The Living Force
Viviane Fischer vs Reiner Füllmich
Investigative Corona Committee, Berlin
I upload the two videos, unfortunately only available in German language, showing Viviane Fischer vs Reiner Füllmich's statements. I too agree with @KS, and don't know what to make out of it, really. However, I can't deny that when I listened to Reiner Füllmich later, there were important aspects of the whole story, which where not even mentioned by Viviane Fischer, but should have been taken up to discussion (from her side) and makes me wonder what she is all about.
Despite of everything, i think that they both created something incredible important with the Investigative Corona Committee in Berlin; basically a portal of crucial information, interviews and analysis (and a little bit of garbage), coming to the fore to many millions of people around the world, plus providing information and crucial material for lawyers, as well calling the Plandemic in question at all levels, in front of a much wider audience over time. This was and is invaluable !
Viviane Fischer
Reiner Füllmich (shorter version 43 min)
Breaking NEWS! - Reiner Füllmichs Klarstellung zu den letzten Vorwürfen vom 21.09.2022 -
Reiner Füllmich (longer version 2 hours)
Investigative Corona Committee, Berlin
I upload the two videos, unfortunately only available in German language, showing Viviane Fischer vs Reiner Füllmich's statements. I too agree with @KS, and don't know what to make out of it, really. However, I can't deny that when I listened to Reiner Füllmich later, there were important aspects of the whole story, which where not even mentioned by Viviane Fischer, but should have been taken up to discussion (from her side) and makes me wonder what she is all about.
Despite of everything, i think that they both created something incredible important with the Investigative Corona Committee in Berlin; basically a portal of crucial information, interviews and analysis (and a little bit of garbage), coming to the fore to many millions of people around the world, plus providing information and crucial material for lawyers, as well calling the Plandemic in question at all levels, in front of a much wider audience over time. This was and is invaluable !
Viviane Fischer
Viviane Fischer nimmt Stellung zu den Vorgängen im Corona Ausschuss, nachdem sich über Wochen hinziehende Versuche einer gütlichen Einigung gescheitert sind.
Viviane Fischer nimmt Stellung zu den Vorgängen im Corona Ausschuss, nachdem sich über Wochen hinziehende Versuche einer gütlichen Einigung gescheitert sind.
Reiner Füllmich (shorter version 43 min)
Breaking NEWS! - Reiner Füllmichs Klarstellung zu den letzten Vorwürfen vom 21.09.2022 -
Reiner Füllmich (longer version 2 hours)
Deine Fragen an Reiner Füllmich - Corona Ausschuss - 21.09.2022 - Bittel TV
Deine Fragen an Reiner Füllmich
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