Cancer: causes and cures

Re: C is for Cancer

Pretty interesting article considering all we're learning about being on a keytone diet. Cancer thrive on sugars, so this makes sense.


Can a High-Fat Diet Beat Cancer?

The women's hospital at the University of Würzburg used to be the biggest of its kind in Germany. Its former size is part of the historical burden it carries — countless women were involuntarily sterilized here when it stood in the geographical center of Nazi Germany.

Today, the capacity of the historical building overlooking the college town, where the baroque and mid-20th-century concrete stand in a jarring mix, has been downsized considerably. And the experiments within its walls are of a very different nature.

Since early 2007, Dr. Melanie Schmidt and biologist Ulrike Kämmerer, both at the Würzburg hospital, have been enrolling cancer patients in a Phase I clinical study of a most unexpected medication: fat. Their trial puts patients on a so-called ketogenic diet, which eliminates almost all carbohydrates, including sugar, and provides energy only from high-quality plant oils, such as hempseed and linseed oil, and protein from soy and animal products.

What sounds like yet another version of the Atkins craze is actually based on scientific evidence that dates back more than 80 years. In 1924, the German Nobel laureate Otto Warburg first published his observations of a common feature he saw in fast-growing tumors: unlike healthy cells, which generate energy by metabolizing sugar in their mitochondria, cancer cells appeared to fuel themselves exclusively through glycolysis, a less-efficient means of creating energy through the fermentation of sugar in the cytoplasm. Warburg believed that this metabolic switch was the primary cause of cancer, a theory that he strove, unsuccessfully, to establish until his death in 1970.

To the two researchers in Würzburg, the theoretical debate about what is now known as the Warburg effect — whether it is the primary cause of cancer or a mere metabolic side effect — is irrelevant. What they believe is that it can be therapeutically exploited. The theory is simple: If most aggressive cancers rely on the fermentation of sugar for growing and dividing, then take away the sugar and they should stop spreading. Meanwhile, normal body and brain cells should be able to handle the sugar starvation; they can switch to generating energy from fatty molecules called ketone bodies — the body's main source of energy on a fat-rich diet — an ability that some or most fast-growing and invasive cancers seem to lack.

The Würzburg trial, funded by the Otzberg, Germany–based diet food company Tavartis, which supplies the researchers with food packages, is still in its early, difficult stages. "One big problem we have," says Schmidt, sitting uncomfortably on a small, wooden chair in the crammed tea kitchen of Kämmerer's lab, "is that we are only allowed to enroll patients who have completely run out of all other therapeutic options." That means that most people in the study are faring very badly to begin with. All have exhausted traditional treatments, such as surgery, radiation and chemo, and even some alternative ones like hyperthermia and autohemotherapy. Patients in the study have pancreatic tumors and aggressive brain tumors called glioblastomas, among other cancers; participants are recruited primarily because their tumors show high glucose metabolism in PET scans.

Four of the patients were so ill, they died within the first week of the study. Others, says Schmidt, dropped out because they found it hard to stick to the no-sweets diet: "We didn't expect this to be such a big problem, but a considerable number of patients left the study because they were unable or unwilling to renounce soft drinks, chocolate and so on."

The good news is that for five patients who were able to endure three months of carb-free eating, the results were positive: the patients stayed alive, their physical condition stabilized or improved and their tumors slowed or stopped growing, or shrunk. These early findings have elicited "very positive reactions and an increased interest from colleagues," Kämmerer says, while cautioning that the results are preliminary and that the study was not designed to test efficacy, but to identify side effects and determine the safety of the diet-based approach. So far, it's impossible to predict whether it will really work. It is already evident that it doesn't always: two patients recently left the study because their tumors kept growing, even though they stuck to the diet.

Past studies, however, offer some hope. The first human experiments with the ketogenic diet were conducted in two children with brain cancer by Case Western Reserve oncologist Linda Nebeling, now with the National Cancer Institute. Both children responded well to the high-fat diet. When Nebeling last got in contact with the patients' parents in 2005, a decade after her study, one of the subjects was still alive and still on a high-fat diet. It would be scientifically unsound to draw general conclusions from her study, says Nebeling, but some experts, such as Boston College's Thomas Seyfried, say it's still a remarkable achievement. Seyfried has long called for clinical trials of low-carb, high-fat diets against cancer, and has been trying to push research in the field with animal studies: His results suggest that mice survive cancers, including brain cancer, much longer when put on high-fat diets, even longer when the diets are also calorie-restricted. "Clinical studies are highly warranted," he says, attributing the lack of human studies to the medical establishment, which he feels is single-minded in its approach to treatment, and opposition from the pharmaceutical industry, which doesn't stand to profit much from a dietetic treatment for cancer.

The tide appears to be shifting. A study similar to the trial in Würzburg is now under way in Amsterdam, and another, slated to begin in mid-October, is currently awaiting final approval by the ethics committee at the University Hospital in Tübingen, Germany. There, in the renowned old research institution in the German southwest, neuro-oncologist Dr. Johannes Rieger wants to enroll patients with glioblastoma and astrocytoma, aggressive brain cancers for which there are hardly any sustainable therapies. Cell culture and animal experiments suggest that these tumors should respond particularly well to low-carb, high-fat diets. And, usually, these patients are physically sound, since the cancer affects only the brain. "We hope, and we have reason to believe, that it will work," says Rieger.

Still, none of the researchers currently studying ketogenic diets, including Rieger, expects it to deliver anything close to a universal treatment for cancer. And none of them wants to create exaggerated hopes for a miracle cure in seriously ill patients, who may never benefit from the approach. But the recent findings are difficult to ignore. Robert Weinberg, a biology professor at MIT's Whitehead Institute who discovered the first human oncogene, has long been critical of therapeutic approaches based on the Warburg effect, and has certainly dismissed it as a primary cause of cancer. Nevertheless, he conceded, in an email, for tumors that have been affected by the ketogenic diet in animal models, "there might be some reason to go ahead with a Phase I clinical trial, especially for patients who have no other realistic therapeutic options."

Richard Friebe is executive editor of the German science magazine SZ Wissen
Re: C is for Cancer

Hello Everyone,
This is the protocol we did at home while Howard underwent Chemotherapy for his stage 4 lung cancer with mets to the liver, and neck gland. The only chemo treatment he had without the use of our home protocol was his very first treatment, which left him bed redden for 6 days, where it took every effort he could muster to even get out of bed to go to the bathroom. At this point he asked me, Rena what would you do, and I explained what I would do and why, and he said let's do it. Which opened the doorway to what I call our home protocol which I will post below.

Howard's chemo was to be administered every 3 weeks, and then retested. In the meantime, he started on the following protocol:

1 heaping Tablespoon of Dr. Ben Kim's Greens *
2 level teaspoons of Arm and Hammer baking soda *
1 level teaspoon of unsulphured black strap molasses
All above ingredients mixed into 14 ounces of water, stirred well.

1 level teaspoon of Arm and Hammer baking soda
3 level teaspoons of (Real maple syrup, natural 100 % pure)
Both above ingredients heated on medium low heat and stirred well for 5 minutes. He ate all of it directly from the pan.

Nebulizer with one week supply of the following:
1 teaspoon of baking soda
4 ounces of distilled water
Heat on high until slight boil, stir well, pour into glass jar with lid. Let cool to room temperature before using. Pour out all remaining contents and refresh weekly.
The little medicine cup was filled about half way, which Howard would nebulize for about 15 to 20 minutes.

Special note:
Howard always took what we called "body breaks", our home protocol was set for Monday through Friday, with weekends off.

Since starting the home protocol, Howard was able to withstand the chemo treatments with remarkable improvements. He only did not feel very good for a couple of days, and was able to function fine daily. He was never bed redden again throughout the rest of his chemo treatments. The doctor who was unaware of our home protocol, even made the statement that "no one has ever gotten feeling better with chemo, they always get feeling worst."

The idea behind mixing the baking soda with both the black strap molasses, and the maple syrup is that the combing of baking soda with natural sugars will cause the cancer tumors to soak up the sugar which it is attracted to and feeds off of, and the baking soda is the Trojan horse that does the actual killing of the tumors.

Even the Doctor told us that the Pet/Cat scan test they do, is radiated glucose. The tumors eat up the sugar, and the radiation causes the tumors to "glow" so they can be seen clearly on the test.

Again, this is what we did, anyone doing this or a like protocol should make any adjustments accordingly to the individuals results, comforts, schedule, or what have you. We are not of the medical profession, just ordinary people doing the best we can with our limited resources. I do believe we are all different, with different chemistry, and what worked for one, may not work for everyone. Howard now shows no sign of cancer in his neck gland, or his liver, but still fighting the lung tumor, although it has reduced to half the size it was. Needless to say, we are ecstatic that it has worked for Howard so well thus far, and I can only pray it works for someone else too.

Howard also drank a lot of alkaline water during the day to help flush his body of the ongoing toxins of the chemo, and our polluted environment.

Someone may wonder why Dr. Ben Kim Greens. The answer is simple, I have been taking his greens for about 5 years now, had it on hand already. I have not missed a single day of work sick, and know they are just down right good for you. I figured Howard needed all the nourishment and cleanses the greens provided. The greens don't taste all that great, kind of like spinach water to me, but are loaded with nutrients we just don't get from our every day foods.

God bless you all, and may your cancer journey be as successful as ours have been.

* We are not affiliated with any name brand product mentioned, this is just what we used. You can use or not, it is up to you.
Re: C is for Cancer

I just want to say in general, that chemotherapy might not be the wisest choice. It does more harm than good, especially considering that a 5 year survival chance by chemotherapy is 2.3% in Australia and 2.1% in the US [Royal North Shore Hospital Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol) 2005 Jun;17(4):294.]
Re: C is for Cancer

Oxajil said:
I just want to say in general, that chemotherapy might not be the wisest choice. It does more harm than good, especially considering that a 5 year survival chance by chemotherapy is 2.3% in Australia and 2.1% in the US [Royal North Shore Hospital Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol) 2005 Jun;17(4):294.]

Hi Oxajil, I have to agree with you 100%, but still I have to honor his decision on what he chose to do.
Re: Electromagnetic radiation and its effect on the brain

Vulcan59 said:
Thanks for the explanation drygol. :) By the way, if you haven't read it yet, below is an article about Wifi utility meters. Was surprised to find out that it had been implemented in New Zealand as well. :scared:

Can't see this article anymore on SOTT.

Was it similar to this one?
Re: Electromagnetic radiation and its effect on the brain

dantem said:
Vulcan59 said:
Thanks for the explanation drygol. :) By the way, if you haven't read it yet, below is an article about Wifi utility meters. Was surprised to find out that it had been implemented in New Zealand as well. :scared:

Can't see this article anymore on SOTT.

Was it similar to this one?

Here's a short video on the smart meter that shows how to identify it: (Catherine Fitts site)
Re: Electromagnetic radiation and its effect on the brain

dantem said:
Vulcan59 said:
Thanks for the explanation drygol. :) By the way, if you haven't read it yet, below is an article about Wifi utility meters. Was surprised to find out that it had been implemented in New Zealand as well. :scared:

Can't see this article anymore on SOTT.

You can read it at that address:

Re: Cheap, safe drug kills most cancers

Gimpy said:

Cheap, safe drug kills most cancers

* 11:58 17 January 2007
* From New Scientist Print Edition. Subscribe and get 4 free issues.
* Andy Coghlan

What makes cancer cells different - and how to kill them
Enlarge image
What makes cancer cells different - and how to kill them

It sounds almost too good to be true: a cheap and simple drug that kills almost all cancers by switching off their “immortality� . The drug, dichloroacetate (DCA), has already been used for years to treat rare metabolic disorders and so is known to be relatively safe.

Came across this DCA update being worked on @ the UoA: of course the question of funding is ever present as there is hardly a penny to be made by the Pharma group(s) and thus our illustrious Cancer, so called Societies, just keep sending their 'collected people's money', based on the fears and suffering anguishes of people, to all the usual places. :mad:

CTV - Video - _

New Scientist by Andy Coghlan said:
Cheap, 'safe' drug kills most cancers

Updated 13:31 17 May 2011

New Scientist has received an unprecedented amount of interest in this story from readers. If you would like up-to-date information on any plans for clinical trials of DCA in patients with cancer, or would like to donate towards a fund for such trials, please visit the site set up by the University of Alberta and the Alberta Cancer Board. We will also follow events closely and will report any progress as it happens.

Update, 16 May 2011: If you've just heard about this story, please read this recent update too.

Article originally published online 17 January 2007:

It sounds almost too good to be true: a cheap and simple drug that kills almost all cancers by switching off their "immortality". The drug, dichloroacetate (DCA), has already been used for years to treat rare metabolic disorders and so is known to be relatively safe.

It also has no patent, meaning it could be manufactured for a fraction of the cost of newly developed drugs.

Evangelos Michelakis of the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, and his colleagues tested DCA on human cells cultured outside the body and found that it killed lung, breast and brain cancer cells, but not healthy cells. Tumours in rats deliberately infected with human cancer also shrank drastically when they were fed DCA-laced water for several weeks.

DCA attacks a unique feature of cancer cells: the fact that they make their energy throughout the main body of the cell, rather than in distinct organelles called mitochondria. This process, called glycolysis, is inefficient and uses up vast amounts of sugar.

Until now it had been assumed that cancer cells used glycolysis because their mitochondria were irreparably damaged. However, Michelakis's experiments prove this is not the case, because DCA reawakened the mitochondria in cancer cells. The cells then withered and died (Cancer Cell, DOI: 10.1016/j.ccr.2006.10.020).

Michelakis suggests that the switch to glycolysis as an energy source occurs when cells in the middle of an abnormal but benign lump don't get enough oxygen for their mitochondria to work properly (see diagram). In order to survive, they switch off their mitochondria and start producing energy through glycolysis.

Crucially, though, mitochondria do another job in cells: they activate apoptosis, the process by which abnormal cells self-destruct. When cells switch mitochondria off, they become "immortal", outliving other cells in the tumour and so becoming dominant. Once reawakened by DCA, mitochondria reactivate apoptosis and order the abnormal cells to die.

"The results are intriguing because they point to a critical role that mitochondria play: they impart a unique trait to cancer cells that can be exploited for cancer therapy," says Dario Altieri, director of the University of Massachusetts Cancer Center in Worcester.

The phenomenon might also explain how secondary cancers form. Glycolysis generates lactic acid, which can break down the collagen matrix holding cells together. This means abnormal cells can be released and float to other parts of the body, where they seed new tumours.

DCA can cause pain, numbness and gait disturbances in some patients, but this may be a price worth paying if it turns out to be effective against all cancers. The next step is to run clinical trials of DCA in people with cancer. These may have to be funded by charities, universities and governments: pharmaceutical companies are unlikely to pay because they can't make money on unpatented medicines. The pay-off is that if DCA does work, it will be easy to manufacture and dirt cheap.

Paul Clarke, a cancer cell biologist at the University of Dundee in the UK, says the findings challenge the current assumption that mutations, not metabolism, spark off cancers. "The question is: which comes first?" he says.
Re: C is for Cancer

Hi all, my grandpa has lung cancer stage 3 I think. They area planning on doing chemo first.

I've tried to drop some hints like "sugar eats cancer" and he said he tried to eat less sugar. But he mentioned artificial sugars like nutrasweet and splenda, heh. I'm not sure he or my grandma would be open to alternative options. And I don't think they would totally understand the data, especially given programming.

I was thinking about emailing my sister a bunch of links and videos from here. She is studying in the health field. So I think my family would take some info better coming from her. But I've decided to wait and network first. The info I was specifically thinking about sharing was the sugar connection, chemo, Vit. C, Baking soda, DCA, and the corruption of cancer research.

I think I have some kind of, "I must give this info because I have access to it and they don't know about the bad science of medicine." program. I realize I may be trying to choose for him and not respect free will. I was wondering if sharing those links with my sister would be a good idea, considering there's an underlying thought of, "Maybe she can convince them to do something alternative." Thanks for reading.
Re: C is for Cancer

Sorry to hear this 3D student. It's hard to know what can help and not be able to share it but such is life.
Is your sister open to health info outside of the mainstream? If not, it is highly unlilely that she would advocate for something she doesn't believe in...or knows little about for that matter.
Re: C is for Cancer

3D Student said:
Hi all, my grandpa has lung cancer stage 3 I think. They area planning on doing chemo first.

I've tried to drop some hints like "sugar eats cancer" and he said he tried to eat less sugar. But he mentioned artificial sugars like nutrasweet and splenda, heh. I'm not sure he or my grandma would be open to alternative options. And I don't think they would totally understand the data, especially given programming.

I was thinking about emailing my sister a bunch of links and videos from here. She is studying in the health field. So I think my family would take some info better coming from her. But I've decided to wait and network first. The info I was specifically thinking about sharing was the sugar connection, chemo, Vit. C, Baking soda, DCA, and the corruption of cancer research.

I think I have some kind of, "I must give this info because I have access to it and they don't know about the bad science of medicine." program. I realize I may be trying to choose for him and not respect free will. I was wondering if sharing those links with my sister would be a good idea, considering there's an underlying thought of, "Maybe she can convince them to do something alternative." Thanks for reading.

You might offer up a few key papers (in mainstream format) lightly (ask for her opinion) or in a off-hand way, and see if anything develops. If it does, you can go from there. An example might be:

Nutrients and Cancer:
An Introduction to Cesium Therapy
H. E. SARTORI, M.D. (1984)
Pharmacology, Biochemistry & Behavior. Vol. 21. Suppl. I, pp. 7 - 10. 1984.

This one is a good intro to alternative treatments and has spurred many on to more research.
Re: C is for Cancer

Thanks for the replies. I talked to her today and she doesn't seem interested or have the time. It seems she has faith in her mainstream studies and doesn't want to veer away from established authority. And she agreed that our family wouldn't really want to hear about it either. She also said we shouldn't take this into our hands.

So I think I will stop my savior syndrome. I also had a program of being right and justifying my health actions running. It's kind of hard to read Primal Body Primal Mind with about all the bad stuff sugar does knowing it's poisoning your family and nearly everyone else.
"Cut Poison Burn" cancer documentary free to view until 24th!

Sorry for the short notice, folks, but I thought you all might be somewhat interested in this. Dr. Mercola featured this on his site, and although I have yet to complete it, it looks like a good documentary about the lies of the "fight against cancer". I'll finish watching it when family is awake to watch with me.

On Dr. Mercola's website:

The original video on Vimeo:

Dr. Mercola said:
Important! The producers of this powerful film are allowing a full and FREE preview through September 24th! Please tell everyone you know to watch this film in its entirety through September 24th, 2011. You can support the film by purchasing a copy for only $10!

Story at-a-glance

  • For years, the FDA tried to shut down Dr. Burzynski's alternative cancer practice, using non-toxic antineoplastons to treat highly lethal cancers with a success rate of 50-60 percent.
  • The conventional medical approach is to "search and destroy" cancer cells using surgery, extremely potent toxins and dangerous radiation.
  • Most of the conventional treatments still considered 'standard care' were created during a time when knowledge of cancer was minimal.
By Dr. Mercola

In 1971, US President Richard Nixon declared war on cancer; the National Cancer Act was enacted and the national cancer program was born. An impressive $1.6 billion dollars were allocated to the program for the first three years alone, and its director even reported directly to the President.

So, after 40 years, how has the war on cancer fared?

One would think that after four decades of fervent research and countless billions of dollars spent, we would have this dreadful disease under control. Just think of the rapid explosion of ideas and innovations within other technology areas. Your cell phone is now more powerful than the largest supercomputers of that time, for example.

Alas, the war on cancer has been a MASSIVE failure, and the reasons for this failure are clearly explained in the featured documentary Cut, Poison, Burn.

Greed bordering on the grotesque has been allowed to rule the game here, and the primary beneficiaries of this 40-year long "war" are pharmaceutical companies and the tremendously profitable cancer industry as a whole, including so-called "non-profit" organizations like the American Cancer Society.

Rather than decreasing, cancer rates have increased during the last 40 years, and now surpass heart disease as the number one killer of Americans between the ages of 45 to 74. According to statistics detailed in the film, one in three women, and one in two men will now get some form of cancer in their lifetime!
Re: "Cut Poison Burn" cancer documentary free to view until 24th!

Wow. Thanks for putting the link here. I just finished watching this, and have to say that I got very, very emotional. It would be unbelievable, if it weren't so believable.
As a mom, I was absolutely crushed for the Navaros- I get overwhelmed in the face of just finding doctors that will treat my unvaccinated child. It's something totally different when you're watching your child die because you were forced to give them something that is proven to be detrimental and lethal.
Even if this kind of behavior is something I've come to expect in this country, it's heartbreaking nonetheless.
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