"it says", yeah. But what people actually see might be a different thing than published "news". It is not the question whether they do it NOW, but whether they do it anyways. Those troops, and even more surely the equippement, will stay here. It is too costly to ship it back.
I think those are Germany-based US troops and gear, and have been there for like 50 years... can't imagine schlepping tanks from USA for a bs exercise.
"The Amazing Benefits of N-A-C (N-Acetyl-Cysteine)
Dr. Zoltan P. Rona

One of the most underestimated and under-utilized natural food supplements I have recommended to my patients over the past 35 years is an amino acid derivative known as N-A-C (N-Acetyl-Cysteine).
Why underestimated? Well, even naturopaths seldom recommend it and most people who take natural supplements have never even heard of it. Yet, in some cases, this supplement could make the difference between life and death.
N-A-C is a form of the essential amino acid cysteine, something used by the body to make glutathione (GSH), one of the body’s most important antioxidants. In fact, all the benefits of N-A-C arise from its ability to boost a person’s blood levels of GSH. The major impact of N-A-C is on the immune system, liver protection, detoxification, and cardiovascular health. We all need its anti-inflammatory protection.

N-A-C modulates the expression of genes that affect the inflammatory process. It inhibits the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines, suppresses NF-kappa B, and regulates the gene for COX-2 thereby preventing inflammation and pain. These chemicals are involved in hundreds of inflammatory conditions and diseases. In other words, N-A-C is anti-inflammatory and can either blunt or reverse chronic inflammatory conditions.
Cardiovascular System Benefits
N-A-C prevents LDL-cholesterol (“bad” cholesterol) from being oxidized and causing inflammatory damage to the blood vessels. N-A-C lowers the levels of homocysteine, which in turn prevents a build-up of plaque in the arteries. The lower the homocysteine levels, the less likelihood of arterial blockage.
N-A-C is also the most effective natural remedy that lowers the blood levels of lipoprotein a (Lp(a)), thought by many scientists to be a more accurate predictor of cardiovascular disease than blood levels of cholesterol. Diet changes and drugs do not lower Lp(a) anywhere near as well as N-A-C.
N-A-C also improves insulin resistance and thereby helps improve metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and hypoglycemia.
Neurological Benefits
Since GSH has been documented to help numerous neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s Disease, MS, Alzheimer’s, hearing damage, ataxia and ALS, it stands to reason that N-A-C would be helpful because supplementation of it raises the blood levels of GSH.
Immune System Benefits
Because N-A-C boosts the body’s levels of GSH, it helps fight most viruses, including the influenza virus and HIV, the AIDS virus. GSH is vital for optimal T and B-lymphocyte function. N-A-C can block the production of the AIDS virus so is a valuable natural defense against at least this virus, if not millions of others.

One would think it might be a good idea to supplement the body with GSH but the major problem here is that GSH is not absorbed intact from the gastrointestinal tract. Oral GSH supplementation is destroyed and inactivated by stomach acid. N-A-C is not.
Supplementation of N-A-C is therefore more effective than supplementing GSH. This is because the body is able to make much more GSH from N-A-C than if supplementing GSH orally in any form.
In addition to its anti-viral properties, N-A-C protects the body from numerous pollutants, drugs, microbes and toxic heavy metals like mercury. N-A-C is mucolytic which means that it breaks up heavy and sticky mucous that can build up in conditions such as sinusitis, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia and cystic fibrosis. N-A-C is therefore indispensable in any condition that involves excessive mucous.
Evidence exists that N-A-C blocks the progression of most cancers and could be taken with chemotherapy to improve treatment outcomes.
Detoxification Benefits
N-A-C protects the body from many different toxins because of its content of sulfhydryl groups that can bind and inactivate herbicides, mercury, cadmium, lead, other toxic heavy metals, drugs like acetaminophen, environmental pollutants, microbes like E. Coli, carbon tertrachloride and aflatoxin. Although not a drug, N-A-C has government approval as a drug to prevent liver damage from acetaminophen (Tylenol) poisoning.
A very common condition that plagues over 50 million people in North America is known as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). With this condition, the liver stores excessive amounts of fat mostly due to insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, or diabetes. Liver function tests are usually elevated, indicating damage to liver cells and the liver appears grossly fatty on an ultrasound. This condition benefits from strict restriction of simple carbohydrates as well as a vigorous exercise program. Studies also show a significant improvement in liver function tests in those suffering from NAFLD with supplementation of N-A-C. Not only does it protect liver cells, but it also helps heal a damaged liver.
Respiratory Tract Benefits
Due to N-A-C’s mucous-dissolving properties, just about any lung or bronchial problem can benefit from high levels of supplementation. Whether you have chronic bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, asthma, sinusitis or pneumonia, N-A-C helps reduce the viscosity of mucous so that the body can more easily cough it up. A number of studies also conclude that N-A-C prevents influenza, possibly through this mucolytic mechanism.
In addition, N-A-C reduces both the frequency and duration of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) attacks and may blunt the ravaging clinical course of pulmonary fibrosis, a usually lethal lung disease.
In my practice I have had a great deal of success using an N-A-C nasal spray to treat chronic sinus pain and congestion. Combining the spray with high dose oral N-A-C and vitamin C is often more effective than prescription antibiotics for alleviating chronic or recurrent sinusitis.
Stomach, Intestinal, Kidney Benefits
The bacteria known as H.Pylori has been acknowledged as a cause of ulcers, gastritis, reflux disorder discomforts, and even different types of gastrointestinal cancer. In fact, it’s the second leading known cause of all cancers. N-A-C supplementation is capable of inactivating H.Pylori and is something worth adding to any protocol geared to treating antibiotic-resistant H.Pylori infections.
Kidney disease is greatly helped by N-A-C supplementation. Even dialysis patients can benefit from as little as 600 mg N-A-C daily to reduce inflammation occurring in chronic kidney disease.
Psychiatric and Addiction Benefits
Trichotillomania is a bizarre obsessive-compulsive disorder in which victims pull out their hair for inexplicable reasons, causing noticeable hair loss. The usual treatment is anti-depressant drugs or major tranquilizers. Studies indicate that N-A-C significantly reduces the compulsive hair pulling.
Schizophrenia, autism, bipolar illness and other obsessive-compulsive disorders are also improved with N-A-C.
In addition, studies indicate that N-A-C diminishes the craving for highly addictive drugs like cocaine, nicotine and marijuana. As such, it may be a useful adjunct in any drug detoxification program.
Athletic and Anti-Aging Benefits
Due to its antioxidant effects and benefits to the respiratory system, N-A-C improves athletic performance. Specifically, N-A-C reduces muscle fatigue, and as proven in double blind studies, it enhances athletic endurance.
Furthermore, if you can effectively scavenge harmful free radicals, it stands to reason that you can prevent premature aging. This phenomenon has indeed been proven in numerous scientific studies of N-A-C.
Ideal Dosages
There are no accepted ideal dosages for N-A-C. My advice is to start at 600 mg daily and gradually build up to a maximum of 3000 mg daily. Ideally, take with an equivalent amount of vitamin C for maximum free radical scavenging effects.
Side Effects
Despite over 40 years of clinical use by naturopaths, holistic medical doctors and nutritionists of virtually every stripe, N-A-C has a well-established safety record even at very high dosages over long periods of time (you can take it virtually without worry for months and probably years).
Some people experience nausea when taking N-A-C on an empty stomach, but the majority of people do not experience any side effects if they take it with food.

I saw this post on facebook, I know some of this has been covered. I copied and pasted from the original article.

If a model needs to repair my handiwork, please and thank you!
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Just a thought. This is such an important thread and valuable for so many reasons to so many of us - but its really demanding to keep up (I notice increasing posts for members who maybe are working full time or have other demands and they're finding they have to go back 10-20 pages at a go to catch up - and by the time they get there there's another7!)

Would it be an idea to say split it into three variants on the same theme?

C's transcripts and insights
Personal experience, concerns,

I know that's far from ideal but there is so much going on here that I find, even giving it all the spare hours I can, I'm struggling... beginng to feel like we're all running a marathon and we've only just got over the start line!

We don't need to stress each other! 💞 :thup:
Apparently some UK shops are hiring door staff for 'security and crowd managment' - this job ad is circulating UK FB:

Please share if you know people in these areas.
I have jobs for Door Supervisors (now thousands of them are out of work) helping with security and crowd management at busy Supermarkets.

We want to contract with security companies though, and help keep businesses afloat at the same time as keeping people in jobs.
40-100 hours available per store.
Final Push!

Just a thought. This is such an important thread and valuable for so many reasons to so many of us - but its really demanding to keep up (I notice increasing posts for members who maybe are working full time or have other demands and they're finding they have to go back 10-20 pages at a go to catch up - and by the time they get there there's another7!)

Would it be an idea to say split it into three variants on the same theme?

Laura said keep it all here, less housekeeping work.

You don't need to read everything here, this is all distraction after all, mind your important businesses.

I'm out for the day.
I get that many are so depressed and fill pages with their sorrow - and that's fine, it gives people some relief - but don't start me with do's and don's for quips and rants - move on, take a walk.

Sounds like you are in the wrong bar. Your comment was nonsensical and sophomoric. If you want to talk like a teenager, there's plenty of forums on the internet for that. If you don't follow the forum guidelines which you agreed to upon joining, you'll find yourself getting the boot.
I think those are Germany-based US troops and gear, and have been there for like 50 years... can't imagine schlepping tanks from USA for a bs exercise.
it is certainly more than 70 years.
Remember: The BRD and the NATO are political twins!
Łukasz said: This crazy idea came to me yesterday before sleep:
What if all this measures are taken really for us to not to catch this virus? But not because it is dangerous, but because catching this virus could be beneficial for many people in some way?
Does it make any sense?

I actually thought of that myself a day or so ago but brushed it aside.

I thought of this too, brushed aside as it was impossible to prove, and after that I thought that they are limiting crowd gatherings and block social sharing ("dangerous" videos are getting blocked ) for the people to stop communicating with each other. Now the beneficial virus idea does not seem to be too crazy. Another thought was that this situation is set to reveal who is who: people start showing their real faces and behavior, many display animalistic behavior. Maybe all of it is relevant and more. Let's ask the C's.

And maybe let's ask the C's about the best mindset in this new era, how to stay strong on all levels, should we continue on with the same keto diet, cold showers, breathing exercises etc or add something new that was unnecessary before?

Also, what cosmic event, besides low solar activity, is happening alongside this social change?
Sounds like you are in the wrong bar. Your comment was nonsensical and sophomoric. If you want to talk like a teenager, there's plenty of forums on the internet for that. If you don't follow the forum guidelines which you agreed to upon joining, you'll find yourself getting the boot.
You should understand, there's no lack of lame and boring people who have nothing to say other than picking on others for their opinions, and if you're cozy being one of those - it's your choice, but you should ask yourself at the end of the day: do you really matter?
You should understand, there's no lack of lame and boring people who have nothing to say other than picking on others for their opinions, and if you're cozy being one of those - it's your choice, but you should ask yourself at the end of the day: V
well, maybe YOU can't take any critique and tend to insult others. Do YOU really matter? I mean it is not wrong to ask the question, but did YOU ask YOURSELF that same question?
I'm genuinely wondering. How many here prefer the theory that this is a "boogeyman virus"?
Warning. Unsettling images.

Who called it a "boogeyman virus"? Why are you saying that the images are unsettling? Have you never been in a hospital?
There is so much context missing from this video report that I don't know where to start. The fact that you appear to have been influenced by the video alone suggests you haven't been following this thread and the information in it.
USA October 18, 2019: The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. Event 201 simulated an "outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic that leaves 65 million dead.
Interesting 'coincidence that the Wuhan War Games, where the US participated, started on the same day. Should that be added to the database?

better hope the internet stays up!
Guessing upon YT Amazing Polly's video posted earlier, they will want to keep internet in order to spread their propaganda. But more censorship can for sure be expected.

I don't have a grudge on anyone, everybody is entitled to their own choices, everyone has their lessons to learn, it doesn't mean though that i have to embrace or accept their BS. Today my colleagues from work decided to have a meeting on skype just to say hi since we are not seeing each other for a while since everybody has been put on house arrest with their consent, so some of my colleagues left a massage to our watsapp group for everyone of us who would like to join to the skype meeting. Long story short i decided to not join, because i already knew what was the position of the majority regarding this madness and didn't want to partecipate and force myself to make nice and keep my mouth shut thus agreeing tacitly with all this BS nor did i wanted to express my true thoughts on all this BS thus outrage everybody thus making myself a target and correctly so because if someone doesn't want to see nor hear the truth who are you to force them to do so? I'm sorry i got too emotional here, sorry for ranting. These times are a real challenge.
It is not easy to know what would be best to do but when I read your post I would like to encourage you not to give up. Sometimes, especially in similar situations, people are scared, afraid to express themselves and parroting what everyone says. Next time you can think more like: "Don't they need help e.g. to hear something refreshing, something from heart?" Everybody is doubting themselves, not knowing what's going on with this corona hysteria and I would say you can be that reasonably, heart-warming voice of reason. Of course, it's only you who must evaluate whether given situation allows such open talk. If it does not damage your strategic enclosure, try to bring more light to the brains of your colleagues but if you are worried about potentially loosing your job etc. then of course, stay safe. My 2 cents :-)

You should understand, there's no lack of lame and boring people who have nothing to say other than picking on others for their opinions, and if you're cozy being one of those - it's your choice, but you should ask yourself at the end of the day: do you really matter?
mbww, did you actually realize that one of the hosts is speaking to you? Beau is an Admin and if any host gives you heads up about your behavior, you should think twice and take the lesson or leave the party.
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