Cancer: causes and cures

Re: Electromagnetic radiation and its effect on the brain

Hello everyone,

Very interesting topic. The most important things have already been said here. About GPS and the like.

Other than cell phone usage and WiFi in your house, one thing to really watch out for is if you have a laptop. Quite often, when you reboot the laptop, the WiFi (and/or Bluetooth) will automatically turn itself on again. Best to turn off the WiFi and Bluetooth, or else you are just sitting there irradiating yourself for no reason. Bad juju!
Yes, it depends also on your OS. Linux, for example, or at least the network manager, activates WiFi on each system start and when you awake your system from standby! Either you deactivate WiFi each time manually or you uninstall the driver, whatsoever. The ultimate solution is to remove the card completely, if you know how.

Totally forgot about laptop! Since it's a share house I can't convince everyone to give up the WiFi. So, if I hard line my laptop, will I be getting less WiFi because the laptop transmits as well?
The router will be less active rather than broadcasting data packets to your computer, and vice versa. But nevertheless it emits radiation all the time if its WiFi module is switched on. And yes, you have to turn off all kinds of things that are able to emit microwaves on your laptop in order to become less radiated. If all these wireless things are off, it is actually tolerable, assumed you keep a certain distance to electric devices.

I also didn't understand the part about the radio. I listen to my car radio usually.
Yes, I did not understand it as well while I was translating this article. Literally yes, but somehow the moderator and Barry Trower talked at cross purposes. And then they went ahead with another subtopic.

But aren't radio waves less harmful than microwaves?
Of course, compared with WiFi, DECT and cellphone technology.

How does a radio wave turn into a microwave when in a car?
Your car's bodywork is made of sheet steel or/and aluminum. The result is that the signal coming from the cellphone tower(s) is weakened. Hence your cellphone enhances its own signal in order to sustain the connection and thus radiates stronger as usually. And the very microwaves are reflected by the metal of your car. The car is a Faraday cage.


Will car radios have the same effect on you, turning a car into a microwave, if I turn on my car radio? Is that a problem?

You should never , ever have microwave radiation inside a car, not ever. Never ever.
Yeah, that bit is a little confusing. I think he may have misunderstood the question. We were also wondering about the car radio. Maybe someone who is knowledgeable about these things can shed some light.
I think, he just pointed out the fact I have described above without listening to the questions from the moderator as an automatic and fully mechanical response within a dialogue. That's the way politicians speak, for example. They do not listen, they say just things they have prepared as "templates" in their minds. So they never will say something that should not be said. Coming back to the car radio. It should not be so bad. The antenna is outside of the car and radio is just received. The largest part of it is not pulsed, another small part is pulsed.

I've always carried my cell phone in my pocket. But for some months now I have it turned off. But if it's true that only when transmitting or receiving does it produce radiation then it shouldn't be a problem, osit. I really only use it as a clock, and infrequent calls if I need to contact home or someone at work.
It remains only its natural electric field which all electric devices have. But that is not so bad and no reason to worry, only in cases where this field is strong enough to have an impact upon you (e.g. sockets, power cables inside walls and radio alarm clocks).

Wouldn't a GPS have to send a signal back to give its location, in order to map? Perhaps I don't understand how GPS works, though - I thought it sent a signal to the satellite to say 'here I am' the satellite returned a signal to say 'yep, there you are in reference to the rest of the globe'? How else could phones be tracked by GPS signal if they didn't transmit? I could obviously use some 'technical assistance' on this one.

Nope standard GPS device is only a reciever , GPS as a system works in a broadcast mode , like standard radio. It only recieves information about longtitude and latitude , so no transmitters in it

Satellite radio and GPS devices will never transmit anything back as far as I know - they just receive signals and use them to let you listen to music or to triangulate your position and plot it on a map.
Yes, a cellphone cannot send information to satellite in a distance of 20,000 km. The cellphone can just receive this very weak signal coming from these satellites in the orbit. But if you have a GPS within a cellphone (e.g. A-GPS), that system is more a hybrid, it sends at least to three usual cellphone towers near to you. This way your position can be determined much faster and there are less connection interruptions or abortions. Cellphones radiate invariably.


The electromagnetic spectrum is a band that goes from gamma rays and x-rays at one end, the very high energy waves, and it comes down through visible light, which is also some radiation, and then it goes through infrared microwaves, tv and radio. Now the only ones which really affect us in the communications industry are the microwaves, and microwaves have a special ability to interfere with water, which is how microwave ovens work, and we are made of water.

All of our chemical and electrical signals involve water in the body, somehow, electrical communications in the body. So, the industry has picked the worst possible part of the electromagnetic spectrum to give to young children and to adults.

Isn't it curious that the favorite frequency of all these wireless technologies is the same as that of a microwave oven?
Young children and to adults... and animals and maybe some plants. Yes, it is curious and certainly not an accident.

This was not at home. This was when I was away. Ok, so I have a longstanding, shortterm memory issue that pops up from time to time. Should I be worried? What are the implications of this?
Yes, memory loss could be a consequence of electromagnetic radiation. It is said that experiments had shown that rats became increased memory capabilities after radiation, but it could be likewise disinformation. For human beings it is the opposite at least.

What do they mean by knowledge protects in this instance? What can I do to protect myself
You are writing and discussing here and you become aware of all the risks and impacts and how to protect yourself and I think, one becomes more carefully if he is not ignorant towards the available information. Knowledge reveals often ways to do or achieve something that is needed.

I cannot remove the wireless router from my room as well that will be an all-mighty battle ground with the parents... There is no other place in the house for it. My room is used as a study when I am not in, which is the case for nearly half the year.
I think, you have to speak with them. It is your health and your parents cannot restore it after damage. Maybe you won't see your parents in a couple of years, you will have your own family (I do not know your age), but all the damage possibly remains. So if you know what is wrong and what actually to do why not to act right now?

But we have two wireless phones in the house. Don't know if wired phones are even available anymore.
DECT is comparable with WiFi and thus absolutely dangerous. It is wise to use the classic wired phones.

Is the wifi used by the entire family? You could print out the interview mentioned at the beginning of this thread and show your family. If the info is coming from a retired British military scientist, they're more likely to take it seriously than if it were from a conspiracy theorist blogger, for example.
And the ECOLOG study and the BioInitiative report.

No use fretting over what you can't control... I don't know where you live, but in lots of big cities there is nowhere you can go where you aren't in a wifi zone.
That's true. The signal of a router is actually too strong and sometimes it can reach distances about 60 meters (being positioned inside a house). And if there are more routers than people and each flat has at least one router, you have a very very bad environment you should leave if possible (or shield, if you know how and have 10cm walls made of lead ;)).

Patience makes a good point here, there is no sense worrying about something you can't control. He's right, the C's have suggested (in some recent session, I believe) that detox is one of the best ways to avoid some of the biggest damages from EMF radiation. On top of that, they've also mentioned that wearing silk can be of help in some cases too. If you do a forum search on "silk" you should turn up some info on that.
One thing that is a result of radiation is stress and stress leads to all sorts of illnesses. That means detox or die. I have not tested silk yet, I should do, but it is seemingly to known to some manufacturers of anti-electromagnetic products and shielding products. Silk in conjunction with silver fibers is sometimes used to reduce radiation. It is expensive and if you are able to build your own protection, you should do and try this.
Re: Electromagnetic radiation and its effect on the brain

Jason (ocean59) said:
For your cell phone, you can use a hands free *wired* headset (no bluetooth obviously), and keep the phone resting on a table while you talk, instead of in contact with your skull.

Dr Mercola's Bluetube headsets are a particularly good choice. You can check it out here:
Re: Electromagnetic radiation and its effect on the brain

Came across this ad for the ultimate microwave car while researching this evening:

[...]The car has been equipped with Wi-Fi System and up to 150 feet around the car; ten or more users can access the internet through its aid.

[...]Subaru Outback is an 802.11 a/b/g hotspot and works on cellular networks of 2.5G and 3G.

Well, at least I know which car to tailgate if I need a signal. ;)
Re: Electromagnetic radiation and its effect on the brain

Thank you jason and sirius. Alot of useful information. :headbanger: :rockon:
My clearest understanding of disease came after reading Evolve your Brain by Joe Dispenza.

The basics of it were this:

Stress, in any form, promotes the exact same response as the fight or flight response. In other words, stress sucks life promoting blood out of important organs and tissues etc, straight into the muscles where it sits while awaiting the fight or flight response.

This causes two results.

1. Because for the most part, the stress induced incident(s) does NOT end up in a fight or flight response, such chemicals as cortizol etc, then remain in the blood, go hard, and as such create the dreaded muscle tension and aches etc.

2. The removal of blood from important organs, and usually first from the digestive system, means the organs of our bodies spend the majority of their time with insufficient blood and therefore start to break down.

These two points made absolute sense to me.

However, there are a couple of problems.

First, Joe Dispenza starred on the movie The Secret!
Second, it is suggested elsewhere cancer is caused by DNA breakdown.
Third, assuming the above is correct, then you'd expect that there would be no cases of cancer of the muscle, but my research has suggested otherwise.

So, as a crusader for my family, trying to teach them that stress is going to create problems in their life if not managed well, I have now had my explanation of the interactions between stress, blood, organs and then disease exploded in my face!

What am I missing?
Re: Electromagnetic radiation and its effect on the brain


Looking for some help :guru: to understanding the hazards and the actions I can take over a product installed in our home.

Our Regional Board forced residents to accept in-house water meters which transmit data via frequency.

This was a red flag when told to us :scared:, so held out until it became clear that a $900 reconnection fee would be charged once they shut off your water.

The community used to pay average mill rate costs and now it will be paid down to the liter. Ok so can accept that, but not the frequency device which the installer said in like a baby monitor, no big deal.

Asked him if the device was activated remotely, then sending the data; which seemed reasonable and short term. He indicated that was so; it seems not.

The online specifications say this: _

Electrical Specifications

Power Lithium battery

Transmitter Specifications

Transmit Period Every 14 seconds

Transmitter Channels 50

Channel Frequency 910-920 MHz

Output Power Meets FCC Part 15.247

FCC Verification Part 15.247

RF Frequency Control Algorithm

The MIU's frequency-hopping spread-spectrum has a sequence of at least 50 different
channels for transmitting data. Associated with the 50 channels are 50 frequencies
that can be pre-selected in a pseudo-random manner. These 50 frequencies are
coded into the software.

RF Transmission Period and Randomness

The random period generation uses the same random seed created for the channel
definition to generate the transmission randomness. The randomness algorithm is
defined so that no two consecutive transmissions from two MIUs will interfere
with one another.

There is much more but that is the basics. Does this seem like a big deal to anyone, transmitting every 14 sec. 24/7 365 days a year about 5 meters from ones head? There is not much output power, but does that really matter?

If so, what can one do? Thought about legal challenge but in this day and age this seems tenuous with unlikely results in ones favor.

Any thoughts would be welcomed, maybe I’m making to big a deal about this, but not well versed on the technical ramifications of this devise.

Thanks. :)
Re: Electromagnetic radiation and its effect on the brain

maybe you could block the smart meter by 'walling it in' with some sheets of lead (or whatever blocks the signals most efficiently)?
(i'm thinking about something like a shoebox with glued on metal sheets or similar...)

not sure if it would work, but it is something i've thought about should i ever be forced to accept the installation of these devices.
Re: Electromagnetic radiation and its effect on the brain

maybe you could block the smart meter by 'walling it in' with some sheets of lead (or whatever blocks the signals most efficiently)?
yes, lead usually, but how and where do you get the necessary amount of lead screens? You will not find it in the supermarket. :(

What Barry Trower said:


Yes sir, okay…uhm, this can be done sir, but not tin foil. Tin foil actually has little microscopic holes and lets the radiation through and in fact focuses it. Uhm, what you could use is aluminum tin, which they use in the building industry, radiator foil, aluminum foil, the thick insulating aluminum foil, that, between you and the roof, shiny side to the roof, that will reduce the radiation coming in.



Uhm, one of the things you can do, cause not everybody can move house, one thing you can do, if you get some thin tin or thick aluminum, not cooking foil, and if you remember going back when ladies would go behind screens if they had to undress for doctors, that sort of thing, if you build screens and you put the aluminum or tin, on the screen, shiny side to the transmitter and put it between the transmitter and the child’s bed, then you are shielding the child.
Re: Electromagnetic radiation and its effect on the brain

Sirius said:
maybe you could block the smart meter by 'walling it in' with some sheets of lead (or whatever blocks the signals most efficiently)?
yes, lead usually, but how and where do you get the necessary amount of lead screens? You will not find it in the supermarket. :(
you can get it at scrapyards.


Yes sir, okay…uhm, this can be done sir, but not tin foil. Tin foil actually has little microscopic holes and lets the radiation through and in fact focuses it. Uhm, what you could use is aluminum tin, which they use in the building industry, radiator foil, aluminum foil, the thick insulating aluminum foil, that, between you and the roof, shiny side to the roof, that will reduce the radiation coming in.

I removed all the aluminumfoil isolating my bedroom, as I heard it was bad feng shui with such a violently produced metal close to you.
Re: Electromagnetic radiation and its effect on the brain

Iconoclast said:
maybe you could block the smart meter by 'walling it in' with some sheets of lead (or whatever blocks the signals most efficiently)?
(i'm thinking about something like a shoebox with glued on metal sheets or similar...)

not sure if it would work, but it is something i've thought about should i ever be forced to accept the installation of these devices.

This is a great idea, and I'm surprised Bay area residents where I live haven't thought of it, in regards to PG&E's version of this.

What could they do really? They don't own the space around the box, and they don't make you sign anything promising not to jam the signal.

Good thinking!
Re: Electromagnetic radiation and its effect on the brain

In order to stop those radiations, a Faraday cage you could built?!? Then a night, just put your cell in the cage as more and more cellphone cannot be completely turned off.

One way of building a small and low cost Faraday cage is to build a box with mesh. You can buy the mesh a renovation store just buy the material used for chicken and rabbits fence. Then foil on to a t pattern and join the side with small conductive wiring.

Re: Electromagnetic radiation and its effect on the brain

This actually might not be the best solution.
Cell phones are constructed like this :
- When a BTS (Base Transciever Station) is close with a strong signal , your cellphone uses low battery and transmitter mode
- When signal degrades , cell phone maximizes transmission power to compensate poor signal - HIGH POWER MODE

So you see , if you build a Faraday cage which is not very very good , cell phone will probably add more noise.So you can get quite opposite effect.
Best solution will be to turn it off for a night time. You also have to remember that modern cell phone models are connected to a network 24/7 so only way to avoid that is to plug battery out. (and you cant do that with an iPhone ;P).
This basic principle works pretty much the same for WiFi but on different frequencies. Better signal , less noise , less power used - Worse signal , more noise , more power used and transmitted.

Also about lead. I am not so sure if it will be so effective. It is surely effective against very very high frequencies (do not confuse with VHF).
Probably silk is better solution because it acts on a broader spectrum. We could also try too look for specific frequency blockers. Here is a RF spectrum.
I had no luck with finding good blocker so far but I didn't look on english-written websites yet.

Re: Electromagnetic radiation and its effect on the brain

Thanks for the advice on e-water meter; have not tried anything yet but have ordered a lead film bag that can be fitted over it. If they call me stating they need to come in to the house to fix their meter, will know if it is working. If it does, then can remove the bag at predetermined times so it can send its data burst and then cover it back up.

Will see how id goes and keep you posted.
I've merged several threads discussing cancer for ease of finding related materials.
Cancer and candida

Here, Tulio Simoncinis, an Italian doctor, talks about the " candida" as a cause of cancer. You will be surprised with the cure.
After many years taking care of patients with cancer there was something that draw his attention. In the postmorten examinations
it was noticeable a white color in the tissues. This led him to further investigations reaching the conclusion that it must be fungus
involved. According to him the anormaly cells growth is due to the fact that the organs try to build a barrier in order to stop the fungus.

The cure that proved to be effectice was "baking soda". He claims to have cured many people for years.


Edit: Linked changed as it was mistaken and info added.
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