Crazy Storm Weather and Lightning - Global

I'll post this here, in case it gets missed. The eye of Hurricane Otis passed DIRECTLY over the suburb of Bonfil, Mexico - which is just outside of Acapulco - and where the "Sacred Gardens" are, where the "Anarchapulco" event is held every February. It intensified to category five VERY quickly, as Navigator posted above, with little notice. But one thing remains to report: Max Igan, of internet "truther" fame, currently lives in Bonfil - and he has spent every waking hour since 10/7/23 bringing light to what actually happened in Israel. He has contacts who live in Gaza that were able to give him data up until his last podcast on the 17th:

No one I know has heard from Max since the hurricane hit Acapulco. I hope that he, and everyone else in that area, is OK. But I do find it "interesting" that someone who was posting SO much information revealing what's currently truly going on in Israel suddenly has a life-threatening storm come at them from out of nowhere. Anyway, just an FYI and a prayer that Max and his neighbors are OK.
Not to mention that it was a straight bullseye on a city of one million people. Given the sudden intensity, which would not give much chance for people to evacuate, I wonder if there is some 'karmic' element to it. Acapulco is a resort and a party destination - the party is not always the healthiest, and there's even rumors of drug cartel presence. Did that send a signal to the Universe or am I getting too biblical?
It does not sound so far from reality, in the last 20 years Acapulco has been terribly corrupted, in addition to the narco and its mafias that charge fees to merchants (it is known that they have to pay two or three different groups for "protection"), it is widely known by all, although it is not spoken openly about it obviously, that there is a sex trafficking market for minors.
Not to mention the violence with which organized crime acts, not only murdering in cold blood, but also dismembering and leaving human remains as a warning to their adversaries. Terrorism in every sense of the word.
Seen in this light, Acapulco is a godless place.
I'll post this here, in case it gets missed. The eye of Hurricane Otis passed DIRECTLY over the suburb of Bonfil, Mexico - which is just outside of Acapulco - and where the "Sacred Gardens" are, where the "Anarchapulco" event is held every February. It intensified to category five VERY quickly, as Navigator posted above, with little notice. But one thing remains to report: Max Igan, of internet "truther" fame, currently lives in Bonfil - and he has spent every waking hour since 10/7/23 bringing light to what actually happened in Israel. He has contacts who live in Gaza that were able to give him data up until his last podcast on the 17th:

No one I know has heard from Max since the hurricane hit Acapulco. I hope that he, and everyone else in that area, is OK. But I do find it "interesting" that someone who was posting SO much information revealing what's currently truly going on in Israel suddenly has a life-threatening storm come at them from out of nowhere. Anyway, just an FYI and a prayer that Max and his neighbors are OK.

There is not much communication from other neighborhoods, yesterday the company that provides electricity CFE, mentioned that they are going to 30% recovery of the service, the same would be for the telephone and Internet companies.
This is one of the many X's where people ask for information from other areas.
Hi, do you know anything about the La Bonfil area?
Bonfil, my brother @ArturoStAntAlt lives in #Acapulco and we have not yet been able to communicate with him and I would like to know how that area is. #tormenta I will be super grateful for any information, located in Car. Barra Vieja de Guerrero
Hello, we are in the same situation, I contacted LOCATEL in Guerrero and from there to the 911 extensions, and since I was able to talk to someone, he told me that they still do not have direct communication, but he confirmed that there is a white balance. Here are the numbers 7474719201 ext 10281 to 10286
It does not sound so far from reality, in the last 20 years Acapulco has been terribly corrupted, in addition to the narco and its mafias that charge fees to merchants (it is known that they have to pay two or three different groups for "protection"), it is widely known by all, although it is not spoken openly about it obviously, that there is a sex trafficking market for minors.
Not to mention the violence with which organized crime acts, not only murdering in cold blood, but also dismembering and leaving human remains as a warning to their adversaries. Terrorism in every sense of the word.
Seen in this light, Acapulco is a godless place.
Although Acapulco is not the only city with that caracteristics in Mexico nor the world.

Unless it will start in alphabetical order.

To me is just a sign among many of what may come.
Sprites recorded on and near October 25, 2023.

There was a lot of thunder last night. Sprites appeared one after another that emitted light into space simultaneously as lightning struck. This is how the sprite that appeared at 5:07:0 on October 26, 2023 was captured with a camera facing southeast from Hiratsuka's home (1/10x speed). It was a carrot-shaped sprite.


I am not sure about that video

If it says Mecca, then I am in doubt.

At best only the distant outskirts to the east might have gotten a brief encounter (if any at all) - but the T-storm was moving towards the east, while expanding - towards Ushayrah, while Mecca had clear skies except clouds and lightning visible towards the east horizon.

Perhaps it was the town of AT TAIF, then the video might make more sense - no wait... it still doesn't. Because I did see a video of a strong hail event in At Taif, but during daylight (25 Oct 2023)

The video however shows strong rainfalls and it is dark - which made me skeptical when i compared it to the satellite images from 25 Oct 2023. At best it might been towns to the east - which isn't unusual because of the mountain region there often generating thunderstorms - which occasionally do create flash flooding, which has affected the city of Mecca, and the coastal Jeddah.

I recall that on 22 Aug 2023 when the Jeddah city to the west of Mecca was hit by both fierce thunderstorms and damaging winds and a new record of 179 mm rain fell within 6 hours. And back on 21 Nov 2017, combined with flash flooding, while in 2009, 116 people died due to flash flooding.

This time however, Mecca this time didn't really get affected; 24th nor on 25th Oct 2023 any rainfalls were registered.


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1532.jpg 1644.jpg1756.jpg 1856.jpg
After 1900 European time, the east moving t-storm dissolved rapidly.

Similar situation today, 26 Oct 2023:

At Taif get's thunderstorms, rain (perhaps even hail south of the town) - while Mecca stays rain and cloud free.

I am not sure about that video

If it says Mecca, then I am in doubt.

Or maybe this video is not recent.

Saudi Arabia: Adverse weather forecast across southwestern regions through at least Oct. 23

Severe weather forecast across southwestern Saudi Arabia through Oct. 23. Transport, business, and utility disruptions possible.

Orange heavy rain and thunderstorm warnings: Al Bahah, the rest of western Aseer, far northwestern Jazan, and central Mecca provinces

Or maybe this video is not recent.

Saudi Arabia: Adverse weather forecast across southwestern regions through at least Oct. 23

Severe weather forecast across southwestern Saudi Arabia through Oct. 23. Transport, business, and utility disruptions possible.

Orange heavy rain and thunderstorm warnings: Al Bahah, the rest of western Aseer, far northwestern Jazan, and central Mecca provinces

Yes Puma, I thought of that possibility too

but had nothing directly to disprove it with - because I don't have X (Twitter) I can't /am not allowed to dig deeper there. So, it was mere a feeling, which lead me into looking at possible weather events among satellite images. But like with Israel, not everything is real, after you check the satellite charts...

I fully agree on that it has been bad weather in parts of Saudi Arabia since 23 Oct. With the typical growth of t-storms popping up along the mountain range in the southwest and into Jemen.

This recent satellite photo draws a clear picture of the typical growth of T-storms over Saudi Arabian mountains.

Turns out Max Igan was in Texas while the hurricane ravaged Acapulco. He can't get ahold of anyone where he lived. He suspects he'll be returning to find he's lost everything, but hopefully not everyone. He talks about it at 57 minutes, with video of the damage to Acapulco by Hurricane Otis.

WARNING: this video is not easy to watch, especially the first 57 minutes.

Turns out Max Igan was in Texas while the hurricane ravaged Acapulco. He can't get ahold of anyone where he lived. He suspects he'll be returning to find he's lost everything, but hopefully not everyone. He talks about it at 57 minutes, with video of the damage to Acapulco by Hurricane Otis.

WARNING: this video is not easy to watch, especially the first 57 minutes.
The video is very good, as he mentioned that the universe send him away, thanks the universe then, he can continue reporting.

His house, like most of the construcctions, may be damaged, but if it has people there, they will surely take care of it. Mr. Max seems to be - by the way he expresses himself in the video - noble, good person. The contacts he has in Acapulco must also know him and they will take care of his house, belongings, mexican people are supportive 😊

Supportive and... looters, is not a surprised that the city, being so devastated, lack of security, a no man's land... looting of self-service stores is taking place all over Acapulco, and yes people are taking whatever, TV, beds besides food or instead of food.
Of a city of 1.2 million people, 1 million is affected... if help and security do not arrive faster, it will turn ugly to say the least.

Aspects of families and houses affected by hurricane Otis in the following neighborhoods: Arboleda, Sinai, Vacacional, Zapata, Postal, Las Cruces and Vicente Guerrero Boulevard.
This video has a good summary of damage due to the force of Otis winds.
Des images des conséquences de l'ouragan Otis, qui a balayé la mythique station balnéaire d'Acapulco au Mexique.
Images of the consequences of Hurricane Otis, which swept away the legendary seaside resort of Acapulco in Mexico.
Remember the C's said a lot of attacks would be disguised as weather.
The fact that this hurricane grew from 1 to 5 within 12h is suspicious. Especially knowing this :
A major hurricane (Category 3+) has never made landfall within 50 miles of Acapulco, let alone a Category 5 hurricane.

What should be noted is that Acapulco's Airport has A LOT of air traffic, and it's super easy to get cheap flights to/from there.
Not just to stay there, but to connect flights.
Because it connects easily with many Central and South American airports, as well as USA and Canada.
This could be one reason among many for an attack.

Video: URGENT: Media Blackout, Dire Situation in Acapulco, Mexico Due to Category 5 Hurricane Otis
From: The Dollar Vigilante
URGENT: Media Blackout, Dire Situation in Acapulco, Mexico Due to Category 5 Hurricane Otis

Transcript of the video: "On October 24th at about 6pm, a tropical storm that was basically nothing and that no one even knew about or talked about, turned into a cat.5 hurricane within a matter of hours.
And by 1am in the morning of Oct 25, it his Acapulco with almost no warning. No media even mentioned it beforehand. The people, many went to sleep that night not even knowing anything was happening.
200 mile per hour winds, destroying almost everything, and we did not know what happened at first because all power and communcations have been out since then (...)"

The rest of the video is about humanitarian aid fundraising.
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In the city of Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Kemerovo region, a rare weather phenomenon was noticed. Thunder and lightning appeared during a snowstorm, according to the Telegram channel RIA Novosti.

I have seen similar winter thunderstorm in Moscow around 10 years ago in December. The felling was unusual-heavy snow, lightning and thunder🤔
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