Cancer: causes and cures

Re: Cancer and candida

Hi Elisa,

could you explain the doctor's idea in a few words for other forumites?
Re: Cancer and candida

Hi Elisa,

You'll be interested in this thread:

Cancer is really a fungus
Re: Cancer and candida

Thanks Psyche,

But I got a problem with the link. It cannot be accessed.
Re: C is for Cancer

I'm looking for a new house and I might have found one but it will be at 300 meters of a TGV (high-speed train) line.
Does anyone have information about the EM pollution emitted by TGV, and the minimum distance of the line to be ?

There may be several problems like the high voltage of the line, the influence of train locomotives, leakage currents.
I don't have more details and I don't want to expose my family.

Re: C is for Cancer

Try these links, it may help to gain some perspective of the issue.


I went with a friend recently to look at an apartment that was right next to the TGV line. Not less than perhaps 30 meters. It was the weekend so train service was light. It was also by main thoroughfare fare with a high amount of traffic by automobile's but also light again being the weekend.

The conclusion we came too as well as his partner were the pollution concerns, of the automobile's and road noise, as well as vibrations and noise associated to the TGV. At that time we had not thought of the radiation that is perhaps an import consideration to family and the little ones, whom seem to more effected to these fields, with averse effects such as leukemia.

Never the less there to many issues to contend with so he passed on the rental which was a good thing. To many red lights :/
Re: C is for Cancer

A TGV power line runs at 25kV AC. It is quite low compared to the high voltage lines that are much taller and emit more radiation. For a comparison, the spark plug system in a gasoline car runs at around 20kV and is much closer, but shielded.

An article that I've read found that there was increased risk downwind of the power lines 100kV and up. They work similar to those air ionizers in your home, creating ionized air that is electrically charged and can bond with pollution particles. Those particles get blown by the wind. I suppose it concentrates some more pollution in an area much like the air ionizer collects the particles on the plates.

Also, 300 meters is a huge distance. So from my electrical understanding, there is no real exposure there.
Re: C is for Cancer

Divide By Zero said:
Also, 300 meters is a huge distance. So from my electrical understanding, there is no real exposure there.

Thank for the analysis ! We concluded too that the noise would be more the problem than the EM. So we finally left that opportunity for that reason.
Re: Electromagnetic radiation and its Effect on the Brain

NYT article
Published: November 13, 2010
Should You Be Snuggling With Your Cellphone?

This article confirms what has already been discussed regarding the safety/health hazard of cell phones... apparently the New York Times thinks the issue is "a far
from settled issue".

The article begins with the (paraphrased) WARNING: WARNING: Holding a cellphone against your ear may be hazardous to your health. So may stuffing it in a pocket against your body. Most cell phone users have tossed out this warning, which came with your cell phone, in their eagerness to start using it. And the industry is not making a big effort to remind people of how to safely use their cell phones. The F.C.C. has chimed in as well with this:

The F.C.C. concurs about the best way to avoid exposure. It is not by choosing a phone with a marginally lower SAR, it says, but rather by holding the cellphone “away from the head or body.

yea, like that's gonna happen!

article includes:
Devra Davis, an epidemiologist who has worked for the University of Pittsburgh and has published a book about cellphone radiation, “Disconnect”,
sites unsettling findings from research in Israel, France, Sweden and Finland, and says, “I do think I’m looking at an epidemic in slow motion.”

From information on the book "Disconnect":,,9781101439487,00.html?Disconnect_Devra_Davis

Devra Davis,[ Ph.D]., presents an array of recent and long suppressed research in this timely bombshell. Cell phone radiation is a national emergency. Stunningly, the most popular gadget of our age has now been shown to damage DNA, break down the brain's defenses, and reduce sperm count while increasing memory loss, the risk of Alzheimer's disease, and even cancer. The growing brains of children make them especially vulnerable. And half of the world's four billion cell phone used by people under twenty.

[and ends with this:]
As this eye-opening call to action shows, we can make safer cell phones now. Why would we put our children at risk of a devastating epidemic of brain illness in the years to come?

Another researcher mentioned in NYTs article to look to is:
Henry Lai, a research professor in the bioengineering department at the University of Washington, began laboratory radiation studies in 1980 and found that rats exposed to radio frequency radiation had damaged brain DNA. He maintains a database that holds 400 scientific papers on possible biological effects of radiation from wireless communication.

One study listed by Mr. Lai found effects like loss of memory in rats exposed to SAR values in the range of 0.0006 to 0.06 watts per kilogram. “I did not expect to see effects at low levels,” he said. (The Federal Communications Commission mandates that the SAR produced by phones be no more than 1.6 watts per kilogram)

The article makes one thing very clear, if you want to feel good about your cell phone use, listen to the industry which says that the health concerns are inconclusive (making the enclosed warnings rather insignificant). If, however, you are concerned about health hazards associated with cell phone usage, or other EMR emitting devices, pay attention to what the doctors Devra Davis and Henry Lai has to report.

One further note, as I was checking out "Ms Devre" and "Mr. Lai", which is how the NYTs refer to them...
my question: wouldn't it have been more respectful to refer to these Ph.D. earning individuals as Drs (doctors)? or would that have made them seem too credible?
Re: C is for Cancer

Skyfarmr said:
One further note, as I was checking out "Ms Devre" and "Mr. Lai", which is how the NYTs refer to them...
my question: wouldn't it have been more respectful to refer to these Ph.D. earning individuals as Drs (doctors)? or would that have made them seem too credible?

That's how they do it. And it's deliberate.
Re: Cancer is really a Fungus

Galaxia2002 said:
I think that the solution is precisely to mix sodium bicarbonate with a little of vitamic c. They will react to produce sodium ascorbate plus CO2. The sodium ascorbate is now alkaline and when go in in blood they will transform again in ascorbic acid. But this can only be done it with the amount of bicarbonate to take, because if you transform all the vitamic c in ascorbate you will take very much sodium!
Remember that sodium bicarbonate (because of sodium) will rise the arterial pressure, ( very bad for persons with hearth diseases) and you would become thirsty at least, the ideal would be potassium bicarbonate.

I think the better is to deliver the NaHCO3 inside the body, as the protocol advice, because you could get a much alkaline media in the intestines and promote that candida grows there

Have to admit that haven't read this thread in its entirety before, so haven't read the above advice. But recently, when was having a cold and was taking lot of Vit C crystals decided to mix it with sodium bicarbonate to lower the acidity a bit because my stomach was a bit sensitive. The result was rather surprising (actually, was excited like a child after her first chemical experiment. Hehe :D) I took a pinch of soda and three quoter of a teaspoon of Vit C. It not only made the mixture carbonated but also eliminated the sour taste of Vit C. (Later also found the following link). Don't know if it affected the absorption ability of Vit C in any way, but just fwtw for those who haven't tried it before and like carbonated water or don't like sour taster of Vit C.

My friends mom had cancer a few years ago and now the cancer cells are back. I am looking for knowledge and info on the subject and see if there is anything I can do or If there is anything out there that can help. If anyone has any info on the topic such as supplements, medicine or different ways that they know of to help get rid, slow down or stop the cancer from growing - any info would be great. Thanks!
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