Cancer: causes and cures

Re: Cancer

Hi Menna -- I'm sorry to hear about your mom's friend. Have you done a forum search yet on cancer? There are several threads which discuss it, one of them being this one. I'd suggest spending some time reading what's available and getting up to speed; once you have that background, you can ask some more specific questions if you feel they haven't been addressed in the material that's already posted. I hope this will be helpful :)
Re: Cancer

Hi Menna,

Sorry to hear about yours friend mother condition.
I attach here a link of an Italian doctor,who claims to cure the cancer with baking soda.

Re: Cancer

Hi Menna,

Sorry to hear this !

search for estrogen dominance and cancer and hormones here in the forum and on the net especially by women there is often a connection , a good diet ( no evil stuff), and detoxification are also important.

Or this:

The mistle contains diosgenin and this is a preliminary stage from natural progesterone, maybe there could be a connection to estrogen , cancer and mistletoe therapy.

Best wishes !
Re: Cancer

A few months ago, my good friend told me his wife was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer. Being the caring husband, he sought the best medical help available, which in his way of thinking, was Sloan Kettering in New York. His mind was on a single track.

I had been researching this subject for some time when he told me this. I felt it was important for his family to be at least aware of alternatives to the standard treatment, which was surgery...then chemotherapy. At the same time however, this was a delicate issue because one, I have no medical training, and two, I had no direct first hand experience with these alternative treatments.

After careful thought, I decided to bring to their attention the following which I included in a letter. I told my friend the more informed they become the better their chances. The risk here of course, is getting "misinformed." Yet accepting blindly the standard cancer care may well be such a risk. I suggested they research the following:

"Run From the Cure - The Rick Simpson Story" available on Youtube

"The Science and Politics of Cancer - G. Edward Griffin" available on Youtube

"Michelle Richmond - A Breast Cancer Reversal Testimony" available on Youtube

"B17 Laetrile" cancer cure article from the website

"The Promise of Bioenergy Fields Research - Dr. Valerie Hunt"

Some of the testimony is pretty compelling. And I have been taking apricot kernels (one a day) as a preventive experiment.

My friend's wife had the surgery and is presently on chemotherapy. While submitting to it, she expressed deep concern regarding this poison (her word) that they were putting in her. I think it speaks volumes about the level of indoctrination we've all been subjected. I can only pray for her well being and her family.
Re: Cancer

something i found on the internet. you mite want the check out some very interesting information within. i was suprised with the information and studies done by some doctors.
Re: Cancer

Menna said:
My friends mom had cancer a few years ago and now the cancer cells are back. I am looking for knowledge and info on the subject and see if there is anything I can do or If there is anything out there that can help. If anyone has any info on the topic such as supplements, medicine or different ways that they know of to help get rid, slow down or stop the cancer from growing - any info would be great. Thanks!
I recommend you further investigate this experimental treatment, which has actually gotten results in many trials, but there's foot-dragging when it comes to new trials, patents, etc....

Complete Regression Of Malignant Brain Tumors After Treatment With Parvoviruses am I (further investigating it as a likely effective treatment for my officially incurable cancer - at least, it's certainly more likely to save my life long-term than the conventional treatments - which normally would offer less than another year).
Re: Cancer

Crusader humaniste said: am I (further investigating it as a likely effective treatment for my officially incurable cancer - at least, it's certainly more likely to save my life long-term than the conventional treatments - which normally would offer less than another year).


If you have brain cancer, you might find this post in the EE forum of interest:

There are a lot of resources in the Diet & Health section of this forum that might be of use to you too.
Re: Cancer

Hello, I hope I can offer you some useful advice based on the people I know who had some success in treating their cancer.

Yes, baking soda does indeed work wonders sometimes. Best to mix it with maple syrup, with one part of baking soda and 2-3 parts of syrup. Cancer cells thrive in acidic environment and love sugar. When you use this mixture, they'll literally suck in the maple syrup - and soda right along with it. Baking soda is alkalic and kills cancer cells very successfully. Maple syrup is used to effectively "smuggle" it into the center of the cancer. Also you can take soda alone from time to time (but not too often since it may damage the acid production in your stomach). There are several doctors and healers practicing this, google should help you find them for further advice.

Soda is generally great for any infections, also against flu and intravenously it can even often help kidney patients avoid dialysis completely.

Avoid all sorts of white sugar, fructose syrup and acidic food in general.

Colloidal silver should also be helpful, some people had huge success with it. There is a great book by Josef Pies and Uwe Reinelt about the proper production and treatments. BEWARE: most cheap generators for producing it yourself are bad and may poison you. The best generator for home-made colloid is produced by a german company called Medionic
and called "Ionic Pulser". Make sure to always use pure distilled water only with NO additives like salts or such, avoid any contact with metals in the process and don't forget to filter it before use (a simple coffee/tee filter paper will do).

It's also definitely recommended to do proper cleansing, in my experience Ajurveda is very good. I own a copy of Andreas Moritz "Timeless secrets of health and rejuvenation", but there are many others just as good (not Hulda Clark though, her methods are rather rude and less effective). If you go this way, definitely get some advice from an experienced practitioner, since doing it the wrong way you can do more damage than good.

There were also very good results with bitter apricot seeds (vitamin B17) in cancer treatment, but these are hard to find, especially in the US where the FDA literally commanded the extinction the species.

KEEP AWAY FROM MMS ("miracle mineral supplement")! Just DON'T do it! Many sources online advertise it as a "miracle cure" for cancer, AIDS and whatnot, but it is actually a strong poison! It indeed does work well if you want to remove fungus from your feet or minor skin infections, but do not EVER ingest it! Chlorine is a very strong poison and one of the main causes for cancer. This stuff actually gets used for toilet disinfection and in bleech, that should be quite telling in itself. It also makes warts grow like crazy, for whatever reason. It's a scam and probably pushed by eugenicist psychopaths (otherwise why would Jim Humble still be alive? They killed many people for way less dangers to their business).

Also recommended - get some orgone generators, orgonite pyramids or spirals, also pillows, all of that increases life-energy and vitality, the simplest orgonite "grenades" effectively neutralize radiation from mobile phones, power lines and similar. You can find the instructions to build it yourself online, the materials are inexpensive and easily accessible.

Make sure to check for strong sources of radiation like power lines, antennas, UMTS repeaters, underground water lines and such and if these are present, change the place of residence ASAP.

Needless to say, if possible avoid any sort of radiation treatment and excessive chemotherapy. These treatments only make it worse and are very often the actual cause of death.

Consult as many doctors, healers, herbalists, ajurveda-specialists etc. as possible and draw your own conclusions before doing anything radical. Especially if you have heart problems or kidney/liver problems, some of the cures could kill you if used in a wrong way/dosage.

Hope I gave you some ideas, these are just quick hints so again, do a proper research before trying anything "radical".
Re: C is for Cancer

I've been doing a research on alternative treatments for cancer, and i am posting here what has not been mentioned in this thread yet (and this thread alone has been a wealth of information already, thank you all for posting :flowers: )

On Reliable Cancer Therapies site, i found this:

The role of the vagus nerve in cancer prognosis

The role of the vagus nerve in cancer prognosis and effects of non-invasive vagal stimulation on inflammatory and tumor markers.

The understanding of oncogenesis has evolved from an emphasis on transformed cells and mutations alone, to the complex interplay between mutations and tumor microenvironments. Inflammatory signals, oxidative stress and sympathetic neurotransmitters in the tumor microenvironment play crucial roles in early and in later stages of tumor development. The vagus nerve can modulate and inhibit all these three mechanisms – inflammation, oxidative stress and sympathetic neurotransmitters.
Furthermore, low vagal activity (indexed by heart rate variability (HRV)) predicts poorer prognosis in cancer, which is in line with the hypothesized neuromodulatory role of the vagus nerve in cancer. However, the effects of non-invasive vagal activation on tumor growth and on tumor markers have not been evaluated in humans.

This research aims to extend the investigation of the role of vagal activity in cancer prognosis and to test the hypothesized underlying mechanisms in clinical trials. First it will be tested whether HRV predicts prognosis in several cancers, independent of confounders. Then the effects of 2 non-invasive vagal-activating interventions, namely transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation and heart-rate variability biofeedback, on HRV and biomarkers, will be compared in obese patients. In this population group, decreased vagal activity, higher values of inflammation and norepinephrine, and oxidative stress, have been found previously. Furthermore, the effects of an acetylcholinesterase-inhibitor drug on survival in rats with a tumor will be investigated. The final and ultimate study will measure the effects of the vagal activating intervention, on biomarkers, and on a tumor marker in cancer patients. This research will indicate the potential role of the vagus nerve stimulation in cancer treatment.

Though they talk about the pacemaker-like Vagus Nerve Stimulator, it will be interesting to see what they come up with. Something worth keeping an eye out for. We already know the benefits of vagal nerve stimulation on stress reduction, acetylcholine release and inflammation reduction, etc, but it would be great to have an "official" medical study that shows the effect of vagus stimulation on cancer.

Also, there's a lot of info on the web on Vilcacora and its miraculous treatments of cancer, AIDS and other diseases. Vilcacora (known also as Cat's Claw) is the Indian name of the woody part of a vine that is found in the jungles of Central and South America.

I just finished reading this 66 page PDF document which discusses vilcacora's active alkaloids which are very useful in strengthening the immune system, and multiplying the defensive strength of the organism. The document is full of accounts of people with cancer in late stages, and how they were treated using this plant (other Amazonian plants are also included in the document, along with the narrator's story of his visit to Peru and his meeting with a Polish monk missionary, father Edmund Szeliga, who lived among the Peruvian indigenous people for many years, learned their medicinal secrets and shared them later with the "white people"). Vilcacora is also good to use during and after chemotherapy and radiotherapy, as it helps reduce the toxic effects of these treatments.

Note that there are dietary advices in it that don't sound correct to me. It talks about fats and oils being essential, but says to avoid any animal fat completely. It also talks about eating wheat, avoiding salt, stuff like that. Just pay attention to the medicinal properties of the plant and not on the diet recommendations.

This is the first part which i read:

And there's a second part to the document apparently, which i haven't read yet, but i am posting here anyway. Again, both documents are in pdf format:

I also found this site where one can buy vilcacora in the form of tea, capsules, spray. From the site:

Basic active substances contained by vilcacora include oxindole alkaloids, approx. 0.7%, polyphenols, sterols and ursolic and oleanolic acids.

Also, the above ships from England, so it'd be easy to order from anyone in Europe.

This site also, exports around the world, of what i understand is based in the US and Canada and sells Peruvian herbs. The site writes:

Cats’ Claw is a tropical vine that grows in South America and Asia. Some refer to the plant as the "Sacred Herb". This vine gets its name from the small thorns at the base of the leaves, which looks like a cat's claw. These claws enable the vine to attach itself around trees climbing to a height up to 120 feet.

Uρa de gato is the most sacred herb among the Ashaninkas, Campo, and some other Amazonian tribes. According to indigenous Shamans; Uρa de Gato serves as a bridge, and balancer between the two worlds "physical and spiritual"; they believe in spiritual causes of ill health, they believe that firstly soul becomes ill then the body, the sacred balance/unity is broken, therefore Uρa de Gato is helping to unify the two.

They believe that unhealthy emotions are the cause of soul suffering. They believe that greed, and anger often cause cancer, fear causes Asthma, luck of understanding of other people point of view causes Arthritis, etc.

These for now....
Re: C is for Cancer

Alana said:
On Reliable Cancer Therapies site, i found this:

The role of the vagus nerve in cancer prognosis

The role of the vagus nerve in cancer prognosis and effects of non-invasive vagal stimulation on inflammatory and tumor markers.

The understanding of oncogenesis has evolved from an emphasis on transformed cells and mutations alone, to the complex interplay between mutations and tumor microenvironments. Inflammatory signals, oxidative stress and sympathetic neurotransmitters in the tumor microenvironment play crucial roles in early and in later stages of tumor development. The vagus nerve can modulate and inhibit all these three mechanisms – inflammation, oxidative stress and sympathetic neurotransmitters.
Furthermore, low vagal activity (indexed by heart rate variability (HRV)) predicts poorer prognosis in cancer, which is in line with the hypothesized neuromodulatory role of the vagus nerve in cancer. However, the effects of non-invasive vagal activation on tumor growth and on tumor markers have not been evaluated in humans.

This research aims to extend the investigation of the role of vagal activity in cancer prognosis and to test the hypothesized underlying mechanisms in clinical trials. First it will be tested whether HRV predicts prognosis in several cancers, independent of confounders. Then the effects of 2 non-invasive vagal-activating interventions, namely transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation and heart-rate variability biofeedback, on HRV and biomarkers, will be compared in obese patients. In this population group, decreased vagal activity, higher values of inflammation and norepinephrine, and oxidative stress, have been found previously. Furthermore, the effects of an acetylcholinesterase-inhibitor drug on survival in rats with a tumor will be investigated. The final and ultimate study will measure the effects of the vagal activating intervention, on biomarkers, and on a tumor marker in cancer patients. This research will indicate the potential role of the vagus nerve stimulation in cancer treatment.

Though they talk about the pacemaker-like Vagus Nerve Stimulator, it will be interesting to see what they come up with. Something worth keeping an eye out for. We already know the benefits of vagal nerve stimulation on stress reduction, acetylcholine release and inflammation reduction, etc, but it would be great to have an "official" medical study that shows the effect of vagus stimulation on cancer.

This is good, even though it is about the Pacemaker. We know that EE is far more powerful!!

Related to this, my mother recently received surgery for colon cancer (second tumor in 6 months). It is a long story, but the thing I'd like to mention is that when I was visiting her, I taught her how to Pipe Breathe. She was very weak and with nausea, vomiting and a bad reaction from the antibiotics. But after 5 minutes of pipe breathing, the symptoms went away! And one thing that really got my attention was that she started feeling two lines of "energy" moving in her belly. When she pointed them out to me, it looked like she was describing the path of the two main branches of the vagus nerve.

So, perhaps this is another clue about the effect of vagal stimulation, which is very likely to have a greater effect than most people would think, when you look at the instant benefits it can bring about on someone who has just had such an invasive surgery.
Re: C is for Cancer

It's old news, but I just saw this one today. Sorry if it's been posted already.

Scientists cure cancer, but no one takes notice


Canadian researchers find a simple cure for cancer, but major pharmaceutical companies are not interested.

Researchers at the University of Alberta, in Edmonton, Canada have cured cancer last week, yet there is a little ripple in the news or in TV. It is a simple technique using very basic drug. The method employs dichloroacetate, which is currently used to treat metabolic disorders. So, there is no concern of side effects or about their long term effects.

This drug doesn’t require a patent, so anyone can employ it widely and cheaply compared to the costly cancer drugs produced by major pharmaceutical companies.

Canadian scientists tested this dichloroacetate (DCA) on human’s cells; it killed lung, breast and brain cancer cells and left the healthy cells alone. It was tested on Rats inflicted with severe tumors; their cells shrank when they were fed with water supplemented with DCA. The drug is widely available and the technique is easy to use, why the major drug companies are not involved? Or the Media interested in this find?

In human bodies there is a natural cancer fighting human cell, the mitochondria, but they need to be triggered to be effective. Scientists used to think that these mitochondria cells were damaged and thus ineffective against cancer. So they used to focus on glycolysis, which is less effective in curing cancer and more wasteful. The drug manufacturers focused on this glycolysis method to fight cancer. This DCA on the other hand doesn’t rely on glycolysis instead on mitochondria; it triggers the mitochondria which in turn fights the cancer cells.

The side effect of this is it also reactivates a process called apoptosis. You see, mitochondria contain an all-too-important self-destruct button that can't be pressed in cancer cells. Without it, tumors grow larger as cells refuse to be extinguished. Fully functioning mitochondria, thanks to DCA, can once again die.

With glycolysis turned off, the body produces less lactic acid, so the bad tissue around cancer cells doesn't break down and seed new tumors.

Pharmaceutical companies are not investing in this research because DCA method cannot be patented, without a patent they can’t make money, like they are doing now with their AIDS Patent. Since the pharmaceutical companies won’t develop this, the article says other independent laboratories should start producing this drug and do more research to confirm all the above findings and produce drugs. All the groundwork can be done in collaboration with the Universities, who will be glad to assist in such research and can develop an effective drug for curing cancer.

You can access the original research for this cancer here.

This article wants to raise awareness for this study, hope some independent companies and small startup will pick up this idea and produce these drugs, because the big companies won’t touch it for a long time.
Re: C is for Cancer

This is the chapter on cancer from Irwin Stone's book, The Healing Factor - Vitamin C Against Disease, to which i refer to in this thread.


Over half a million people in the United States develop cancer each year and over 280,000 will die in the year ahead. More than 700,000 people are under treatment at all times. It is the number two scourge and one of every five of us is likely to be afflicted; under present conditions it will send one of every eight of us to the grave.

Cancer is not a single disease entity but a large group of closely related, yet different, diseases. Essentially, cancerous growth is uncontrolled tissue development and expansion and is due to the tissue losing the normal restraints on cell divisions and growth. The cancer grows in a wild manner at the expense of the surrounding normal tissues. Cancer can arise in any organ or tissue of the body and, like the infectious diseases, the causes are varied and different. In severity it can range from a relatively innocuous minor illness to a life-threatening disease. The pattern of cancer incidence has been changing over the years, with fewer stomach and uterine cancers and more lung cancer and leukemia.

Present-Day Cancer Therapy

In the therapy of cancer, the first important step is a diagnosis. After diagnosis, the physician has three different paths or a combination of them from which to choose: irradiation, chemotherapy, or surgery. Irradiation is localized exposure to X rays or to the radiant energy of radioactive sources, such a s radium or cobalt 60, to try to kill the fast-growing cancerous tissue without doing too much damage to the rest of the body. Chemotherapy involves the use of chemical substances that tend to damage the cancer tissue more than the normal cells and thus retard the cancer development. Surgery, of course, is the direct approach of going in and physically removing the cancerous tissue, when possible.

Ever since the discovery of ascorbic acid in the early 1930s, there has been a vast amount of animal experimentation and clinical research conducted on the relationship of ascorbic acid to cancer. This has resulted in a mass of conflicting and confusing reports as to the value of ascorbic acid in cancer treatments. Some investigators reported good results in their tests, others reported no effects on the growth of cancer tissue, while still others took the stand that tit stimulated tumor growth. Detailed discussion of the possible reasons for the conflicts of opinion in this work is beyond the scope of this chapter, except to speculate that it may be due to the wide variety of experimental animals, cancer types, and experimental conditions employed by the numerous investigators, As a first step in future cancer research h on ascorbic acid, a responsible, unbiased research agency should review this large volume of early work and assess its value in the light of the more recent research and newer concepts. Any research work which may be required to resolve these unanswered questions and conflicting opinions should be conducted. Because of the long-standing disagreement nd the resulting confusion, there has reportedly been a tendency for research workers to shy away from this area.

One thing, however, is certain. Cancer and its present-day therapy are intense biochemical stresses which deplete the bodies of cancer victims of their ascorbic acid. The irradiation, the surgery, or the chemotherapy wit highly toxic materials, are all severe biochemical stresses. Biochemical stresses, in the majority of the mammals which are able to produce their own ascorbic acid, cause them to produce more ascorbic acid to combat the stresses. Because of their defective genetic inheritance, mammals such as guinea pigs, monkeys, and man are dependent on their food intake for ascorbic acid and their response to stress is ascorbic acid depletion.

Experiments on rats, mice, and guinea pigs are enlightening on this point. When rats and mice (animals that can make their own ascorbic acid) are exposed to cancer-producing agents (carcinogens), they start producing much more ascorbic acid in their livers (1). However, when guinea pigs (animals which, like man, cannot produce their own ascorbic acid) are exposed to the same carcinogens, their ascorbic acid is used up and not replaced (2); to quote the authors of this 1955 paper, when mammals are exposed to carcinogens this will "excite an increased demand for this compound (ascorbic acid) to which the animals capable of synthesizing it respond by over protection, whereas in those lacking this power the store is depleted."

In another experiment on guinea pigs, Russell (3), in 1952, showed that cancers developed sooner in guinea pigs exposed to carcinogens and fed a diet deficient in ascorbic acid as compared to guinea pigs exposed to the same carcinogens but on an adequate ascorbic acid diet. Can we extrapolate this observation to humans and say that people who do not fully "correct" their genetic disease, hypoascorbemia, by continuously taking high levels of ascorbic acid are more susceptible to cancer than fully "corrected" individuals?

An opposite view is taken in the 1955 paper by Miller and Sokologg (3), who proposed that a prescorbutic state in the cancer victim may have beneficial effects on cancer patients during radiation therapy. To settle this question once and for all should not entail much additional research. A person afflicted with cancer will almost always be nearly depleted of ascorbic acid before the usual course of therapy is begun. Radiation therapy using radiant energy in the form of X rays or gamma rays is a potent form of biochemical stress for the body. Exposing a cancer victim to radiant energy only further aggravates a serious shortage of this metabolite and prevents the body from maintaining biochemical homeostasis under the onslaughts of the additional radiation stresses. There have been other papers published which suggested giving ascorbic acid to cancer patients before exposure to radiation and noting its benefits (4). In spite of these many suggestions, further large-scale conclusive research has not been conducted and the practice is little used. These scientists, in their clinical work used, at most, a few grams of ascorbic acid a day. This is another virgin area of megascorbic therapy, just awaiting someone to go in and try it.

Cancer chemotherapy is the use of certain chemicals to selectively poison the cancer cells without killing the patient. We will not go into the chemistry of the different materials used other than to say that they are all very poisonous and dangerous (host toxic). This, of course, limits the amounts which can be given the patient at any one time. One group of materials used in cancer chemotherapy is the so-called nitrogen mustards, which are derivatives of the mustard gases of World War I; you can conceive the type of material used in this therapy. While the chemotherapeutic agent will attack the cancer cells, the patient is left without means to overcome the toxic manifestations of the medicament. In spite of the fact that ascorbic acid has been known to be an efficient detoxicating agent for poisonous substances (see Chapter 24) no reports have been found in the medical literature for the combined administration of these toxic medicaments along with large doses of ascorbic acid as a supportive measure. The presence of high optimal levels of ascorbic acid might also improve the toxic action on the cancer cells(5), but we will never know unless it is thoroughly investigated. The potential benefits, if successful, would seem to make these clinical trials an urgent necessity.

The data contained in the 1969 paper from dean Burk and his group (5) at the National Cancer Institute are very pertinent at this point. They showed that ascorbate is highly toxic to the cancer cells they used (Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells) and caused profound structural changes in the cancer in their laboratory cultures. They mention that:

The great advantage that ascorbates ... possess as potential anticancer agents is that they are, like penicillin, remarkably nontoxic to normal body tissues, and they may be administered to animals in extremely large doses (up to 5 or more grams per kilogram) without notable harmful pharmacological effects.

5 grams per kilogram on a 70-kilogram adult would amount to 350 grams of ascorbic acid per day. They further state:

In our view, the future of effective cancer chemotherapy will not rest on the use of host-toxic compounds now so widely employed, but upon virtually host-nontoxic compounds that are lethal to cancer cells, of which ascorbate ... represents an excellent prototype example.

They also bring out the amazing fact that in the screening program that has been going on for years to find new cancer-killing materials at the Cancer Chemotherapy National Service Center, ascorbic acid has been bypassed, excluded from consideration, and never tested for its cancer-killing properties. The reason given for not screening ascorbic acid is even more fantastic -- ascorbic acid was too nontoxic to fit into their program!

An almost immediate confirmation of Dean Burk's proposals was contained in the research conducted at Tulane University School of Medicine by Schlegel and coworkers and published in 1969 (5). It was shown that bladder cancer due to smoking and other causes could be prevented by ascorbic acid. They recommended the intake of 1.5 grams of ascorbic acid a day to avoid the recurrence of bladder tumors.

The remaining are of cancer therapy, surgery, is one where ascorbic acid may now be used to some extent. It may be used, not so much for its direct effect on the cancer, but for its beneficial effects in wound healing. For this purpose it is generally used at a gram or so a day, which may be quite inadequate to handle the biochemical stresses of anesthesia, surgical shock, and hemorrhagic shock on an already depleted cancer victim. Full "correction" of the victim's hypoascorbemia may require instituting a preoperative. operative, and postoperative regime at much higher levels. Additional research on a regime of this sort may uncover possibilities for survival and cure far beyond today's hopes.

Use of Ascorbic Acid in Cancer Therapy

Present-day cancer therapy thus virtually ignores the potential of ascorbic acid as a biochemical stress combatant, a detoxicant, an anticarcinogenic agent, a means for maintaining homeostasis, and a mechanism for improving the well-being and survival of the patient.

During the past forty years there have been many papers published in the medical literature in which ascorbic acid has been used for cancer therapy. But no one in all this time has consistently used ascorbic acid in the large doses which may be required to demonstrate a therapeutic effect. There has never been a well-planned program to test ascorbic acid in cancer therapy and no one has used more than a gram or, at most, several grams a day (except in one case, discussed later).

Deucher (4), in 1940, used up to 4 grams of ascorbic acid a day for several days in treating his cancer patients and found it had a remarkably favorable effect on their general condition and increased their tolerance to X rays. On the other hand, Szenes (4), in 1942, stated that the administration of ascorbic acid is contraindicated in tumor patients because it intensifies tumor growth.

It was also use in combination with vitamin A, which only further complicated the picture, in a series of tests. Von Wendt, in 1949, 1950, and 1951, and Huber, in 1953, used 2 grams of ascorbic acid a day combined with large doses of vitamin A and reported favorable effects. Schneider, in 1954, 1955, and 1956, also used ascorbic acid, 1 gram daily in combination with vitamin A and found it "arrested" cancers and that it was more useful against epitheliomas than against sarcomas (6).

Of interest also are three papers by McCormick (7), in 1954, 1959,and 1963, in which he postulates the theory that the factor which preconditions the body to the development of cancer is the degenerative changes caused by continued low levels of ascorbic acid in the body. He gives evidence to support his hypothesis and states, "We maintain that the degree of malignancy is determined inversely by the degree of connective tissue resistance, which in turn is dependent upon the adequacy of vitamin C status." McCormick's ideas have never been adequately tested.

Some additional evidence for the support of this hypothesis comes from the work of Goth and Littmann (8), in 1948, who found that cancers most frequently originate in organs whose ascorbic acid levels are below 4.5 mg % and rarely grow in organs containing ascorbic acid above this concentration. Fully corrected individuals should have tissue levels of ascorbic acid in excess of this seemingly critical 4.5 mg %.

Detoxication of Carcinogens

Another piece of research which has not been properly followed through was reported by Warren (9), in 1943, who showed that certain carcinogens, anthracene, and 3:4-benzpyrene (the type of carcinogen in tobacco smoke), are susceptible to oxidation in the presence of ascorbic acid. In the oxidized form they are no longer carcinogenic.

Here is a possible means for preventing the induction of cancer after exposure to carcinogens merely by maintaining the necessary levels of ascorbic acid in the exposed tissues. This is an area of research that has been stagnant for two decades, which would have the most important consequences for smokers or city dwellers forced to breathe polluted air, or for others exposed to carcinogens.


Leukemia is a cancerous disease of the blood-forming tissues in which there is an over production of the white blood cells (leukocytes). Different types of leukemia are named after the different varieties of leukocytes involved in the disease process. The over-production of the leukocytes causes, i most cases,a marked rise in the number of white blood cells in the circulating blood.

Research work connecting ascorbic acid, the blood elements, and leukemia was started not long after the discovery of ascorbic acid. Stephen and Hawley (10), in 1936, showed that when the blood was separated into plasma, red blood cells, and white blood cells, there was a 20- to 30-fold concentration of ascorbic acid in the white blood cells.

Hemorrhage, being a symptom of both leukemia and scurvy, caused clinicians to early investigate the use of ascorbic acid in leukemia because of its dramatic effects on hemorrhage in scurvy. Eufinger and Gaehtgens (11), in 1936, reported giving 200 milligrams of ascorbic acid a day and came to the conclusion that it had a normalizing influence on the blood picture. Schnetz (11), in 1940, came to the same conclusion: when the leukocytes are high ascorbic acid tends to reduce them, and when they are low it tends to increase them. He used 200 to 900 milligrams a day by injection.

Here is a marked example of the ancient mammalian mechanism of ascorbic acid homeostasis.

In 1936, Plum and Thomsen (12), injecting 200 milligrams of ascorbic acid a day, obtained remissions in two cases of myeloid leukemia, and Heinild and Schiedt (12), using two 100-milligram injections daily, obtained uncertain, variable results. Thiele (12), in 1938, using 500 milligrams of ascorbic acid a day by injections, found no effect in chronic myeloid leukemia, while both Palenque (4) and van Nieuwenhuizen (12), in 1943, observed slight decreases in the white blood counts. Such variable and confusing results are typical when submarginal an inadequate dosages are employed.

Vogt, in 1940, in a review of the work conducted on ascorbic acid in leukemia up to that time, cited twenty-one references. About the only conclusion he reached was that there were high deficits of ascorbic acid i leukemics. These deficits and the very low blood plasma levels of ascorbic acid in leukemics were confirmed in later papers by Kyhos et al., in 1945, and Waldo and Zipf, in 1955, and yet, in all these years, no one was inspired to get away from these pitifully small doses of ascorbic acid and make some clinical tests with heroic doses (13).

In a leukemic, the biochemical stresses of the disease process has reduced the body stores of ascorbic acid to very low levels. Any ascorbic acid circulating in the blood has been scavenged and locked in the excessive numbers of white blood cells contained in the blood. the plasmas level of ascorbic acid is usually zero or close thereto. A zero level in the blood plasma means that he tissues of the body are not being supplied with this most important metabolite. The ascorbic acid contained in the leukocytes are unavailable for the tissues. The tissues are in a condition of biochemical scurvy and this explains why these depleted tissues are so susceptible to the characteristic hemorrhaging of leukemia and the infections that kill so many of the leukemics. A leukemic is not only suffering from leukemia but also from a bad case of biochemical scurvy. To correct this condition, ascorbic acid has to be administered in sufficiently large doses not only to saturate the excess of white blood cells but to provide adequate spillover into the blood plasma and tissues so that the seriously ill leukemic will be given a fighting chance to combat the disease. This may require the administration of ascorbic acid at the rate of 25 or more grams per day, as noted in the following case of leukemia treated with megascorbic levels of ascorbic acid.

This case history, reported by Greer (14), in 1954, was of a seventy-one-year-old executive of an oil company, who was first seen for alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver and polycythemia (excess of red blood cells); some months earlier, symptoms of chronic myocarditis had appeared. Shortly thereafter, he was hospitalized and passed a large uric acid bladder stone, and a diagnosis of chronic myelogenous leukemia was established. He also had intractable pyorrhea and his remaining 17 teeth were removed at one operation. At this time he started taking ascorbic acid at the rate of 24.5 grams to 42 grams per day, "because he reported he felt much better when he took these large doses." Since the diagnosis of leukemia and the removal of the teeth, "the patient has repeatedly remarked about his feeling of well-being and has continued his vocation as executive of an oil company." On two occasions, at the insistence of his attending physician, he stopped taking the ascorbic acid and both times his spleen and liver enlarged and became tender, his temperature rose to 101o, and he complained of general malaise and fatigue (typical leukemia symptoms). When he started the ascorbic acid again, the symptoms cleared and his temperature became normal within 6 hours. Over a year and a half later the patient had a severe attack of epidemic diarrhea and died of acute cardiac decompensation. At the time of death, the spleen was firm, not tender, and had not enlarged since taking the ascorbic acid. The doctor also reported that "the polycythemia, leukemia, cirrhosis, and the myocarditis had shown no progression: in the year and a half while taking the ascorbic acid. The case history concludes with the statement, "The intake of the huge doses of ascorbic acid appeared essential for the welfare of the patient."

One would believe that the exciting results in this 1954 case would be immediately picked up and explored further by the leukemia groups in the national government or the foundations that are continually asking the public for more research money, but no follow-up work has been found in the medical literature of the past sixteen years. If megascorbic therapy could do so much for an aged leukemic with so many other complications, what could it do for the young, uncomplicated leukemic? The answer to this question could be obtained easily and each day lost may mean more lives wasted. At the present time, millions of dollars are spent in screening all sorts of poisonous chemicals for use in leukemia, while a harmless substance like ascorbic acid, with so much potential, lies around neglected and ignored.

Recent work has brought forward evidence that human leukemia may be caused by a virus. While viruses are known to product cancer like diseases in animals, none have been proved in man. If the cause of human leukemia is eventually shown to be due to a virus, the rationale for the use of megascorbic therapy in leukemia will be further strengthened because it has been shown that ascorbic acid is a potent, wide-spectrum, nontoxic virucide when used at megascorbic dosage levels (see Chapter 13).
Re: C is for Cancer

Ailen said:
Related to this, my mother recently received surgery for colon cancer (second tumor in 6 months). It is a long story, but the thing I'd like to mention is that when I was visiting her, I taught her how to Pipe Breathe. She was very weak and with nausea, vomiting and a bad reaction from the antibiotics. But after 5 minutes of pipe breathing, the symptoms went away! And one thing that really got my attention was that she started feeling two lines of "energy" moving in her belly. When she pointed them out to me, it looked like she was describing the path of the two main branches of the vagus nerve.

That's good news Ailen, I hope your mother keeps up with pipe breathing! :hug2:
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