Cassiopaea substack

Someone in my family suggested this video which she highly recommended. I looked at it and thought it was an excellent video to watch as a practical thing to go with this substack. Practical in the sense that for those who have read the Cassiopean substack then the video is full of red flags from beginning to end. The person with the name of Penny Kelly is speaking at a UFO meeting in the US and is greatly praised :scared:. Some of what she mentions in the video.

  • She saw herself in a UFO before being born saying yes to the mission given.
  • She remembers being very scared when beings came to where she was sleeping aged 18 months. (She later said that now she understands that they were just checking up on her and thus ok. Yet the instinct of being scared shitless by some beings likely not with her interests at heart is not contemplated. Like Stockholm syndrome.
  • She tells of several abductions and of being examined.
  • She tells of driving a truck late evening when a UFO came over her, her being frightened, paralysed and then missing a big chunk of time.
  • She says there are some bad aliens but lots of good aliens.
  • Another abduction is mentioned with the description fitting a gray alien.
  • She describes how sex is very good for humans to engage in as it resets the antennas in the body in a good way. That sounded to me like an alien sales pitch for sex, considering what the C's have said about how sexual activity mainly goes to feed 4D STS.
  • She describes herself as an alien coming to earth with a mission. A mission which she as one stage wants to drop, but that is not allowed.
  • She describes a Kundalini experience which 'woke' her up.
  • She describes how aliens tell her what to do, an example is of them telling her to go back and divorce her husband. In other words, no respect of free will.
  • She describes that the aliens don't like people asking questions.
  • She said that the WEF and the Covid vaccines were bad, which was about the only thing I noticed which was positive.
This is just a selection of the red flags, but there are more.

The video is selling the message that the aliens are the good guys, much more advanced and they want to help us yet it is clear that they would like us to be obedient slaves.

Here is a screen shot from the presentation to give a flavour.
Penny Kelly.gif

It can be moved to its own thread but I just thought this was such a good 'hands on' example for those who have read the substack.
First installment of Part 6 is now up:

Curiously, yesterday I went on a car trip with my family and when I got on the highway the car's navigator said that I had about 50 minutes left to arrive.

Well, I relaxed and let my mind go a bit in a somewhat automatic driving that the light traffic allowed me.

Then the car's navigator notifies me that I must leave the highway and says that I have 14 minutes left to arrive.

I said to my family totally surprised: "Look, we're almost there!".

I have no idea how I drove during that approximate half hour of which I am not aware.

I looked at my watch because on one occasion my watch was delayed an hour from the real time without any explanation, but the time was correct.

And today these geographical jumps are mentioned during a trip on your substack.

Just something curious and without any discomfort, except the strangeness that suddenly we had already arrived.
Because Linda S Godfrey's sources presented photo and video evidence of werewolf-type Window Fallers looking like mist on camera, I thought all cameras - 1st density - see 3rd Density Window Fallers as mist..
Except in latest Cass Substack the out of breath cop is directly filming the black panther shown on his camera as actually recorded as a black panther. Different angle.
So it is not true that cameras show Window Fallers as mist. But:

1. Mist was recorded when the cameras where left alone, fastened onto a pole / fence and no human consciousness was around to feed & modify the Window Faller.

2. the body camera was ON the cops body, - inside of the effective bubble area of human consciousness - maybe the policemans FRV / 3rdD aura affected the camera, so the 1stD camera's FRV merged with the cops FRV, the camera "borrowed observational awareness" from the human and was able to see and record a Window Faller as is seen by humans: always in 3D monster shape?
That explanation is stretching it, probably..
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