Err... just saw this video in this article, for the first time:
Chinese SWAT team practices takedown of ‘coronavirus patient’ with net

It is disturbing on so many levels. :shock:

Also I hear now Iran is using police water trucks and chemicals to disinfect whole areas.
Taking china's lead I guess.

How does anyone know what is in these concoctions? Is it plausible that this is a new method of "vaccinations"?

Here is a nice advertising video from the Chinese government, all ready to go:

Ahh, at least they have very pleasant music playing as you consider the sobering ramifications of such possibilities.:rolleyes:
Also I hear now Iran is using police water trucks and chemicals to disinfect whole areas.
Taking china's lead I guess.

How does anyone know what is in these concoctions?
In China at least, once or twice a year in some cities they spray something along the city streets to kill the cockroaches and rats. While there hasn't been any official confirmation from the government, it's possible that's what they've been spraying there. They're using the same machines and it looks the same - plus some residents have noticed the cockroaches coming out to die, like they do after the regular annual sprayings. Hard to say for sure, though.
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Here google HQ sent all employees home, someone had the sniffles, 2nd school closed today. Still only 2 cases flown in from Italy. Hand sanitizer flying of the shelves. One of the guidelines apart from the usual wash your hands etc, is to stay at least 1 meter away from anyone coughing or sneezing. 🙄
Here google HQ sent all employees home, someone had the sniffles, 2nd school closed today. Still only 2 cases flown in from Italy. Hand sanitizer flying of the shelves. One of the guidelines apart from the usual wash your hands etc, is to stay at least 1 meter away from anyone coughing or sneezing. 🙄
OK 1 m might not be enough. For me it is not. Tried and tested. 😆 My daughter’s recipe: Hold your breath and move away as quickly as you can. It works.
In China at least, once or twice a year in some cities they spray something along the city streets to kill the cockroaches and rats. While there hasn't been any official confirmation from the government, it's possible that's what they've been spraying there. They're using the same machines and it looks the same - plus some residents have noticed the cockroaches coming out to die, like they do after the regular annual sprayings. Hard to say for sure, though.

Absolutely! They could be harmless, well as much as petrochemicals can be I guess.

But the point is who even will be suspicious enough to independently have these sprays tested?

In fact, it’s the opposite. The general public is begging for it. The precedent is being set. The ingredients of an "absolute" lockdown is being refined before our eyes, IMHO.

I mean let’s take the concept of the Swat team. I’m old enough to remember that at first it was tauted as a necessity in fighting violent crime. All good and fine to begin with, but look at how the swat teams are used today for the smallest of non-violent reasons.

I guess psychopaths behind the scenes just pushing as always to see how much further they can take things.
Today on the South African TV one official was talking about preparedness for crisis response, In the end of his talk he was quite nonchalant about the medical situation going from crisis to normal if the Covid-19 spread becomes endemic. He was comparing the Covid-19 spread with the TB and HIV prevalence.
Ten, twenty or more years ago I read an account of the 1918 'Spanish' flu pandemic that indicted the well-meaning but sadly inappropriate approach commonly taken to treating the afflicted. Back then Aspirin had just recently been developed and popularized, so people who came down with the so-called 'Spanish' flu were often given Aspirin. According to the story I recall, Aspirin was the wrong treatment for that infection, because Aspirin suppressed the immune response in the course of suppressing and limiting the flu fever. Since Aspirin suppressed the immune system's 'cytokine storm' response, very often the 1918 'Spanish' flu overpowered many healthy young people, killing millions. That's what I recall reading. (No link, sorry.)

I don't know whether or how this might be relevant to the novel coronavirus, which doesn't seem to have any characteristics in common with the 1918 'Spanish' flu, but I want to mention it in this thread anyway.
Good evening
I'm sorry if it was already in the branch:
Studies have shown that smokers are 20 times less likely to be infected with coronavirus...


Studies of coronavirus infection have shown paradoxical results. Specialists have found out that smokers are 20 times less likely to be infected with coronavirus than non-smokers.

It is known that at Hospital No. 7 in Wuhan city only two out of 140 people surveyed were infected with lethal coronavirus. That's 1.4% of the whole group. Statistics show that out of 140 people, 32 should have been smokers.

According to preliminary data, smokers are 20 times less likely to be infected with coronavirus than non-smokers. In addition, people with such a diagnosis as hypertension and diabetes are most at risk of contracting coronavirus, according to the telegram channel "Pusher.

Sincerely Sergey.
The source is from here:Studies have shown that smokers are 20 times less likely to be infected with coronavirus...

Курильщики в 20 раз меньше рискуют заразиться коронавирусом
This from James Corbett is dated five days ago, and some of the info has already appeared on this thread, but this article contains a lot (it's rather long) that is pertinent to what may amount to a pandemic psychop:


by James Corbett
February 29, 2020

Yes, there are as many theories about coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) as there are people talking about it. The reality is that I don't know the truth about what this virus really is or where it came from and neither do you.

But there's something that we do know for sure regardless of where this virus came from or whether it even really exists. The hype and fear and panic and pandemonium surrounding this (supposed) outbreak is going to be far worse than the disease could ever be. Because, as I've been screaming about for over a decade now, a bioweapon attack (real or manmade, false flag or otherwise) is the perfect cover for a slew of agenda items on the globalist checklist. And the more the population panics, the more they play into the globalists' hands.

Here are five items on The Powers That Shouldn't Be's wishlist that are being delivered on a silver platter as people scurry around panicking about coronavirus.

1) Unprecedented surveillance and control of population
[see article for rather lengthy detailed descriptions of all five]

2) A blank check for Big Pharma and the WHO

In this case, though, the question of who benefits has a simple answer: WHO benefits, of course.
[previously noted on this thread]
With the Covid-19 outbreak, too, the WHO is playing a game with the pandemic declaration, only this time its motivation is precisely the opposite. In 2017, the World Bank issued a $425 billion bond in support of its Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility. Investors in that bond issue will lose everything if a global pandemic is declared before July . . . a key reason, some suggest, why the WHO is refusing to call coronavirus a pandemic despite it quite clearly meeting the criteria.

So who is heading the WHO this time around? Well, it's not Margaret Chan anymore. She stepped down in 2017 and was replaced by Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, an Ethiopian politician and academic who, William Engdahl notes, is the first WHO director-general who isn't even a medical doctor. Instead, after earning his degree in biology at the University of Asmara in Eritrea and serving in a junior position at the Ministry of Health under the Marxist dictatorship of Mengistu, he:
"[. . .] then went on to become Minister of Health from 2005 to 2012 under Prime Minister Meles Zenawi. There he met former President Bill Clinton and began a close collaboration with Clinton and the Clinton Foundation and its Clinton HIV/AIDS Initiative (CHAI). He also developed a close relation with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. As health minister, Tedros would also chair the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria that was co-founded by the Gates Foundation. The Global Fund has been riddled with fraud and corruption scandals."
Oh, you mean the Gates Foundation and their GAVI Alliance for vaccination that are the WHO's biggest donors? The Gates Foundation that helped host the Event 201 "high-level pandemic exercise" in New York last October that war gamed out the entire coronavirus scenario we're currently living through? Right.

And how are WHO going to save the day? With Big Pharma drugs, naturally! Governments are already lining up to pledge tens of millions of dollars to fund the effort to develop a coronavirus vaccine. And that's just the funding to develop the vaccine. There are many more billions waiting for the big pharma manufacturers who can deliver the first vaccine to market.

Yes, coronavirus is going to be a big payday for some rich and well-connected people in the international medical mafia. But don't worry, the politicians are going to get in on the fun, too . . .
3) An excuse to implement medical martial law
In the US specifically, this legislation took the form of The Model State Emergency Health Power Act, a piece of legislation that was drafted by the Center for Disease Creation (CDC). The act grants government the power to quarantine, force vaccinate, and mobilize the military to help implement emergency procedures as deemed necessary to contain the outbreak. It is designed to be forwarded in each state legislature so that the states could harmonize their emergency pandemic plans, essentially creating a federal system enabling medical martial law. [...]

Regardless, at last count the act has been the basis for 133 pieces of legislation in 33 different states.

And, sure enough, the citizens of the developed, Western world who thought that martial law was only for banana republics and exotic Eastern countries are about to get a taste of this bitter medicine on the back of the coronavirus hype.
Of course, this is not only the perfectly predictable response to the current outbreak hype, it was the predicted response. That's right, as noted above, the high-level exercise dubbed Event 201 that was held last October and which simulated a global coronavirus pandemic featured extensive discussion about the need to implement medical martial law in order to bring the virus in check.

Thus we saw Stephen Redd of the CDC opining during the exercise that "governments need to be willing to do things that are out of their historical perspective [sic] . . . It's really a war footing that we need to be on."

Likewise, Brad Connett of medical supply manufacturer Henry Schein Inc declared that "it can happen quickly. A martial [law]-type plan--they may not say that, exactly--but a martial [law]-type plan can go into effect and stimulate change very quickly."

4) An excuse to crack down on the internet

In New World Next Year 2020—the annual year-end New World Next Week wrap up episode—I predicted that 2020 was going to be The End of the Internet As We've Known It! At the time I formulated that prediction, the 2020 (s)election circus and the inevitable wave of censorship that it would bring about weighed heavily on my mind. As it is, it's quite possible that coronavirus will be the convenient excuse for governments to flex their internet censorship muscles.
Lest there be any doubt that the online purge is an aspect of the pandemic scenario that is particularly important to TPTSB, it should be noted that Event 201 dwelled extensively on how to "stop the spread of misinformation." Their answer: Internet shutdowns and censorship, of course!

5) Precipitating economic crisis

Given that I make my living online, the prospect of internet shutdowns and censorship crackdowns are worrying to me. But before you become too distraught over the plight of the poor podcaster, let's put this crisis into perspective: Assuming that the virus does go pandemic, it is quite likely that this will be the largest economic disruption of our lifetime.
As mass quarantines expand, public events are canceled, businesses are shuttered, and economic activity generally grinds to a halt, it doesn't take a genius to deduce that we are in for a global economic crisis of nearly unthinkable proportions. But the real disruptions are going to start long before we get to that point.
[...]Let me just say this for now: Regardless of whether coronavirus is natural or manmade or even whether it exists at all, the economic effects of this event are going to be very real and very profound. Given that I write for the International Forecaster and have been documenting the Ponzi scheme that is the modern global economy for over a decade now, I'm often asked when the scam will collapse and the long-predicted global financial crisis will hit. Well, it's very possible that the crisis has now officially hit and the decades of pie-in-the-sky negative-interest-rate helicopter-funny-money insanity that has papered over our grim economic reality is about to come crashing down all at once.

Conclusion: Coronavirus panic is a giant boost for the globalist agenda

[...]So of course the globalists are going to force feed us the exact opposite idea: That a crisis like this will demonstrate how we need even more global integration amongst all levels of public and private society.

Don't believe me? Just read the press release that Johns Hopkins and the Event 201 participants put out last month just before "Wuhan" and "coronavirus" became topics of daily conversation:
"The next severe pandemic will not only cause great illness and loss of life but could also trigger major cascading economic and societal consequences that could contribute greatly to global impact and suffering. Efforts to prevent such consequences or respond to them as they unfold will require unprecedented levels of collaboration between governments, international organizations, and the private sector."
Oh, that's right. This is another chance to "fail forward." After all, as that great globalist soothsayer Rahm Emanuel told us during the last financial catastrophe, the global elitists' mantra is to "never let a good crisis go to waste." Do you really think this “crisis” (whether real or imaginary) would be any exception?
The wrenches waiting in the wings to wreck the globalists' machinery: sunshine, heat, earth changes/disasters, cosmic phenomena.
A: Now, we would like to say something of interest to all: Soon things in your realm will become very chaotic and strange. It will give chills to many. Be not alarmed! It will pass and there will be a new reality to explore. Cosmic forces will be displayed and there will be many searching for answers. Be prepared to give the help that is needed. Be together in love and peace. Goodbye.
Now more than ever, keep the faith!
Dear all,

First, thank for the link about smokers, I wonder about a few days before, if smoking could help, and thought that logically it should, thanks for this confirmation.

Now about why I post here again : I can't help to think about one "idea" regarding this virus story, and when I have such "idea", or feeling, staying in my mind, it's usually a good idea.
But his idea, it's not personal, it's a group idea, and I will try to summarize it below :

It's regarding the french specialist Mr Raoult.
As you all saw, he started to react to this through video interviews since a few weeks. I think he reacted as a normal humain person who knows very well the subject, who is one of "the experts" about such a subject.
Maybe I'm wrong, and independently of his maybe high ego, i would conclude that he acted "normally", I mean, as a normal good human who say the truth (or at least, who say what he thinks but looking at his CV, we can probalby suppose that what he said is near to something true)

Ok until this ?

Remember the 11/9, a few days after, the bigger expert in building demolitions in the states declared that the twin towers collapse was a planned destruction.
Then a few days after, he came back on his declarations.
Why ? We all suppose that it's because he received various pressures from many sides, even probably death threats, or against his family, and so on.

Here I feel the same, I feel that the same thing is right now happening. Having watched his last video dated of yesterday 3 March, I felt him more anxious than before, and even in his responses, he sais that they'll make the tests with the chloroquine but also with 2 other substances. And you know what I felt : these 2 other substances were imposed to him, by briding/corrpution or maybe by pressure, because i'm pretty sure that from his personal point of view, the chloroquine is sufficient ! But hey, how to react when you have big pharma who contact you and propose to wire you 1.000.0000 if you add their product in your tests AND if you declare at the end, officially to the French authorities, that this other molecule is "better" than the chloroquine even if you finally lie ? I bet he already received such proposal.
And what's next ?
What about what he will say in ... let's say 20 days ? He'll say that the chloroquine gave good results but that this other products/molecule gave better results, even if it's FALSE, because he'll get a million € wired on a newly swiss bank account openedfor him just for the purpose ?

I dont know what can happen, but the point is the following :
We are all here gathering information about this topic, debatting, making supposition, finding some key facts, making gradually some concrete demonstration, etc ... in a few words, we are searching for the truth to better undersand what is happening in order to "know" (knowledge) and in order to eventually adapt our lives in order to face the consequences of what we are digging.

But I was wondering if we could do more than that ?

And here comes my idea which could be summarized by : let's act, let's support this doctor, let's counteract what is going to happen if we let things going on. Or at least, let's try to.
How to ? of course I already thought about, here are some of the quick ideas I had :
- get his personal email address (we see on his computer screen in one of the video that he got one, his mail application was in full screen) and anybody is invited to send him a support email.
- open a special thread in this forum, a temporary one, where anyone here can write him a message, in french or english (and it'll be better to specify from where you are so that he can figure out that it's a worlwide community), and let's officially send him the link to this thread created "just for him", just ensure that he well received the message, the link.
- compose and write him a letter, ground letter + email, signed by as many people here that want to sign it, find the good words to explain him that we know that since he honestly reacted to the corono virus subject, we all suppose that he (already) received various pressures, maybe direct thread, or indecent financial proposition to come back on his original statements, and that he has to undersand that he's NOT alone.

My preferred option would be the second one, but it could even be improved/enhanced : create a dedicated website just for this, it's not for the cost of the reservation of an url, this would have other positive consequences of doing so, the advantages that :
- this page could explain that it's usual that some experts reacts firstly and honestly to a problem then they are "reversed" by various pressures, and to give some examples like the one I gave, more info given the best it would be as it's simply "knowledge for the masses"
=> direct positive effect would be to open the eyes for a common person who would "arrive" on this page that this kind of scenario happened in the past, this would help to open minds, simply
- this page would allow anybody and not only one reader of the forum to contribute to support Mr Raoult
- we could even think about, but more in a symbolic way, propose to finance him, as on the other side, he probalby got some juicy financial propositions - this would have just one main effect and this would be just concerning Mr Raoult himself, this would "touch" his humain part, the choice between all the "poors" ready to send him a few euros each VS the big pharma ready to send him a few hundred of thousand euros if he accept to betray his own convictions (supposing that he's 100% right with chloroquine)

Also, it should be not too difficult to contact the people who organise these actual interviews, and ask them to collaborate, add the link to this page or website to support this Dr Raoult to their youtube videos.

Is it a crazy idea, or is it an idea that is maybe not good as this would expose too much the community here ? Knowing that this could be done totally independently by a member here, better to be french and living near Marseille, but that once "on the track", anyone here can post a message of encouragement (if decision to create a separate website would be taken)

What I tried to explained here is just what I think it'll happen if we do not act, if we do not support this guy, and this willing was strong, so strong since 2 days that I could not let this idea just in my mind, so i share it, for what it's worth.

If some here think it's not a good idea for such a such reason I missed to think about then ok, let's see what will happen.

I'm anxious now to read any comment about this post, glups ^^ please dont kick ;)
I'm anxious now to read any comment about this post, glups ^^ please dont kick ;)
I have only one question. How can 20 ants help an elephant busy fighting other elephants? I hope your anxiety has been completely dissipated.
This is a testimony or interview with a centenarian, Mrs. Edna Register Boone on her experience with the pandemic of 1918. I highly recommend it. Especially watch (at minute 4:30) where she tells us what she believe got her family through it (sodium), even at what dose…. how did her mom know? It also gives us an idea of what a real pandemic looks like.

I'm not sure I know how to set a video in here, so if it doesn't come through, I might need some help.
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