Chemtrails? CONtrails? Strange skies...

Sonrisa said:
Thank you, all, for a VERY interesting and informative discussion! The info about the atmospheric nuclear detonations in 1958 was a real eye-opener for me (horrifying!). I'm going to do some more reading on that topic, and others mentioned here, as I'd like to know more about it, particularly why the US really wanted to put all those copper needles in the upper atmosphere (I doubt it was just for communications reasons). May not be able to uncover the real reasons, but maybe enough to form a hypothesis?

The machinations of the PTB never cease to amaze and horrify me!

Hi Sonrisa,

The copper needles experiment was called Project West Ford Needles. The reason for the experiment was given as "for communications" but who knows. An image below of how small these "needles" were!

I remember from around 2004 a scientist commenting on the output of light coming from a UFO. He said:
- No technology currently known is capable to produce the magnitude of light to shine forth from so small a flying object as was observed in the report given by expert and professional sources, probably military/commercial flight personnel.

Reading about this event placed the foundation stones of my searching interest that our reality was split into two components:

1. offered reality: consume, take, wear, watch, enjoy, accept treatment for, pay for, buy, accept rules.

2. hidden reality: non-publishable results, damage control plans, nothing on paper, create rules for controlling the public, keep it from public, leak and you are dead, withhold too efficient technology, consume goods withheld from public, use super-technology, prepare significantly degraded-downsized-corrupted-pollutant-cheap versions (nano+GM) of super-tech for public consumption.
I'm reading a paper about cometary impacts which has some information that bears on our topic and I think we can trust it since it is not being produced in a program to disinform relative to so-called chemtrails.

The first thing of interest is the main historically known large body which impacted the Earth: the Tunguska object. What is important to us in relation to chemtrails is that this object exploded in the atmosphere and for many nights afterward the sky was unusually luminous over Europe and western Asia,, allowing people to read newspapers at night.

When scientists finally made it to the remote site in 1927, no visible fragments of the exploded body were found. Later field work uncovered peculiar black, shiny, metallic spheres in the soil of numerous small, shallow, oval craters - 50 to 200 meters diameter - similar to the craters of the Carolina Bays. . These spheres were typical of extraterrestrial bodies having a very high iridium, nickel, cobalt and other metals composition.

Now, here is where the connection comes in: An unusually high content of these same metals were later found in Antarctic ice cores, but in the layer relating to the year 1912.

That is to say, it took four years for the stuff deposited in the stratosphere to precipitate onto Earth.

From the Antarctic data, global fallout of 7 million tons was estimated for the Tunguska body which means that it's diameter would have been about 160 meters.

The dust from such objects exploded in the stratosphere diffuses over the globe and it usually takes a period of about three to six months for this to happen. The time that it takes for anything in the stratosphere to get to the ground is about 3 years (or more) and that is "independent of the initial amount of dust {or whatever}." Also, there are so many atmospheric variables that it cannot be determined where the stuff will go.

That is, materials injected into the stratosphere do NOT precipitate onto the ground under which it is "laid" (as in so-called chemtrails) except, perhaps, almost accidentally, and much, much later.

Again, this has no bearing on spraying that takes place at much lower altitudes, as in the troposphere, but clearly, what is going on in the stratosphere is NOT "chemtrails."
Chemtrails? Contrails? Strange Skies on SOTT by Laura:
Pashalis said:
Chemtrails? Contrails? Strange Skies on SOTT by Laura:

And check the photos I just posted on my FB page.
Since there are "copper rods" in the atmosphere,
does this account for abundance of the colour green
in the auroras?

Perhaps the Spectrograph of copper is the clue?

See: _

I found something interesting, and this was written in 1921, perhaps
serves as a reference to what might have changed afterwards?

(Dang... I cannot get the full text - not a member...)

I am still reviewing at this point, it is conjecture for now...

Update: I have given up at this point because (1) the data is
not so easily obtained and (2) the more I thought about it, I
am not sure if there is any point at pursuing this idea anyway.
Pashalis said:
Chemtrails? Contrails? Strange Skies on SOTT by Laura:

The research presented by Laura is phenomenal and certainly the correlation between nuclear testing in the upper atmosphere and today's "loaded" skies should not be underestimated. I still believe there is a parallel hidden operation going on involving spraying of dubious substances on some populations. In any case, none of this bodes well for the planet.
Bidoche said:
Pashalis said:
Chemtrails? Contrails? Strange Skies on SOTT by Laura:

The research presented by Laura is phenomenal and certainly the correlation between nuclear testing in the upper atmosphere and today's "loaded" skies should not be underestimated. I still believe there is a parallel hidden operation going on involving spraying of dubious substances on some populations. In any case, none of this bodes well for the planet.

I agree, Bidoche, and said so in my very first point. But for some reason, people reading this article both on SOTT and on FB just keep missing that. They want to insist that every plane in the sky and every trail made by those planes, is evil "chemtrails." Methinks that there is more to this resistance than meets the eye! Can we say possible COINTELPRO controlled clappers in the audience trying to keep the attention on the distraction???

That's how it appears to me. And that actually makes me even more confident that I'm approaching the truth on this topic. When the flamers and insulters come out in force, you know you've hit a hot button!

They keep talking about barium, aluminum and a host of other things in the atmosphere and rainwater. Well, God's nightgown! Why aren't they looking at the obvious culprits: corporate industrial pollution that is killing millions and being blamed on cigarette smoking and chemtrails!

Or what about looking at what they eat and drink for solutions to the health issues they claim to suffer from these "chemtrails". Oh, no! Can't do that. If you find a real life criminal polluting source you actually have to DO something. As long as it is some vague secret government program, you get to just yell and scream bloody murder, but don't actually have to DO anything like get a lawyer and take them to court.

I tell ya, I'm really turning cranky lately because I don't have much patience with such stupidity anymore. Bring on the comets!
I tell ya, I'm really turning cranky lately because I don't have much patience with such stupidity anymore. Bring on the comets!

Oh, that's been my attitude for a while now, sad to say. :-[
OK...I've read the thread and the facebook comments, and I still don't get what everyone's fussing about?

Like a car, a plane burns fuel... and the exhaust comes out the rear. Whatever is in the exhaust (car and/or jet) is a chemical and not likely to be healthy for us and the Earth. Who doesn't know this, and why do the "Real Liberal Christians" have their panties in a twist all of the sudden?


After reading all this mess, I think I have a new expletive "Christ on a Chemtrail" :evil:
Guardian said:
After reading all this mess, I think I have a new expletive "Christ on a Chemtrail" :evil:

That'll be this one then!

Whoa! What is that image behind and above Christ head!?!?
Oh - never mind, it's a chem-trailer movie...

(correction: added missing word)
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