Thanks so much for that @Mandatory Intellectomy .

I have just created a resource for that PDF file.

Excellent Analysis!
However, the sections about Oxygen Depletion&CO2 leading to Cognitive Dysfunction appear rather weak.
Not that it isn't obvious that masks block oxygen and that CO2 accumulates; I just would find it hard to show that to a hardcore skeptic, because when you look closely at the studies, the following problems appear:

The study by Kao, Tze-Wah, et al. (2004) focuses on patients who are on hemodialysis and it was them who experienced "increased respiratory adverse effects" after 4 hours on HD. The author makes the conjecture that this could also apply to healthy people or people with other conditions. But there is no further study on that. Furthermore, there is no mention if this reduced partial pressure of oxygen led to cognitive impairments.

The study by Beder, A et al. (2008) focused on surgeons and it says that " Although it might have appeared to be likely that hypoxemia results from the increased CO2 content of the inspired air1 due to the exhaled CO2 getting trapped beneath the surgical face mask; there has been no controlled study concerning with the effect of surgical masks on the level of blood oxygena-tion. In this study we have measured the oxygen saturation of arterial pulsations (SpO2) by a pulse oximeter and found a statistically significant decrease in the blood O2 saturation level of the surgeons post operationally, which is not due to prolonged standing or stress. "

So again, it is not so conclusive.

In the Co2 section, it claims that " Wearing a mask increasesCO2 –leading to cognitive dysfunction " but the single study below it states that " “We propose that cognitive impairment is strongly related to combination of chronic hypoxia and hypercapnia.”
But again, it needs to be shown that wearing masks in public places leads to the accumulation of CO2 to the point that chronic hypoxia and hypercapnia is induced.

Right now, these are the most common objections I get when I am trying to share these files.

Has anyone here come across more convincing/focused studies?
I'm a personal carer. We're required to wear masks in people's homes. Now, they're asking us to tell people to wear masks in their own home when we visit them. If they refuse, we have to report them to the management. In which case - guessing here - the management will call them to persuade them of the necessity of that measure, ie"the staff (us) must also be protected, so you have to wear a mask". If they still don't comply, I'm guessing the next step will be: no more help at home for you.
Oh, and the nursing home in my place will be locked down again starting next week. Since the beginning of the "pandemic", it's had 0 case… though they tried to euthanize sedate a poor woman suspected of contracting COVID, but she was saved thanks to the courage of a brave nursing assistant who put her foot down. Woman was tested later: she didn't have COVID. Now her hubby has removed her from the nursing home, and taken her back home. He's glad of it.
So in short, no more visits for the old people. Maybe they'll confine them to their rooms again, as they did in Spring. The weather's been very hot lately. Mind you, they decided to shut down air con, because COVID.
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After watching a number of interviews on the side effects of the covid vaccines, in addition to the actions western governments are taking, I think that what is now at threat is not the citizen but the politician.

I fear the politicians have checkmated themselves by being too overzealous.

With the vaccines, it's clear they aren't safe. They have the choice to either defer the release to next year or release according to the original plan and watch masses of people literally become disabled and their family march on them.

On masks, they can only push them so far. Beyond a certain point like what they plan to do in France, people will break and turn on politicians. September will be a month to watch France.

The economies are broken. They can blame covid but people will blame the governments as responsible for the lockdowns.

If I was a politician or a big pharma exec I think I'd be looking to start getting myself away from the situation. Bankers were able to escape jail and courts during the financial crisis but I'm not sure big pharma execs will have the same privileges.

I think the situation is turning and it's now looking like politicians and big pharma scientists are the ones who are endangering themselves.

I won't be surprised if the vaccine gets deferred.
That indeed appears to be part of the plan Nachtweide. As in 2008, this is the use of force majeure to create the circumstances where effectively all businesses below a certain size are driven to the wall, leaving a small number of giant multinationals to pick up the pieces for cents in the dollar. The 'great' economic reset. It was a stated outcome of 'Lockstep', the 2010 Rockefeller Pandemic scenario war game, where they proposed top down authoritarian government and limited innovation as an outcome.

I think many people struggle to realize that these fiends are very happy to destroy something they have partially allowed to build up for decades and that became central platforms of the perceived dogma i.e. entrepreneurship is central to a healthy economy. They are very happy to now end that phase and pull down everything that grew from it because it always was but one necessary step in their Game Theory based preparation for total dominance. In Game Theory you are content to appear to 'give', appear to 'lose' many rounds, but all with the intent of using those 'losses' as eventual leverage for even bigger games later on in the 'great game'. Democracy, freedoms, entrepreneurial innovation, freedom of movement, etc, were all necessary 'evils' along the way so as to create the circumstances for eventually dismantling and hoovering up the pieces into one singular, top down system. We have been lulled for generations by that word 'progress'. There never was any; just a road map to this time and place.

An example of this willing sacrifice is organized live professional sport - which say in the case of football is such a big global business and you would have thought a key part of the social model of control (a kind of cakes and circuses for the masses). Well its now run its course, had its time and use, and its hey-day is over now - and they will let that multi-billion dollar business go to the wall (or become totally re-framed as a pseudo live event) because such social gatherings, emotional resonant communal identities, etc, do not fit the model going forward. So it can go the way of the dodo. That's Game Theory.

The game is obvious. "Take care of the weak, sick and old". It works in human life exactly like under capitalism. Minorities are suddenly more important than 99%. Our entire lives are shut down because we are told that the protection of high-risk patients and children takes absolute priority over the interests of those who are almost not at risk. The states are using rescue parachutes to protect companies that have been insolvent for years with rescue parachutes and cheap money. If the focus is on those - whether people or the market - who are already in their sleep of death, the remaining 99% will go under. In the psychopathic sense a great instrument - who wants to take responsibility when the weak fall by the wayside?
It is difficult to discover that here completely different objectives and desires prevail, because from the outside it seems as if a social thought is leading. Nothing is more wrong than such thinking. The aim is to monopolize the market and to put people in chains. How often have I experienced something like this and fell for it - do-goodness. Appearances are deceptive and the truth cannot be further away. The state relies on the solidarity of the citizens for their interests, protection and the factor of charity. It is with the principle of solidarity, which is oriented towards the weakest, that the new laws are passed. Small entrepreneurs and middle-classes will perish as the gentlemen who own thousands of companies simply have to have a long breath. In the end they will determine the price - for the goods. Competition was yesterday. And we humans will have to sacrifice our health on the altar because of the 1% risk patients. As long as I breathe, I will resist with all my strength.
It is mentioned to be an AE, arrest unit or SWAT team. (in peace outfit?)

Read the eyewitness report below which is doing it's round on FB. Apparently they come out of nowhere started to hit people and dragged people into the van without any explanation. This is what a police state looks like.


Rough translation.

Feit dat er nix vernield werd iedereen rustig op de bankjes zat onder de bomen, de zweer was gezellig maar serieus. En absoluut niet agressief. Springen deze mensen uit het busje, en let wel op de stalen uitschuifbare stokken met verzwaarde kop. Dat zijn ploertendoders. Die zijn om de genoemde rede hier boven afgeschaft en verboden bepaald vanwegen de schade die ze aan kunnen richten. Dit verbod bestaat al tientallen jaren , gelijk aan dat de gummie knuppel niet uit geheel rubber mag bestaan,
Deze mensen springen uit de bus compleet en totaal opgepept en strak van de adrenaline.

The fact that nothing was destroyed and everyone sat quietly on the benches under the trees, the atmosphere was cozy but serious. And absolutely not aggressive. These people jump out of the van, and pay attention to the steel extendable poles with weighted heads. Those are blackjacks. These have been abolished for the reason mentioned above and prohibited because of the damage they can cause. This prohibition has existed for decades, equal to the fact that the gummy club may not consist of whole rubber,
These people jump out of the totally energized and full of adrenaline.

Vervolgens rennen zei het publiek in heftig schreeuwen en om zich heen slaan en vol op in gevechts houding staan.
De meute vliegt alle kanten op en 1 vrouw die met haar rug naar het busje zat op een bankje, had nog niet zo snel door en word gegrepen en mee gesleurd, dit gebeurt zeer hardhandig met veel klappen op dat moment keert de meute om en schreeuwen dat ze normaal moeten gaan doen. Dit word beantwoord met nog meer klappen van de ploertendoder. De menigte pikt dit gedrag van het kabinet niet meer en de Romeo's vluchten snel weer de gepantserde bus in. Zonder iemand mee te nemen. De vrouw blijft verbouwereerd achter en heeft ech geen flauw iedee waarom zei gepakt werd. In feite was zei de makkelijke prooi voor de hyena's.

Then they fiercly run into the public shouting and beating and standing in full combat position. People flee in all directions and 1 woman who sat with her back to the van on a bench, did not notice that quickly and was grabbed and dragged along, this happens very roughly with a lot of blows at that moment people turn and scream that they should start acting normally. This is answered with more blows from the blackjack. The crowd no longer accepts this behavior of the cabinet and the Romeos quickly flee back into the armored bus. The woman is left flabbergasted and has no idea why she was taken. In fact, it was said that she was an easy prey for the hyenas.

Ook blijf er een ouder man achter die niet snel genoeg op zei kon stappen. Met een flinke jaap in zijn kop. En als alles weer een beetje rustig is blijkt dat vooral de mensen die niet snel op de benen zijn de klappen hebben gekregen.

There is also an elderly man who was unable to get out quickly enough. With a big gash in the head. And when everything is a bit quiet again, it turns out that especially the people who are not quickly on their feet have been hit.

In het midden van dit alles stand 3 agenten in uniform die duidelijk nix van deze aktie's af wisten en compleet verbaasd zijn over deze aktie. En ze zijn het er duidelijk zelf ook niet mee eens. En steken dan ook geen vinger uit om de Romeo's te helpen. En gaan de man en vrouw helpen die gewond zijn geraakt.

In the middle of all this stand 3 officers in uniform who clearly knew nothing about this action and are completely amazed by this action. And they clearly disagree themselves. And don't lift a finger to help the Romeos. And are going to help the man and woman who have been injured.

Ik heb heel veel respect voor deze agent maar ik kan het beleid en propaganda van het kabinet echt niet meer respecteren
Iets wat gebaseerd is op leugens manipulatie en bedrog over rug van het milieu en volk kan en zal nooit standhouden.
Vrijheid. Tja
Alleen met liefde overwin je haat.

I have a lot of respect for this agent, but I really cannot respect the policy and propaganda of this cabinet anymore
Something based on lies manipulation and deception on the back of the people can and will never last.
Freedom. Well tik,tak,tik,tak
Only with love can you overcome hatred.


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I proudly wear a mesh mask (originally designed for cyclists and intended to be worn with a filter - of course I removed the filter).

It had valves on it, but when they started making a big noise about the valves being bad, I did the right thing and removed them!

It gives me free access to air-flow, but looks substantial and intimidating! It also complies with all the local ordnances about wearing masks...

Nobody ever challenges me!
What do you mean you removed the valves? Does it leave 2 big obvious holes where the valves were, or they're not obvious so people don't challenge you?
With temperatures above 30°C (86°F) in Germany for more than three weeks (Berlin at 36°C/97°F today) I have been asking people whether they felt that any corona viruses could have survived the present weather conditions at all.

One or two people agreed with me that it seems to be quite unusual that viruses like these should persevere until the end of summer.

Most others appeared to be stumped and hardly reacted at all. My idea of suggesting that corona could be doomed because of the heat did not make sense to them. Were they not told that COVID-19 was a novel virus that could do anything at any time? These people seem to have their minds made up for them.

Another disconcerting thing for them must be hearing from people in the border regions who are reporting that they are doing their shopping in the Netherlands and the Czech Republic without masks.
What do you mean you removed the valves? Does it leave 2 big obvious holes where the valves were, or they're not obvious so people don't challenge you?
Because the mask material is like a knitted nylon/polyester mesh, when you take the valves out (they easily un-clip), the holes shrink from about 2.5cm (1") to be about 1cm (1/3") diameter. But, given that the mask material is dark and very "textured" the holes are not glaring.

Overall, people see the blackness of the mask, and if they have ever noticed the holes, nobody has yet commented.

Based on facial expressions, more people noticed the plastic vents in the mask, before I took them out, than notice the mask with holes...
I'm really angry today. Two of my acquaintances have been laid off in the last few days All automotive - the main industry in my state. The middle class is breaking away under our noses. Nothing is reported in the media - main interest is the desperate search for a corona infected person. We have almost 1 million inhabitants and no new disease - a human catastrophe.
In keeping with my mood, there was a very good article in a very neutral platform. I now actually have the hope that it is a kind of wake-up call to the sleeping German people.

Short translation:
Corona False Alarm? If the federal government is wrong, it will "topple"

What actually happens if it should come out that the decision to impose a corona lockdown was possibly wrong? This legitimate question - strongly discredited by the public but audible throughout the country - must now be asked.

For the truth is that not only "corona deniers", "conspiracy theorists", "right-wing radicals", "left-wing radicals" and other groups doubt the severity of the corona measures, but also many citizens and entrepreneurs who have fallen into existential distress as a result of the lockdown. There is no doubt that the corona virus existed and still exists. Only the severity of the measures is questioned by the majority of the population.

At a very early stage, voices were raised to warn of the risks of the lockdown.

If the credibility of studies and virologists is at stake, one last example must be mentioned here. In July 2020, a corona study was published in South Korea, which also made the rounds in the German press. According to the study, infected children and adolescents aged between 10 and 19 years can infect their parents and other household members with corona more often than adults. However, the researchers have now revised their findings. They now believe that it is not really clear who infected whom. The study was published in the journal of the "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention" (CDC).

The medical finding that corona infected people can reinfect themselves immediately after infection is also wrong, Sky News reports. But even this false finding had made the rounds in the German media, which only increased the mass hysteria.

It is particularly shameful that reports and documentaries were produced that mentioned the plague and cholera in the same breath as the corona virus. A renowned German science magazine stated: "Masks, prohibitions and wild theories: Where Plague and Corona have parallels. Many of the things we experience in the corona crisis already existed in earlier centuries - when the plague devastated all of Europe."

There were reports everywhere that drew parallels either to Spanish flu or to the plague. It is probably obvious that whole sections of the population were traumatised by this panic-mongering.

There are already numerous factors that could soon get the German government into trouble. In the coming months, but more likely next year, Germany will be confronted with a wave of insolvencies that will not only lead to a drastic increase in unemployment. As a result, social and economic distortions will also increase.

The only option left to politicians is to establish a causal link between high infection rates and social minorities (psychological code word: "extended families") in order to win over the majority population for further measures and an optional second lockdown. The collective memory of the population could thus be implanted with the narrative that "a very specific minority" is to blame for the spread of the epidemic - this time not the plague ("Black Death" and the "scapegoat theory"), but of course the corona virus.
This tactic, which leads to the destabilization of the country, has often been used in the past decades to push through critical legislative initiatives to the disadvantage of all citizens. It has been very successful because instincts within the population have been addressed, which are very beneficial to the particular interests of politicians. Only a few politicians are likely to be concerned with the social and state welfare, especially since many of them have lost their patriotism in a positive sense (!). Especially with those "actors" who glorify patriotism in order to sow misanthropy.
The majority of politicians will continue to hold back with sharp criticism of the anti-racism mass demonstrations, in which numerous people took part without observing the Corona rules.
Politicians will certainly not name this mass demos as the main source of high infection rates.

After all, you can't attack your own potential voters.

The 2021 election year is coming up.

Nothing is right.

Police are now smashing car windows and dragging the drivers out for non-compliance!

“There is literally no reason for you to leave your home and if you were to leave your home and not be found there, you will have a very difficult time convincing Victoria police that you have a lawful reason,” Mr Andrews told reporters in Melbourne.

Some 500 military personnel will be deployed to Australia’s second most populous state, Victoria, to enforce coronavirus isolation orders.
Anyone caught breaking the rules will face a tough fine as high as A$20,000 (£10,900), with the only exception being for urgent medical care.
I think many people struggle to realize that these fiends are very happy to destroy something they have partially allowed to build up for decades and that became central platforms of the perceived dogma i.e. entrepreneurship is central to a healthy economy. They are very happy to now end that phase and pull down everything that grew from it because it always was but one necessary step in their Game Theory based preparation for total dominance. In Game Theory you are content to appear to 'give', appear to 'lose' many rounds, but all with the intent of using those 'losses' as eventual leverage for even bigger games later on in the 'great game'. Democracy, freedoms, entrepreneurial innovation, freedom of movement, etc, were all necessary 'evils' along the way so as to create the circumstances for eventually dismantling and hoovering up the pieces into one singular, top down system. We have been lulled for generations by that word 'progress'. There never was any; just a road map to this time and place.

To me it seems that through many freedoms and rights, easy lives they got people sedated, forgetful, passive, docile, meek and unresponsive because newer generations forgot how it was in the past and how it happened, that those rights and freedoms were hardly fought for, and make them believe that totalitarian monster is dead forever and that they have passed beyond that thinking that the state they knew will last forever, making them unable to recognise and unprepared, and more important they would not believe it when it comes.
Police are now smashing car windows and dragging the drivers out for non-compliance!

This manufactured crisis is exposing where the loyalties of each country really lie. Many national governments are now effectively governors of the 'One World Govt'. Australia is going full facist. How many will follow?

And who is going to outplay them and break rank first? I think Russia is well ahead.
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