I must thank you greatly, Vulcan59 and all of you, wonderful people, who contributed to making this thread. You made me realized that I'm indeed a lurker. Not only to this forum. I was being a lurker all my life.
After reding those thirteen pages, what amaze me the most is the fact that we all share/d the same/similar fears. I, too, was afraid of posting for the reasons that many of you had. Thinking that I have nothing important to contribute, that everything was shared before and I would only add noise. That I still know to little to even speak. That I can't express myself properly, English being my second language. And maybe the main reason was that I felt that deep down I was not good enough.
In my twenty four years of life, there were only few people who were interested with things I wanted to say, in knowing my view of reality, and my feelings. And they were mostly random. My mother loved me (at least, the only way she know) but she never wanted to understand me when I was a child/teenager. She didn't know how, and I suppose she felt her life was so miserable and complicated back then, taking a while to talk to her daughter without prejudice and nervousness was to much to handle. My father, on the other hand was an alcoholic who tended to being aggressive (mostly verbally) when he felt intimidated - and I really frightened him with my straightforward behavior and ability to tell the truth to persons face. So, it was only understandable that he didn't know how to love me, care for me and appreciate me. Similar scenarios played all my life. Either I had friends, who told me they liked me, but they only wanted something from me (love, attention, me being their psychologist for free, etc - and never bother to return the favor), or I had people bullied me, because they were afraid of me/ my proud and bold attitude pissed them of (yes, I wasn't the easiest person to be with). Through those years of painful experiences I've become more silent, more fake in expressing my true self, more secluded. I've started to observing things and people, but not really participated in anything. I created my own world and shut myself inside.
I don't even know when I've developed this state of almost paranoia, that people, whom I didn't even know (a mere pedestrians in some cases) are constantly watching me, scrutinizing me, judging me.
And even though I recognized many talents in myself, I realized at some point that I don't believe I posses a real worth. I did not believed in myself at all - and it showed. I couldn't even looked a man in the eyes (I was so afraid of things I might see in them).
It was only recently that I realized, that it's not other people fault that I fell like a victim and my life is a mess. It's my own fault. I choose self-pity instead of making a decision to do something about it. I didn't make an effort. I was too passive - the only time when I was truly active was that one year, when I was fighting my liver cancer (a malignant one).
It was Laura's work, which helped me to start working on my issues, to begin to see the constant presence of predator in my mind, my programs; and to understand my depression. It's been only two years, but it has really changed me and for that I'm grateful beyond words. Saying this, I must confess I did not believed much in networking. I thought that doing the Work alone will provide me with all necessary tools and I don't need other people. I was severely wrong (though it's another story why I come to this conclusion). I finally realize that all my life I missed the feeling of being part of group, which support each other, care about each other, and what's the most important - pursue the same objective. And I really need someone, who can show me (with as much objectivity as he can) rights and wrongs of my thinking. I obviously can't do it alone. And if - while still learning myself - I could somehow help other people, it would make me truly happy.
That's all from me for now, but I'm going to post as frequently as I can. And as always, I hope my English in understandable enough (I have some grammar problems

I'm looking forward to get to know all of you.
Btw, it was the longest post I ever written in english.