abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO, Project Camelot, Project Avalon

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"Project SERPO" story: HOAX

Project Serpo does seem to be a hoax but one of a special kind. An idea I'm strongly leaning towards is that it was likely to be designed to be found out or thought of as a hoax.

The story has strong roots in the Paul Bennewitz affair. An alien race of 'Ebans' were described to Bennewitz in a letter from his NSA handler. The Ebans described to him have a similar story line as the Ebens of Project Serpo (major differences are Bennewitz believed the Aliens were malevolent; Project Serpo describes them as peaceful. However, the origin {Roswell} and pretty much the name of the race are the same). Rick Doty is/was also heavily involved in both cases.

In reseaching the AVIARY, a good starting point was The Star of Sorcerers article at Cassiopaea:

A year later, in 1989 according to Dr Armen Victorian journalist for Lobster Magazine, Moore announced at a US MUFON convention at Las Vegas that the 1988 program (TV show "UFO Coverup? Live!") contained a substantial amount of disinformation, although some of it was true. He then startled his audience:

Bill Moore stated….at (MUFON) on July 1 1989 in Las Vegas, how he was promised inside information by the senior members of the AVIARY in return for his obedience and service to them. He participated in the propagation and dissemination of disinformation fed to him by various members of the AVIARY. He also confessed how he was instructed to target one particular individual, an electronics expert, Dr. Paul Bennewitz, who had accumulated some UFO film footage and electronic signals which were taking place in 1980 over the Menzano Weapons Storage areas, at Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico. As a result of Moore's involvement, coupled with some surreptitious entries and psychological techniques, Bennewitz ended up in a psychiatric hospital. [1]
Well, of course one wonders why Bill Moore would shoot himself in the foot in this way in front of an audience. Not only was he setting himself up to be considered untrustworthy by his MUFON peers, he was betraying his "masters." The only reasonable conclusion to draw from this is that the entire "revelation" was orchestrated exactly as it developed, and was, in fact, part of the disinformation process. What is curious about the whole affair is that the AVIARY has now achieved status similar to "MJ-12" even though, in the beginning, the only real connection between all of the members was the fact that they were all known to William Moore.
I agree that Moore's 'coming out' is a part of the disinformation campaign; primarily, one that publicly focuses on Doty and his involvement as a disinformation agent.

Around July of 2005, Doty came out of retirement and is now involved in Project Serpo. Interestingly, only a couple of months earlier, a book by Greg Bishop was released called, "Project Beta: The Story of Paul Bennewitz, National Security, and the Creation of a Modern UFO Myth." This book revitalizes the Bennewitz story and the key issues involved, i.e. disinformation and Rick Doty.

In his book, Bishop takes the position that disinformation is a necessary evil as a means of protection of national secrets from hostile intelligence agencies. In the opening chapters it amazed me as to how many of the topics he brought up were related to but of an opinion in opposition to issues researched by the QFG. Bishop didn't pull these topics out of thin air; they are an integral part of the Bennewitz story, which makes you think.

A couple of interesting extracts:

A whole pack of weirdness would become legendary in the history of UFO lore, and spawn a generation of stories and rumors that were believed as gospel, first by UFO researchers, then by the choir to whom they preached, and finally by consumers of TV, film, and late-night radio as the stories became part of the popular culture: Aliens have underground bases in the desert. Aliens are in cahoots with our government to exchange technology for abduction rights. Aliens are farming human body parts for supper. Aliens created humans and sent Jesus around later to keep us in line. These stories would keep saucer friends busy and TV producers wealthy for years.
The above section in bold is also printed on the beginning page when you open the cover.

By the late 1990's, some of the accounts had actually evolved into encounters with reptoid-looking entities abducting and raping women, although "serious" researchers tended to consciously ignore such accounts, just as many initially rejected elements of Hansen's story.
Some make a reptilian and grey link with the Eban race, such as Val Valarian in his Matrix II book. An author only penned Branton included some of Valarian's book in a chapter on Dulce that can be found here.

Much has been written on the distinct possibility of "cueing" of victims when in a highly suggestible, hypnotic state and critics have attributed much of the abduction phenomenon to "expectation bias"
The above quote was in reference to Bennewitz's study with Hansen (an abductee) using hypnosis.

The low frequency electromagnetic pulses being picked up and recorded by antenna array and reel-to-reel machines at the Bennewitz home had always been of particular concern to the powers at Kirtland. One source of the transmitters, even though they could not be used for any sort of communication, might have been the huge electromagnetic pulse testing platform that was being built to test aircraft vulnerability to EM pulses.
The above is in part a description of Bennewitz's machine he built that he believed was providing communication with what he considered extra-terrestrials.

Now if someone looks superficially at the topics regarding the Bennewitz story and much of the research by Laura and the QFG it looks remarkably similar. It's interesting how much effort of disinformation went into the events surrounding Paul Bennewitz. Hmmm...coincidence? I think not.

Another interesting thing regarding Doty is that he has a Masters degree from UCLA in meteorology and he served throughout WWII as a weather specialist. Now what would the powers that be want with a weather specialist?
"Project SERPO" story: HOAX

The Serpo site is heavy with statements by ANON and testimonials. Photos were expected, but not yet appeared. I thought of the "two suns" subject as possible to check, and then read that doubts (about the claimed observations by the claimed crew) were declared as invalid by the Anonymous contributor, due to different laws of physics.

Turning to simpler things - such as a testimonial
One statement that can be partly checked was: -

. . . . . .The program was started in 1956. The program was in the Pentagon's
"Office of Special Missions." The Commander of the Office was
Brigadier Gen Wilbur Abrams, U.S. Army. To the best of my knowledge,
there were two females involved in the first team. . . . . .

The name appears to be incorrect.
Brigadier Gen Abrams was an extremely well-known WWII tank commander, well known before 1956-59 and went back to tank warfare after, vitenam war etc.

His name was Creighton Williams Abrams Jr.
He was promoted to Brigadier General and appointed deputy chief of staff for reserve components at the Pentagon (1956-1959).

Can someone with a US background help confirm if men with the name Williams are ever renamed or nicknamed Wilbur?
If not, the only testimonial I found that could be verified in any way whatever, is inaccurate in the detail.

Hi Kickstand,

I think this particular post of SkepticOverlord was in response to events at ATS where posters had gotten into so much political bickering, name calling (liberal #$#, Neo-#@#, .. you name it), it got so bad and so many threads turned into political name calling that many of the overseers saw the site degrading and Bill Irvine's post you mention was about how posters/people should be turning that energy of political name calling at each other into examination of the cause (the system, the puppet masters). I think this is why the site even put up the separate board PTS politics.abovetopsecret.com. At least that is what I can discern from it. But there also are plenty of strange inconsistencies going on over their, especially with the owners '3 Amigos' and what they seem to think is Ethics and Critical Thinking. They go part of the way and then make a total laughing stock of themselves that is just atrocious by their own behavior, lack of ethics, and total and absolute lack of critical thinking.

kickstand said:

Since it's hard to contact anyone on this site I've had to post this here. Sorry.
Following the current situation with ATS, I remembered seeing something strange on their site a while ago..
In this thread http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread127333/pg1 notice that SkepticOverlord says:

Make no mistake, you are being expertly controlled. Even here, in this venue that should be beyond the puppet masters' strings, we have succumbed to the subtle manipulations of thought and reason. Instead of looking in agner toward the puppet masters, you yell at the puppets.

ATS has fallen. We're not out, but we're mortally wounded.

I'm not sure if this ties in with the claims being made that the moment, but it is strange.
"Project SERPO" story: HOAX

Hello everyone

I'm Rich. I've just found this forum via a web search for Serpo. I've been a receipient of the Serpo info from the master list since Nov 2005. As I'm coming in mid-way through a discussion, I'm uncertain whether you know where this information is being generated from?

If you like, I can give you a lot of background on this so feel free to ask any questions and I'll try and answer. As a caveat, I must add that I do not know the identities of the people who are supplying this info or the name of the Admiral that is allegedly overseeing this project.

Something very odd has happened as the list owner is apparently speaking to a different anonymous source to the one Bill Ryan is speaking to. As usual, the element of confusion has been seeded.

The master list is, itself, something of an oddity and I think it may help you to know the professions of the receipients.

Feel free to ask away! If you're already aware of the background info, my apologies for being so presumptuous and I'll just sit back and read your postings.

I can immediately see a very healthy level of scepticism on this forum. Good.

"Project SERPO" story: HOAX

Can I add that I fully agree with person here who wrote that all the testimonials appear to have been written by the same person. The unexpected appeared of 'Project Crystal Knight' is also interesting. Red herring for those with time on their hands?

Note the name "Crystal Knight" and the similarity with disinformation project names based on chess pieces used in the Doty/Collins book 'Exempt from Disclosure' e.g. Pawns Up, Pawns Right and other project names with "Kings" and "Princes" in the title.
"Project SERPO" story: HOAX

As it happens, there is a new episode in the drama though I can't yet talk about it since I am waiting to see how it develops. I had a conversation with Bill Ryan on the phone last night, he sent me some information by email, and before I say anything else, let's see how it all plays out.

In the meantime, I am even more convinced that the whole Project Serpo thing is just a Hoax. Shane has made some excellent points about what it seems that it is intended to do: to counter certain things we talk about on cass.org and perhaps that is why we have been targeted with this Tar Baby.

I can share a little bit of last night's conversation. I asked Bill when and how he got into the "UFO/Alien field." He admitted that he was mainly a dilettante until last November. He had been on Victor Martinez's political mailing list, and then Victor drew him into the Serpo thing. So basically, he's pretty naive... or dumb like a fox.

He also seems to be pretty impressed with the fact that he is getting so much media attention. Again, either naive or dumb like a fox.

He's impressed with David Icke's "courage." I pointed out that Icke has done more damage to the potential for scientific study of UFOs than any other single living person. I don't call that courage, I call it COINTELPRO. I do not forget the woman who came to me for hypnosis who was a big time New Age teacher and promoter of all kinds of nonsense who, under hypnosis, revealed an altogether different agenda. She was the most sincere, hard-working and courageous person you would ever want to know. She truly believed in everything she said and did. She had to: she was PROGRAMMED to.

And yes, the whole Serpo thing stinks of the Bennewitz caper. But what is a bit of a puzzlement is why Bill Ryan has been "targeted." Since there is no obvious reason for that, I can only assume that he is the Tar Baby. He may know it or he may be completely unconscious, a dupe. We'll see how things play out over the next few days.
Simon Grey: Christian Bailey: Abovetopsecret?

The "Who is Simon Gray?" issue is very interesting. If the WHOIS record shows registration for Abovetopsecret.com as

Gray, Simon
1 Sackville Close
Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 3EJ


Administrative Contact, Technical Contact:
Gray, Simon
1 Sackville Close
Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 3EJ
+44 1793 486619 fax: 999 999 9999

Record expires on 19-May-2013.
Record created on 18-May-1997.

and Simon's LLP filing shows his Date of Birth as

Date of Birth: 08/10/1981

Then Simon was only 15 when he registered Abovetopsecret.com. Most registrars require a parent or guarding to ok/sign off on a domain purchase if the registrant is under 18. Which may very well have been the case.

I found Simon registered on this site saying he was born October 11, 1970. I realize a person can put any date in a registration, but I still find it strange.


View Profile: SimonGray
1 Star Member
Above Top Secret

Last Activity: 08-15-2004 05:19 PM

Simon Gray
Owner/Founder/Webmaster of AboveTopSecret.com

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Join Date: 01-23-2004
Total Posts: 31 (0.04 posts per day)
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Additional Information Group Memberships
Birthday: October 11, 1970
Biography: Simon Gray, Owner/Founder/Webmaster of Abovetopsecret.com
Location: Swindon, England.
Occupation: ATSadmin

Now, in Simon's interview on Net Talk UK Radio this past Friday March 10th, Simon provides some of his background -

SG - I started researching top secret military programs about 10 or 15 years ago for no reason other than just because I found it really really interesting.

Now, 15 years ago would be March of 1991. By his LLP filing date of birth. That would have made him 9 years old in the statement he made in the interview, that he became interested at the far end - 15 yrs ago. Which is also possible. It is possible that Simon is secretive because he was in fact so young and thought that perhaps such information would be held against him??

It could all be fantasy also.

Some more from Simon's interview (Some literal Some paraphrasing) -

host - Is that what caused you to set up ATS in the first place?

SG - Yah, partly. I setup ATS in 1997. Two reasons. One, I was really interested in this thing called the World Wide Web and I wanted into it, so I started learning the programming language and at the time I had a really big interest in the military base called Area51 in America.

Host - I also believe some of the films that we see, like Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Stargate, this sort of film may sometimes actually come from an internal ah, knowledge source - like a universal consciousness. Maybe the writers are in fact picking up the information that is already out there...

SG - Yah, absolutely. That's something I've read in the past as well. The idea that all these movie producers and film directors, the people who write the sort of big budget movies such as Close Encounters and Independence Day, are in fact sort of gradually releasing the idea to the world that aliens do exist or could possibly exist and may one day in fact make contact with earth.


host - first off your English, is that right?

SG - Yep, that's very much correct. I'm English. A lot of people mistake me as American because I have a weird twang to my accent. I did in fact live in America and I grew up there, so ah, yah I've on both sides of the Atlantic.

host - What part of the America.

SG - I grew up in Connecticut actually and uh, most recently, oh well I say most recently, I lived in California for a few years, back in the mid nineties.

host - you live in Wiltshire now?

SG - I live in Wiltshire yep, famous for Stonehenge and things like that.

host - Do you have other business interests (other than ATS)?

SG - Oh no. Above Top Secret for me is not business in a business sense, its always been a hobby of mine. I never intended for it to become a business although you can sort of tell it is growing that way as we expand even larger. But no to me it's a hobby and it always will be.

host - What is the nine to five then? What's the main thing that you do when you don't do ATS?

SG - 9-5 like everyone else and unfortunately I have to work in an office.

host - How many hours a day do you think you spend looking through the forum reading peoples postings?

SG - Um, it's definitely in terms of hours. I like to spend as much time on as possible. Um so obviously before work I like to log on and look at it. At work I always take a quick peek. That's more for the managerial side. Make sure things are running smoothly. But definitely when I come back from work, as long as the family doesn't mind I'm in front of the computer reading away.

host - Of course there's good times ahead isn't there? Because you're looking at TV as well at the moment for ATS. Tell us little about what is gonna happen with that.

SG - I can't mention too many details unfortunately for all the listeners. It's still in production so we can't reveal much detail if any at the moment. But we definitely have a TV show in the works. Currently it's in the production stage, pre-production. It will first be shown in America, the United States, on a major television cable channel that I can't reveal and uh, were looking to getting that on the air second quarter this year.

host - How do you support finance ATS?

Banners, Ads. barely make enough to cover hardware and software and Internet costs. At one point Above Top Secret was actually at a point where I was personally struggling to run the site cause it was creating so much attraction on the Internet and so many people came to visit it we were desperately in need of better hardware and I simply couldn't afford the costs at the time. But then I met SkepticOverlord, one of the business partners of mine. He helped take on technology side because he was much more in depth with it. That in itself helped reduce costs and he also introduced the idea of website advertising. So not at the moment we do have a pretty good balance. The advertising supports the costs and there's a little bit left over as well to keep in the bank in case we want to do some software hardware updates and also when we hold some competitions on the website.

host - question - What was Simon's main motivation for creating ATS? Was there a single event or occurrence in his life that made him decide to startup the site?

SG - No I don't think it was any one event. So I really just started out of pure interest. I had a big fascination with idea that aliens could be visiting our planet along with the possibility the government could be conducting experiments without the public's knowledge, creating aircraft and space craft without the public's knowledge and I wanted to just get online, get my views on it and it's just grown from there.

host - question - Did you expect the site's success?

SG - I never anticipated the success its had. No, not at all. For years it was nothing more than a very very small website, no more than probably a dozen pages. That would, in its luckiest day or luckiest month I guess get a thousand or so visitors. Now, were seeing that every hour now. So no, definitely not. It's tremendous growth in fact.

host - question - I'd love to hear Simon's philosophy of critical thinking and how it's applied to conspiracy theories in general and maybe some advice for dealing with the various forms of disinformation on ATS and elsewhere.

SG - Critical thinking was a concept one of our website members came up with a few weeks ago I think it was. It is very easy to forget about but you really do have to take a stance. I like to think of critical thinking as a means of looking at either a conspiracy theory or something which in the public eye is very largely perceived as a hoax or just completely washed out of the eye and just you know completely ignored. To me critical thinking is looking at a subject, looking at it from a completely neutral unbiased view. Taking in all the facts, taking in everyone else's opinion and definitely collaborating with others to try and come to a decision which is in the end ultimately the most likely and conceivable.

host - q - what about the various forms of disinformation. What's the best advice for dealing with that?

SG - I guess when it comes to disinformation its a, me personally I don't like to make fun of a ?person on a subject by myself. I like to hear other peoples views. I like to collaborate with them where needed or where possible and take in what other people's views are on the same subject. In the end if some else thinks it's disinformation as well as I then I'm keen to come to the same conclusion.

host - q - Does Simon believe in some of the more popular conspiracy theories himself such as the 911, was there a US government operation or the world's governments are in cahoots with ETS or the issue of Peak Oil, etc.??

SG - Me personally, I don't like to think that out government would be involved in a massacre of that level. It's extremely saddening to think your own government would do something to the public like that just to perhaps create a need to go to war with a foreign country. My personal view is there was a terrorist attack and a that's, I'll leave it at that.

host - q - what would you like to see going forward with ATS? Obviously the David Icke Forum was a good move, bringing in traffic. Who else would you like to see brought into the site? And what other major projects would you like to see brought into ATS?

SG - We would like to get as many conspiracy researchers and theorists brought in as possible. I mean having David Icke come off the website now that we are hosting his official discussion board that's brilliant news for us. And also for him, cause we already have a huge member base that can speak with him and share their views and also communicate between each other. As for the expense of AboveTopSecret.com, at the moment we're still expanding the website. It never stops. We're continually expanding it, building it, making it better. The TV show is the huge jump for us which we're very much looking forward to. And obviously once that gets on the air we'll see what happens, we'll see what happens from there.

host - q - If you could give up the day job as they say and do this full time, what do you think your role would be within ATS?

SG - Well first off if I could do it, I would absolutely love it, I would love to spend all my time on the website. My role, I would probably do back to researching and writing articles. I've always enjoyed doing that but unfortunately just in these time constraints I haven't been able to for some time now. But if I could involved with the website, uh, fully, I would still have a management level but I'd love to get back to writing.

q - Have you thought about writing a book about the success of ATS and profiling some of the better conspiracy theories and other posting on there?

SG - Possibly. It's something we have discussed (10:07 anomaly) and something that has come up and dropped from the limelight. But we are discussing between the staff and certain members the possibility of creating a book. I cannot honestly say that will happen but it's something that we we'd like to perhaps get done in the future.
Other thinks spoken of were - How forum trolls were handled, MIB, government in cahoots with ET's (too farfetched), Serpo stuff, he likes the Area51, military stuff ....

Here is Abovetopsecret's old Forum that seems to go back to February of 2001 - http://p090.ezboard.com/babovetopsecret

This URL seems be when Simon was thinking about closing up shop because it was costing too much and he asked for donations.
Subject: I'll answer any questions about myself
Posted By: SimonGray Area 51 Commander
Posted At: 7/14/01 2:32 am
It has come to my attention that quite a few people doubt my authenticity and the reason why I spend so much time and effort carrying out research into conspiracies and other subjects covered on ATS.

I was amazed at how degrading people can be behind my back, especially since I couldn't afford to keep the site open. So I don't sell my information and write 500-page books (with only 10% being useful info and not filler) to make a big income like Timothy Good or Stanton Friedman. I like the personal touch of my own website that anyone can visit for nothing. I choose every aspect of what makes it what it is, with no outside involvement except for what I choose.

Because I asked for a $1 donation from my mailing list subscribers, apparently I'm now out to make a fortune. Give me a break!

Its times like this why I wonder if its worth it. What do you want to know about me? I might choose not to answer every question, but I guarantee I will be telling the truth.

Simon Gray - Webmaster/Founder of http://www.AboveTopSecret.com
E-Mail - simon@abovetopsecret.com
And here Simon provides his UK and California addresses -


Subject: Damn, you guys are too paranoid!
Posted By: SimonGray Area 51 Commander
Posted At: 7/19/01 6:30 pm
Firstly, I have been away on holiday/exploration in Los Angeles. I have family out there (and is also my home when I'm not living in Wiltshire). I was taking some trips to Palmdale and of course, Area 51.

It would seem that in the short time I haven't been on-line, lots of people have gone a bit stir-crazy.


I have created a new forum with about 6 pages of previous threads. This has been done on the advice of William One Sac and my own initiative to avoid them being deleted under ezBoard's new "terms and conditions."


Sorry, but I never give out specific details about my personal self. I hope you understand why.


I have visited Area 51 three times now, never Dulce, although Knitewulf has done a very thorough and scientific job combing the place with all manner of gadgets and gizmos. If he couldn't find anything, I won't either.


This is why the website is in turmoil (and I can't get the site's mailing list/chatroom/POP E-Mail to work. Network Solutions has different versions of my details with them. I currently have 3 handles with them and am getting really pissed off because I can't seem to consolidate them into just one handle. Until I can change them to one handle, I can't change the nameservers.

My UK address is:

1 Sackville Close
Swindon, Wiltshire

My US address used to be:

185 Sierra Drive #101
Walnut Creek, CA 94596

The US address (which is were I was living when I registered the domain) is now outdated and can't seem to change my details with them, as you can see they have really buggered it up.


I first became interested in government conspiracies when I started reading about Area 51. From there, my interested exploded and I'm still more interested now than when I first started.

I am yet to really be handed something that is conclusive 110% that my theories are totally true. However, I do not need such evidence as I and most other people realise the lies which we are told. Roswell - perfect example of US AF/GOV blundering.


No, but I firmly believe that I have seen the Aurora aircraft before.



Simon Gray - Webmaster/Founder of http://www.AboveTopSecret.com
E-Mail - simon@abovetopsecret.com

Edited by: SimonGray at: 7/19/01 6:32:58 pm
There is a bunch more. ATS went from ezboard to an xmb board on a server that appears to be Bill Irvine's - SportzTalk - and then to it's own servers. It appears they have half a dozen or so IP's now, with some of them dedicated servers.

I will continue posting a lot of other info. in additional postings. A lot of the ATS stuff seems to check out. But there are some real problems also.

One last note - the EV1 servers thing I think has some validity but caution there. Cassiopaea.org was also on EV1 servers for a while but is now on a netblock owned by "ThePlanet.com Internet Services, Inc." which is also what AboveTopSecret is on currently.

March 14 said:
Links to Interview source from Abovetopsecret.com
Laura said:
Notice Simon Gray's date of birth in the document cited above: GRAY, SIMON - 08/10/1981 - That would make him JUST 25 this year. That means he was only 16 when he registered abovetopsecret.com

Hope everybody has read my blog posts on the subject and noted all the interesting synchronicities:










And then, just the opening paragraph of this blog article refers to ATS:

"Project SERPO" story: HOAX

Hello Laura

Bill has said to me before that Victor doesn’t understand PR. That seemed to be a big concern of Bill’s, that the Serpo information was not being presented correctly. As another member of Victor’s list said to me, people are drawn to the UFO field for one of two reasons – to make a fast buck or because they have a deep interest in the subject. There are plenty of authors out there who seem more than happy recycling the same old garbage…and people wonder why scientists won’t publicly touch the subject with a ten foot stick.

Icke is a very strange character indeed. I’ve read a couple of his books. For the first-time reader, one could surmise that Icke has constructed a plausible big-picture. He certainly presents a sincere, well-meaning, loving image. I have no idea whether in fact he just goes home, cracks open a can of beer and slumps in front of TV scratching his buttocks! His books are poorly-researched and written at best. The “super conspiracy” he has created with the “Reptilian Fifth Dimension Overlords” at the top of the pyramid is an article of faith in certain new agey zones. I have never seen any evidence for it myself.

Oh, did you read that ATS now have David Icke as a contributor to their site? If that site is not an attempt to co-opt and neutralise as much of the alternative conspiracy-type community as possible, I don’t know what is.

Is it possible that Bill’s being targeted is entirely a contrivance designed to boost credibility of the dubious Serpo material? I’m not suggesting that Bill is in on it but sooner or later, someone would’ve set up a dedicated Serpo site. If the entire Serpo affair is a tar baby, then I would anticipate that someone will be conclusively exposing the entire business as a hoax. In that scenario, it would not be the objective to target Bill (altho’ it may be a secondary motive to demotivate potentially effective acitivists). The MO simply could be to continue the discreditation of UFO/ET information i.e. more attempted conditioning that “they’re all hoaxes”.


PS: Laura – I tried to email you via the SotT site. I would be interested in obtaining a copy of your article on the Godlike Productions forum. I used to visit frequently and I caught your comment that it may have links to all kinds of illegal and disgusting activities. Could I have a copy please? It really got me thinking, as did your comments re well-known new agey Californian “star kid” researcher as cover for CIA arms trafficking.
Simon Grey: Christian Bailey: Abovetopsecret?

christx11 said:
One last note - the EV1 servers thing I think has some validity but caution there. Cassiopaea.org was also on EV1 servers for a while but is now on a netblock owned by "ThePlanet.com Internet Services, Inc." which is also what AboveTopSecret is on currently.
I didn't know that. What I do know is that the server we were formerly on was "bought out" and we had to move because the lack of support meant that we were down most of the time. This may be why. Previous to that, we were on a server that just completely deleted our website after Bridges and Weidner complained that we were "defaming" them. We've had to move about 4 or 5 times over the past 5 or 6 years. I can ask Ark to look up all the records and get the complete history.

But, you are right. Obviously a lot of innocent sites are going to be served on a system that is set up to host COINTELPRO sites. By the same token, COINTELPRO sites can very easily be hosted on innocent servers. Having said that, EV1 is STILL very interesting...
"Project SERPO" story: HOAX

An Observation of some of the scripted info (a.k.a. insider accounts):
None of the military types seem to describe their MOS's (Military Obligated Service) as an example a guy can be an Infantryman his MOS would be 11B (eleven bravo).
Person #7 said My dad this and that, OK who was his dad? Who is the person in any identifying way claiming to be the son of the Military person? #7 Does not seem to identify himself as anything other than the Son of some retired U.S. Air Force (pilot, tirefiller, jet engine facial-heat tester..) nothing.
I think often times an Army Engineer would be like, "Yeah I was in the Army corpe of Engineers 11C (I think that is the MOS), we practiced blowing through defenses and setting up the battle field."
Another thing, no identifying units, battalions or divisions, it's a pretty big military/army/airforce/marines.. back to the missing military statements.. An example might be: I was in the 5th Battalion 27th Fighter squadron stationed out of Ft. Such and such during the (..) war era. No such information is present. Is it cause it would be too much work for the writer who would have to ensure that Colonel such and such is still alive, what division he was in and all the historic data? Or is it just easier to say Colonel such and such?
Just offering some observations of my own.
"Project SERPO" story: HOAX

Hi Noise

Good points. The explanation offered by the anonymous releaser(s) of the serpo info stated that the military records of these people was wiped clean, as were their social security records and other identifying data. So if true, it would make it nigh on impossible to identify any of these people. So yet again, we're given a wee bit of info with no possible way to verify it.

What did strike me as odd is that in the time these people were meant to away (15 yrs I think), their records were wiped clean and I would presume that the whole project was severely classified. Only a handful of people would have been aware of the whole project and I guess they would have had little to do for the intervening years. Perhaps they died or changed jobs? If so, who would have known these people had been sent?

"Project SERPO" story: HOAX

RichM wrote:

PS: Laura – I tried to email you via the SotT site. I would be interested in obtaining a copy of your article on the Godlike Productions forum. I used to visit frequently and I caught your comment that it may have links to all kinds of illegal and disgusting activities. Could I have a copy please? It really got me thinking, as did your comments re well-known new agey Californian “star kid” researcher as cover for CIA arms trafficking.

I posted it on the forum here:
http://signs-of-the-times.org/signs/for … php?id=626
"Project SERPO" story: HOAX

Thought I would add an interesting observation. In my above reported conversation with Bill Ryan, among the things he asked me was my opinion of David Icke. I said that David Icke and his type - whether they intended it or not - were great tools for COINTELPRO. I then said that if David couldn't see what he was doing to UFO/alien research, he must be either completely blind, or totally egotistical. He had done more damage to the possibility of scientific research into the phenomena than any other single person.

Two days later, the David Icke forum which, as I understand it, has been taken over by Abovetopsecret, posted a link to our podcast.

Coincidence, or intentional that the person I had just said was the ONE I would NEVER want to be associated with suddenly "associates" himself?

I think that Bill Ryan and Abovetopsecret are in cahoots and their apparent "war" is just a cointelpro device.

As for the link from Icke... well heck, Br'er Fox, do NOT throw me in that thar briar patch!
"Project SERPO" story: HOAX

New developments in the SERPO story. Ark received an email today pasted in below. What is a bit funny is that some of these people actually think this is a "Commie plot." They don't even realize that it is a US sponsored COINTELPRO action.

From: ANTIGRAY@****
Date sent: Sun, 19 Mar 2006 03:10:18 EST
Subject: SERPO Story Exposed
To: jfirmage@i*****
Copies to: (snipped super long list of recipients)
Date forwarded: Sun, 19 Mar 2006 02:30:16 -0600

To: sarfatti@pacbell.net
From: antigray@****
SERPO Story Exposed

Hi Jack,

I dug up our previous information about Victior Martinez and am sending it to
the list members, along with information from Bill Hamilton about the science
fiction writer that originally wrote the Serpo story. Lets hope this expose
puts an end to this big waste of time. From now on if anyone receives further
spam from Martinez, they can just delete it. A few people have unsubscribed
already because of Victor's continual spamming.

Hi Group,
Using Victor Martinez as a source throws up a lot of red flags, literally, as
he works under red flags, being an admitted communist agitator. For 7 months
last year he and a small group of other communist radicals invaded Dr. Jack
Sarfatti's open list of physicists who are working on advanced weapons and
propulsion projects for the USG and attacked the members and their work with nasty
comments, communist spam propaganda, etc. I personally spent a lot of time
counterattacking them as soon as they posted their propaganda and attacks and
exposing who they were and what they were doing so that the productive members of
the group did not have to waste their time answering them. They finally gave
up after I bitchslapped them day after day. The following is some emails
between myself and Dr. Jack Sarfatti when Martinez stopped his attacks on the
physicists and instead got into the disinformation game with the phony SERPO

Art Greenfield

Date: 12/7/2005 5:46:46 PM Eastern Standard Time
To: sarfatti@pacbell.net
Right-click picture(s) to display picture options

In a message dated 12/7/2005 10:59:55 AM Eastern Standard Time,
sarfatti@pacbell.net writes:

> Subj: Re: Whole Lot Of Disinforming Going On?
> Date:12/7/2005 10:59:55 AM Eastern Standard Time
> From:sarfatti@pacbell.net
> To:ANTIGRAY@****

Ryan is coming to my office tomorrow. I did not know about his Werner
connection. I knew Werner very well - story is in my book. Thanks for the heads up!
Bill was on George Noory last night. Listen to the program on the WEB.

On Dec 7, 2005, at 12:49 AM, ANTIGRAY@****wrote:

Hi Jack,

When Mr. Ryan comes to your office, ask him for Victor Martinez's contact
information. Once we have that I can get him checked out and find out who he is
and what his game is, just like I did with his doper buddy Dennis Myrtzyk. I'm
surprised that Ryan did not background check Martinez before he went on the
radio and spread the Serpo story. Maybe it is all an organized disinfo campaign
run by useful and useless idiots.


Hi Jack,

We can't forget Victor Martinez:
What's wrong with this picture? LOL

>From serpo site:

1) Information released by Anonymous , exactly as originally posted. Some
comments in [square brackets] were added by the moderator, Victor Martinez, and
have been retained. Uncorrected typos have also been retained. Martinez,
however, corrected many typos and grammatical errors before posting, and states that
he has done some “cutting and pasting†of the information supplied directly
to him by Anonymous ; therefore the information is not exactly as originally
written. As more information becomes available, this section will be kept fully


Since Victor is an admitted communist agitator and drug user, why would any
military insider give him highly classified information? Then why would he
release it to professional physicists like yourself to help the American defense
establishment? I smell a rat.


Subj: Re: C2C
Date: 12/7/2005 5:03:04 PM Eastern Standard Time
To: sarfatti@pacbell.net
CC: (snipped list of recipients)

Subj: Re: C2C
Date: 12/7/2005 11:04:40 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: sarfatti@pacbell.net

yes I missed part of it - fell asleep. Write up your commentary for the list.

On Dec 7, 2005, at 12:11 AM, ANTIGRAY@**** wrote:

> Hi Jack,
> Are you listening to the BS on C2C?
> Art

Hi Jack,

If anybody wants to hear that C2C show, in most radio markets it is usually
rerun just before the new Coast To Coast show for the day. Check the radio
schedules in your area. You didn't miss anything by falling asleep except maybe
some aggravation.

I bet Victor Martinez and his cronies are laughing their asses
off at George Noory, Bill Ryan, for being gullible enough to believe the
material he gave them and for putting it on the air. It is a major coup for the
disinformationalists. They are probably getting drunk and stoned in celebration

Rick Doty said there was a SIMILAR story that leaked out about 20 years ago
about an "exchange program." No details were ever released. Whether the current
story of exchange was the same or just a made up coincidence could not be
determined. Bill Ryan could only repeat the information found on the Serpo
website. He could not elaborate on anything when asked because he said what's on the
site was all the information he had to work with. He said Mr. Anonymous had
promised to give Victor Martinez more of the story over the next few weeks.

Victor and his cohorts are probably getting stoned as we speak for inspiration to
write more. Does anyone really think that a retired military person in their
right mind would hand over classified information to a degenerate admitted
commie pothead like Victor Martinez? Victor should plagiarize some good science
fiction so that the Serpo story installment reads better. No mentally competent
ex-military person would write crappy amateurish reports like that.

The military personnel supposedly sent to Serpo would have been top notch
personnel, with a mission to observe and report what was on the alien planet.
They would have all been trained to use a common military report format. Let's
say they had to write a report about their observations as they tested an alien
aircraft's capabilities on the planet Serpo as part of their mission to learn
what we need to know. They would have written up what they observed in their
respective disciplines along typical lines as follows as an example:

What Characterizes a Good Report? A good report is clear, concise,
well-organized, timely, and provides a complete and balanced assessment.

Clarity and brevity are critical. Avoid long-winded, rambling
narratives. Make your point and get out. Avoid being "tutorial"—assume the reader has
a technical background, but knows little or nothing about your particular
article. Do not waste his or her time with general background about basic
principles or information that is universally true of all systems of the type tested;
keep your discussion focused on results related to the test item specifically.

At the same time, since not all your readers are specifically aeronautical
engineers, avoid the use of highly technical jargon (especially in the summary
and evaluation sections of the report). Plain language will result in the least
misunderstanding. This proscription does not apply to the Supporting Data
sub-section, which is written for engineering personnel and can be as technical
as necessary to make the point.


Because of the varied backgrounds and interests of your
readers, the organization of the report should be clear and hierarchical, allowing
each reader to find the specific type of information he/she needs. Extremely
detailed descriptions of system design, data, and problem analysis disrupt the
flow and may be considered distractions by high-level managers who are more
interested in the "bottom line." Consideration should be given to placing these
data in appendices or publishing them in separate archival reports.


Ideally, the test team will report only on characteristics and
conditions which influenced the test and on both expected and unexpected
results. In this way, all information in the report will be both necessary and
sufficient to document the study. The goal is to create a report from which the
reader could re-create your test and attain the same results. The idea of
sufficiency is clear enough, but the idea of necessity is more subtle. For example,
when conducting a performance flight test, details of the engine and its
installation (normally aspirated, turbo-charged, type of prop, etc.) are important.
When conducting a handling-qualities flight test, however, engine information
is far less critical. Thus, while the engine may be a turbo-charged,
eight-cylinder engine driving a four-bladed prop, including this information in the
handling qualities report is not necessary.

Balance. A well-written report provides a balanced assessment of the test
item. While it is recognized that favorable aspects of test system performance
usually require less verbiage to relate than do deficiencies, the balance of
good and bad news must be consistent with the overall assessment. Mixed messages
are sent when a writer provides a single sentence reflecting an overall
favorable evaluation, followed by endless pages of discussion of undesirable
characteristics. Be fair, be neither an antagonist nor a protagonist of the system,
be unemotional and be sure the collective weight of your writing leaves the
reader with a correct and unambiguous impression of your message.


Above all, reports must be timely to be effective. To meet
reasonable deadlines, it is imperative that test teams draft as much of the report
as possible prior to the start of tests and continue to update the report as
the tests are conducted. Waiting for all tests to be completed before beginning
to document the results not only makes the task overwhelming, it makes it
unlikely that the report will be completed on time. Do not underestimate the time
necessary for preparation of the report itself. If the data reduction is not
complete by the 50% hack on your time-line, you're already behind schedule.


I saw nothing professional in the Serpo report. It sounded like a stoner's
vacation report.


Subj: Re: Murad
Date: 12/9/2005 11:45:59 AM Eastern Standard Time
To: sarfatti@pacbell.net

Hi Jack,

I suggested asking Murad those questions about DIA's involvement to
"exploit"the animosity between you two. Just answering you would have implications for
his future employment. I didn't know he would not even read your email. On to
plan B.

Tell your CIA contact that you suspect Murad, Martinez, &cohorts, of
running an unauthorized organized disinformation campaign (that is masquerading
as an official DIA effort to transfer "useful information") and is aimed at
you and the other physicists in your work group to lead the defense work you
all are doing in the wrong direction, sow confusion, derail the group's work,
and generally waste all of your valuable time. Tell your CIA guy the
perpetrators are claiming official DIA involvement as they had this posted on the Serpo

Posting by Anonymous (8 December, 2005)

Victor: Yes, I did listen to the entire show. Never heard this guy George
Noory before, but he seemed to be a very open-minded narrator and for that, me
and my DIA colleagues were very pleased. The show caused a lot of buzzing in the
halls of the DIA!

Bill [Ryan] and Rick [Doty] both did an excellent job. I was hoping you
[Victor Martinez] might just show up and add your own comments since you know more
about me than anyone else as well as the program, but I guess that wasn't

I know CIA can't investigate what DIA is doing but they can pass on
information about individual misconduct and illegal activities to the appropriate



In a message dated 12/9/2005 3:32:33 AM Eastern Standard Time,
sarfatti@pacbell.net writes:
> Subj: Murad
> Date:12/9/2005 3:32:33 AM Eastern Standard Time
> From:sarfatti@pacbell.net
> To:ANTIGRAY@****
> In a message dated 12/9/2005 2:57:49 AM Eastern Standard Time,
> sarfatti@pacbell.net writes:
> >> Subj: Re: Martinez Info
>> Date:12/9/2005 2:57:49 AM Eastern Standard Time
>> From:sarfatti@pacbell.net
>> To:ANTIGRAY@****
Received from Internet:

I wonder if it's Paul Murad?

>From Art: I guess you can send Murad an email and ask him, "What's up with
the DIA releasing information about this alien exchange program? Why is DIA
doing this? Is it authorized by the brass? Are these people illegally
impersonating DIA personnel?" I bet there will be some excitement then.

> On Dec 8, 2005, at 11:48 PM, ANTIGRAY@cs.com wrote:
> >> Hi Jack,
>> Here's something else that is odd. On the serpo site anonymous posted this
>> to Victor:
>> Posting by Anonymous (8 December, 2005)

Victor: Yes, I did listen to the entire show. Never heard this guy George
Noory before, but he seemed to be a very open-minded narrator and for that, me
and my DIA colleagues were very pleased. The show caused a lot of buzzing in the
halls of the DIA!

>From Art: Can you check with any trusted DIA contact you have to see if
people at DIA are really pleased. This sounds made up.

Bill [Ryan] and Rick [Doty] both did an excellent job. I was hoping you
[Victor Martinez] might just show up and add your own comments since you know more
about me than anyone else as well as the program, but I guess that wasn't

>From Art: Why would a commie stooge know so much about Mr. Anonymous and the
exchange program. Oh yeah, I forgot, he is a commie spy too. LOL

I called Mr. _____ this morning.


That's Kit Green.

>From Art: Why doesn't the "USG official" release all of his files to
someonelike Bob Woodward if he wants it to get out for "public consumption." Releasing
it to a commie useful idiot like Martinez who has no credibility would cast
doubt on the authenticity of the work. I have enough info on the games that
Martinez has been playing the last few months to totally discredit him. I've held
off emailing info on him to Lisa Lyons at C2C so as to let this play out. I
want to see the photos they are supposedly going to release.


In a message dated 12/9/2005 2:23:17 AM Eastern Standard Time,
sarfatti@pacbell.net writes:
Subj: Re: Martinez Info
Date:12/9/2005 2:23:17 AM Eastern Standard Time
Received from Internet:

He never met Martinez. He is trying to find out more about him. Martinez is
putting his own stuff into Anonymous. Ryan figured that out. So we really don't
know the actual document's contents only a distorted version.

On Dec 8, 2005, at 11:15 PM, ANTIGRAY@cs.com wrote:

Hi Jack,
Did Bill Ryan give you any information on Victor Martinez, like address and
phone number? Did Bill ever meet him in person?


> Did anyone follow Bill Ryan to your office?


> I just want to make sure this whole charade isn't just a clandestine way
> for Martinez and his radical jerkoff friends to track you down.

Ryan is OK. British Bloke. I think MI6.

> Thanks,
> Art

Victor shows his true colors (RED).
Subj: Re: OUTRAGE: Guardsmen 'played cards' amid New Orleans chaos sez
Date: 9/4/2005 11:14:28 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: victorgm@webtv.net
To: ANTIGRAY@cs.com
CC: sarfatti@pacbell.net
Received from Internet: click here for more information


Well, you're right about that: I am EXTREMELY liberal -- a "leftie" as
Sarfatti would call me -- and am PROUD of it. The great majority of my
student's parents are liberal Demorcrats and, as you know, California
voted overwhelmingly for Kerry, so I fit right in.

As far as being a leftist agitator? You betcha! LOVE IT! -

Subj: Re: Wikipedia, The USA Patriot Act and Sarfatti's BAD PHYSICS ideas!
Date: 10/16/2005 3:12:54 AM Eastern Daylight Time
To: victorgm@webtv.net
CC: sarfatti@pacbell.net, (snipped list of recipients)

Hi Victor,

Thanks for the invite but I don't do drugs. Did you know that long-term
marijuana use changes your brain chemistry and makes you psychotic and


Check it out man:



Look what it did to Charles Manson. Scroll down.

As if that isn't bad enough, you could go to jail for possession and bad
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Going to prison soon? Wondering what it will be like? Or perhaps it's just
time for a new nickname? Well, you've come to the right place! Simply enter your
first and last name in the form below and click Submit. And remember... DON'T
DROP THE SOAP http://www.prisonbitchname.com/


In a message dated 10/16/2005 2:15:22 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
victorgm@webtv.net writes:
Subj: Wikipedia, The USA Patriot Act and Sarfatti's BAD PHYSICS ideas!
Date:10/16/2005 2:15:22 AM Eastern Daylight Time
CC:(snipped list of recipients)

Received from Internet:


You got me there! Correct: I am NOT a teacher, I dropped out of high
school in the 10th grade, have a tested IQ of 91, and Dennis and I get
"high" ALL of the time from our little home-grown garden of weed.

Why don't you and the Doc join us some time so we can all get high as
kites?! -

Received: from smtpinvite-3301.bay.webtv.net ( by

From: Jack Sarfatti <sarfatti@pacbell.net>
Subject: Re: Wikipedia, The USA Patriot Act and Sarfatti's BAD PHYSICS
Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2005 22:00:16 -0700
To: antigray, Victor Martinez <victorgm@webtv.net>
X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.734)
X-Brightmail: Message tested, results are inconclusive

Martinez is a piece of you know what stinking up the hood. He knows no
physics at all.

On Oct 15, 2005, at 9:21 PM, ANTIGRAY@cs.com wrote:

Hi Victor,

Naw, no need to turn you into the FBI. You are just one of the
Islamofascist's Useful Idiots. You are pretty harmless. You are no threat to Dr. Sarfatti's
work because you do not have enough knowledge of physics to understand it in
the first place to be able to refute any of it. You never did state your
curriculum vitae when I asked you for it. Is it because you are ashamed that you
flunked out of high school and are not really a teacher as you claim? From
everything I've read that you have written you don't seem very well educated. Do you
do a lot of grass like your buddy Dennis Myrtzyk? It makes you stupid. Why do
you think they call it dope? Hahahahah. So, what college did you go to and
where do you teach school?


In a message dated 10/15/2005 7:54:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
victorgm@webtv.net writes:
Subj: Wikipedia, The USA Patriot Act and Sarfatti's BAD PHYSICS ideas!
Date:10/15/2005 7:54:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time
CC:KDavidson@sfchronicle.com, AntiGray@cs.com
Received from Internet:

Hey, ART:

I'm one of the Islamofascists who's tried to sabotage the Doc's crackpot
theories; can you submit my name to the FBI,... I have a shit load of
stuff to tell them about Sarfatti's BAD PHYSICS ideas!

Bring it on! -

From: "William Hamilton" <astroxplorer@...>
Date:Fri Mar 17, 2006 10:57 am
Subject:Re: [Astrosciences] Re: SERPO entry #16-- Unfortunately, Disinfo From
Non-Credible Source xplorer2x

Excellent addition to information about Martinez and cronies. He has a
hyperactive personality and can't stop talking in person.

At the MUFON LA meeting last night, a lot was discussed about the SERPO
story. It is so bad that all of the people I heard talk about it said they thought
it was phony and I was happy to hear that as people seem to have an inbuilt
detector on this stuff.


From: "William Hamilton" <astroxplorer@...>
Date:Fri Mar 17, 2006 5:42 pm
Subject:The likely source for the SERPO story xplorer2x

This was posted January 25, 2006 on the Above Top Secret Board
where members have been picking apart this hoaxed up story.

The original story may have been written by a woman named Sheldon
as a CIA disinfo campaign. However, it looks like additions have been
made by 'anon' and his helpers which look suspiciously like they were
keeping track of the ATS Board. Perhaps some of those who have had
CIA connections could find this Alice Bradley Sheldon.

Bill Hamilton
AstroScience Research
"I don't see the logic of rejecting data just because they seem incredible."
Fred Hoyle

posted on 25-1-2006 at 09:07 AM Post Number: 1941916 (post id: 1966952) -

Interesting reading. However these are not real events that are being
described although the document they come from is real. I saw this information in 69
or 70 in Whitehall. Originally it was a CIA document authored by a lady named
Alice Bradley Sheldon. It's main purpose if you will parden the phrase was to
"scare the crap out of the Soviets" in response to them scaring the crap out
of us.

In the 60s during the warmer part of the cold war the KGB successfully
led the US government to believe that a number of nucleur devices had been
concealed in disused mines and caves close to four large American cities. These
bombs could be detonated by sleeper agents at any time Moscow wished. It was not
completely disproved that this was fake until 1990.

The Serpo report was part of the CIAs reposte to this and an attempt to trump
the Soviets. Its aim was to make them believe that we had acquired lethal
extraterrestrial energy devices and that we had a cosy freindship with these all
powerfull EBENs who would be very unhappy if Moscow attempted to harm the
United Statesin any way. To a degree I believe this effort was effective to begin
with. However it came unstuck when the CIA tried to overreach the information
by adding photographs and also trying to spook allies such as ourselves who
were better equipped to analyse the information and bugged to the hilt by the

Why this information is being released again now I do not know. Possibly in
the past the DIA could have been fooled by the CIA into believing that Serpo
was a real event and the annonymous source may genuinley want to release this
information. Alternatively the DIA may have got it direct from the KGB most
likely with a few choice modifications added by them.

I'm sorry to have to pour cold water upon your entertainment or maybe I have
only added fuel to your fire.


From: "William Hamilton" <astroxplorer@...>
Date:Sat Mar 18, 2006 10:41 am
Subject:More info on the possible source of SERPO story xplorer2x

Alice Bradley Sheldon is a Sci-Fi writer.

Alice Bradley Sheldon ( wrote under the pen name James Tiptree).

James Tiptree, Jr. Award. Created in 1991 to honor the innovative fiction of
Alice Bradley Sheldon .

The Tiptree Award is presented to speculative fiction that explores and
expands gender roles—and in the process touches on the most fundamental of human

James Tiptree, Jr: ex-CIA agent, gender-bender, enigma

James Tiptree Jr., aka Alice Bradley Sheldon, lived a life as bizarre as any
sci-fi novel. One of the founders of the CIA and a former soldier, she was
neurotically shy and spent the last part of her life as a depressive recluse. She
masqueraded as a man in the literary world, and she committed suicide at the
age of 72, reportedly out of a desire to "take myself off the scene gracefully
. . . while I am still me." Although the SF world pondered James Tiptree Jr.'s
true identity for many years, the greater effort lies in defining the woman
behind the name.

Alice Bradley Sheldon was born in 1915 into a family of explorers. She
traveled the world with her parents before marrying in 1934 “the first guy who asked
[her], William Davey.

"He was beautiful, he was charming, he was a poet, he had references from the
deans at Princeton--but they forgot to mention that he was an alcoholic and
supporting half the whores in Trenton,†she told a friend. In 1941, Bradley and
Davey divorced, but not before she underwent a botched abortion which would
preclude her from having children with her next husband, Huntington Sheldon.

After her divorce, Bradley joined the WACs. Despite prohibitions against
women functioning outside a service capacity, she became the first woman in
photo-intelligence in the entire armed forces. She met Sheldon while on assignment
in Europe, and they were married almost immediately. “Ting†was to be the
great love of her life.

When the war ended, the couple returned home and made attempts to start an
egg hatchery. Fortunately, they received a slightly better job offer from the
U.S. government. Bradley recalled: "Washington was calling, yammering for Ting
to come down and set up American Intelligence. They called for me under my
maiden name as a photo interpreter at the same time. …And so, waiting for Art
Lundell, Sid Stallings and I set up the original P.I. shop down at the CIA.â€

Overwhelmed by the pressures of CIA life, Bradley soon dropped out. In 1967,
at the age of 49, she completed a PhD in experimental psychology, and on the
day she finished, she wrote her first short story. The next year, she adopted
the pseudonym James Tiptree Jr. (taking the name “Tiptree†from a jam jar) and
published five stories--one in The New Yorker. She was not outed as a woman
for 8 years.

The contradictions in her life led to gripping, breakthrough fiction. Tiptree
received both Nebula and a Hugo Awards for the story “Houston, Houston, Do
You Read?†in addition to a Hugo for “The Girl Who Was Plugged In†and Nebulas
for the “The Screwfly Solution†and “Love is the Plan, the Plan is Death,â€
and met with wide acclaim for “his†grasp of science, “his†ability to create
strong female characters, and “his†vivid imagery.

After many years out of print, Tiptree’s collection of short stories, Her
Smoke Rose Up Forever, has been reprinted with the original author’s notes. The
title could be a description of Bradley’s own life: A blaze of brilliance long
gone but survived by a literary legacy that still acts as both a sign of and a
smokescreen for her true identity.



And so it goes.

Art Greenfield

> >> >>> Publisher's site for my book:
>>> http://www.booklocker.com/books/1417.html

> Synopsis:
> WARNING reveals a frightening alien agenda, a long-term program of social
> domination and periodic controlled genocide. Mankind is now in great danger. We
> have a terrible problem to overcome. Resolution requires international
> solidarity, then forcible negotiation with the aliens.
Copy of Book Cover:


"Warning" by Art Greenfield
ISBN: 1-59113-358-0
Copyright © 2005 by Art Greenfield
All rights reserved

Orders placed through the major book stores may take longer-

Barnes &Noble:



Amazon.com Germany:


The paperback version is also available through
these UK bookstores in England:


Simon Grey: Christian Bailey: Abovetopsecret?

New developments in the abovetopsecret.com Project SERPO nonsense. I've posted it here:
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