Well, here in Germany they plan to introduce a new law of mandatory vaccination on 14th or 15th of may... As I understand it, it will be either mandatory to be vaccinated or to have an immunity pass to be able to travel. So not travelling can be one way of avoiding it. Anyways, such a law would mean the entrance to a dictatorship.

You see the signs already. Just yesterday there was a "hygiene demonstration" somewhere in Germany and one protester held a GG (Grundgesetz, the german make up for a constitution) in front of her and got an expulsion from the site, because the GG is not decicive at this point! Said the police. Whose oath of office is based on the GG-
I have to add that the formal thing was that - when showing the GG - she was uttering a certain political opinion, and that is not acceptable anymore.
I was under the impression that the z-score was a measure of standard deviations, so that e.g. a z-score of 3 means 3-sigma (3 standard deviations) above the expected background level.
Ok, then I can't actually calculate this stuff and better leave it to the math guys. :whistle: I watched a video about calculating the standard deviation but I have no idea how to apply it to euromo. I guess you would have to take all the data points in the baseline timeframe and calculate the standard deviation first etc. (according to the euromomo explanation What is a z-score?)
Are they afraid enough yet? Can we do better? IMO it is exactly where the plan will fail, as mostly the gap between believers and disbelievers will widen more. The plan was good, but the virus to use it with was not the best choice, since 91% healing through medication will make any vaccine look poor in comparison. They would even have done better using an imaginary disease, made up using the MSN.

Let's hope so, but you're forgetting all the other 'fun' things they can come up with:

1) the blame game where dissidents and protesters are blamed for the consecutive waves

2) as the gap between the authoritarians and dissidents widen (the authoritarians will blame the dissidents because of point 1) => chaos and violence will increase, the two groups will become enemies => this will increase the 'deliciousness' of the situation for the PTB (maybe also 4D STS), since chaos is always good (order out of chaos, problem-reaction-solution) and scared and agressive people 'taste better'

3) tweaking numbers and statistics to prove how the consecutive waves 'are here', and how those who didn't follow orders are the ones to blame

4) paying the corrupted scientists, groups, think thanks to produce scientific studies that will fit their agenda (as has always been done), e.g. how alternative therapeutic/natural treatments don't work and how the vaccines (you need a booster every year, of course!) are the only solution

5) creating 'bonus' catasrophical events or scary news to make people even more scared and obedient, to create more chaos. This could be everything from induced earth quakes to invading aliens

6) complete control (or shut down) of the information flow...internet, TV, radio

Sorry to paint a depressing picture, but it's better to be prepared...and as Corbett said in the video, if people hear about these narratives/plans before they are implemented, it could perhaps brake their programming.
Did you read this entire thread? How familiar are you with the basic reading "The Wave" of the forum, which is the actual knowledge base?
I have an idea of it I haven’t been reading especially the wave but I have been researching. I will read the wave. Thank you.
Can you please tell me which thoughts came to your mind about it? Thank you!
I have an idea of it I haven’t been reading especially the wave but I have been researching. I will read the wave. Thank you.
Can you please tell me which thoughts came to your mind about it? Thank you!

And what insights did you get while researching? This forum is not a belief group but based on proven an right knowledge. This requires basic research that has been created and refined here over the years.
After I wrote my previous post I realized, that because the second and consecutive waves having maybe been part of the plan all along, they are not putting out any vaccine yet even if they have something ready. They want to do the lockdown-opening-lockdown dance a few rounds first, so that people will be properly conditioned. And that’s why Bill Gates is still smirking, because he knows that this is just the beginning. That even if people will celebrate the opening up soon, the second phase is already being implemented.

Surely there has never been more reason to bring on the comets right now.

I mean things were bad enough before this, but now you can't even travel, go to the bar, watch a sports game or a music concert. They've pretty much sucked all the remaining fun out of the world so that there are actually quite few "A influences" even left.

The only thing left is, obviously, sad mindless anti-social interactions with various electronic screens. And while yea, most people seem pacified by that for now, the emptiness and loneliness of it must surely be kicking in.

What's funny is they had this farm ran pretty well. People were distracted and quite obedient already. Now all of that is taken away over night? Just seems like a really weird strategy.

I mean there's nothing else left to do apart from to wake up!
Here's Bill Gates writing about the vaccine

The most pertinent items incl my comments

Our self appointed saviour starts off with the below

One of the questions I get asked the most these days is when the world will be able to go back to the way things were in December before the coronavirus pandemic. My answer is always the same: when we have an almost perfect drug to treat COVID-19, or when almost every person on the planet has been vaccinated against coronavirus.

The former is unlikely to happen anytime soon. We’d need a miracle treatment that was at least 95 percent effective to stop the outbreak. Most of the drug candidates right now are nowhere near that powerful. They could save a lot of lives, but they aren’t enough to get us back to normal.

Which leaves us with a vaccine.

It looks to me that a vaccine being the best option is a foregone conclusion.

It looks to me that no serious effort was made to even consider an alternative approach.

Bill Gates obviously stands to gain financially from a vaccine. Not only financial gain, but gain to reputation as well.

After educating us on the 3 phases vaccines go through before they can be used on people, he states the below

After the vaccine passes all three trial phases, you start building the factories to manufacture it, and it gets submitted to the WHO and various government agencies for approval.

This process works well for most vaccines, but the normal development timeline isn’t good enough right now. Every day we can cut from this process will make a huge difference to the world in terms of saving lives and reducing trillions of dollars in economic damage.

The economic damage is clearly self inflicted on us, the people, by the ridiculous decisions of leaders who refuse to change even after knowing that the virus is not that deadly.

Anyways, he continues and talks about traditional vaccines before hitting on what he thinks will be the saviour vaccines

That’s why I’m particularly excited by two new approaches that some of the candidates are taking: RNA and DNA vaccines. If one of these new approaches pans out, we’ll likely be able to get vaccines out to the whole world much faster. (For the sake of simplicity, I’m only going to explain RNA vaccines. DNA vaccines are similar, just with a different type of genetic material and method of administration.)

Our foundation—both through our own funding and through CEPI—has been supporting the development of an RNA vaccine platform for nearly a decade.

On here as well, we can see him and his wife are personally invested in these new vaccine technologies that he's hailing as our saviour.

He continues

Here’s how an RNA vaccine works: rather than injecting a pathogen’s antigen into your body, you instead give the body the genetic code needed to produce that antigen itself. When the antigens appear on the outside of your cells, your immune system attacks them—and learns how to defeat future intruders in the process. You essentially turn your body into its own vaccine manufacturing unit.

Because RNA vaccines let your body do most of the work, they don’t require much material. That makes them much faster to manufacture. There’s a catch, though: we don’t know for sure yet if RNA is a viable platform for vaccines. Since COVID would be the first RNA vaccine out of the gate, we have to prove both that the platform itself works and that it creates immunity. It’s a bit like building your computer system and your first piece of software at the same time.

First thing about turning one's body into a manufacturing unit

  • How does the body know when to stop manufacturing if the instruction is to "manufacture"?
  • I wouldn't think manufacturing doesn't come cost free, what are the waste products produced by the body?
The second thing, they are literally going to use the whole world as guinea pigs for this vaccine! The whole world!

What happens if things go wrong?? It's not like this thing can be recalled once in peoples bodies!!

It might not be a perfect vaccine yet—and that’s okay.

The smallpox vaccine is the only vaccine that’s wiped an entire disease off the face of the earth, but it’s also pretty brutal to receive. It left a scar on the arm of anyone who got it. One out of every three people had side effects bad enough to keep them home from school or work. A small—but not insignificant—number developed more serious reactions.

The smallpox vaccine was far from perfect, but it got the job done. The COVID-19 vaccine might be similar.

Here he starts to prime us. First he admits the vaccine may not be perfect but essentially qualifies this by saying that's okay - it doesn't need to be perfect.

He then performs a trick by comparing covid to small pox.

He then goes on to say that the vaccine can elicit as bad reactions as that of small pox but that it's okay because small pox is no longer around.

Bill is treating us for fools here by using various devices to try to make us accept things that we shouldn't accept.

We have a bit more wiggle room with efficacy. I suspect a vaccine that is at least 70 percent effective will be enough to stop the outbreak. A 60 percent effective vaccine is useable, but we might still see some localized outbreaks. Anything under 60 percent is unlikely to create enough herd immunity to stop the virus.

Here he's essentially admiting that a vaccine won't even be that effective. In essence, corona will not get entirely eradicated and continue just like the flu.

I think he's contradicting himself and confusing us - so he admits that a vaccine won't be that effective to eradicate the virus but he also acts like if we don't get rid of the virus we can never go back to normal.

Is Bill Gates saying we will NEVER go back to normal? #prisonplanet


Once we have a vaccine, though, we still have huge problems to solve. That’s because…

We need to manufacture and distribute at least 7 billion doses of the vaccine.

Here he essentially says it in black and white... Everyone needs to be vaccinated.

Straight from the horses mouth... His supreme lord commander himself has spoken.

He then goes on to talk about who should get the vaccine first - he thinks front line workers and citizens from poor countries.

Finally, he never actually says what "side effects" are... He just brushes over "side effects" like they are an inconvenient thing that really shouldn't matter at the end of the day...

Our supreme lord commander has spoken.
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After I wrote my previous post I realized, that because the second and consecutive waves having maybe been part of the plan all along, they are not putting out any vaccine yet even if they have something ready. They want to do the lockdown-opening-lockdown dance a few rounds first, so that people will be properly conditioned. And that’s why Bill Gates is still smirking, because he knows that this is just the beginning. That even if people will celebrate the opening up soon, the second phase is already being implemented.
I completely agree with you. It is a perfect way to conduct a psy-op. This is conditioning everyone to behave differently towards each other as well as to disrupt and alter normal routine, and in exchange, to accept unquestioningly any rules and laws the PTB choose to impose. With so much confusion surrounding the truth or the facts, after being subjected to recurring lockdowns, where what was once normal is never completely returns with each round, it will be easier and easier to implement their agenda and goals. What state will economies be in after two, three, four lockdowns? What livelihoods will be left? I imagine it will be much different than now. Perhaps painfully so.
It concerns a Soros funded network of activism and is called the Climate Mobilisation organisation.
Above, I mentioned the well connected group the Climate Mobilisation organisation. Thorbiorn already did mention it earlier and also about its founder who is a climate psychologist Margaret Klein Salamon.
And in the paper itself Margaret Klein writes:
I will argue that the goal of the climate movement must be to lead the public out of “normal” mode and into emergency mode.

My argument has huge implications for the climate movement’s communication style, advocacy, and strategy. Because emergency mode is contagious, the best strategy is for climate activists and organizations to 1) go into emergency mode themselves, and 2) communicate truthfully and emotionally about a) the climate emergency, b) the need for emergency mobilization, and c) the fact that they are in emergency mode, as clearly and emphatically as possible.

In looking around I found this article, which ties it with Covid-19 and how these people are embracing Covid-19 and seeing it as a gift from their material heaven.
While you’re terrified of Covid-19, some climate alarmists are overjoyed because, for them, fear is… an OPPORTUNITY

Frank Furedi
is an author and social commentator is an emeritus professor of sociology at the University of Kent in Canterbury. Author of How Fear Works: The Culture of Fear in the 21st Century.
1 Apr, 2020 08:34

Many hardline environmentalists are overjoyed at the atmosphere of fear that Covid-19 has created; for them, it is an instrument for realising the dream of a society that runs according to climate alarmists’ dogma.
Some believe the pandemic is a once-in-a-generation chance to remake society and build a better future,argues one advocate of climate alarmism.
So, in case you thought that Covid-19 is a global pandemic of catastrophic proportions, think again!
In the West, hardline environmentalists are working overtime to portray Covid-19 as payback for all the miseries that humans have inflicted on the planet. They claim that global warming, species extinction, the emergence of superbugs and the eating of meat are somehow directly or indirectly linked to the outbreak of the current pandemic. They regard the fears and anxiety generated by the current public health emergency as an opportunity to promote the message that, unless we accept their dogma, humanity will become extinct.

Some of them are positively overjoyed at the opportunity created by the climate of fear that’s all-pervasive across the world. “We’ve been trying for years to get people out of normal mode and into emergency mode,” enthused Margaret Klein Salamon, who heads the advocacy group The Climate Mobilization. She added that
what is possible politically is fundamentally different when lots of people get into emergency mode – when they fundamentally accept that there’s danger, and that if we want to be safe we need to do everything we can.”
Keeping people in a state of fear of what they euphemistically describe as ‘emergency mode’ is the objective of Klein Salamon. As she stated, “now the challenge is to keep emergency mode activated about climate.”

That’s another way of saying that perpetuating –indeed, institutionalising– a climate of fear is the main objective of this movement. From this perspective Covid-19 is not so much a tragic public health issue but an instrument for realising the dream of a society that runs according to the environmentalist dogma of misanthropic miserabilism.

What green fear entrepreneurs really hate is the spirit of human ambition, that refuses to defer to the dictates of nature. This is a spirit that is open to taking risks in order to transform the world through the use of science and technology. From the time when humans stepped out of their caves to taking the risk of travelling to space, there were always those who decided to do what was necessary to conquer their fears. The refusal not to give in to fears is always the first step towards looking for solutions that will allow us to assume greater control over our lives.

It is precisely this aspiration to take control and harness the power of nature and science that climate alarmists despise. They despise it so much that they have coined the term ‘human impact’ to suggest that what people have done to the planet is by definition wholly destructive. They hate humans’ impact on the world so much that many of them want to dramatically decrease the number of babies that are born.

According to the climate alarmist narrative, being scared for your life is the desirable state to be in
. As Klein Salamon indicated, “we need to learn to be scared together, to agree on what we’re terrified about”! Why? Because collective fears will force governments to act!
Back in the 17th century, the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes anticipated the green politics of fear in his classic text, The Leviathan. Hobbes claimed that it is good when people are scared and frightened. Why? Because in their state of fear people will readily subject themselves to an absolutist ruler in exchange for his protection. One does not need a PhD in philosophy to understand that climate alarmist politics leads straight to the doorstep of the Leviathan.

The Climate Mobilisation is as mentioned well-connected and for interest sake, I will put the names for those who contributed to their manifesto document, The Victory plan, here as some will undoubtedly pop up again as policies are being implemented during or after the lock-down. A little like the authors of the PNAC paper and their continued role in the aftermath of 9/11.

I greatly appreciate the valuable feedback on this first draft I received from Margaret Klein Salamon, George Woodwell, Richard Heinberg, Anya Grenier, Michael Hoexter, David Kaiser, Raychel Santo, Emily Nink, Adam Sacks, Sailesh Rao, Marie Venner, Joe Uehlein, Jeremy Brecher, David Spratt, Tom Weis, and Paul Gilding.

For inspiring many of the ideas in this paper, special thanks to Michael Hoexter, Philip Sutton, Raychel Santo, Emily Nink, Richard Gilbert, Anthony Perl, Stan Cox, George Woodwell, Richard Heinberg, Laurence Delina, David Fridley, Andy Kunz, Stephen Mulkey, E.O. Wilson, Adrian Whitehead, Joe Uehlein, Jeremy Brecher, John Wiseman, Paul Gilding, David Spratt, and Margaret Klein Salamon.
The lead author of the manifesto itself was Ezra Silk.
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Another thought came to mind: could part of the vaccination agenda be to counteract any cosmic influences human DNA might be getting exposed to at this juncture of the wave approaching?

The DNA/RNA vaccines are obviously going to operate at the most fundamental level... Does anyone know what other DNA instructions will be hidden in these vaccines? Do you trust them to inject you with something that'll essentially mess with you at the most fundamental genetic code?

Do you think they can do a better job than nature? This is just the first step...

Once we accept for them to start messing with us at such a fundamental level, where does it stop?

The fundamental question remains - do you trust these people to mess around with your genetic code and DNA?

Have you noticed how they are not even hiding things that much nowadays... WE KNOW WHAT THEY PLAN.

So what does that mean if we accept? We can't even claim we've been deceived!

What are the ramifications here?
This guy has some VERY interesting points to make about the CDC and fauci. As well as some very important constitutional issues that have come into play here. I wanted to share before it gets dissappeared. I will be reading the sections of the constitution he brings up this evening.
Here's Bill Gates writing about the vaccine
You essentially turn your body into its own vaccine manufacturing unit.
Can you still call it a vaccine then? How Bill Moderna factory was thinking, as in the website Research & Innovation Engine: Advancing mRNA Science - Moderna , he thinks we are merely hardware and he is going to patch our software. We will all start behaving like our "beloved" Windows machines? Do not turn off..We will get to know how it is to have bugs inside.
With the tattoo as the "license", and the chip as "Intel inside":evil:
Yes I would love to see that when we have all the facts. I’m not really sure about what is happening since nobody can prove the truth yet?
When is now. All the truth and facts you need are in this very big thread. I recommend that you read most of it, which might take days or weeks, because effort is the price to pay for obtaining knowledge. After you read this thread, you will be sure about what is happening.
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