Bloodline Trails

Gertrudes said:
C's said:
A: To some extent, yes. But do not let that be the only clue. You might consider "lifestyle" as well as the presence and uses of metals; particularly gold vs. iron.

Interesting. In lay terms alchemy is usually seen as the attempt to transmute a normal substance into gold. Perhaps there is something rather literal hiding within that "gold" idea. Not in the sense of expecting for a random rock to magically transform into gold so that one can be rich, of course, but rather of what an inner transformation of the body and soul may involve, and how one may affect the other.


Gold in the Ancient World

From :

As the earth cooled into a planet, the high specific gravity of gold placed it in the earth’s mantle. Specific gravity is the mass of gold compared to the mass of the same volume of water, or 19.3 times heavier than water. The mantle is the inner layer of molten rock, below the continents and ocean floors. The continents have been moving around over the earth’s mantle for geological ages. At the end of the Cretaceous Period, 65 million years ago, the molten material began to boil and churn in circular currents. As the continents were moved about by the tectonic forces generated by the movement of the molten mantle, there were places where this molten material was pushed up to the surface. With it came the heavy metals, including gold, which was deposited very often in veins in faulted rock or as replacements of other minerals. The minerals that are usually associated with gold are quartz and the heavy metals. Over the course of geologic time, these veins of gold-bearing rock were exposed to weathering and the gold was eroded and transported by moving water.

Gold exists more or less evenly dispersed, with exceptions, in the crystallized rocks of the continents and major islands. Some of the notable exceptions of interest to students of the ancient world are abundant deposits in present day Hungary, Germany, the Ural Mountains of Russia, northern Spain, northern India, Ceylon, Senegal, the area around the Second Cataract of the Nile, the western coast of Africa and the shores of the Arabian Sea. Important places without native gold include the Tigris/Euphrates Valley, Cyprus and Mesopotamia.

Gold does not form chemical compounds easily, and therefore it is usually found almost pure in nature. The other heavy metals quickly decompose into compounds that are then dissolved away as they are exposed to weathering. The most common impurities in native gold are trace amounts of silver, copper, zinc, and lead. Native gold is gold as it is found, before any refining. Gold is often found as a by-product of the mining of these other heavy metals.

The earth is being constantly worn down by weathering forces such as rain, wind, freezing, thawing and plant roots. For millions of years these agents of change have been mining gold and depositing it into alluvial deposits. An alluvial gold deposit is a concentration of gold that is put in place by the natural action of the flow of water, where the heavy gold settles out of the moving water, while lighter material like quartz is washed farther downstream. Because gold does not decompose like silver when exposed to the elements, alluvial gold deposits have accumulated for millions of years.


Cro-Magnon burial sites in southern Europe show that the first gold miners were probably these earliest Homo Sapiens. Gold nuggets were used as adornment and possibly had mythical significance. The gold from millions of years of alluvial deposition was waiting to be found. These early people could pick up a nugget, appreciate its beauty, with the color of the sun, and feel its weight. Would you throw it back in the water? The sun was one of the mystical entities of these cultures, worshiped for its gifts of warmth and life. A golden nugget could offer the finder the color and warmth of the sun, and, by association, its powers.

Gold is found as dust, flakes, nuggets, crystals and often branching crystal formations that resemble the structure of ferns. Ancient peoples that found these fern-like crystals of gold held to a universal belief that gold grew as a plant in the rock. These early miners believed that gold deposits should be left with some gold still there to act as the seed that would allow the gold to replenish itself. This belief was held as late as the sixteenth century.


Plato, in the fifth century B.C., explained away the rarity of gold in his time as a punishment by Zeus for man’s evil ways. The first age of man, before the flood, was an age of innocence and happiness where truth and right prevailed. In Greek mythology, this was the Golden Age. The forests had not been robbed of trees and the stones of the earth had not been piled up to build fortifications against other men. The change from the harsh existence of hunter-gatherer to farmer provided a predictable food supply. Men were free of seasonal famine. But men were not satisfied with what the surface of the earth offered and began to dig into the bowels of the earth for metals. Mischievous iron, and more mischievous gold, were produced. War sprang up. Cadmus is a character in Greek mythology who is identified also as a real king of Phoenicia. He sowed the dragon’s teeth, which brought forth a crop of armed men. However, he also brought to Greece the alphabet from Phoenicia. From this learning supposedly sprang Greek civilization and with it the deterioration of the Golden Age of innocence.


Known deposits of gold were widespread in antiquity. Ancient Egyptian production was so extensive that it approached a monopoly for several thousand years. Up to the first millennium B.C. virtually all gold production was under the control of the Pharaoh. During the early third millennium B.C., Egyptian merchants were exploring the east coast of Africa and the Arabian coasts. The now lost city of Punt was a trading center that offered gold and rare spices to the Egyptians. It is believed to be in what is now Somalia. The Egyptians established a gold mining colony in Mashonaland, inland from the mouth of the Zambezi River. Five treasure ships left Punt for Kosseir to bring the gold, myrrh and other treasures to Queen Hatshepsut. After 2000 B.C., the Twelfth Dynasty rulers pushed the frontiers south into Nibia and beyond the Second Cataract of the Nile. The vast gold deposits around the area were agressively explored and exploited. The gold fields in the mountains between the Nile and the Red Sea, near the area of the First Cataract on the Nile were also exploited by the Egyptians. The ancient historian Diodorus Siculs wrote an extensive manuscript describing these mines which have survived to modern times.


The beginning of civilization developed with the beginning of agricultural settlements, which created a reliable food supply. Trade soon developed between settlements, but food could not be transported over long distances without loss to spoilage. Gold could be transported and soon became an acceptable medium of exchange. It had been a demand-commodity for centuries and was always in short supply. Small quantities of gold could be traded for supplies and for trade goods at the end of the trade route; yet, it did not require extra beasts of burden to transport a lot of wealth in gold.

What was the source of the gold used in the earliest barter systems? History tells us that gold was the first recycled commodity in civilization. Gold from West Africa, Asia and Europe found its way to Egypt and was buried with the Pharaohs. Gold from looted tombs was quickly melted down and mixed with other gold. By the fifth century B. C., the gold that was in the treasuries of the political powers was a melting pot of gold from all over the known world. A good example of this was the third millennium city of Ur, in Mesopotamia. The Ur culture stretched along the lower Euphrates Valley, about 2600 B.C., and consisted of many small city-states. The Tigris and Euphrates Valley had no native gold, yet a surprising amount of archaeological gold has been found there. It is believed that all this gold came from trade with other cultures such as the Samarians, Egyptians and peoples of central Asia. There was a lot of gold available from the Ural-Altai region of central Asia where alluvial gold had been worked since prehistoric times. Gold came by caravan from Arabia, west of present day Bahrein, from upper Yemen and from near Aden. Another source known to the ancient cultures was in the region of Midia, below the Gulf of ‘Aquaba. From Macedonia, gold came from the mines on the flanks of Mount Bermius.

Another city-state was Alaca-Huyuk in central Turkey that supported a culture which buried gold with its kings. In 1935 a tell, or mound, was opened. It was a 2500 B.C. undisturbed royal necropolis. The tombs produced a fabulous treasure of finely worked gold from this Bronze Age culture. The city was at the center of three trade routes: to Mesopotamia, to the Black Sea, and to the Aegean Sea. Gold from all over the civilized world passed through this crossroads city-state, where the gold was mixed and smelted into the common melting pot of recycled gold.

At Pylos, in Mycenae, gold was a rare commodity reserved for the ruling class. It was used to settle taxes and as a donation to the temples. It was also used to buy off potential raiders. Yet, within the kingdom, only tiny amounts of native gold were known to be produced. Gold in these cultures was a trade commodity, where even gold-poor kingdoms acquired enough gold through trade to support its use as a medium of exchange for the ruling classes.


The use of standardized metal weights under government control was first introduced into Western Civilization at Sardis, capitol of the Lydian Empire, in what is now Turkey. By 700 B.C. Sardis was the center of trade in the area with trade routes stretching to Persia, Egypt, Greece, Assyria, and beyond. The Lydian culture stretched from the River Hylas to the Aegean Sea. Archaeological evidence shows that the first true coins in Western civilization were issued in Sardis about 640 B.C. by King Ardys. Small round ingots of electrum, found in alluvial deposits in the streams of nearby mountains, were minted with an incised square for the reverse and his totem animal, the fore part of a lion, for the obverse. This is confirmed in the writings of a fifth century B.C. Greek historian who credited the Lydians with striking the first electrum and gold coins.

Electrum coins were outlawed by King Croesus (560-546 B.C.) and gold or silver coins were issued. Pure metal coins were necessary to encourage trade relations with Greece, where electrum was not found native in the alluvial deposits. The Greeks would not accept electrum coins in trade. The early source of the gold for coinage was gold mined from the alluvial deposits in Lydia and Greece. Thasos was a rich land south of Thrace that had prolific gold mines and a controlling interest in mainland silver mines during the sixth century B.C. In Greece, the right to issue coins was reserved for political authorities and heads of state.

In 546 B.C. the Persians overran Lydia and adopted the use of coinage without changing the Lydian style or technology. However, they did bring a wealth of gold taken from Egypt. At their peak, they looted 40,000 pounds of gold a year from Egypt. This was mostly Ethiopian gold now melted into the Asian melting pot. The Persians also had their own gold supply. The Arabian shore of the Red Sea offered alluvial deposits so rich that the Greek historian Diodurus wrote that the alluvial mud positively glittered. Gold mines used to provide new gold to early mints were in operation at Phoenicia, Syria, Phrygia and Lampsacus. The river Oxus, known today as Amu Darya, which emptied into the Caspian Sea, was legendary to the Greeks for its alluvial gold. Meanwhile, Lampsacus, at the Dardanelles, issued electrum coinage in the fifth century B.C. and changed to gold in the fourth century B.C. to encourage trade with the Greeks.

A primary Greek deposit of alluvial gold was the river Pactolus which drained the Anatolian Highlands. Today the exact location of the river is uncertain and the gold strata are no longer being eroded. It was the gold from these sources that King Croesus used to issue the first true coinage backed by his crown. Because Greece as a whole had inadequate gold resources to support an extensive gold coinage, silver, for the first time, became the medium of exchange and the gold to silver ratio was set at 1:13. A noted exception to the silver coinage was the issue by Athens of gold coins from 407 to 404 B.C. to pay for the Peloponnesian War.

Philip I of Macedonia issued a prolific gold coinage after the conquest of northern Greece in 348 B.C. Philip II provided the Greeks with their first practical gold coinage from the gold mines at Thrace, Macedonia. So much gold became available that the ratio of gold to silver changed to 1:10. . Inflation had been introduced into civilization. Modern hindsight might well call this the fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse (after Death, War, Famine, and Pestilence). Alexander the Great increased the gold coin supply from bullion taken from the Persian treasuries. Gold was again being recycled and not all coinage was produced from gold mined for coinage.


The growth of Rome began at a time when the world supply of gold was mounting to a very great volume and was widely disseminated. Like Greece, the Romans began their rise to power with very little gold in their natural resources.

The first Roman gold came from the river Po in the western Alps and from southern Piedmont. Rome was slow to acquire vast amounts of gold and even forbade burial of gold with the deceased after 450 B.C. The Second Punic War gave Rome the prize that changed its gold position. The acquisition of Spain brought stupendous amounts of gold to Rome. Gold came from the mines and alluvial deposits in the Aduar Basin, the Malaga district, the Plains of Granada and the slopes of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Gold is still found in these places today. Rome also got, from the treasuries of Syracuse, 2700 pounds of gold.

Roman conquest brought gold to the Imperial treasury from the far reaches of the Empire. Gold was recycled to produce many of the gold coins issued during the time of the Roman Empire. Roman Imperial gold coins circulated far beyond the frontiers on a vast scale, making it the first world coinage. The coins most circulated were those of Augustus. The gold for these coins was mined, and the coins minted, on a large scale, at Lugdunum in Gaul and at Calagurris in northern Spain. There has been prolific gold mining at these sites since antiquity. Caesar provided another source of gold with the conquest of Britain. The geographer Strabo wrote that gold was one of the commodities exported to Rome after Caesar’s triumph in Britain. The Romans extracted gold from mines at Wales, Devon and Cornwall.

The price of mining gold took a leap when the Romans developed hydraulic mining in the Spanish mines. Rivers were re-channeled and destroyed. Strabo wrote that this method produced more gold than the deep mines. Some of the Roman mines in Spain were 650 feet deep. Slaves in the mines never saw the light of day. The mines were worked until they collapsed on their inhabitants.

Roman Egypt issued the first coinage in that ancient land. The first systematic mining and use of gold occurred in the Nile Valley, yet the Pharaohs did not issue a coinage apart from a very few and minor issues. After the death of Alexander the Great the Ptolemies became the ruling class in the land of the Pharaohs. They promptly issued a prolific coinage of heavy gold coins.

As the influence of Rome expanded to include most of the known world, their sources of gold and their hunger for it expanded as well. Gold was taken from the Rhine River, from mines at Vercellae and from Transylvania. It was brought in trade from the Atlantic coast of central Africa, and from the sources of the Egyptians. Gold from all over the world flowed into Rome. The wealth of gold reached a point where massive statues of pure gold were displayed. The wife of Emperor Claudius, Agrippina, in A.D. 49, wore a tunic of plaited gold thread. She poisoned her husband five years later so that her son, Nero, could become emperor. Then Nero had her murdered five years later.

All this Roman gold was scattered over Europe and Asia when the barbarian invaders sacked Rome. This sacking ended the systematic accumulation of gold on a large scale in Europe until after the Dark Ages.


In a relatively short period of time, from 640 B.C. to the end of the Roman Empire, civilization saw the intense evolution in the use and value of gold and its use in coinage. The demand for it caused the development of mining techniques that vastly increased the availability. War and conquest produced a melting pot that recycled gold from all world sources into a common pot. Gold went from a possession of royalty to a medium of exchange available to the average citizens of the Roman Empire. The power of Rome was based in large part on the use of gold to extend its influence and culture across the known world. Gold, which is too soft to be used for weapons and tools, cannot help produce a food crop or heal the sick. It offered no practical benefit to ancient society beyond its possession, but had become the ultimate possession and measure of wealth of civilization.

Iron Age
The Iron Age is the period generally occurring after the Bronze Age, marked by the prevalent use of iron. The early period of the age is characterized by the widespread use of iron or steel. The adoption of such material coincided with other changes in society, including differing agricultural practices, religious beliefs and artistic styles. The Iron Age as an archaeological term indicates the condition as to civilization and culture of a people using iron as the material for their cutting tools and weapons.[1] The Iron Age is the third principal period of the three-age system created by Christian Thomsen (1788–1865) for classifying ancient societies and prehistoric stages of progress.[2]

In historical archaeology, the ancient literature of the Iron Age includes the earliest texts preserved in manuscript tradition. Sanskrit literature and Chinese literature flourished in the Iron Age. Other texts include the Avestan Gathas, the Indian Vedas and the oldest parts of the Hebrew Bible. The principal feature that distinguishes the Iron Age from the preceding ages is the introduction of alphabetic characters, and the consequent development of written language which enabled literature and historic record.[1]

The beginning of the Iron Age in Europe and adjacent areas is characterized by certain forms of implements, weapons, personal ornaments, and pottery, and also by systems of decorative design, which are altogether different from those of the preceding age of bronze.[1] The work of blacksmiths[3]—developing implements and weapons—is hammered into shape, and, as a consequence, gradually departed from the stereotyped forms of their predecessors in bronze, which were cast, and the system of decoration, which in the Bronze Age consisted chiefly of a repetition of rectilinear patterns, gave way to a system of curvilinear and flowing designs.[clarification needed][1] The term "Iron Age" has low chronological value, because it didn't begin simultaneously across the entire world.[4] The dates and context vary depending on the region, and the sequence of ages is not necessarily true for every part of the earth's surface. There are areas, such as the islands of the South Pacific, the interior of Africa, and parts of North and South America, where peoples have passed directly from the use of stone to the use of iron without the intervention of an age of bronze.[1]


So are we talking about the already known contrast that exists between the "circles" people and "pyramidal" cultures?
Laura said:
Doesn't make complete sense to me either but the date of origin is curious as heck, the "duality" issue between "iron & gold" and power centers and being mistaken about focusing on the material vs the esoteric meaning of things, the fact that iron in the blood might make one "trackable" and "abductable" not to mention the way it can mess with your health if you ever DO get on a proper diet to eliminate the opiate grains and get the proper fats to assist so many body systems. PLUS the fact that one of the main places that the iron loads is in the endocrine glands, INCLUDING THE PITUITARY and destroys them! I mean, if that wasn't deliberate, it might as well have been!

Something like this crossed my mind too--like, we get close to finding the optimal diet for human health and brain function and implementing it and then suddenly there's a genetic mutation that causes it to pretty severely not work without some additional effort. It made me think of time manipulation and when the Cs mentioned the "quantum leap" of awareness that "causes" additional time manipulation.

Laura said:
Q: I know that. I have already figured that one out! But, it seems that no one else has made this connection. I mean, the bloodlines that converge in the Percys and the Mortimers are incredible!

A: You should know that these bloodlines become parasitically infected, harassed and tinkered with whenever a quantum leap of awareness is imminent.

Q: Whenever a quantum leap...

A: Such as "now."
Laura said:
Geoffrey Block, MD, a hepatologist (liver specialist) and former director of the Hemochromatosis Center at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, states, "the appearance of the HFE gene mutation occurred somewhere from 40,000-60,000 years ago. Human DNA goes back to somewhere between 120,000-200,000 years ago. The ethnogenetic source for the C282Yhe (HFE) mutation arose in the Celtic 'empire'. Most people think that Celtic means Ireland, however, the Celts of 40-60,000 years ago covered Ireland to just west of Moscow, north to the upper reaches of Scandinavia, south into Spain and Portugal, and south east across the Italian peninsula and north of Greece and Turkey/Iraq."

I am pretty confused about this reference to Celtic" here: " ..the Celts of 40-60,000 years ago..." Is it a typo by the good doctor or am I missing something. Does he mean 4000 years ago? Though even that is not a date archaeologists use in reference to Celts.
Isn't 40,000 years ago conventionally said to be one of the inter-glacial periods? According to the wiki it was the Aurignacian culture that spread over this European region.

But odd nomenclature aside, it is very interesting that a mutation from before the last ice age should have its modern diffusion from populations originating in the British Isles. How did they arrive there? Why spread from such a small locus after such a long time? I can not think of a straight forward explanation.
panca kanga said:
I am pretty confused about this reference to Celtic" here: " ..the Celts of 40-60,000 years ago..." Is it a typo by the good doctor or am I missing something. Does he mean 4000 years ago? Though even that is not a date archaeologists use in reference to Celts.
Isn't 40,000 years ago conventionally said to be one of the inter-glacial periods? According to the wiki it was the Aurignacian culture that spread over this European region.

But odd nomenclature aside, it is very interesting that a mutation from before the last ice age should have its modern diffusion from populations originating in the British Isles. How did they arrive there? Why spread from such a small locus after such a long time? I can not think of a straight forward explanation.

I'm not positive, but I think he was referring to the sudden appearance of Cro-Magnon in Europe during that time.

They appeared in Europe in the upper Pleistocene, about 40,000 years ago and “their geographic origin is still unknown”. Their skeletal remains show a “few small differences from modern humans”. Of course, the “out of Africa” theory advocates suggest that Cro-Magnon came from Sub Saharan Africa and a temperate climate and that, “they would eventually adapt to all extremes of heat and cold”. In this way, the “slight differences” between Cro-Magnon and other forms of anatomically modern humans can be explained away as an adaptation to cold. But, as we will see, this idea doesn’t hold water.

Knight-Jadczyk, Laura (2012-08-08). The Secret History of the World and How to Get Out Alive (Kindle Locations 6167-6171). Red Pill Press. Kindle Edition.
[quote author=Gertrudes]
C's said:
A: To some extent, yes. But do not let that be the only clue. You might consider "lifestyle" as well as the presence and uses of metals; particularly gold vs. iron.

Interesting. In lay terms alchemy is usually seen as the attempt to transmute a normal substance into gold. Perhaps there is something rather literal hiding within that "gold" idea. Not in the sense of expecting for a random rock to magically transform into gold so that one can be rich, of course, but rather of what an inner transformation of the body and soul may involve, and how one may affect the other.

I have been thinking about this as well. And the idea about gold being related the the symbol of the Sun and iron being related to Mars (war)... fwiw...

Edit: quotes
In searching the myriad of papers published on hemochromatosis, a few things stuck out that may or may not be relevant. The first is a paper written from a creationist's perspective. While much of the creationist assertions can be ignored, there were two interesting sections that seemed notable.


Iron acquisition

Both pathogenic and nonpathogenic bacteria require iron for growth. For pathogenic bacteria iron can be a limiting factor for growth since iron is typically bound to high-affinity, iron biding proteins like transferrin and lactoferrin (in mammals). Some bacteria, like H. influenzae, bind directly and specifically to transferrin and lactoferrin and obtain iron (Finlay and Falkow 1997). Bacteria may also secrete siderophores (that is, the siderophore yersiniabactin is secreted by pathogenic Yersinia) that have a higher affinity for iron than the host’s proteins (Hacker and Carniel 2001).

Iron can also be limiting in the environment, and the genomic island known as “high pathogenicity island” (HPI) which encodes yersiniabactin is also found in the nonpathogenic soil bacteria Klebsiella (Hacker and Carniel 2001). As in the case of the secretion systems, it appears that alterations to the bacteria or host have allowed these iron-acquiring systems to be used by pathogenic bacteria in a post- Fall world. In the pre-Fall world it is plausible these iron acquiring systems were necessary for symbiotic bacteria to grow in their host.

One final example worth noting is the effect of space flight on bacterial pathogenicity. Wilson et al. (2007) found that Salmonella typhimurium that had been grown on a Space Shuttle mission were more virulent than those grown on Earth. The increased virulence was attributed to the activation of Hfq, a global regulator (Wilson et al. 2007). Microarray analysis showed altered expression of genes known to be regulated by Hfq (Wilson et al. 2007). Hfq is known to respond to environmental stresses and promote virulence (Wilson et al. 2007). Space flight with its low gravity environment may be the stressor that initiated a stress response in S. typhimurium leading to its increased virulence in a host; however, this same response was necessary for its survival in space (pathogenicity is a “side effect”). Although the bacteria did not change genetically (through HGT or mutations) alterations in bacterial gene expression due to displacement resulted in increased pathogenicity of S. typhimurium.

While neither of these passages is directly about hemachromatosis, it relates greatly to the next quotes from other papers.Knowing that some pathogens are made more virulent in space explains the severity of the plagues in the past suspected of being caused by pathogens from comet dust. The next excerpt is from this-

What can be the selective advantage of the heterozygous state
for HFE mutations? It has been conventional wisdom that inheritance
of the C282Y mutation increases iron absorption, which
prevents iron deficiency anemia. But, although some small studies
seemed to show such an effect (8), we have not been able to
show a decrease in the prevalence of frank iron deficiency anemia
in a much larger cohort of patients (9). Could it be that the
selection of heterozygotes for HFE has a basis other than the
prevention of iron deficiency?
Rochette et al (6) reasoned that,
given the low mortality that is associated with the homozygous
state, preventing iron deficiency anemia would be such a potent
selective force that the mutation would have achieved fixation in
some populations if this were its advantage. They suggested that
Hfe might serve as a receptor for microorganisms and that the
mutation would protect against infection. Hemochromatosis is
characterized not only by an excess of iron in the body, but also
by an abnormal distribution. Macrophages contain less iron than
expected. If this type of distribution occurred in heterozygotes,
the lack of iron in macrophages might protect against intracellular
infectious agents
, such as Chlamydia, Coxiella, Francisella,
Legionella, Mycobacterium, Salmonella, and Yersinia

It is very interesting that this mutation that can and does cause some rather serious health issues could also be responsible for protection against infection by pathogens. Considering the atmospheric dust loading due to all of the comet and meteor fragments lately, perhaps it is an engineered protection mechanism to ensure survival of a small percentage of the population. Another paper makes the connection of pathogen protection as well-

Hemochromatosis and the enigma of misplaced iron: Implications for infectious disease and survival

Sharon Moalem,
Eugene D. Weinberg,
Maire E. Percy


The mystery surrounding the apparent lack of iron within the macrophages of individuals with hereditary hemochromatosis, a condition of excessive uptake of dietary iron, has yet to be fully explained. We have suggested that iron deficiency of macrophages in people with hereditary hemochromatosis mutations is associated with increased resistance to infection by Yersinia and other intracellular pathogens, a selection pressure resulting in unusually high current population frequencies of hereditary hemochromatosis mutations. Such selection pressure has been called Epidemic Pathogenic Selection (EPS). In support of the theory of EPS, a considerable number of virulent species of bacteria multiply mainly in iron-rich macrophages of their mammalian hosts. Among these fastidious pathogens are strains of Chlamydia, Coxiella, Francisella, Legionella, Mycobacterium, Salmonella and Yersinia. Iron deficiency of macrophages of persons with hereditary hemochromatosis gene mutations may result in increased resistance to members of these bacterial pathogens. People with genes that result in hereditary hemochromatosis may be protected against coronary artery disease associated with Chlamydia and Coxiella infection in the absence of iron overload. In the clinical setting, when a patient appears to be iron deficient, the reason for this should be carefully evaluated. Iron supplementation may adversely affect the health of individuals who have mounted an acute phase response to infection, injury or stress, or who carry genes predisposing them to iron overload disorders.

From the session Laura quoted earlier in the thread-

Q: Are these people with this bloodline and with these secrets the same ones involved with the genetic engineering of new bodies for the Lizzies to occupy at the point of transition to 4th density?
A: No.
Q: Are these secrets negative to our civilization or race?
A: From your perspective, maybe.

From a certain perspective, hemachromatosis is negative to the human race, but perhaps it serves a function at specific intervals (like comet swarms). I'm not sure if any of this is connected to the bloodline issue, but going through all of these papers looking for a needle in a haystack is pretty fun, OSIT.
QuantumLogic said:
In searching the myriad of papers published on hemochromatosis, a few things stuck out that may or may not be relevant. The first is a paper written from a creationist's perspective. While much of the creationist assertions can be ignored, there were two interesting sections that seemed notable.


Iron acquisition

Both pathogenic and nonpathogenic bacteria require iron for growth. For pathogenic bacteria iron can be a limiting factor for growth since iron is typically bound to high-affinity, iron biding proteins like transferrin and lactoferrin (in mammals). Some bacteria, like H. influenzae, bind directly and specifically to transferrin and lactoferrin and obtain iron (Finlay and Falkow 1997). Bacteria may also secrete siderophores (that is, the siderophore yersiniabactin is secreted by pathogenic Yersinia) that have a higher affinity for iron than the host’s proteins (Hacker and Carniel 2001).

Iron can also be limiting in the environment, and the genomic island known as “high pathogenicity island” (HPI) which encodes yersiniabactin is also found in the nonpathogenic soil bacteria Klebsiella (Hacker and Carniel 2001). As in the case of the secretion systems, it appears that alterations to the bacteria or host have allowed these iron-acquiring systems to be used by pathogenic bacteria in a post- Fall world. In the pre-Fall world it is plausible these iron acquiring systems were necessary for symbiotic bacteria to grow in their host.

One final example worth noting is the effect of space flight on bacterial pathogenicity. Wilson et al. (2007) found that Salmonella typhimurium that had been grown on a Space Shuttle mission were more virulent than those grown on Earth. The increased virulence was attributed to the activation of Hfq, a global regulator (Wilson et al. 2007). Microarray analysis showed altered expression of genes known to be regulated by Hfq (Wilson et al. 2007). Hfq is known to respond to environmental stresses and promote virulence (Wilson et al. 2007). Space flight with its low gravity environment may be the stressor that initiated a stress response in S. typhimurium leading to its increased virulence in a host; however, this same response was necessary for its survival in space (pathogenicity is a “side effect”). Although the bacteria did not change genetically (through HGT or mutations) alterations in bacterial gene expression due to displacement resulted in increased pathogenicity of S. typhimurium.

While neither of these passages is directly about hemachromatosis, it relates greatly to the next quotes from other papers.Knowing that some pathogens are made more virulent in space explains the severity of the plagues in the past suspected of being caused by pathogens from comet dust. The next excerpt is from this-

What can be the selective advantage of the heterozygous state
for HFE mutations? It has been conventional wisdom that inheritance
of the C282Y mutation increases iron absorption, which
prevents iron deficiency anemia. But, although some small studies
seemed to show such an effect (8), we have not been able to
show a decrease in the prevalence of frank iron deficiency anemia
in a much larger cohort of patients (9). Could it be that the
selection of heterozygotes for HFE has a basis other than the
prevention of iron deficiency?
Rochette et al (6) reasoned that,
given the low mortality that is associated with the homozygous
state, preventing iron deficiency anemia would be such a potent
selective force that the mutation would have achieved fixation in
some populations if this were its advantage. They suggested that
Hfe might serve as a receptor for microorganisms and that the
mutation would protect against infection. Hemochromatosis is
characterized not only by an excess of iron in the body, but also
by an abnormal distribution. Macrophages contain less iron than
expected. If this type of distribution occurred in heterozygotes,
the lack of iron in macrophages might protect against intracellular
infectious agents
, such as Chlamydia, Coxiella, Francisella,
Legionella, Mycobacterium, Salmonella, and Yersinia

It is very interesting that this mutation that can and does cause some rather serious health issues could also be responsible for protection against infection by pathogens. Considering the atmospheric dust loading due to all of the comet and meteor fragments lately, perhaps it is an engineered protection mechanism to ensure survival of a small percentage of the population. Another paper makes the connection of pathogen protection as well-

Hemochromatosis and the enigma of misplaced iron: Implications for infectious disease and survival

Sharon Moalem,
Eugene D. Weinberg,
Maire E. Percy


The mystery surrounding the apparent lack of iron within the macrophages of individuals with hereditary hemochromatosis, a condition of excessive uptake of dietary iron, has yet to be fully explained. We have suggested that iron deficiency of macrophages in people with hereditary hemochromatosis mutations is associated with increased resistance to infection by Yersinia and other intracellular pathogens, a selection pressure resulting in unusually high current population frequencies of hereditary hemochromatosis mutations. Such selection pressure has been called Epidemic Pathogenic Selection (EPS). In support of the theory of EPS, a considerable number of virulent species of bacteria multiply mainly in iron-rich macrophages of their mammalian hosts. Among these fastidious pathogens are strains of Chlamydia, Coxiella, Francisella, Legionella, Mycobacterium, Salmonella and Yersinia. Iron deficiency of macrophages of persons with hereditary hemochromatosis gene mutations may result in increased resistance to members of these bacterial pathogens. People with genes that result in hereditary hemochromatosis may be protected against coronary artery disease associated with Chlamydia and Coxiella infection in the absence of iron overload. In the clinical setting, when a patient appears to be iron deficient, the reason for this should be carefully evaluated. Iron supplementation may adversely affect the health of individuals who have mounted an acute phase response to infection, injury or stress, or who carry genes predisposing them to iron overload disorders.

From the session Laura quoted earlier in the thread-

Q: Are these people with this bloodline and with these secrets the same ones involved with the genetic engineering of new bodies for the Lizzies to occupy at the point of transition to 4th density?
A: No.
Q: Are these secrets negative to our civilization or race?
A: From your perspective, maybe.

From a certain perspective, hemachromatosis is negative to the human race, but perhaps it serves a function at specific intervals (like comet swarms). I'm not sure if any of this is connected to the bloodline issue, but going through all of these papers looking for a needle in a haystack is pretty fun, OSIT.

This makes me think of what the C's said concerning the "iron issue" in the last session:

Q: (Perceval) Those have been around for like decades. (Kniall) It's literally a smoke ring. (L) But coming from the other direction. (Perceval) And they come up with all sorts of fancy explanations for how they form that have nothing to do with the actual cause. (L) Anybody got anything else that's really pressing? (Bubbles) Do we want to ask any questions about iron? (Ailen) Hemochromatosis? (L) Well, I thought we were gonna wait for the tests and stuff, but I guess we should ask. Bubble's iron is pretty high, and there's the possibility she could be afflicted with hemochromatosis, which is what my grandfather had. (Bubbles) You wanted to ask what the significance is of having high iron?

A: Survival under specific circumstances.

Q: (Perceval) So it could be a hereditary thing that was provoked in the past when there was plague.

A: It can also arise spontaneously.

Q: (L) So it's not always genetic? (Ailen) What about these specific circumstances? (Bubbles) Is it like a defense mechanism?

A: Yes.

Q: (Bubbles) A defense against what?

A: Breaching the barriers. Your psyche feels in need of greater defense.
In pondering the question of iron and how it relates in the transcripts, along with general blood types and genetics, was thinking about electrophonic emissions playing some type of historical human influencing role. Genetics was discussed as an aspect of the Tunguska event, whereby interactions with comets creating possibly the electrophonic influences may have changed family genetics (generational) as related to blood type in the one family (this is discussed by Laura in her book ‘Comets and the Horns of Mosses’). Was there also an iron influence to this? With high or low iron levels, what effects could electrophonic influences have immediately or future genetically? It seems to be known that excess iron levels can interfere with the heart’s electrical conductivity as one aspect. What also comes to mind is how did the Blackfoot Indians for instance, in a landscape of typically Blood Type O, predominate to a Blood Type A people (80 something percent); was it migration or from a possible comet/environmental electrophonic influence similar to Tunguska, and could iron levels have play a role here?
Diane said:
I have Mitral valve prolapse. Sloppy heart valve in my heart, take meds for that.

Hi Diane, mg supplementation is very helpful for mitral valve prolapse, more than meds actually. Here is a relevant excerpt from the Mg Miracle book by Carolyn Dean:

"Dr. Melvyn Werbach, author of Nutritional Influences on Disease, reports that low magnesium levels have been found in as many as 85% of Mitral Valve Prolapse (MVP) patients. 60% of 141 individuals with strongly symptomatic MVP had low magnesium levels, compared to only 5% of the control group. Magnesium supplementation given for five weeks reduced the symptoms of chest pain, palpitation, anxiety, low energy, faintness, and difficulty breathing by about 50% in this group."

The study quoted is from this paper:


Am J Cardiol. 1997 Mar 15;79(6):768-72.
Clinical symptoms of mitral valve prolapse are related to hypomagnesemia and attenuated by magnesium supplementation.
Lichodziejewska B, Kłoś J, Rezler J, Grudzka K, Dłuzniewska M, Budaj A, Ceremuzyński L.

Department of Cardiology, Postgraduate Medical School, Grochowski Hospital, Warsaw, Poland.

Mitral valve prolapse syndrome (MVP) is a frequent disorder characterized by a number of complaints which lessen the quality of life. The pathogenesis of MVP symptoms has not been fully elucidated. Hyperadrenergic activity and magnesium deficiency have been suggested. This study was designed to verify the concept that heavily symptomatic MVP is accompanied by hypomagnesemia and to elucidate whether magnesium supplementation alleviates the symptoms and influences adrenergic activity. We assessed serum magnesium in 141 subjects with heavily symptomatic primary MVP and in 40 healthy controls. Decreased serum magnesium was found in 60% of patients and in 5% of controls (p <0.0001). Patients with low serum magnesium were subjected to magnesium or placebo supplementation in a double-blind, crossover fashion. Typical symptoms of MVP (n = 13), intensity of anxiety, and daily excretion of catecholamines were determined. After 5 weeks, the mean number of symptoms per patient decreased from 10.4 +/- 2.1 to 5.6 +/- 2.5 (p <0.0001), and a significant reduction in weakness, chest pain, dyspnea, palpitations, and anxiety was observed. Increased noradrenaline excretion before and after magnesium was seen in 63% and 17% of patients, respectively (p <0.01). Mean daily excretion of noradrenaline and adrenaline was significantly diminished after magnesium. It is concluded that many patients with heavily symptomatic MVP have low serum magnesium, and supplementation of this ion leads to improvement in most symptoms along with a decrease in catecholamine excretion.
panca kanga said:
Laura said:
Geoffrey Block, MD, a hepatologist (liver specialist) and former director of the Hemochromatosis Center at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, states, "the appearance of the HFE gene mutation occurred somewhere from 40,000-60,000 years ago. Human DNA goes back to somewhere between 120,000-200,000 years ago. The ethnogenetic source for the C282Yhe (HFE) mutation arose in the Celtic 'empire'. Most people think that Celtic means Ireland, however, the Celts of 40-60,000 years ago covered Ireland to just west of Moscow, north to the upper reaches of Scandinavia, south into Spain and Portugal, and south east across the Italian peninsula and north of Greece and Turkey/Iraq."

I am pretty confused about this reference to Celtic" here: " ..the Celts of 40-60,000 years ago..." Is it a typo by the good doctor or am I missing something. Does he mean 4000 years ago? Though even that is not a date archaeologists use in reference to Celts.
Isn't 40,000 years ago conventionally said to be one of the inter-glacial periods? According to the wiki it was the Aurignacian culture that spread over this European region.

But odd nomenclature aside, it is very interesting that a mutation from before the last ice age should have its modern diffusion from populations originating in the British Isles. How did they arrive there? Why spread from such a small locus after such a long time? I can not think of a straight forward explanation.

Hi panca kanga,

Your questions may find an answer when you search the forum and the associated websites for the term Kantek .

Maybe the best starting point to begin with is this entry in Cassiopedia:
and follow the links and suggestions given there.
Happy hunting!

Hope this helps a bit.
Very interesting, indeed. I recall these transcripts about the iron and I also falsely assumed about the high iron level being "good." Based on that, I was eagerly taking iron supplements for the first time back in 2009 for a short while - of course, now reading about the iron overload, I was a complete and utter idiot. That can explain why I was having nosebleeds after that (never had it previously).

Great find about the "Celtic Connection" - I "may" have Celtic gene since my mother is Irish/Scottish/British line (in the last couple hundred years), but my father's line is Germanic/Polish (emigrated from Prussian Poland during 1900s). It's still quite possible that I'd have an iron overload.

I contracted a bacterial meningitis (Streptococcus pneumoniae) as an infant, and I was reading a number of medical articles that points to an iron overload increasing susceptibility to infections by reducing the phagocytic capacity of white blood cells (_; _ Well, I didn't know that before.

I've been thinking about getting a blood work done as I'm trying to save some money for the cost to get the test done. No health insurance and never had a doctor since I rarely get sick or discomfort (normally had a 24-hour cold occasionally since I moved to NC and had one pneumonia experience in 2006 due to an energy drain). I've never had a blood work done before nor do I know what my blood type is. I'm still young, though (32 years), and I've been drinking black tea regularly.

The very idea of having an iron in one's body makes that person "trackable" and "abductable" is quite nerving.

Again, thanks for all the info on this.
Palinurus said:
Hi panca kanga,

Your questions may find an answer when you search the forum and the associated websites for the term Kantek .

Maybe the best starting point to begin with is this entry in Cassiopedia:
and follow the links and suggestions given there.
Happy hunting!

Hope this helps a bit.

Thanks for your response, Palinurus. The Kantek connection must be what Laura was alluding to when she mentioned "A "bloodline trail" that leads off the planet". And you are right my confusions may well be around this area and the time-lines involved. But the first thing I could not understand was why a mainstream doctor was calling these people celts. It is not a mainstream understanding. Perhaps it was just edited into the quote by Laura, or the quote marks ended up in the wrong place. I have not included the quote again in this post but if you look back you will see what I mean, I hope.

The other thing that I can't quite make add up. (to perhaps over-belabor the point) Is the thing about the propagation of the faulty gene.

OK, Dr Bloche suggests the gene was introduced 40-60000 years ago. But its modern spread appears to have been from the British Isles in recent times. That is why they are calling it the "Celtic Curse" I presume. The suggestion is that its modern spread was more-or-less a result of the Irish diaspora. But if the gene error occurred 40000 years ago shouldn't we expect its spread to be much wider and more general? So basically the evidence suggests that a sub-group of this kantian population migrated to the British Isles after the end of the last glaciation and this sub-group was peculiar because it was only this sub-group that was carrying the gene.

But to me the time scales seem out. The gene mutation occurred 40-60,000 years ago but the celtic group in which the gene had become isolated could have moved into the post-glacial british isles (ok still part of mainland europe and not yet "isles") only 10,000 years ago - the end of the glaciation. That makes 30,000 years of isolation elsewhere. Not a sensible conclusion! Hence my confusion.
Anyway it seems to be somehow highlighting that there was something special about this group and this migration. The group was distinct and isolated in some way long before they arrived in (what was to become) Britain.

(I can't get rid of the font size format inserts. Can I get at the formating somehow with the editor? Grrr)

Edit: mod removed size formatting
This thread made me chuckle because it was the iron issue that prompted me to make my first post back in 2009 (,13511.msg101290.html#msg101290).

As someone with a family who has been dealing with hemochromatosis for over a decade, I can say that this is a very frustrating disorder, it is tough to manage even for those who are well-informed. It is not resolved with a one-and-done blood test and a couple phlebotomies; some sufferers have no phlebotomies at all but must be watched carefully for life.

My sense is that iron overload is as slippery a slope as iron depletion; there is a balance to maintain in there somewhere, it is not simply the less iron the better. My own experience with blood loss (donation and monthly loss) also tells me that bloodletting is something to be careful about and not just performed by default. While the literature is blase about it, my feeling is other 'stuff' is lost, not just iron; the body has to work to replace the lost blood and draw from existing nutrient stores; if you're on a restricted diet, covering all the nutritional bases is harder after repeated blood loss.

As to the theory that iron hoarding/sequestering provides some immune benefit during plagues, I stumbled across the hemochromatosis-helped-during-the-Plague theory a few years ago when trying to figure out the roots of it and found it fascinating. I also wondered if perhaps iron was stored because it was needed/depleted because of something in the diet or some metabolic process that routinely drew down stores that we are not exposed to now. But as was mentioned already, this may only occasionally be a benefit and may more often be a burden. I look forward to what folks can 'dig up' about the iron/bloodline connection!
voyageur said:
In pondering the question of iron and how it relates in the transcripts, along with general blood types and genetics, was thinking about electrophonic emissions playing some type of historical human influencing role. Genetics was discussed as an aspect of the Tunguska event, whereby interactions with comets creating possibly the electrophonic influences may have changed family genetics (generational) as related to blood type in the one family (this is discussed by Laura in her book ‘Comets and the Horns of Mosses’). Was there also an iron influence to this? With high or low iron levels, what effects could electrophonic influences have immediately or future genetically? It seems to be known that excess iron levels can interfere with the heart’s electrical conductivity as one aspect. What also comes to mind is how did the Blackfoot Indians for instance, in a landscape of typically Blood Type O, predominate to a Blood Type A people (80 something percent); was it migration or from a possible comet/environmental electrophonic influence similar to Tunguska, and could iron levels have play a role here?

Interesting in that doing the time of the russion comet I began to experience electrical anomalies almost everywhere. A day or two after the explosion I notice on my way home from the store, sitting on the curve in front of my building a space rock. It is have the size of the tip of my finger. I share this expereince as it might relate to what voyageur describe above.

I am also aware that comets or asteriods supposedly have a high percentage of iron. They really are electric in nature, so I suppose.
I tried to make some sense of it all, but I could be only thinking out aloud being off.

A: To some extent, yes. But do not let that be the only clue. You might consider "lifestyle" as well as the presence and uses of metals; particularly gold vs. iron.

If my memory serves me well it was said in one session about pyramids something like that gold in a fluid state serves as a conduit in a way. That person can through it have experiences of other densities. I thought that this was one of the reasons why gold was so precious in ancient times. Looking like that we have two ways, two conduits, gold and iron. First is more about concentrating on outer things(more STS) while latter has something to do with inner self(maybe more STO) and iron quantities in blood. From what I understood those more pure Aryan types need higher levels of protein because of their genetics based on their more powerful magnetic centers(positive or negative), that is due to purity of race.

And in the past iron levels were more regulated which would explain radiance thing and DNA changes. Maybe in cosmic environment like that they needed more iron. When it comes to those mutation happening 60 000 - 40 000 years ago in a time of Atlantis their DNA was more activated(so maybe there could not be side effects like today, in fact we can not be sure 100 per cent because we were not there) so I was thinking maybe that was natural part of their genetics, that is of one s that are purer, that did not mix, and they inherited these mutations in today s conditions.

Maybe by work on oneself iron can be properly channelized with creating stronger magnetic centers. Maybe it also has something to do with changing of cosmic environment because it was said in transcripts that in the past that was the case and that the results was psychic abilities, and that the Earth is again changing it s environment and that those people of right DNA could again get that abilities, so maybe they were referring to it when they said:

A: Gradual passage of phases.
Q: Is that the proper manner?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Which phases are passing gradually?
A: The answer to that is the clue you need most.
Q: (T) Phases of what?
A: It is the discovery that fosters the learning.

I was thinking also that in the past ozone layer was denser and iron has function in transporting the oxygen in bloodstream. What if that was not needed in the past in such quantities for that function because of higher concentration of oxygen in the air. That iron would be used for other means in many other races. I am still wondering about Nordic covenant if it has to do something with Quorum.

Luckily, depending from perspective, I do not have Celtic, Germanic ancestry.
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