Cassiopaea substack

I would like to thank you very much for this substack series. Bringing together all the information from different sessions and other sources makes it easier to understand - at least for me. Although I have read the sessions and also the books, this way of summarising reinforces and clarifies the understanding. Next month money will be a little bit easier and I plan to support substack . .. Thanks again!!! 🥰 :hug2:
First part in a new multi-part series on Substack:

Great detail and lay out with sources. In trying to describe these topics to friends and family who are interested, it's so hard to pull out the sessions, cross reference other primary sources and then make a coherent explanation (for me anyway) without fifty pounds of books and dozens of sticky colored bookmarks to try and make a point. These concise Substacks really punch and get to the bones of the topics.
This third part is now published in Croatian as well:

May 13, 2023
Q: (Navigator) Do “egregores” exist as Stavish describes them? A being created from the thoughts of a group of people which then takes a consciousness of its own, and needs to be fed from time to time, and being either positive or negative. (L) OK. That’s basically what Stavish’s main egregore definition is… (Andromeda) Basically like a group [“spirit”] attachment.

A: He is close except it usually happens from the top down. That is, a being can influence a group of people to take certain actions and thereby establish a feeding pool for itself.

Q: (L) OK. But still can human beings create a being, like Stavish described?

A: Not really. Such a creation is more a function of FRV [frequency resonance vibration] and will dissipate upon breakup of the group.

Q: (L) But for a period of time there is something that is drawing and recycling energy within a group.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) But it has no persistence or autonomy…

A: No.

Q: (L) OK. So, in the cases that Stavish talks about where it’s more prolonged and it seems like it changes and begins to become demanding and basically rebels, what is that?

A: Usually 4D STS using a group of people to feed and plant ideas into 3D. Note that often the éminence grise in such groups is a psychopath and you can read current studies to see how the morphing works.

Let's repeat:
"A: He is close except it usually happens from the top down. That is, a being can influence a group of people to take certain actions and thereby establish a feeding pool for itself."

Somehow I realized that if we extend this to humanity, taking into account thousands of years of manipulation by 4D STS on our beliefs and other and creating a false image of reality (with a lot of help from psychopaths), a kind of egregore is created through which 4D STS then draws energy. As they said to C., "a lie has no basis in truth", but they also said, "nothingness is only a thought". False reality has its own energy, which can take on its own dimension when moving to 4D. This is what 4D STS is aiming for in its plans for the assimilation of humanity. Similar to the Mayans who went to Lizziland after years of training and practicing second attention (first attention is this reality of ours that we experience). They were easy prey because of their obsession with power and fear of death. It's up to us, let's be careful.


13. svibnja 2023.
P: (Navigator) Postoje li "egregori" [na način] kako ih Stavish opisuje? Biće stvoreno iz misli grupe ljudi koje zatim poprima vlastitu svijest i treba ga hraniti s vremena na vrijeme i ono bude ili pozitivno ili negativno. (L) OK. To je u osnovi ono što je Stavisheva glavna definicija egregora... (Andromeda) U osnovi kao grupni ["duhovni"] priljepak.

O: On je blizu osim što se to obično događa odozgo prema dolje. To jest, biće može utjecati na skupinu ljudi da poduzmu određene radnje i na taj način uspostavi hranidbeni skup za sebe.

P: (L) OK. Ali ipak, mogu li ljudska bića stvoriti biće, kao što je Stavish opisao?

O: Ne baš. Takvo stvorenje više je funkcija FRV-a [frekvencijske rezonantne vibracije] i raspršit će se nakon raspada grupe.

P: (L) Ali neko vrijeme postoji nešto što privlači i reciklira energiju unutar grupe.

O: Da.

P: (L) Ali nema postojanost niti autonomiju...

O: Ne.

P: (L) OK. Dakle, u slučajevima o kojima Stavish govori gdje je [egregor] dugotrajan i čini se kao da se mijenja i počinje postavljati zahtjeve i zapravo se pobuni, što je to?

O: Obično je to 4D OPS koji iskorištava grupu ljudi kojima daje i usađuje ideje u 3D. Imajte na umu da je siva eminencija u takvim grupama često psihopat i možete pročitati trenutne studije da biste vidjeli kako funkcionira preoblikovanje.

Da ponovimo:
"O: On je blizu osim što se to obično događa odozgo prema dolje. To jest, biće može utjecati na skupinu ljudi da poduzmu određene radnje i na taj način uspostavi hranidbeni skup za sebe."

Nekako sam shvatio da ako ovo proširimo na čovječanstvo, uzimajući u obzir tisuće godina manipulacije od strane 4D OPS na naša vjerovanja i drugo, odnosno na stvaranje lažne slike stvarnosti (uz veliku pomoć psihopata), stvara se neka vrsta egregora kroz koji onda 4D OPS crpi energiju. Kako su ono rekli C., "laž nema uporište u istini", ali su također rekli, "ništavilo je samo misao". Lažna stvarnost ima svoju energiju koja prilikom prelaska na 4D može poprimiti svoju dimenziju. Na to cilja 4D OPS u svojim planovima za asimilaciju čovječanstva. Slično kao sa Mayama koji su otišli u Lizziland nakon godina vježbanja i prakticiranja druge pažnje (prva pažnja je ova naša stvarnost koju doživljavamo). Bili su lak plijen zbog svoje opsjednutosti za moći i strahom od smrti. Na nama je, budimo oprezni.
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