One additional data point regarding Malone, fwiw, is that he’s at least according to his own words double jabbed with Moderna. I remember him saying that the reason for this was that he thought that it might help him get rid of his ‘long Covid’ symptoms. This might be ‘normal logic’ for some people but somehow this statement has always bothered me. You’d think that with his scientific expertise he might have doubts about any vaccine helping with symptoms after being infected.
One additional data point regarding Malone, fwiw, is that he’s at least according to his own words double jabbed with Moderna. I remember him saying that the reason for this was that he thought that it might help him get rid of his ‘long Covid’ symptoms. This might be ‘normal logic’ for some people but somehow this statement has always bothered me. You’d think that with his scientific expertise he might have doubts about any vaccine helping with symptoms after being infected.
Maybe the jabs have seriously affected his ability to think.


Blockbuster Lawsuit: America First Legal and Texas Partner With Oklahoma to Sue Bidens HHS for Relinquishing Our Sovereignty to WHO Tyranny
Today, serving as outside counsel to the state of Texas and in partnership with the state of Oklahoma, America First Legal (AFL) filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Secretary Xavier Becerra to prevent the relinquishing of American sovereignty to the World Health Organization (WHO).

In May, America First Legal released a primer on the Biden Administration’s globalist plan to surrender sovereignty to the corrupt WHO. AFL also launched two Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) investigations into the Biden Administration’s obsession with transferring American sovereignty over public health policy to an unaccountable foreign body.

And then in July, a coalition of states filed a petition for rulemaking with HHS, asking for the deletion of problematic regulatory provisions–that were discretely slipped into the Code of Federal Regulations during the final days of the Obama Administration–that unlawfully delegated the authority to invoke health emergency powers solely based on decisions by the WHO. In October, the Biden Administration denied that petition.

The globalist WHO, which is currently led by Director-General Ghebreyesus, a former member of the Ethiopian Tigray People’s Liberation Front, and apologist for the Chinese Communist Party, has no place in defining what a public health emergency in the United States is. HHS has no right or authority to cede American sovereignty, especially State sovereignty, to the corrupt World Health Organization.
Steve Kirsch keeps bringing it! Very interesting in light of the CDC and FDA's latest investigation.

Proof: Strokes are caused by the COVID vaccines
The COVID vaccines cause strokes. There is no doubt about it.

In fact, I’m so sure of this, I will bet anyone $1M that I got it right and the CDC got it wrong by dismissing the signal.

I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is. Are any of the drug companies willing to do that? If they don’t, you should be worried. Very worried.

Surely there is someone at the CDC or FDA who will take my bet? If not, then why not admit the truth: that they have absolutely no confidence at all when they claim that the COVID vaccines don’t cause strokes and there is nothing to worry about.

Will anyone in the entire world take my bet? Of course not. You have to ask yourself, why not? Don’t you believe the CDC? Apparently, NOBODY IN THE ENTIRE WORLD believes them.

In this article, I’m going to prove to you I’m right.

He should avoid flying and release continuing statements that he's not suicidal.
From the Gateway Pundit:

BREAKING via ALEX BERENSON: New Chinese Study Shows that More than Four COVID Jabs Produced Near Complete Collapse of Immune System in Mice
On Wednesday night Alex Berenson posted information on a new study from China that shows four COVID jabs can send the immune system into complete collapse.

From the breaking Science Direct report:

The repetitive applications of vaccine boosters have been brought up in face of continuous emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variants with neutralization escape mutations, but their protective efficacy and potential adverse effects remain largely unknown. Here, we compared the humoral and cellular immune responses of an extended course of recombinant receptor binding domain (RBD) vaccine boosters with those from conventional immunization strategy in a Balb/c mice model. Multiple vaccine boosters after the conventional vaccination course significantly decreased RBD-specific antibody titers and serum neutralizing efficacy against the Delta and Omicron variants, and profoundly impaired CD4+ and CD8+T cell activation and increased PD-1 and LAG-3 expressions in these T cells. Mechanistically, we confirmed that extended vaccination with RBD boosters overturned the protective immune memories by promoting adaptive immune tolerance. Our findings demonstrate potential risks with the continuous use of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine boosters, providing immediate implications for the global COVID-19 vaccination enhancement strategies.

The finding has not been confirmed in humans.

But the mice the researchers used are genetically altered to model accurately the human response to the coronavirus and have “been shown to share profound similarities [emphasis added] with humans in response to SARS-CoV-2 infections,” as the paper explains.
I'm not sure what to make of this but in the latest podcast 'The Great Game' with Matthew Ehret, Matthew told several things that makes one suspcicious about Robert Malone.

First thing is that he's apparently promoting heavily the 'Chinese angle' and he's citing from very questionable sources, according to Matthew. And based on the examples he gives, I have to agree. It's all about the 'evil CCP' and how they're behind everything, trying to conquer the world with their bioweapons. Matthew isn't sure if Malone is just duped or if he's promoting this nonsense knowing that it's false. The other thing that caught my attention was when Matthew told how Malone is suing a elderly couple for something like 22M USD:s jsut for saying that Malone's talk about 'mass formation psychosis' is misleading because it – if I understood correctly – gets the real culprits off the hook (I tend to agree with this to some extent).

Then there's the thing that Malone is not against mRNA technology per se, just the least that's how Matthew puts it.

Maybe Malone is just duped but after Reiner Fuellmich showing his true colors (anyone know something new about him?), I wouldn't be surprised if Malone is just another opportunist or something worse...

I'd be interested in hearing what you guys think.

Here's the podcast:

Reading Malone's book, Lies My Government Told Me, and I don't get that feeling that he is a disinformation agent. Maybe some overthinking going on here. Maybe like Peterson, he is drifting into areas that he shouldn't be. But I see him as basically honest and trying to do the right thing.
The other thing that caught my attention was when Matthew told how Malone is suing a elderly couple for something like 22M USD:s jsut for saying that Malone's talk about 'mass formation psychosis' is misleading because it – if I understood correctly – gets the real culprits off the hook (I tend to agree with this to some extent).

In July of 2022, Rosemary Frei penned an article that I think took some heat; to my knowledge, this is the last article she wrote - kind of dropped out of sight, which is curious in itself.

As for Malone, who is generally well liked, no one wants their light to turn dark, however questions do come up. Matt makes a few points, although it is perhaps maybe too soon to tell (benefit of the doubt et cetera), and Malone has done some good initially to raise awareness. Something to keep an eye on, as is reasonable.

As for the CPP comments made, indeed there is a scrum going on against; Fox news and the Epoch Times are all in, no surprise, Malone of course, with the China China thing generally cycling in the news, wherein people are also reminded of the many western leftists leaders (and WEF Clan of power brokers) who have cozied up to China, so they must all be bad. Matt brings up the Epoch times deep usual suspect ties.

One may also be aware that the British have economically and intelligence-wise, run out of Hong Kong for a long time before they handed it over - they never totally left, so their influence must be deep in many circles one might think.

As for the couple you cite - not sure who Matt is referring to, yet it might be these two in the article from the UK or not. Here these two do ask the mass formation psychosis question in a direct letter to Malone:

To Question#2 of 12 (might be worth a read of them all):
{Frei} Malone still hasn’t responded to the U.K. couple's questions.

Dear Dr. Malone,
2. There exists online footage of professor Mattias Desmet asking you not to use the word 'psychosis' in connection with his theory of mass formation. ['online footage' refers to this interview of Malone and Desmet on Tommy’s Podcast; in it, Malone starts speaking at 4:33 and at 15:25 Desmet finally gets a chance to correct Malone by saying his theory is termed mass formation, not mass psychosis.]

You said, on the same occasion, that you had come to “sit at the feet of the master” (Desmet) and to learn from him.

However, you have been speaking and writing about 'mass formation psychosis' since then, including on your own Substack (i.e., your reformulation of Desmet’s mass formation with reference to Dr. Mark McDonald’s work on ‘mass delusional psychosis’ – a different phenomenon).

  1. Can you provide the rationale for ignoring the express wishes of 'the master'?
  2. Have you said or done anything to remedy the debunking of professor Desmet's theory of mass formation because of its unauthorised association with 'Psychosis'? [i.e., has Malone admitted – and attempted to rectify the effects of – his changing of Desmet’s theory to supposedly be about ‘mass psychosis’ that in turn caused Desmet and his theory to be pumeled by baseless attacks/’debunking’?]

Note the Epoch Times, just today, released an article by Malone with a video trailer - not many would argue the title or some of the information:, yet what is left out is another question.

Dr. Robert Malone: The Government Used Psychological Warfare

Here is Malone on the CPP:

People were coerced into taking this experimental vaccine because they were manipulated on a scale that is hard to fathom, said Malone. This is how entities like the CCP are able to carry out human rights atrocities, like live organ harvesting, where prisoners of consciousness are murdered for their organs, he added.

"Entities like"? Readers have been following the likes of those 'entities' for a long time, while the CPP is generally not mentioned unless to remind on some specifics; CNN pictures might be deceiving that have also been countered - yet other entities, it was noticed, were certainly not mentioned (re human rights/organ harvesting).

I'd be interested in hearing what you guys think.

Don't know, will just keep watching. Highly tricky times.

As the C's also recently said, some are "plugged in" as proxies and some are likely highly influenced by same and might do the darnedest of things, even if subconsciously.
More lie exposure - the same strategy was/is used to drive fear of flu/get your (worthless) shot!


Before Covid, four types of pneumonia added together were the highest cause of death in the UK. In a newly implemented Medical Examiner System to certify deaths, the Medical Examiner was certifying all types of pneumonia deaths as covid-19 deaths, a former Director of End-of-Life Care has said.

On Saturday, Sai, a former NHS Director of End-of-Life Care, wrote a Twitter thread which, amongst other things, gave a personal account of the changes to the system of reporting deaths implemented in the NHS:

“When four different diseases [are] grouped and now being called covid-19, you will inevitably see covid-19 with a huge death rate. The mainstream media was reporting on this huge increase in covid-19 deaths due to the Medical Examiner System being in place.

“Patients being admitted and dying with very common conditions such as old age, myocardial infarctions, end-stage kidney failure, haemorrhages, strokes, COPD and cancer etc. were all now being certified as covid-19 via the Medical Examiner System.

“Hospitals were switching to and from the Medical Examiner System and the pre-pandemic system as [and] when they pleased. When covid-19 deaths needed to be increased, the hospital would switch to the Medical Examiner System.”

In addition, “hospitals were incentivised to report covid-19 deaths over normal deaths, as the government was paying hospitals additional money for every covid-19 death that was being reported,” Sai said. “I have no doubt in my mind, that the Government has planned the entire pandemic since 2016 when they first proposed the change to medical death certification.”

The other thing that caught my attention was when Matthew told how Malone is suing a elderly couple for something like 22M USD:s jsut for saying that Malone's talk about 'mass formation psychosis' is misleading because it – if I understood correctly – gets the real culprits off the hook (I tend to agree with this to some extent).
He’s suing Peter Breggin who’s a psychiatrist that’s been outspoken about the overprescribing of drugs and he also doesn’t support ECT. Seems to be a better character than Malone, at least he has a public track record you can research. As for “Mass Formation Psychosis” and it’s founder, Mattias Desmet…. After watching him try to explain away this blatant lie he told on Alex Jones, I would be skeptical of him too.

I'm not sure what to make of this but in the latest podcast 'The Great Game' with Matthew Ehret, Matthew told several things that makes one suspcicious about Robert Malone.

First thing is that he's apparently promoting heavily the 'Chinese angle' and he's citing from very questionable sources, according to Matthew. And based on the examples he gives, I have to agree. It's all about the 'evil CCP' and how they're behind everything, trying to conquer the world with their bioweapons. Matthew isn't sure if Malone is just duped or if he's promoting this nonsense knowing that it's false. The other thing that caught my attention was when Matthew told how Malone is suing a elderly couple for something like 22M USD:s jsut for saying that Malone's talk about 'mass formation psychosis' is misleading because it – if I understood correctly – gets the real culprits off the hook (I tend to agree with this to some extent).

Then there's the thing that Malone is not against mRNA technology per se, just the least that's how Matthew puts it.

Maybe Malone is just duped but after Reiner Fuellmich showing his true colors (anyone know something new about him?), I wouldn't be surprised if Malone is just another opportunist or something worse...

I'd be interested in hearing what you guys think.

Here's the podcast:

I listened to the podcast with Ehret yesterday as well and it does cast doubt on Malone, particularly due to that over-the-top reaction of a large lawsuit against that seemingly innocent couple. It just doesn't seem to make sense to start fighting and dividing those against the jabs and medical tyranny. It is not yet clear to me what Malone's role would be in the controlled opposition other than potential distraction or divide and conquer. It could be similar to the modus operandi of the no-virus divide and conquer psyop. I posted about this about a month ago also mentioning the possible deflection of responsibility of Desmet's thesis (on the masses instead of the pathological elite).

I am still not sure, even though Ehret brought up some good points in that recent Great Game podcast.
If I am not mistaken, the husband of the "elderly couple" being sued by Malone is none other than the Psychiatrist Dr who was on Fullmich's first new format video which was posted here somewhere. Naomi Wolf was on that and it had a clip of Sucharit Bhakti as a focal point. Such a tangled web! Peter Breggin I think is the guy.
Yes I had read that before my posting in December and it just seems out of proportion, and something that Malone and the Breggins could just sit down and talk about without getting into a big kerfuffle. The whole thing smells fishy.
Exactly. Now that I've just read that article which is at the center, Dr. Robert Malone Attacks and Maligns Leading Freedom Fighters, the whole thing seems ridiculous. Breggins repeatedly mentions how Malone 'attacks' this or that person, when from what I see he is just critizing or scrutinizing them. As I wrote elsewhere, I do find e.g. McCulloughs Telegram channel weird with the occasional promotion of shady products or books (I've since unsubscribed from his channel just for this very reason).

Another thing is that Breggings is apparently closely associated with Stew Peters, who I personally see as a low-life opportunist. This indicates poor dicsernment capabilities by Breggins.

So, maybe Malone is quite right in his critizism but why go overboard and sue these people? Maybe those same people who, perhaps, have convinced him of the 'CCP shtick' have talked him into suing?
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