Boardlurker? Read this!!

Hello Vulcan59
I'm not sure if 'busy' is looked upon the same as lazy. I am still becoming familiar with this forum (it's the only one I have ever responded to) and how to use it. Would love to include an avatar picture but using a computer is still high science to me. I am happy to have so much to read and learn and am happy to say that I resonate swimmingly with all I have read in the Wave Series. It has helped me very quickly recognise how much attack I have been under all of my life and I realise why. The attacks are now more frequent and closer to home, so to speak, but they are more transparent as they start to occur. Learning certainly is 'fun'. It's good to be able to see and recognise the truth in so many daily situations and activities.
I am trying to juggle the books and the Sott site and the 'recommended threads' and the EE and the detox and...............Well, I am trying so please be patient as I certainly am determined to do the Work. However, I am someone who would rather wait to have something constructive to say before I type on my keyboard. Is that a problem? As a matter of fact I sometimes think that the comments going through my mind are just a bit of noise so I skip it.
But I can appreciate a little stern encouragement when I understand its context. Thank you everyone.
LoveAndLight said:
Network! Just like the Cs tell us. Everybody needs to communicate with one and another so we can help each other out. I'm still working on my communication skills, so my apologizes for that. :/

Another lurker here, guilty as charged...
I have two people that I can speak with about what most people consider esoteric material.
I always say to them that I realize I must get better at networking.
And I know it's right here.

Being a product of the U.S. public education system it's a challenge for me to construct a grammatically correct sentence.
I have written responses to post that takes me hours to write only to review it and decide it's either noise or doesn't add any real meat to the conversation.

After reading all the post in this topic I know that I have been remiss in my duties as a member of the forum.
I am not letting myself be know to others and I am not raising the mirror to see myself.
I will increase my efforts.

Thank you for the wake up call Vulcan59!
I think that this is great that so many of you see that it would benefit you greatly to become more active on the forum. :clap:

Now, if you can all just put this into action. Remember, you get out of life what you put into it. And there is no better way to start rewiring your brain and shut-up these programs than to start posting.

For those of you who work so diligently on a post, only to delete it rather than post it, been there, done that! This is nothing more than your predator telling you how worthless your input is, how you know nothing so should say nothing, how this has already been said so why bother, that this is just noise and won't be appreciated.

This is just the insidious whispering of your predator, trying desperately to keep you from learning and growing. To keep you from shining light on the predator so it can be seen for what it is.

You have to decide whether to become serious about cleaning your machine, or just let it ride as it is. To keep your vibrations where they are now. You have to decide who is in control, you or your machine. As always, it is up to you.
Nienna, your contributions to this thread are really helpful and much appreciated, thank you! :)

Just to add my own boardlurker share:

I've been lurking a whole lot, too, and I also hear myself in the descriptions of the predator`s "reasoning" you all have described here. Funny, how that works. When sitting for oneself, hearing that "voice", one succumbs pretty easily - and generally, this is I think because one thinks one is alone in it, and one believes the predator's voice to be telling the truth. But the predator is doing nothing but and can do nothing but use the hooks we have in ourselves; those of inadequacy and unworthiness. Where -again- we reach that point of realizing how crucial it is to get to know our machine, and -again- we see this process is being alleviated and accellerated via networking.

Thank you all for contributing. :)
This thread brought me to consider the roots of my boardlurking.

I was a very expressive and emotional as a child. I have no problem with communicating. As time went things changed.
First major blow was my parents separation (court didn't give my father divorce he wanted because my brother and i were little at the time).
You could say that parents divorce (because that was really what it was only court give it 10 years later) is always hard for the children, and that's certainly true. What i have to deal additionally was being a child of abandoned woman in a communist country with catholic majority. I remember my mother asking me to never tell this to my peers. I often wondered why. When i grew up a little i understood that it made us second class citizens, someone to look down upon. A single mother was some kind of defective female in a country, where woman's worth was and i think still is depending on having a man.

The secon mile stone in my road to lurkin was dealt by my peers when i was teenager. I always wanted to have friends be it at school, where i lived or in the summer camps i went to. And i did in the elementary school. It was very good experience for me, even if i was a little possessive towards them. It was at a summer camp before my first year in the high school that change it. I thought that i have made friends with some of the girls. They sometimes borrowed things from me. We spend a lot of time together, until one of them told me that I wasted their time, that they didn't want to associate with the likes of me. That hurt me very much. I realized that for them i was good enough only when they wanted something from me, be it things or favors. I stopped associate with them. It was such a huge blow that it took me 2 years in the high school to realy trust someone and forge a lasting friendship (to this day). It was the biggest part for my closing up to others.

There were other experiences on the way that blow by blow took away my confidence in my abilities, my performance and myself. My self worth was far below zero. If not for my friend taking me from the edge i don't know what would happend. Thanks to her i regained some of it, started to open up little by little.

I don't post as often as i could because i'm afraid to be hurt.
I don't post as often as i could because i'm afraid to be judged. (even if i know YOU DON'T)
I don't post as often as i could because i'm afraid to look as someone who seeks attention.

I don't post as often as i could because i'm afraid.
I don't post as often as i could because i'm lazy
I don't post as often as i could because it's painful to remember.

I want to fight with myself. With my fear, with my laziness, with my anger, with my shortcomings, with my pain.
This forum an all it entails give me the tools (EE among others), the help and the encouragement to do this. And i agree that starting simple is good. One post a day, everyday.
ReBecca.S said:
I need to reread how to quote, because I didn't do that properly. I also wanted to ask, is it necessary to read the entire thread before posting? For instance, sometimes there's a 32 page thread that I would like to add to but never finish reading it because I run out of time.

That's a tough one, but I think it would be externally considerate to others to read the whole thread before posting especially if you have questions you want to ask. You could also take the approach of posting and saying that you are on page __ of the thread to let others know that you are working your way through it. Another approach is to keep a word pad document saved with quotes from other forumites and your thoughts as you go through the thread and that way at the end of the thread you have all your thoughts and ideas ready. Maybe you'll have new insights to post at the end of the thread based on what others have posted.
Hi sitta! :)

Thanks for sharing your story! It's great that you're determined to get off the fence, or rather to move out of that room in which the the negative introject likes to keep us prisoner.
Don't be fooled by my words, I'm just as well struggling a whole lot with my negative introject. Since I started to network more regularly, it even got stronger and gives me a real hard time. Oftentimes I find I cannot even recognize the predator behind all its myriad masks.

So be prepared for it to get into full mode once you are posting daily - but do keep going, it's worth the effort! And welcome to networking! :)
Hello Puzzle,

Thank you very much for the encouragement :flowers:

One of the things that help me greatly, is the knowledge, that i'm not alone in this, that people here are going through the same struggle as me. Even if their experiences are different we all work for the same goal. Geting off the fence and working on our selves in the process.

I know that when i will face difficulties on the way people here will always help, that they realy understand.
Vulcan59 said:
Are you a "cass boardlurker"? Yes? Then this definitely applies to you. And no, we are not interested in bored lurkers. :)
I think you need to alter your approach (and also make some changes to the application process - it's flakey and costing you members).

I think this is my '3'rd' visit to this website all told, and I 'was' going to become a member (feel free to delete my account any time you like). So hardly a lurker.
A couple of quotes to get you going.

Session 15 Aug 09 said:
A: Those individuals who still think that you can get something for nothing will find themselves blocked.

In my experience, the vast majority of people do not in fact think 'they can get something for nothing'.

Session 020731 said:
A: He who sits on fence gets splinters.
Q: (M) That is so true.
A: And they can be particularly nasty when one jumps off in haste upon realizing that fence sitters are prime targets for snipers.

Personally I came off the fence at least 30 years ago, and have been encouraging people down off their fences, ever since.

Galahad said:
I can't stress enough the importance of participating. All of you lurkers on the forum, all of you who read and then don't post, finding all sorts of excellent excuses, do you understand that you are hurting yourselves? Maybe you are here only to get the latest news from the Cs, or the latest bits from Laura. Part of you may think that you are special because of that, or that you'll be able to save yourselves because you have information that others don't have.

And maybe there is some information here that can help you in 3D, help you to better face a future that isn't looking too bright.

Maybe you think that because you are trying to apply the information there, alone in your corner of the universe, that you are doing the Work.

But at some point, you need to make a choice and get off the fence.

If we are going to pull our buns out of the fire, it takes a group. And if you aren't participating, then you aren't part of that group. And if you aren't participating, then maybe those who are won't be enough. The group might not be strong enough. Will you really want to look at yourself some day and ask "What if?"
Now check out the Forum Guidelines and if that is agreeable, come on in and get off that fence!! :cool2:


I don't think Love has much truck with bullying. In fact, I know it doesn't.

The work carries on. You either contribute to the work, or you don't. Remember, they also serve, who stand and wait. The hardest task of all, is not to act, when not acting is the best course.

If you do contribute, great, if not get out of the way, it's obviously not your time, and there's no harm in that, no harm at all.

Returning to 'Love'.

I don't see the Cassiopaeans extolling the significance and sheer 'everythingness' that matters, about 'Love'.

That concerns me. It should concern you too.

Ask them where it is. Where Love is. They should know. It is a very specific place.

What are the colours, and what two immediately obvious things are resident there, and what is the shape of one of those things, the thing you will see 'first'. They should know what the third thing is that is there, too, and what shape the things are, that are worked in that 3rd thing.

Ask them what happens to the Shadow of Evil there.

There are far more actors in this Play, than you might imagine.{/i}

I do wish you well, good luck, and let's walk the board to 'Surfing Safari'.
Cya the other side (please delete this account).
The hardest task of all, is not to act, when not acting is the best course.

While there is something to be said for watchful waiting to see whether something is right for you or not, the list of excuses for not acting can be very long. We do our best to attempt to discern between the two. It is up to each individual to determine for themselves whether they are willing to put themselves out there and learn through trial and error about why they are holding back and why they are truly here if not to network.

Many people use the excuse not to act strictly out of fear that they will be seen. When one does so, it is the easiest thing in the world to avoid action because then they believe they are not responsible for their actions or lack of it. If you (in the general use) cannot participate on a forum, you (general) cannot really participate in your life. There will always be something that holds you (general) back as the problem lies within the mind, not the forum.

I think in this way, the members of the forum are coming upon a crossroad as this issue has been coming up recently. People truly need to ask themselves why they are here. Is it to feel as though they belong to a group when they've felt they never belonged anywhere else? Is it because this group fits in with some idea they have projected on themselves and wear it like a new jacket that is discarded once the newness of it fades? Or is it to truly work on themselves?

When that question is answered, assuming that the last question is the answer, then one should ask (in my opinion) am I applying this work in my life or am I only doing the work online? Many people "do their time" at church only to return to their same behaviors when they leave. They may think that after doing their one or two hours, they are now free to act however they choose whether it is in accordance with the church's beliefs or not. If life is religion, then what people claim to hold so dear to them should encompass every second of their life, not just when it is convenient. I digressed a bit, but wanted to just get that out.

The question I would put to you ogri is how long will you stand and wait?

The work all of us do here is not easy. We have chosen to take to hard path not because it is hard, but because there seems to be no other way. If it were easy, don't you think someone would have found it by now?

I would encourage you to take some time to think about the life you really want. If you still decide you need to leave, the door is always still there.

edit: correction
Ogri said:
I think this is my '3'rd' visit to this website all told, and I 'was' going to become a member (feel free to delete my account any time you like). So hardly a lurker.[/i]...

From my experience becoming a member doesn't equal not becoming a lurker.

Ogri said:
Session 15 Aug 09 said:
A: Those individuals who still think that you can get something for nothing will find themselves blocked.

In my experience, the vast majority of people do not in fact think 'they can get something for nothing'.

Then that quote is not about them. I think this remark is for people who do exactly that in the matters of WORK.

Ogri said:
I don't see the Cassiopaeans extolling the significance and sheer 'everythingness' that matters, about 'Love'.

That concerns me. It should concern you too.

Ask them where it is. Where Love is. They should know. It is a very specific place.

What is love? Could you tell me it's definition? Why do you think it is in a specific place :huh:
I'm courious.

If i remember correctly the C's said that love is light is knowledge. In the light of this definition :) this forum is about love, as it is about learning and applying what's learned (if possible) thus gaining knowledge which is light which is love.

Ogri said:
What are the colours, and what two immediately obvious things are resident there, and what is the shape of one of those things, the thing you will see 'first'. They should know what the third thing is that is there, too, and what shape the things are, that are worked in that 3rd thing.

Could you elaborate please, as i really don't know what are you talking about here :huh:
Ogri said:
I don't see the Cassiopaeans extolling the significance and sheer 'everythingness' that matters, about 'Love'.

That concerns me. It should concern you too.

Ask them where it is. Where Love is. They should know. It is a very specific place.

What are the colours, and what two immediately obvious things are resident there, and what is the shape of one of those things, the thing you will see 'first'. They should know what the third thing is that is there, too, and what shape the things are, that are worked in that 3rd thing.

Ask them what happens to the Shadow of Evil there.

There are far more actors in this Play, than you might imagine.{/i}

I do wish you well, good luck, and let's walk the board to 'Surfing Safari'.
Cya the other side (please delete this account).

Hi, Ogri, I may be wrong, but I guess I understand what you mean. There is a certain state of mind in which you understand the futility of many things in and around you and you are fascinated by creation, existence. It is like falling in love. The Ra material, for example, talks about this feeling and puts some emphasis on it or you can find this in Sufi teachings, as well. For example Ra says:

Questioner: For the general development of the reader of this book, could you state some of the practices or exercises to perform to produce an acceleration toward the Law of One?

Ra: I am Ra.

Exercise One. This is the most nearly centered and useable within your illusion complex. The moment contains love. That is the lesson/goal of this illusion or density. The exercise is to consciously see that love in awareness and understanding distortions. The first attempt is the cornerstone. Upon this choosing rests the remainder of the life-experience of an entity. The second seeking of love within the moment begins the addition. The third seeking empowers the second, the fourth powering or doubling the third. As with the previous type of empowerment, there will be some loss of power due to flaws within the seeking in the distortion of insincerity. However, the conscious statement of self to self of the desire to seek love is so central an act of will that, as before, the loss of power due to this friction is inconsequential.

Exercise Two. The universe is one being. When a mind/body/spirit complex views another mind/body/spirit complex, see the Creator. This is an helpful exercise.

Exercise Three. Gaze within a mirror. See the Creator.

Exercise Four. Gaze at the creation which lies about the mind/body/spirit complex of each entity. See the Creator.

The foundation or prerequisite of these exercises is a predilection towards what may be called meditation, contemplation, or prayer. With this attitude, these exercises can be processed. Without it, the data will not sink down into the roots of the tree of mind, thus enabling and ennobling the body and touching the spirit.

However, the emphasis of Cassiopaea material is a little different, may be that's why you feel the lack of `the feeling` in the material. It puts a lot of emphasis on understanding the real world as well as beyond and the objective reality and I think it is important, too. Ra also advises not to forget that the everyday life and the real world is holy no matter how bored you are because of all the futility of it because it provides us with lessons. Laura mentions this in the Wave,as well, that the real world is important because it is where we are and where we learn.

And this from 94.11.09

Q: (L) Is the Sufi path a good one to study?
A: Up to you.
Q: (L) I know that but I want to know if it is valid or better
than another?
A: We don't want to judge that for you.
Q: (L) What percentage of truth is in that path.
A: In one sense all teachings are truths.
Q: (L) Can't you just tell me?
A: Subjective. Would you like us judge Reiki?

For me, this sentence `In one sense all teachings are truths. ` is important and thus I see each material as facets of a diamond, the truth, and I try to focus on the diamond itself. It seems that they are just completing each other and I love the Cassiopaea material because you can see a similar approach when you surf on the the Cassiopaea Glossary,for example. I had the same concern you had and this is the answer I could come up with.
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