I received my lugol and since the 8th cycle of metro didn't seem to trigger anything significant (just some mild fatigue), I was considering iodine supplementation.
I finish the protocol (doxy + biofilm destroyers, supplements, etc.) on February and I seem to have stabilized in terms of Herx reactions.
I feel much better health-wise, lost inflammatory weight and yesterday someone who have not seen me since before starting the protocol reported that I looked much better.
Due to my weight, I have been taken all my doxy dose once a day. So I was planning to do lugol in AM, doxy in early PM and minerals and other stuff a couple of hours or so away from that.
Here is some data on lugol and potential drug interactions:
[...] Children with intestinal parasitic infestations treated with metronidazole have experienced reduced efficacy of oral supplementation with iodized ethyl esters by interfering with its absorption.
Iodine could still be taken, only that its absorption will be reduced. Supplementing iodine on the protocol might actually be important if antibiotics can reduce iodine bio-availability.
It seems that doing iodine before standard treatment for Lyme's disease also palliates Herx reactions to antibiotics. At least one person that I know has reported information that supports this. This person did iodine therapy on the Summer and is only starting the protocol right now. Despite having practically every Lyme's disease symptom (including positive lab tests), there were no significant Herx reactions to doxy.
According to some researchers, Iodine can kill borrelia, but it does not kill encysted forms. So taking metro and/or other things effective for encysted forms might be still necessary. I'll do more research on this line, but it seems that lugol can be part of an eradication protocol for a severe stealth infection, i.e. autoimmune disease, Lyme's disease, etc.
More info at:
Lyme disease: A Look Beyond Antibiotics by Dietrich K.Klinghardt, MD, PhD
Iodine Lugol's (2%) or Triple Iodine Complex: Example 7 drops daily indefinitely to kill Bb as it does not kill encysted form.
I'm reading "The Iodine Crisis" by Lynne Farrow, the founder of _http://breastcancerchoices.org/ For those who are weary of Herx reactions, she suggests starting with a 12.5mg iodine dose and building up from there in order to reduce and/or work out bromide detox reactions progressively. People can also start with a 50mg dose though.
She reports how people's brain fog dissipates dramatically when they start taking iodine. I took some lugol and must say that there is certainly something to that.
I'll experiment with lugol for my last stage of the protocol, I have really nothing to lose. Will repeat a few cycles of metro and/or do anti-cell wall drugs at some point. Will report if there is anything relevant or if I find something regarding doxy + iodine interactions.