Carl said:
Laura said:
Lordy, sounds like a detox/herx reaction to me. Take lots of vitamin C and salted water!!! And don't forget the co-factors, selenium, magnesium, B2 and B3, zinc, boron, trace minerals in general.

Well I do hope so! I am taking all of those, plus extra minerals as I am also doing sauna sessions. Strangely I'm reaching bowel tolerance on fairly low doses of VitC (1/3rd of a teaspoon), but the GI issues are probably also part of the detox.

Carl, if the Herx reactions are too much, go slowly (from 12.5mg-50mg) and build up towards your desired dose. That is also an option! You can also skip iodine for a couple of days per week (pulse dose) in order to flush out the toxins, pretty much like explained on the Iodine thread. You continue with the salted water and all the other nutrients though.

Take good care!
Laura said:
AD said:
OK thanks, I will certainly be reading up on the Iodine material. I was looking at doing lugol treatment couple of months ago but got scared after reading some information about it causing people to develop hyperthyroidism and going insane. Probably disinfo or they went way overboard/did it wrong. Want to do it not only as a anti microbe treatment but also as thyroid support because I do believe I have thyroid problems.

Well, there's way more benefits than just that!

AD said:
Also noticed after running out of kelp I have increased brain fog and fatigue so this might be a clue.

For now I will be taking Nystatin for the next three weeks for anti candida treatment because I am still experiencing digestive symptoms, among others. Along with the daily supplements: ALA, NAC, Berberine, B Complex, Vit C, L arginine, trace minerals,salted water, mag, potassium and digestive enzymes. So I am thinking while I do that, I will research up on the iodine treatment and maybe start that afterwards and then maybe go on to the DSMA treatment next.

Iodine/KI can fix the candida right quick from what I've read. It is also a much better heavy metal detox agent than DMSA.

AD said:
Hopefully these things will do the trick because I am still seeing only minimal results with the dietary changes to low carb paleo.

I don't think you'll see the changes you want until you begin the iodine protocol.

Hello Laura again,

Wow! Never would have thought that Iodine could do so much and its affordable and accessible! I have ordered a bottle of J Crow Lugol 5% and have started reading the iodine thread. Decided to try this out first, along with the diet and supplements before trying out anything else. Very excited and feeling more hopeful !

I know that this thread went into iodine direction but I am still doing antibiotics protocol and going to finish it in the end of March.

So just for Your info:
I measured Metronidazole powder with SMIDGEN spoon from set of spoons discussed earlier (_ and got following:

25 g Metronidazole container was divided by 203 measures of flat smidgen spoon which gives approx. 0.123 g = 123mg per flat smidgen spoon on average.

For taking on average which gives sometimes a bit less sometimes a bit more on the spoon I think that this is fair accuracy for average smidgen spoon.

Have not taken into account error of mass in the container but guess shall not be more than 1% for container. Even taking 24 g for conatiner it will give approx. 110 g per smidgen spoon. And 10 - 20 mg in this case shall not play major role. Correct me if I am wrong.
I started taking lugol when I finished my last cycle of metro. It seems that metro might decrease the absorption of iodine, so supplementing it might actually be important. At least taking lugol on the days that metro is not taken.

However some Herx reactions to metro seem to be quite distinct to iodine detox and Herx reactions, so taking both on the same day might actually be a little bit too much for some people.

Prioritizing iodine before starting metro cycles should be the way to go. For example, doing 6 weeks to 3 months of iodine before any metro cycles are tried in those who need it after doing iodine.

If 4 cycles of metro were tried, iodine can be used to replenish the body and continue the anti-parasitic, anti-viral, anti-bacterial and detox job.

Just some thoughts.
While reading about garlic I stumbled upon this book: _

I find it interesting, if it’s true that allicin is so effective.

I started taking the wild garlic tincture last Monday, when I stopped taking iodine. And I can say that I feel better now, but I don’t know if it’s because of that or just because I stopped taking iodine.

But one thing is interesting. After I stopped taking iodine my nightmares started coming back. But when I reached the full recommended dose of tincture of 20 drops (first day I took 5 drops, second 10 and third 20) my nightmares stopped again. As I said earlier in this thread, only a few things were able to stop them (among them were antibiotics, iodine and some herbal anti-parasitic protocol).

I tried many other supposedly healthy things and none of them were able to stop my nightmares or make me feel better, but this thing does. So I think I can say that this tincture is doing something good in me, but I don’t yet know what. In this book it is only talked about allicin’s antibiotic and antiviral properties, but not the detox properties that some authors also mention.

But like iodine this needs to be taken for a longer period of time for full effect, which I plan to do, and will later report back here.

The author mentions several varieties of garlic plants, but for some reason he doesn’t mention the variety that I am taking – wild garlic. The tincture is a little smelly but the taste is very nice.
Hi Persej,

Nightmares can also come from Herxheimer reactions. Make sure you are giving your body what it needs supplement-wise to detox appropriately and that your elimination pathways are clear. I am glad you feel better. Take it slow and keep us posted on how the garlic is working. :)
Thank you Menrva. :)

Well, my nightmares are lasting for a several years now, so I don’t think that they are connected with Herxheimer reactions in my case. I think that they are more probably connected with some critter inside me because I seem to respond well to anti-parasitic things.

My heart was feeling weak previous week probably because of Herxheimer, but my dreams were still nice while I was on iodine. It is only when I stopped taking iodine because of my heart problems that my nightmares came back.

Another interesting thing that I noticed is that my dreams became more complex when I started taking iodine (like with many other people). But in the third week of taking iodine they stopped being complex or disappeared. But when I started taking this tincture they came back again and are also very complex. Last night I had a very interesting one.

Maybe this tincture removed some of the toxins from my blood that iodine released and now my mind is free to dream again. I don’t know, it’s just a speculation.

From today I will increase this protocol to three doses with 20 drops each, like recommended on package. I started slow because I’ve read that it can lower the blood pressure, and because mine is already too low I was afraid of that, but I had no bad effects so far. So now I will try the nuke’m approach with this wild garlic and see what happens before I go back to iodine.
Reading up on amoeba and thought I'd share this. ..

The adult form of the Spirometra tapeworm only occurs in the intestines of cats and dogs but as these animals shed the worms' eggs in their feces the eggs can enter, and contaminate, water. The resulting juvenile form of tapeworm -- known as larvae -- can then stay in the water within certain small crustaceans or end up in frogs and snakes.
Re: Reading up on amoeba and thought I'd share this. ..

LightKrystal said:
The adult form of the Spirometra tapeworm only occurs in the intestines of cats and dogs but as these animals shed the worms' eggs in their feces the eggs can enter, and contaminate, water. The resulting juvenile form of tapeworm -- known as larvae -- can then stay in the water within certain small crustaceans or end up in frogs and snakes.

Hey LightKrystal! I moved your post from the 2D section under this thread that talks about how to rid oneself from parasites, viruses, all the kinds of yukky critters that live inside us :O Anyhow, I read the article you link to, and I think it's safer here. Next to "how we kill these stuff" plus the iodine info, so as not to scare more people ;)
Persej said:
From today I will increase this protocol to three doses with 20 drops each, like recommended on package. I started slow because I’ve read that it can lower the blood pressure, and because mine is already too low I was afraid of that, but I had no bad effects so far. So now I will try the nuke’m approach with this wild garlic and see what happens before I go back to iodine.

Thank you for sharing what is working for you. It is surely a tricky one to navigate. :flowers:
Gaby said:
Thank you for sharing what is working for you. It is surely a tricky one to navigate. :flowers:

Yes, very tricky. I never realized how much diseases are caused by these microorganisms. No wonder why the C's said that alchemists had to deal with them in their work. They affect everything!

It is a fascinating subject, I just don't like to be a guinea pig in my research. I would rather just read about it. :) But at least I can use my condition to test various things and hopefully discover something useful that can also help others.
Here is a little recap of my experiences so far with wild garlic after I increased the dosage to three times a day.

The first two days I felt a strange pressure in my head with a headache and my dreams were a little bizarre, not scary, just weird. From the third day I stopped having those strong headaches and my dreams became normal again. But I still felt a little weird in my head. On the fourth day I reintroduced the salt water and vitamin C but felt no difference.

I also haven’t been feeling any better, apart from the fact that I sleep very well with this. And that is the most interesting thing that I experienced, that it had the same effect on my sleep as did iodine – no nightmares and vivid dreams. Which I think in my case is a strong indicator that this garlic is doing something good in me.

So from tomorrow I will reintroduce the iodine again, take this tincture only once or twice a day, and see how will I feel.

Another interesting thing that I found while researching about sulfur is this:

Sulfur performs two vital functions. It transports oxygen across the cell membranes, enabling cells to regenerate and repair themselves in a healthy manner. Acting like sticky flypaper, sulfur also neutralizes toxins by enabling the body to “grab” these compounds and turn them into their sulfate form which the liver can then safely eliminate in bowel movements. The one element that sulfur cannot convert or neutralize is iodine.

And then I wanted to confirm that and it does seem to be true:

Sulfur reacts directly with all the halogens except iodine.

So it looks like it’s safe to take iodine + sulfur, but whether that combination will be beneficial to our health is yet to be seen.
So maybe some form of sulphur could be taken with iodine to clean up the halogens dislodged more effectively and conveniently than table salt?
monotonic said:
So maybe some form of sulphur could be taken with iodine to clean up the halogens dislodged more effectively and conveniently than table salt?

Maybe. I started taking iodine today and will monitor my detox symptoms.

This person takes MSM with iodine and had no problems:

As for me, I take MSM and Lugols (since Feb) and have had no issues develop. I have no way to know if my ingestion of MSM for several years has influenced my benefits of adding Lugols to my daily diet, but I do believe that everything we do ties together, so... my 'guess' is YES.
monotonic said:
So maybe some form of sulphur could be taken with iodine to clean up the halogens dislodged more effectively and conveniently than table salt?


I don't know if you are using unrefined sea salt but I think it is recommended with the lugols supplementation. It makes me want to carry sea salt when I travel since table salt or refined sea salt sometimes has additives that are toxic.

I found the link in Persej's post to be excellent information:

Salts that Heal and Salts that Kill
21. Sea salt contains about 80 mineral elements that the body needs. Some of these elements are needed in trace amounts. Unrefined sea salt is a better choice of salt than other types of salt on the market. Ordinary table salt that is bought in the super markets has been stripped of its companion elements and contains additive elements such as aluminum silicate to keep it powdery and porous. Aluminum is a very toxic element in our nervous system. It is implicated as one of the primary causes of Alzheimer's disease.
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