Why do I Board-Lurk?
It is probably just a chain of excuses, but I leave that to others to decide.
Firstly time; If I spend an hour a day looking at the new posts, I could not read nor process them in a constructive way, rather to say it would be like half listening to a conversation and then jumping in with some odd comment. It was pointed out to me recently, that I should just focus on threads that I have a direct interest in, so maybe I shall try that for a while.
Secondly noise; Miss the Forum for a week, and there are, in some threads, over 3 or 4 screens of posts. This leads me only to go to the last screen or two, and then I feel I cannot comment as there is a high probability that a similar comment exists above, then I would be adding to the noise, which is inconsiderate, not my aim. Solution to above may also fit this, but then am I missing something important.
Thirdly I don't read well (fast), I think I listen well, and find verbal interaction much easier to cope with. Not sure if 'cope' is the right word, I just find the process of face-to-face personal interaction more fulfilling.
Finally related to the Third, my wife is also on the forum, and we talk about the news and issues related to the C's and books to look at a lot, and as said, I do not read that well, hence I struggle to work my way through the Wave, and recently Marc Bloch's The Historians Craft ( I believe the root of Laura's methods ). This leaves a lot of unread material, I know, however I find the incentive to be able to discuss the material motivates me a lot more, and hence my next endeavour will be Political Ponerology.
I guess reading back over what I have just written, I need to be a little more organised and selective in what I try to do, otherwise I will end up doing bits of everything and completing nothing!