It was asked of the lurkers in general, possibly by Vulcan, why is it that they lurk? I thought, hey, I've been a lurker although I told myself I was just a quiet visitor on the sofa of the forum, problem is, if I look at that analogy more carefully, I was more of a quiet visitor sitting 'behind' the sofa!
Note these "reasons" come from the predators mind, but that is because I am cognizant of the fact the predators mind exists, but I realize more and more I sure am not able to see it very often (I probably think I see the predators mind rise up more than I actually do, and it most often goes unnoticed). Anyway I'll continue to explain some of my "reasons" for not getting involved:
"Reason 1 - gotta be ready first"
- I almost signed up in 2008, but I read the conditions, where it was suggested that Forum members are familiar with previous postings, and be familiar with various writings such as Gurdjieff and the Wave and others. I have said as an excuse that I "took this too seriously" - no Jefferson, you didn't network, you didn't listen to the group that you were lurking in, plain and simple.
Then I got this idea, that I have to be "ready" to sign up, to get "ready" to start doing the Work, and writing that seems ludicrous actually, as at the time I assumed by doing that reading, and not signing up, that I was doing some Work. But I intellectually knew from reading Gurdjieff, that Work can only be done in a network. Just because I was sharing these ideas one other person isn't a network. So even though I knew about the network, I didn't understand it, as I didn't use it. Well, Burma Jones told me straight that's "getting ready to do the Work" is nonsense - that was a lesson much needed. As I have carried this "pre-quantum future school" attitude up to very recently, as it is simple, you're either doing the Work, or not.
"Reason 2 - being a nuisance"
- signal to noise. This is a trap. The number one message has been to encourage people to get involved, when you start talking crap, it will be pointed out, if you are being too "noisy" it will be pointed out, and it can be corrected. As a lurker, I've seen it many of times. Nuthin to fear! However, I didn't listen to this, there's a stubborn, tenacious predator that that just doesn't listen at times. I felt (and still feel) that I had to have such well thought and researched posts before I posted anything. I smiled at the comment one of the moderators made one time asking a fairly verbose member to describe the difference between a "research forum" and a " internet discussion board". I smiled because it was to the point, non-threatening, and was an excellent way to have the forum member try to observe what he/she was doing. I thought, I can handle feedback, I wanna grow, it's the predator that can't take it!!
So for my ego, getting it pointed out to me that my postings were out of line or whatever I feared, was quite uncomfortable, to say the least, but for the longest time, I didn't think of it this way: I thought I was just getting "prepared". Sheesh. I ask myself, Jefferson, can you really learn to swim staring at the darn water??
Because I found the work of the network to be useful, I was thinking that I would be a nuisance and maybe I would somehow detract from it. Stupid eh, when I think a bout it. Just writing this, and expressing this reason makes the "reason" sound so absurd. I guess my persona and ego is so powerful that it could actually "detract" from this Work - yeah, ego does think quite highly of itself, don' it?
Also part of this "reason 2" is that I often felt nobody would really want to hear my story anyway (or poor predator, poor you, nobody likes you boo hoo), but the next week I would start thinking that " I have the greatest story ever!" - what did G say about being machines running on automatic most if not all of the time??
"Reason 3- no time"
- I have had extraordinary time constraints over the past few years but I know for sure I could have found time to post. I would say, "well I work so much on the computer anyway, I just can't start typing some posts that are useless (see "reason2"). I imagined all kinds of topics and posts and basically just entertained myself with all kinds of thoughts, but that is where they stayed. Well, I was lucky to have a friend to share these thoughts with over the years, but again 2 people is absolutely and completely not a network. So there was time to intellectually engage in this stuff, to read sott, read several books, most of the wave, and thats OK to read, but just think how good it would have been, back in late 2008, start posting about some of the stuff I was reading, and start to become acquainted with the network. Any lurkers reading this, best to just get involved now, nuthin to worry about here
"Reason 4 - being found out by someone outside the Network"
- strategic enclosure can be taken too far, if I really knew what that term really means. Just an example on the side here, I was pointed out by Atreides how that I intellectually knew for example about G's writing on telling the truth, and that the situation needs to always be taken into account, and I proved some time ago that I totally blew that one, but hey, gotta deal with it. My point being is that with family considerations and so forth one has to be careful to an extent what one writes in a public forum BUT that does not stop one from posting. If sensitive stuff goes up by a newb, and you can't yet modify the post, that is why there are moderators here, to help with that stuff. Anyway, for me, I had a bit of an issue, which was based on fear, also possibly my ego, which had me concerned where I can post. I still struggle with that. I have some sensitive matters that I am bursting to share (and go back to "reason 2" I often feared that nobody would wanna hear my story anyway). Recently I was able to share some of these things with some of the elders of the fellowship, and I realize these matters are not so huge, and even if it were totally public, it wouldn't even be that big of a deal in the end.
"Reason 5 - wanting to keep predator alive"
I couldn't think of a suitable subtitle for this, but for me, I remember running into EE late in 2009, using a part of it it off and on at the beginning of last year, and saying, yeah, I gotta post my experiences, but then I thought after my separation, "if I start doing EE more, and posting my experiences, and posting more in general, well I may not have a chance to do a bit of predatorial feeding. if I start posting, I may be cautioned against this, and maybe I won't feel like doing this…and by the way, it really isn't feeding as they say, it is just mutual fun…" Great eh? I have to say when writing this that the predator can be quite repulsive, to say the least. Lessons were definitely learned, well, let's say some experiences were gained, and when I share them with network, they may turn into lessons. Anyway, more about that in another post.
These are just the top 5, and there may have been more, but I will post this now, as I have that program that will say "don't post it, just wait until you have thoroughly elucidated upon ALL possible reasons for lurking, you only have 5" - my ego likes admiration, it's great, "wow did you ever think of such wonderful reasons, I think you covered every reason in the book.." ok nuff said for now.