Boardlurker? Read this!!

Tristan said:
I am afraid I feel more or less the same as it has been stated by other forum members. Also I am not a native English so I think it is another handicap. The more I read the more I learn however think I need my time to assimilate. Thanks Vulcano for this thread.

I am not a native english speaker myself, but i don't consider it a handicap. It actually can be of help to you and others to be bilingual as it gives you the option to communicate and be the link between two groups of people coming from different lingual-worlds ;) And from what i read, your English is quite good, Tristan. I assure you that the more you read, interact and try to express yourself in English, the better your English will get. :grad:
I agree with you Alana and learning is really fun. The point is that many times I don't know i'm using the more appropiate words or gramatical correction and so on, in order to express my opinions, feelings....without misunderstandings. For that reason I avoid to write long extended text. S ;)o I'm trying to do my best. On the other hand I'm glad to get the chance to share my opinions and thoughts here.
I'll just throw in my two cents from the perspective of being a native English speaker. There are very few posts I have read from non native English speakers that I didn't understand. One thing that surpasses language is whether someone is genuine or not. When someone is truly interested in contributing, in my opinion, people on the forum have been extremely patient and welcoming. So try not to worry so much about how you appear! No one will judge you. :)

I have some of the same problems about posting as many of the people on this thread: lack of truly informative information to post; fear of being “called” on something or chastised; apprehensive about posting “noise,” as Flshgordonv mentioned; plain old procrastination (that is, taking the time necessary to state your thoughts clearly and concisely, so, I think to myself that I’ll do it “next time).

Anyway, perhaps coincidence or maybe the Universe is nudging me, as today I was thinking about the necessity of getting more active on the forum and then this evening I came across this thread. Thanks, Vulcan59 for starting it. And, yes, GotoGo, the song, “The Rose” is very appropriate for this thread. Those words always bring tears to my eyes, especially when you think of all the people that did have dreams but where butchered, tortured, programmed by the system, starved to death or whatever and their roses never got to sprout.

Anyway (again) seems lately lots of things bring tears to my eyes, sometimes just seeing a small child and thinking how precious and innocent that life is and what is in store for him/her in the future and will that little blessed life find his way, will he make it or be crushed by the system?

So, I will make a better effort to get more involved on the forum, give my rose a chance to bloom fully.
Galahad said:
I can't stress enough the importance of participating. All of you lurkers on the forum, all of you who read and then don't post, finding all sorts of excellent excuses, do you understand that you are hurting yourselves? Maybe you are here only to get the latest news from the Cs, or the latest bits from Laura. Part of you may think that you are special because of that, or that you'll be able to save yourselves because you have information that others don't have.

And maybe there is some information here that can help you in 3D, help you to better face a future that isn't looking too bright.

Maybe you think that because you are trying to apply the information there, alone in your corner of the universe, that you are doing the Work.

But at some point, you need to make a choice and get off the fence.

If we are going to pull our buns out of the fire, it takes a group. And if you aren't participating, then you aren't part of that group. And if you aren't participating, then maybe those who are won't be enough. The group might not be strong enough. Will you really want to look at yourself some day and ask "What if?"
Now check out the Forum Guidelines and if that is agreeable, come on in and get off that fence!! :cool2:

well Galahad, stay positive please...don't push...everbody has his own pace in reading and replyng (or not replying)...
Between the lines it sounds like "if you're not with us, you're against us"...very negative statement (if thats the meaning of your words).
Besides, this rankingsytem (force etc.) sounds a little to competitive for my taste...let's be equal and open minded. we don't need extra structures
telling us who is who. (besides the moderator perhaps.)

greets chet
Chet Baker said:
well Galahad, stay positive please...don't push...everbody has his own pace in reading and replyng (or not replying)...
Between the lines it sounds like "if you're not with us, you're against us"...very negative statement (if thats the meaning of your words).
Besides, this rankingsytem (force etc.) sounds a little to competitive for my taste...let's be equal and open minded. we don't need extra structures
telling us who is who. (besides the moderator perhaps.)

greets chet


On the one hand I think it's great you are participating! :) On the other hand, I'm unsure why you feel Galahad is being pushy or negative? Or why do you feel that the forum has a competitive ranking system? The number of posts in no way reflects a person's inner development or importance to the group, this is just a technical aspect of the forum.
RyanX said:

On the one hand I think it's great you are participating! :) On the other hand, I'm unsure why you feel Galahad is being pushy or negative? Or why do you feel that the forum has a competitive ranking system? The number of posts in no way reflects a person's inner development or importance to the group, this is just a technical aspect of the forum.

Indeed, and it's also a fun way to incorporate a little Star Wars lingo into the forum, of which the creators are fans. Really, it's just a nice way to have fun with the number of posts. If you're feeling competitive or hierarchical about all that, I think it's more of a reflection of your own interpretations of the system than its actual use.
Chet Baker said:
well Galahad, stay positive please...don't push...everbody has his own pace in reading and replyng (or not replying)..
Between the lines it sounds like "if you're not with us, you're against us"...very negative statement (if thats the meaning of your words).

Yes everyone has his own pace in reading and replying, but mostly this doesn't happen by a choice made by oneself. There can be fear present (I'm afraid, I don't know how they'll react and I don't think my input is valuble anyway) there can be self-importance present (I don't need to participate, because I simply don't need it, I'm just fine as I am) and many other programs. So this thread is made to help people fight those programs and do what the predator does not like.

Only in participating in a group is there chance of accelerated growth. Sure you might learn some things simply on your own, but it will be veeeeryyy slow learning. However, all there is is lessons, so even that is just fine. But this is an opportunity many many people don't have. And you can either take it or leave it. And if you leave it, that doesn't mean we are ''against'' you. It simply means nothing, if that's what you decide, it's what you decide. Galahad was just saying that perhaps you should think about that decision, to think about what opportunities you might throw away by making this decision, to think about the valuble input and strength you could give to the group that would be lost when you would decide to walk away or decide to simply watch from a ''safe'' distance. The thing is, you can't work on yourself, you can't do the Work, if there isn't a group to work with. Because mirrors are needed, knowledge is needed and so much more. Alone you can achieve so little.

So Galahad message was to help you grow (by participating), and as you grow, you help others grow. The Universe works through people.
People need those who are able to think clear and are externally considerate in a situation where help is needed, people need those who can offer advice and knowledge, or those who can be trusted or lead the way etc. and such people can Be, through the work and research that is being done here.
And this group needs all the people it can have, because that would mean the more help we can give to those in need.

If this can be achieved by being in a group, through honest and sincere helping of each other, then why not go for it?
Oh my!!... this thread just hit me like a bolt of lightning!! it was like a slap in the face and made see myself just sitting on that fence... quietly, i've been so far from the forum, that i had to spend a couple of hours just today alone to start to catch up.

i had to move recently, emotional turmoil, and i know excuses are not allowed not by rules but by me personally, but oddly enough one of the computers in my house, our desktop, has been blocked from accessing whenever i type it, it re directs itself to a random website. i believe is the ISP's doing, because the connection has been acting up recently. it's on then it goes off, the back on.. then off. it's been hectic, gotta get to that.

but in any event, this thread just hit me like wow!! it's like a message of " Dude, gotta get back on it!"

thank you guys.. i'll make sure to make a bigger effort to stay active in the forum.
Alejo said:
but in any event, this thread just hit me like wow!! it's like a message of " Dude, gotta get back on it!"

thank you guys.. i'll make sure to make a bigger effort to stay active in the forum.

And when you fall asleep next time, another alarm clock will go off for you ;)

From In Search of the Miraculous:

Only a man who fully realizes the difficulty of awakening can understand the necessity of long and hard work in order to awake.

Speaking in general, what is necessary to awake a sleeping man? A good shock is necessary. But when a man is fast asleep one shock is not enough. A long period of continual shocks is needed. Consequently there must be somebody to administer these shocks. I have said before that if a man wants to awaken he must hire somebody who will keep on shaking him for a long time. But whom can he hire if everyone is asleep? A man will hire somebody to wake him up but this one also falls asleep. What is the use of such a man? And a man who. can really keep awake will probably refuse to waste his time in waking others up: he may have his own much more important work to do.

There is also the possibility of being awakened by mechanical means. A man may be awakened by an alarm clock. But the trouble is that a man gets accustomed to the alarm clock far too quickly, he ceases to hear it. Many alarm clocks are necessary and always new ones. Otherwise a man must surround himself with alarm clocks which will prevent him sleeping. But here again there are certain difficulties. Alarm clocks must be wound up; in order to wind them up one must remember about them; in order to remember one must wake up often. But what is still worse, a man gets used to all alarm clocks and after a certain time he only sleeps the better for them. Therefore alarm clocks must be constantly changed, new ones must be continually invented. In the course of time this may help a man to awaken. But there is very little chance of a man doing all the work of winding up, inventing, and changing clocks all by himself, without outside help. It is much more likely that he will begin this work and that it will afterwards pass into sleep, and in sleep he will dream of inventing alarm clocks, of winding them up and changing them, and simply sleep all the sounder for it.

Therefore, in order to awaken, a combination of efforts is needed. It is necessary that somebody should wake the man up; it is necessary that somebody should look after the man who wakes him; it is necessary to have alarm clocks and it is also necessary continually to invent new alarm clocks.

But in order to achieve all this and to obtain results a certain number of people must work together. One man can do nothing. Before anything else he needs help. But help cannot come to one man alone. Those who are able to help put a great value on their time. And, of course, they would prefer to help, say, twenty or thirty people who want to awake rather than one man. Moreover, as has been said earlier, one man can easily deceive himself about his awakening and take for awakening simply a new dream. If several people decide to struggle together against sleep, they will wake each other. It may often happen that twenty of them will sleep but the twenty-first will be awake and he will wake up the rest. It is exactly the same thing with alarm clocks. One man will invent one alarm clock, another man will invent another, afterwards they can make an exchange. Altogether they can be of very great help one to another, and without this help no one can attain anything.

Therefore a man who wants to awake must look for other people who also want to awake and work together with them. This, however, is easier said than done because to start such work and to organize it requires a knowledge which an ordinary man cannot possess. The work must be organized and it must have a leader. Only then can it produce the results expected of it. Without these conditions no efforts can result in anything whatever. Men may torture themselves but these tortures will not make them awake. This is the most difficult of all for certain people to understand. By themselves and on their own initiative they may be capable of great efforts and great sacrifices. But because their first effort and their first sacrifice ought to be obedience nothing on earth will induce them to obey another. And they do not want to reconcile themselves to the thought that all their efforts and all their sacrifices are useless.
thank you kinall, indeed sometimes you just fall right back to sleep and it's close to impossible to wake up by one's sole effort.

Thank you again forum for being my alarm clock!!
Well I haven't been lurking. I don't tend to do that. I've been doing other things and have really only looked at this board today. But you already know that by checking IPs. I've thought a lot about the content here and have come to some fairly funny conclusions regarding good and bad things. At this stage I'm thinking that both good and bad have a perfect right to do what they do. If we are part of a food chain and finally a cosmic drama, then that is right and proper. If the planet is going down the tubes then that must be the way of things and from the universe's perspective it must be the right.

I've had a continuous headache since Jan which is strange as previously I never had headaches. Its virtually continuous. A real pain in the ass.....head. A Russian lady publisher has asked me to write the blog for her website so I'm doing that at present. I do a little teaching and writing. The latest Cass sessions are interesting. My natural curiosity is fit to bust regarding the 'companion sun' which will in some way confirm Tesla's view of the nature of suns. Speaking of sun's, the new 'discovery' of a mega sun will upset a lot of astrophysicists. Those guys do more rewrites than any comparable discipline. They really don't have a clue about the nature of the universe. Drawing theories from an extremely limited capacity to observe the total phenomena is bound to lead to bull.

Happy to hear that Laura has taken up the astrological cudgel. Have fun with that Laura. All roads lead to Rome. Hope everyone is well and mentally prepared for the coming fun and games. I have been watching the signs. We've had a few earthquakes of late down here in our neck of the woods. We even got a version of the Norway spiral UFO phenomena here on the Gold Coast which was fun. God bless the hand held digital camera and the mobile phone camera. The powers that be must really wince at everyone having readily available cameras. The local astrophysicist initially said the phenomena was space junk and then by noon they had got a better version of the story, saying that it was a failed rocket launch. Funny though how the spiralling vapor that surrounded the object kept moving with it like it was all one thing. Not trailing as you would expect vapor or gas. Funny.

Well, I will pop in from time to time. I think the views expressed here are the sanest on the planet. Although I do get the impression that a lot of board users live in a state of apprehensive fear. It comes across sometimes in the posts. Chillout you people. You can only die this life anyhow. Be good everyone.

Peace in your universe.

If you're not a lurker and your post isn't about lurking in general, then what was your intention behind it? Why not just create a separate post under "what's on your mind"?

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