Creating a New World

mada85 said:
010705 said:
VB: What would the effects be of moving the planet and everyone on it back or forward a

A: If you can do it, most people, after the shift, will forget that there was ever a danger.

So, it's quite possible that some people will remember what happened while most don't. That suggests the importance of keeping certain information and teachings secret, or well-protected for use at another 'time' then? Possibly passing this information down through history in disguised, but accessible form for those who have developed the eyes to SEE how to use this information?

Regarding dealing with people who lost the memory of such a major event, I certainly can't visualize anyone holding a conference with those who forgot in order to tell them what happened. How would we believe something we no longer remembered, when we didn't even have a clue that there were any missing memories?

Could someone in our past have attempted this very thing, only to meet with a tragic end, being treated as some kind of loonie, causing valuable information to become lost?

This subject is deeply thought provoking.
It was the people who lived among the caves on either side of the Pyrenees who developed this powerful and enduring means of expression. One gets the impression that these caves were "cult centers" or initiatory centers for that entire civilization.

Maybe the cave were use as a conduit or portal, maybe it was a ideal location for opening one, like an STO Denver Airport.

Having burst at once into full flower at Chauvet, cave painting remained much the same until it died out about 10,000 years ago. The changes that did occur were subtle. Lions and bears appear frequently in the paintings at Chauvet but are rare in the caves painted thousands of years later. Perhaps that means that those predators had been reduced in population, or were less of a threat. Styles changed subtly. Chauvet and Lascaux were painted by different artists who had different visions but these differences were so subtle that they only emphasize the essential similarity.

Horses, bison, human hands, reindeer, and various repeated and consistent geometric signs appear again and again in cave after cave. Horses are common at Chauvet and appear throughout the cave. At Lascaux, which was created 15,000 years later, horses are the dominant animal in the cave and constitute over half of the one thousand or so paintings and engravings.

If one open a portal, Maybe one must focus all is attention on what he want. Maybe every shaman will paint his or her individual picture depending of what he want to "summon" what is needed by the group. That may be why there is no painting of river rock cliff or man. You wouldn't want to "summon" a river in the cave. Horse may have been their primary food, sorry shellycheval, for the component of it meat, high iron and protein. There where no painting of plant or fish because their may have been plenty of it around.
Could be that shaman/ Bard (naruts) working together opened window but under the sticks control of there mind, could create what was needed and not just any monster. First they will need to feel the essence of what they want to create,painting it first, then the shaman enter a trance whit the help of musician and dancer who actually may transfer energy to the shaman who then open a conduit. Sound just like this forum! It is a collective effort that give result and not an individual one.

Q: (L) Does this mean that this was a "Flight 19" of a parallel reality that went through a window into our reality?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Was this part of, or connected to, the loss of our "Flight 19?" Did we exchange realities here?

A: It is the thought patterns that effect the reality, when that window is opened, all thought can become physical reality, though only temporarily.


A: First of all, confusion abounds here due to incorrect
interpretations of the last subject discussed. Dimensions are not
densities!!!! Dimensions are strictly the result of the universal
consciousness as manifested in the imagination sector of thought.
Density means level of development as measured in terms of
closeness to union with the one... Cycle. So, obviously, the
"chupacabras" is a manifestation of human consciousness, and,
human beings are a manifestation of the Chupacabras
consciousness. Get it? Now, a shocker for you: You would not exist
if someone didn't "dream you up."

Q: (L) Who dreamed me up?

A: Not important just yet. You literally are the "figments" of
someone's imagination, and nothing more!!!
Oh golly! I've wanted to respond to this thread all week long, but I made a promise to myself to read through the responses of everyone before I responded...and I've just finished! Whew! Yikes! It was so frustrating to just keep plugging away. If we were all in a room...a group around a fire...we could have more immediate input. But we are around a global fire circle, and I have learned so very much from all of you.

I think I must start by saying that the following are more impressions than full-blown ideas, and maybe some of them are worthy of dissection.

I must start by describing an STO intelligent being who only gives.

Immediately, my STS way of thinking comes up with hundreds of questions. This week, instead of asking away, I stopped myself. "Frank," I said,"stop right there". What would it be like "to only give"?

I see a movement away from myself. A movement that keeps moving outward, continuously like a wave. And what if you were in 4D STO with that same movement that "only gives"? And there were other 4D STO entities with the same purpose…to “only give”? We as individual entities would have different abilities, but our collective energy/action would be to only give. In 4D STO-land, if I apply my 3D logic, there would be nothing but giving. No one would lack, because no one is in need, no one desires. It’s really hard to imagine this scenario, but I like to think it may be what’s going on.

If that is what may be going on, and Laura is in communication with 6D STO, and Laura talks of them as “us in the future”, then we must have connection with them while we are on this 3D plane. If we are to exist in a 3D STO world, we would have Laura and the Chateau gang as our core, bringing those of us who still maintain STS baggage knowledge that will allow all of us to eventually “graduate from 3rd grade”.

So we have a gap in our knowledge. Most of our thoughts on survival are based on using our 3D STS brain to produce solutions. The gap is being closed…slowly, carefully, sensitively, with balance and delicacy. We are breathing and meditating, eventually we will dance when our chakras are aligned with each other. The tonal rill will spiral down through us, and we will move stones, we will transport to a place of safety, we will be freed from planetary influences, we will be fed bodily and spiritually, and all the while, 3D and 4D STS won’t even know we’ve gone. Because that clearing in the forest is another Earth.

Delightful wishful thinking? Maybe…but imagine if all of us focused on giving, a giving that was the result of knowledge and a freed emotional center. What creativity would emerge, fusing and assembling with each other’s. I can see a possibility, and it’s not too far away.

Cheers to you all!
Hi Truthseeker, the programme I was referring to was on Radio 4 BBC but unfortunately the link has been lost or discontinued. I apologize, but I don't think I can do anything about it. I have searched the website and archives on the daily programme for BBC radio 4.
They give some interesting information sometimes about archaeological sites or areas of interest in the UK and I just happend to find it.
The links that you gave look like public interest, and give no real information, maybe search some more Eh! (Canadian expression)

A thought about pathology problem. Maybe that don’t needs to be solved from some outside or extra measures, what if they wouldn’t have good soil to grow? Why our current society is so pathological? Maybe because we are that good soil, so if the society is built on totally different principles and as totally different type, maybe pathological wouldn’t have anything to catch onto?

Maybe that was role of the shamans also. To be something like role models or guardians of society (not in military sense).
Wow, many ideas to catch up...

Laura said:
Ya'll have a look at this: _

and this:

and consider the length of time this village was inhabited.

Apparently, there have been societies on this planet that have existed for hundreds - or even thousands - of years without defensive fortifications or signs of war.

This is fascinating to know HOW it was possible (Joan, thank you for the links! :)).

Then thinking about:
Laura said:
After writing all of the above, it occurs to me that we might want to consider the role of the shaman/bard in an STO society?

Still my previous questions in mind (Ummm... I am not free from the way I think! :-[):
GotoGo said:
What can be higher centers or Self of a society?

It may be not relevant but a 'connection' can be 'deputy steward preparing for the arrival of the master' metaphor:
These are all things that have to be thought about and worked through carefully.

You see, my thought is kind of like that movie from way back when where they said "If you build it, they will come." Well, if we can imagine how a society is structured that is ready to be aligned with 4 D STO, then perhaps "it will come." And maybe, to some extent, once we get the principles worked out, some of us can begin living them to some extent.

I think this is something that we might discuss with the Cs, but I want us to do our homework first!

So IF higher centers or the Self of our society is 4D STO, THEN I thought what Gs wrote about the role of 'steward' seems perfectly matching with what Laura is trying to do here.

I am not sure the role of 'steward' in this metaphor can be equals to what Laura meant by "the role of the shaman/bard" here. But at least it seems there are some 'common denominators' I can think of, one of which is that He/She is a 'bridge' between the body (our society) and the Self (4D STO).

And then I remembered:
[quote author=Cs session: August 28, 1999]
Q: (A) These STO candidates cannot just simply BE, even
theoretically, because then, STS would eat them.
A: No.
Q: Why not?
A: STS does not eat according to protocol.
Q: What does that mean?
A: What do you suppose?
Q: I have no idea!
A: STS "eats" whatever it wants to, if it is able.
Q: That's what we said. If you are STO in an STS world, you
are basically defenseless and they eat you.
A: No.
Q: Why? What makes STO unavailable or 'inedible?'
A: Frequency resonance not in sync.

Does it mean IF "the role of the shaman/bard" prepared our society and 4D STO comes, THEN our society becomes "unavailable or 'inedible'" by a kind of 'frequency fence' (in this case toward 4D STS)?

And that is HOW "societies on this planet" like Skara Brae "that have existed for hundreds - or even thousands - of years without defensive fortifications or signs of war"?

Edit: grammar
Goto Go said:
Does it mean IF "the role of the shaman/bard" prepared our society and 4D STO comes, THEN our society becomes "unavailable or 'inedible'" by a kind of 'frequency fence' (in this case toward 4D STS)?

And that is HOW "societies on this planet" like Skara Brae "that have existed for hundreds - or even thousands - of years without defensive fortifications or signs of war"?

I just wanted to say that this really resonates with my line of thought. I mean, I think that the Shaman, in collaboration with a group of elders much like shellycheval described who maybe take the roll of 'dancers' and help erect this “frequency fence” to help protect from STS forces. And also acts as a ”healer” in aiding societies aliments, i.e. psychopathy or as Eliade states in the quote provided by Lúthien
The principal function of the shaman in Central and North Asia is magical healing. Several conceptions of the cause of illness are found in the area, but that of the ‘rape of the soul’ is by far the most widespread. Disease is attributed to the soul’s having strayed away or been stolen, and treatment is in principle reduced to finding it, capturing it, and obliging it to resume its place in the patient’s body.

Sometimes disease has a twofold cause - theft of the soul aggravated by ‘possession’ by evil spirits – and the shamanic cure includes both searching for the soul and expelling the demons.”
Only the shaman can undertake a cure of this kind. For only he ‘sees’ the spirits and knows how to exorcise them; only he recognizes that the soul has fled, and is able to overtake it, in ecstasy, and return it to its body.

And of course I think that it goes without saying that the shaman has connection with 4DSTO, as again indicated by Eliade

In this context we can understand that, after battling the evil spirits or descending to the underworld to recover the patient’s soul, the shaman feels the need to reestablish his own spiritual equilibrium by repeating the ascent to the sky.

The quote above makes me think of the shaman channelling. And I think a society that has access to and fully accepts such an individual or a group of people with these abilities very much has the potential of lasting 20,000 years osit.
Interesting question, and also interesting to read everyones ideas about it. Excellent stuff!

For myself, no matter if you start with a "clean slate" or "change what is" scenario, I would look at where the major problems are right now, and what changes could be made that have non-linear effects, i.e. if they can trigger many positive feedback loops rather than just fix one thing.

As many have pointed out, I agree that education is vital. There are three elements I'd focus on:
1) Getting objective content. No point in educating about things that are wrong to begin with.
2) Making sure that the teaching method is such that creativity, objective thinking, learning and collaboration is central. Scrap grades entirely, as they cause a focus on things that are not important. Make sure that teaching blends knowing and being, i.e. probably close to the apprenticeship system, but with a possibility to learn more than just a single trade.
3) Ensure that all students are treated equally. Sexism, racism, classism is rampant today, and that is crucial to deal with. "Cleaning" up the teachers is the core here, and my experience is that currently the worst ones with regard to these issues are the early age teachers, beginning in kindergarten. Without cleaning them up, nothing can be done whatsoever with anything else. At the same time, when that is fixed it will have MASSIVE non-linear effects.

Economics: scrap "corporation" as a company form. You cannot have a company form where "making money for shareholders" is the only reason for existence. Also, it has to be less possible to hide behind a company. I.e. individuals must be held responsible for their actions. Right now it's too easy to hide within a huge faceless structure and not take responsibility for anything. Second, money cannot be created out of debt. It's just a broken system, and needs to go. Money is (maybe!) needed, as a form of convenient energy exchange symbol, but it needs to be based on something actual rather than imagined.

Organization theory: lately I have been studying a lot of organization, management and human interaction theory, and have come to a couple of conclusions. First, most organizations today have people behaving badly, because the system is set up in a way that it is impossible not to. Hierarchical command&control, targets, and management of people rather than process, are the key errors that are pervasive throughout all western organizations. If you are in an organization today, the key things to do are:
1) scrap "targets" NOW. They screw things up and makes you focus on local suboptimizations and people, rather than the system and flow. People WILL cheat, as a systemic problem rather than a "people issue", to make the targets (which always are arbitrary, as opposed to based on knowledge), and they are therefore useless and creates waste and pathology. This is a variant of the "scrap grades in school" suggestion above.
2) Managers focus should be to remove issues that workers have. Managers are responsible for constantly improving the system. The current theory, that managers manage people, has been proven to be a dead-end, as variation in workers efficiency makes up for a tiny part of the performance of the system as a whole. Managers should help improve how the group interfaces with the world, whereas the workers themselves are entirely in charge of how the work itself gets done. This is, I think, the STO way of looking at collaboration and how organizations should work.
3) Realize that the ONLY reason the organization exists, is because "customers" want to "pull value" from it. If you want to measure anything, measure the amount of value that customers get, as that is the sole reason the organization exists at all (as opposed to "make money for shareholders").

Second, most business processes today in the western school of thought originates from Taylorism, which essentially means that the process is supposedly well-defined in a graph description some managers made up (I say "made up", because they rarely have anything to do with actual reality), and workers then need to follow this process instruction when they do their work. This is fundamentally flawed for many reasons:
1) The process descriptions rarely are able to cover all the variation the process really contains
2) Managers doesn't know the work being done, and it's not their job to know it. They should stay away from trying to describe it in the first place.
3) Process description theory comes from software programming theory, and as such does not include human interaction theory, which includes conversations, emotions, negotiations, etc. When you try to force people to use such a sterile and in-human model, only one thing can happen: massive amounts of waste. I see it everywhere, and it is predictably so as it is a systemic problem rather than an implementation or people problem
4) Having detailed prescriptive process descriptions for workers to follow does not take into account the Dreyfus model of skill acquisition (_ It only caters to Novices and Advanced Beginners, which is why workers will never get really good at what they do. As soon as they reach the Competent level they will be so frustrated by being constrained by rules that they leave, and most likely become managers.
If you work at a place where this kind of business process management is used (probably all major workplaces), then know that it is flawed and needs to be scrapped ("don't try to do the wrong thing right; do the right thing"). Look into Systems Thinking and Human Interaction theory instead, which has all the groundwork for a more STO-approach to all of this. If you have any software that "helps" you do what I just described, throw it out and start using pen and paper instead. It'll be less wasteful in the end.

Health: this is another one of those key areas which will have non-linear effects if fixed. There's already tons of material on it in SOTT, the forum and related websites, so no need to reiterate all that. Focus on healthy diet, proper exercise, preventive measures, and free healthcare when needed. Needless to say, again the western style of medication-intensive healthcare probably needs to be discarded, either partially or in its entirety, in favor of more holistic approaches, and which combines bodily and psychological understanding of health.

So that's where I would start, to get the "most bang for the buck": education, economics, management, health. Improvements in any of these areas would help a LOT, and they also relate to each other (better health helps education, which helps management, which helps economics, and so on). I think most people would react positively if given a system which is not inherently pathological. My view is that it is a lot about incentives, when it comes to fixing these things. Teachers teach badly because they are incentivized to focus on grades. Doctors give bad advice as they are incentivized by the pharma industry and ponerized management structures. Companies and their management behave badly because their incentive is "make money for shareholders" and "make targets" rather than "create value for customers". The problems are therefore systemic, and predicably so, which is also why it is (I think) possible to remove those incentives and replace them with incentives that are more creative, positive, and healthy. The result of that should be equally predicable. In a nutshell.
In considering the role of shaman/bard in an STO society, maybe we should review some basic principles that we’ve learned just to get a general outline. We are supposed to figure many things out about how things have been in the past and can be again, but we also have a lot of clues from the C’s. We humans were at one time, before "The Fall," 3D STO aligned with 4D STO. We had a desire based imbalance, according to the C’s, which made us want to experience increased physicality and thus became aligned with 4D STS. The C’s alluded that sex played a major role. So physicality, which is a major part of being 3rd density, will still be a "problem" as it was back then. It has also been hinted that it becomes an addiction.

So the Shaman’s role may be, as we’ve inferred from all the material as to what their roles / functions had been, to balance out the physical with the ethereal (non-physical). Since all esoteric, as well as general, growth, development, evolution, "learning the lessons," so to speak, is a process, shouldn’t the Shaman also oversee the process of development from physical existence (with still varying connections to the ethereal worlds) toward the non-physical (at first, para-physical / variable physicality), more ethereal existence? Perhaps that is what protecting and healing the souls of the society entails: to give the choice for being less addicted to physicality.

So Shamans and bards will have the role of nourishing, educating, maintaining the spiritual life of the society. This would be done based on objective spiritual truths, and not as it is claimed by organized religion currently as a form of control that is in fact not spiritually nourishing or informing because it is based on lies. Also keeping in mind the idea of circles within circles, there may be different levels, such as esoteric, mesoteric, exoteric. Perhaps the innermost circle will be the Shamans, then further out, will be the bards. The Shamans will be the most experienced with the invisible worlds most directly and will maintain the direct interaction and connection to these worlds. The bards may put these experiences, knowledge and understanding into forms of art that are more accessible to the mesoteric and exoteric circles.

Perhaps there will be a long chain connecting the people of the society to the innermost, esoteric circle, which is in turn connected to other densities. Everybody moves in a spiral to the next position. This may include OP’s that would be placed in the position of "Adamics" now in the exterior, mechanical world, but already after a course of development, with the potential of individuated souls.

So the choice of the STS and STO pathways will be taught to the society, but with the lessons learned of seeking pleasure for the self, becoming addicted, and being stuck in the STS domination hierarchy, where in 3rd density we forget our connections to higher centers and are forced to play the STS game to climb the food chain and do not have a balancing view of developing in the STO pathways because of the machinations of STS beings above us; if we become more STO, they lose their source of energy / food.

Accordingly, these roles would be to balance physical needs with spiritual needs, to remind the group of what we tend to forget about physical pleasures being fleeting, etc. Also they will instruct in ways to give the basic choice of serving self or serving others. In the STS pathway, real choices are eliminated, are not openly given but are manipulated through deception.

All of the above may be relevant to the non-degraded roles of the Shamans of old and hint at what it was in that culture that was so fulfilling and profound that it lasted more than 20,000 years. Of course, I don’t know, I’m just trying to ask some useful questions so the network can brainstorm on these issues.
this cultural tradition that was so fulfilling and profound that it lasted more than 20,000 years.

With painting being taught, it is also likely that, to preserve the culture itself, other skills were taught. Knowledge and beliefs were transmitted down the generations in a way that was more formal and rigorous than just telling stories around the campfire.
Musical instruments have been found, so it is also likely that music was taught, there was dancing, singing and chanting.

With painting being taught, it is also likely that, to preserve the culture itself, other skills were taught. Knowledge and beliefs were transmitted down the generations in a way that was more formal and rigorous than just telling stories around the campfire.

A center of culture, a school, where the new generation goes to learn or relearn what was lost. You see dancing, music and singing could be identify whit the tree center of men. Let take "G" 's example, all along is teaching he wanted to create a ballet. What is a dance but an artistic expression whit the physical body, physical body mean man number one. Music and singing could represent the emotional center or men number two, this medium more connected to the heart, the medium more suitable for the expression of inner feeling. Then it leave man number tree, the intellect center, what medium could represent him? We have use dance, music and singing that leave painting. How can painting be related to man number tree or the intellectual man? Through the study of mythologies we learned that the marut or narut of ancient India by performing this art (dancing) could fill basket of food, this medium representing the physical body could create if performed by the right individual of a precise family (blood line), all the need of a population. Second, again in mythologies some individual as power related to the use of music instruments like harp or the singing of the sirens. This didn't produce physical result but affected in the case of the siren the heart or feeling of individual who felt under such "spell". What could do the bards of the old time whit this medium. Let sum it up for now like this: Marut - dancer - physical body - man number one.
Bard - musician, singer - emotional body - man number two
? - painter - intellectual body - man number three

Who can fill the gap? Could shaman fill this gap? What do we know of the shaman?
from Seeking Truth :
So the Shaman’s role may be, as we’ve inferred from all the material as to what their roles / functions had been, to balance out the physical with the ethereal (non-physical). Since all esoteric, as well as general, growth, development, evolution, "learning the lessons," so to speak, is a process, shouldn’t the Shaman also oversee the process of development from physical existence (with still varying connections to the ethereal worlds) toward the non-physical (at first, para-physical / variable physicality), more ethereal existence? Perhaps that is what protecting and healing the souls of the society entails: to give the choice for being less addicted to physicality.

I remember reading a book of Castenada 20 year or so in which he said the shaman could shift their physical appearance i.e. shape shifter or variable physicality. Could the power of the mind or the control of one is mind permit him or her to transform into an animal. Well shaman enter the spirit world to rescue lost soul or fight demon to liberate a soul but in which form do they enter this underworld. Why will one want to transform into a horse, a bear or a lion or even a owl. Well I love to fly, I personally took flying lessons and got a professional license, but why if you can control the intellect would you try to shift shape instead of inventing a plane. Well Laura gave us a clue. Technology is not a STO mode of expression, if you let it run wildly, it will take you to the abyss. Did this ancient culture knew this? My guest is yes.

This ancient culture, though broadly similar, evolved differently in different places, developing distinct local customs, styles and traditions. Except for a few widely scattered instances, the only people who painted in caves lived in what is now southern France and northern Spain. Of course, in places like the steppes of Russia there were no caves to paint. But elsewhere, in Germany for example, there were plenty of caves, yet the people who lived nearby apparently neither explored nor painted them. It was the people who lived among the caves on either side of the Pyrenees who developed this powerful and enduring means of expression. One gets the impression that these caves were "cult centers" or initiatory centers for that entire civilization.

Who were the ancestor of this ancient culture, some myths connect them to the Boreal, the "C"s give indication that they come from Kantek and that they were "air lifted" in emergency because there planet was destroy by PSYCHIC or MENTAL force. Well maybe they suffered from a big attack of penerology, why would it be different from one planet or another? Then if the same thing happened there it mean that they had psychopath there as well which in turn mean that there were pre-Adamic and Adamic i.e. O.P.s and souled Katekians. Well that may be speculation but why would it be different in any other world, that the eternal battle to change a third density planet from STO to STS or vis et versa is identical trough out our galaxy, remember the origin of human are all from the same location, ORION which is half STO and Half STS.

So why indeed there was no trace found in Russia or Germany and artifact found in the south of France and northern Spain. Well that civilization as lasted for more then 20,000 years and as stated by a forum member it went through many cycles of 3,600 years and cometary passage that may have affected the environment. But the "C"S as also stated that the cosmic environment change from time to time and we know from "G" that the cosmic influence play a big part in the evolution of man. From Mouravieff, we learn of cycle of the spiritual emotional/intellectual (gnosis chapter 18) where the elite hold their power through spiritual or emotional leadership and monopoly (religion) and fall to new leader or elite that will gain control under the influence and development of the intellectual center (philosopher, Rationalist) . So from a elite compose of man number 2 we move to an elite compose of man number 3 and then again to 2 etc... . Cycles are every where!

Well I got to go now but I would to finish later to share what is on my mind, why was no artifact found in the North part of Europe or Asia.
Just sharing some thoughts about Shamans, DNA, receivership. Maybe sharing some thoughts isn't the right word, since I'm only copy pasting some shared thoughts of Laura's and the C's. This is going to be a long quote and some of the things may be out of context but over all they appear to go in hand with the discussion, at least from my perspective.

Transcripts said:
April 8, 2000
Q: They ignore them. But, during the time Neanderthal man was on the Earth, did he live alongside Modern man?
A: Yes. Except modern type man was different then.
Q: In what ways?
A: DNA and psycho/electrical frequencies.
Q: Does this mean that their physical appearance was different from what we consider to be modern man?
A: Radiance.
Q: What do you mean "radiance?"
A: You find out!
Q: Oh, that's interesting. Well, there are legends that the Northern people had "light" in their veins. Very ancient belief. Is this what you are referring to?
A: Maybe.
Q: Was this light related to the hemoglobin level, the iron level in the blood?
A: Maybe.
Q: Did they have a much higher iron level in their blood?
A: Possibly....

Maybe.. it sounds like possibly. Maybe they were aligned to STO, and maybe it just meant that they were different due to their STO orientation? Apologies but I might have gotten a few dates mixed up in the following.

Transcripts said:
April 15, 2000 Ark, Laura, Frank, TR, JR, J, S

Q: (L) So, in effect, we ARE the new Neanderthals on the eve of extinction. You have said that those who transition into 4th density in the body will go through some kind of rejuvenation process or body regeneration or something. Does that mean that these present "Neanderthal" type bodies that we presently occupy will morph into something more in line with the new model? Is it genetically encoded into some of them to do so?
A: Something like that.
Q: (L) So, that's why they have been following certain bloodlines for generation after generation; they are tinkering with the DNA and arming genetic time-bombs that are waiting to go off. (A) What is interesting is how do those who are trying to get these people, to abduct them, how do they spot them? How do they get the information? By following the bloodline, or by some kind of monitor you can detect from a long distance - and they can note that "here is somebody of interest" or "here is somebody dangerous" or "let's abduct this one" or whatever. How do they select? Do they search the genealogies or is it some kind of remote sensing?
A: Now this is interesting Arkadiusz, as it involves the atomic "signature" of the cellular structure of the individual. In concert with this is the etheric body reading and the frequency resonance vibration. All these are interconnected, and can be read from a distance using remote viewing technology/methodology.
Q: (L) Can it be done in a pure mechanical way without using psychic means?
A: At another level of understanding, the two are blended into one.

Transcripts said:
September 23, 2000
Q: Now, let me get to MY questions! You once said that the core of DNA is an as yet undiscovered enzyme related to carbon. Is that correct?
A: Yes.
Q: Here in this book it says: "Evidence is accumulating that only a relatively small portion of the DNA sequence is for so-called structural genes. Structural genes lead to the production of protein. There are an estimated 50,000 structural genes with an average sized of approximately 5,000 base pairs, which then accounts for only 250 million of the estimated 3 billion base pairs. What is the rest of the DNA for? Some of the DNA is so-called repetitive sequences, repeated thousands of times. The function is unknown. The ALU, repeat, for instance, contains over 300,000 copies of the same 300 base pair sequence. Certainly this DNA is not junk and plays some important role in the gene regulation chromosomal architecture or chromosomal replication. Until 1977, it was thought that genes were single sequences of DNA that are coded into RNA and then into protein. However, further study has shown greater complexity. It is now known that there are pieces of DNA within a gene that are not translated into protein. These intervening sequences, or INTRONS, are somewhat of a mystery, but appear to be a very common phenomenon." Now, is this thing they are talking about, these INTRONS, are these the core that you were talking about?
A: In part.
Q: What about this ALU repeat with over 300,000 copies of the same base pair sequence. What is it?
A: Tribal unit.
Q: What is a tribal unit?
A: Sectionalized zone of significant marker compounds.
Q: What does this code for?
A: Physiological/spiritual union profile.
Q: Could you define "tribal" for me?
A: You define.
Q: What does the rest of the DNA code for that is not coding for structural genes. What else can it be doing?
A: Truncated flow.
Q: Truncated flow of what?
A: Liquids.
Q: Liquids from where to where?
A: What is your sense?
Q: Well, what liquids?
A: Time for your input.
Q: Do some of these...
A: No. Not alright: we asked you a question!
Q: Okay. Truncated flow of liquids. I'm not even sure what that means. (A) Maybe something was flowing and something cut it off and stopped it and it cannot be developed. It means that something was cut. (L) Does truncated flow mean a flow of liquid that has been stopped?
A: Yes. Because of design alteration!
Q: Is this liquid that has been truncated a chemical transmitter?
A: Yes.

Q: And would this chemical transmitter, if it were allowed to flow, cause significant alterations in other segments of the DNA?
A: Yes.

Q: So, there is a segment of code that is in there, that is deliberately inserted, to truncate this flow of liquid, which is a chemical transmitter, or neuropeptide, which would unlock significant portions of our DNA?
A: Close Biogenetic engineering.
Q: I assume that this was truncated by the Lizzies and cohorts?
A: Close, but more likely Orion STS designers.

Q: Okay, can you tell us what this specific liquid or transmitter was truncated?
A: Think of the most efficient conductor of chemical compounds for low wave frequency charge.
Q: (A) Well, gold is one... (L) Acetylcholine?
A: No.
Q: (L) Water?
A: No.
Q: Saline?
A: Closer. It is a naturally bonding combination.
Q: (L) Well, I'll have to research it. The fact is, we've got 3 billion base pairs... do some of these so-called segments of "junk DNA," if they were activated, would they instruct chromosomal replication to take place with more than 23 pairs as a result?
A: In part.
Q: Is there anything we can do in terms of activities or...
A: No. Biogenetic engineering.
Q: Was my insight that I had one night that, at some point in time something may happen that will turn genes on in our bodies that will cause us to physically transform, an accurate perception of what could happen at the time of transition to 4th density?
A: For the most part, yes.
Q: Are there any limitations to what our physical bodies can transform to if instructed by the DNA? Could we literally grow taller, rejuvenate, change our physical appearance, capabilities, or whatever, if instructed by the DNA?
A: Receivership capability.
Q: What is receivership capability?
A: Change to broader receivership capability.
Q: (A) That means that you can receive more of something.
A: Close.
Q: (A) It means how good is your receiver.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What is your receiver? The physical body?
A: Mind through central nervous system connection to higher levels.

Q: So, that is the whole issue of gaining knowledge and developing control over your body. If your mind and CNS are tuned to higher levels of consciousness, that has significance in terms of your receivership capability?
A: Close.
Q: Now, on a couple of occasions we have talked about trees. You have said that the trees would lead me to an answer. Then you made remarks about beechnut, and oaks, and beech and bloodlines and family trees and the Nordic Covenant. Basically, I asked about this Nordic Covenant and you said that I would find the answer, that the trees would lead me to it. I asked what literary source I should go to to find the least distorted source of information. You answered "trees" again. Then, you pointed out the leaves of the trees on this book. Later, when I read the book that was all about trees, it said that there was a need for someone of a certain bloodline to come along and free the dragon spawn. "None other than she can bring the pryf, or soul, up from the deep, no matter how they may make the serpents squirm. If she can hold her place in the gates of time." You answered me "You cannot see?" It also says that this person with this certain bloodline has the duty of creating a bridge between man and the gods to open the doorways of time. You said to me that these things had explanations that were readily apparent. Then, when I asked the question about this book and all the trees in it, that this was a clue given so that I would notice the things in this particular book, you said "certainly." Now, having gone through all the shamanic stuff, all the information about the world tree, the world axis, and your remarks about building a staircase, which is another variation on the world axis or world tree, and having some kind of mission, and the mission being piercing the spider, which relates again to the world axis and the world tree, which one climbs one step at a time. Then, you talked about VB and the Beanstalk, which is another example of the world tree. Over and over again we are having all these representations of trees which basically has something to do with some sort of destined action, and it is almost as though you are hinting that some person has to be physically tuned as a transducer of some sort to "stand in the gates of time," for the rest of humanity. Then, you made the remark recently about lodestar. Well, there might have been a time in my life when I might have thought that it was me who could do something like that. And, if I ever did, maybe it was even ego thinking. However, I am getting a little old for that sort of thing, so I don't really think that it is my role. But, I do think that there is somebody in the world whose role that is, and I would like to know if that is somebody we are supposed to be looking for, or that we are going to find this person?
A: Perhaps you shall find, or perhaps they will find you!
Q: Well, it kind of takes the burden off my shoulders. I think that somebody who does something like that is never useful for anything again. Somebody who does such a thing is like a sacrifice. They have to give their life up for others to act as this transducer and it fries all their circuits. Can you comment?
A: No.
Q: Am I correct that somebody who does this is basically sacrificing themselves and they get fried in the process?
A: In some instances.
Q: But, it is true that we are looking for somebody who will stand in the gates of time and act as a bridge?
A: Maybe. You shall see...

Transcripts said:
August 23, 2001 Ark, Laura, Terri Burns
Q: (L) Does that sound right? (TB) It worked. I guess. I'd never thought about it that way. (L) Okay, now about the Pig God: what is it about pigs that makes them ideal as a symbol for the manifestation of God energy, or even as a vehicle?
A: Genetically manipulated RU 353535.
Q: (L) What does that code relate to?
A: Race underpinning tribal code structure.
Q: (L) Are you suggesting that some codon of human DNA that relates to a "tribal code structure" was spliced into an animal?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Why an animal and not a human being? Is it because the STS energy is so contractile that a pig is an appropriate receptacle?
A: Yes.


Transcripts said:
July 10, 1999
Q: (A) There are several people who essentially think the same direction as we have been discussing... they are almost on the same track. Matti Pitkanen is one of them and Tony Smith is the other. How can these two guys have these similar ideas without having access to channeling?
A: Who said that they have no access to channeling? Some channel without knowing it.
Q: (L) Well, JW channels! [laughter] (A) Today, on this list there was a guy by the name of Boyd who talks about his shamanistic experiences in talking to rocks. He doesn't sound whacko, but he talks to these stones on a daily basis and these stones talk to him, and these rocks have consciousness, they have memories. I wrote to him, but I would like to know if his experiences are authentic and not just his imagination?
A: That is a very broad question, which assumes limits or barriers where none may exist.
Q: (L) Is anyone able to tune into the consciousness of rocks?
A: What if they are really tuning to a consciousness through the rocks?
Q: (A) To A consciousness? Whose consciousness or what consciousness? Universal consciousness?
A: Another.
Q: (A) Another consciousness. (L) Do rocks have consciousness?
A: Refer to material re: 1st density.
Q: (L) Yes, well it has been previously said that 1st density does have consciousness... that even rocks have consciousness and can learn. That brings us back to Boyd, is he, can he, does he tune into the consciousness of rocks and/or other consciousnesses THROUGH rocks?
A: The latter is closer.
Q: (L) So, the consciousness of a rock might not be amenable to communicating.
A: Right.
Q: (L) What other consciousness might a person tune into through a rock? ANY other or a specific other?
A: Closer to former.
Q: (A) If there is consciousness, it means that there is a consciousness unit, and this conscious unit can be within or associated with some body of some density. Can one tune to consciousness that resides, so to say, in higher densities than third, using rocks? Is it possible?
A: Close.
Q: (A) So, you can tune to dead dudes or Cassiopaeans. (L) Is the consciousness of human beings something that has cycled from minerals to plants through animals to evolve into consciousness of 3rd density mind, as we understand it?
A: In a roundabout way.
Q: (L) Was each of us, sitting here, at any point in the remote past, using time loosely, a critter, so to speak, or a plant or a tree?
A: You still be a critter, baby!
Q: (L) So, leaving out time, the stream of consciousness that makes us as individual units, branches out and extends into lower densities, or connects to them like a tree?
A: Maybe.
Q: (A) Concerning these rocks, I want to ask about this DNA phantom effect that some Russians recently discovered. They shoot with lasers into this vacuum and record photons with detectors. It detects noise because there is nothing coherent. Then, they put a little piece of DNA there. This DNA has a certain regular structure. So, the photons from the lasers scatter from this DNA molecule in a certain wavy pattern which corresponds to the internal structure of the DNA. Now, they remove the DNA and for a month or two they continue to obtain a coherent pattern from the vacuum as though something was still there. They call it the 'phantom DNA.'
A: The "phantom" is a remnant of the consciousness residue contained within the DNA structure.
Q: (A) Where does this remnant reside? In the vacuum, in the vibrations of the vacuum, in a gravitational field that is inside the vacuum, in some nonlinear electromagnetics? Where is this remnant? What keeps it? Space itself?
A: You hit it pretty close with the last three.
Q: (C) Wouldn't it be like leaving an impression in a cushion? (A) Yes, but this is a vacuum. (L) I guess that a vacuum isn't what we think it is. There is something there that is not amenable to our perception. (A) So, consciousness resides in a DNA structure. (C) Well, going back to the rocks, is not all consciousness connected? (A) Yes, but the funny thing about these rocks is that they have the ability of tuning one consciousness to another consciousness so that even if, in principle, all consciousness is one consciousness, yet there are separate consciousness units, which at some level they connect, yet at our level they seem to be separate, so there is something about rocks. (C) Maybe it's the fact that they are so simple. (A) Yes. But, it seems that a rock would do it, but dirt would not, so what is so special about rocks? (L) Okay, this anthropologist, Michael Harner, was doing some field work, and it says here that Harner went to the Peruvian Amazon to study the culture of the Conibo Indians. After a year or so he had made little headway in understanding their religious system, when the Conibo told him 'if he really wanted to learn, he had to drink ahayahuasca. Harner accepted, not without fear because the people had warned him that the experience was terrifying. The following evening, under the strict supervision of his indigenous friends, he drank the equivalent of a third of a bottle. After several minutes he found himself flying into a world of true hallucinations. After arriving in a celestial cavern where a supernatural carnival of demons was in full swing, he saw two strange boats floating through the air that combined to form a huge dragon headed prow not unlike that of a Viking ship. On the deck he could make out large numbers of people with the heads of blue jays and the bodies of humans, not unlike the bird-headed gods of ancient Egyptian tomb paintings. After multiple episodes, which would be too long to describe here, Harner became convinced that he was dying. He tried calling out to his Conibo friends for an antidote without managing to pronounce a word. Then he saw that his visions emanated from giant reptilian creatures that resided at the lowest depths of his brain. These creatures began projecting scenes in front of his eyes while informing him that this information was reserved for the dying and the dead. 'First, they showed me the planet Earth as it was aeons ago before there was any life on it. I saw an ocean, barren land, and a bright blue sky. Then black specks dropped from the sky by the hundreds and landed in front of me on the barren landscape. I could see that the specks were actually large, shiny black creatures with stubby pterodactyl-like wings and huge whale-like bodies. They explained to me in a kind of thought language, that they were fleeing from something from out in space. They had come to the planet earth to escape their enemy. The creatures then showed me how they had created life on the planet in order to hide within the multitudinous forms, and thus disguise their presence. Before me, the magnificence of plant and animal creation and speciation and hundreds of millions of years of activity, took place on a scale and with vividness impossible to describe. I learned that dragon-like creatures were thus inside all forms of life, including man.' At this point in his account, Harner writes in a footnote at the bottom of the page: 'in retrospect, one could say that they were almost like DNA, although at that time, in 1961, I knew nothing of DNA.' So, I would like to know what was the source and nature of these nearly universal visions that occurs in these shamanistic practices; the various creatures including serpents and bird-headed dudes, and so forth? What is the source of these hallucinations?
A: Be more specific.
Q: (L) How can I be more specific? (C) In these chemically induced trances, why is there the common experience of seeing these bird-headed or serpent-like creatures?
A: While you have physicality, some part of you will maintain the connection to its roots.
Q: (L) Are you saying that all these people who say that human beings have reptilian genetics, are telling the truth? Do we have reptilian genetics?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Do we also have bird genetics?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And that is our physical connection or basis?
A: Yes, as third density bioengineered beings, you lead the smorgasbord parade of that which surrounds you in the physical realm.

Q: (A) So, we are 3rd density bioengineered beings. (L) That leads to another question: there is a lot of talk about the Merovingian bloodlines, or the 'Nordic Covenant' bloodlines, or whatever label is put on it, being a 'fresher' version of the reptilian genetic strain. This is represented in the myths of the god Oannes of Sumerian fame, or the Quinotaur who impregnated the mother of Merovee while she was bathing in the sea, and even the wife of the founder of the Angevins, Melusine, variously described as an aquatic fairy or a mermaid. So, there is this claim that there is a stronger and more virile reptilian strain in these bloodlines. Is that correct?
A: It may be.

Apologies if what I wrote might not be directly on track. What I'm thinking about, so far as the Shamans and DNA is that they have unblocked the blocked flow of their DNA. In fact I would go so far as to say, they are you and (hopefully at some point) I. And everyone is talking about these Shaman guys teaching things to people, well, teach them what? Hope I don't sound mocking with the question. If the Shaman is a 'Holy person' and a teacher, how will he teach? Is there a book? It seems that overall something is not being directly pointed out, specifically.

A person does the spinning, the meditations, the breathing, and lets say he/she has unblocked certain parts of the DNA and is of the closest most inner circle. How are the teachings going to be brought to those with receivership capability? Apologies if my post has a bit of "Noise" and static to it, but it is hard to ask; does the teacher become a preacher? How would anyone reading this react to such a question knowing what he/she knows about religion today? I just don't fully follow the direction of the various threads and thinking in the topic. Some statements seems separate or slightly off topic, yet it is a huge topic overall, one that encompasses the world and a world culture/value system. Has there been a topic specifically identifying what 'is' Paleochristianity? I see the word a lot in the recent transcripts.. god I hope you can follow my thinking! But what 'is' it, a culture, a religion, both?

"Life is religion. Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God. Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation. Some people think that the world exists for them to overcome or ignore or shut out. For those individuals, the worlds will cease. They will become exactly what they give to life. They will become merely a dream in the "past." People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become the reality of the "Future.""
The Cassiopaeans

Apologies. I'm not sure if I'm tired, confused or just frustrated.
Buddy said:
Laura said:
Exactly. That's why I say it is so interesting that most people - even the usually very advanced and creative members of this forum - are still projecting their own wants/needs onto such a situation and not really using their minds as they were designed to be used: to imagine and figure out situations in advance, in a mentally reflective way that has some basis in a reality construct that is accurately mapped.

Being able to do this might be a crucial skill at some point.

I am grateful for the opportunity to learn this lesson before it's actually needed. I am only a little way into the 1st video but I'm already sick from the underlying vision of the game theory. I see why the crap is going to collapse.

Those nobel-prize winning equations only quarantee a balance as long as EVERYONE is selfish. There's no room for true co-operation in the psychopath's 'games' - not if you want a 'successful' outcome. That's a useful achille's heel, no?

--edit: keywords=cooperation and trust. Some things that have been said about the need to 'trust' in previous threads are starting to come home.

I'm sorry to jump in this thread, because I haven't read all of it right now.
I watched "the trap" movies right now and remembered that one "Wave Book" covered this topic: Game Theory, so I looked up all the wave books I have, once and twice, but couldn't find that perticular information, finally I found that "Wave Book 7" is covering it, the book I don't own.

Mr. Scott said:
In this latest volume of her prescient Wave series, Laura Knight-Jadczyk reveals the mechanics of evil, how it creeps into our lives, and what we need to be aware of in order to avoid it.

The case studies of John Nash, the schizoidal creator of Game Theory, and Ira Einhorn, the New Age psychopath who murdered his girlfriend, are the window through which Knight-Jadczyk unravels the intricate web of deception, aims, and counter-aims of the Powers That Be.

Almost Human is essential reading for anyone wondering why our world is becoming increasingly controlled and our freedoms more restricted.

Click here to buy!


Is there a possibility to quote some parts of it in here, or in another topic?

Gawan said:
I watched "the trap" movies right now and remembered that one "Wave Book" covered this topic: Game Theory, so I looked up all the wave books I have, once and twice, but couldn't find that perticular information, finally I found that "Wave Book 7" is covering it, the book I don't own.
It is also in the Adventures series:
(Game Theory and Nash; and onwards to/including 269)
(Nash; and onwards to/including 279)
(Game Theory; and onwards to/including 309)
(Nash; and onwards to/including 311)
While searching info on cave art, I came upon the Blombos artefacts:
Blombos Cave is a cave in a limestone cliff on the Southern Cape coast in South Africa. It is an archaeological site made famous by the discovery there of two pieces of ochre engraved with abstract designs, 75,000-year-old beads made from Nassarius shells, and c. 80,000-year-old bone tools (see references below). Some of the earliest evidence for shellfishing and possibly fishing has been discovered at the site and dates to c. 140,000 years ago. The engraved pieces of ochre dated 70000 BC are regarded as the oldest known artwork.[1] but very much simpler than the cave paintings and figurines; the next earliest found in Europe after 40 000 BP.[2] The date of engraved orche is not firmly confirmed: 100 ka[3], 75 k [4], 77k [5] 70-90 k[6]. There seem to be debate where are the older symbolic artifact in southern coast of Africa or Levant which my be 25 ka older [7] or African are 35 ka older [8] There is question what the abstract atr [1] of the paleo-artist mean to symbolize but this usual problem in abstract art and apparent XXX theme may be misleading.
The use of abstract symbolism on the engraved pieces of ochre and the presence of a complex tool kit suggests Middle Stone Age people were behaving in a cognitively modern way and had the advantages of syntactical language at least 80,000 years ago.
Human remains from this cave include found in 1998 four teeth where two are heavily worn deciduous teeth and two incomplete permanent premolar crowns. One broken tooth is marked to toothpic . [9][10] Another 5 dental specimens was unearthed in the cave during 1999-2000 [11][12]

Among the most remarkable finds from the 75 000 year old levels at BBC are two engraved ochre plaques. Chunks of ochre were selected and carefully ground by rubbing to produce a flat surface and deliberate abstract designs were then engraved on these surfaces using a sharp stone tool. The criss-cross patterns formed are almost certainly symbolic and the meaning behind the designs made by the maker(s) must surely have been understood by community members.
We are unable to precisely determine what these designs mean as the thought processes of people who lived that long ago are not easily accessible through only their material culture. There is considerable debate as to whether these designs can be called 'art' but the jury is still out. Perhaps, if similar artefacts are recovered at Blombos or other MSA sites in the future we may better understand the reasons for the production of such artefacts.
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