I suspect Herr Schwab is on the phone every day screaming that he needs more fear. Looks like he is starting with the small fry who economically can be sacrificed on the altar of Con-19.

Love that word "unprecedented". The word is actually popping up in some news feeds about cases in some countries :rotfl:
Guess 2020 wasn't unprecedented enough.

Then we have their neighbor Lithuania, with well over a month of the strictest vaccine passport systems in the world. In addition, Lithuania has had nearly 3 weeks of mask mandates. After all that hard and destructive work, they post these splendid results.


Yes friends, cases is a meaningless concept. But surely the average Lithuanian must be now scratching his/her head wondering what the heck is going on ?
One of the two main elements of the forum, as I've understood it, is networking for the purposes of information gathering/discussion. -The other element is the Work. That is, to observe our mechanical natures and face our knots and personality flaws, etc. Which cannot be done alone. The purpose being to grind away at the automatic elements of our beings so that we might one day be able to claim in earnest to be aware, non-mechanical beings and thereby escape Plato's cave. -Or maybe increase the odds of surviving the Wave without having our souls smashed apart.

Those two endeavors, information gathering and soul refinement, go hand in hand; discussion and social interaction allows energetic/psychological knots to reveal themselves.

It is expected and generally appreciated (though always painful) when that stuff is observed by forum members.

Granted.., in the past few years, the forum has taken on many new members and a lot of the older ones have moved on, it has adopted a character more like an information clearinghouse. It remains, however, one of the only organizations on the web where collective analysis is available within an established rule structure and set of goals.

So when you see those kinds of interactions here it is (or ought to be) understood that there is a specific objective in mind, and is not just some random internet argument.

@Woodsman, re: the particular post you are defending here, you failed to understand the nature of the conversation we were all having here, not just my contribution. When you insert "ego" into it, as if that were warranted somehow, and as if you were needed as the judge of myself in this instance, you changed the topic. You traded in the substance of what we were discussing as a way to end things, and not with any further understanding of what we were discussing, which was the censorship of a post by moderators at this forum.

There are threads here where that sort of input is not only welcome, but sought after. To act as if your doing so on this particular thread in the midst of this particular debate was business as usual for this forum, I contest. If I were to act as psychoanalyst as you have, I would say that having an active disagreement, a legitimate back and forth expressing our concerns on this matter, made you uncomfortable, and you, unconsciously perhaps, decided to bring things to a close by shifting attention to the personal. You didn't do so in a malicious way. You weren't trolling, as happens on Twitter. But it amounts to the same thing: instead of sticking to the sometimes lively nature of debate, you get personal as way to end your discomfort by changing the subject.

I have shared very personal things about myself at this forum. I have made myself vulnerable in that sense. And I have also attempted to help people who have asked for help, and hopefully I have provided some help. I have also asked for help myself at times, and was gratified to have found the help I've looked for. So, please let's not mix apples and oranges here, Woodsman. I know full well the nature of this forum.

That's all I'm going to say on this. We've wasted enough time on a discussion that could have ended some time ago now.

A decision has been made by the moderators to censor a particular post. We discussed our various takes on it. We learned why the moderators made that decision. And now it's to move on.

I will take one bit of advice you offered, Woodsman. I think I'll take a break from here! Or at least a break from actively posting here. As you also noted, there is an apocalypse happening right now, and I need to focus on my husband's and my own preparedness. Probably not surprisingly, prolonging this particular conversation is not high on my "to do" list!

I wanted to say, too, Woodsman, that I harbor no ill feelings where you or anyone else is concerned; I just want us to bring this to a close.
I think that Malone missed, that it is still under evaluation on that site. Ivermectin is listed in table 2e: "Characteristics of Antiviral Agents That Are Apporved or Under Evaluation for the Tratment of COVID-19". Using WayBack Machine (can we trust them?), we can also conclude, that it was not "silently" added (snapshot from 06 August):
Yes he may have overstated the Approved status but it's still counter the narrative that it is even under Evaluation as a treatment - especially with CBS calling it horse dewormer...

However the Wayback grab only relates to August 6th whilst the page in question states it was updated 8th July, so its a question of whether that date saw Ivermectin entered 'silently' or not I would say.
Evening everyone,

Just wanted to share the latest Mindmatters episode. It's absolutely brilliant. In my view it hits at the crux of what the opportunity before us presents and may also give us perspective on the possible trap of focusing on the external are forgetting to observe ourselves. This was an incredibly timely talk for me.

Tuesday I took my self to Emergency Room as I thought i was having a heart attack. I had never experienced that level of pain in my chest area, difficulty breathing, heart beating through my chest etc. They ran a heap of tests, Im still unvaccinated but wondered If i had myocarditis or something similar from the vaccinated shedding. Well all my tests came back good. So im pretty sure it was a panic attack. I have never experienced anything like it before and to drive myself to the ER at 7pm shows how worried I was.

Anyhow, This experience has sunk home fear, or the experience of fear and what it can do if I'm not conscious. I read a message about these Australian resilience centres being for the unvaxxed and that was enough. Having been on steady diet of protest videos plus conflict with my family in regards to me not taking the jab yet, i sent myself into shutdown.

Looking back and from the wisdom that Alan Francis explains its really focused me into being less obsessed with assumptions and ideas about the environment. our environment is going to change and shift, but are we observing ourselves? I know I have been so caught up in whats going on out there, i'm forgetting about the real aim of the work. Observing myself. As is mentioned in the interview, maybe times like these give us opportunities to make faster progress because we will see our buffers that much faster. And lately Im seeing my programs going nuts. My disassociation levels are creeping up and up. Im watching as my mind seeks fantasy and wishful thinking as a respite.

Gurdjieffs Fourth Way: Overcoming Fear and tyranny through self awareness

Just wanted to share my experience and i really encourage anyone who is thinking "well im out of here". It may add some perspective, and ideas of our responsibility to the universe and what that may look like. Also, the opportunity that is before us. It was inspiring and deeply informing and once again, I just want to express my deep gratitude to the Mindmatters team.
I wasn't going to post here for a while, but this seems important!

It may be you are right, @placematt, you may have had a panic attack. However, for future reference, do you have something comparable to "America's Frontline Doctors" who have provided guidelines and online doctors for diagnosis and treatment (including participating pharmacies) for early Covid treatment? Perhaps it would be of benefit to look at this guide so you understand what to look for as far as the appropriate drugs for early Covid treatment and, if other symptoms ensue, such as heaviness in the chest, and difficulty breathing, the other drug protocols to use. (Note: although it's in something of a last resort category, Remdesivir is mentioned in the guide, a drug which needs to be avoided at all costs. Just a short while ago Gilead tried to bolster the drug's legitimacy no doubt with a deceptively conceived study; as per the original study re: Ebola, the findings were horrendous. People were pulled from the study early because the drug was killing them, and a high percentage were severely harmed in numerous ways, including serious kidney damage).

What's important here is to try to avoid hospitalization, as well as find online doctors who can help you with your Covid symptoms, step by step.

From The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons:

A Guide to Home-Based COVID Treatment; A Step-By-Step Doctors’ Plan That Could Save Your Life

Also: below is a radio host Kate Daley's experience when she took her husband to the hospital with pneumonia. This is very helpful. Shows you how persistent you have to be, along with providing you with the protocol that saved her husband's life.

She demanded intravenous vitamins in very high dosages, and was able to have that happen. She and her husband would not consent to the ventilator, which is EXTREMELY important, as they will try to make you sign on to that.

As some of you here are probably familiar with already, the hospital genocide protocol is as follows:

Test, test, test -- I personally know someone in my area (also unvaccinated) who also went to the hospital with pneumonia. They wouldn't treat her because she kept testing negative for Covid, and they wanted her to test positive in order to put her on the (deadly) Covid protocol. She learned the hospital made $13,000 if a patient tests positive for Covid, and $38,000 if the patient is put on a ventilator. [!!]

Once you test positive for Covid they give you something (in some cases fentanyl) which can disorient you enough to consent to the vent (they use fear tactics as well).

Then they put you on Remdesivir, your kidneys fail, your lungs fill up with fluid, and they put you on the vent, and you die.

THAT is the basic protocol, although other drugs can be used as well.

The person I spoke with from my area in upstate New York confirmed this, unfortunately, and so the hospital I would wind up going to should I find myself seriously ill is complicit with this genocidal program. Luckily, her fever broke (without her being treated) and she started to recover. She demanded to be let out of the hospital, although higher ups in the hospital administration were called in to talk to her. They wanted to conduct another type of test since they felt her lung symptoms indicated Covid, and they couldn't understand why she kept testing negative. She refused. Eventually she was allowed to go. But before that happened she saw all these patients, many of them young adults, in wheelchairs in this long hallway, all slumped over and suffering. She asked what the hell was going on -- she was told they were all suffering after having just taken the vaccine. She was horrified. Felt this was being hidden from the public. Also: when she was finally allowed to leave a nurse told her she was smart, she knew her rights, and that she should walk out the door and run!

(so much for my local hospital)

Here's the video of the radio host whose husband had pneumonia, tested positive for Covid (it was then called "Covid pneumonia"), and her fight for his survival that ensued. Also, for the precise protocol she used, including mega doses of intravenous vitamins, see the transcription link below the video link:

Radio host, Kate Daley: Our First Hand ICU Story -- What is ACTUALLY killing People In The Hospital


Transcribed from the show: protocol used that saved her husband's life while he was in the ICU:


Lastly, in America, in addition to the contact information in the Guide, you can also use My Free Doctor.com, recommended by Kate Daley; you can text and there's a phone number; VERY GOOD INFORMATION to have on hand.


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Tuesday I took my self to Emergency Room as I thought i was having a heart attack. I had never experienced that level of pain in my chest area, difficulty breathing, heart beating through my chest etc. They ran a heap of tests, Im still unvaccinated but wondered If i had myocarditis or something similar from the vaccinated shedding. Well all my tests came back good. So im pretty sure it was a panic attack. I have never experienced anything like it before and to drive myself to the ER at 7pm shows how worried I was.
Hi @placematt
I know how incredibly scary that can be, I've had similar experiences in the past.
No doubt that intense overwhelm and panic were a part of the contributing factors in your experience...
but reflecting on what you shared, on a practical level, I was wondering: are you getting enough magnesium on a daily basis?

Low on Magnesium? Here Are 5 Signs - Dr. Sinatra's HeartMD Institute

I recall in the Diet and Health section, Laura mentioned a magnesium dosage approx 700mg/day, and suggested it is helpful to take at night to help your body relax. There are different forms of magnesium so it helps to do some research (maybe also question a herbalist/naturopath). This link might help: Types of magnesium: Differences, benefits, and side effects. I read that if you have kidney issues you need to be more careful about how much you talk/what kind.

On the subject of supplements generally, there could be a bunch of things you are low on (I know I was!) so maybe you might feel guided to explore some of the Diet and Health thread on the forum? If your magnesium levels are fine, it's possible that you are depleted in some other areas. Stress is the world we inhabit is going to do that to anyone. The reality of what we are experiencing (especially now!) affects us all so intensely, I am sure many forum members can resonate with what you shared. Your current experiences might be a message that generally it is a good time to look closely at how you honour and care for the unique, precious vessel that you embody - on all levels. Often we don't realise how stretched we are until an 'event' like this happens.

In terms of stress relief, perhaps some of the following might help you in your day

- walking somewhere new and peaceful in nature
- sitting quietly observing and connecting gently with the energy and lifeforms you see, hear, sense
- being near water, trees, putting your feet in the water
- interacting with a pet where you sit quietly and take time to connect more deeply
- lying down listening to some new music that you find soothing, calming, grounding (or walking in nature whilst listening)
- singing aloud to music you LOVE at home or when driving in the car
- exploring the EE Breathing Program (if you haven't already). It works on multiple levels; many have found it deeply powerful and transformative.

Laughing is good.
So are the wonderful posts from @bjorn
Photos and videos of our amazing 2D residents

Heartfelt hugs :hug2:
In ancient Roman religion, the October Horse (Latin Equus October) was an animal sacrifice to Mars carried out on October 15, coinciding with the end of the agricultural and military campaigning season.

"Two weeks to fatten the calves"...

Thanks for your post @iamthatis, i agree, this is what we came for. The train is running as it must and everything is exactly as it must be. Guess we can only do our very utmost to be as healthy as we can be in all aspects to stay around long enough to help others. For me, my daily dosis of the romance novels helps ta lot. To clean my machine, but they help me to be really conscious of being more excellent to all around me as well, of course this is forever a work in progress and in this respect I have a big test coming up the first two weeks of November, when my least favorite in-laws will be visiting one pair after another, all vaxxed to the max and proud of it! Funnily i find myself looking forward to their visits to see and observe if i genuinely and with a good heart will be able to see their value as humans and to respect and accept them just for who and what they are and the role that they play being true to their nature, they are a part of the Creator.

Hah, I feel the same, strangely looking forward to difficult visits.. Travel & visiting restrictions have just eased here as of last night, so I'll soon be seeing my extended family for the first time in months. I'm sure they'll all have been injected. My uncle, who's a GP and, last time I saw him at least, was very enthusiastic about everyone having their shots. He's the only one I expect will even bring it up. Very interested to see if I'll be able to stay centred if I'm dragged into a conversation about it.. I used to get very hot under the collar in such situations, but feel I've made progress with that lately..time to test it out! Little bit worried he'll think I'm somehow endangering my mum (his sister). As for my other family, especially my sister and her husband, we're really good friends and unless their personalities have changed dramatically it'll be fine.

I actually told my grandma (mum's mother, who I wrote about here: The secret of centenarian mindful people: Their testimonies - she lives nearby so I see her all the time) what I think of it all, a couple weeks ago - that we're all being lied to. She and I are close, and we tend to argue good naturedly about things. Her views on current events come entirely from mainstream media. I didn't get into any fourth density stuff, just stuck to the level of "greedy corporations, corrupt politicians, possible population control".. I sent her a couple simple links. I told her how I truly feel - that I greatly respect and admire her (realised she probably wouldn't know this!) and that even if she completely disagreed with me it would not change how I see her, but that I just wanted her to know where I was coming from. I didn't want her to think I'd turn away from her because she had an injection.

Well I don't know if she read the info I sent. We haven't discussed it. But she did say she firmly believes having an injection is a person's own choice, and none of anyone else's business, and something like that could never change how she sees me either. And since that conversation we've been even better friends than before :)

I think my point with all this is, since the PTB want to separate and isolate everyone, slam down barriers between us.. it's up to us to connect with the people around us, where possible and sensible. Make honest and clear connections, and don't "turn away" from people even if they might be taking a different path, for now. Let them know we'll still be there for them. etc. (Within reason of course. If someone turns into an actual cyborg zombie and starts trying to eat your face off, welllll yeah maybe best to let them go...)
Evening everyone,

Tuesday I took my self to Emergency Room as I thought i was having a heart attack. I had never experienced that level of pain in my chest area, difficulty breathing, heart beating through my chest etc. They ran a heap of tests, Im still unvaccinated but wondered If i had myocarditis or something similar from the vaccinated shedding. Well all my tests came back good. So im pretty sure it was a panic attack. I have never experienced anything like it before and to drive myself to the ER at 7pm shows how worried I was.
G'day and glad you're OK and glad to hear you're staying away from the jabs. I'm not an expert but in my experience as a medic the following have caused chest pain that is similar to cardiac problems. I've had all three myself and it's rather unsettling.

Arthritis in the sternum.
A hiatus hernia.
A pinched nerve in the thoracic spine. This can cause pain that radiates from the spine, around the the flank and to front.

The first can be immediately treated with an anti inflammatory, of course it's better to sort out the diet and exercise.
With the second the immediate symptoms can be quelled using an antacid. Diet can help with the rest.
Finally with the third, I've alleviated a couple of these with a quick and intense massage. If no one is available lie on tennis ball.

If it happens again, check your pulse, if it's fast and strong but regular, do some breathing exercises and see if you can bring it down. If irregular, you may a problem that means a trip to the ER.

Take care mate.
Ramola D goes into the pics supplied by Dr. Carrie Madej, some of which were previously shown on the Stew Peters show.
Here's that show [16:22] - starts with the unique hydra properties and then the really weird "stuff" being seen in the Pfizer vax. Comes back to more discussion and implications of the hydras - that they can form their own neural network which could be affected by outside forces:

SHOCKING: Dr. Carrie Madej Releases FIRST LOOK at Pfizer Vial Contents

Zombie pandemics...
And perhaps that's the purpose of the hydras in the vax.
Okay, I watched the interview of Clif High by Jay Weidner and I'm at a loss as to why anyone watches anything from Clif High. He's not just lost the plot. He's rewritten the whole dang script and at this point is just as much a disinfo agent, conscious or not, as Weidner.

The mile high view of what he sees going on is that the Covid scamdemic and vaccines are a plot by the CCP to depopulate the USA and Canada so that the Chinese and Russians can take over (China gets America while Russia gets Alaska and Canada, more or less) in order to feed their nations during the coming solar minimum and mini ice age. He also sees there being a contingent within the US military who are fighting against the Chinese takeover and took power on November 3rd but haven't come out into the open because they're still sorting out the logistics of fighting the Chinese.

As evidence for these claims he points to the backlog of cargo shipments in the ports. He claims that this backlog is the work of the good guys in the US military who need time to retool the economy into a wartime economy and also need the ability to check shipments from China to make sure the Chinese aren't sending weapons or other things to groups like Antifa. Further evidence of this view he claims is the videos of Biden supposedly in the White House but actually in a studio of some kind.

His view is barely coherent and bizarrely thought through, but the real problem is that it's wrong from top to bottom. China is not trying to take over America. China was not behind the scamdemic. China is not trying to depopulate America using the vaccines. Someone is trying to do those things, though not in the way that Clif thinks or imagines, but it ain't the Chinese.

We need to keep our heads about us if we're going to navigate the current turmoil and the situations yet to come. In order to do this we have to be able to spot these kinds of over-the-top disinfo narratives and the peddlers of same. Otherwise we risk getting sucked in to their influence and becoming neutralized from the point of view of the control system.
@Woodsman, re: the particular post you are defending here, you failed to understand the nature of the conversation we were all having here, not just my contribution. When you insert "ego" into it, as if that were warranted somehow, and as if you were needed as the judge of myself in this instance, you changed the topic. You traded in the substance of what we were discussing as a way to end things, and not with any further understanding of what we were discussing, which was the censorship of a post by moderators at this forum.

There are threads here where that sort of input is not only welcome, but sought after. To act as if your doing so on this particular thread in the midst of this particular debate was business as usual for this forum, I contest. If I were to act as psychoanalyst as you have, I would say that having an active disagreement, a legitimate back and forth expressing our concerns on this matter, made you uncomfortable, and you, unconsciously perhaps, decided to bring things to a close by shifting attention to the personal. You didn't do so in a malicious way. You weren't trolling, as happens on Twitter. But it amounts to the same thing: instead of sticking to the sometimes lively nature of debate, you get personal as way to end your discomfort by changing the subject.

I have shared very personal things about myself at this forum. I have made myself vulnerable in that sense. And I have also attempted to help people who have asked for help, and hopefully I have provided some help. I have also asked for help myself at times, and was gratified to have found the help I've looked for. So, please let's not mix apples and oranges here, Woodsman. I know full well the nature of this forum.

That's all I'm going to say on this. We've wasted enough time on a discussion that could have ended some time ago now.

A decision has been made by the moderators to censor a particular post. We discussed our various takes on it. We learned why the moderators made that decision. And now it's to move on.

I will take one bit of advice you offered, Woodsman. I think I'll take a break from here! Or at least a break from actively posting here. As you also noted, there is an apocalypse happening right now, and I need to focus on my husband's and my own preparedness. Probably not surprisingly, prolonging this particular conversation is not high on my "to do" list!

I wanted to say, too, Woodsman, that I harbor no ill feelings where you or anyone else is concerned; I just want us to bring this to a close.
I think this reply is unfair towards Woodsman. To me s/he didn’t come across as someone trying to psychoanalyse. The post was a good reminder of the core aims of this forum, and I perceived it more like a gentle nudge to calm down and not take this thing so seriously.
Evening everyone,

Just wanted to share the latest Mindmatters episode. It's absolutely brilliant. In my view it hits at the crux of what the opportunity before us presents and may also give us perspective on the possible trap of focusing on the external are forgetting to observe ourselves. This was an incredibly timely talk for me.

Tuesday I took my self to Emergency Room as I thought i was having a heart attack. I had never experienced that level of pain in my chest area, difficulty breathing, heart beating through my chest etc. They ran a heap of tests, Im still unvaccinated but wondered If i had myocarditis or something similar from the vaccinated shedding. Well all my tests came back good. So im pretty sure it was a panic attack. I have never experienced anything like it before and to drive myself to the ER at 7pm shows how worried I was.

Anyhow, This experience has sunk home fear, or the experience of fear and what it can do if I'm not conscious. I read a message about these Australian resilience centres being for the unvaxxed and that was enough. Having been on steady diet of protest videos plus conflict with my family in regards to me not taking the jab yet, i sent myself into shutdown.

Looking back and from the wisdom that Alan Francis explains its really focused me into being less obsessed with assumptions and ideas about the environment. our environment is going to change and shift, but are we observing ourselves? I know I have been so caught up in whats going on out there, i'm forgetting about the real aim of the work. Observing myself. As is mentioned in the interview, maybe times like these give us opportunities to make faster progress because we will see our buffers that much faster. And lately Im seeing my programs going nuts. My disassociation levels are creeping up and up. Im watching as my mind seeks fantasy and wishful thinking as a respite.

Gurdjieffs Fourth Way: Overcoming Fear and tyranny through self awareness

Just wanted to share my experience and i really encourage anyone who is thinking "well im out of here". It may add some perspective, and ideas of our responsibility to the universe and what that may look like. Also, the opportunity that is before us. It was inspiring and deeply informing and once again, I just want to express my deep gratitude to the Mindmatters team.
@placematt I had posted this episode, earlier on my private board, because I could see fear causing similar effects in some of the members. Plus, it is a good reminder of how current times can aide our work.
All that and Alan had fascinating stories.
Glad you're feeling better....cyber hugs to you.
This article directly relates to what Archbishop Viganò says. It is about how the medical industry "harvest" what they need in their research. In this case it is the fetal cells needed for vaccine research. I imagined the process to be very benign , well it is not.
Jon Rappoport follows up on fact that live babies of abortion are murdered for their organs for specific cell lines for vaccines:

The vaccine: A religious exemption for the whole world

Yesterday, I quoted extensively from AnnaMaria Cardinalli’s stunning Crisis article that concluded there was the murder of an infant, in order to obtain the cell line used in COVID vaccine testing.

I put out a call to medical professionals to weigh in on her analysis.

For all people of faith. Every faith.

“According to my religious belief, the murder of an undeniably live infant for any reason is unconscionable and evil, and I refuse the vaccine.”

Here is a Force against which no government, no establishment, no secret society, no wealth can stand.

As @Hi_Henry posted, the process is not benign - and that fact needs to be made known. It's akin to late-term abortion and open-heart surgery on newborns without anesthesia - no longer practiced:
Gone are the days of performing open-heart surgery without anesthesia because the medical establishment thought newborns did not have a mature enough nervous system to feel pain or because it was thought that the newborns were too sick to handle these medications.

From the January 19, 2021, AnnaMaria Cardinalli article in Crisis Magazine, “Catholic Conscience and the COVID-19 Vaccine”:
“HEK stands for human embryonic kidney. To harvest a viable embryonic kidney for this purpose, sufficiently healthy children old enough to have adequately-developed kidneys must be removed from the womb, alive, typically by cesarean section, and have their kidneys cut out. This must take place without anesthesia for the child, which [anesthesia] would lessen the viability of the organs. Instead of being held, rocked, and comforted in the time intervening between their birth and their death, they have organs cut out of them alive.”

From a video interview conducted by Robert Kennedy Jr. His guest was SOUND CHOICE PHARMACEUTICAL INSTITUTE “President and Founder, Dr. Theresa Deisher Ph.D., [with] over 30 years of pharmaceutical research and leadership experience:
In the first 15 minutes of the interview, Deisher makes it quite clear that infants in the womb are taken out alive, with their blood supply functioning (essential) and then killed by cutting out their hearts or their brains. This is what is done in order to obtain tissue that will be turned into fetal cell lines.

Since this act of murder is standard practice, it would appear it was committed against the live baby whose kidney cells became cell line HEK 293, used in testing the COVID vaccines. (More evidence coming in future articles.)
Was COVID vaccine fetal tissue obtained by the murder of an infant? « Jon Rappoport's Blog

The horrid paradox here is that living infants are brutally murdered in order to ultimately produce vaccines for the purpose of saving lives. That adults and children have been and continue to be grievously harmed and even killed by vaccines highlights the evil that exists at its very core.
Hmm . . .
From wiki - appears to be more than just war - a link to agriculture:

J.G. Frazer pointed to a similar throwing away of food abundance as a background to the October Horse, which he saw as the embodiment of the "corn spirit".

Amazon Caught Throwing Away Food Even As Supply Chain Woes Threaten To Starve America

As many as nine million children in America today live in a household where they do not get enough to eat every day because their parents cannot afford it. The corrupt Amazon retail behemoth, meanwhile, is reportedly tossing perfectly good food in the trash due to an “excess.”
Jeff Bezos’ tech monopoly is throwing away thousands of pounds of food every single day, according to an anonymous whistleblower within the company who says the delivery giant is running an inefficient, unsustainable and highly wasteful business.

The insider says that every night at the Amazon Fresh fulfillment center where this person works, workers are instructed to throw away food that is dated days or even weeks out for its expiration. In other words, it is perfectly good food being thrown straight in the trash.

According to this same person, all Amazon warehouses are tossing perfectly good food, though the original post claiming this was altered due to fear by the individual that Amazon might try to sue if it could be shown that technically not all of them are doing this.

The insider wrote that “these food items are being scanned out as ‘exp-removal-donate,” but instead of actually being donated they are being trashed.
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