There was a theory that this was a bio-weapon aimed at Iran, and that because Italians share some of the same genomes(?) with Iranians, it is also affecting them more. US main factor behind biological warfare, coronavirus cover-up: Iran official Since the US has been trying to get Iran for a very long time, I can understand why they think this way.

I also do not understand how all the CEOs of these major companies are going along with all this crap being instituted. They are participating in their own demise!
It seems to me that they must be guaranteed 'bail out' money. Disney has closed down, Disney the Rat. They didn't close after 911 even. As one who lives in Florida, that was a big red flag. It was a joke for some of us here that if Disney is closing it must be real! I can't imagine major companies losing out for 'going along with the agenda', however, small businesses will be the biggest losers it appears.
From the conspiracy theory files:

what if there is an effort underway to 'get rid of' the elderly under cover of trying to save them? After all, there has been much talk in recent years of the 'problem' of the increasing number of old people who are exerting a serious financial burden on the state. The yellow vest protests in France over the past year+ have been largely focused on French govt. attempts at 'pension reform' whereby people would be forced to keep working for longer, thereby alleviating some of this burden of the state having to pay pensions to more and more people who do not contribute to tax revenues.

I know it's a bit far out there, but just thought I throw it into the mix.
I understand that vaccines can be a part of the plan, but if they continue to run this show for several months, with these measures, and more to come, this will definitely destroy the economy. I don't see how vaccines can justify all of this. They already have mandatory vaccines for children, a huge number of them. So why bother so much to add just one more?

This comes to mind:
Q: (L) Well, you once talked about things like vaccinations and things changing the frequency, which causes negative potentials. Does that factor into this process?
A: Yes
Q: (Galatea) Can a soul literally get kicked out of a body if the frequency is not matching the soul?
A: Yes
Q: (Galatea) You can be made into a soulless monster eventually!
A: Yes
what if there is an effort underway to 'get rid of' the elderly under cover of trying to save them? After all, there has been much talk in recent years of the 'problem' of the increasing number of old people who are exerting a serious financial burden on the state. The yellow vest protests in France over the past year+ have been largely focused on French govt. attempts at 'pension reform' whereby people would be forced to keep working for longer, thereby alleviating some of this burden of the state having to pay pensions to more and more people who do not contribute to tax revenues.

I know it's a bit far out there, but just thought I throw it into the mix.
I was thinking along those lines when considering how handy it would be for all Western powers to get rid of old generation who still holds the conservative values and make room for the brainwashed young generation to swing elections in favor of 'liberal' parties. But then it would not make much sense for the epidemic to be global. On the other hand, there are many different 'benefits' for various parties around the world.

Edit: Actually, PTBs would welcome this in general, osit. Older people dying means the memory of the culture & civilization is being lost. Who needs people to remember times of freedom, without restrictions? Collective amnesia is much better.

From what I can gather a comet like Halley's could be visible to the naked eye for around month as it approaches the sun (Halley's Comet - Wikipedia). Now the physics of an object many times larger than Jupiter would be quite different and we would probably be seeing it partly because of the sun's light reflecting off of it and partly because of electromagnetic phenomenon, so I expect it would be visible for much longer, but if it has an elliptical orbit like a comet it would speed up as it makes its closest approach so we might expect a period of 1-2 months of maximum visibility preceded and followed by a longer period (months? years?) of lesser visibility.

So if it does "appear" in the short term (ie in the coming weeks or months) it would make sense to me that it would take months for it to traverse the solar system and disappear again.

I'm just speculating based on the little I know about astronomy.
I’m not sure about that. I’m not much of an astronomer either, but what occurs to me is that a brown dwarf might absorb light as opposed to reflecting it. I don’t know. But if so, it could go undetected unless it’s noticed passing in front of another object or until it’s right on top of us. Now that would freak people out!
I think the C's said the twin won't come into the inner Solar system. But yesterday we discussed this topic in our video CZ/SK meetup and came to conclusion that it is not necessary to be seen or come close enough. If electrical/plasma forces go into action, we can have all sorts of displays.
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what if there is an effort underway to 'get rid of' the elderly under cover of trying to save them?
And think of all the baby boomers here in the states! What group has the most accumulated wealth especially in pension funds. I've read suggestions that those funds will be confiscated to recapitalize banks if things really go south.

Another thought, maybe some "strange" things have gone on that the public doesn't know about - 4D bleedthrough or other phenomena like that at the solar observatory. The PTB don't want to take any chances that the peons will see and really panic?

Could the starlink satellites be unleashing a wave of beaming across the planet? It certainly seems that something way more than a nothing-burger virus is going on.
I've been out the loop last couple of pages... Not sure if this has been mentioned.

Rumors are rife that the British government is about to get the military involved, possibly into London this weekend. Some people are now leaving the city, ahead of the military style lockdown that's coming.

Heard it from 2 sources

- Engineer who used to work at MoD who said he got it from a reliable source (those guys are all connected to each other)
- Family member who lives in London and said there's people leaving
- Someone who works in civil service who said the military are to be deployed.

Who knows if there's anything to it... But the rumors about school closures this Friday panned out so watch this space. Looks like the British army are about to enter the chat as they like to say in certain quarters.
Since Sunday 15-03 I am feeling like I am sick. I have a feeling that I have a high temperature, but when I measure it with a thermometer it is normal. A feeling similar to a Reiki heat. I don't know how to describe it. It is not just temperature, it is a general feeling. I feel so strange, I can't describe it with words, I don't know how. I am in good health generally.
Maybe this sensation comes from the Wave. reality change, timeline change, I don't know, or just a stress reaction to all the madness.

I have similar feelings. Today I even asked my sister twice if I'm red on the face because I felt it burning. It's a kind of internal heat that I feel but at the same time is not perceptible by others. There is also a sensation of tingling and some pressure on the head. In addition to that, I had a lot of mood swings for several days. It was bothering me lately because practically nothing changed in my everyday conduct but in overall I felt worse (since today, it all started to go back to 'normal' slowly). It may be a reaction to all this fear and panic that is in the air lately, or who knows maybe something more.

This also comes to mind:

Q: (V) A few weeks ago several of us began to suffer from internal heat, insomnia, and other things. What was this?
A: Image. Deep conjunction of fibrous linkage in DNA structure.
Q: (V) Well, I want to know if it is in my mind that I get so hot, or does my body temperature actually elevate?
A: Only on 4th.
Q: (V) I don't understand.
A: Bleedthrough, get used to those!
Q: (L) Does this mean we are actually experiencing a bleedthrough of 4th density?
A: Image.

Q: (L) Okay, while we are waiting for Ark's response, I have a question. I am BURNING up! What is the reason for this unbearable heat I am suffering?
A: Heat means 4th density bleedthrough.
Q: I am about to die of heat, and I know it is cold in here. When you say 4th density bleedthrough, what do you mean?
A: Oozing of faint reflections of new reality.
My 14 years old son told me the same thing. He had that he is having deja vu a few times per day in the last few days.
Since Sunday 15-03 I am feeling like I am sick. I have a feeling that I have a high temperature, but when I measure it with a thermometer it is normal. A feeling similar to a Reiki heat. I don't know how to describe it. It is not just temperature, it is a general feeling. I feel so strange, I can't describe it with words, I don't know how. I am in good health generally.
Maybe this sensation comes from the Wave. reality change, timeline change, I don't know, or just a stress reaction to all the madness.

You will probably feel the collective turmoil and panic.
I am also quite bothered by it.
And the strangest thing is that from unrest you become short of breath, which is a carona symptom.
But otherwise I just feel fine.

It started for me last friday, when they decided to close down schools, sports associations, and catering establishments here in the Netherlands.
right after that I started to experience shortness of breath, otherwise I'm fine.
Because i think people or not panicking about the virus, but about the possible negative impact this closing down of everything will have on our economy
From the conspiracy theory files:

what if there is an effort underway to 'get rid of' the elderly under cover of trying to save them? After all, there has been much talk in recent years of the 'problem' of the increasing number of old people who are exerting a serious financial burden on the state. The yellow vest protests in France over the past year+ have been largely focused on French govt. attempts at 'pension reform' whereby people would be forced to keep working for longer, thereby alleviating some of this burden of the state having to pay pensions to more and more people who do not contribute to tax revenues.

I know it's a bit far out there, but just thought I throw it into the mix.

Here in the streets people are joking about it since Italy's lockdown, almost everyone! But the numbers are not so big, and the normal flu was already a great deal of income for INPS (the pension fund) for years, given the statistics, so... Hardly likely?
Just for the info: the official reason they are locking down countries is based on the idea that even though 80% or more of people who contract the virus won't have any problems with it, some won't even know they have it, we all need to be 'quarantined' to prevent those who do become infected (upwards of 40% supposedly) will not by chance infect the vulnerable elderly who would then become very sick and need to be hospitalized, thereby overwhelming the health care system and creating unnecessary deaths.

That said, there is the problem of why such measures are not taken for the seasonal flu which poses a very serious risk to vulnerable elderly people every year and therefore the same risk of overwhelming health care systems. In fact, the number of people who die from the common flu every winter season (the large majority of them elderly with serious health conditions) is at least 10 times the number of deaths from covid-19. So why have these deaths not caused the same health care crisis every year?

Any explanations?

Whatever the case, there is the unfortunate coincidence (I suppose) that hundreds of millions of people in Western nations are being conditioned to accept very draconian restrictions on their basic civil freedoms..."for the greater good". While that may not be intended, it is still the objective end result. And obviously, everyone with any sense should be disturbed by that.
Because this virus induce, on extremes cases, a pneumonia, witch manifest by respiratory distress syndrome for a long period, witch is not the case for the usual flu?

And so the shortage of ICU beds (done at purpose since long), give a bad situation which is easy to amplified by MSM? And so, even persons with any sense can be confused enough to have a blurred view?

So for me it's a planned and simple scenario:
1/ Stretch like a cord the medical system (staff cut, beds cut, disorganisation and so on, since years)
2/ Induce a threat which is a bit above the average dangerousness, in countries where pint 1 is completed
3/ Give loud echo to the unavoidable result
4/ Do what you want with the herd
From the conspiracy theory files:

what if there is an effort underway to 'get rid of' the elderly under cover of trying to save them? After all, there has been much talk in recent years of the 'problem' of the increasing number of old people who are exerting a serious financial burden on the state. The yellow vest protests in France over the past year+ have been largely focused on French govt. attempts at 'pension reform' whereby people would be forced to keep working for longer, thereby alleviating some of this burden of the state having to pay pensions to more and more people who do not contribute to tax revenues.

I know it's a bit far out there, but just thought I throw it into the mix.

Well Joe as you no doubt noted in that Sunday Times article I previously posted, its far from far out there it seems to publically propose the policy of the old conveniently popping their clogs (useless eaters as they are - with massively negative equity return); it makes clear business sense. And good for the environment!

I know we are all struggling with the 'gross incompetence herd thing vs the embedded psychopaths making their fateful push as cosmic sands run fine', but I think we may well just have to accept it that between the hook and the crook, its all in there somewhere in the mix. And above it all the STS 4th Density crowd pushing, and pushing their completed programming.

Eugenics and technocracy are two undoubted, documentable and in motion realities. The top end of the elite scum is saturated in this thinking. Its in their pharmaceutical policy, their land grab, their genetic research, their asset stripping, their man made global warming, their agricultural policy, their war on families, on gender identity, on children - on everything. If it quacks like, it,flies like it and drops filthy muck from it - it probably is the very thing we have all been learning about here for years.

The Wave is now in full motion and its almost right on top of us. The door is closing on this reality. They are out of time - its pretty much now or never - so we should expect the most crazy and irrational of things to be the new normal.

I know I've posted a few of his pieces of late but I come back to the below from James Corbett as his defining work - it absolutely nails the road to technocratic, eugenic hell. I watched it again recently and I cant say just how important I think the implications of it are - and I think we are now about to live this out for real from here on in.

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