Alex Jones - COINTELPRO? Fascist Tool?

Rec the following from an email list I'm on:

A friend called to tell me Alex Jones was on Piers Morgan’s show. I watched part of it — and was forced to walk away, disgusted to the marrow.

This obnoxious, irrational, insufferably overbearing boor, having finished thoroughly discrediting the 9/11 Truth movement over the years with his ludicrous antics, just decimated the entire pro-gun movement in one swipe by making every gun owner in America look like the raging madman he is. Very sad indeed.

Once all the dust had settled, Morgan — a man I utterly despise because he’s an unvarnished NWO gatekeeper — really ended up having the last laugh. Jones was quickly followed on the show by Zio hatchet-man Alan Dershowitz to take full advantage of Jones’ ceaseless, suffocating rampage (which included a challenge to Morgan to fight him then and there) by cementing their side’s victory.

Jones’ performance laid bare the whole controlled opposition agenda. Disgusting.

Of course, there’ll be millions of Americans howling with glee that Jones “really kicked Morgan’s ass,” but to all rational human beings (at least the ones I know), he totally delivered the goods for his Zionist masters.

Sadly, tonight ‘gun control’ in this country was firmly and indelibly etched in the minds of most clear-thinking Americans as an absolute necessity.
Re: not taking off the shoes at the airport - I agree with Anart and Perceval. I've seen these publicity stunts from Alex Jones many times over the years. This is his typical modus operandi. I think he serves a useful purpose for the PTB and I think this is why he is embraced on msm shows - meaning, they let him on at all to rant and rave and do his schtick. He is the perfect way to discredit any potential 'movement'. Just give him airtime and get his lips moving.
He did more harm to what could have been a phenomenal 9/11 truth movement than just about anyone else I can think of, and there are so many I can think of.
Funny how he used to have such a 'problem' with mainstream media, and then I wrote about his mainstream affiliations and there was this tremendous outcry and lashing out and denial from the Jones camp - and now look at him a few years later. He is Joe Mainstream. His groupies don't blink an eye.
Imagine that.
Right now, it's being carried on the front page of CNN - (here is the article link - ) - only controlled opposition gets carried on the front page of CNN. Wonder how much money he's making to play this idiotic role?
You can also watch it here.

He's an obnoxious idiot! It's actually hilarious. At the end of the second part he starts talking in a posh English accent.
Perceval said:
Perceval said:
You can also watch it here.

He's an obnoxious idiot! It's actually hilarious. At the end of the second part he starts talking in a posh English accent.

The man has to be a paid whore, you cant talk about certain things without remaining somewhat consistent in related issues , even if you dont have the full picture. He does not, and his views on the things that really matter is less than poor.
Perceval said:
Perceval said:
You can also watch it here.

He's an obnoxious idiot! It's actually hilarious. At the end of the second part he starts talking in a posh English accent.

My gosh this was difficult to listen to! Thanks for the link!
The attention being drawn to him via this mainstream publicity will only draw more people to his websites. I think he's been there as part of a psyop from the beginning.
There's no telling how much money he's making off this, Anart. I think it's safe to say it's not chump change. He's getting his reward for playing his part.
He's fooled - and frightened - alot of people over the years. Maybe next year we'll see a star for him on the Hollywood Walk of Shame, er, Fame.....:-)
very revealing was the moment that Jones was asked about the single shooter in the Aurore shooting - he paused - and than deviated the question. If he was any real, he would have used that opportunity to tell this was most likely not a single shooter event. And the same in part two on the Sandy Hook massacre.
Perceval said:
You can also watch it here.

He's an obnoxious idiot! It's actually hilarious. At the end of the second part he starts talking in a posh English accent.

Yes, made me laugh too... What a sad little man.

Ry Dawson gives an intelligent sequel to his first 'Alex Jones wood shed video' about it here:
This proofs it again, without a doubt that this SOTT Focus piece was and is right on the money:

Alex Jones: The Pied Piper of Extremism Who Brands "Truth-Seeking" as Mental Illness:

It really is kind of scary that Jones seems to have, no capacity of controlling his behaviour.
I'm not qualified to make any kind of accurate proposal of his mental state, but doesn't he behave like a mad man?

I don't know, maybe a Psychologist who sees Jones would come up with the right mental condition that defines him?
Either a great actor giving a perpetual performance as per script and bang on cue (with regard to his hired hand/paid for purpose), or a machine entirely run by his programs, unconsciously manoeuvred here and there by his manipulated chemistry and genetic defaults to do his masters bidding. Whichever, whatever, it doesn’t really matter; the same damage is being done. At this critical time he is the means by which many are being led astray and so many others, who might be drawn to the light of truth, will withdraw back to the ‘safety’ of the shadows, rightfully repulsed by the spokesman that confronts them. He’s good! He’s very ‘good’ at what he does. If only someone, somewhere could draw him out into the open and publically squeeze him on the Zionist question; then perhaps we might see his mask fall, but until then, I suspect its damage, damage, all the way.
Yeah, I've watched this sad appearance. Makes me wonder if Alex Jones is on drugs himself. He is so predictable when it comes to his emotional outbursts and irrational reasoning, lacking any sensitivity to make an intelligent argument. That's exactly why CNN invited him, imo. They knew he'd react they way he did, re-enforcing the public image of "crazy-conspiracy-theorists". Alex Jones is more of a "useful idiot" and that's why he gets to be on CNN to begin with. It's how COINTELPRO works.
Pob said:
Perceval said:
You can also watch it here.

He's an obnoxious idiot! It's actually hilarious. At the end of the second part he starts talking in a posh English accent.

Yes, made me laugh too... What a sad little man.

Ry Dawson gives an intelligent sequel to his first 'Alex Jones wood shed video' about it here:

I agree that this is totally hilarious. It's like watching Tom Brokaw interview a man on bath salts.
I think he is crazy, mad and also he is not well educated. He does not have education. He is a bum and a moron. In this interview we can see how idiot he is. In Spain some very intelligent people continue to admire him and this is sad and annoying. But many people are not aware of the notion of cointrelpro. It took many discussions with my husband to try to make him understand what it means. This is a concept that people should learn and fast. My husband finally understood and he started to see Alex Jones for what he is.
I think Alex Jones must be related to "Honey Boo Boo" discussed in this thread:,30139.0.html

The same family background seems apparent.
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