RT says:
“When supporters of Catalan leaders jailed for organizing a democratic vote advance on Barcelona airport, media make a fuss over 'separatists' causing chaos. When the same tactic's used in Hong Kong, it's a 'pro-democracy' protest.”
Well, if they recognize that it's the same tactic, I wonder why for the anti-establishment media when there are violent manifestations in Hong Kong it's due to foreign interference that wants to destabilize a country and when it occurs in Catalonia they are spontaneous manifestations fruit of people's discontent.
I don't understand why anti-establishment media when a gentleman presents himself in a park in Venezuela and proclaims himself president of the Venezuelan republic clearly they see that as a coup d'état, but when a gentleman declares in Spain the independent republic of Catalonia it is about democracy and freedom.
Just as I'm Spanish, I'm not being objective, but I'm surprised by the inability of alternative media to see the "color revolutions" when they occur in the Hispanic world, since the American Independences, as now their modern version in Catalonia.
Several points that the alternative media ignore when analysing the crisis in Catalonia, from my point of view:
- The police who are holding back the violent protestors are the "Mozos de Escuadra", that is to say, the Catalan police at the service of the Catalan independence government, and not of the national government, which has not yet intervened, but is going to have to do so because the situation is unsustainable. It is one of the many poppycock of this prefabricated crisis, the Catalan government incites the independentists to assault the streets to be beaten by the police sent by the Catalan government itself. The Spanish state has nothing to do with the repression, for now.
- The condemnations of Catalan politicians are not only for sedition, but also for the misappropriation of funds, that is, to use public money for partisan purposes such as independence propaganda, to finance independence groups and associations, etc…
@Ariadna published
above, the politicians in prison intended to create the Catalan hacienda by diverting the money destined for social issues.
- The independence movement is not like the Yellow Vests, there is not a single social demand, they only demand independence. The rest will come by magic when they are rid of the Spanish fascist state, as if the Catalan government were not an accomplice and participated in the system of systematised corruption in Spain (including Catalonia).
- Protests in Catalonia (and Madrid) are being coordinated from a newly published mobile app by an anonymous account created a month ago on Twitter: @tsunami_dem
We don't know who's behind it, but
RT in Spanish points to the president of Omnium Cultural, an organization I'll talk about next. RT in Spanish also reports that it is a state-of-the-art app:
The two other major organizations that have convened the protests are the Catalan National Assembly (ANC) and the aforementioned Òmnium Cultural, both linked to Jaume Roures, founder of the production company Mediapro, which in turn is linked to
our dear friend SOROS.
Òmnium Cultural is certainly the one who created the video of "help catalonia", compare it with the video of the Ukrainian girl and find the 7 differences:
- They are not political prisoners, they are not detained for their ideas, and they have been defending independence ideas with total freedom for 30 years. It is not the fault of the Spanish people that they have never obtained a majority support to put their ideas into practice. I would like to know if any German user can inform us whether independence parties are allowed in Germany, because I understand that they are not. I would like to know if any French user knows what the prison sentences are in his country for the crimes of sedition and rebellion, because I understand that they are higher sentences than in Spain. I would also like to know where the French languages are, because the Spanish languages (including Catalan) are all still alive and have been living together in peace and harmony for centuries, provided that foreign agents do not come to manipulate the population. There is a lack of perspective, it seems to me, when it comes to talking about the Spanish fascist state.
- When a local power tries to take power away from a state in an anti-democratic way, as was the proclamation of this illegal and unguaranteed referendum, and furthermore this local power proclaims itself as an independent republic, we are talking about a coup d'état. If the embezzlement of public funds is also demonstrated, that is to say, corruption, what sentences do alternative media find acceptable for this type of crimes?
There is a small print in the sentences that the alternative or generalist media don't explain, which is the application of the "third degree", this means that Catalan prisoners can leave prison with only 25% of the sentence served. In other words, Catalan politicians can be perfectly at home this Christmas. Moreover, it is the Catalan government that has to decide whether to apply the third degree to its prisoners, because, surprise, only Catalonia has competence over its prisoners, the rest of the communities in Spain do not have that privilege. So the REALITY is that it is a very generous sentence, for anyone who knows the law, in my opinion.
To tell the truth, in all this third degree procedure there is a step that depends on the Supreme Court, but we can say that this sentence has given practically all the power to the Catalan government over what it wants to do with its prisoners. The question is whether or not the Catalan government is interested in keeping its prisoners in prison in order to continue nourishing the victim image of independence at the international level.
- The crime of Rebellion, according to some jurists, is applicable when an armed force (in this case the Catalan police) supports a illegal act (referendum), I don't know about laws but there are those who can consider that the judge have been quite generous in the sentence by not sentencing them for Rebellion. Specifically from Sputnik in Spanish a Russian academic considers that
the sentence has been so soft because it was intended to lower the tension. But it was impossible to stop this tension, regardless of the sentence, the bodies that control the independentists have been preparing for months to generate chaos after the sentence, as I will try to demonstrate in the next message.
Also from
Sputnik in Spanish, the editor of a Russian magazine 'Russia in Global Politics' defends that:
"The Supreme Court's sentence against the Catalan pro-independence leaders shows that Spain is a democratic state capable of defending its territorial integrity."
RT in Spanish now tells us that the Chinese president, Xi Jinping, warns that any attempt to divide his country would result in "
shattered bodies and bones ground into dust", this is what a leader who cares about the sovereignty of his country does, what has the supposed Spanish fascist state done to prevent the division of his country? NOTHING. It has allowed it, supported it and even financed it, and all this is known because the trial has been public and the revelations that have been coming to light have revealed the complicity of the national government with the Catalan.
Most people who have an opinion on Catalonia have neither followed the trial nor read the sentence. So it is impossible to have a solid opinion on the sentence. My opinion, after listening to jurists who deserve all my respect and confidence, is that corruption and sedition in Spain are punished with great generosity: 2 years of preventive imprisonment and in two months they are all in their homes.