I copy/paste here what I wrote in the Various interesting things in French : documentaries, etc.


French Sott published an article this morning (via FranceSoir and originally published on January 11th on Xavier Bazin's Website) that got my attention because that's exactly what I've been dealing with since December 27th for the second time, and maybe previously at the end of November for the 1st time. I followed the Covid protocol for 10 days both times and following the second episode, I have been taking Ambroxol syrup for three weeks and still am.

Hybridation ? Recombinaison ? Un nouveau virus circule-t-il depuis Noël ? Enquête

[Hybridization ? Recombination? Has a new virus been circulating since Christmas? Investigation]

I do not copy/paste the text in French here, French readers can follow the link to read it.

On Christmas Eve, I was hit by a strange flu-like illness: an illness less violent than the flu, but which persisted for several weeks, with a hacking cough and abnormal fatigue. Intrigued, I shared my symptoms with the readers of my website.

To my great surprise, I received over 1,200 comments, most of which told me they had experienced the same thing as me.

Symptoms match pretty well with those I had and still have for cough and fatigue:

In almost everyone, the illness starts with flu-like symptoms (or even a simple cold). Then, and this is what is very abnormal, it persists over time, sometimes for several weeks with always :
  • a cough (usually oily) ;
  • and an abnormal fatigue.
These are the common points of most of those who told me they had this strange disease.

But there are also several symptoms experienced by some, but not all:
  • loss of appetite ;
  • loss of voice;
  • sore throat;
  • stuffy nose;
  • headache;
  • temporary and relative loss of taste;
  • night sweats;
  • back pain.
Another important point is that a number of readers have experienced complications.

The two most common complications reported were:
  • bronchitis;
  • and pneumonia.
But there have also been sinusitis, conjunctivitis, tracheitis, angina. In many cases, this led to antibiotic treatment... which usually (but not always) resolved the problem.
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My husband developed more of the latter symptoms at the exact time and both times that I was developing the ones listed above [bolded].

What is going on? Four possible explanations.

First, let's recall some certainties:
  • this strange ailment is clearly not Covid: everyone who tested was negative (and having experienced Covid twice, I can testify that it has nothing to do with it) ;
  • it is not a "usual" flu either: again, all those who had it clearly felt that it was not a normal flu (and not a cold or a usual flu syndrome either).

And the article goes on with several possible explanations, that one is quite interesting:

[...] an article published in October 2022 [on Nature], which Top Santé reported under this title: "A new hybrid virus discovered: it was born from the fusion of influenza and bronchiolitis".

In fact, the new virus was not discovered, but induced in the laboratory.

Researchers infected human cells with two viruses: the influenza virus and the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), which causes bronchiolitis.

The result: they observed that the two viruses "merged" to form a "new hybrid virus".

This is intriguing, as the symptoms of the "strange Christmas illness" are reminiscent of a mixture of influenza and bronchiolitis (notably the persistent cough and frequent bronchitis that follow).

In the Top Santé article, it is even stated that:
This new hybrid virus would be able to access a wider range of lung cells. Because, while influenza usually infects the cells of the nose, throat and trachea, RSV tends to go deeper into the lungs, causing a more severe infection.

This could explain the pneumonia reported by many of my readers.
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There is more in the article. Here is the Sott comment:
To date, the article published by FranceSoir on January 19th has received over 430 comments. As for the source article, published on January 11th, it has more than 1,300 comments; many people testify that they have been or are suffering from these symptoms.

Anyone else experienced something like what is described in this article since December (maybe even from the end of November like I did)?
Anyone else experienced something like what is described in this article since December (maybe even from the end of November like I did)?
Yep. Last year right around Thanksgiving my mother in law came to visit us and stay for a week. Both my wife and I got those exact symptoms maybe with exception of headaches couple of days before her arrival. It lasted 2 full weeks and the only thing that finally worked for me was elderberry tea (real elderberries boiled for 5 minutes and simmered for another 10 with a spoonful of honey) twice a day plus rosehips tea (just plain rosehips boiled for 15-30 minutes). I remember my EE regimen compromised, since any kind of harder breathing was nearly impossible. Work on the farm was reduced to bare bones maintenance. My wife pulled thru with the stiffed teas (tea plus a shot of anything with 40% alcohol in it). Regular of the shelf meds didn`t seem to work. I am slowly starting to do my previous workouts. Glad it is past us.
Symptoms match pretty well with those I had and still have for cough and fatigue:

I just got over a pretty intense illness, lasted around one week. I didn't get a cough or stuffy nose, but most of the symptoms were the ones you listed.

Night sweats/chills, sore throat (felt like broken glass at times, couldn't swallow), intense headaches, hip and back pain, fatigue, and I've somewhat lost my sense of taste - still getting it back. There was also a very interesting experience of confusion, disorientation and mild delirium.

It felt like some version of strep throat. When I depressed my tongue and used a light to take a look at the back of my throat, I didn't see any white/yellow nodules that I remember having in the past. My throat was just red. I also had no discolouration in my saliva when I cleared my throat and spit - in the past I remembered been yellow or green mucus. However, I am not a doctor, so I don't know what any of this means.

Could be some new manipulated virus as you speculate (since that seems to be what the PTB do for fun these days, those whackos), or it could be just another arrival fresh from the information field or something.

Yep. Last year right around Thanksgiving my mother in law came to visit us and stay for a week. Both my wife and I got those exact symptoms maybe with exception of headaches couple of days before her arrival. It lasted 2 full weeks and the only thing that finally worked for me was elderberry tea (real elderberries boiled for 5 minutes and simmered for another 10 with a spoonful of honey) twice a day plus rosehips tea (just plain rosehips boiled for 15-30 minutes). I remember my EE regimen compromised, since any kind of harder breathing was nearly impossible. Work on the farm was reduced to bare bones maintenance. My wife pulled thru with the stiffed teas (tea plus a shot of anything with 40% alcohol in it). Regular of the shelf meds didn`t seem to work. I am slowly starting to do my previous workouts. Glad it is past us.

Good to hear elderberry honey worked for you. Elderberries in folklore were known as the guardians of the garden - hence the 'Elder' in their name! They're such beautiful plants, and really vigorous, too. Birds absolutely love 'em. I made some elderberry honey as well this past summer and used it to great effect. I also have some infused honey-garlic that I was taking during this recent sickness. The recipe is basically many cloves of garlic in a jar, then pour honey over them, and store at room temp. This one is not so good in tea, though!

One note about simmering honey, from an herbalist I know - whenever using honey for medicine, it is best to keep it well below boiling. Once you start boiling it, all the medicines that the bees carefully gathered over the floral season can start to denature. Ideally you'd want to keep those beneficial enzymes intact. This is also discussed in the Ayurveda tradition - you never want the honey warmer than the temperature of your armpit.
I just got over a pretty intense illness, lasted around one week. I didn't get a cough or stuffy nose, but most of the symptoms were the ones you listed.

Night sweats/chills, sore throat (felt like broken glass at times, couldn't swallow), intense headaches, hip and back pain, fatigue, and I've somewhat lost my sense of taste - still getting it back. There was also a very interesting experience of confusion, disorientation and mild delirium.

It felt like some version of strep throat. When I depressed my tongue and used a light to take a look at the back of my throat, I didn't see any white/yellow nodules that I remember having in the past. My throat was just red. I also had no discolouration in my saliva when I cleared my throat and spit - in the past I remembered been yellow or green mucus. However, I am not a doctor, so I don't know what any of this means.

Could be some new manipulated virus as you speculate (since that seems to be what the PTB do for fun these days, those whackos), or it could be just another arrival fresh from the information field or something.

Good to hear elderberry honey worked for you. Elderberries in folklore were known as the guardians of the garden - hence the 'Elder' in their name! They're such beautiful plants, and really vigorous, too. Birds absolutely love 'em. I made some elderberry honey as well this past summer and used it to great effect. I also have some infused honey-garlic that I was taking during this recent sickness. The recipe is basically many cloves of garlic in a jar, then pour honey over them, and store at room temp. This one is not so good in tea, though!

One note about simmering honey, from an herbalist I know - whenever using honey for medicine, it is best to keep it well below boiling. Once you start boiling it, all the medicines that the bees carefully gathered over the floral season can start to denature. Ideally you'd want to keep those beneficial enzymes intact. This is also discussed in the Ayurveda tradition - you never want the honey warmer than the temperature of your armpit.

Side note, trying to warm up some honey in your armpit is not advised...
Anyone else experienced something like what is described in this article since December (maybe even from the end of November like I did)?
Hello MK Skarlett, my mother 79 years old and reduced by a stroke 2 years ago but not vaccinated, had all December and early January some symptoms described, such as a wet cough, fatigue, loss of appetite and taste, the doctor had diagnosed tracheitis.
Hello MK Skarlett, my mother 79 years old and reduced by a stroke 2 years ago but not vaccinated, had all December and early January some symptoms described, such as a wet cough, fatigue, loss of appetite and taste, the doctor had diagnosed tracheitis.
They are fun aren't they? I never heard or read before of a tracheitis that triggers the lost of taste. But of course, I'm not a doctor.

In my case, the wet cough is more coming from lungs. I hope it will go away at some point, I would prefer that it not turn into bronchitis or pneumonia as it is the case for some of the people mentioned in the article.

I haven't even had a single cold in the last three years of Covid following by Covid-injections madness, I'm usually very little sick, especially since 2012 after the changes I've made to my diet, thanks to the Forum! The last time I did, I only had a "flu-like condition" and that was in 2017.

I hope your mother will feel better soon. :flowers:
One note about simmering honey, from an herbalist I know - whenever using honey for medicine, it is best to keep it well below boiling. Once you start boiling it, all the medicines that the bees carefully gathered over the floral season can start to denature. Ideally you'd want to keep those beneficial enzymes intact. This is also discussed in the Ayurveda tradition - you never want the honey warmer than the temperature of your armpit.
Very interesting, as adding honey in my mug with simmering water is what I do when I prepare an herbal infusion, as I am doing right now to help with coughs and fatigue. In fact, I just did it again 15 minutes ago! Reading it at the same time will help me to remember it, for sure!

So thank you @iamthatis! :thup:
Hello MK Skarlett, my mother 79 years old and reduced by a stroke 2 years ago but not vaccinated, had all December and early January some symptoms described, such as a wet cough, fatigue, loss of appetite and taste, the doctor had diagnosed tracheitis.
Very interesting, as adding honey in my mug with simmering water is what I do when I prepare an herbal infusion, as I am doing right now to help with coughs and fatigue. In fact, I just did it again 15 minutes ago! Reading it at the same time will help me to remember it, for sure!

So thank you @iamthatis! :thup:
They are fun aren't they? I never heard or read before of a tracheitis that triggers the lost of taste. But of course, I'm not a doctor.

In my case, the wet cough is more coming from lungs. I hope it will go away at some point, I would prefer that it not turn into bronchitis or pneumonia as it is the case for some of the people mentioned in the article.

I haven't even had a single cold in the last three years of Covid following by Covid-injections madness, I'm usually very little sick, especially since 2012 after the changes I've made to my diet, thanks to the Forum! The last time I did, I only had a "flu-like condition" and that was in 2017.

I hope your mother will feel better soon. :flowers:
I took, and I continue to take, hot lemon with heather honey, my cough calmed down. For a while I was also worried that it would turn into bronchitis, I was even ready to go see a doctor...because my son was pushing me to do so.
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