Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

Although you cannot radiocarbon date stone, you can radiocarbon date organic material found in the vicinity of the stone monuments, which is what they did in relation to Göbekli Tepe in Turkey. Are you aware of any proposed archaeological datings for Candy Sukuh?
We will probably not see any REAL archaeological dating of Candy Sukuh from the official Indonesian authorities, as this place does not fit into any framework of modern historical science. Pravin Mohan himself said that it was the strangest temple out of hundreds of others that he had seen. In fact, next to Candy Sukuh there is another pyramid-temple called Candi Ceto

Where we have bearded guys with elongated skulls


Also, many statues are headless/destroyed intentionally.

And the same bas-reliefs as in Candy Sukuh
Candy Cetho.jpg


The C's said the Paranthas were Atlanteans, meaning they must originally have been based in the Atlantic Ocean. How and when they ended up in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, whether this was prior to the final destruction of Atlantis or before, is hard for us to determine at this distance in time.
The Parantas were primary (earlier), the Atlanteans were secondary (later). Like the British and Americans today. The Parantas were in Lemuria, after which some of them migrated to the Atlantic (geographically, by modern standards).
Atlantis is not a territory, as the C's put it, but an alliance of states like modern NATO.
The core of the Parantas was originally in Lemuria (Pacific Ocean), where there were pyramids hundreds of meters high, and much more.

However, the C's did say they were effectively destroyed by one of the three cataclysms that overwhelmed and finally destroyed Atlantis.
Yes, Lemuria (in the Pacific Ocean) was completely destroyed by earthquakes/volcanic eruptions, where the Parantas were originally. Only a piece remained in the form of Easter Island.
But there remained Western Atlantis (as I would call it) in the Atlantic Ocean, which many consider for some reason to be the most ancient (but this is not true). Later (thousands of years later) Western Atlantis was also destroyed by cataclysms.
Western Atlantis waged a war with Lemuria for independence (USA/Britain as a modern analogue), then Lemuria sank completely.
This is my chronology.
The Celts/Aryans from Kantek are the third force in this long history.
We will probably not see any REAL archaeological dating of Candy Sukuh from the official Indonesian authorities, as this place does not fit into any framework of modern historical science. Pravin Mohan himself said that it was the strangest temple out of hundreds of others that he had seen. In fact, next to Candy Sukuh there is another pyramid-temple called Candi Ceto

Where we have bearded guys with elongated skulls

View attachment 99762

Also, many statues are headless/destroyed intentionally.

And the same bas-reliefs as in Candy Sukuh
View attachment 99764


The Parantas were primary (earlier), the Atlanteans were secondary (later). Like the British and Americans today. The Parantas were in Lemuria, after which some of them migrated to the Atlantic (geographically, by modern standards).
Atlantis is not a territory, as the C's put it, but an alliance of states like modern NATO.
The core of the Parantas was originally in Lemuria (Pacific Ocean), where there were pyramids hundreds of meters high, and much more.

Yes, Lemuria (in the Pacific Ocean) was completely destroyed by earthquakes/volcanic eruptions, where the Parantas were originally. Only a piece remained in the form of Easter Island.
But there remained Western Atlantis (as I would call it) in the Atlantic Ocean, which many consider for some reason to be the most ancient (but this is not true). Later (thousands of years later) Western Atlantis was also destroyed by cataclysms.
Western Atlantis waged a war with Lemuria for independence (USA/Britain as a modern analogue), then Lemuria sank completely.
This is my chronology.
The Celts/Aryans from Kantek are the third force in this long history.
The fact that some of the statues are bearded is fascinating in itself, since Asiatics tend not to grow thick beards as a rule. The same is also true of Native Americans whether in North or South America. The statues may, of course, have represented Indians from the sub-continent, since they spread Hinduism to Indonesia but then they could have represented figures from another epoch altogether, given that you said that the Indonesian authorities have not dated the stones.

The fact that some of the statues display elongated heads makes me think not only of the Nephilim but also of the subterranean Aryan underworlders, given that Queen Nefertiti possessed an elongated head and came from that realm. What these statues suggest though is that there was far more mobility between different racial groups from different continents in the past than archaeologists presently give credit for. This can be explained either by more widespread maritime exploration than is known to the current historic record (e.g., the ancient Egyptians may have been involved in more long range voyages than archaeologists appreciate for the C's have mentioned in the transcripts that the Egyptians did visit South America in ancient times) or some people were moving around the world at this time using aircraft of some description. Indeed, in the video I attached in my previous post of Praveen Mohan and David Hatcher Childress visiting San Agustín Archaeological Park in Columbia, Mohan speaks of flying craft known as "vimanas" in the ancient Vedic texts. Whether these references to vimanas relate to a much earlier age (e.g., the war between the Celts and the Paranthas) or a more recent epoch, we cannot say but the possibility nevertheless exists that Indians could have used such craft to reach South America. Afterall, the C's mentioned that the Chinese emperor Huang Ti had the use of electromagnetically powered craft, so could this have been true of Indian kings as well?

Huang Ti, known as the 'Yellow Emperor', is considered to have been the first emperor of China who united the country that we know today and is considered to have reigned during the 3rd or 4th century BC. Interestingly, Chinese Shang rulers would claim that their mythical ancestors, identified with "the [ten] suns, birds, east, life, [and] the Lord on High" (i.e., Shangdi), had defeated an earlier people associated with "the underworld, dragons, west". This is curious since although modern historians view this as merely ancient mythology, we know from the C's that there really is an underworld civilisation and dragons could well be a reference to the Lizard beings. Moreover, we know that the Celts invaded north-western China from the Caucuses, the "west", and were repelled (ref. the Tarim red-haired mummies, which have been dated to c. 2100 and 1700 BC if not earlier), thereafter becoming the Scythians, who included amongst their number Sargon the Great (a "deep level punctuator" from the underworld) and the Danaans (the Tuatha de Danann):
Q: (L) Well, we should have figured that. There's hardly been anybody else running things for the last 300 thousand years or so. Okay, going in another direction: what other names were the Danaans known by?
A: Scythians.
Q: (L) How did the Scythians get to Egypt?
A: VIA Akkad.
Q: (L) Was Sargon a Scythian?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Were the Hittites a genetically altered group of Scythians?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Where do the Scythians come from?
A: China.
Q: (L) How did they get to China?
A: From the Caucasus.
Q: (L) So, they started off from the Caucasus, went to China, and were later driven back West by the Chinese? Is that it?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Northern China or Southern China?
A: North.

Since Sargon the Great is associated with the underworld, could the same have been true of other Scythian invaders of China?

Although flying craft may have been available to Huang Ti and possibly ancient Indians too, we cannot rule out the possibility that the Greys or the Lizards may have moved people around in antiquity. The C's confirmed that this was certainly true of many of the Native American tribes of North America:​

Q: (L) What is the source of the Native American Indians?

A: Asia.

Q: (L) Across the Bering Strait?

A: No. Rescued. Transferred.

Q: (L) By whom?

A: Grays.

Q: (L) What were they rescued out of?

A: Cataclysm.

Q: (L) When did that cataclysm occur?

A: 7200 years ago approx.

I also think this may be true of the Olmecs who appear in ancient Central American art to be negro in appearance, suggesting they may have come from Africa originally. Unfortunately, due to the lack of Olmec skeletons (they have been dissolved by the acidic soil of the rainforest), it is now impossible to test this theory. The Olmecs are considered to have been the earliest known major Mesoamerican civilisation, which flourished approximately between 1200 BC and 400 BC. However, by 400 BC, the Olmecs mysteriously vanished, the cause of which is still unknown. Hmmm..... all these ancient peoples vanishing into thin air suddenly. I wonder why? According to archaeologists, this depopulation was probably the result of "very serious environmental changes that rendered the region unsuited for large groups of farmers". Others propose that the relocation of Olmec settlements was due to volcanism, instead of extinction. Alternatively, could they have been whisked away by the beings who originally brought them to Central America?

The flat-faced, thick-lipped Olmec heads have caused some debate due to their resemblance to some African facial characteristics. Based on this comparison, some writers have said that the Olmecs were Africans who had emigrated to the New World. But the vast majority of archaeologists and other Mesoamerican scholars reject claims of pre-Columbian contacts with Africa. Yet the C's have said that the Ancient Egyptians visited South America in the distant past and made such contacts:
Q: What white men were seen in South America and talked to the tribes there and promised to return one day and were worshipped as Gods.

A: Egyptians and Atlantean descendants.

Hence, I would argue that it is not out of the question that a group of African negros could have been transported to Central America by the Greys, Lizards or even the subterranean Aryan civilisation known as the Nation of the Third Eye. Indeed, the choice of the last mentioned group may be supported by the nature of a peculiar facet seen in Olmec art. The Olmec people believed that in the distant past a race of werejaguars was made between the union of a jaguar and a woman. One werejaguar quality that can be found is the sharp cleft in the forehead of many supernatural beings in Olmec art. This sharp cleft is associated with the natural indented head of jaguars. However, the C's had a very different take on this cleft in the forehead:
Session 12 April 1997:

Q: … Now, I would like to know who the Olmecs were.

A: Be more specific.

Q: Okay, what is the genetic origin of the Olmecs?

A: Basically the same as yours.

Q: In some of the ancient carvings of the Olmecs, they were always carved with a cleft in their foreheads. Did this represent an actual physical cleft?

A: Designation in the art work is for "The Nation of the Third Eye."

Hence, the C's are suggesting here that the Nation of the Third Eye may have had contact with the Olmecs since the Olmecs depicted them as supernatural beings with a cleft in their foreheads. If this is true, then these Aryan underworlders could in theory have transported a group of negros from Africa to Central America who then became the people we know of today Olmecs (although they never used that name themselves). The area the Olmecs occupied would later be dominated by the Mayans, who may have inherited much of their culture and learning from the Olmecs (see more below on this). Olmec art shows that such deities as Feathered Serpent and a rain supernatural were already in the Mesoamerican pantheon in Olmec times. The Mayans would also go on to worship a feathered serpent deity who they called Kukulcan. Suffice to say that serpentine deities are usually linked with the Lizard beings. Indeed, the C's confirmed that there was direct interaction between the Mayans and the Lizards here:
Q: (L) Who and what were the Mayans?

A: The Mayans were a transitory people who still exist in the lands that you refer to as Central America. And who have certain physical features that are not consistent with the rest of human beings on 3rd density Earth environment, due to their interactions, in the past, as you measure time, with beings of other density levels.

Q: (L) What beings would those be?

A: Well, we have described 4th density STS beings on many occasions.

Q: (L) The Lizard Beings?

A: Indeed.

Is it possible then that a group of African negros were brought to Central America to be used by the Nation of the Third Eye/the Lizards/ Orions to perform certain functions for them (possibly mining and rubber production). This group may have been more sophisticated than the indigenous peoples they encountered and may well have subjugated them on behalf of the Orions/Lizards so they could be used as a slave labour force. If so, did they attract bad karma by doing so and could this explain what the C's once said about the negro race here:
Q: (L) Now, relating to what we have been discussing lately. Did any groups of the black race, on their own, ever create a high civilization as has been reported by several archaeologists or other individuals.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) On their own without assistance?

A: No.

Q: (L) Who did they have assistance from?

A: Lizards.

Q: (L) Why have black people, in general, for most of recorded history, been living in such primitive conditions with such primitive mind set?

A: Isolation from modern interaction.

Q: (L) Why is this?

A: Karma. Punishment for past society which was cruel master hierarchical.

The Olmec culture of Central America certainly reflects that of a high civilisation but could they have been cruel slave masters to the Mayans who would subsequently inherit much of their culture from the Olmecs? For example, the Olmecs are credited, or speculatively credited, with many "firsts", including ritual bloodletting and perhaps human sacrifice, writing and epigraphy (inscriptions), and the invention of popcorn, zero and the Mesoamerican calendar, and the Mesoamerican ballgame (which often involved the loosing team being executed). Could this be the reason why the C's once said of the Mayans:
A: The Mayans have little or no ability to accurately reflect upon the roots of their culture.

Are those roots to be found in a primitive people who were once slaves to the Olmec?
You said in your post:

Yes, Lemuria (in the Pacific Ocean) was completely destroyed by earthquakes/volcanic eruptions, where the Parantas were originally. Only a piece remained in the form of Easter Island.
But there remained Western Atlantis (as I would call it) in the Atlantic Ocean, which many consider for some reason to be the most ancient (but this is not true). Later (thousands of years later) Western Atlantis was also destroyed by cataclysms.
Western Atlantis waged a
war with Lemuria for independence (USA/Britain as a modern analogue), then Lemuria sank completely.
This is my chronology.

You could well be right but for me this chronology doesn't seem to reflect what the C's said about the sinking of Lemuria, which they said coincided with the Fall of Eden approximately that supposedly occurred about 320,00 years ago and thus long before the rise of Atlantis as a great power:

Session 2 November 1994

Q: (L) Where was Lemuria located?

A: Pacific off South America.

Q: (L) So when the Easter Island natives talk about their ancestors they are talking about people who came from the direction of South America?

A: No. Right near all around. Easter Island is remnant of Lemuria.

Q: (L) What happened to Lemuria?

A: Submerged close to time you refer to as Fall of Eden, approximately
As is my usual practice, I am posting on this thread an article I recently wrote and posted a word copy of on a recent transcript thread since it related to what I think may have been a case of a walk-in soul who took over the body of another person after that person had seemingly expired due to a serious accident. I have, however, made a few amendments and corrections to the original version so as to incorporate additional information that I have become aware of since. Although the article raises issues surrounding reincarnation and walk-ins, it also deals with the remarkable structure that is Seti I's temple at Abydos. A few weeks ago, a number of posts were made on this thread relating to Abydos. In some ways this article may be viewed as a follow-up to previous comments I made on Abydos and particularly the wonderful Temple of Seti I. The article ponders whether the temple was built to be a portal to the gods of Egypt allowing the pharaoh to commune directly with the gods when they came through the portal.
The Curious Case of Omm Sety

A short while ago, there was a discussion on this thread (Alton Towers) about the remarkable structure that is the Temple of Seti at Abydos in Egypt, which is perhaps the best preserved of all the major monuments of Ancient Egypt.


There are many mysteries connected with this temple, not least the nearby underground complex known as the Osireion and the peculiar hieroglyphs that have come to be known collectively as the ‘Helicopter Hieroglyph’.


These futuristic looking hieroglyphs provoked a lively debate on the Forum about the nature of the hieroglyphs after the C’s had suggested they were genuine depictions of ancient technology, which we have merely recreated in the modern age. Other Forum members took the establishment view that they were the product of a palimpsest relief, which in the case of the helicopter engraving was created by two overlapping inscriptions, the titles of Ramesses II being superimposed on those of his predecessor Seti I. I don’t wish to reopen that debate here but would instead like to discuss another mystery, which unlike those of the past is a very modern mystery concerning Seti’s temple at Abydos.

What is truly extraordinary about the Temple of Abydos for those who visit it today is that when it was rediscovered by archaeologists, it was a complete ruin and much of it had to be reconstructed. This was like piecing together a complex jigsaw puzzle involving 2500 pieces of masonry. Surprisingly, however, the whole process took only two and a half years to accomplish thanks in part to the remarkable contributions of an expatriate English woman Dorothy Louise Eady (1904 – 1981) who is also better known as Omm Sety, a name she took after her marriage to Emam Abdel Meguid an Egyptian teacher and the birth of her son Sety (‘Omm Sety’ meaning the ‘mother of Sety’). Omm Sety believed that she was the reincarnation of a young woman in ancient Egypt called Bentreshyt (meaning “Harp of Joy”) who had been a virgin priestess of Isis at the time Seti I’s temple had been built around 1290 BC. Abydos had a special significance for Omm Sety because it is where she believed Bentreshyt had lived and served in the Temple of Seti. One could easily dismiss her claims that she was the reincarnation of a temple maiden from three thousand years ago except that when she was put to the test, she could confound those who may have doubted her. For example, she claimed that in her past life as Bentreshyt the Temple of Seti had a garden, where she had first met Seti I. Whilst she was living in Abydos, the temple garden was found where she said it would be found, the excavations uncovering a garden which exactly matched her descriptions.
Was Omm Sety the Reincarnation of Bentreshyt?

Omm Sety truly believed that she was the reincarnation of the temple maiden Bentreshyt who had been the lover of Seti I in the late 13th century BC. As Dorothy Eady, she was born in London in 1904 as the only child to Reuben Ernest Eady and Caroline Mary (Frost) Eady. The turning point in her life occurred when she was three years of age and fell down a flight of stairs. Her worried parents called for a doctor who when he attended upon her, considered her to be non-responsive and therefore dead. The doctor left the scene in order to get a death certificate to complete before returning. However, when he returned, to his surprise he found the young Dorothy sitting up apparently well. Soon after, she began exhibiting strange behaviours, asking that she be "brought home". She had also developed what is known as foreign accent syndrome, a rare medical condition in which patients develop speech patterns that are perceived as a foreign accent that is different from their native accent, without having acquired it in the perceived accent's place of origin. Although it usually results from a stroke, it can also develop from a head trauma such as the one suffered by the young Dorothy. The condition was first reported in 1907, the same year coincidentally that Dorothy Eady had her accident.

After being taken by her parents to visit the British Museum in London and, on observing a photograph in the New Kingdom Temple exhibits room, the young Dorothy called out "There is my home!" but "where are the trees? Where are the gardens?" The temple was that of Seti I. She ran about the halls of the Egyptian rooms, "amongst her peoples", kissing the statues' feet. After this trip, she took every opportunity to visit the British Museum rooms. There, she eventually met the great Egyptologist E.A. Wallis Budge, who was taken by her youthful enthusiasm and encouraged her in the study of hieroglyphs. She very quickly became well versed in reading and interpreting hieroglyphs, almost as if she were retrieving former knowledge from memory.

When she was fifteen, she described a nocturnal visit from the mummy of Pharaoh Seti I. Her behaviour, coupled with sleepwalking and nightmares, led her to be incarcerated in sanatoriums several times. After her death, a psychiatrist who specialised in adolescent behaviour speculated that Dorothy Eady's fall down the stairs as a child may have resulted in damage to the locus ceruleus, which could then have led to a dislocation from her surroundings resulting in the embracement of an obsession. So, could Dorothy Eady have genuinely been the reincarnation of an ancient Egyptian temple maiden, as she herself believed or was her belief a fantasy brought on by the serious head trauma she experienced as a young child?

The simple answer to that question is that we can never really know. However, there is another possibility, which rules out the need for reincarnation in the conventional sense and that is something which the C’s have spoken about even recently and that is the possibility that Bentreshyt, a person who had lived and died thousands of years earlier, was a ‘walk-in’? Did Dorothy Eady die in the fall on the staircase as the attending doctor in his professional judgment believed and, if so, did the spirit of Bentreshyt take the place of Dorothy’s departing spirit and reanimate the body? I make this proposal on the basis that Dorothy appeared to be motionless and dead when the doctor went off to get a death certificate, yet she was sitting up and animated by the time the doctor returned. Moreover, it quickly became obvious to her parents that she was now a very different child after her miraculous recovery. In most cases where people believe they have been reincarnated, they express claims of this belief from a very young age but then seem to grow out of it as they mature with memories of their past life receding into the background. In Dorothy Eady’s case, she only began believing that she was the reincarnation of Bentreshyt after her accident. Moreover, she never abandoned this belief throughout the rest of her life. It was as if the veil of forgetfulness had been completely pulled aside in her case since memories of her life as Bentreshyt would remain ever present. Indeed, it was these memories that would prove invaluable to archaeologists, allowing them to make important discoveries especially at Abydos. In many ways, Dorothy Eady was a unique individual and although the numerous archaeologists with whom she worked over the years did not necessarily buy into her claim to be the reincarnation of Bentreshyt, they still treated her beliefs with respect and admired the knowledge and dedication that she brought to archaeological research and Egyptology in particular.
Omm Sety’s Past Life as Bentreshyt

Dorothy Eady reported nighttime visitations by an entity called Hor-Ra who she claimed was the spirit of Seti I. She claimed that Hor-Ra slowly dictated to her, over a twelve-month period, the story of her previous life. The story, written by Eady, took up around seventy pages of cursive hieroglyphic text. It described the life of a young woman in ancient Egypt, called Bentreshyt, who had reincarnated in the person of Dorothy Eady. Bentreshyt is described in this text as being of humble origin, her mother a vegetable seller and her father a soldier during the reign of Seti I (c. 1290 BC to 1279 BC). When she was three, her mother died, and she was placed in the temple of Kom el-Sultan because her father could not afford her. There, she was brought up to be a priestess. When she was twelve years old, the High Priest asked her if she wished to go out into the world or stay and become a consecrated virgin. In the absence of full understanding and without a practical alternative, she took the vows. During the next two years, she learned her role in the annual drama of Osiris's passion and resurrection, a role that only virgin priestesses consecrated to Isis could perform. A few years later she met ‘a living god’ - Pharaoh Seti I. They became lovers, eating "the uncooked goose", an ancient Egyptian term that has been compared to "eating the forbidden fruit", and Bentreshyt got pregnant. Unfortunately, the lovers’ fate was not a happy one. The High Priest of the temple told her that the situation represented a great offence against Isis and would cause many problems for the pharaoh. The gravity of the offence was so terrible that death would be the most likely penalty at a trial. Unwilling to face the public scandal for Seti, Bentreshyt committed suicide rather than face trial.

After marrying and moving to Egypt, Dorothy spent 19 years living in Cairo. In 1935, Eady separated from her husband when he took a teaching job in Iraq, Her marriage at an end, she eventually decided to move to Abydos. She was 52 years old at the time. She reported that Seti I approved of the move. He claimed that the "wheel of fate" was turning, and this would be a time of testing; if she was chaste, she would undo the ancient sin of Bentreshyt dictated to her by Hor-Ra. She set up her new home at Arabet Abydos near the mountain Pega-the-Gap where she truly believed she was finally back home. She had made short pilgrimages to the Temple of Abydos before, during which she had demonstrated her advanced knowledge of the site. During one of her visits to the temple, the chief inspector from the Egyptian Antiquities Department decided to check her alleged knowledge of the place. He was highly curious as to how realistic her explanations were. Accordingly, Dorothy was asked to stand next to some of the Abydos wall paintings in the darkness. She was then asked to identify them with what she remembered from her past life as a temple priestess. She accomplished the task without making any mistakes, even though the painting locations had not yet been published at that time. For Dorothy, the Temple of Seti was a place of peace and security where she was watched over by the benevolent eyes of the ancient Egyptian gods.

She spent the first two years listing and translating pieces from a recently excavated temple palace. Her work was incorporated into Edouard Ghazouli's monograph "The Palace and Magazines Attached to the Temple of Sety I at Abydos". Ghazouli expressed particular thanks to her in this work and was impressed by the skills she showed in the translation of enigmatic texts. In 1957, she wrote out a liturgical calendar of feast days based on ancient Egyptian texts. Every morning and night she would visit the Temple to recite the prayers for the day, as no doubt she had done in her previous life as Bentreshy. On the birthdays of Osiris and Isis she would observe the ancient food abstentions, and bring offerings of beer, wine, bread, and tea biscuits to the Chapel of Osiris. She described the Temple of Seti as like entering a time machine, where the past becomes the present and the modern mind has difficulty understanding a world in which magic is accepted. She claimed that the scenes depicted on the temple walls were active in the minds of ancient Egyptians on two levels. Firstly, they made the actions displayed permanent. The painting of Pharaoh offering bread to Osiris, for example, continued his actions so long as the depiction remained. Secondly, the image could be animated by the spirit of the god, if the person stood before the depiction and called on the god's name (MJF: perhaps a bit of 4th density magic in play here?).

Omm Sety believed in the curative powers of water from certain holy places. For example, she would heal herself by jumping into the sacred pool in the Osireion (a buried structure to the north of Seti’s temple, which Seti I had been led to by a dream and a structure that may long pre-date Seti’s own temple) fully clothed. In this way, she reported that she no longer needed glasses, was cured of arthritis and appendicitis through the curative waters of the Osireion. Another example of where she was able to deploy her past-life knowledge was when villagers from the town of Arabet Abydos where she lived reported occasionally seeing a "large golden boat" floating upon a one-time lake. Omm Sety noted that the villagers were ignorant of the ancient Egyptian mystery play, once enacted at Abydos, involving a Neshmet boat, a vessel belonging to the Egyptian god Nun. An effigy of the god Osiris was transported in it on the river Nile during the Osiris festival at Abydos. For Omm Sety, the villagers, obliviously, observed the apparition where there had once been a sacred lake.
Omm Sety’s Uncanny Knowledge of the Pharaohs

Omm Sety did not just remember her past life as Bentreshy but also claimed to have apparitions and meetings with her past lover Seti I in her current life. For example, she reported in her diary that on first moving into her new home at Abydos, Seti I appeared and carried out a ritual that consecrated the habitation, bowing reverently towards small statues of Osiris and Isis she kept in a small shrine-niche. During this visit Seti described the one and only time he saw the god Set, his namesake. As a prelude to meeting Set, he had fasted for ten days before entering the Chapel of the Great Strength, where the god appeared with "a beauty that cannot be described". On sensing that he was the spirit of all that was cruel and evil, Seti fled to the sound of mocking laughter from the god, never to serve Set again. He counselled that "one should not serve an evil being, even if it appears to have a good or useful attribute or function." Seti made several visits during the following weeks, during which he gave his opinion of the Greek story of Atlantis, A Cretan had once told him that the islands of the Aegean were the tops of mountains from a great land that had sunk into the Mediterranean and the origins of Osiris ("our Lord came from Amenti*, whence he returned"). The Cretan would seem to have had the story correct save that the islands that were meant to be the tops of Atlantis’s former mountains were those of the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean, not the islands of the Aegean.

*Amenti was the duat or underworld, which Osiris ruled over. Seti I, like other Pharaohs, believed the ancient Egyptian gods were real beings you could meet with and even told Omm Sety that he had met with them. This makes me wonder whether such beings were either aliens, such as the Lizard beings who may have used holographic projections as they had done for Yahweh and Baal, or representatives from the Nation of the Third Eye, the subterranean Aryan civilisation the C’s have spoken of, which may explain why Osiris, the chief god worshipped at Abydos, who was even thought to be buried there (indeed the Osireion is thought to have been connected with the worship of Osiris as an "Osiris tomb"), was connected with the underworld, as are other fabled beings such as the Tuatha de Danaan of Irish folklore. This notion of gods appearing at Abydos may be supported by the idea, as promoted by many ancient astronaut theorists, that there could have been a portal at Abydos, which facilitated such appearances. I would not discount this proposition. If there was a portal at Abydos, it may have functioned for many centuries, which again could explain why the site was linked to the god Osiris, the god the Egyptians associated with the underworld.

She also spoke of Rameses II, the son of Seti I, whom she always saw as a teenager, as when Bentreshyt first knew him. She regarded him, in common with other Egyptologists, as "the most slandered of all the pharaohs" because of biblically derived accounts describing him as the Pharaoh of the Oppression and the slaughterer of baby boys, traits which are contradicted by contemporary records. Indeed, we know through the C’s that the Pharaoh of the Biblical Exodus was Akhenaten not Ramses. So, what did Omm Sety have to say about the heretic pharaoh who abandoned the old gods of Egypt to worship the one god, the Aten?

The noted Egyptologist Donald Redford invited Omm Sety to appear in the documentary "The Lost Pharaoh" about the pharaoh Akhenaten, in which she gives her description of Akhenaten, including a negative view of the religious revolution he attempted (comparing him to the Iranian Ayatollah Khomeini – "a fanatic"). Moreover, in the early 1970s, Omm Sety disclosed that she believed she knew the location of Queen Nefertitis (Akhenaten’s wife) tomb but showed some reluctance in disclosing its "most unlikely place" because Seti I did not like Akhenaten for his attempt to suppress traditional Egyptian religious practices. "We don't want anything more of this family to be known."

This makes perfect sense to me as Akhenaten had suppressed the worship of the ancient Egyptian gods in favour of the worship of a sole supreme deity, the Aten. This had put the noses of the various Egyptian priesthoods out of joint, cutting them off from their lucrative income streams. None were perhaps more angry than the all-powerful priesthood of Amun-Re. They would take their revenge through General Horemheb, the Egyptian military commander, when he subsequently became pharaoh after the short reigns of Tutankhamun and Aye, which brought the 18th dynasty to a close. Horemheb ensured that the old gods were restored as the national gods of Egypt and their temples restored to their former glory, a process continued by Seti I and Ramses II. However, Horemheb also pursued an agenda by which all memory of the Aten and the pharaohs who had promoted this deity was destroyed and eradicated. Their temples, statues, effigies, wall reliefs and hieroglyphs were smashed, defaced and chiselled out. Indeed, Seti I when producing the famous Abydos King List at his temple at Abydos, a list that was carved in stone, deliberately left out the pharaohs of the Amarna period (Akhenaten, Smenkhare, Tutankhamun and Aye) as if they had never existed. This would readily explain why Omm Sety, as the supposed reincarnation of Bentreshyt, would have viewed Akhenaten with such contempt, since, as a priestess of Isis in the Temple of Seti at Abydos, she would naturally have been brought up to revile his memory as a heretic pharaoh who had abandoned the old gods of Egypt.

Was Akhenaten a fanatic though, as Omm Sety alleged, akin to the Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran in modern times? Such views must always be subjective by nature but there is no doubt that Akhenaten had acted as something of a revolutionary, like Ayatollah Khomeini, when suppressing the old gods of Egypt and introducing the monotheistic worship of the Aten. There is no doubt that he had been sincere in his beliefs, but it would seem he went too far too quickly in overturning the ages old belief system in a pantheon of gods that had held sway in Egypt for aeons. His cause was not helped by the natural disasters that struck Egypt during his reign, which are reflected in the story of the Biblical plagues of Egypt, that had occurred due to the cataclysmic eruption of the volcanic island of Thera. Although this was in no way his fault, the disasters would have been used by the jilted priesthoods of Egypt as proof that Akhenaten was being punished for abandoning the old gods that had previously protected the country. It was the pharaoh’s duty to provide maat (balance) and Akhenaten had failed in this sacred responsibility. One can easily see that a nation that had been traumatised by Thera’s eruption and the aftereffects (tsunamis, ash fall out and the agricultural blight this triggered etc), which culminated in a deadly plague that wiped out much of the population, including numerous members of the royal family, would look for someone to blame and that someone was Akhenaten. Hence, even though Bentreshyt lived well over a century after Akhenaten’s reign, the memory of this terrible trauma would still have been a raw one for the Egyptians and the contempt for Akhenaten and his family would still have prevailed.
Omm Sety’s Death and Legacy

Omm Sety died in Abydos on 21 April 1981. Was she a fraud, an eccentric or a person who simply suffered from hallucinations? Quoting from her Wikipedia entry:

According to the late John A. Wilson, head of the Oriental Institute in Chicago, and called the "dean of American Egyptology" by contemporaries, Omm Sety deserved to be treated as "a responsible scholar". She was a source for modern scholarship seeking to understand how traditional ancient religious practices have survived into modern times, as "folk customs" practiced by modern Egyptian Copts and Muslims. He praised her book "Abydos, Holy city of Ancient Egypt" for its "comprehensive coverage of every ancient element in Abydos.

Unlike other people who claimed to be reincarnated figures from ancient Egypt, she was treated with respect by Egyptologists, and whilst none publicly subscribed to the phenomena she reported, none doubted her sincerity, and many have used her observations of past and present Egypt as reliable source material. Egyptologists who knew Omm Sety were impressed by her knowledge of ancient Egypt. Klaus Baer of the Oriental Institute commented that "she had visions and worshipped the ancient Egyptian gods. But she understood the methods and standards of scholarship, which is usually not the case with nuts", nor did she "desire to convert anyone". Kenneth Kitchen, author of the seven-volume "Ramesside Inscriptions", described Omm Sety as a "true Ramesside" who came to all sorts of conclusions about the actual objective material of the Sety Temple – which may have also coincided with things that she felt she knew some other way ... and that paid dividends.

The British novelist Sir William Gerald Golding wrote of the Egyptologists he met in his travels through Egypt in the 1980s who were "as well disposed to the Mystery as any child could have wished". When "the question arose of a dear lady who believed herself to have been a priestess of a particular temple, they did not dismiss her as a crackpot but agreed that 'she had something'". The famous American astronomer Carl Sagan considered Omm Sety as "a lively, intelligent, dedicated woman who made real contributions to Egyptology. This is true whether her belief in reincarnation is fact or fantasy".

A 1987 New York Times article by John Anthony West ("She Had Her Life to Live Over") described a biography of her as an "intriguing and convincing modern case histor[y]" of the belief in reincarnation”.

Dorothy Eady or Omm Sety, as she preferred to be called, was definitely an enigma in her lifetime. I am not aware that people who claim to be reincarnated have such strong and accurate recollections as she did. This could readily be explained though by her being a walk-in of the spirit of Bentreshyt, who took over from the original spirit animating Dorothy Eady’s body when she died on the staircase. Then there is her claim that she was frequently visited by the spirit of her former lover Seti 1. These could have been hallucinations, of course, but the claim of such visits is not something a reincarnate would normally experience and talk about. Moreover, there were also people who claimed to have witnessed Seti appearing to Omm Sety. The fact that her past life knowledge helped archaeologists in their research and digs (finding the temple garden at Abydos for example) is not easy to dismiss either. She was right too often for it to be mere coincidence or luck.

I shall leave it to readers to make up their own minds about this but, whatever conclusion you reach, it is undoubtedly true that she was a fascinating lady who impressed so many who knew or worked with her.​
At present, I am trying to work-up new articles in between posting on various existing threads. However, sometimes you come across something which demands an instant post, especially when it appears to provide support for earlier statements that have been made on this thread. In this case, the subject is Stonehenge and a major new discovery that may well change what we think about the original builders of this incredible Megalithic structure. This ground breaking discovery was reported in the following article by David Keys, which I am setting out in full with my additional comments in red in parentheses:​

Mystery of Stonehenge deepens after ‘jaw-dropping’ discovery​

Remarkable new scientific research at Stonehenge has revealed an extraordinary new mystery.

Mineralogical tests on the massive six-tonne stone at the heart of the monument show that this central rock, known as the altar stone, was brought to Stonehenge from the far north of Scotland.
The altar stone is arguably the most ritually important stone in Stonehenge, because it is the rock that marks the intersection of the prehistoric temple’s two most important celestial alignments – the winter solstice sunrise to summer solstice sunset alignment, and the summer solstice sunrise to winter solstice sunset alignment.


It’s already known that some of the monument’s smaller stones were brought to the site from southwest Wales [MJF: The Preseli Mountains - the Sarsen Stones came from Wiltshire], around 120 miles away. But moving a rock from northern mainland Scotland or Orkney would have involved a journey of well over 500 miles [MJF: Hmmm... so how did they achieve that I wonder?].

The discovery has huge implications, and is likely to transform archaeologists’ perceptions around key aspects of life in prehistoric Britain. Up to now, most scholars have assumed that British Neolithic society was exclusively local or regional (based on tribal, clan or similar identities), but the newly discovered Stonehenge-Scotland link, when combined with the Welsh origin of some of the Stonehenge stones, suggests that there might also have been a pan-British aspect to how Neolithic Britons lived.

The newly revealed Scottish link implies that 4,500 years ago, there was already at least some political and religious cooperation across Britain. That’s because the Neolithic people who transported the six-tonne rock from northern Scotland or Orkney to southern England must have known that Stonehenge existed, that it was being expanded, and precisely what shape and size of giant rock was required. That suggests geopolitical cooperation, or even some religious commonality.

Another aspect of the new discovery is the southern British Neolithic choice of northern Scotland, potentially Orkney, as a symbolic partner in Stonehenge’s construction. It is conceivable that this was because Wiltshire and Orkney were arguably Britain’s two most advanced Neolithic cultures. The fact that despite being at opposite ends of Britain, they now appear to have been well aware of each other’s existence and appear to have developed geopolitical and religious links, has far-reaching implications that will profoundly change scholars’ views of the nature of prehistoric Britain.

Up till now, many prehistorians would have assumed that seaworthy craft capable of safely carrying such a massive load would not have existed in Neolithic Britain. What’s more, the stone would almost certainly have been accompanied on its journey by a large team of mariners, priests and others – so it’s conceivable that it proceeded south as part of a substantial flotilla.

The North Sea is often far from calm, so the craft would have needed to deal with some relatively choppy waters, and of course the flotilla’s navigators would have needed to have prior knowledge of the coastline of at least eastern Britain.

It’s likely, therefore, that the flotilla proceeded south, hugging Britain’s east coast for some 700 miles, and then turned west into the Thames estuary, along the Thames and part of the Kennet until Newbury or possibly Hungerford [
in the neighbouring county of Berkshire], where the rock would have been unloaded and then dragged (on a sledge or on rollers) for at least 30 miles to its final destination, Stonehenge.

But why did the Neolithic builders of Stonehenge want a northern Scottish (or Orkney) rock as the symbolic centre of their spectacular southern British stone temple? At present there is no way of knowing for certain the answer to that question. However, it is possible that the concept of stone circles was first developed in Orkney – and that somehow the builders of Stonehenge were aware of that.

Today only a few of the stones of Stenness on Orkney still stand, but this 19th-century image shows
what that stone circle originally looked like (Wiki)
It is therefore conceivable that they wanted to ensure that the central feature of their new monument came from Orkney. Indeed, it is possible that the six-tonne rock had been chosen specifically for its religious significance – and that it had formed part of a major stone circle in Orkney.

No doubt, archaeologists will be investigating that possibility – not least because the great rock brought well over 500 miles to Stonehenge is roughly the same size and shape as some of those used in the construction of stone circles in Orkney.

So perhaps the builders of Stonehenge were deliberately paying homage to what they might have perceived to be their great temple’s ideological/theological ancestor.

It also suggests that the builders of Stonehenge viewed their great monument as a composite temple made up of components from across a much wider geographical and ideological landscape, symbolically and perhaps even spiritually incorporating several different parts of Britain (certainly including Wales and mainland Scotland or Orkney).
But are there other exotic components to Stonehenge that have yet to be discovered? Archaeologists will now be on the lookout for just such features.

“The fact that Stonehenge’s altar stone appears to come from mainland Scotland or Orkney has substantial implications for our understanding of Stonehenge itself and of Neolithic society in general,” said one of the key scientists involved in the research, Dr Robert Ixer, a senior research fellow at the Institute of Archaeology in London.

It completely rewrites the relationships between the Neolithic populations of the whole of the British Isles,” he further told The Guardian. “The science is beautiful and it’s remarkable, and it’s going to be discussed for decades to come ... It is jaw-dropping.”

The altar stone, newly revealed as being of northern Scottish or Orkney origin, is similar in shape and size to some of the stones that comprise an Orkney stone circle known as the Stones of Stenness (Wiki)
The research has been carried out by scientists from Aberystwyth University, London’s Institute of Archaeology, and Australia’s Curtin and Adelaide universities, and is being published today in the UK-based scientific journal Nature.

But it was a British geologist at Curtin University who did the crucial research, pinpointing a northern Scottish/Orkney origin for Stonehenge’s central stone.

They identified the stone’s mineralogical fingerprint (and crucially, the geological ages of that fingerprint – ranging from around 3 billion to around 460 million years), which showed that the closest match by far was the extreme north of Scotland (including Orkney).

It’s been a two-year voyage of discovery for me and my colleagues. We collated more than 500 ages for the minerals within the altar stone, and it was those ages which, when correlated, gave us the crucial chronological fingerprint which revealed the northern Scottish origin of the rock,” said Anthony Clarke, the British geologist who carried out the crucial research at Curtin.

Of all the ancient sites in Britain, Stonehenge really is the mystery that keeps on giving.

I cannot stress enough how important this discovery is. Although archaeologists normally give a date of circa 2,500 BC for the construction of Stonehenge, the C's stated that it was built much earlier than this in 8,000 BC by Druids.
Q: Then you talked about the pyramid as a focuser of energy to do ‘all things’ or many things. Later we asked about Stonehenge and you said that Stonehenge was built 6,000 BC by Druids, an early Aryan group, as an energy director to do ‘all things.’ This seems to be that both structures had similar design functions. Is that correct?

A: No. Stonehenge is a vector of energy derived from Solar and Cosmic rays. Pyramids focus electromagnetic energy from the atmosphere ambiently. Stonehenge was built 8,000 BC, by the way.

This tells us that the the Druids, although traditionally linked to the Bronze Age Celts, were in fact an early Aryan group of Atlantean survivors/descendants. This suggests a much older pedigree for this ancient priesthood than is normally recognised by historians. This also makes me wonder whether the Druids may have been present both in ancient Egypt (where stone circles have also been found*) and at Megalithic sites in Turkey such as Göbekli Tepe, which predates Stonehenge by at least 1500 years.

*For example, In Andrew Collins book The First Female Pharaoh Sobekneferu, Goddess of the Seven Stars, he refers to a Neolithic stone circle discovered by English archaeologist and Egyptologist Gertrude Caton-Thompson, which was located north of Lake Moeris, an ancient freshwater lake located in the Fayum Oasis, 80 km (50 mi) southwest of Cairo, Egypt. Curiously, this area was associated with crocodile worship from time immemorial. Could this suggest dealings between the local inhabitants and the Lizard beings going back perhaps thousands of years? I hope to write about this in an upcoming post.

Here I would remind readers that local legend has always associated the construction of Stonehenge with giants and the site has from ancient times been known as the 'Giants Circle'. This link with giants is not just true of Stonehenge but also of Megalithic/Neolithic sites in, for example, Malta, Sardinia, Easter Island and Göbekli Tepe, an area where 7ft statues of strange looking, six-fingered male giants have recently been discovered - who some have linked with the Mesopotamian Anunnaki:

Statue found at Karahan Tepe​

Could these Anunnaki giants have been more widespread than people think? Could they have been present in Britain both at Stonehenge and the Orkney Islands? I note that Laura in a recent interview she gave, spoke of a 'Builder Race' who she linked with the Anunnaki - see:

Laura has also spoken of the 'Scottish question':
Q: (L) I am curious about what I call the "Scottish Question." Why is it that every time I start a paper trail on any issue of conspiracy, there always seems to be a link to Scotland and Scots?

A: "Celtic," what does it mean?

Q: (L) Well, the word "kilt" comes from "Celtic," but no one seems to know where they originated... they just sort of appeared on the landscape, so to speak.

A: Exactly!

The Orkney Islands are, of course, Scottish islands today (they were Norwegian once). However, Laura is not the only one to refer to a strange 'Builder Race' for the English writer and researcher Graham Phillips has also done so, as I mentioned in my article The Megalithic Builders and the Order of Meonia (see copy attached). Phillips referred to them as the 'Megalithic Builders' who may have been proto-Celts. Quoting Phillips who was channelling a person called Joanna under hypnosis with Andrew Collins asking the questions:​

[AC] The books on Egyptology suggested that Akhenaten was of foreign blood. Was this correct?

[Joanna] [She did not answer Collins question but said instead] “Some of Akhenaten’s followers left Egypt shortly before the Exodus and found their way to this country, and this is why Britain is so important.”

[AC] What? Egyptians came across to Britain after the fall of Akhenaten. Were they the first Celts?

[Joanna] “Yes, I think so,” she responded.
“They came here and tried to use the powers held by the ley lines, the stone circles and other prehistoric monuments, like you are intending to do with your psychics. The most important ones came and settled in this area of the Midlands.”

[AC] Ancient Egyptians in the Midlands?

[Joanna] “That’s why you are here in the Midlands, and why you are here in Wolverhampton, as you will see. This country was advanced in these workings, with earth and stone monuments across the landscape. But the people who had originally erected these places had decayed and gone. [
MJF: These would have been the people who built Stonehenge and the Stones of Stenness.]

The new race built more circles, erected more standing stones, and constructed circular ditches and banks. This was to try and gain control over their minds. These people are the origins of your psychic race who possess these psygenic traits. Those who left Egypt with them eventually founded the kingdom of Israel and became the Israelites of the Bible. Others continued their journey and after many generations became the first Celts and the first Gypsies, just two of the races you have already identified with your psygenic traits.”

These last comments make me think of Princess Meritaten and her intrepid band of followers, including the Tuatha de Danann (the 'Dragon Slayers') who in the guise of Scota/Hagar took flight from Egypt and eventually landed in Britain (see my article The Epic Voyage of Meritaten). Before doing so, she evidently had a relationship with Abraham/Moses, which resulted in the birth of a son called Ishmael in the Bible. If Phillips (Joanna) is correct, it look as if there was a group comprised of this Megalithic (Builder) Race that left Egypt at the time of the biblical Exodus, which then split into two groups that went in different directions. So, could Abraham/Moses have been a member of this 'Megalithic Race' who became the Israelites and the first Celts? According to Graham Phillips, whilst in a trance state, the answer is yes:
[Joanna] “Yes. But I’m merely here to help you. You must listen.The race was dying out. As many of your ….” “Akhenaten was one of that race, but their bodies were unable to withstand the change of environment.”

[AC] What race? The Israelites?

[Joanna] “No. They were your people, your psygenic psychics. Moses was one of this race. But they were mutating. It was going wrong.”

Recently, I suggested that Akhenaten (a Perseid) had Aryan blood through his maternal grandfather Yuya, whose mummified remains were found to have the Y-DNA haplogroup G2a and mtDNA haplogroup K. G-M201 is most commonly found among various ethnic groups of the Caucasus, where the C's said the Kantekkians were originally deposited after their rescue from Kantek. If the entity calling herself "Joanna" was correct, then both Akhenaten and Moses/Abraham were descendants of this Megalithic or Builder Race who its seem originally came from the British Isles. I set out below my comments in my earlier article on this particular passage:

MJF: This is a key statement, since it suggests that Moses, who the C’s said was a Hittite/Levite, was a member of this Megalithic builder race with psygenic DNA, a race which came originally from Britain and other parts of Northern Europe.

The reference to them being unable to withstand the change of environment may link with them having originally been giants who could not adjust to the changes in Earth’s gravity, which occurred during this period, as discussed with the C’s in recent sessions. The C’s made similar remarks about a change of cosmic environment in relation to the psygenic people who met at Chaco Canyon in Arizona, USA when they specifically said such changes were the result of changes to Earth’s gravity:

Session 4 July 2009:

(L) They said "cosmic environment".

A: Gravity is different now.

Q: (A*l) What happened to gravity? How'd it change?

A: Travels of the solar system through space. You are heading for another such change soon.

The C’s told us that Moses was a Hittite/Levite of Aryan stock with a 4th density genetic tweak in the session dated 20 August 2001:

Q: All right, first question is, what is the origin of the Levites?
A: Hittites Moon Worshippers.
Q: Well, before the Hittites became Hittites, what were they?
A: Indo-europeans.
Q: What was the source of the Indo-europeans?
A: Aryan sub-race.
Q: Is there any other group the Aryans mixed with to produce the Indo-Europeans?
A: Fourth Density genetic tweak.
Q: Was Abraham a Levite?
A: Yes.

Does this mean that the Megalithic builder race had the same 4th density genetic tweak made to them or was it just one particular sub-group?

However, Joanna also spoke of a mutation to this race that was going wrong. This relates back to something the Joanna entity had said earlier in the same session:

[Joanna] “… And they were all breaking out like chrysalises. They were breaking out in their minds, but their bodies were going wrong. Akhenaten was their leader. He was of the One. It was all meant to come to a head during his lifetime, but it went wrong. Those developed in mind within his culture had to leave and this was the tradition of the Exodus of Moses.”

This seems to suggest that a ‘butterfly-like’ mutation was occurring, which involved a transition from 3rd density to 4th density, save the participants’ bodies (through their DNA) were not changing in alignment with the alterations occurring to their minds. It may be that Akhenaten was aware of the real secret of alchemy, which had been preserved from the secret knowledge the C's said had been left by Atlantean survivors under the Sphinx:​

A: Visitors yes, but the Masonic creed is intertwined with ancient order of Essenes, arising out of ancient Egypt, from the secret knowledge stored at the base of the Sphinx, as left there by "Atlantean" survivors.

This makes me wonder whether Akhenaten and his daughter Meritaten may have been Essenes (who according to the C's had shared origins with the Celts) in which case the C's may have been referring to Meritaten when they said:​

A: Arcadia is a crossroads for the one Essene, the Aryan one of Trent.

In my article The Epic Voyage of Meritaten, I pointed out that in her guise as Princess Scota, she journeyed to Spain first, the northern most part of which may have been the original Arcadia at the time of the Trojan War ("first base") and she and her party subsequently landed on the Humber Estuary (ref. the North Ferriby Egyptian boats dating to 1350 BC) in Yorkshire into which the river Trent runs.

The C's had also said:
A: Well, quite simply we would say, where is Arcadia?

Q: (L) Arcadia was Turkey. You have made many references to Turkey, to Troy, which was located in what is now Turkey. A lot of funny stuff tracks back there. And, Troy means ‘three.’ Interesting.

MJF: Compare Troy to Trent, which also means three. You should note that at this point in time Laura had not yet read Iman Wilkens’ book Where Troy Once Stood.

A: Tis a clue for you, not a destination!

MJF: Why did the C's use "Tis here instead of the more modern "this is"? Did they intend by this to point to England and specifically Yorkshire and the Trent river? Interestingly, the archaic form "Tis" is still used in Yorkshire, one of the few places in England where it is.​

Subsequently, the C's commented further on this matter:

Q: Then, you also said: 'quite simply we would say, where is Arcadia?' Arcadia ...

A: You need to work on that one. The answers to these mysteries are not easily solved, but well worth it!

Q: The chief thing I noticed about Arcadia was, the Arcadians were the enemies of the Trojans, they were the creators of the Trojan Horse - a huge deception... and the Celts are supposed to be the descendants of the refugees from Troy. And, when Hitler came along, one of his ideals was to resurrect Arcadia, and that Germany was going to be the new Arcadia and destroy the 'old corrupt civilization,' which was Troy. Troy is 'three' and is connected to 'Ilium,' and I guess what my question is here is: just who's on first?

A: Who is on second?

Well in my view, Meritaten was on "second" base when she landed in Spain with her mixed Egyptian and Tuatha de Danann party who then journeyed on to Britain via Arcadia. If the Trojans were surviving members of the Builder Race who migrated after their defeat at the hands of the Achaeans to Asia Minor to become the Indo-European Hittites, then she was retracing the footsteps of her ancestors, albeit in reverse. She was an Aryan not only by virtue of her father Akhenaten's origins (see above) but also through her mother Nefertiti, who the C's said was a Hittite like Abraham/Moses.

However, coming back to this ceremony or ritual that Akhenaten seemed to be overseeing, the imagery of the participants breaking out like chrysalises but only in their minds and not their bodies speaks of a profound transformation - one that may have involved a transition from 3rd density to 4th density. This makes me think of the true purpose of alchemy, which is the transformation of self rather than base metal into gold:
Q: Is it something that holds one more firmly in 3rd density, and the elimination of it enables one to switch densities... or...

A: Tis magnetite that acts as a conduit, and perhaps, just perhaps, allows for transference back and forth at will?!? And what about the legend about the alchemists? Is not the key term there really transformation?!? And has not the "smoke screen" really been delivered so effectively by all the concentration upon the substance?!? And does not this remind one indeed of all the misguided concentration upon substance rather than meaning that one finds so regularly on 3rd density??

Was this transformation what Akhenaten and his followers were trying to achieve when it seemingly went wrong. You will note that the C's use the word "Tis" again here and referred to the legend of the alchemists, which makes me think of the enclave of alchemists in the Pyrenees who the C's linked with Sir Francis Bacon, who was almost certainly a leading Rosicrucian if not the Grand Master. In using "Tis" are the C's trying to create a connection between the enclave of alchemists, Sir Francis Bacon, the Rosicrucians and Yorkshire? Is their such a connection? Well yes there is and it lies in the Philosophers of Dancar who were mentioned in the Rosicrucian Manifesto the Fama Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis first published around the year 1610:
Q: Supposedly, Christian Rosencruetz was initiated by the 'philosophers of Dancar.' I want to know where this blasted place is! Okay, skip it. One of the Rosicrucian manifestos said: 'God has sent messengers and signs in the heavens, namely the new stars in Serpentarius and Cygnus, to show that a great council of the elect is to take place.' What do they mean by a 'great council of the elect?'

A: Pyrenees.

Evidently, the 'Great Council of the Elect' is a reference to the enclave of alchemists based in the Pyrenees, which just happens to be where the original Arcadia was situated, as depicted in Nicolas Poussin's famous painting The Shepherds of Arcadia (which lies at the heart of the mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau). Laura was desperate to know where Dancar was, the C's saying it was somewhere in Britain, As I have argued on this thread, the answer is the old Roman town of Doncaster, which is located in Yorkshire and happens to lie close to the high ridge that runs through the Yorkshire Dales called the "Chevin":
Q: I would like for you to give me a super-duper, hunky-dory, knock-me-off-my-socks clue to my treasure hunt.

A: Chevin.

It should also be borne in mind that the Knights Templar were very strong in the Pyrenees region on both sides of the Spanish/French border and they were renowned for dabbling in alchemy perhaps through knowledge they had discovered in the Holy Land:
Q: Speaking of these tall guys, William Wallace's life was sort of symbolic, in my mind, and he was supposed to have been over 6 and a half feet tall. During the time that all that mess was going on over in Scotland with Wallace and the Bruce, the Templars were being dissolved in France...

A: Dissolved?!? We think not! They merely went "underground."

Q: Is that literally or figuratively?

A: Why not both?

Q: Well, there are Templar organizations that some Mason's claim to be in contact with.

A: And where do you suppose these are?

Q: Underground?

A: Bingo!

Q: Okay. The Templars were formed in Jerusalem. They were there for quite a while with no record of doing any of the things that the group supposedly intended to do. There are a lot of rumours... what were they doing in Jerusalem?

A: Templars held the secret of levitation.

Q: Is this something... and I am talking about the 9 guys in Jerusalem... did they discover some document in Jerusalem that gave them this secret?

A: Yes.

Q: And is this how they were able to get so much support from certain royal houses and so forth?

A: It is time for you to study Kaballah again, but be careful!!

The above extract tells us that the Templars went underground, as in perhaps joining the subterranean Aryan civilisation, the Nation of the Third Eye who would appear to be bi-density beings able to operate at both 3rd and 4th density. By saying that the Templars held the secret of levitation and suggesting that Laura and co study Kaballah again, the C's may have been hinting here that some Templars could have graduated by learning the true secret of alchemy and the "work". If so, did they either set-up or join the enclave of alchemists in the Pyrenees, assuming in the latter case that it was already in existence? In this connection, it is interesting to note that the C's said Nicolas Flamel, the famous 14th century French alchemist was a member of this enclave:
Q: (RC) And the guy died... (L) That's interesting... Okay, change of subject. Back when we were talking about the pit on Oak Island, and you asked me to do some research on it, the answers I came up with were that the responsible group were alchemists. Is this correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Was one of the alchemists involved Nicholas Flamel?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is it true that there is an enclave of alchemists that live somewhere in the Pyrenees...

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is this the group that you referred to as "The Quorum" in a previous session?

A: Partly.

Q: (L) Do these alchemists use this power as talked about by David Hudson to enhance their longevity and their physical health?

A: And to control.

Q: (L) Are there people in this enclave who live for literally hundreds, if not thousands, of years?

A: Open.

It is curious that the C's say here that this enclave of alchemists is part of the Quorum, especially given the C's recent pronouncements relating to the Quorum and what they say above about using monoatomic gold to control. Evidently, these alchemists are not the "good guys".

According to texts ascribed to Flamel almost 200 years after his death, he had learned alchemical secrets from a Jewish converso (a Jew who had converted to Roman Catholicism) on the road to Santiago de Compostela. Moreover, he and his wife, Perenelle, were supposed to have achieved immortality through the "Elixir of Life". Was this elixir David Hudson's monoatomic gold that Abraham/Moses (trained by Egyptian priests/Essenes) seems to have been aware of, given the Golden Calf incident in the Bible, where the rebellious Israelites were forced to ingest the powdered gold? Flamel was born merely 16 years after the dissolution of the Templar Order. Hence, if the Templars were the people who instituted the enclave of alchemists, this would have been shortly before Flamel's birth.

It is also interesting to note here that the main centre of the teaching of Kaballah in Europe in the Middle Ages was the ancient Spanish city of Girona, which lies in the region of Spain known as Catalonia and is located close to the Pyrenees. The important scholar and teacher Rabbi Moses ben Nahman (Nachmanides) lived in Girona in the 13th century and headed a major Kabbalist school there. This you will note is at a time when the Templars were at their heights and had a strong presence in the Pyrenees region. I hope to have a lot more to say about Girona and its esoteric importance in an upcoming post. For now, I attach a link to an article called T
he Secrets of the Kabbalists Garden, which links modern Girona to ancient Kabbalistic teachings: see The Secrets of the Kabbalists Garden.

I would especially point out to you this section of the article:

According to Gerard Serrat, a guide to Jewish Girona, this place is called the Kabbalists Garden because, centuries ago, the mystical Jewish kabbalists used to meet here in secret, at the edge of medieval Girona, to do esoteric practices. The [27] brass wall plaques inscribed with the Hebrew names of angels point to this connection, as does the golden angel. Although most tourist guides think that the statue represents the Archangel Michael, its attributes are actually those of the Archangel Metatron — and Metatron is the “patron” of Kabbalah.

And what about the angel plaques? Some of the brass plaques have been pried free and stolen, but a number remain. And some of these are puzzling. Although Hebrew words are written from right to left, some of these plaques are inscribed in Hebrew that is written from left to right. And, according to one knowledgeable reader of Hebrew, some of the plaques are written using the wrong Hebrew letters.

Are these inconsistencies simply errors made by the inscriber who, perhaps, didn’t actually read Hebrew? Or are they, following a well-documented esoteric tradition, an attempt to “claim” the power of the names by reversing them? Although I have consulted several authorities, nobody is prepared to give me an answer.

Traditionally, there are
72 holy names of God, created through various permutations of Hebrew letters. On the retaining wall at the entrance, it appears that there were originally 27 plaques. Is this perhaps a hidden reference both to gematria, the Kabbalistic system of letter and numerical associations, and to the importance of reversal?

Well we have encountered the special number 72 before and the way it is so often embedded in many ancient myths and legends. However, it is its connection to the 72 names of God that intrigues me here since in the session dated 6 July 2024, the C's used the name Nomendei, meaning the "Names of God" in Latin. Is this just a happy coincidence? Moreover, could this concept of reversal in the Kabballah have anything to do with the reversal that you get in the antimatter universe I wonder (think of 'Ying Yang' here)?

Continued in Part 2​


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Mystery of Stonehenge deepens after ‘jaw-dropping’ discovery Part 2​

The Altar Stone

However, I want to return now to Scotland/the Orkneys where the Stonehenge altar stone apparently emanates from. According to Graham Phillips, the Megalithic Race or Builder Race may have originated on the Shetland Islands off the east Coast of Scotland:

Phillips, interpreting his dreams and psychic messages had come to believe that sometime between 5,000 and 4,000 BC, the genesis of a new race had taken place in the Shetland Isles off the east coast of Scotland. This race was fairly tall in stature, and they were mainly fish eaters. Over a period of hundreds of years, they gradually developed an understanding of the landscape around them that no other culture in Britain had achieved. Their religious beliefs centred upon their communication with their ancestors, who appeared to them as shining white figures [MJF: 6th density beings like the C's?] and whose abode was the sea, the element which dominated their entire lifestyle. To them everything came from the sea, and everything would return to the sea. It was a simple philosophy.

I am left wondering whether their genesis could have been much earlier than 5,000 BC since Stonehenge was built in 8,000 BC according to the C's. The C's also told us that a group of Aryan Atlantean survivors had moved into the British Isles after the Deluge, which occurred around 10,800 BC:
Q: (L) Well, my opinion to this whole thing is that the Sumerians and the Armonans were Atlanteans who set up shop in their respective places when Atlantis went under.

A: Good, now go with that.

Q: (L) I would say that the same answer holds for the White Horse at Uffington, in England?

A: Yup.

Phillips proceeded with his account of these Megalithic people by saying that their psychic communications with these spirit forms through dreams and visions resulted in them erecting stone and earthen structures, which were used for shamanic practices such as altered states, astral projection and healing [MJF: which reminds me somewhat of the practices the C’s had said were carried out by the people at Chaco Canyon in New Mexico]. They also used them to focus the natural energies which existed in the landscape and which they knew to be affected by the movements of celestial bodies such as the Sun, the Moon and the stars [MJF: Again, this reminds me of what the C’s said about who or what was worshipped by the people who built Stonehenge when they responded that it was complicated but gave Laura the following key words: “Spirits, stars, energy]. Creating these monuments in accordance with divine instruction allowed them to gain a state of absolute harmony with those energy patterns which governed the life cycles of nature.

Phillips explained that soon the Megalithic people spread their culture, first to the Orkney Islands (the original Arcadia perhaps given that Orkneymen are to this day known as “Orcadians”?) and then to the Scottish Western Isles. They expanded quickly, setting up new colonies and monuments on the Scottish mainland and in Ireland. Only then did they begin to move into England and Wales. All the time they integrated with the existing Mesolithic communities and continued to construct stone and earthen monuments. These included barrow, passages graves, stone circles, and standing stones, which they built at locations indicated by the divination of the land – geomancy as it was known.

To these Megalithic people the Earth was alive, possessing a network of points of natural energy, the regular pattern of which was determined by many factors, including fault lines, rock and mineral seams and the Earth’s overall magnetic field. As a result, the sites chosen for their monuments formed straight lines and geometric patterns such as circles and spirals. These were, in fact, a small part of a much greater energy matrix that covered the whole of the British Isles.

This, of course, mirrors what the C’s have said about the “World Electromagnetic Grid” in the transcripts – “A: The planet has been enshrouded with EM grid.” Collins published his book in 1991 and he and Phillips might well have known by this time about former New Zealander airline pilot Bruce Cathie's world gridline theory, since Collins maintains a great interest in UFO’s and still does presentations to his local UFO club in Essex where he lives. Cathie wrote seven books related to flying saucers and a "World energy grid". His central thesis was that he could use mathematics to describe a grid-like pattern on Earth (i.e., the Electro-dynamic field on Earth) that powers flying saucers. The C’s seemed to provide some support for Cathie’s theory when in response to a question about Rennes-le-Chateau being built on one of six peaks that form a very regular pentagon they said: “Best to refer to the 1954 UFO study done over the French countryside.

Collins continues by telling us that their interaction with these sites not only created a harmony between them and their rhythmic cycles of nature, but it also taught them the nature of the ultimate source of creation. They learned in the end that nothing mattered but an understanding of the One, the omnipotent, omnipresent source of all creation that was the universe, the light of illumination, the giver of all life, and the point to which all life returned [
MJF: which sounds like the philosophy of the ‘Law of One’, which was one of the two competing philosophies that had prevailed in Atlantis before the Deluge]. It was only visible to them in a physical sense in the light of the Sun, which they referred to as the “Arran” or “Arn” [MJF: which would be commensurate with the Egyptian deity of the Aten. Note also that there is an Isle of Arran off the west coast of Scotland, which may mean in the Brythonic Celtic language "high place", where there are numerous standing stones dating from prehistoric times, including six stone circles].

The culture reached its peak of success in the third millennium BC and by 2000 BC the race was on the decline, due to infection of Bronze Age cultures, which had begun trickling into the country from the Mediterranean around 1800 BC [
MJF: Was this post the demise of Troy?]. According to Graham Phillips, something then happened between 1600 BC and 1450 BC, which made almost the entire Megalithic culture all but disappear in a matter of a couple of generations. From a warm temperate climate, Northern Europe was plunged into a virtual Arctic winter which led to starvation, anarchy, and tribal wars that severely reduced the number of individual tribes. They died out leaving the Megalithic sites unattended.

1600 BC takes us back 3,600 years ago, which would coincide with the last visitation of the cometary cluster, as borne out by the C’s in the session dated 23 August 2001:

Q: (L) Now, I have a little problem with my writing. First of all, did the eruption of Thera occur in 1627 BC or thereabouts?
A: Close.
Q: (L) What stimulated the eruption of Thera?
A: Venus.
{Here I think that "Venus" is a code for the giant comet described by Victor Clube}
Q: (L) Well, about 40 years after that there was the comet cluster, in 1588 BC, correct?
A: Yes.

The passage of the comet cluster and/or Venus, which triggered the eruption of the Thera volcano, could have caused the kind of nuclear winter that may have led to the virtual Arctic winter Collins speaks of above and the resulting starvation which would have ensued from crop failures, as well as plagues no doubt from comet borne viruses. What Phillips and Collins don’t take account of is that the ruling tribe in Britain circa 2,000 BC were most likely the Trojans. At some stage the disastrous Trojan War occurred in Britain that may have precipitated the rapid decline of what was left of the Megalithic Race. One cannot rule out, however, that the Trojans may have been one group among many tribes of immigrants from mainland Europe who settled in Britain during the Bronze Age.

Collins tells us that some of the Megalithic people integrated with the Bronze Age tribes, whose culture and religion were entirely different to their own, whilst those who remained true to their heritage stayed in small, isolated communities at key points on the energy matrix of Britain. He then tells us that others became purely nomadic and travelled abroad. By 1400 BC [
MJF: remember that the conventional dating here may be off by a couple of centuries, as Immanuel Velikovsky had proposed in his 1950 books Worlds in Collision and Ages in Chaos] some had ended up in flourishing Mediterranean civilisations such as the Egyptian empire. These refugees included important families of priest magicians (Druids/Sabian Stargazers/Levites?) who understood the British energy matrix and its principal sites.

Apparently, the Megalithic people adopted the Egyptian lifestyle, moved among their sacred temples and intermarried with Egyptians. Many ideas and philosophies were exchanged. They told the Egyptians about their concept of the Arran, the One and the process of illumination [
MJF: is this what Akhenaten and his followers were attempting?]. They also told them about their great Land in the West, which had once been sacred but had now been lost to them through war [the Trojan War?] and famine.

According to Phillips, within a couple of generations of their integration into Egyptian culture, one of their bloodline had become Pharaoh and this was Akhenaten. He had listened to the holy men from the Land in the West, the land of the souls of their ancestors beyond the western horizon. He adopted their principle of the Arran, which he equated with the Egyptian sun-god Re (Ra) in his forms as the hawk-headed deity, Re-Harakhti and Atum-Re, the setting sun of the western horizon. Akhenaten updated the concept to form his own understanding of the Aten, whose physical manifestation was light (Shu) and whose sole image was the Sun, the giver of light. Henceforward, the only representation of the One would be the setting sun, which had given light and thus life, and which fell upon the horizon each day in the direction of Amenta (Britain), the Land in the West, the home of his own ancestors.

As I explained in my article, The Megalithic Builders and the Order of Meonia, Andrew Collins set out to research Phillips' claims that were made whilst in a trance state to see if there was anything in the historic record to back them up. Quoting from my article:

Andrew Collins started his analysis of Graham Phillip’s channelled ‘Heritage account’ by pointing out that the Megalithic builders were supposed to have established themselves in the Scottish Northern Isles during the 5th to 6th Millenium BC and gradually spread their influence through the Western Isles into mainland Scotland, Ireland and finally England and Wales.

He notes, however, that this contradicts the commonly held Diffusionist theory, whereby archaeologists assert that the Megalithic builders spread from the Mediterranean during the 5th Millenium BC, first colonising Western Europe before eventually entering the British Isles. Collins points to the grandeur of the Megalithic temple complexes in Corsica, Crete, Malta, Sardinia and the Balearic Islands, which demonstrate the sophistication of the Megalithic culture in contrast to comparative sites in the British Isles, which seem to be no aesthetic match for their design. However, as Collins points out, recent archaeological discoveries in the British Isles have brought the traditional Diffusionist model into question. Radiocarbon dating techniques employed at prehistoric sites across the country have conclusively shown an even distribution of early Neolithic settlements and stone monuments. Intriguingly, Collins tells us that the oldest dates to have been established anywhere in the British Isles have come from sites in the Western Isles of Scotland and in particular the Isle of Arran (see my earlier comments).

It had generally been accepted by archaeologists that the Western Isles of Scotland were unoccupied until Neolithic times, but exhaustive excavations on the Western Isle of Rhum by archaeologist Caroline Wickham-Jones confirmed the existence of Mesolithic settlements as early as the 7th Millennium BC. Her belief is that Mesolithic man may have migrated across the land belt which existed between Norway and the Northern Isles of the Shetland and the Orkneys until its final submergence in the 7th Millennium. This was at the time when there was still a large landmass in the North Sea called Dogger Land.

Skara Brae

On the Orkneys we find today the sunken stone village of Skara Brae and the stone chamber tomb of Maeshowe. Wickham-Jones proposed that the village evolved from indigenous Mesolithic settlements during the 4th Millennium BC. I would point out that archaeological digs are still on going at Skara Brae in the Orkneys and I have recently watched some fascinating documentaries on the site presented by the likes of the excellent Scottish television presenter, archaeologist, historian and author Neil Oliver
*, which includes his programme Britain's Ancient Capital: Secrets of Orkney. Indeed, archaeologists are still making amazing discoveries at the site, which are changing archaeological perceptions about the people who lived there. For a 3D presentation of Skara Brae see: New digital model of Skara Brae | Historic Environment Scotland.​

See also: Visitor's Guide To Skara Brae: The Scottish Pompeii - The Geographical Cure

*Neal Oliver now has his own show on GB News, which is well worth watching on Sundays or catching up with on YouTube.

Euan Mackie in his 1977 book The Megalithic Builders also points out that archaeologists have discovered at Skara Brae flat-based, groove-decorated pottery with very distinctive reliefs. Similar pottery was also found on the submerged land surface at Clacton on the Essex coast in 1936, which was essentially the same as pottery found at Woodhenge and Durrington Walls in Wiltshire (which form part of the huge Megalithic complex of sites centred on Stonehenge). Moreover, Professor Gordon Childe in 1930 had suggested there were links between the pottery found at Skara Brae and pottery ware found in Iberia. He noticed that late Chalcolithic potsherds found at the cave at St. Joan d’Os in Cataluña were remarkably similar to the decorative patterns on the Skara Brae sherds and the techniques of making them seemed to be the same. It is now known that the primary occupation of Skara Brae was before 3000 BC (Radiocarbon dating puts it at 3180 BC) and grooved pottery ware was used in the first occupation at the village. Pottery found at the nearby Stennes Stone Circle on Orkney has also been carbon dated to 3000 BC. But the fact that similar grooved pottery ware found at Vila Nova de Sao Pedro in Portugal has also been dated to around 3000 BC suggests this was one and the same culture.

Collins finds further support for Phillips’ Heritage account when he notes that in the early 1980’s two adjoining pieces of a Megalithic stone were unearthed in the Orkney Islands, each one being engraved with ornate and complex spiral patterns of a type only found in abundance in the passage graves of the Boyne Valley culture in Ireland, which is thought to date to the last quarter of the 4th Millenium BC. In particular, the designs closely resemble the kerbstone patterns of the Valley’s huge stone and earthen mound known as Newgrange. Due to the immense spread and technology of the Boyne Valley culture in Ireland, it had been presupposed by archaeologists that the Orkney spiral stones were carved by incoming Neolithic settlers from Ireland. However, if Caroline Wickham-Jones’s theories are correct, it implies that the Orkneys’ indigenous culture may have exported its art via the Western Isles of Scotland into Ireland.

Collins also tells us that in 1990, a dig under the direction of Edinburgh University archaeologist John Barber discovered a stone coffin or cist about a mile from Skara Brae. Within it they found the undisturbed remains of a teenager and a child in an urn but also woven reed, something not previously associated with the Orkney’s Neolithic culture of the first quarter of the 4th Millennium BC. The reed fibres were taken away for radiocarbon dating. At the date of Collins book, the results of the preliminary tests had not yet been released pending further tests. However, Collins alleges that the preliminary results had dumbfounded the Scottish archaeological community with a rumoured date for the woven reed being as early as 4,500 BC. I have looked for subsequent verification of this particular date but without success. If this date should be proven correct, it means that the Orkney Isles may have possessed the earliest and most advanced Megalithic culture in the British Isles. As Collins points out this would substantiate Phillips’s psychic information that suggested the Orcadian (Arcadian?) culture spread both its religious and pastoral knowledge southwards into the Western Isles before it fanned out to encompass the rest of Scotland, Ireland, England and Wales.

What the C’s have said in support of Graham Phillips Heritage Account

Let us recall when considering the evidence adduced above that the C’s have in fact given support to aspects of Graham Phillips’ Heritage Account when they confirmed that civilisation had indeed been transmitted from Northern Europe (including the British Isles) to Southern Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean in the following extracts:​

Session dated 19 February 2000:

Q: What was the connection between the Hyperboreans, including the Celts of Britain, I believe, and the people of Delos?

A: Northern peoples were responsible for civilising the Meditteranean/Adriatic peoples with the encoded secrets contained within their superior extra-terrestrially based genetic arrangement. Practice of which you speak was multi-trans-generational habit.

Session dated 8 April 2000:

Q: Now, I have this book entitled "Arktos." He says something here that echoes a remark you once made. He says:

"It is a very remarkable thing that enlightenment seems to have come from the North against the common prejudice that the Earth was enlightened as it was populated from South to North. The Scythians are one of the most ancient nations; the Chinese descend from them. The Atlanteans themselves, more ancient than the Egyptians, descend from them."

You said that the civilizing influence came from the North to the South. Of course, all the standard texts claim that civilization came from South to North, starting in Mesopotamia. Now, getting...

A: Okay, just a minute here. Thinking Mesopotamia is the beginning is like thinking that the beginning starts at the 12th chapter.

However, as I mentioned in my earlier article, Graham Phillips was not the first person to make this connection between the British Isles and this Megalithic Builder Race for a maverick English historian William Comyns Beaumont in his book Britain the Key to World History, which was a companion work to his ‘The Riddle of Prehistoric Britain, endeavoured to prove by evidence, gathered over a wide field from ancient and modern sources, that the British Isles were highly civilised from the earliest times, and that Britain was the original mother civilisation. Beaumont’s theories seem to have been the inspiration for Immanuel Velikovsky's works Worlds in Collision and Ages in Chaos, which may have been inspired by Beaumont’s astronomical theories, as discussed in another of his works `The Mysterious Comet'. Beaumont can thus be viewed as a precursor to Velikovsky.

So, what did Beaumont have to say about Britain? Here is what he said in the forward to his book (N.B. I have highlighted the main points of interest):

These islands, I showed, were the true Hesperides or Happy Islands of yore, and are known to have been inhabited from the earliest Palaeolithic (or Old Stone) Age onwards and were the original domicile of the sons of Adam, who were the Titans or Giants of classic fame, as well as being the Atlanteans of Plato [MJF: Notice they are giants like the Nephilim, Anunnaki and the biblical Sons of Anak whilst English Folklore has always associated the building of Stonehenge with giants].

If I prove correct in determining that such roads lead originally to that very ancient group of islands, the Shetland-Orkneys, which straddle both Scandinavia and Britain, and that these were largely shattered by a violent natural catastrophe, we begin to perceive that the Gnostics and Curetes of Crete [
MJF: see my earlier references to Car, Cer and the Ceretes], close kindred to the Chaldeans, were the sons of Seth or Sheth, the son of Adam from whom apparently Shet-land or Seth-land acquired its name, in the regions of Caledonia, again only a variation of Chaldea, whose sons are probably the most ancient existing race of civilised man.

The true arena of this veiled yet historic event, as I endeavour to show, was the clash between nations known in the Scriptures, including Gog and Magog, in which the invasion and slavery of other Bible peoples in the British Isles was the aim of the invaders [
MJF: which Iman Wilkens in his book Where Once Stood Troy viewed as the Trojan War fought at today’s Cambridge in eastern England]. It culminated in extraordinary events both in the celestial spaces and on this unhappy earth. The final celestial disaster itself, as I described fully in my previous work, was on such an immense and concentrated scale, and at the same time so irregular in its distribution, that certain parts were destroyed or rendered uninhabitable for a long period, while yet others escaped with only comparative sufferings. Among its permanent effects were a variation in the earth’s axis, a lengthening of the solar year and a consequent change in climate whereby many nations in the north were forced to emigrate to obtain the means of subsistence [MJF: you will note that this accords with the diffusion of the Northern European Celts in the Balkans, Turkey/Anatolia and the Middle East and also with Graham Phillips’ Heritage account of the Megalithic Builder Race’s diaspora and eventual settlement in Egypt. Was it the intervention of the planet Venus that changed Earth’s previous orbit and length of solar year and with it Northern Europe’s climate?].

The myth of Phaeton describes how the ill-fated son of Helios, having stolen his father’s steeds, tried to drive the chariot of the sun, but they bolted, whereby they threatened the earth’s extinction, and Zeus, seeing the whole world was thus in imminent danger of destruction, hurled Phaeton into the river Eridanus in the country of the Cimmerians. The explanation of the myth, as Plato himself records it, was the declination of celestial bodies, actually, it would seem, a twin or tandem comet, which struck the earth in the Cimmerian lands. This disastrous event is recorded on certain prehistoric Scottish zodiacs as I showed in my previous work, in which the “chariot” of Phaeton is represented symbolically as wheels with a connecting axle, described by Scottish archaeologists as “spectacles”, they being naturally innocent of the intention of these stones probably erected by the sons of Seth, or, say, Chaldeans, in the Caledonian lands.

The Cimmerians, in whose country this disaster happened, and where flowed the river Eridanus, converts the mythological into reality. They agree with the Cymry of Britain [
MJF: today the people of Wales], the Cimbri of Scandinavian lands, the people known to classic poets as the Hyperboreans, dwellers beyond the north wind, the Galatai of Pausanias, the Gauls or Gaels, or Celts, always the tall, fair-haired and blue-eyed Men of the north. So, Phaeton must compel us to understand the myth by making us look to the north of Europe, where he was thrown to earth. In a true revision of the prehistoric past the Mediterranean becomes only a very secondary settlement of the ruling races of mankind from the beginning [MJF: which seems to accord with what the C’s have said].

In the great migration, induced largely by pre-knowledge of what was about to happen owing to celestial phenomena, judging from certain passages of Jeremiah, the Israelites in their Exodus [
MJF: Not the Mosaic Exodus but that of the Aryans – Phillips and Collins’ Megalithic Builder Race] were led through dark, arctic wastes, “where no man dwelt,” the Siberian lands. Many emigrants found their way to the shores of the Mediterranean, others went by the rivers Volga, Vistula, Dneiper and Dneister to the Crimea, onwards into Asia Minor and thence to the Middle East where we find in Irak [MJF: i.e., Mesopotamia – which therefore accords with Phillips’ Heritage Account relating to the Megalithic Builder Race] what appear to be prehistoric Gothic inscriptions and occult designs as to which much might be said. In a totally different direction, across the North Atlantic, others made hazardous voyages and endured terrible privations in search of the sun, and settled finally in America, mostly in Mexico, ages before Columbus discovered that continent. Many again went south-west into France, Spain and Portugal, hugging the Atlantic, or migrating into North Africa.

The land we now call Egypt was colonised then or not much earlier as shown by astronomical evidence and was originally peopled by fair Celts from the shores of Britain. This was the Exodus of the Aryans, some of whom returned later to their primeval homes
*, and about a century after, perhaps in some cases in less time, when earlier fears had been dissipated — for humanity rarely learns from the past — and the fertile British lands invited newcomers, these islands were again occupied by nations crossing the narrow seas, including especially those whom Geoffrey of Monmouth names the Trojans, and, our modern anthropologists, the Goidels [MJF: The Gaels, Milesians or Hibernians].

*This would seem to have included the group Phillips referred to in his Heritage Account who were sent by Akhenaten and may even have been the same group who were led by his daughter Princess Meritaten, which included the giant fair and red-haired Tuatha de Danaan. Were they returning to their original homeland as Beaumont suggests?

Panic and a change of climate in the northern lands were the main inspiration which sent these peoples on their long and sad treks in search of new domiciles. The edifices and religion of Egypt speak eloquently of the instinct of terror as their guiding motive, as I also showed in my previous work. The famous Egyptian Book of the Dead, influenced completely by the epic of the Flood and composed in the name of Thoth (Hermes), in its ritual caused the souls of the dead to undergo a fanciful, final, gloomy pilgrimage to the sacred west, indeed, I contend, to the very scene of the former shambles in Western Scotland, to the legendary Amenta, identified as the tiny island of Staffa, near Iona, in the Hebrides [MJF: the Joanna entity had also identified Britain with Amenta but could the Isle of the Dead have been Arran, not Staffa – which you will note bears a name very similar to Stafford or Staffordshire in the English Midlands], where the wandering spirits were supposed to be judged by Osiris, and were rewarded or consumed according to their lives on earth. Staffa lay in the very vortex of the greatest area of destruction at the time of the Floodwater being but one element concerned— and later became the Underworld of the Celts as it was of the Hellenes.

As I concluded, Beaumont may have been wrong about many things but some of his ideas do seem to have been right on the money.


Returning to the beginning of this post, I hope you can now see why the discovery that the sacred altar stone at Stonehenge came from Scotland, and more particularly the Orkneys (who may have possessed the earliest and most advanced Megalithic culture in the British Isles), is so important. This discovery would seem to support what Graham Phillips claimed about his Megalithic Builder Race (a race referred to by Laura in her recent podcast) and William Comyns Beaumont's claims about civilisation spreading to the Mediterranean through the exodus or diaspora of the Aryans, his tall, fair-haired, blue-eyed men from the north, otherwise known as the Hyperboreans.
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However, coming back to this ceremony or ritual that Akhenaten seemed to be overseeing, the imagery of the participants breaking out like chrysalises but only in their minds and not their bodies speaks of a profound transformation - one that may have involved a transition from 3rd density to 4th density. This makes me think of the true purpose of alchemy, which is the transformation of self rather than base metal into gold:
Q: Is it something that holds one more firmly in 3rd density, and the elimination of it enables one to switch densities... or...

A: Tis magnetite that acts as a conduit, and perhaps, just perhaps, allows for transference back and forth at will?!? And what about the legend about the alchemists? Is not the key term there really transformation?!? And has not the "smoke screen" really been delivered so effectively by all the concentration upon the substance?!? And does not this remind one indeed of all the misguided concentration upon substance rather than meaning that one finds so regularly on 3rd density??

Was this transformation what Akhenaten and his followers were trying to achieve when it seemingly went wrong. You will note that the C's use the word "Tis" again here and referred to the legend of the alchemists, which makes me think of the enclave of alchemists in the Pyrenees who the C's linked with Sir Francis Bacon, who was almost certainly a leading Rosicrucian if not the Grand Master. In using "Tis" are the C's trying to create a connection between the enclave of alchemists, Sir Francis Bacon, the Rosicrucians and Yorkshire? Is their such a connection? Well yes there is and it lies in the Philosophers of Dancar who were mentioned in the Rosicrucian Manifesto the Fama Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis first published around the year 1610:
Q: Supposedly, Christian Rosencruetz was initiated by the 'philosophers of Dancar.' I want to know where this blasted place is! Okay, skip it. One of the Rosicrucian manifestos said: 'God has sent messengers and signs in the heavens, namely the new stars in Serpentarius and Cygnus, to show that a great council of the elect is to take place.' What do they mean by a 'great council of the elect?'

A: Pyrenees.

Perhaps the C's gave the clue regarding this: Titanium disulfide - Wikipedia

Titanium disulfide is an inorganic compound with the formula TiS2. A golden yellow solid with high electrical conductivity,[1] it belongs to a group of compounds called transition metal dichalcogenides, which consist of the stoichiometry ME2. TiS2 has been employed as a cathode material in rechargeable batteries.

I suspect that the C's point to a magnetic material that can be found in the body and exhibits the properties of Titanium disulfide, as far as conductivity is concerned.

Then you read about Chalcogenides and you get to pyrite: Chalcogenide - Wikipedia

Pyrite and related disulfides​

In contrast to classical metal dichalcogenides, iron pyrite, a common mineral, is usually described as consisting of Fe2+ and the persulfido anion S22−. The sulfur atoms within the persulfido dianion are bound together via a short S-S bond.[2] "Late" transition metal disulfides (Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) almost always adopt the pyrite or the related marcasite motif, in contrast to early metals (V, Ti, Mo, W) which adopt 4+ oxidation state with two chalcogenide dianions.

You can see that there is a resemblance between Pyrite and Pyrenees...

Pyrite is a sulfide group mineral with the chemical formula FeS2. It is composed of 53.48% sulfur and 46.52% iron. Often massive, fine granular, sometimes subfibrous radiated; reniform, globular, stalactitic. Insoluble in water, and magnetic by heating. Its name derives from the Greek root pyr (fire), since it emits sparks when rubbed against metals, which intrigued the ancient world. It is also known as “fool's gold”, “fool's gold” or “poor man's gold” because of its resemblance to gold.
Pyrite is the most abundant sulfide in the earth's crust. Although it contains iron, it has only occasionally been used to extract iron. Currently, the elements that are disseminated in it (copper, lead, zinc, silver and gold) are more important than sulfur or iron. Although thousands of deposits are known, the most important are grouped in three metallogenic provinces, in the Iberian Peninsula, Canada and Australia. The so-called Iberian Pyritic Belt forms a strip of about 150 km long in an E-W direction, in the provinces of Seville and Huelva (Spain) and in the area of Neves-Corvo, in Portugal.
An interesting proposition. The C's reference to "pyr" came from the following session:

Session 14 September 2002:

Q: (Atriedes) They once said something about bi-density beings. They were like hybrids between 4th density beings and a 3rd density being. Or could such an individual be a genetically enhanced human?

A: Humans were once "bi-density." And some may be again in the natural way. Those of 4D STS "manufacture" are similar. Just think of them as a type of OP with souped up engines.


Q: (Ark) It was supposed to be related to sound, but I have a problem with sound because sound frequency depends on the medium in which sound propagates. The medium can be air, can be stone, can be everything; frequency spectrum will depend on the medium. Now we are talking about pyramid and sound related to pyramid. Was this...

A: Yes...Pyramid, Pyrenees, Pyr...

Q: (V) There must be something about the Pyr. How does Pyr relate to prime numbers? (Ark) Where is pyramid, where are they coming from, where's the name coming from, what's this? Pyro, fire, no? (L) Yeah, fire.

A: Frequency of light...

Q: (Ark) Sonoluminescence. But again there is this term frequency, I have a real problem with you guys using the term frequency because frequency is number of oscillation per unit of time, but what is unit of time, a second, a minute, an hour, a year?

A: Can we say "nano?"

Perhaps we should add "pyrite" to the C's list. Their reference to bi-density beings of "4D STS "manufacture" would seem to be to some of the Aryan denizens of the subterranean civilisation or the Nation of the Third Eye. This makes me wonder whether Nefertiti, who they said was a "deep level punctuator" with a genetic tweak which might explain her elongated head, was one of these? If so, does this mean she was a type of OP with souped up engines? It could explain a lot.
A: Frequency of light...

Q: (Ark) Sonoluminescence. But again there is this term frequency, I have a real problem with you guys using the term frequency because frequency is number of oscillation per unit of time, but what is unit of time, a second, a minute, an hour, a year?

A: Can we say "nano?"

This is also interesting (I don't know, but I read how the C's give clues and it doesn't seem to be such a problem to find information). I did a search and found this:

Research with nanolight (one hundred times smaller than the thickness of a human hair) has developed considerably in recent years thanks to the use of sheet-structured nanomaterials such as graphene, boron nitride or molybdenum trioxide: the so-called van der Waals materials.

One of the main drawbacks of the technological applications of this nanolight is the limitation of the frequency ranges characteristic of each material. But now, an international team has proposed a novel method that makes it possible to significantly extend this range of working frequencies of polaritons in van der Waals materials. The method consists of the intercalation of alkali and alkaline earth atoms, such as sodium, calcium or lithium, into the lamellar structure of the van der Waals pentaoxide material, which makes it possible to modify its atomic bonds and, consequently, its optical properties.

Given that a wide variety of ions and ion containers can be intercalated in laminated materials, a spectral response to the demand for phonon polaritons in van der Waals materials can be expected to eventually cover the entire mid-infrared range, which is critical for the emerging field of phonon polariton photonics.

After reading this, you go back to Titanium disulfide and find that:

With a layered structure, TiS2 adopts a hexagonal close packed (hcp) structure, analogous to cadmium iodide (CdI2). In this motif, half of the octahedral holes are filled with a "cation", in this case Ti4+.[1][2] Each Ti centre is surrounded by six sulfide ligands in an octahedral structure. Each sulfide is connected to three Ti centres, the geometry at S being pyramidal. Several metal dichalcogenides adopt similar structures, but some, notably MoS2, do not.[2] The layers of TiS2 consist of covalent Ti-S bonds. The individual layers of TiS2 are bound together by van der Waals forces, which are relatively weak intermolecular forces. It crystallises in the space group P3m1.[3] The Ti-S bond lengths are 2.423 Å.[4]

Here I am marking in bold van der Vaals. From what I am reading in other papers, both pyrite and Titanium disulfide, their crystalline structure and as materials that interact with the Van der Vaals phenomenon would be materials capable of manipulating the frequency of light at the nanoscale level. Perhaps this is the artifical alchemical process to alter DNA.

It only remains to know the exact frequency at that scale...
Poussin’s Mountainous Mystery Part 5

In the earlier parts of this article, I looked at the mystery of the mountain depicted in Nicolas Poussin’s famous painting The Shepherds of Arcadia (see below), which seems to hold the key to the secret of Rennes-le-Chateau and the strange activities of its former parish priest Abbé Bérenger Saunière. I discovered an interesting article by a gentleman called Josh Kroeker, which focused primarily on the mountains depicted in Poussin’s painting. Kroeker came to the conclusion that the landscape portrayed in the painting could, in fact, be a location near Rennes-le-Château, lending credence to his belief that important information may be encoded in the painting.

The Shepherds of Arcadia by Nicolas Poussin
Quoting Kroeker:

“I can only speculate about the connections in the paintings and what they mean. If the background is an actual landscape near Rennes-le-Château, is Poussin drawing us a map, with clues as to how to get there? Or is his objective simply to draw attention to the shape of this mountain, so that it can be identified elsewhere? After all, Poussin ‘holds the key’ to finding whatever is concealed; but does this mean that it is in his works that the riddles of the Rennes-le-Château mystery can be solved? One thing is certain: Poussin’s depiction of the landscape in Arcadia and the four other connected paintings is intentional and warrants further attention.”

This reference to a “map with clues” made me recall what the C’s had once said about the mystery of Rennes-le-Château:

A: Just look. Now folks, remember: Rennes-le-Château is a means, not an end. Sort of like unlocking the trunk, expecting to find the gold, and merely finding a map.

But Kroeker revealed that Poussin was not the only artist to depict the Arcadian mountain since David Teniers had also cleverly incorporated it in his work Archduke Leopold Wilhelm in his Gallery by displaying it within his miniature recreation of the work of the 16th century Italian Master Titian called Nymph and Shepherd, which Titian painted in 1575, more than 50 years before Poussin painted The Shepherds of Arcadia.​

Quoting Kroeker again:

“If the mountain exists near Rennes-le-Château, then is it possible that the artists were creating a visual map that points to a specific location in the area?

Although it would appear that these connections simply raise more questions than answers, it is safe to say that there is a mystery surrounding the mountains portrayed in the paintings, and that those who depicted the landscape placed it with the deliberate intent of passing on a message to those with the means to find it.”

I finished Part I of the article by asking the question that if Poussin was depicting a real mountain, which mountain was it meant to be?

On this key question, I noted subsequently that the English researcher and writer Andrew Collins had investigated Henry Lincoln’s claim that the stone tomb in Poussin’s painting was one which he had found on the outskirts of a village called Arques (a name that conjures up a synchronistic link to the Ark of the Covenant in which the Grail was once contained), which is approximately six miles from Rennes-le-Château. Lincoln claimed that the tomb was identical to the one in the painting – i.e., identical in setting, dimensions, proportions, shape, surrounding vegetation, even in the circular outcrop of rock on which one of Poussin’s shepherds rested his foot. He further claimed that if you stood before the sepulchre, the vista was virtually indistinguishable from that in the painting. He added that when you did so, it became readily apparent that one of the peaks in the background of the painting is Rennes-le-Château. Lincoln then claimed that the tomb would seem to have been standing in Poussin’s time and his painting appeared to be a faithful rendering of the actual site. However, others subsequently claimed that there was no evidence to suggest that Poussin, who came from Northern France and lived most of his adult life in Rome, ever visited the region and therefore he could never have painted the scene there. Moreover, others pointed out that the tomb was far too modern for it to have been painted in 1638-40 by Poussin. Andrew Collins in his book Twenty-First Century Grail the Quest for a Legend, states that Poussin’s Tomb, or the Tomb of Arques, was meant to have been constructed only as late as 1903 and has since been demolished. Nevertheless, Collins went on record and stated that The Shepherds of Arcadia painting appears to show real topographical features in the landscape around Rennes-le-Château, more specifically three sites: the peak of Pech Cardou, the ruins of a castle tower on a promontory called Blanchefort and, on the extreme right, the hill of Rennes-le-Château.

I then noted that in his book Thrice Great Hermetica and the Janus Age, Dr Joseph Farrell also pointed out that even though there is no hard evidence that Poussin ever visited the area, he still, nonetheless, managed to paint the tomb and its local landscape with astonishing accuracy. How was this? Well Farrell notes that even though Poussin spent most of his career in Rome, he was lured back to Paris from 1640-1642 by Cardinal Richelieu for who he was expected to execute several works. While at the court of Louis XIII, Poussin was protected by Sublet de Noyes, the Royal Treasurer and Secretary of State. Farrell believes that it was while he was in Paris during this period that Poussin painted the second version of The Shepherds of Arcadia in 1640. However, Farrell also notes that Sublet de Noyes’s father had in turn been the financial advisor to the household of Cardinal Joyeuse, uncle of the Baron of Arques, who had been exiled to Rome. Farrell then notes that with these connections to Arques and the Languedoc, the question inevitably occurs as to whether Poussin knew the secret of the treasure of the Languedoc. Farrell is here focused on a purely physical treasure as in gold, but I think the clues in Poussin’s painting are directed to something far more valuable than gold and that is the Holy Grail.

Farrell then stated that whatever the answer to this question may be, King Louis XIV, who eventually acquired the painting, certainly acted as if he believed it, for he dispatched his chief minister Colbert to the Languedoc. Colbert in turn is said to have initiated several diggings at Blanchefort, Arques and other local sites, and to have destroyed the original tomb (Farell was relying here on the research of Guy Patton and Robin Mackness for their book Web of Gold: The Secret Power of a Sacred Treasure). If this information is correct, then it provides evidence that Poussin could have taken a break from his work in Paris to visit Arques and to have painted the tomb and the landscape. Poussin was a very exacting artist when it came to his paintings, which would explain how the landscape in his painting so mirrors the landscape that Henry Lincoln and Andrew Collins saw when visiting the tomb’s location centuries later.​

Mt. Pech Cardou
Poussin, who was known as the’ Keeper of Secrets’, may well have been a Rosicrucian adept. If so, just what did he know? This question made me think of the secret enclave of alchemists based in the Pyrenees who the C’s seemed to link with the Rosicrucians in the transcripts. Did Poussin know their whereabouts, and this was why King Louis XIV was so worried about Poussin’s painting, because it may have given away their location at Mt Pech Cardou? Or was it something else completely?

Joseph Farrell makes the important point that the Languedoc accounted for 30 percent of all the Knights Templar’s land holdings in Europe, a huge proportion given how widespread their holdings were. On top of this, the Templars also had significant land holdings next door in Spain. Indeed, it was the Templars who had built the main road that connected Spain and France during the reconquest campaign against the Moors. Was this part of a long-term strategy on their part to establish a separate Templar kingdom? If so, was it an attempt to recreate an earlier kingdom in that region, the ancient kingdom of Arcadia?

It is also interesting to note that two of the main Templar holdings in the Languedoc were located in Douzens and Ma Dieu, having control over Corbières, Razés and Rennes-le-Château. As Farrell notes, throughout the nearly 200 years of their existence, the Templars were able to maintain total military control over this region, exercising virtual sovereignty over its local nobility. I have described before how the town of Bezu, which is close to Rennes-le-Château, was a main base for the Templars in this region and, strangely, it was the only Templar preceptory not to be touched by the forces of King Philip IV of France after he suppressed the order. Furthermore, the C’s may have been trying to draw Laura’s attention to the town of Bezu in the following exchanges:​

Session 31 October 1998:

Q: My next thought was that it could indicate actual places or locations in space time on the planet that would be represented by coordinates.

A: Zuber.

Q: What does THAT mean?

A: Research.

Q: Okay. Now. This woman with this book "The Horse of God," talks about the shadow of the horse in the Shepherds of Arcadia painting that is evident if you turn it upside down. I know that I dreamed that the painting was a map. In terms of this map, what would be the zero meridian that one would use to place the map?

A: There need not be a zero meridian.

Session 7 November 1998:

Q: (A) What about ‘zuber’ and this ‘bezu’ mentioned in this book, The Horse of God? Was it an anagram?

A: Oh now, it may just have been.

Q: (L) Well, it freaked ME out, coming the next day after last week’s session... with the mention of ‘chevin’ and the funny numbers representing the Golden ratio and all that... it was amazing, even if the woman does not have a clue of what she is talking about!

A: Learning is such fun. Ludvig put words to his music.

Q: (L) Yes... the poetry of Wolfgang Schiller. His Ode to Joy.

A: What does Schiller, or Schoeller mean?

Q: Now that you brought this up! This is a VERY strange thing because this guy wrote a bunch of cosmic poems to someone named Laura, and they were about universes and gravity and the music of the spheres, and reincarnation, time and time warps, a bunch of funny stuff. He even wrote one that begins: ‘I was in Arcadia born...’ He hung out with Von Eckarthausen and I think he was an alchemist...

A: Was he zuber?

Q: (A) Zauber, in German, means ‘magic.’ (L) Close enough! (A) Does this mean he was a magician?

A: Other close one... Zeuber?

However, we also learned that Bézu was an important gold mining area going back to Roman times. As I have mentioned before, the Templar Grand Master Bertrand de Blanchefort is said to have begun “clandestine mining activities” using imported German miners who were sworn to strict secrecy so as to restrict any communications with the local inhabitants. Indeed, it is even questionable whether the Templars were mining, since they may have either been looking for something of great value or constructing a large vault for some unknown purpose. Moreover, this was not the only strange occurrence that took place at Bézu over the centuries, since the town was involved in a strange counterfeiting episode in 1339 (a mere 25 years after the Templars had been suppressed) where bizarrely the counterfeit gold coins involved contained more gold than the official currency. As Farrell notes, this is unique and almost without precedent in history, where you have counterfeit good money driving out bad. When the royal treasury ministers investigated the matter, they discovered that the perpetrators were not common villains but instead the town’s nobility, who all received a full pardon for their illegal activities, which was quite exceptional in the circumstances. Interestingly, the source of the gold they used has never been established. Was it from a hoard of treasure or alchemical gold perhaps?

Similarly, in the late 18th century, a Frenchman from Normandy, Luc-Siméon Auguste Dagobert, who was descended from the Merovingians, gained permission by the King to re-open mines located in the area and to establish a forge and works in connection with mining operations. In this endeavour he was supported by Jean-Pierre François Duhamel, who at that time was the Commissioner of Mines and Forges for King Louis XVI. However, in spite of creating such an extensive enterprise, no record exists of the extraction of any metal or other minerals, which suggests the operation was a cover for something else. Perhaps the mining operation was yet again a smokescreen behind which Dagobert and Duhamel were searching for something of great importance.

Finally, you may recall from another of my previous posts that Bézu was also the site where the infamous Comte Saint-Germaine allegedly had a workshop, which he used for alchemical operations and where he may have participated in clandestine talks with Benjamin Franklin and senior French military figures concerning French participation in the American War of Independence. This is feasible since the Comte Saint-Germaine had been arrested in England in 1745 as a Jacobite agent after he had been caught with incriminating letters on his person – yet he was mysteriously released without charge.


I then pointed out that Jews would establish the unofficial Jewish kingdom of Septimania in the Languedoc region on the (French) north-eastern side of the Pyrenees. This region was variously known as Gallia Narbonensis, Gallia, or Narbonensis. with the city of Narbonne acting as its capital (see map below).


You will note that this region, which includes Bézu, Rennes-le-Château and the mountain of Pech Cardou, was at one time called “Gallia”. This makes me wonder if this is what the C’s had in mind when they said:​

Q: Are the Ishmaelis also the carriers of the knowledge of levitation, the cult of the head or the skull...

A: Try to connect to the Templars.

Q: Did the Templars discover the secrets of the Ishmaelis, the Assassini, and is this what they carried into Europe, and then underground?

A: Buried in Galle.

Can we dare to propose here that the C’s might have meant Gallia? Just to confuse things further, when the C’s were asked whether the Galle was Gaul, the name the Romans gave to what later became the country of France, they said:​

Q: (L) What is the difference between Galle and Gaul?
A: Clue.
Q: (L) Do they both refer to France?
A: No.
Q: (L) Does Galle refer to Rhineland?
A: Close.
Q: (L) I discovered today that one of the Maltese islands, the one that is now called Gozo, was once called "Gaul." Is that getting closer?

A: Close.

It is odd that the C’s should respond that Galle did not mean Gaul (now France – which is named after the Germanic tribe called the Franks) but that it was close to the Rhineland in Germany and close to Gozo in Malta. The Visigoths were, of course, a Germanic tribe who conquered that area of France and Spain and the Phoenicians who had settled in Spain had come via Malta. Hence, by this rather indirect path were they trying to draw our attention to Gallia in the French Pyrenees?​

Andrew Collins’ Vision

I have previously referred to a psychic vision which Andrew Collins had at the end of his own quest for the Grail, as related in his book Twenty-First Century Grail. Having found a strange key at the end of his quest, he then used it for a psychometry reading in an attempt to learn something of its history. In setting out below what Collins saw in his psychic vision, we obviously need to take on trust what he describes seeing, as related in his book. I am not asking anybody to accept this account verbatim or at all, but I include it here since it does open up possibilities as regards the present whereabouts of the Grail, recalling here that the Cs said the Grail had been "retrieved" and put away for safe keeping” by a 4th density STO mission. Here is what Collins said:

“Only flashes of the future and the past came – seven churches in Rome, underground catacombs, the Order of the Apocalypse, a castle aligned to the sun, the Chateau of Arques, and a horse and cart departing from a large fortified medieval citadel in the heart of the French Languedoc. In the front seat were two monks dressed in simple brown hoods. Once they were out of range, they reached behind and pulled away a sackcloth covering to reveal the presence of the Head of God, the two-faced reliquary previously in the hands of the Knights Templar and smuggled out of England with the help of the White Canons*. Realising their dangerous mission was almost over, and that the priceless relic was now safe, the two men turned to each other and smiled knowingly, as they continued the journey unhindered towards their final destination.”

*The White Canons are the monastic order of the Roman Catholic Church known as the Premonstratensians, otherwise known in England as the Norbertines (who still have a presence in England).

There is much in this passage from Collins’ book that piques my interest, given what I have discussed above. The fact that he saw a castle aligned to the sun, which may be the Blanchefort Tower near to Mt. Pech Cardou, as painted by Poussin in two of his works. He then mentions the Chateau of Arques, which again is near to Mt. Pech Cardou and to the site of the tomb depicted in Poussin’s painting of The Shepherds of Arcadia. We learn that the two monastic figures were departing from a fortified medieval citadel (Narbonne perhaps?) in the heart of the Languedoc, which we now know fell within the Roman province of Gallia (Galle?). Moreover, they are carrying a two-faced reliquary (N.B. reminiscent of the two-headed Roman god Janus), something they viewed as representing the ‘Head of God’ or Baphomet, a pure crystal skull according to the C’s. Could this mission Collins and his psychic friend Richard saw be the 4th density STO rescue mission involving the Grail that the C’s spoke of above?

I would make the observation that the Chateau of Arques seems to me to resemble the tower structure depicted in Poussins paintings of the Triumph of Bacchus and the Sacrament of Baptism (which could feasibly be an indirect reference to ‘Baphomet’ – the ‘Baptism of Metis’). I set out below a recent photograph of the well-preserved Chateau of Arques together with close-ups of the towers as depicted in Poussin’s paintings so you can make your own comparison. If correct, this may mean that the Blanchefort Tower, which is to the west of Pech Cardou and was a Templar watchtower rather than a major castle, may be a red herring and the Grail castle was in fact the Chateau of Arques.

Close-up of the small tower in Triumph of Bacchus and Sacrament of Baptism

The Château d’Arques
In a previous part of this article, I mentioned that Mt. Pech Cardou may be connected with the ancient goddess Cardea. She was associated with Janus, the Roman god of beginnings, and she thus symbolised the transition between the past and the future. Janus, known for his two faces representing the past and the future, found solace in Cardea’s ability to perceive the present—an aspect he himself lacked. Their union brought forth a third face for Janus, visible only to Cardea, and together they became the gods of locks, hinges, and doorways (portals). This connection symbolised the harmony between the past, present, and future. Given that Andrew Collins saw in his vision two monks carrying a two-faced reliquary on their cart, leads me to think that if this was the Grail, then the figure of Janus as a two-headed god facing the past and the future simultaneously may suggest a legacy connected to the Grail. Indeed, I have connected the Grail directly to the Mother Goddess who is also the ‘White Goddess’ of English poet and mythologist Robert Graves. Hence, it is interesting to note in this context that Graves claimed in his book that Janus was perhaps not originally double-headed, and he may have borrowed this peculiarity from the Goddess herself who at the Carmentalia, the Roman Carmenta festival in early January, was addressed by the celebrants as Postvorta and Antevorta – ‘she who looks both back and forward’.

The idea of a third face of Janus symbolising the harmony between the past, present, and future may also mirror the threefold nature of the triple god or goddess, as represented by goddesses like the Celtic Brigid, and it may also establish a connection to the three gorgons where the Medusa was the only one of the three sisters who was mortal and could therefore be killed (as she was by Perseus) since she may have represented the present, the only time period we have control over. As commentators have noted, the story of Perseus slaying the Medusa and cutting of her head may be viewed as one of the earliest stories depicting a quest for the Grail. If the Grail really is the pure crystal skull the Knights Templar revered as Baphomet, which may have had a double face or been double-headed, then the figure of Janus and the head of Medusa (with its wild writhing snakes representing wisdom – Metis) would seem very apt.

Cardea’s domain included not only the literal doors and gates but also the gates of knowledge, opportunity, and transformation. The portrayal of Cardea with keys and locks depicted her as the custodian of passage and protection. Sculptures showcased her holding keys, representing her role in unlocking doors and protecting homes. How apt then when you consider that Andrew Collins gained his psychic vision by means of a psychometric reading of a strange key that he and his companions had found in mysterious circumstances outside an ancient English church right under the noses of a group of sinister hooded figures who were carrying out a ritual inside the church at the dead of night, which involved low chants in Latin (the Vicar responsible for the church subsequently confirmed that he knew nothing of these men and confirmed that they were definitely not any choir that he had authorised to use the church for choir practice). For some reason this makes me think of Collins’ reference to the Order of the Apocalypse. If such an order really does exist, could it be controlled by the Quorum who the C’s said acted as watchers who keep track of prophecies? What greater prophecy is there than the Apocalypse with all of its end of the world symbolism?

As to the relevance of a key, this makes me think of the following exchange between Laura and the C’s:​

Q: So, the Percys DID know something. I understand that the Percy family has a collection of 62 alchemical manuscripts... which is actually how I found out about Alnwick - I was tracking these alchemical texts....

A: But if you go there, do not ask for the key!

Q: Does the current head of the family know the secret?

A: Getting "warmer."

Q: Has this person also been pursuing the secret?

A: Pour suivant.

Q: What does that mean, Frank? (F) For, to follow. (T) Why did you say that in French?

A: Look for clues, and do not have expectations!

The fact that the C’s used a French expression meaning “for following” in relation to the secret (alchemy), suggests they were pointing to France. However, it is their reference to not asking for the key, which they stressed with an exclamation mark, that intrigues me. Perhaps there is an odd synchronicity here that when Andrew Collins went on his Grail hunt, he ended up finding an old, strangely shaped key buried near to the wall of an old country church. Andrew Collins and his companions have certainly participated in their fair share of psychic treasure hunts over the years, but the C’s have also encouraged Laura to participate in her own treasure hunt too: “A: Much else... You know how you like treasure hunts, Laura?!? Then learn to like this one.”​

As to the key to the mystery of Rennes-le-Château and Poussin’s painting, the C’s once told Laura:

Q: (L) You said at one point that I should transfer the search to the United States and quit messing around in Europe. I have pored over maps for days, I have examined the index in the Atlas, and, aside from Hot Springs, Arkansas, and Tempe, Arizona, and the Plains of San Augustin, Socorro, Roswell, Magdalena, etc., nothing has really caught my eye. None of those places configure in any way that makes sense to me. Can you help me out here?

A: Horseheads, N.Y.

Q: (L) Does this mean.... Horsehead, New York?

A: Horseheads.

Q: (A) In what way is this to be related?

A: Is a key. Need lots of keys to unlock the house of gables.

However, the Celts (Gauls) had occupied this part of France long before the coming of the Roman conquerors. Hence, I wonder if the name “Cardou” may have also represented a Celtic goddess, who was then replaced by the Roman goddess Cardea as a close equivalent? The goddess I have in mind is Car. Indeed, if the “dou” in the name of the mountain is an abbreviation of the French word “douce” meaning “sweet” in English, the name of the mountain could then be read as “sweet Car”. Indeed, as Laura noted, when the Rosicrucian manifesto referred to the Philosophers of Dancar, (‘Dancar’ being Doncaster in Yorkshire, England), they could just as easily have meant the ’philosophers of the goddess Car’:​

Q: Okay. Tracking the Triple Goddess back to the oldest references, we get to Kali Ma. There are all kinds of derivations of this name, but the thing that strikes me is the relationship to the goddess Kell, or Kella, as well as to the word kell, Celts, and how this might be transformed into the word 'Cassiopaea.' Can you comment on this?

A: Do not the Celts like "kelly" green?!?

Q: Yes. So. What does 'green' have to do with it?

A: Keep searching... learning is accomplished thusly, and learning is fun!

Q: Yes. I know. Okay, if that is related to Celts, then it must also relate to the Goddess 'Car' which would make the 'philosophers of Dancar' the philosophers of the Goddess Car, the equine term for 'mother' being 'dam' which could easily be converted to 'Dan,' not to mention the relation to the Goddess Danae...

Among the ancient British pantheon of gods, the goddess Car stands out as a mysterious and powerful figure. Car, also known as Cale, Io, and Ioua the Moon, is a multifaceted goddess associated with various aspects of nature and magic. Car’s presence weaves through the ancient British landscape, infusing it with magic, mystery, and reverence. She is both the guardian of the wild and the guide to inner transformation. Car, the ancient British goddess, was revered and worshipped in various ways across Britain. Her cult practices were deeply intertwined with the natural world, the changing seasons, and the cycles of life. As the guardian of wild places, Car was especially revered in mountainous regions. Peaks like Ben Nevis (Scotland) and Snowdon (Wales) were considered her abodes.

In bringing several points together in the last part of this article, I provided the following summary, which posed a number of searching questions:​


Did Nicolas Poussin paint The Shepherds of Arcadia using the mountain of Pech Cardou as a background to draw attention to the mountain as the possible hiding place of the Grail or the Enclave of Alchemists. If so, was he aware of the mountain’s name connections to the goddesses Cardea or Car, the latter being a Celtic mother goddess figure like the Egyptian Isis and the Greek Rhea or Demeter, who may well be represented by the female shepherd figure in his painting. By painting the inscription Et in Arcadia Ego on the tomb wall with the bearded figure pointing to the letters Rho-Chi (code for the Rosy Cross or Grail) on it, was Poussin indicating that he knew this area of the Languedoc was the original Arcadia long before the Arcadia of classical Greece and by the word “Ego” was he implying that the Grail was hidden in this location? Had an ancient tomb with that inscription carved into it been erected at the graveyard in Arques to act as a marker stone, the tomb later being destroyed by Chief Minister Colbert on the orders of King Louis XIV, only for it to be replaced by a replica tomb in 1903?

If the Grail was buried somewhere beneath the mountain of Pech Cardou, could it still be there or has it been moved to an alternative hiding place? Are there any tombs or passages within the mountain where you could conceal the Grail? Did Abbé Saunière become aware of any of this? Could there even be a secret group responsible for guarding the Grail (think here of the secret society depicted in Steven Spielberg’s movie Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade who guarded the whereabouts of the Grail - but without the automatic machine guns). These are not questions I wish to tackle in this article, but I do hope to answer some of them in follow-up articles. However, it is worth pointing out that the forces we might think of as the bad guys who are hunting for the Ark of the Covenant and the Grail (including the Rosicrucians, as I hope to show in a subsequent article) are no doubt aware of the general location of the Grail, although they are not sufficiently STO tuned to locate it behind the occlusion, which creates a frequency fence around it:​

A: This item is tuned by consciousness. It is of such a frequency that STS gifts are not capable of such precision. The range includes multiple possibility vectors. STS operates within a narrow range.

Q: (R) So they can't make it, but they can use it. So, they have to find one that is already created. (L) Is that possible? (A) Operated by consciousness. (L) They said tuned not operated. First of all we want to ask whether they mean tuned as in tuned when it was created or as tuned as in using. (A) There is this scenario that they will wait until the STO guy will find it and tune it, and still only then they will jump on 'em. (L) Right. Do you mean tuned as in the tuning of the creation or the tuning of the operation?

A: Creation.

Q: (A) Okay. Once it is tuned, it is tuned, right? (R) Yeah. And if it was similar to our simulation then tuning is done by exposing it to similar frequencies. (L) Or maybe assembling it by virtue of frequencies that are produced. But it still needs to be established whether or not they can see it. So we have theorized that the reason they can't find it, the only reason we can see for why they can't find it, is because for some reason it is protected by frequency or something and that they don't know where it is either. Is this correct?

A: Mostly. They have a general idea.

Q: What specifically prevents them from isolating the exact spot and getting it?

A: Occlusion.

Q: (A) What is occlusion? (R) I think that's similar to ...

A: Frequency fence.

Q: (R) Which is similar to what we've been talking about. If you don't have the same frequency it's ... (L) Or they can set a frequency around it that these guys can't tune to and can't penetrate. (R) It becomes invisible in some sense. (L) But they can still in some way detect a region or something. But it can be like noise or something maybe; so much noise that they can't isolate the signal. Is this the reason these people keep coming after us, because they want us to help them find this thing? Is this the reason?

A: More or less. Though not the only one.

As to the STS bad guys referred to above, let us recall that Guy Patton and Robin Mackness in their book Web of Gold: The Secret Power of a Sacred Treasure learned from a British intelligence operative that the British Secret Service, MI6 (the equivalent of the American CIA), had a whole room dedicated to the mystery of Rennes-le-Château. Why is this? In addition, a former head of Britain’s wartime Special Operations Executive (SOE), who subsequently became a CEO of a leading British financial institution, used his influence via an antiquarian front organisation to purchase a copy of one of the parchments found by Abbé Saunière at his church at Rennes-le-Château from the niece of Abbé Emile Hoffet, who whilst still a student at the Seminary of Saint Sulpice in Paris had been tasked with deciphering the parchment for Saunière. Hoffet had retained the copy and his niece who had inherited it upon his death put it up for sale. Incidentally, the church of Saint Sulpice has an interesting connection to the Mother Goddess, since the original church was built upon the ruins of a Roman temple dedicated to the goddess Isis. Patton and Mackness learned from the man’s daughter that her father had frequently gone on walking holidays in the Pyrenees. This might have been a pure coincidence, of course, and he may simply have enjoyed visiting the region for a ‘get away from it all’ style holiday. However, seldom are things so straight forward with former directors of spying agencies.

It could be that the British Secret Service are interested in discovering hidden treasure within the Languedoc region, whether this be the famous Visigoth hoard from the Temple of Jerusalem or the lost treasure of the Knights Templar. They certainly would have been aware of Nazi efforts to locate such treasure during the Second World War on the basis of Otto Rahn’s Grail theories as expressed in his book Crusade against the Grail. However, even if such treasure were found, I would have thought it would automatically be claimed by the French government along with its finders. Hence, I think it more likely that MI6’s true interest lies in locating the Ark of the Covenant and/or the Grail, especially when you consider that today’s MI6 is the successor of the English Secret Service set up by Sir William Cecil (Lord Burleigh) and later headed by Sir Francis Bacon, a known alchemist and a suspected leading Rosicrucian, who the C’s have linked with the mystery of the Oak Island treasure, which they have told us is concerned with a 'TDARM' (a Trans-dimensional Atomic Remolecularisation Machine) that is buried deep underground.
What’s in a Name?

When I do my research, I tend to approach it with an open mind and just see where it takes me. This is especially true when it comes to the mystery of Rennes-le-Château, where red herrings abound everywhere. This draws to mind what the C’s once said about this matter:​

Q: (L) This gal, Martha Neyman, taking the story [MJF: the Rennes-le-Château mystery] at face value, has walked around there and found all kinds of funny things, and she lines them up based on her formula, and they form ‘amazing patterns’ and so forth. Well, everybody has a different formula, everybody has a different theory and method, and they all seem to be finding things.... Their findings just seem to ‘mesh’ so synchronously with their theories and methods... it is totally amazing! It is like the UFO phenomenon. No matter what assumptions you start with, you can find evidence to prove your point! Things miraculously are THERE to support you!

A: That is why we gently prod you upon your quest, all the while suggesting patience, and no anticipation.

In the previous parts to my article on Poussin’s Mountain, I have linked the name “Cardou” to the Roman goddess Cardea (a goddess of doors, which, of course, are also portals!) and the Celtic goddess Car, the latter being a Celtic mother goddess figure like the Egyptian goddess Isis (see above). Hence, it came as a surprise to me to learn from a website called Rennes-le-Château Or the story of a great secret … (see: Le Pech Cardou (1) - Rennes-le-Château Archive ( that the name” Cardou” might not be linked to a goddess at all. According to this website, the name may derive from the French word for “Thistle”, i.e., Carlina Acanthifolia, which grows in abundance on one of the mountain’s slopes. However, they admit that there is nothing to confirm this etymology. Instead, the author claims that the mountain was in the 19th century called the “Mountain of Cardon” or more simply “the Cardon”.

The author(s) of the website then refers us to Abbé Henri Boudet, who was the parish priest of the nearby parish of Rennes-les-Bains and a good friend of Abbé Bérenger Saunière. He too seemed to be the recipient of large funds (according to one estimate more than 15 million gold francs) like Abbé Saunière and a third local priest Abbé Gélis, who was shockingly murdered in 1897, suggesting that all three priests may have been in on an important secret of some kind. Indeed, Jean-Luc Chaumeil claimed that Sauniere’s “handler” was actually Boudet, who is said to have orchestrated all of Sauniere’s activities, including the remodelling of his church and the surrounding domains. Boudet was also purportedly the middleman who passed along the hush money - not to Saunière himself but to his housekeeper, Marie Deneraud, who was also in their employ and to whom all cheques were made payable.

Boudet in character was the complete contrast to Saunière, being less flamboyant and more scholarly than the latter. He was passionate about history and was recognised for his competence as both an historian and archaeologist. As a fine scholar, he took a great interest in the history and traditions of the local area and read all the works he could discover relating to the region. He also produced his own works on the history of the Languedoc, which he sent to various learned societies of the period. One book he certainly would have read was Louis Fédié’s 1880 work Rhédae la Cité des Chariots. There are many who claim that the ancient city of Rhedae was the old name for Rennes-le-Château, although I believe that by “chariots” Fédié was referring to Visigoth carts drawn by bullocks. As I have mentioned before, the remains of a Celtic Bronze Age chariot (dating from the same time period as Princess Meritaten) were found in the last century near to the neighbouring town of Quillan. Rhedae was cited as being “located at the crossing point of four major roads". This makes it a much better candidate to have been the ancient city of Rhedae than Rennes-le-Château since Quillan is a major crossroads town located about 20 kilometres south of Limoux in the heart of the ancient County of Razès, now in the Aude district. By contrast, Rennes-le-Château is perched on an isolated hilltop (for more on this click on the link: Rennes-le-Château and Rhedae).

But Henri Boudet was also passionate about the study of languages and their origins, researching the etymology of words and carrying out detailed studies on phonetics (including the language of the Birds or “Green Language”*). Surprisingly for a Frenchman, he was also very much an Anglophile and shared the strange belief that all ancient languages, e.g., Hebrew, Latin and the ancient Celtic languages, had Saxon English as their common root. Boudet would even publish a book in 1886 promoting these ideas called The True Celtic Language and the Cromlech of Rennes-les-Bains. Boudet had been obsessed since his childhood that the names of towns, villages and hamlets, geographical names and words in daily use concealed the roots of a forgotten or lost language known only to our distant ancestors. This lost language was the origin of all the languages spoken in the world and by all men without exception.

*The Language of the Birds is postulated as a mystical, perfect divine language, Adamic language, Enochian, angelic language or a mythical or magical language used by birds to communicate with the initiated. In Kabbalah, Renaissance magic, and alchemy, the Language of the Birds was considered a secret and perfect language and the key to perfect knowledge, sometimes also called the langue verte, or “Green Language”. For example, the English occultist John Dee likened the magical Enochian language he received from his communications with angels to the traditional notion of a Language of Birds.

This may sound like a far-fetched theory until one appreciates that Saxon English is a Germanic language (N.B. modern English is supposedly based on an old Frisian Dutch dialect) and the C’s have recently confirmed that the language today that is closest to that spoken in Atlantis before its demise is old High German from which Saxon English is obviously derived. Hence, its seems that Abbé Boudet may have really been on to something here. It is somewhat ironic to note then that English, ultimately derived from old High German, which itself is closely derived from the once universal Atlantean language, is today the lingua franca of the modern world, which according to the C’s is about to go through a re-run of the demise of Atlantis. Thus, the C’s seem to be right in more ways than one when they say this really is re-run or repeat performance of Atlantis.

For a well-read scholar, Boudet’s book is full of errors and omissions as well as deliberate puns and allegories. The book can therefore be read on several different levels. This has led many to conclude that Boudet was subtly leaving clues in his work to the secret of Rennes-le-Château. Indeed, the author of the Rennes-le-Château Archive constructs an ingenious argument to prove that Boudet was indirectly drawing attention to Nicolas Poussin’s painting of The Shepherds of Arcadia within his book through mentions of sheep and references to Hercules (who he identifies, like me, with the kneeling bearded shepherd figure in the painting) and by extension to Jason and the Argonauts and the quest for the Golden Fleece – Hercules had originally been a member of the crew until he departed on another quest. Boudet viewed Hercules or Heracles as the personification of the Celtic people. He also likened Hercules to the Celtic god Ogmios who can be identified in turn with the Irish mythic giant Ogme of the Tuatha de Danann. Although the author does not say so, these references lead me to suspect that Boudet had tied these things together with the Grail, which was the real object of the mystery of Rennes-le-Château. Did he suspect that the Grail might have been hidden within Mt. Pech Cardou? For more on this see: Boudet, his writings - Rennes-le-Château Archive (

So, using the Language of the Birds or the Green Language, what did Boudet make of the name “Cardou”? Boudet chose to employ his favourite device by using English to split the word into two English words “cart” and “how”. Boudet’s rationale for this was that the Celts (Gauls) when they first encountered the mountain, which was accessed by a narrow, steep gorge, were concerned as to how they could traverse it, since its slopes were so steep. Hence, they left their memory of this first encounter by naming the mountain “Cardou” meaning “to cart”, to “travel in a chariot” how or in what way, i.e., “cart how”? According to linguists, the English word “cart” derives from the Norse word “kartre”, which is akin to Old English word “craet” meaning a chariot, cart or wagon (MJF: this amuses me somewhat since we often refer to an old car today as being “a crate). In a strange way this lead us back to the Celtic goddess Car, Dancar and the enclave of alchemists, who may be based within or near to Mt Pech Cardou since the C’s also enjoy puns. This point was exemplified in the following extract from the transcripts:​

Q: Okay. Who are the 'philosophers of Dancar?'

A: Philosophers who ride around in Dan's car.

Q: That was a serious question! Where and what is Dancar?

A: Why do you suppose the response was light-hearted?

Q: Well, come on! What is Dan's car?

A: We ask you to define as best you can.

Q: A 'car' belonging to Dan. The subject was talked about in the 18th century.

A: Yes.

Q: To what place were they referring when they talked about Dancar?

A: British.

Q: Why would they call it Dancar?

A: Locator.

Q: There is no place called Dancar.

A: No?

Q: Supposedly, Christian Rosencruetz was initiated by the 'philosophers of Dancar.' I want to know where this blasted place is! Okay, skip it. One of the Rosicrucian manifestos said: 'God has sent messengers and signs in the heavens, namely the new stars in Serpentarius and Cygnus, to show that a great council of the elect is to take place.' What do they mean by a 'great council of the elect?'

A: Pyrenees.

I would make two observations on the C’s pun about the philosophers of Dancar being Philosophers who ride around in Dan's car. The first is that “Dan” could represent the ancient goddess “Danu” or Danae who is the goddess linked with the Tuatha de Danaan, a tribe (the biblical Tribe of Dan?) who may have settled in Yorkshire, given the presence of the Bronze Age Egyptian boats found at North Ferriby on the Humber Estuary into which the river Trent flows when it reaches the sea (see my earlier article ‘The Epic Voyage of Meritaten’). As I said above, Dancar is almost certainly the Yorkshire town of Doncaster where the prefix Don is a variant on Dan or Danu, a goddess who can be directly compared to the Celtic goddess Car as a mother goddess. Indeed, Laura made this exact same connection here:​

Q: Okay. Tracking the Triple Goddess back to the oldest references, we get to KaliMa. There are all kinds of derivations of this name, but the thing that strikes me is the relationship to the goddess Kell, or Kella, as well as to the word kell, Celts, and how this might be transformed into the word 'Cassiopaea.' Can you comment on this?

A: Do not the Celts like "kelly" green?!?

Q: Yes. So. What does 'green' have to do with it?

A: Keep searching... learning is accomplished thusly, and learning is fun!

Q: Yes. I know. Okay, if that is related to Celts, then it must also relate to the Goddess 'Car' which would make the 'philosophers of Dancar' the philosophers of the Goddess Car, the equine term for 'mother' being 'dam' which could easily be converted to 'Dan,' not to mention the relation to the Goddess Danae...

The second observation is that the C’s made a joke here about riding around in Dan’s (or Car’s) car. They were obviously referring to “car” as meaning a “motor car”, which is an abbreviated form of a motorised cart or chariot, which brings us back to Henri Boudet and his own pun on the meaning of “Cardou” as “cart how”. It may just be a coincidence or synchronicity, but were the C’s by making this pun, trying to draw us to the work of Abbé Henri Boudet and by extension the hiding place of the Grail, which the C’s say is buried in Galle? It does seem that Boudet like his fellow priest Saunière knew far more than he let on about the mystery of Rennes-le-Château. Whereas Saunière left clues to the mystery in symbolism like the stations of the cross in his church and the Tour Magdala, it seems Boudet preferred to leave his clues within his written works. If time permits, I may try to write a separate article on the mysterious Abbé Boudet. If Boudet was discretely drawing our attention to Mt Pech Cardou (as was Nicolas Poussin), did he think the Grail might be buried within the mountain?

Finally, Boudet’s reference to a “cart” being embedded in the name Cardou makes me think of the two medieval monastic figures the author and researcher Andrew Collins claimed to have seen in a psychic vision, who may have been Templars (or Cistercians) who appeared to be taking the Holy Grail to safety by means of a cart somewhere in the south of France? Was that place of safety Mt Pech Cardou I wonder? If this vision was true, then it would not be the first time that the Templars had used a cart to transport the Grail to safety for as Laura noted in the transcripts:
Q: It seems that the Templars were in charge of building the Cathedral at Chartres, and there is a tableaux on one of the porches of Melchizedek and the Queen of Sheba. Equidistant between them is the Ark of the Covenant in a cart. Melchizedek is holding a cup that is supposed to be the Holy Grail. Inside this cup is a cylindrical object of stone. What is this?

A: Greater sight.

Q: What?! (A) Is it a symbol or a device?

A: Why cannot it be both?

Q: (A) It can be both, but is it both?

A: Yes.

There is good reason to believe that the Templars smuggled the Ark of the Covenant and the Grail out of Jerusalem, as it was being besieged by the Saracens, through a network of secret tunnels under the city and then used a cart to transport it to the city of Acre.

Continued in my next post
Poussin’s Mountainous Mystery Part 5 Continued

Are there any hidden chambers within Mt Pech Cardou?

I asked the question above whether if the Grail had been buried somewhere beneath the mountain of Pech Cardou, could it still be there, or has it been moved elsewhere perhaps to another mountainside? I also asked whether there might be any tombs or passages within the mountain where someone could have concealed the Grail? As to the second question, the answer is a surprising yes.

In the year 2000, a Dutch Grail researcher and author Klass van Urk discovered a narrow shaft hidden high on Mt. Pech Cardou. He claimed to have been led to the spot by using the Rennes-le-Château parchments (which Abbé Saunière supposedly stumbled upon in his church), the Coumesourd Stone, and the text of the enigmatic La Serpent Rouge, a text that has intrigued and baffled many Rennes-le-Château researchers over the years. The shaft extends some 200 metres into the mountain. Some 15 metres into the shaft, van Urk discovered an engraved Templar emblem in the form of an eight-pointed star. So, did the Templars dig a deep shaft into Mt. Pech Cardou in order to hide something of great value, leaving a Templar eight-pointed star to mark the spot?

In February 2008, a combined team of Dutch and Belgian researchers returned to Mt Pech Cardou and used an infra-red camera on a rope to see how deep the shaft was and how far it extended. Insofar as I am aware nothing has been recovered from the shaft. However, there appears to be a far more obvious sign that the Templars were interested in the mountain since a photograph taken of its summit reveals what seems to be a Templar cross (see image below).
Purported Templar Cross on the Peak of Mt Pech Cardou
Whether the Templars made this cross out of stones or it is the work of more modern hands I cannot say. However, a lot of Templar symbolism does seem to have survived in this area, some of which betrays a definite gnostic leaning (see more below on this).

Prior to Klass van Urks interest in the mountain, two other researchers, Richard Andrews and Paul Schellenberger, published a book in 1996 called The Tomb of Christ in which they claimed that the body of Jesus Christ was reburied in the 12th century on Mt Pech Cardou. They arrived at this idea through tracing map references within the parchments described in the book The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, by Lincoln, Leigh and Baigent. However, the two authors did not succeed in locating the tomb or any evidence relating to it on the mountain itself. Judging from Klass van Urk’s discovery, perhaps they did not look hard enough. Quoting the two authors:​

"There can be no doubt that a secret location has been identified which logic and sheer weight of evidence has led us to believe is a place of concealment for an object of extraordinary value. More than three years of exhaustive research has enabled us to reach the conclusion that the 'treasure of Rennes' is not of intrinsic worth — it is not the legendary treasure of the Temple of Jerusalem, coins or ancient jewellery."

In the 'Afterword' to their book, the authors state on page 427: "We had come to the conclusion that Mount Cardou is the last resting-place of the remains of Jesus Christ, God on earth; it is, in fact, the Tomb of God."

Did they just have the wrong treasure in their sights? Might they have got closer to the mark if they had focused on the Grail instead?

The Tomb of God did in fact get a couple of mentions in the transcripts.

The first is an extract from the session dated 10 October 1998 in which Laura made a reference to the book and asked the C’s some questions about it.​

Q: I want to ask a little bit about this book, 'The Tomb of God,' and the clues it has given me, or that I THINK it has given me, to tracking this treasure in the Rhineland. Is this book and the clues that I believe that I have found in it, one of the major conjunctions that you mentioned in a previous session?

A: Yes, but add some flour.

Q: What? Add some flour? Why did you say 'flour?'

A: Why do you think?

Q: What does flour do when you add it?

A: Clues, my dear, clues. That is what these are.

Q: What is the result when one adds flour?

A: Emulsion...

Q: What does one get from an emulsion?

A: Transference.

Q: Where should I look for the flour?

A: Whey.

Q: Am I correct in my idea that these paintings from this manuscript produce...

A: You are still on the trail... But one always is when termination is at hand.

Q: What? Termination is at hand?

A: Resolution.

Q: Were these guys in any way at all onto something when they came up with the idea that Jesus was buried in France near Carcassone?

A: Oh we cannot tell you that.

Q: Is there a time gate where this treasure is buried in the Rhineland?

A: Stones.

Q: Is there any clue you can give me as to what to be looking for specifically?

A: And you shall find that...

The second occasion on which Laura mentioned the book was in the session dated 28 November 1998:

(L) …. The curious thing about this “Horsel” is that it reminded me of the time that you said I needed to get a better ‘handl’ on the matter. You later gave the clue ‘chevin,’ which means a variation of ‘horse,’ and there has been the clue of the arms of Rene D’Anjou in the book The Tomb of God, which had the vine growing out of the split tree topped by the rock, through the ‘handle’ of the grail, then there was the book The Horse of God. One of the mythical stories repeated about this Abbe Berengar Sauniere, was that, on his deathbed, he made his confession and the priest who heard it refused him absolution and the last rites, and apparently fled from the house horrified. I don’t know if that is true, but it is an interesting story in relation to this story about Tannhauser, particularly since Sauniere painted the decoration in his church of Mary Magdalene gazing at a stick with buds springing out of it, and she was depicted in a grotto, such as the Horselberg cave. Is this Horselberg something that we are looking for here?

A: Ever feel as if you are dancing around in circles?

The responses the C’s gave above would seem to suggest that they were not that impressed by Andrews and Schellenberger’s theories but, like the three authors of The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, their underlying research could still be beneficial. I have also proposed that the C’s may in a light-hearted manner have been referring in this extract to the secret of alchemy, which seems to involve the creation of mono-atomic gold (see my earlier articleHiram Abiff – The Widow’s Son’). It is also curious that the C’s should mention “Resolution” and “Stones” in their responses, since as I mentioned above there is a stone Templar cross marked out at the top of Mt. Pech Cardou.​

As to resolution, nearly seven years after the C’s commented on the book, a French website called Rennes-le-Château Research and Resource claimed that in 2005 a tomb was actually found 200 metres inside Mt Cardou and they even have the photographs on their web site to prove it (see below).


They don’t say whether or not the tomb or cave is connected in any way with the shaft that Klass van Urk discovered in the year 2000. However, if the cave or mine is genuine, it seems that they have been more successful than Richard Andrews and Paul Schellenberger were. Perhaps this is an example of what the C’s meant by resolution. As the C’s once said in response to Laura:

Q: (L) Well, I STILL want to know what is at the root of the mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau, and why all this ‘cottage industry’ in treasure hunting is going on there...

A: Treasure hunters lack patience in their quest.

I have to confess that I don’t know whether this cavern or tomb, whatever it is, is a natural formation or something that has been dug out like a mine shaft. Operating on the basis of the latter option, we have to ask if it was manmade, who may have been responsible for its creation? The most likely answer is the Templars since they dominated the area (the Languedoc region accounted for 30% of all their land holdings in Europe) for nearly 200 years and any digging would have required their prior approval. There is the possibility that it could have been treasure hunters post the Templar’s dissolution and this could include the Nazis who had many SS troops stationed in this area searching for treasure in connection with Otto Rahn’s Grail theories. However, the discovery of an eight-pointed Templar cross near the entrance to Klass van Urk’s shaft does suggest if anyone was responsible for the shaft, it was the Templars. If we go with the Templars, is there any evidence they undertook digging or mining in the area? Well, yes there is.

The Château de Blanchefort, which is near to Mt. Pech Cardou, would seem to hold the key here since by virtue of its position, it could easily have fulfilled the role of a Templar observation-post for monitoring activity around the mountain. Furthermore, Bertrand de Blanchefort, the fourth Grand Master of the Templar Order, mysteriously ordered an entire group of German speaking miners to work in the area around his castle, and around Bezu, and probably around Mt Pech Cardou as well. The miners were kept isolated from the locals and were given their own set of rules and statutes to observe like those of a guild. Quoting from Lincoln. Leigh and Baigent’s book The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail:

“These workers were subjected to a rigid, virtually military discipline. They were forbidden to fraternise in any way with the local population and were kept strictly segregated from the surrounding community. A special judicial body, la Judicature des Allemands, was even created to deal with legal technicalities pertaining to them. Their alleged task was to work the gold mines on the slopes of the mountain of Blanchefort [MJF: the gold mines had already been utterly exhausted even by Roman times]. During the seventeenth century engineers were commissioned to investigate the mineralogical prospects of the area and draw up detailed reports. In the course of this report one of them, César d'Arcons, discussed the ruins he had found, remains of the German workers' activity. On the basis of his research, he declared that the German workers did not seem to have been engaged in mining. In what, then, were they engaged? César d'Arcons was unsure - smelting, perhaps, melting something down, constructing something out of metal, perhaps even excavating a subterranean crypt of some sort and creating a species of depository."

The three authors also claimed that the Knights were charged with the duty of creating a "hiding place" – but for what, we are not told. Could they have been preparing a hiding place for the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail perhaps? We should also recall here what the C’s once said about the Templars:

A: Remember, secrets of Knights Templar were kept in caves guided by eternally burning lamps.

In Wolfram von Eschenbach’s story of Parzival, he mentions that the Grail Castle was located on a mountain known as Montsalvat or Munsalvaesche, the 'Mountain of Salvation':

"'Well I know that many brave knights dwell with the Grail at Munsalvaesche. Always when they ride out, as they often do, it is to seek adventure. They do so for their sins, these templars, whether their reward be defeat or victory. A valiant host lives there, and I will tell you how they are sustained. They live from a stone of purest kind. If you do not know it, it shall here be named to you. It is called lapsit exillis. By the power of that stone the phoenix burns to ashes, but the ashes give him life again. Thus does the phoenix molt and change its plumage, which afterward is bright and shining and as lovely as before. There never was a human so ill that, if he one day sees that stone, he cannot die within the week that follows. And in looks he will not fade. His appearance will stay the same, be it maid or man, as on the day he saw the stone, the same as when the best years of his life began, and though he should see the stone for two hundred years, it will never change, save that his hair might perhaps turn gray. Such power does the stone give to a man that flesh and bones are at once made young again. The stone is called the Grail.

Most researchers try to identify it with the Cathar stronghold of Montsegur – this includes the German researcher Otto Rahn who pursued this theory in his book Crusade against the Grail. These researchers generally claim that the Treasure associated with the Sang Real was in Montsegur, until the last Cathars secreted it out of the compound on top of the mountain and deposited it in the Ornolac caves in the valley of the Ariege. However, could the Grail Castle have really been the Château de Blanchefort and could the Mountain of Salvation have been Mt. Pech Cardou? Did German speaking miners dig a concealed cavern within Mt Pech Cardou on Bertrand de Blanchefort’s orders for the purposes of hiding the Grail either at that time or later? Was the Grail still hidden there when Nicolas Poussin painted The Shepherds of Arcadia? Could this cavern have been the destination of the two medieval monastic figures Andrew Collins saw in a psychic vision who appeared to be escorting the Grail to safety somewhere in the south of France? Given that this region was known in Roman times as Gallia, was this why the C’s suggested the Grail was buried in Galle?

If Mt. Pech Cardou is not the Mountain of Salvation where the Grail is meant to be hidden, could there have been another mountain within the range of mountains depicted in Poussin’s painting that fulfils that honour?
Col de Paradis

There is certainly another mountain in this region that piqued my interest since its twin peaks appear to form a set of horns, reminiscent perhaps of the horns of the Egyptian cow-god Hathor. This mountain is called Col de Paradis (see image below).

Apparently, this image of the mountain was taken from the medieval Templar church at Serres. Why this intrigues me is that the view of the twin mountain peaks is reminiscent for me of one of the double images of Poussin’s painting of The Shepherds of Arcadia, which shows a horseshoe mountain top surmounted by a tree-like chalice that might be a representation of the Grail, with another chalice at the base of the tomb that now looks like an upside-down pyramid, out if which the outline of a human skull can also be made out (see second image below).


The small village of Serres lies between the towns of Arques and Couiza with Mt. Pech Cardou overlooking the village. The village has a 16th-century chateau and church dedicated to St Pierre (St Peter) and Tinel.

I mentioned above that Abbé Henri Boudet was an exponent of the language of the Birds or Green Language. In this last regard, I stumbled across a very interesting commentary on the Aude region with its strong links to the Knights Templar by a gentleman called Trebha Cooper which follows much in the same Green Language vein as Boudet:

“When we look East, we are looking towards Col de Paradis, the image of the mountain with horns is from the Templar church at Serres meaning ," Age of Six, Time of Six," the church is dedicated to Pierre and Tin, French / Irish for " Church of Stone and Fire." Now what the Templar left at their well at Campagne sur Aude, meaning "Camp of the Lamb like Fire," is the fish emerging from the well [see image below], which we identify as a Tetrapod, we did not come down from trees, we are creatures of the sea, as Merlin, means, " Sea Line," Oannes* came from the sea at Sumer, Irish name, " Juice of the Berry of the Sea," also Dogon, all from the sea. The name Chateau is a key, as Chat is Cat and Eau is Water, " Water Cat," then pull at your skin, it is attached to the fat like blubber, unlike apes, throw a baby into water it swims, an ape drowns, then we can open our eyes under water, impossible for an ape. Look at your skin it is like scales, unlike ape skin, then physiologically we possess a Serpentine Cortex, this allows us to raise the Kundalini Serpent, from the Sacrum, to raise our Qui energy, the reason The Templar kissed the base of the spine, the site of the Sacrum, close by we have Quillan, " The Qui Clan," were Francis Bacon got Qui-Ote from, Don Quixote, The Last Knight.”

*We know from the C’s that Oannes was a Reptilian or Lizard being whose physiology is reminiscent of fish-like scales:

Q: Why were these beings depicted with these fish-like garments?

A: Reptoids have that genetic profile to varying degrees

Q: According to the Sumerian traditions, this was like the god Oannes. In the night time, he would plunge back into the sea, but in the daytime he would converse with men, giving them insight into letters and sciences and every kind of art. But it was noted that he was never observed to eat. It says that he taught men how to construct houses, temples, to compile laws, and explained to them the principles of geometric knowledge. He made them distinguish the seeds of the earth and made them gather fruits. In short, he instructed them in everything that would tend to soften manners and humanize mankind. From that time, so universal were his instructions, that nothing has been added materially in the way of improvement. The surviving images of Oannes on Babylonian and Assyrian reliefs clearly portray him as a fish man. Is this another similar profile?

A: El legato”.

Which in Italian means “tied together” I believe. If anyone has other ideas on this term, please feel free to comment.

The mention of Sir Francis Bacon in connection with the famous book Don Quixote by the Spanish writer Cervantes is a veiled reference to the theory that Bacon was the real author of the book, which was intended as a parody on the old values of the courtly knight including chivalry. For more on this see the article Francis Bacon and Don Quixote by Parker Woodward at the following link: quixotewoodward ( However, why Cooper links Quillan to “Quixote” and Bacon is strange since Parker believes that the words "Don Quixot" indicate "Bacon" in K cipher, and the clipped word "Quixot" in simple count comes to 100, which is Francis 67 and Bacon 33 and the true rendering of "Don Quixote" is "D' on qui s' ote," or " Of one who would withdraw himself." However, if Cooper is correct, then the use of the name of Quillan might suggest an indirect link to the enclave of alchemists if they were based nearby, since the alchemists in the enclave would certainly fit the description of persons who had withdrawn themselves from the surface world (and it is likely that Bacon subsequently joined them too).
The Templar Well at Campagne-sur-Aude

Trebba Cooper also mentions the Templar well at the village of Campagne-sur-Aude from which the strange stone image of a Tetrapod is seen to emerge (see image below). The 11th century Templar fort in the centre of the village (see below) once housed the Church, the Templar Knights’ Quarters, Master’s House, Smithy, Armoury and Stables. Around this circular structure, what is now the Promenade du Chateau Fort, there was once a moat with a single main entrance to the church.
The Templar Fort at Campagne Sur Aude

The Templar Well at Campagne sur Aude

Image of a Tetrapod
As to Trebha Cooper’s comments about the Tetrapod and his statement that man did not come down from trees but was instead a creature of the sea like Oannes, who also came from the sea at Sumer, this reminds me of what the C’s said here to Laura:​

Q: At this point in his account, Harner writes in a footnote at the bottom of the page: 'in retrospect, one could say that they were almost like DNA, although at that time, in 1961, I knew nothing of DNA.' […] (C) In these chemically induced trances, why is there the common experience of seeing these bird-headed or serpent-like creatures?
A: While you have physicality, some part of you will maintain the connection to its roots.
Q: (L) Are you saying that all these people who say that human beings have reptilian genetics, are telling the truth? Do we have reptilian genetics?
(L) Do we also have bird genetics?
(L) And that is our physical connection or basis?
A: Yes, as third density bioengineered beings, you lead the smorgasbord parade of that which surrounds you in the physical realm.
Q: (A) So, we are 3rd density bioengineered beings. (L) That leads to another question: there is a lot of talk about the Merovingian bloodlines, or the 'Nordic Covenant' bloodlines, or whatever label is put on it, being a 'fresher' version of the reptilian genetic strain. This is represented in the myths of the god Oannes of Sumerian fame, or the Quinotaur who impregnated the mother of Merovee while she was bathing in the sea, and even the wife of
founder of the Angevins, Melusine, variously described as an aquatic fairy or a mermaid. So, there is this claim that there is a stronger and more virile reptilian strain in these bloodlines. Is that correct?
A: It may be.

Trebha Cooper seems to be suggesting here that the Templars were aware of evolution centuries before Charles Dawin proposed his Theory of Evolution in the 19th century. If so, this shows their distinct gnostic leanings, which would have seen them condemned by the Roman Catholic Church as heretics and burned at the stake (a fate some of their leaders would ultimately suffer in the early 14th century).

However, Cooper also uses the Green Language with regard to the name of Campagne-sur-Aude, in a way that Abbé Boudet would no doubt have approved, translating it into "Camp of the Lamb like Fire” - the word lamb being “agneau” in French from the Latin “agnus”. I am not sure though how he gets “like Fire” from “Aude” since my understanding is that the term means daring or boldness in French from the Latin “audere” from which we derive the English word “audacious”. Nevertheless, the reference to lamb is interesting since it provides an indirect reference to shepherds who look after sheep and thus lambs, and this in turn provides us with a connection to Poussin’s painting The Shepherds of Arcadia, which seems to have been set in the Aude region with Mt. Pech Cardou in the background.

This reference to lambs brings Abbé Boudet back into the frame since in his book The True Celtic Language he referred to a set of pointed rocks on the west slope of Mt Cardou, which are called “Lampos” by the locals, meaning “lamps”. However, rather than opting for the obvious derivation of the word “Lampos” from the Latin “lampas” meaning torches, Boudet argues that the word derives from the English word “lamb”, meaning a young sheep or, using the verb form “to lamb”, to give birth to a young sheep. Boudet was expert at deploying hidden allegorical meanings. Hence, what seems to be an obvious etymological mistake on his part was no doubt a deliberate deflection. In Christian iconography, the lamb is, of course, associated with the ‘Lamb of Christ’, the new pascal meal and Christ is also the shepherd who lays down his life (on the cross) for his sheep. Alternatively, Boudet might have been trying to deflect us away from the obvious meaning of the word Lampos, which is lamps or torches, because he knew there was a secret connected with Mt Pech Cardou and this involved the possible burial place of the Grail since, as I noted above, the C’s once said:​

A: Remember, secrets of Knights Templar were kept in caves guided by eternally burning lamps.

But lamps or torches produce their light by burning and this naturally connects us to fire. Trebha Cooper connected the name “Aude” to “like fire”, although my understanding is that the French word for fire is “feu”. However, the Greek word for fire is “pyr” from which the name the Pyrenees derives, this mountain range being close to the Aude region. The C’s once made this same connection in relation to the frequency of light:​

Q: (Ark) It was supposed to be related to sound, but I have a problem with sound because sound frequency depends on the medium in which sound propagates. The medium can be air, can be stone, can be everything; frequency spectrum will depend on the medium. Now we are talking about pyramid and sound related to pyramid. Was this...

A: Yes...Pyramid, Pyrenees, Pyr..

Q: (V) There must be something about the Pyr. How does Pyr relate to prime numbers? (Ark) Where is pyramid, where are they coming from, where's the name coming from, what's this? Pyro, fire, no? (L) Yeah, fire.

A: Frequency of light...

It is interesting to note here that many researchers claim that the Great Pyramid of Giza encodes the speed light in one of its geographical coordinates. The latitude of the Great Pyramid of Giza is 29.9792458 N, which is the same as the speed of light in a vacuum expressed in the contemporary metric system, i.e. 299,792,458 meters per second. Although debunkers deride this claim, the fact remains that it cannot be mere coincidence.

Returning to the C’s though, why did they link the prefix “pyr” with the Pyramid and the Pyrenees and then connect it to the frequency of light? The reference to “Pyramid” makes one immediately think of the Great Pyramid at Giza and the reference to “Pyrenees” makes one automatically think of the enclave of alchemists. Is there a connection between the ancient Egyptian monument and the mountain range which forms the border between Spain and France? Could the connecting link here be the Grail, which could once have been housed in the Great Pyramid at Giza but is now buried somewhere in Galle (Gallia) on what is now the French side of the Pyrenees? There is another potential link though between the Great Pyramid and the Pyrenees and that is the strange colony that once resided at Giza, a site that was originally called Rostau, meaning Ros-Tau, or “Rose-Cross” in English:​

Session 16 August 1997:

Q: Now, supposedly, this area, Giza, was originally called Rostau. It took me awhile to realize that this is, literally, Ros-Tau, or Rose-Cross.

A: Yet another connection, but why?

Q: Well, I don't know! Rostau! That was even before it was called Giza. That is ANCIENT!

A: Yes

This reference to Rostau creates a connection between a group called the Rosteem and the Rosicrucians (their modern-day counterparts), which, as I noted above, seem through Sir Francis Bacon, the real pen behind Shakespeare and possibly the author of Don Quixote, to have had a connection with the enclave of alchemists in the Pyrenees. The Rosteem would seem to have a very ancient pedigree indeed, one which links them with the biblical Elohim:​

Session7 March 1995:

Q: (L) Who were the Elohim of the Bible?
A: Transdefinitive. And variable entities.
[...] First manifestation was human, then non-human. [...]
Q: (L) Well, what brought about their transformation from human to non-human?
A: Pact or covenant.
Q: (L) They made a pact or covenant with each other?
A: No, with 4th density STS.
Q: (L) Well, that is not good! Are you saying that the Elohim are STS? Who were these STS beings they made a pact with?

A: Rosteem, now manifests as Rosicrucians.
Q: (L) What is their purpose?
A: As yet unrevealable to you.

From this we learn that the Rosteem from Giza are a 4th density STS group who entered into a pact or covenant (the Nordic Covenant?) with a group called the Elohim who were once human but, as a result of this pact, became transdefinitive and variable non-human beings. One may assume here that the Rosteem, as 4D STS, could be part of the Quorum and have a direct link with the Orions and the subterranean civilisation known as the ‘Nation of the Third Eye’.

However, this connection between the Rosteem and the Rosicrucians also seems to link them to another group and that is a strange colony that once resided at Giza, which originally came from Harran in Anatolia, a city linked with the Sabian stargazers and the Jewish patriarch Abraham, who the C’s confirmed was also the biblical Moses, a Hittite and a Levite:

Session 22 August 1998:​

Q: One of the things I noticed in this book was that they said that there was a colony from the city of Harran in what is nowadays Turkey, and that this colony formerly resided on the Giza plateau. Is there any connection between this colony they mention and the fact that you said that the ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ were composed in Turkey by an ‘Aryan’ source?

A: Yes.

Q: What relationship is there?

A: One and the same.

So, could this Aryan group residing in modern-day Turkey, who wrote the Protocols of the Elders of Zion’, a blueprint for world domination, who had their roots in the ancient city of Harran and the Giza Plateau, have a direct and continuing link with the enclave of alchemists in the Pyrenees and by extension the Rosteem/Rosicrucians, bearing in mind that the C’s said the alchemists were also part of the Quorum:
Session 16 September 1995:

Q: (RC) And the guy died... (L) That's interesting... Okay, change of subject. Back when we were talking about the pit on Oak Island, and you asked me to do some research on it, the answers I came up with were that the responsible group were alchemists. Is this correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Was one of the alchemists involved Nicholas Flamel?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is it true that there is an enclave of alchemists that live somewhere in the Pyrenees...

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is this the group that you referred to as "The Quorum" in a previous session?

A: Partly.

Q: (L) Do these alchemists use this power
[MJF: monoatomic gold] as talked about by David Hudson to enhance their longevity and their physical health?

A: And to control.

Q: (L) Are there people in this enclave who live for literally hundreds, if not thousands, of years?

A: Open.

This begs the questions where in the Pyrenees this enclave of alchemists is based and when did they first take up residence there? I will say now that tempting as it is to propose that it might have been Mt Pech Cardou, I don’t think it ever was. A possible answer to these questions will have to wait for a subsequent post.

I am left wondering though whether the enclave of alchemists, through their Rosicrucian agents, were the source of Abbé Boudet and Abbé Saunière’s great wealth, since it seems these Languedoc based priests become aware of their secret and were bought off with hush money. The matter was discussed with the C’s in the session dated 28 November 1998:

Q: (L) Okay, meanwhile back at Rennes-le-Chateau, there are these three priests and a bishop who have more money than they ought to have. Clearly, there is something going on there. My thought is, after analyzing it is, the purported ‘parchments’ found in the column of the altar in the church there, were never really found, that they and the purported code were both made up as a clever fraud; the whole thing was made up, yet there is a mystery there. I also think that the connecting of the Shepherds of Arcadia painting to that church, that area of France, is fraudulent also. The smokescreen is being focused there to keep it from being directed elsewhere. Am I on the right track here?

A: Well, quite simply we would say, where is Arcadia? [
MJF: I am proposing that the Pyrenees formed part of Arcadia in pre-Hellenic times]

Q: (L) Arcadia was Turkey. You have made many references to Turkey, to Troy, which was located in what is now Turkey. A lot of funny stuff tracks back there. And, Troy means ‘three.’ Interesting.

A: Tis a clue for you, not a destination!

Q: (L) Well, can you tell me just exactly what these guys, these priests, were getting paid to do or not do? What was the money changing hands for? It was a lot of bucks...

A: Keepers of the guard.
MJF: N.B. You will note that this phrase is similar to the description of Nicolas Poussin who was known as the ‘Keeper of Secrets’.]

Q: (L) Guard of what?

A: Whatever was going on there.

Q: (L) It seems sort of significant to me that, when one of them was getting ready to retire, he was brutally murdered, and seemingly tortured before his death, and the following year this Abbe Sauniere purchased a large tract of land. Was there any connection between Sauniere and the death of Abbe Gelis?

A: Not the point. What happens to those who “know too much?”

Q: (L) Who was paying them? What was the source of the money?

A: Not available to you yet.


Q: (L) Did the three priests know that their interactions may have been connected to an Ultra-terrestrial organization? [MJF: Judging from this question, it seems that Laura may have worked out that the 4D STS Rosteem or the subterranean Aryan ‘Nation of the Third Eye’ may have been involved in this mystery.]

A: No.

Q: (L) They were manipulated?

A: Sure.


Could the fabled Templar treasure and/or the Holy Grail have been hidden within Mt Peche Cardou? I think it is a distinct possibility. The fact that the shaft and cavern within the mountain have only been discovered in recent years, shows that the mountain was undoubtedly a good hiding place to conceal sacred objects or treasure. Moreover, the Templars seem to have left their calling card in the form of a templar cross made from stone on the peak of the mountain and an inscribed eight-pointed templar cross close to the entrance to the hidden shaft. Who left these crosses and when? Finally, we know that German-speaking miners were present in the area in the 12th century carrying out secret works on behalf of the Templar Grand Master, Bertrand de Blanchefort, the nature of which has never been revealed. When taken together with the fact that the artist Nicolas Poussin (the ‘Keeper of Secrets’) appears to have used Mt Pech Cardou as the backdrop to the tomb in his painting of The Shepherds of Arcadia and Abbé Henri Boudet seems to have made some odd and very enigmatic remarks about the mountain in his book The True Celtic Language, the evidence, albeit circumstantial, points to the conclusion that Mt. Pech Cardou may have been used to hide something of great value and that something could have been the Grail.

Before people rush to the mountain to start digging, I believe that if the mountain was at one time the depository for the Grail, a role it may have still been fulfilling in Poussin’s time, it is extremely unlikely that the Grail remains there today. This is because I have reason to believe that there is a group which has been charged with looking after the Grail until either the time is right for it to be revealed to the world or the appropriate STO person comes forward, like a modern-day King Arthur pulling the sword from the stone, to reclaim the ‘Gift of God’ on behalf of humanity and use it for mankind’s benefit.​
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I am taking a short, late summer break on the south coast this week. However, before I depart, I thought I would post the following article I prepared on the Enclave of Alchemists in the Pyrenees as something of a postscript to my last post on Poussin’s Mountainous Mystery. I hope it will provide much food for thought and I welcome comments and feedback. Who knows, perhaps someone reading this will be brave enough to pose the question to the C's in an upcoming session.
The Enclave of Alchemists

In my previous article Poussin’s Mountainous Mystery Part 5, I discussed the possible whereabouts of the enclave of alchemists, which the Rosicrucian manifesto known as the Fama Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis (The Fame of the Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross) referred to as the ‘Grand Council of the Elect’. The only clue the C’s have given us is that it was somewhere in the Pyrenees.

The mountain range known as the Pyrenees marks the current border between France and Spain. This border has changed many times over the centuries, however, and the mountains have seen the comings and goings of numerous races, tribes and kingdoms over the millennia. As I have argued elsewhere, the region may well have been part of the Bronze Age kingdom of Arcadia, a kingdom that was subjugated by the Mycenaeans and would fight on the side of the Greeks or Achaeans during the Siege of Troy, as described by the Greek poet Homer in his books the Iliad and the Odyssey. Indeed, it was the Arcadians who came up with the ruse of the Wooden Horse that eventually brought around Troy’s downfall.

There are many fanciful mythical tales that seek to explain the derivation of the name “Pyrenees”. Leaving these on one side, classical sources derived the name “Pyrenees” from the Greek word for fire, which is “Pyr”. According to the Greek historian Diodorus Siculusin ancient times, we are told, certain herdsmen left a fire and the whole area of the mountains was entirely consumed; and due to this fire, since it raged continuously day after day, the surface of the earth was also burned and the mountains, because of what had taken place, were called the Pyrenees." Could it be though that it was not herdsmen that caused such a fire but a cometary bombardment which engulfed the region, the sight of which left a lasting memory for the Celtic peoples who witnessed it, who would over time flee eastwards to the Peloponnese to escape the devastation and establish the Hellenic Greek civilisation of the classical age?

The Pyrenees mountain range extends nearly 500 km (310 miles) in distance from their union with the Cantabrian Mountains in the west to Cap de Creus on the Mediterranean coast in the east. So where does one start to look for the enclave? I would suggest the east of the mountain range given that the main centre of alchemy in medieval Europe was the ancient city of Girona located in the extreme north-east of Spain in what was the old kingdom of Catalonia. The city lies just south of the Pyrenees and is close to the border with France. One reason for suggesting this eastern part of the Pyrenees is that one of the alchemists the C’s confirmed as being a member of the enclave of alchemists is the medieval Frenchman Nicolas Flamel who is believed to have created and discovered the philosopher’s stone and to have thereby achieved immortality:​

Q: … Back when we were talking about the pit on Oak Island, and you asked me to do some research on it, the answers I came up with were that the responsible group were alchemists. Is this correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Was one of the alchemists involved Nicholas Flamel?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is it true that there is an enclave of alchemists that live somewhere in the Pyrenees...

A: Yes.

Nicolas Flamel lived between 1330 – 1418 A.D., which means he was born not long after the demise of the Knights Templar, a group that is known to have practised alchemy. According to texts ascribed to Flamel almost 200 years after his death, he had learned the alchemical secrets from a Jewish converso (a Jewish convert to Catholicism) sage on the road to Santiago de Compostela (St. James of Compostela), which is situated in the extreme north-west of Spain. The sage helped him to understand the text of a mysterious 21-page book he had purchased in 1357, which the sage identified as a copy of the original Book of Abramelin the Mage. The Book of Abramelin tells the story of an Egyptian mage named Abraham, or Abra-Melin, who taught a system of magic to Abraham of Worms in Germany. The book is framed as a sort of epistolary novel (i.e., an exchange of letters) or autobiography in which Abraham of Worms describes his journey from Germany to Egypt and reveals Abramelin’s magical and Kabbalistic secrets to his son Lamech. For me it is curious that this narrative to some extent reflects the story told in the first Rosicrucian Manifesto, the Fama Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis, of "Father C.R." and his pilgrimage to Jerusalem and his subsequent tutelage by the secret sages of the East from whom he learned the ancient esoteric knowledge which included the study of magic and kabbalah. Perhaps this is no coincidence.

Historians believe that Flamel’s reputation as an author, alchemist and immortal adept was mainly an invention of the 17th century, which happens to be the same century as the Rosicrucians first appeared in the public domain through the publication of their Manifestos. According to legend, Flamel succeeded at the two goals of alchemy: that is, he made the Philosopher’s Stone which transforms base metals into golds and he and his wife, Perenelle, achieved immortality through the "Elixir of Life" (David Hudson’s monoatomic gold). Although Flamel is meant to have died in 1418, according to the C’s he was still alive in the 16th century since he seems to have been involved in the burial of the treasure (i.e., the Trans-dimensional Atomic Remolecularisation Machine or TDARM) on Oak Island in Nova Scotia, which the C’s said took place in the 1500’s (see above):

Apart from confirming that the Oak Island Money Pit was dug in the 1500’s and it involved a multinational group, the C’s also refer to a sect that claimed conscious communion with higher powers (4th density). This could be a subtle reference to the Rosicrucians, who may have had a presence in British North America from amongst the earliest British settlers, given that Sir Francis Bacon, a senior Rosicrucian, was the first Secretary of the Virginia Company, which was chartered by King James I in April 1610. However, recent discoveries by the Lagina brothers in their televised quest to find the Treasure of Oak Island have pointed more and more to the Knights Templar being the main group who facilitated the use of Oak Island as a repository for the buried treasure and this enterprise was a multigenerational activity. The Knights Templar certainly fit the description of a sect, being a breakaway group from the Roman Catholic Church (the Order was dissolved for heresy in 1314) to whom they had claimed communion in spite of their gnostic leanings and Cathar sympathies and they may well have used Kabbalistic methods which they learned from documents they unearthed during their excavations in Jerusalem to commune with higher powers (I would also not rule out their use of the pure crystal skull they referred to as Baphomet as being one means of facilitating such communications). You might argue that they had been dissolved for over 200 years by the time the burial of the TDARM was accomplished. However, the C’s rebutted the idea that the Templars had been completely dissolved and claimed they had simply gone underground instead:​

Q: Speaking of these tall guys, William Wallace's life was sort of symbolic, in my mind, and he was supposed to have been over 6 and a half feet tall. During the time that all that mess was going on over in Scotland with Wallace and the Bruce, the Templars were being dissolved in France...

A: Dissolved?!? We think not! They merely went "underground".

Q: Is that literally or figuratively?

A: Why not both?

If the Templars went underground literally, where did they do so? We know they specialised in building underground tunnels and safe spaces or made use of existing natural underground refuges such as caves, caverns and old mines. An example of the former can be found in their old fortress in the Crusader city of Acre where an intricate system of tunnels survives to this day; an example of the latter would be Jerusalem, whose deep underground caves and tunnel systems allegedly allowed the Templars to sneak the Ark of the Covenant and Holy Grail out of the city, even as it was being besieged on all sides by Moslem forces. But could the C’s reference to “underground” convey something even deeper here? We know that the Aryan ‘Nation of the Third Eye’ have deep underground bases scattered around the world. Like the Nazis in Antarctica in the 1940’s, could some of the Templars have sought refuge with the Nation of the Third Eye and, if so, could this have resulted in the establishment of the enclave of alchemists in the Pyrenees?

The Templars had a very strong presence on both sides of the Pyrenees and there is no doubt that upon the Order’s suppression in 1307, many French Templars fled south of the border to seek refuge or sanctuary in the various mini kingdoms of 14th century Spain and in Portugal, which was a templar state in all but name. Other Templars in France no doubt simply abandoned their Templar robes and regalia and merged into the general population, perhaps continuing to meet together in secret, thus fulfilling the claim they went underground figuratively as well as literally. Indeed, some researchers believe that it was English Templars continuing to meet in secret who established the first Masonic lodges in 14th century England, based perhaps at their various farm buildings or ‘camerae’ (the subsidiary farms attached to Templar preceptories).

If you wanted to establish a secret refuge, which would be hard to detect by hostile forces, I think you would naturally seek a remote, out of the way location with limited access and a minimal local population among whom you could keep a low profile. The Templars had, of course, been a monastic religious order who owed their foundation to the Cistercian Order, whose leading Abbott, St Bernard of Clairvaux, had written their original Rule. Monastic orders like the Cistercians had long sought out remote, isolated places to establish their monasteries, as had the Desert Fathers of Egypt before them, who might be considered as the proto-Christian monks. Hence, seeking a remote, isolated location would not be unusual for men like the Templars who lived a monastic life in common.

Is there anywhere in the Pyrenees where there is surviving evidence to show that a secretive enclave may have ben established? Well yes there is, and the location meets our needs perfectly.
The Ghost Town of Perillos

In 1995, a French researcher, André Douzet, discovered a topographical model of the Holy Places in Israel that was made in the early 20th century. In an envelope taped to the bottom of the model he found a number of letters and specifications allegedly written by Abbé Bérenger Saunière, the parish priest of Rennes-le-Château, to the model maker. In one letter, Saunière talks about the specifications for the model. In a second letter, only recently published, he talks about a second copy of the model intended for another priest in an unknown location (MJF: perhaps his friend and fellow collaborator in the mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau, Abbé Henri Boudet). The model depicts the primary sites associated with the passion of Christ in Jerusalem, including the location of two notable tombs, those of Jesus Christ and Joseph of Arimathea. The model is a clay pre-production copy intended to be made into brass. The correspondence suggests that the end product was never finished as it seems Saunière died before it could be completed. Douzet suspected that Saunière may have wanted to leave one last clue. For one thing though the topography did not match the sites in the Holy Land which the model is supposed to depict. For years Douzet tried to link the landscape depicted in the model with the region of Rennes-le-Château but without success. It was not until he sought to make a copy of the model for display in the Villa Bethania, Saunière’s guest house in Rennes-le-Château, that he at last recognised a feature on the negative plastic mould, which was the Roc Redon near the ruined and abandoned village of Perillos.

The village of Perillos was once occupied by the Lords of Perillos, who counted among their number the illustrious Ramon de Perillos, Grand Master of the Knights of Malta (the modern name for the Hospitaller Order of St John of Jerusalem and later Rhodes, a medieval Catholic military order like the Knights Templar) from 1697 until his death 22 years later. In the 14th century, the Lord of Périllos was made a viscount by King John I of Aragon for the former’s continuous help in fighting the occupying Moslems. This, of course, was the century in which the Templars were disbanded but it also shows the antiquity of the Lords of Perillos who would have ruled Perillos during Templar times. Perillos was in modern times part of the parish of Durban-Corbiêres. Curiously, Abbe Antoine Gêlis and Abbe Henri Boudet were both priests assigned to Durban. These priests are linked with Abbé Bérenger Saunière in the mystery of Rennes-le-Château, Gêlis being horribly murdered after first being tortured. It may come as no surprise to learn then that locals living in the village recall Abbé Saunière visiting certain families in the village and showing a marked interest in their family archives.

Today the village of Perillos lies abandoned, a ghost town in what is one of roughest and most barren landscapes in the whole of France. It forms a former commune in the Pyrénées-Orientales, a department of the region of Occitania in southern France. It formerly formed part of the province of Roussillon, an area that was dominated by the Knights Templar. The nearest inhabited place to it today is Opoul-Perillos. At the time of its aggregation to Opoul in 1972, the village of Perillos was already deserted.
The abandoned village of Périllos
Whilst searching for what it was that may have drawn Saunière’s attention to Perillos, Douzet stumbled across a notary register from the year 1632 in which the royal notary Courtade had described the transfer of some land from Spain to France under the terms of the Treaty of the Pyrenees of 1659, which ended the Franco-Spanish war that had begun in 1635. The treaty had been negotiated on the French side by the famous Cardinal Mazarin (the first minister to King Louis XIV). On one of its pages, Douzet found a mention in a small paragraph of a tract of land that was administratively untouchable and non-transmissible, on which it was even forbidden to cut or collect wood or stones or remove anything else from it. There was a complete prohibition against the sale of the land. It appears that even the Lords of Perillos were subject to the terms of this treaty where this particular parcel of land was concerned. Effectively, it was a closed enclave without any access lying within the territory of the Lords of Perillos. Even though they were responsible for guarding it, they were not allowed to manage it. The land no longer belonged to them and in no manner were they permitted to intervene in it or make use of it. This appears on the face of it to have been a really bizarre arrangement, one which had the full weight of the crown behind it. However, there is no indication in the treaty as to who the new owners were and who may have had the right to use the land.

It seems that the great French cartographer Jacques Cassini (1676-1756), who oversaw the first ever topographical survey of France, had more than a passing interest in the area. He spent almost a year and a half in Opoul, which seems to have been an extraordinary length of time to allocate for one small territory relative to the rest of France that he still had to map. Moreover, during the time he spent in Opoul, he lived in fairly modest conditions compared to the luxury he normally lived in. Ironically, despite the time he spent in the area, he never provided a detailed survey of Perillos. This begs the question why?

As the author of the piece from which I have taken this information says, it is not hard to imagine why someone would choose to hide a secret here. The area is riddled with caves and crevasses. It would take years to systematically search this piece of land. Hence, as I said above, this land ticks all the boxes for somebody who wanted to establish a secret refuge or an enclave in a remote location. The peculiar legal status of the land, where even the rights of the local lords were overridden, points to some secret hand moving behind the scenes, which could even dictate the terms of an international treaty between two powerful states, one of which was ruled by Louis XIV, the ‘Sun King’, perhaps the most powerful monarch in Europe at that time. In this connection let us recall here how desperate King Louis XIV was to lay his hands on Nicolas Poussin’s painting The Shepherds of Arcadia, a painting which supposedly lies behind the mystery of Rennes-le-Château. When Louis finally managed to acquire it, he hid it away in his royal chambers where it could be viewed only with the King’s express consent. Was there some power that even the Sun King, the most powerful man in Europe, feared?

Could that power have been the enclave of alchemists with their connections to the Rosicrucians, the modern manifestation of the Rosteem, and perhaps with links to the strange group who wrote the ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ in Anatolia, a blueprint for world domination, whose roots lay in the ancient city of Harran, which once had a colony that resided on the Giza Plateau? If the Rosteem, who may have links to the STS 4th density subterranean civilisation known as the Nation of the Third Eye, are the power behind the group who wrote the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, then it is easy to see why King Louis had reason to fear them given how the Protocols seem to have been ruthlessly carried out to the letter in the 20th century and even now are being implemented in the 21st century. And let us not forget that according to the C’s the alchemists form part of the Quorum, an STS group mainly comprised of aliens, who the C’s said have recently met in order to discuss program changes and the future of the Earth (ref. the session dated 6 July 2024).

Could the enclave of alchemists therefore be based at Perillos in the foothills of the Pyrenees somewhere underground? Obviously, I can’t prove this but given the remoteness of the location, its inaccessibility and the mystery surrounding the 1659 transfer of land in Perillos subject to the strange conditions which even overrode the rights of the Lords of Perillos (one of whom was a Grand Master of the Knights of Malta) whose land it was, then this area seems like a perfect candidate to me for housing the secretive enclave.

It is worth mentioning that the department Pyrénées-Orientales in which Perillos is situated is located next door to the department of Aude where Rennes-le-Château and Mt Pech Cardou are to be found. It is also interesting to note that the three priests who sat at the centre of the mystery of Rennes-le-Château all had a connection with or interest in Perillos, which in their time was a part of the parish of Durban-Corbiêres. It is also curious that Saunière should have instructed a model maker to create a clay topographical model of the area around Perillos shortly before his death and that he intended to order a second copy for a priest friend who is most likely to have been Abbé Henri Boudet. Saunière was known to be an avid collector of rocks, whilst Boudet was something of an amateur geologist who took a keen interest in the geology and topography of the region as well as its history and folklore. As to why Saunière collected rocks, the C’s once said the following:
Q: Okay! I can accept that! What was Berenger Sauniere collecting all those rocks for?

A: What about conductor?

Q: What do you mean?

A: What conducts?

Q: Was he building a little Stonehenge?

A: Have you researched the power of Stonehenge, and how it relates... where it fits in?

Q: Yes, we are bit by bit collecting things...

A: Well? And crop circles? Amazing connections... And what of "The Rosy Cross?"

Well various metals, minerals and crystals that can be found within rocks do conduct electricity. Iron and quartz spring readily to mind. The granite and limestone rocks at Stonehenge, for example, contain quartz, which under stress produces a piezo-electric effect. The same is true of the Great Pyramid of Giza, which may be the reason why the C’s mentioned “The Rosy Cross”, since the Giza Plateau where the Great Pyramid is located was once known as Rostau, “Ros-tau” meaning “rose-cross”. This, of course, leads us back to the Rosicrucians, the Rosteem and the strange group who wrote the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, who originally came from Harran and once had a colony based at Giza. However, as I have previously written, Saunière may have been a quasi-Rosicrucian himself, as he belonged to the French Martinist Order (a Rosicrucian offshoot) and he also possessed Rosicrucian regalia. As to crop circles, these may appear in places which have a special topography and geology. For example, many crop circles have appeared within the English county of Wiltshire where Stonehenge is located, which the C’s said was part of a larger “window” area that covered much of Britain (N.B. which shows how vast these windows can be):​

Q: (L) Why are there so many crop circles in Britain?

A: Window. Why Stonehenge was built there.

It should be noted that Wiltshire is also a UFO hotspot, which suggests UFOs may be attracted to these window areas. This is also true of stone structures with crystals embedded in them like Stonehenge where UFO’s have frequently been observed:​

Q: (L) Then why is it that the Celts seem to have been the ones who erected these stones, and the stones and chambers seem to be connected with the black boomerangs?

A: If you build a house, then someone comes along and installs a 220 volt plug in it, what connection do you have with the clothes dryer?

Q: (T) Two different things. You build a house, somebody comes along and installs an improvement and uses it in another way.

A: Crystals make density and dimensional windows open from "time to time" thus making the oblivious quite obvious.

This takes us back to the Rennes-le-Château area, which the C’s confirmed was also a ‘window’ area like southern Britain where Stonehenge is located:​

Session 28 November 1998:

Q: (L) Well, I STILL want to know what is at the root of the mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau, and why all this ‘cottage industry’ in treasure hunting is going on there...

A: Treasure hunters lack patience in their quest.

Q: (A) Is there something about these places, properties of certain minerals located at these sites around the world, is this an important factor?

A: Partly.

Q: (A) Okay, there are three possibilities. The first possibility is there are some important places because they are located in a special geo-magnetic position; second, these places are important because there are some natural resources there which make possible there something which is very difficult in other places. The third possibility is that these places have been used many, many years ago to bury some technological devices... and these three things can be related...

A: And all three can be true, in fact.


Q: (L) So, if I am progressing ‘just fine,’ that must mean that my assessment of the parchments, and related things, is correct. This whole thing is probably cooked up to lead people completely astray from what is REALLY going on there. There probably isn’t a ‘treasure’ there, as such... is there something buried in that region of some considerable import?

A: Maybe.

Q: (L) Does it have something to do with alien, or extra-terrestrial, or ULTRA-terrestrial interference or activities on our planet?
MJF: If the enclave of alchemists is based at Perillos close to Rennes-le-Château, then this might explain the C’s answer below.]

A: Probably.

Q: (L) Did the three priests know that their interactions may have been connected to an Ultra-terrestrial organization?

A: No.

Q: (L) They were manipulated?

A: Sure.

Q: (L) Is that area a ‘window’ area similar to the area in New York?

A: These truths are self-evident.

Q: (L) Do buried minerals in the ground have something to do with window areas?


Q: (L) Are there large caches of gold buried at different places around the planet to enhance the ‘window’ effect?

A: Good possibility.

As to large caches of gold, if the enclave of alchemists was based nearby at Perillos, then given that alchemists have the ability to transform base metals into gold and the C’s have hinted that the enclave also uses monoatomic gold to extend their lives and to exert absolute control, they might well have a cache of gold at the enclave for their own private use, which could, for example, have been used to fund chosen projects including wars and revolutions.
The C’s followed up their earlier statements about the Rennes-le-Château area being a window in the session dated 5 December 1998:

Q: Okay, Mike asks further: The six mountains at Rennes-le-Chateau form a natural pentagon surrounded by a circle. This reminds me of ancient spell-casters surrounding themselves with a circle when summoning spirits or demons. Was this area set up as a giant gateway or place of summoning?

A: Gateways occur where the conditions are right.

Q: Is this area a gateway?

A: Window.

Q: If it is, do the five surrounding peaks contain or shield whatever...

A: Contain is o.k.

Q: So, he is right, it DOES contain. Does this have to do with Atlantean technology and energy production?

A: In an offhand way.

In the subsequent session, the C’s gave an explanation of what a window is:

Session 12 December 1998:

Q: It seems to me that if what he was saying was true, that he certainly would not be allowed to say it. It's based on and converges with all the stories they are telling about Rennes-le-Chateau and seems to be more smokescreen. Anyway, Mike has questions. (M) You said that this place over Rennes-le-Chateau was a window. What is a window? (L) Now, I realize that we have all assumed that we know what a window is, but we have never really asked for a definition. Could you define for us a 'window?

A: Convergence; opening to alternative states via energy grid points.

Q: Are windows where you can pass back and forth? Moving between realms?

A: It is possible.

Q: How does a window differ from a 'portal?'

A: Window is open, portal is crafted.

Q: A window is naturally occurring portal?

A: Close.

Q: Does a window remain open all the time, or does it open and close for various reasons.

A: Closer to latter.

Q: What determines its opening and closing?

A: Frequency.

Q: Frequency of what?

A: Energy patterns.

Q: Frequency patterns of the area itself, or of people, or of people in interaction with the area?

A: Former.

[… ]

Q: He wanted to know why the EM grid was important...

A: See 1954 UFO mapping study: France.

This last reference to UFO studies seems to confirm that UFOs make use of window areas to refuel at the 3rd density level on what are natural energy grid points. However, they also seem to be points where you can switch between realms. This would be particularly attractive to 4th density beings who wish to move between density levels. This makes me wonder whether the enclave of alchemists chose this area (assuming Perillos falls within the Rennes-le-Château window area, as I suspect it does) of the Pyrenees to take advantage of the naturally occurring window so they can move between their base within the inner Earth and the surface world at ease, without the need to create a portal. I am assuming for these purposes that the alchemists in the enclave have all done the Great Work* and have transitioned to 4th density rather as was the case it seems with the celebrated French alchemist Fulcanelli, who may well have joined the enclave after he disappeared in 1926.

According to Fulcanelli’s student Eugène Canseliet, he had a secret meeting with Fulcanelli in Spain in 1953 several years after his disappearance. Canseliet had known Fulcanelli as an old man in his 80s but now his Master had grown younger and had physically changed in appearance: he was now an androgynous creature, a being Fulcanelli called ‘The Divine Androgyne’.

This leads me to wonder whether Saunière and Boudet had somehow stumbled upon the alchemists’ secret. It is known that Saunière, as a Martinist, engaged in spiritualism to contact 5th density souls. Could he have learned of alternative states of consciousness by these means? If so, did he make contact with 4th density and, if this was the case, did he engage with the enclave of alchemists?

Unlike Boudet, who remained a humble country pastor and spent most of the money he received on good works, Saunière enjoyed an ostentatious lifestyle, which involved spending freely and hob knobbing with and entertaining members of high society, including even royalty. He seems to have led a double life, which involved associations with women despite his priestly vow of celibacy. This was not just confined to France either, since he was a frequent visitor to Spain and especially the city of Girona, which once had a Jewish quarter that was the centre for the leading Kabbalistic school in medieval Europe. I hope to continue Saunière’s story and his links to the Rosicrucians in an upcoming post.

*As to the “Great Work”, Fulcanelli allegedly gave the secret away during a clandestine meeting with Jacques Bergier (a chemical engineer and esoteric writer) in 1937.

Walter Lang reports that Fulcanelli communicated with Jacques Bergier to warn French atomic physicist André Helbronner of man's impending use of nuclear weapons. According to Fulcanelli, nuclear weapons had been used before, by and against humanity.

The meeting between Jacques Bergier and Fulcanelli reportedly occurred during June 1937 in a laboratory of the Gas Board in Paris. According to Neil Powell, the following is a translation of the original verbatim transcript of the rendezvous:

"You're on the brink of success, as indeed are several others of our scientists today. Please, allow me. Be very very careful. I warn you... The liberation of nuclear power is easier than you think and the radioactivity artificially produced can poison the atmosphere of our planet in a very short time: a few years. Moreover, atomic explosives can be produced from a few grains of metal powerful enough to destroy whole cities. I'm telling you this for a fact: the alchemists have known it for a very long time... I shall not attempt to prove to you what I'm now going to say but I ask you to repeat it to Mr. Helbronner: certain geometrical arrangements of highly purified materials are enough to release atomic forces without having recourse to either electricity or vacuum techniques... The secret of alchemy is this: there is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."

When Bergier asked Fulcanelli about the Philosopher's Stone, the alchemist answered: "...the vital thing is not the transmutation of metals but that of the experimenter himself. It is an ancient secret that a few people rediscover each century. Unfortunately, only a handful are successful..."

Moreover, this was not the only strange occurrence that took place at Bézu over the centuries, since the town was involved in a strange counterfeiting episode in 1339 (a mere 25 years after the Templars had been suppressed) where bizarrely the counterfeit gold coins involved contained more gold than the official currency. As Farrell notes, this is unique and almost without precedent in history, where you have counterfeit good money driving out bad. When the royal treasury ministers investigated the matter, they discovered that the perpetrators were not common villains but instead the town’s nobility, who all received a full pardon for their illegal activities, which was quite exceptional in the circumstances. Interestingly, the source of the gold they used has never been established. Was it from a hoard of treasure or alchemical gold perhaps?
This interesting historical fact has a strong resemblance to the plot of the story "It's Hard to Be a God" (1963) by Soviet writers Arkady and Boris Strugatsky.
From Wikipedia (with my additions):
The story takes place in the future, on a planet with a humanoid civilization, in the local state of Arkanar. Representatives of the civilization are physically indistinguishable from people. The civilization is at a level of development corresponding to the earthly late Middle Ages. Employees of the earthly Institute of Experimental History are secretly present on the planet, having begun monitoring the development of civilization more than two decades ago.
The main character of the story, Anton, acts under the guise of a nobleman, Don Rumata. He pays everywhere with gold coins, in which the gold content is much higher than in the official money of Arkanar. He is caught red-handed, because his gold is "too pure".
Don Rumata gets his gold with the help of a special device, the action of which is similar to TDARM [transdimensional atomic remolecularization].

Hi MJF. I wrote an email to the museum (Kunstkamera) with questions regarding this artifact. I attached a scan of the Nexus Magazine article and described the situation in detail.

If these guys (from the museum) don't think I'm the town crazy, they should reply to the email. Let's hope so.
I received a response to my letter from the Kunstkamera. The museum does not store the original artifact itself (hieroglyphic signs on the skin), but its photo print.
They did not provide any other details.
So we only have an old photo from 1914-1915 and nothing more. We do not know where the original piece of leather with the writing from Peru is.

Original text of the response in Russian:

Судя по номеру предмета статье опубликован фотоотпечаток. Вы можете убедиться в этом по материалам (

светочувствительный слой, бумажная подложка).

Этот предмет находится в фондах музея. Вы прислали ссылку на сайт – это сайт коллекции онлайн. На нем мы выкладываем информацию о музейных предметах и их фотографии. На сайте уже выложено изображение в хорошем качестве
This interesting historical fact has a strong resemblance to the plot of the story "It's Hard to Be a God" (1963) by Soviet writers Arkady and Boris Strugatsky.
From Wikipedia (with my additions):
The story takes place in the future, on a planet with a humanoid civilization, in the local state of Arkanar. Representatives of the civilization are physically indistinguishable from people. The civilization is at a level of development corresponding to the earthly late Middle Ages. Employees of the earthly Institute of Experimental History are secretly present on the planet, having begun monitoring the development of civilization more than two decades ago.
The main character of the story, Anton, acts under the guise of a nobleman, Don Rumata. He pays everywhere with gold coins, in which the gold content is much higher than in the official money of Arkanar. He is caught red-handed, because his gold is "too pure".
Don Rumata gets his gold with the help of a special device, the action of which is similar to TDARM [transdimensional atomic remolecularization].

I received a response to my letter from the Kunstkamera. The museum does not store the original artifact itself (hieroglyphic signs on the skin), but its photo print.
They did not provide any other details.
So we only have an old photo from 1914-1915 and nothing more. We do not know where the original piece of leather with the writing from Peru is.
Well at least you received a response from the museum, which is something. It is curious that the museum admits to no longer storing the original artefact, leaving just an old photograph as evidence of the original. This makes it easier to suggest it is possibly a fake. Moreover, the original object made of leather

In fairness, unlike the Smithsonian Museum in Washington (where unhelpful things such as giant skeletons have gone missing over the years), the city of St Petersburg underwent a brutal siege in WW2 (when the city was then known as Leningrad) which caused immense destruction. Perhaps many artefacts were sent away for storage elsewhere including the leather skin artefact. How good the museum's records are of that dark time in history must be debateable. Moreover, it is well known that Himmler's SS Ahnenerbe division raided many museums to seize any artefacts or objects which supported their race theories. They would often follow hard on the heels of German combat divisions when they occupied newly captured territory. I know they were very active in what is now the Ukraine so whether this was also true of St Petersburg, I don't know. However, this leather skin artefact certainly would fit in with the kind of object they would have an interest in, particularly as it is suggestive of an Aryan origin. Thank you again though for writing to the museum.

As regards the book you mention, it is interesting that the story line reflects what seems to have actually happened at Bezu. Perhaps the author was aware of what occurred there and worked it into his story. Who knows? I would not rule out the role of alchemy though in producing large quantities of pure gold since, if the Templars were skilled alchemists as has been claimed, they may have left some of this gold in the Bezu area where they had a very strong presence (which for a while survived the Templar suppression that was instigated by King Philip IV in France in 1307 AD) and where they may have gone underground. Indeed, I would not rule out that some Templars may have joined the enclave of alchemists in the Pyrenees and they could even perhaps have been the group who originally established the enclave. If I am right about Perillos being the location of the enclave, then it is worth noting that Bezu is not that far from there.

It is curious that the C's should have referred in the transcripts to "Zuber" (N.B. there is a town of that name on the eastern coast of Florida not far from where Laura was based at that time, which intriguingly lies on the 29th parallel as does the Great Pyramid at Giza), which Laura subsequently realised was possibly an anagram for "Bezu":
Q: That’s exactly what they looked like. Okay, if you take your series of sound from those that form a three dimensional pyramid by the proximity based on the flattened pyramids... it really doesn’t matter where you start? You pick one, and take the ones that are connected, is that the idea?

A: Close. But, you will not discover the answer tonight. For example: you have already seen that we sometimes employ anagrams...

(A) What about ‘zuber’ and this ‘bezu’ mentioned in this book, The Horse of God? Was it an anagram?

A: Oh now, it may just have been.

Q: (L) Well, it freaked ME out, coming the next day after last week’s session... with the mention of ‘chevin’ and the funny numbers representing the Golden ratio and all that... it was amazing, even if the woman does not have a clue of what she is talking about!

A: Learning is such fun. Ludvig put words to his music.

(L) Yes... the poetry of Wolfgang Schiller. His Ode to Joy.

A: What does Schiller, or Schoeller mean?

Now that you brought this up! This is a VERY strange thing because this guy wrote a bunch of cosmic poems to someone named Laura, and they were about universes and gravity and the music of the spheres, and reincarnation, time and time warps, a bunch of funny stuff. He even wrote one that begins: ‘I was in Arcadia born...’ He hung out with Von Eckarthausen and I think he was an alchemist...

A: Was he zuber?

Q: (A) Zauber, in German, means ‘magic.’ (L) Close enough!
(A) Does this mean he was a magician?

A: Other close one... Zeuber?

Perhaps the C's had wider motives in mind for drawing our attention to Bezu. Laura mentions the "Chevin" above, which, as I have pointed out on this thread, is a ridgeway ("Chevin" simply means "back", "ridge" or "ridge of high land") along which an old Roman road once ran that linked various Roman settlements in Yorkshire including York (Eboracum), Tadcaster and Ilkley. The Chevin seems to have has a special significance in Megalithic times since there is a peculiar line of stones standing on the Chevin near the present town of Otley (see below).


Otley Chevin Megalithic Stone Boundary

Apparently, the provenance of this line of stones below Surprise View on Otley Chevin is unknown but they are undoubtedly of ancient origin, probably marking an old property boundary. In some ways they remind me of the lines of stones that you can see at Carnac in Brittany, France. Could there be a connection maybe?

The mention of Yorkshire also links us to the town of Doncaster (an old Roman fort and garrison town), which is the "Dancar" (as in the "Philosophers of Dancar") referred to in the Rosicrucian manifesto known as the "Fama Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis", which may have been written by Sir Francis Bacon's circle if not by the man himself. The C's also linked Bacon indirectly with the enclave of alchemists in the Pyrenees:
Q: (RC) And the guy died... [MJF: By a curious coincidence "RC" happens to be the initials for the society of the Rosy Cross or the Rosicrucians] (L) That's interesting... Okay, change of subject. Back when we were talking about the pit on Oak Island, and you asked me to do some research on it, the answers I came up with were that the responsible group were alchemists. Is this correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Was one of the alchemists involved Nicholas Flamel?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is it true that there is an enclave of alchemists that live somewhere in the Pyrenees...

A: Yes.

And then:
A: Connect the Rosicrucians to your favourite island by the "beech". Horticulturally, please, and family. [MJF: As Laura subsequently discovered, Bacon's surname was derived from the old French Norman word "beech" and this therefore seems to be an affirmation by the C's that Bacon was a Rosicrucian]

Q: Oak Island?

A: Yup! Then, connect the Pyrenees to the Canaries.

And, of course, the treasure buried on Oak Island just happens to be a TDARM, which could be used perhaps to transform base materials into gold.

It is worth bearing in mind here that the Rosicrucians are a ritual based organisation who use chanting in their ceremonies (which may have a possible link with the use of Kabbalah where chanting is also practised). The same was also true of the Knights Templar as well (who notably wore a red coloured cross - a "rosy cross" - on their tunics), since although they were ostensibly a religious military order, they were also a monastic institution in which the members of the order would have been required to meet in common at certain times of the day in order to pray or chant the 'Holy Office' as all Catholic monastic communities do. This point will take on more relevance in my next post since by a remarkable synchronicity, which occurred literally after posting my last article on the enclave of alchemists, I unexpectedly came across an interesting reference to Perillos in a book that I am currently reading. Indeed, what I read only cements my suspicion that Perillos is the base of the enclave of alchemists and chanting plays a part in this.

Before signing off, I wonder if any German speakers can comment on the C's references above to the German names Schiller or Schoeller and their use of the word "zuber" in the extract from the transcripts above.

My understanding is that "Schoeller" is an occupational name deriving from the word “schöllen,” which means “to peel or shred bark from trees.” The surname likely originated in medieval times in what is now modern-day Germany and denotes a person who peeled bark from trees to produce dyes or tanning materials. The name was most adopted by dye works in Medieval Germany, and quickly spread across Germany and Central Europe as people moved in search of work. Although the literal translation of Schoeller is “bark peeler,” or “bark layer,” the name could also be a patronymic name for people named Schöllen, or what is called a metronymic for someone associated with the Schöllen family, such as a potential tenant of the family estate. The most common variants of the name Schoeller are Schoell, Schoeler, Schöler, and Schöller. However, my source makes no mention of the connection to the name "Schiller" as the C's did.

An alternative derivation provides that the surname is derived from the Bavarian and Austrian word "Schellenreiter" which means the man who was in charge of collecting dues or taxes from peasants. Variants of the name include Scholl, Schoeler, Shuler, Schuler, Schuller, Schollaire, Scheller, and Schoellera.

According to Wikipedia, the Schoeller[a] family is a German noble family. Originally from the Rhineland, the family had extensive business holdings throughout Europe for many a generation. While most members of the family initially worked as Reidemeister (metal manufacturers) in the Eifel, beginning in the 18th century, they became founders, shareholders and managers of numerous companies in the textile, paper, sugar and steel industries as well as in packaging technology. They also formed Schoellerbank, a trading and banking house in Vienna which was founded initially as a wholesaler in 1833. They were also involved in the coal mining industry, in the construction and railway industry, in breweries and with other banking and trading houses.

For more see: Schoeller family - Wikipedia

Interestingly, the Knights Templar were also involved in metal manufacture and possessed numerous mines throughout western Europe and smelting operations - the lead Templar cross found on Oak Island would seem to have come from lead mined at one of their mines in southern France.

The surname Schiller by way of contrast is supposed to derive from Middle High German schilher (“a person who suffers from strabismus”), a byname derived from Middle High German schilhen, schillen (“to suffer from strabismus”), whence also modern German schielen. Strabismus is a defect of vision in which one eye cannot focus with the other on an object because of imbalance of the eye muscles and is basically a squint.

Laura mentions that Wolfgang Schiller was heavily into universes and gravity and the music of the spheres, reincarnation, time and time warps even writing a poem that begins: ‘I was in Arcadia born...’ She states that he hung out with Von Eckarthausen who she thought was an alchemist. Well, this makes me wonder whether Schiller could have been aware of the enclave of alchemists in the Pyrenees, which I have argued is the site of the original Arcadia prior to that of classical Greece. Perhaps he became aware of the enclave of alchemists through his friendship with Von Eckarthausen. His poem with the strange title I was in Arcadia born could signify that he may have gone through some sort of Kabbalistic rebirth in that region, which has since medieval times been heavily connected with Kabbalism. Indeed, I have discovered that there is an initiatory Kabbalistic pilgrimage route in the eastern Pyrenees, which has down the centuries been undertaken by all sorts of people including poets and artists, one of whom was the Spanish painter Salvador Dali (a Rosicrucian and friend of John Cocteau - a Rosicrucian high priest) who like Schiller also shared an interest in the notion of time and other dimensions, as seen in some of his famous paintings. In some ways this initiatory pilgrimage route is the Kabbalistic counterpart of the renowned Catholic pilgrimage route to St James Compostela on the western side of the Pyrenees. It may even draw its roots from the Egyptian pilgrimage of initiation culminating in the final and highest degree of that of the Illuminati (see my earlier article on this) or illuminated one. Could Schiller have undertaken this Kabbalistic pilgrimage leading to a spiritual rebirth?

As to the C's asking whether Schiller was "Zuber", I understand that the surname Zuber was first found in Switzerland, where the name came from humble beginnings but gained a significant reputation for its contribution to the emerging mediaeval society. It later became more prominent as many branches of the same house acquired distant estates and branches, some in foreign countries, always elevating their social status by their great contributions to society. Spelling variations of this family name include: Zuber, Zueber, Zuhber, Züber, Zouber, Zoober. You will note above that the C's referred to "Zueber" instead of "Zauber" (meaning "magic" or "spell"), which seems to be an alternative form of the name Zuber. It is worth recalling here that refugee Knights Templar would seem to have had an involvement in helping the Swiss to gain independence and then establish the country as a banking centre. If you think about it the Swiss flag is really a reversal of the Templar flag with a white cross against a red background instead of a red cross on a white background. Could some Templar Knights have settled in Switzerland and subsequently adopted the name Zuber?

In Germany though, Zuber is supposedly a metonymic occupational name for a cooper or tubmaker, from the Middle High German zuber ‘(two-handled) tub’.

Alternatively, the family name "Zuber" is meant to be of German origin and is derived from the personal name "Zubert", which means "bright warrior".

However, the name could even have a Middle Eastern root, linking it potentially to the Knights Templar who incorporated many Islamic ideas and notions (perhaps through their links to the Assassins) into their broad corpus of knowledge and teachings, the Knights being unusually ecumenical for those times, since "Zuber" is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “strong”, “firm”, “powerful”, “intelligent”, “wise”. It is derived from the Z-B-R root which is used in many places in the Quran.

Apparently, the name has Arabic and Persian origins and is derived from the Arabic word 'zubr', which means 'lion'. Well that certainly seems a much nicer meaning than simply a "tubmaker".​
...I wonder if any German speakers can comment on the C's references above to the German names Schiller or Schoeller and their use of the word "zuber" in the extract from the transcripts above.
Laura mentions that Wolfgang Schiller was heavily into universes and gravity and the music of the spheres, reincarnation, time and time warps even writing a poem that begins: ‘I was in Arcadia born...’
I can't really make sense of it either, but at least I can make a few comments.

First of all, this case, two persons are mixed:

Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (that is the one, who wrote Faust).

The "I was in Arcadia born..." is from the poem "Resignation".
This poem is part of the 'Laura-Zyklus'.

mmmmhhh... Wo is this Laura?
I found something here: -> Liebhaber Schiller: Der Mann, dem eine Schwester nicht genug war

DeepL Translation of the relevant part at the start of this article:
Friedrich von Schiller was born 250 years ago: on November 10, 1759 in Marbach am Neckar. Even at a young age, he was regarded as a "German Shakespeare" and was a much-admired poet hero - a kind of pop star who also had women at his feet. He saw himself as a "citizen of the world who served no prince". For a long time, he did not want to commit to a woman, but eventually fell in love with two sisters. He would have liked to have a marriage of three. But he had to choose one of them.

In Schiller's native town of Marbach, in the seemingly endless underground storage rooms of the German Literature Archive, there is a large box of manuscripts from his childhood friend Johann Wilhelm Petersen (1758 to 1815), who would also have liked to have become a poet and at some point wrote down some "Anecdotes by Schiller", memories of the young, then still completely unknown colleague.

There are astonishing things to be read, neatly recorded in ink, but difficult to decipher today: "Several of his acquaintances were eyewitnesses that he took no less than 25 pinches, or to speak with Campe, of spiritual tobacco up his nose during a coitus, during which he roared and stamped." Petersen also claims that "Schiller's first lover" was his Stuttgart landlady Luise Dorothea Vischer, a captain's widow and eight years older than her tenant. It is no secret that Schiller sang about and glorified her as Laura in early poems.
Ok. Don't know if this is really important for our topic.

A: Was he zuber?
Q: (A) Zauber, in German, means ‘magic.’ (L) Close enough!
(A) Does this mean he was a magician?

A: Other close one... Zeuber?

When I read Zuber, the first think that came to my (modern german) mind was "Badezuber".
That is basically a medieval bathtub:

Zuber (=Tubs) or Bütten (=vats) for washing clothes used to be found in wash houses, which were usually shared by several parties and had a stove to heat the water. The wash tub was also the original form of bath tub for personal hygiene. In the Southern Palatinate and the Rhineland, the bathtub is still known colloquially as the "Bad(e)bütt". (from German wikipedia - Bütte – Wikipedia)
The following is probably completely absurd and only due to my excessive consumption of occultist trash literature, but at least I noticed the following:

What do we have?
- a heatable medieval bathtub
- "Zauber" which in German can mean 'magic', 'allurement', 'sortilege', 'charm', 'enchantment', 'spell' (- charm, state of enchantment), 'incantation' and 'attraction', 'glamour'.
-"Zeuber" - which doesn't mean anything to me...
...but if we turn the 'b' in the word, we get "Zeuqer" - which also makes no sense...
...but then - and only by the further addition of a small curl - we can make "Zeuger", which can refer to the actual father of a child - the one who actually squirted the semen that led to the pregnancy.

Ok. ... and now?

Now Wolfgang comes into play. Big Joe von Goethe himself. (by the way, Goethe already sounds like Goetia)

He also wrote "Der Zauberlehrling" (= "The Sorcerer's Apprentice"):

The poem begins as an old sorcerer departs his workshop, leaving his apprentice with chores to perform. Tired of fetching water by pail, the apprentice enchants a broom to do the work for him, using magic in which he is not fully trained. The floor is soon awash with water, and the apprentice realizes that he cannot stop the broom because he does not know the magic required to do so.
The "old sorcerer" is a "Hexenmeister" in the original German version, means he is a master of witches.
Witches are women who ride naked on a broomstick...which could mean..ehm...maybe... 'auxiliary dildo'?
...Which could mean that the secret meaning of Goethe's poem has less to do with domestic inundation and more to do with the improper use of arcane knowledge to generate sexual arousal. ("taking a hot bath")

Which brings us full circle to the Zuber and somehow there is now a hint of Zeuger involved.

I know, it all sounds pretty messy, ... but you asked for it.
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A: What does Schiller, or Schoeller mean?
A: Was he zuber?
Q: (A) Zauber, in German, means ‘magic.’ ...

...My understanding is that
- "Schoeller" is an occupational name deriving from the word “schöllen,” which means “to peel or shred bark from trees.” [...]
- An alternative derivation provides that the surname ... means the man who was in charge of collecting dues or taxes from peasants. [...]
- ... schilher (“a person who suffers from strabismus”), a byname derived from Middle High German schilhen, schillen (“to suffer from strabismus”), whence also modern German schielen. Strabismus is a defect of vision in which one eye cannot focus with the other on an object because of imbalance of the eye muscles and is basically a squint.​

der Schiller (as a noun) means first and foremost Iridescence


-> der Schiller - LEO: Übersetzung im Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch

Out of "Schoeller" one could make Schueller, which is more or less 'Schüler', which is a pupil or a ... Lehrling, like in Zauberlehrling.
A: What does Schiller, or Schoeller mean?
A: Was he zuber?
Q: (A) Zauber, in German, means ‘magic.’ ...
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