Cassiopaea substack

I was curious so I did the math - using the average heart rate of 68 bpm * 60 minutes, that's 4080 beats per hour (I think in the session they used 70 bpm to get 4200). So take the average life expectancy (76 in 1996 at the time of the session) and multiply by 4080 and we get 310,080, which is roughly the grand cycle. Even using 70 bpm we're looking at 319,000, which is in the ballpark. Not sure if coincidence or maybe intentional to keep someone alive through an entire grand cycle if needed?

That's crazy, although it may not be the case that slowing the heartbeat to 1 per hr translates directly to increase in years of life. But certainly it would prolong it, a LOT.

Is it just the smoke or the nicotine and chemicals in the body that they don’t like?

Seems to me it's likely the nicotine. There isn't much else that I'm aware of that is beneficial to humans in inhaling tobacco smoke. So nicotine vaping would be a good alternative if smoking baccy is off the table.
An article that delves more specifically into the cosmic trickster aspects of “Aliens“ might be interesting and important for readers too. So that they understand that very little that happens in regards to 4D can be taken at face value from our 3D perspective.

Also an article that might scratch the surface of the complicated topic of 3D existence as opposed to 4D and how perceptions and understandings differ in those densities might be good for the readers. Included could be topics such as symbolism (symbolic language/happenings/realities) as opposed to more literal happenings/interpretations.
Those are good ideas. The second one will fit in a future series on densities. As for the first one, did you have some transcripts in mind? A few scattered bits and pieces come to mind that I have already slotted into drafts of future articles, but if there are enough to collect into their own article, I could do that.
It struck me that the underground tunnel map as dictated by the Cs matches very closely with this other map of a supposed tunnel/rail system that connects deep underground military bases D.U.M.B.s. (use the state borders as reference or photo editing software to overlay the two maps). The map on the right has a helpful legend (on the bottom left). Intriguingly, some of the bases have a UFO like icon next to them.

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