: Christian Bailey: Abovetopsecret?

I guess this really is an infowar.

I, for one, am glad that Donald Rumsfeld is there because he is a compulsive truth-teller. So when he says the war is being waged with information and through the internet, I believe him. He was also the one who said a missile hit the Pentagon and that "We will lie to you" at the beginning of the Long War Against Something or Other.
"Project SERPO" story: HOAX

Hi everyone,

While I've been actively posting in other forums, I found this one through ATS, believe it or not. A strange situation happened this week and I'm going to try to describe it in the most detail I can, but I want to be very careful because some strange things are going on I have yet to completely understand.

Obviously you've seen, above, the hoaxed email described by Bill Ryan and laid out by Laura above. Laura & Bill received this email around mid February.

Now for the strange part. On 3/5/2006 - a young online gamer with an interest in things serpo, received an email allegedly from "scared@abovetopsecret.com". It was essentially the same exact email Laura had received on 2/16/2006. This kid believed he had a huge groundbreaking story and proceeded to post the email contents to ATS. Another ATS member immediately posted a link to your (Laura's) breakdown of the previous month showing the email to be a hoax. However, at that time 3/5/2006, this entire website was down for some time. The young kid who posted this email ended up getting banned from ATS, allegedly for poking around in other people's profiles.

This is, of course, speculation, but considering this site was brought down at this same exact time, on 3/5/2006, could an attack against signs-of-the-times have been coordinated to take down this website at the same exact time this hoaxed email was sent to this unsuspecting victim? The intention, of course, to prevent anyone from seeing the truth about the email that Laura had already revealed at that link above? Seems a little drastic, but that's what it looked like...

If you are ever able to ascertain any IP that was the source of those attacks, please email me with those, I may be able to help you identify the attacker.

Thank you,
"Project SERPO" story: HOAX

Well the guys at Serpo eat... vegetables! LOL (hey, humans, dont worry, they eat vegetables, alright? was that clear?)
So the guys at Serpo are "nearby" and they use 7 months to travel all the way down here...
The "Serporians" do not like to talk about weapons, ah?
They are friendly beings!
Even cute!
Oh and very wise! Can you imagine the posibilities of this interaction?
Although some of the crew were not allowed to return.
Oh yes yes, there is this noisy controversy: Were there 2 women (red hairs to that) on the team, or not????? This is VERY IMPORTANT isn't it?????????
Well, also some of the crew died in Serpo, mind you.
Cyre2067 has pointed the hoax (to me is more than a hoax, but a MASSIVE COINTELPRO strategy): Quite 3D, ain't it?
The thing is, we are above all that. We have overcome all that crap. Laura has gone beyond such a parade of monkeys.
ANONYMOUS, he was working for the gobernment, right? A gobernment agent, right?
Perhaps some traces of EV1 could eventually be tracked on his/her/their postings? No of course not, he/she/they are giving this to public because of the love to humanity -yeah right.
ATS personnel, perhaps?
No mention of hyperdimentions. No mention of the situation of the humanity (actual and millennial). No mention of pathocrats. No mention of... nothing!
It is just a exhibition of a very scientifically possible contact -the exhibition of a "contact", of THE soooo longly promised "contact" by Sagan.
Designed for the audience to go "wow, finally!!!"
Some of you did read the article about Hegel's dialectic and the aliens? This article was contemplating precisely this stuff. Paraphrasing it: Aliens are there already, just behind the moon, waiting to land.... once USA has ran out of enemies... They are the next enemy to defend the humanity from.
And defend it under the leading of.... well guess who?
Perhaps Bill Ryan can tell us, or thats too much to ask?
It smells POISON to me!
"Project SERPO" story: HOAX

1. Since every thing is released in peicewise and also in response to questions, More susciption than confidence.
2. If the story is correct,
- why these austronauts keep on trying to measure time with the clocks (which seems to show only day by day instead of entire year ) instead of going with a counter type of watch which tells that time lapse. Again this is all thinking that clocks/spring mechanism(, if it is old type watches.) works well in the entire universe and consistently. is this not identified in advance.
-. There is no usual life dramas in the stories of Ebens, differing each other etc. and that strictly controlled by a box. or some thing, thus indicating that it is seems to be robotic env.
- Goodness and badness of the Ebens are purely based on the emotions like whether they gave what the austronauts wants. Looks primitve understanding.
it looks like humans role is inferior to the ebens and has little understanding of the events. If you go to street and believe in stranger , you know what could happen.

Looks Too much 3D , may work well who believe in only physicality.
If the marketing of the Alien presense is going on , as suspected by many, every body needs a story that fits in thier belief system. May be this will fit in at some level, Even if the story CORRECT. If this marketing is correct, we should see more stories in the press under the name of anonymous or similar.

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