Update from our remodelled corona-psychward:
We had one patient for 2 nights who came out with a negative testing, same as all the other patients who checked in for one or two days were tested negative on the virus in the past months. The rest of the time we had zero patients.
The people who work on my ward are mostly unnerved about this fact. It might be a nice thing to have a few quiet days and nights at work but since this is our reality for months now the treshold for frustration is long met.
I also had some conversations about the plandemic. I'm not sure wether I only picked those people with a similiar frequency to talk to but all of these peeps had a pretty strong aversion against the draconian measures. And a lot even agreed that all these insane measures must be for a totally different reason than the governments tell us.
I thought that to be a good sign as for the awakening of many more people. We all wore the mandatory face masks though when working directly with patients but as soon as we went back in our nurses' room everybody except of one person pulled down the masks quickly.

Today I went for the groceries with my Covid-1984 mask and a Guy Fawkes mask (Fawkes just hanging from my bag )....
If you want to be completely left alone, try this... noone dares to talk to you. :rotfl: I also had only my mouth covered with my nose sticking out from above the mask.... Even the nazi citizens who were telling others to keep their distance didn't have the guts to approach me and my 'free' nose. This was the first time in weeks that I had some fun going to the supermarket.

Leave that phone at home! I'm pretty sure they can already do this tracing without any app. I'm pretty sure smart phones can measure finger temperature and note changes in usual vitals, like respiration rate, etc. They have very sensitive microphones.
Yes, they have and as far as I know even when turned off the smartphones eavesdrop. At least I've experienced many 'coincidences' when something was mentioned in a conversation and later the same thing is presented in a corresponding ad on FB.
All comes down to personality. Some people look to authority and social proof; these are selected for in the education system. Others instinctively think for themselves.

There's also, in this case, a sort of extremely risk-averse, "safety first" mindset that promotes health and safety above all other considerations (e.g. freedom or truth). This mindset has been extensively promoted for over a generation now. It's part of the programming.
Just like if you were to ask someone if you could have something that they are not using, and they would say, go ahead, I am not using it anyway. Now it is like the PTB, saying in a round about way, we are going to take your liberty and freedom away, and the person says, go ahead, I am not using it anyway. So in a sense, it is very easy to do what they are doing. Most people live in a very small world, thinking only in the material, and don't question anything outside of that. Being an authoritian follower, requires no liberty, no freedom.

Taking away liberty and freedom for most people is like taking candy from a baby.
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Thats why we who have knowledge in the highest center cant be made to eat propaganda and illogical crap.
Could you explain what exactly you mean by 'knowledge in the highest centers", Agron?
Because if I understand correctly then we are still far away from using our higher centers, thus being initiates. We might have collected some knowledge that is Truth and still we are mostly still mechanical. Thinking of Castaneda I for myself would be happy if I shifted my 'assembly point' just a bit by now.
I started to work again since Monday so I saw some of my colleagues.

One of them got the Covid. This is the one who is usually "never" sick but he was tired due to a lot of work on his board for the previous months. He is around 50, good constitution. Here is what is describe:
- stayed at home and was helped by his wife, no treatment
- 3 weeks in the bed with 9 days of continues fever. Sensation of needles in the head for the 9 days.
- not hungry for the 3 weeks, lot of weight loss
- impossible to stay otherwise than on the back
- difficulty to take his breath (I don't know for how many days)
- outbreak of buttons on the hands and the foots
- still some infection in the throat

He said that some time the fever was so high that he had to go to the bathroom crawling against the walls. For him the worst of the experience was the continous needles in the head.
I remember that stressful as if it were yesterday.

Beatles 1968 Hit Song:

Hey Flu

Hey Flu, don't make it bad
Take a sad song and make it better
Remember to let IT into your HEAD
Then you can start to make it better

The whole social distancing at Woodstock:

And that was the year I got the flu and was sick during the Christmas-2-week school break. Everyone was petrified that I would die!

I’m still having issues with PPSD! Post Pandemic Stress Disorder.

I had the flu that year too and was very, VERY sick, practically delirious! I was just 16 and had never been that sick in my life up to that time.

My refrense of the Beatles 1968 hit, Hay Jude rewording would only be understood by us boomers.
My tongue in cheek about my family being petrified was a stab at today's hystericals, my family had a you'll-live disposition.:-)
A view of Woodstock's social distancing measures:scared:
I wonder how many of the Woodstockians are today's hystericals!
In 68 they over exercised their freedoms, 2020 they discard them!
Possibly. I don't get that kind of "flavor" for the most part but I certainly could be reading it wrong. The app is more like Facebook than Twitter, in other words it seems less anonymous to me because people seem to use their real names and photos of themselves. Of course you can never be sure with the internet.

I think there is a huge amount of sock puppets on comment sections of news articles, as well as on Twitter. On facebook, I guess it's a matter of people being intimidated and the virtue-signalling Nazis just being the loudest. Plus probably shadow-banning and algorithm voodoo. At least that's my impression.

I wondered about this too, because this is also what happens in France. The reason given: to avoid a big spread and a possible 2nd wave after the end of the lockdown. At the same time they say "the problem is that we have not reached herd immunity"....:huh:

With the sudden mask thing, here in Germany the narrative is that they eased a few lockdown measures, for example some stores could open (thank you government, how kind!), so they say "oh, but since this will accelerate the virus spreading, now we all need to wear masks!". So they basically make us pay for getting a bit of our freedom back. It's infuriating, but also pathetic.
Hey MI. I'm sorry, but I think this is a bit naive or perhaps a little to wound up in wishful thinking.

Protocols for mitigating the effects of vaccination aren't some magic recipe that erases all the damage. There are thousands of people out there doing everything they can to try to get their kids or themselves back to some semblance of normalcy after vaccine damage. There are some success stories but there are many who never recover, at least not fully. And the idea that as long as you're healthy you'll be fine seems, again, naive. That presupposes that everyone who has suffered irreversible vaccine damage was already sick in some way. Even if that's true, many of them didn't seem sick (see the documentary Vaxxed, and any number of other documentaries on the subject for lots of examples). The fact is, we don't know what causes the damage and why most people seem to go through vaccinations without any (obvious) damage while others don't. To assume you've got the golden ticket because your diet is good does not seem like a safe assumption.

There are quite a hefty number of people who ended up with some form of autism after being vaccinated who would disagree with you.

Exactly that. But that's assuming that the only form of vaccine damage that can occur is because of malice, rather than incompetence. The fact that vaccine manufacturers are playing with things they really don't understand is not comforting in the least. Just because someone doesn't mean to hurt you doesn't mean they can't.

Again, this seems like wishful thinking. It's highly unlikely the 'good virus' is going to end up being the one used in a mass-produced vaccine, not to mention the multitude of factors that may change its effects, (difference between contracting it through the respiratory system versus having it injected directly into the blood; adjuvants and additives, etc.) Again, we don't really understand what causes adverse reactions to the vaccine so we can't know how to counteract it for sure. We're not completely in the dark, we've got some stuff to try if it comes down to that, but it's not a non-issue.

I know you were trying talk down SOTTREADER who seems a bit panicked, but I think having undue bravado in the face of something dangerous isn't really going to help anyone. Knowledge protects, but utilizing knowledge means not downplaying possible dangers and maintaining awareness :-)

I agree.
However, from my experience of treating auto accident patients the post accident outcome depended upon the strength and vitality of the body going into the accident and the post-trauma intensity of self-care and persistence of dealing with the trauma related obstacles. The substance and therapies only offer opportunity to heal but are not the direct agents of healing. We can not rely on the external remedies and we do not have full master of the internal healing force. So our ability to not be affected by the vaccine is a crap-shoot, there will be winners and losers.
8. Even if you end up vaccinated if things get really bad, you can still counter the effects, whatever they may be. If your body is generally healthy, the vaccines are unlikely to do you much harm (I mean, what would they do to all the Americans who are not healthy in the least? They'd be dropping dead by thousands.). And the vaccines will not be able to modify your or my behaviour! This is not lvl 65 sorcery; it's maybe lvl 2 science, with a lot of incompetence, wishful thinking, and stupidity involved. The Cs said the virus can be beneficial to some. I don't see why it couldn't end up being the same case with a vaccine. After all they're putting some form of the virus into the vaccine. I believe our consciousness is stronger than their crappy science. Sure, it may work well on the standard morons, but not on us.
Not to sure about that at this point, I don't know if this has been posted on the thread, if it has, then a second viewing and reminder is a good thing or so I think.

This was posted on SOTT a few days ago,

This is part 2 of the embedded videos.

It contains two videos Part one is about and hour long, Part almost 2 hours. The relevant information in relationship to your post is in Part 2 during the introduction there was mention of Operation Warp Speed (some mad scientists with a Star Trek fantasy, wanting boldly go where where no others have gone before

"Operation Warp Speed" seeks to quickly ramp up production, organize distribution and determine who gets the first doses of a potential vaccine. The goal -- which may prove impossible to meet -- is to make 100 million doses of the vaccine available by November, 200 million doses by December and 300 million doses by January, a senior administration official has told CNN. The have already started human trials without animal testing in March, from the information given by RFK in the video above

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert, has suggested January as a potential date for a vaccine, but vaccines typically take years to produce.

About the video

RFK opens up this discussion starts around 5 mins, he discusses the Moderna vaccine, the company (Moderna) holds significant interests for Gates and Fauci,, this is only one of 0f 80 vaccines in production and Gates has 8 of those. The Moderna vaccine is the first one out of the gate. RFK states the Moderna vaccine is a really dangerous human experiment and it's shockingly reckless especially without animal studies, thay are going to phase 1 human trials. Moderna has never made a profit, it was on the verge of bankruptcy and has never produced any vaccine or any other project it was 1.5 Billion dollars in debt. Gates and Fauci saved them from bankruptcy by giving them this project.

The project is an RNA vaccine this has never been produced before. What an RNA vaccine does unlike most vaccines, discuses how a normal vaccine is produced. He states this is an experimental technology which has never been done before in history. What they do is to inject a snippet of the virus that carries the genetic code
in it's RNA. What this will be designed to do, is to alter the DNA code in every cell of the body and in theory allow the body to produce antibodies. It is a form of genetic engineering

It has been condemned by the Geneva Statement because those genetic changes will survive in sperm or ovaries and they will live in your children. They are injecting people with an untested gene technology designed to change the human genome without having any proof it actually works.

He then goes on to discuss paradoxical enhancement, there have been examples of this give on other parts of the thread duscussing previous failed experiments developing a cronovirus vaccine, The video can be found on the Children's Defense website. Discussion of Dengue virus, given to children in the Philippines resulting in 600 deaths, again, Fauci is the name that crops up.

Discussion continues the the rest of the panel.

Later on during the discussion RFK mentions an article published by CNN about the company Moderna, it's quite lengthy.

Some snips

In 2016, an op-ed published in the science journal Nature scolded Moderna for not having published a single peer-reviewed paper outlining the science of its dazzling product, even as it participated in a "schmoozefest" at a JP Morgan healthcare conference in San Francisco that announced $350 million in investments.

The piece noted that Moderna's then lack of scientific publishing was similar to that of Theranos, now disgraced for raising some $700 million in venture capital for a blood-testing technology that turned out to be a sham, turning the now-dissolved company and its embattled CEO into a symbol of tech hubris run amok.

In theory, an mRNA vaccine enables scientists to plug a small piece of the coronavirus's genetic code into a human cell to create a synthetic copy of the virus's spike protein. That's the part of SARS-CoV-2 that resembles a plastic bristle on a hairbrush, and which attaches to human cells. Because it is just a small portion of the virus, the synthetically created spike protein can't infect a person. And partly because there is no need to manipulate a virus in the lab, the process is faster.

A biotech company in Germany has begun its first human trials of a potential Covid-19 vaccine.
The coronavirus spike-protein lookalike would then be produced by the body's own cells. If all goes well, the body then counterattacks the "invader" -- the synthetic antigen created by a person's own cell -- with antibodies.
The technology "teaches the human body to recognize the virus by teaching the body to make snippets of the virus on its own," said Zaks, Moderna's chief medical officer.

The Skeptics

But some experts are skeptical of the science.
For starters, in the rush to get started, the FDA allowed Moderna's RNA vaccine -- called mRNA-1273 -- to essentially gloss over the animal-testing that typically precede clinical trials in humans. Given the nature of this emergency, they are happening in parallel.

Siddiqi said this is cause for alarm.
"I would not let that [vaccine] to be injected in my body," he said. "I would demand: Where is the toxicity data from the lab?"
Professor Nikolai Petrovsky at Flinders University in Australia, who is collaborating with Oracle to use computer models and AI technology to develop a Covid-19 vaccine, has concerns about the mRNA trials, insisting the US government has taken an unproven vaccine and "put (it) straight into humans."
"It's a double game," he said. "An unproven platform for a new disease with no animal testing."

I don't have a presence of social media, it never interested, but for those that are interested, I think that this information should be know to the public, after all would you or anyone in your family want their DNA changed for generations to come, at least that is what this technology is suggesting to me.

To Gates and his ilk, we are nothing more than crops, look what they have done to the plant and animal kingdom with there GMO's. So regarding I guees if a vaccine is on the cards using RNA one needs to research for other alternatives, if it becomes mandatory. Especially for those that are younger and desire to have children and grandchildren.

I just found this so disturbing, the hubris and pure evil intent, playing god, to change the and mold the human body to no doubt become a mindless drone that needs direction with no soul.
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Reading the comments to his video, looks like most of the public doesn't have this guy's back....very disturbing. I looked up the govenor's statement on not having to wear masks for medical reasons....you don't have to provide documentation, which he did provide.

Of course they don't! They are mad at HIM because he is doing something they are probably afraid to do!
"Laura, post: 863080, member: 17"]
This video was posted a few pages back. I'm reposting it and I hope that all of you will watch it and share, share, share on social media. I just posted it in reply to something like 50 tweets, trying to pick peeps with lots of followers and making sure that the tweet in question was about the virus.

This guy, Larken Rose, is not just a talker. He is not afraid to stand for what he believes. He went to prison because of the fraudulent income tax system.
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