Alex Jones - COINTELPRO? Fascist Tool?

Leo Zagami, in one of his early interviews back in 2007, does a great job in exposing Alex Jones for who he really is, a show man, and the people who support him being illuminati themselves.

Perceval said:
Argonaut said:
I listened to it, and UGH... :rolleyes: There's some truth mixed in there, but it's overshadowed by his B.S. and his ego. I love how he cites the fact that the mainstream media is now bringing up things that he's talked about in the past. As if MSM coverage somehow validates his "greatness." But wouldn't the truth be closer to the opposite, considering who runs the MSM?

Very true. The guy really is a perfect shill, because he's wrapped in enough plausibility to con a lot of people. No one stands back and actually considers the guy from a character/personality point of view. Then again, maybe a lot of his listeners actually like his narcissistic rants. He's like the spell-binder of the community.

Quite so, his abrasive style, works remarkably well in his role as gatekeeper during his live interviews. A perfect example is a recent one with Dr. Steve Pieczenik, a most credible source and reputable military insider (check out his bio). If you can tolerate Jones's frequent interruptions you'll find Pieczenik's testimony compelling.

Pay special attention to how Jones interrupts Pieczenik just as he is about to mention Israel's false flag history. It's at 11:15 on part 4 of 7 this interview.


He forcefully interrupts to ask a relatively trivial question. Jones, in my informed opinion, is what is known as a 'gatekeeper'. He is allowed to remain in his venomous, conspiratorial, anti-government 'first ammendment guaranteed' media circus as long as he deflects criticism of Israel's influence in US affairs. He does, however, reveal much of what is going on, but primarily to reinforce feelings of 'informed' impotence among the disenfranchised.
what are the merits of this video? I'm not opposed to the idea that Alex Jones is a tool of the oligarchs he seemingly is exposing in this video, but does the Wake Up factor outweigh the Scare and Arm Yourself factor?

Hi, just to say that even if I am not anymore listening and watching Alex Jones (since I follow I really started to see things as they are) this movie made to me a big impression when I saw it, some 2 years ago. It was the beginning of my wake up and the movie gave me the occasion to look forward and see this reality as it is. I don't like Alex Jones, I think he is a very manipulative person and really, I hate to be manipulated. When you don't have a clear idea of this reality this movie is very scary, that's one of the target of the movie: produce fear. He is very good at this. And this movie is very good in that sense.

This fear that I felt when I saw the movie was my first step to look for more information about this world. Hopefully I saw a video of Laura and then... this is another story. ;D


Edit=fixed quote tag
Ron Paul has seemed to of gain a great following, due to his policies, and I read through his website and it all seemed a bit to good to be true. He seems to get ignored by mainstream media and/or ridiculed by it. So at the start I felt like this might be a change to politics, but then I watched a video featuring Alex Jones saying that the media is scared of him and that he is standing up to the 'ruling class' or something around that.

Then I felt a bit dis-heartened by it all, if Alex Jones supports him in some way then do you think there is something else to the whole Ron Paul situation?

P.S sorry if this seems slightly off topic, but I was just wondering if anyone has any analysis towards it?
Ah yes, I have found some threads, I must of done the search wrong. Apologies.
the more I see Alex Jones the more I think he is a very very dangerous Person.
and I think Łobaczewski descriped this Type of "Human".....
and I think we have seen this Type of "Human"before in history.

It could even be said (my Impression) that his agenda could be to be the next big dictator...
one thing is for sure he is a good tool for the PTB. Cointelpro

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Re: Alex Jones: COINTELPRO

Approaching Infinity said:
Jones was caught censoring content of substance. Was your 'deleted' post of any substance? Or was it just "you guys suck for hating Jones!" My guess is that your post lacked any real content (i.e. research).

I never understood and found a way to justify that modos delete posts on forum even if it is not a news site. Not deleting them is a good way to show the real face of trolls and liars. Deleting them is like agreeing with the fact we have something to hide.
May I know what "cointelpro" means please?
Last year Alex Jones was haranguing a crowd of people to join occupy wall street and take guns. In July, he was telling exactly what is mainly reported here in the forum: the revolution became a psy-op in his mouth. Now he seems to come back to blood and rage again initiating amounts of people to fall into that trap we know so well, regarding the ancient revolutions on earth...
Come on. Should we explain one more time how those masquerades were conduced?

I guess I stopped believe in Alex Jones last year, though I really appreciated him. When he feigned to cry in one of his video show on pedophiles. It was so obviously crocodile tears. I was just disgusted.

As many people that are taken themselves for prophets when human beings don't need them, he takes most of his sources from others. Thing-in-itself is not a problem. The problem is that he does not quote the names of the people concerned.
Like this Pythagoras, who after having passed around 22 years in Egypt was incapable to convert the theorem to his own greek country. Indeed, the theorem was valuable only if you could find yourself in Egypt... Beside this blunder, he never said he was taking his source from the country of the pyramids. Aristotle remains the only one that recognizes a philosophic occupation through the egyptian priests.

Now, Alex has got followers to serve him and make more researches. So that he's giving the self-important impression to know everything above all.
See how he is constantly repeating, I told this already in 19.. or 20..
As John Lash, he has to repeat that he was on the stage well before everybody. Really dubious.
How could they know if none talks about those things before them? The world is so full of genuine brains and the web so plenty of resources...
We know that people are paid to surf on the web or enter your computer and give your work to those liars, months or years before it would be visible or known.
When it will, so many neurones would have been already brainwashed in attempting to put serious or dangerous studies through the window.

Curiously, Alex Jones never interviewed John Lash but they listen to each other carefully. They even plagiarize each other! :D
It even appears to be a game between them, while pretending to be the first and the ones to have say this or that.
What is the importance of such conceit? They do it very often. Too much often. It betrays an enormous demand for recognition. And probably other deviances I can't see for now.

The fact is that I know something Alex talks only lightly about. And the way he never goes deep into that subject, each time he is talking about it, is really suspicious. He should have exposed it clearly already. Mainly for that, too, I don't trust him anymore.

For me this kind of men are put in place to make a big farrago in Human's brain. To conduce to "dunno what to think, so better not to". "Dunno what to say, so better stay mute". "Dunno what to do, so better not to move"...
Manille said:
May I know what "cointelpro" means please?

Read these for an introduction to COINTELPRO. As Laura explains, it has a specific meaning (FBI counter-intelligence programs) and a wider meaning that is important to understand as you familiarise yourself with the material here.
I might have missed it, though I took the time to search for. Ok I didn't go that way.

Thank you Kniall. Much appreciated.
Manille said:
I might have missed it, though I took the time to search for. Ok I didn't go that way.

Thank you Kniall. Much appreciated.

You may want to read the Wave series by Laura. You can read it for free here. It explains a lot of what we talk about here and will help you to understand things better.
He's back in the limelight again. What a bleeding circus! This episode will no doubt raise his profile again and further enhance his hero status with many non discerning folks out there.

Alex Jones detained by TSA

Talk show host threatened with arrest for not removing shoes

Paul Joseph Watson
January 7, 2013

Radio talk show host and ardent Homeland Security critic Alex Jones was detained by the TSA at Austin-Bergstrom airport earlier today and threatened with arrest for refusing to take his shoes off at a security checkpoint.

Traveling to New York to appear on CNN’s Piers Morgan Tonight, Jones had already showed his ID as he approached the metal detector. Jones and colleague Rob Dew noticed that a large number of people across all age ranges were not removing their shoes as they walked through the metal detector. The x-ray body scanners were not in use.

As soon as he approached security, Jones was addressed by a TSA screener who said, “Hello Mr. Jones,” indicating that she knew who he was, and immediately ordered him to remove his shoes.

When Jones refused, citing the fact that innumerable other people had not removed their shoes, the TSA screener claimed that only under 12′s and over 75′s were not mandated to remove footwear under TSA policy.

When Jones contested the point, arguing that numerous travelers in their 40′s had not removed their shoes, other TSA agents ordered him to take off his shoes, before Jones was approached by a police officer who immediately got in his face and started threatening him with arrest.

Despite Jones’ protests that he was clearly being discriminated against because he was a known critic of the TSA (the rest of the TSA screeners also knew him by name), the officer growled, “Take your damn shoes off or I’m gonna arrest you.”

Not even giving Jones the option to leave the airport, the cop continued with threats to arrest Jones and prevent him from flying as the radio host threatened to file a lawsuit for civil rights violations.

One of Jones’ primary concerns regarding the removal of shoes was the fact that he had caught athletes foot from that very process in another airport years previously, meaning that he now carries a spare pair of socks to change into when he boards the aircraft.

Eventually agreeing to remove his shoes, Jones then walked towards the metal detector as the cop leaned over to talk to the TSA agents. After Jones had already passed through the metal detector, a ‘beep’ was sounded and TSA agents began laughing. Jones later said it was obvious that TSA screeners had set the metal detector off themselves, possibly by order of the officer, so that they could harass Jones further. Other travelers have reported that TSA agents routinely set off the metal detector themselves in order to manufacture a justification for further harassment.

The officer continued to detain Jones as he talked to other cops. Despite the officer seemingly wanting to take further action, TSA management, presumably aware of the potential scandal that could ensue, said they were happy to let Jones go on his way.

Jones is now considering a civil rights lawsuit against the TSA for discrimination. As we have previously documented, journalists who are critical of the TSA are routinely targeted for harassment.

CNN reporter Drew Griffin was put on a TSA watch list immediately after he filed reports critical of the organization back in 2008. Conservative radio host and Breitbart Editor Dana Loesch is also habitually groped by TSA screeners whenever she travels.

Following the national opt out day protest in 2010, the TSA was forced to admit that it had kept records on Alex Jones and Matt Drudge, another prominent TSA critic, but refused to release details even after a FOIA request by former Congressman Bob Barr.

Political figures who have been critical of the TSA such as Rand Paul and Ron Paul have also been singled out for harassment and interrogation by the federal agency.

Video of the entire confrontation was recorded and will be added to this story later.

Seems very likely that he created a fuss on purpose so he can growl about it for the next two years.
Perceval said:
Seems very likely that he created a fuss on purpose so he can growl about it for the next two years.


Much ado about nothing.
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